'use strict'; /* curl -s --user 'api:YOUR_API_KEY' \ https://api.mailgun.net/v3/YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/messages \ -F from='Excited User ' \ -F to=YOU@YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME \ -F to=bar@example.com \ -F subject='Hello' \ -F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomeness!' */ var fs = require('fs'); var escapeHtml = require('escape-html'); var _auths = module.exports._auths = {}; module.exports.authenticate = function (opts) { console.log("It's auth'n time!"); var util = require('util'); var requestAsync = util.promisify(require('request')); var state = opts.state; var jwtoken = opts.auth; var auth; var crypto = require('crypto'); console.log('[DEBUG] ext auth', jwtoken); auth = jwtoken; if ('object' === typeof auth && /^.+@.+\..+$/.test(auth.subject)) { console.log("[DEBUG] gonna send email"); auth.id = crypto.randomBytes(12).toString('hex'); //var id = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g,'-').replace(/\//g,'_').replace(/=/g,''); var subj = 'Confirm New Device Connection'; var text = "You tried connecting with '{{hostname}}' for the first time. Confirm to continue connecting:\n" + '\n' + ' https://' + state.config.webminDomain + '/login/#/magic={{id}}\n' + '\n' + "({{os_arch}} {{os_platform}} {{os_release}})\n" + '\n' ; var html = "You tried connecting with '{{hostname}}' for the first time. Confirm to continue connecting:
" + '
' + '       Confirm Device
' + '
' + '       or copy and paste this link:
' + '       https://' + state.config.webminDomain + '/login/#/magic={{id}}
' + '
' + "({{os_arch}} {{os_platform}} {{os_release}})
" + '
' ; [ 'id', 'hostname', 'os_arch', 'os_platform', 'os_release' ].forEach(function (key) { var val = escapeHtml(auth[key]); subj = subj.replace(new RegExp('{{' + key + '}}', 'g'), val); text = text.replace(new RegExp('{{' + key + '}}', 'g'), val); html = html.replace(new RegExp('{{' + key + '}}', 'g'), val); }); return requestAsync({ url: state.config.mailer.url , method: 'POST' , auth: { user: 'api', pass: state.config.mailer.apiKey } , formData: { from: state.config.mailer.from , to: auth.subject , subject: subj , text: text , html: html } }).then(function (resp) { console.log("[DEBUG] email was sent, or so they say"); console.log(resp.body); fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, 'emails', auth.subject), JSON.stringify(auth), function (err) { if (err) { console.error('[ERROR] in writing auth details'); console.error(err); } }); return new state.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // TODO use global interval whenever the number of active links is high var t = setTimeout(function () { console.log("[Magic Link] Timeout for '" + auth.subject + "'"); delete _auths[id]; var err = new Error("Login Failure: Magic Link was not clicked within 5 minutes"); err.code = 'E_LOGIN_TIMEOUT'; reject(); }, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000); function authorize() { console.log("mighty auth'n ranger!"); clearTimeout(t); delete _auths[id]; var hri = require('human-readable-ids').hri; var hrname = hri.random() + '.' + state.config.sharedDomain; var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); var tokenData = { domains: [ hrname ] , ports: [ 1024 + Math.round(Math.random() * 6300) ] , aud: state.config.webminDomain , iss: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) , id: id , hostname: auth.hostname }; tokenData.jwt = jwt.sign(tokenData, state.secret); resolve(tokenData); fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, 'emails', auth.subject + '.data'), JSON.stringify(tokenData), function (err) { if (err) { console.error('[ERROR] in writing token details'); console.error(err); } }); return tokenData; } _auths[id] = { dt: Date.now() , resolve: authorize , reject: reject }; }); }); } console.log("just trying a normal token..."); var decoded; try { decoded = jwt.decode(jwtoken, { complete: true }); } catch(e) { decoded = null; } return state.defaults.authenticate(opts.auth); }; //var loaded = false; var path = require('path'); var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var staticApp = express(); var nowww = require('nowww')(); var CORS = require('connect-cors'); staticApp.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'admin'))); app.use('/api', CORS({})); app.get('/api/telebit.cloud/magic/:magic', function (req, res) { console.log("DEBUG telebit.cloud magic"); var tokenData; var magic = req.params.magic || req.query.magic; console.log("DEBUG telebit.cloud magic 1a"); if (_auths[magic]) { console.log("DEBUG telebit.cloud magic 1b"); tokenData = _auths[magic].resolve(); console.log("DEBUG telebit.cloud magic 1c"); res.send(tokenData); } else { console.log("DEBUG telebit.cloud magic 2"); res.send({ error: { code: "E_TOKEN", message: "Invalid or expired magic link." } }); console.log("DEBUG telebit.cloud magic 2b"); } }); module.exports.webadmin = function (state, req, res) { //if (!loaded) { loaded = true; app.use('/', state.defaults.webadmin); } console.log('[DEBUG] extensions webadmin'); var host = (req.headers.host || '').toLowerCase().split(':')[0]; if (state.config.webminDomain === host) { console.log("DEBUG going to static"); staticApp(req, res); return; } if ('api.' + state.config.webminDomain === host) { console.log("DEBUG going to api"); app(req, res); return; } if ('www.' + state.config.webminDomain === host) { console.log("DEBUG going to www"); nowww(req, res); return; } res.end("Didn't recognize '" + escapeHtml(host) + "'. Not sure what to do."); };