Cross-platform RSA & EC keypair generation, signing and verification - suitable for JWT, JOSE, and asymmetric cryptography.
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package keypairs
import (
// TODO package all fixtures with fileb0x
func TestParsePrivateKeyEC(t *testing.T) {
keys := [][]string{
[]string{"fixtures/privkey-ec-p256.jwk.json", "bJiCcZHuAF9dDetKEdGjJU3pFvFLoB_QHe9_6cAuY8c"},
// has openssl EC Param block
[]string{"fixtures/privkey-ec-p256.sec1.pem", "bJiCcZHuAF9dDetKEdGjJU3pFvFLoB_QHe9_6cAuY8c"},
[]string{"fixtures/privkey-ec-p256.pkcs8.pem", "bJiCcZHuAF9dDetKEdGjJU3pFvFLoB_QHe9_6cAuY8c"},
[]string{"fixtures/privkey-ec-p384.jwk.json", "-WoRXrk3FZ7tGi8oj5wJHDDfFMBCGlUbpwil1WhpxrU"},
[]string{"fixtures/privkey-ec-p384.sec1.pem", "-WoRXrk3FZ7tGi8oj5wJHDDfFMBCGlUbpwil1WhpxrU"},
[]string{"fixtures/privkey-ec-p384.pkcs8.pem", "-WoRXrk3FZ7tGi8oj5wJHDDfFMBCGlUbpwil1WhpxrU"},
for i := range keys {
path := keys[i][0]
thumb := keys[i][1]
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if nil != err {
t.Fatal(path, err)
key, err := ParsePrivateKey(b)
if nil != err {
t.Fatal(path, err)
eckey := key.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)
thumb2 := ThumbprintECPublicKey(eckey.Public().(*ecdsa.PublicKey))
if thumb != thumb2 {
t.Fatalf("EC thumbprints do not match: %q, %q, %q", path, thumb, thumb2)
func TestParseUnexpectedPrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
keypaths := []string{
for i := range keypaths {
path := keypaths[i]
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if nil != err {
t.Fatal(path, err)
_, err = ParsePublicKey(b)
switch err {
case ErrUnexpectedPrivateKey:
t.Fatal(path, err)
func TestParseUnexpectedPublicKey(t *testing.T) {
keypaths := []string{
for i := range keypaths {
path := keypaths[i]
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if nil != err {
t.Fatal(path, err)
_, err = ParsePrivateKey(b)
switch err {
case ErrUnexpectedPublicKey:
t.Fatal(path, err)
func TestParsePrivateKeyRSA(t *testing.T) {
keypaths := []string{
for i := range keypaths {
path := keypaths[i]
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if nil != err {
t.Fatal(path, err)
key, err := ParsePrivateKey(b)
if nil != err {
t.Fatal(path, err)
rsakey := key.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
thumb := "UIyZzFXPL-mTLnxQeSAHgu7gV16tro3evksnFb8fFQQ"
thumb2 := ThumbprintRSAPublicKey(rsakey.Public().(*rsa.PublicKey))
if thumb != thumb2 {
t.Fatalf("RSA thumbprints do not match: %q, %q, %q", path, thumb, thumb2)
func TestParseCertificate(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if nil != err {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if nil != err {
_, err = ParsePublicKey(bytes)
if nil != err {
log.Fatal("Could not parse PEM/cert from auth0")