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transitioning to go1.15 PublicKey interface

master v0.7.0-pre.1
AJ ONeal 4 years ago
  1. 12
  2. 33
  3. 6
  4. 8
  5. 20
  6. 3
  7. 6
  8. 4
  9. 16


@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func gen(args []string) {
key := keypairs.NewDefaultPrivateKey()
marshalPriv(key, keyname)
pub := key.Public().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)
pub := key.Public().(keypairs.PublicKey)
marshalPub(pub, pubname)
@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ func readKey(keyname string) (keypairs.PrivateKey, error) {
return key, nil
func readPub(pubname string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
var pub keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional = nil
func readPub(pubname string) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
var pub keypairs.PublicKey = nil
// Read as file
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pubname)
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ func readPub(pubname string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
pubname, err,
pub = pub2.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)
pub = pub2.Key()
// Oh, it was a file.
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ func readPub(pubname string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
pubname, err3,
pub = pub3.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)
pub = pub3.Key()
return pub, nil
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ func marshalPriv(key keypairs.PrivateKey, keyname string) {
ioutil.WriteFile(keyname, b, 0600)
func marshalPub(pub keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, pubname string) {
func marshalPub(pub keypairs.PublicKey, pubname string) {
var b []byte
if "" == pubname {
b = indentJSON(keypairs.MarshalJWKPublicKey(pub))


@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func OIDCJWKs(baseURL string) (PublicKeysMap, error) {
// OIDCJWK fetches baseURL + ".well-known/openid-configuration" and then returns the key matching kid (or thumbprint)
func OIDCJWK(kidOrThumb, iss string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func OIDCJWK(kidOrThumb, iss string) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
return immediateOneOrFetch(kidOrThumb, iss, uncached.OIDCJWKs)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func WellKnownJWKs(kidOrThumb, iss string) (PublicKeysMap, error) {
// WellKnownJWK fetches baseURL + ".well-known/jwks.json" and returns the key matching kid (or thumbprint)
func WellKnownJWK(kidOrThumb, iss string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func WellKnownJWK(kidOrThumb, iss string) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
return immediateOneOrFetch(kidOrThumb, iss, uncached.WellKnownJWKs)
@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ func JWKs(jwksurl string) (PublicKeysMap, error) {
// JWK tries to return a key from cache, falling back to the /.well-known/jwks.json of the issuer
func JWK(kidOrThumb, iss string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func JWK(kidOrThumb, iss string) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
return immediateOneOrFetch(kidOrThumb, iss, uncached.JWKs)
// PEM tries to return a key from cache, falling back to the specified PEM url
func PEM(url string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func PEM(url string) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
// url is kid in this case
return immediateOneOrFetch(url, url, func(string) (map[string]map[string]string, map[string]keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated, error) {
m, key, err := uncached.PEM(url)
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ func PEM(url string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
// Fetch returns a key from cache, falling back to an exact url as the "issuer"
func Fetch(url string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func Fetch(url string) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
// url is kid in this case
return immediateOneOrFetch(url, url,
func(string) (map[string]map[string]string, map[string]keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated, error) {
@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ func Fetch(url string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
// put in a map, just for caching
maps := map[string]map[string]string{}
maps[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional))] = m
maps[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key())] = m
keys := map[string]keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated{}
keys[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional))] = key
keys[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key())] = key
return maps, keys, nil
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ func Fetch(url string) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
// Get retrieves a key from cache, or returns an error.
// The issuer string may be empty if using a thumbprint rather than a kid.
func Get(kidOrThumb, iss string) keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional {
func Get(kidOrThumb, iss string) keypairs.PublicKey {
if pub := get(kidOrThumb, iss); nil != pub {
return pub.Key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)
return pub.Key.Key()
return nil
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ func get(kidOrThumb, iss string) *CachableKey {
return nil
func immediateOneOrFetch(kidOrThumb, iss string, fetcher myfetcher) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func immediateOneOrFetch(kidOrThumb, iss string, fetcher myfetcher) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
now := time.Now()
hit := get(kidOrThumb, iss)
@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ func immediateOneOrFetch(kidOrThumb, iss string, fetcher myfetcher) (keypairs.Pu
go fetchAndSelect(kidOrThumb, iss, fetcher)
return hit.Key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional), nil
return hit.Key.Key(), nil
type myfetcher func(string) (map[string]map[string]string, map[string]keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated, error)
func fetchAndSelect(id, baseURL string, fetcher myfetcher) (keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func fetchAndSelect(id, baseURL string, fetcher myfetcher) (keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
maps, keys, err := fetcher(baseURL)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
@ -249,13 +249,14 @@ func fetchAndSelect(id, baseURL string, fetcher myfetcher) (keypairs.PublicKeyTr
for i := range keys {
key := keys[i]
pub := key.Key()
if id == keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)) {
return key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional), nil
if id == keypairs.Thumbprint(pub) {
return pub, nil
if id == key.KeyID() {
return key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional), nil
return pub, nil
@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ func cacheKey(kid, iss, expstr string, pub keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated) error {
Expiry: expiry,
// Since thumbprints are crypto secure, iss isn't needed
thumb := keypairs.Thumbprint(pub.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional))
thumb := keypairs.Thumbprint(pub.Key())
KeyCache[thumb] = CachableKey{
Key: pub,
Expiry: expiry,


@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
var pubkey keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional
var pubkey keypairs.PublicKey
func TestCachesKey(t *testing.T) {
// TODO set KeyID() in cache
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ func testCachesKey(t *testing.T, url string) {
t.Fatal("Should discover 1 or more keys via", url)
var key keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional
var key keypairs.PublicKey
for i := range keys {
key = keys[i].Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)
key = keys[i].Key()
thumb := keypairs.Thumbprint(key)


@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ func JWKs(jwksurl string) (JWKMapByID, PublicKeysMap, error) {
if nil != err {
return nil, nil, err
keys[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional))] = key
maps[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional))] = m
keys[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key())] = key
maps[keypairs.Thumbprint(key.Key())] = m
return maps, keys, nil
// PEM fetches and parses a PEM (assuming well-known format)
func PEM(pemurl string) (map[string]string, keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, error) {
func PEM(pemurl string) (map[string]string, keypairs.PublicKey, error) {
var pubd keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated
if err := safeFetch(pemurl, func(body io.Reader) error {
pem, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func PEM(pemurl string) (map[string]string, keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional, erro
jwk := map[string]interface{}{}
pub := pubd.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional)
pub := pubd.Key()
body := bytes.NewBuffer(keypairs.MarshalJWKPublicKey(pub))
decoder := json.NewDecoder(body)


@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ type PrivateKey interface {
Equal(x crypto.PrivateKey) bool
// PublicKeyTransitional is so that v0.7.x can use golang v1.15 keys
type PublicKeyTransitional interface {
// PublicKey is so that v0.7.x can use golang v1.15 keys
type PublicKey interface {
Equal(x crypto.PublicKey) bool
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ type PublicKeyDeprecated interface {
//Equal(x crypto.PublicKey) bool
//Thumbprint() string
KeyID() string
Key() crypto.PublicKey
Key() PublicKey
ExpiresAt() time.Time
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ func (p *ECPublicKey) KeyID() string {
// Key returns the PublicKey
func (p *ECPublicKey) Key() crypto.PublicKey {
func (p *ECPublicKey) Key() PublicKey {
return p.PublicKey
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ func (p *RSAPublicKey) KeyID() string {
// Key returns the PublicKey
func (p *RSAPublicKey) Key() crypto.PublicKey {
func (p *RSAPublicKey) Key() PublicKey {
return p.PublicKey
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ func (p *RSAPublicKey) ExpiresAt() time.Time {
// NewPublicKey wraps a crypto.PublicKey to make it typesafe.
func NewPublicKey(pub crypto.PublicKey, kid ...string) PublicKeyDeprecated {
_, ok := pub.(PublicKeyTransitional)
_, ok := pub.(PublicKey)
if !ok {
panic("Developer Error: not a crypto.PublicKey")
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ func NewPublicKey(pub crypto.PublicKey, kid ...string) PublicKeyDeprecated {
// MarshalJWKPublicKey outputs a JWK with its key id (kid) and an optional expiration,
// making it suitable for use as an OIDC public key.
func MarshalJWKPublicKey(key PublicKeyTransitional, exp ...time.Time) []byte {
func MarshalJWKPublicKey(key PublicKey, exp ...time.Time) []byte {
// thumbprint keys are alphabetically sorted and only include the necessary public parts
switch k := key.(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ func MarshalJWKPublicKey(key PublicKeyTransitional, exp ...time.Time) []byte {
// Thumbprint returns the SHA256 RFC-spec JWK thumbprint
func Thumbprint(pub PublicKeyTransitional) string {
func Thumbprint(pub PublicKey) string {
return ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey(pub)
// ThumbprintPublicKey returns the SHA256 RFC-spec JWK thumbprint
func ThumbprintPublicKey(pub PublicKeyDeprecated) string {
return ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey(pub.Key().(PublicKeyTransitional))
return ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey(pub.Key())
// ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey is a non-typesafe version of ThumbprintPublicKey
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func ThumbprintPublicKey(pub PublicKeyDeprecated) string {
func ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey(pub crypto.PublicKey) string {
switch p := pub.(type) {
case PublicKeyDeprecated:
return ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey(p.Key().(PublicKeyTransitional))
return ThumbprintUntypedPublicKey(p.Key())
case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
return ThumbprintECPublicKey(p)
case *rsa.PublicKey:


@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ func marshalJWKs(keys []keypairs.PublicKeyDeprecated, exp2 time.Time) []string {
// Note that you don't have to embed `iss` in the JWK because the client
// already has that info by virtue of getting to it in the first place.
jwk := string(keypairs.MarshalJWKPublicKey(key.Key().(keypairs.PublicKeyTransitional), exp))
pub := key.Key()
jwk := string(keypairs.MarshalJWKPublicKey(pub, exp))
jwks = append(jwks, jwk)


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
// MarshalPEMPublicKey outputs the given public key as JWK
func MarshalPEMPublicKey(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional) ([]byte, error) {
func MarshalPEMPublicKey(pubkey PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {
block, err := marshalDERPublicKey(pubkey)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func MarshalPEMPublicKey(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional) ([]byte, error) {
// MarshalDERPublicKey outputs the given public key as JWK
func MarshalDERPublicKey(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional) ([]byte, error) {
func MarshalDERPublicKey(pubkey PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {
block, err := marshalDERPublicKey(pubkey)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func MarshalDERPublicKey(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional) ([]byte, error) {
// marshalDERPublicKey outputs the given public key as JWK
func marshalDERPublicKey(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional) (*pem.Block, error) {
func marshalDERPublicKey(pubkey PublicKey) (*pem.Block, error) {
var der []byte
var typ string


@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ func SignClaims(privkey PrivateKey, header Object, claims Object) (*JWS, error)
//delete(header, "_seed")
protected, header, err := headerToProtected(privkey.Public().(PublicKeyTransitional), header)
protected, header, err := headerToProtected(privkey.Public().(PublicKey), header)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func SignClaims(privkey PrivateKey, header Object, claims Object) (*JWS, error)
}, nil
func headerToProtected(pub PublicKeyTransitional, header Object) ([]byte, Object, error) {
func headerToProtected(pub PublicKey, header Object) ([]byte, Object, error) {
if nil == header {
header = Object{}


@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import (
// VerifyClaims will check the signature of a parsed JWT
func VerifyClaims(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, jws *JWS) (errs []error) {
func VerifyClaims(pubkey PublicKey, jws *JWS) (errs []error) {
kid, _ := jws.Header["kid"].(string)
jwkmap, hasJWK := jws.Header["jwk"].(Object)
//var jwk JWK = nil
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func VerifyClaims(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, jws *JWS) (errs []error) {
seed = int64(seedf64)
var pub PublicKeyTransitional = nil
var pub PublicKey = nil
if hasJWK {
pub, errs = selfsignCheck(jwkmap, errs)
} else {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func VerifyClaims(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, jws *JWS) (errs []error) {
return errs
func selfsignCheck(jwkmap Object, errs []error) (PublicKeyTransitional, []error) {
func selfsignCheck(jwkmap Object, errs []error) (PublicKey, []error) {
var pub PublicKeyDeprecated = nil
log.Println("Security TODO: did not check jws.Claims[\"sub\"] against 'jwk'")
log.Println("Security TODO: did not check jws.Claims[\"iss\"]")
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ func selfsignCheck(jwkmap Object, errs []error) (PublicKeyTransitional, []error)
return pub.Key().(PublicKeyTransitional), errs
return pub.Key(), errs
func pubkeyCheck(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, kid string, opts *keyOptions, errs []error) (PublicKeyTransitional, []error) {
var pub PublicKeyTransitional = nil
func pubkeyCheck(pubkey PublicKey, kid string, opts *keyOptions, errs []error) (PublicKey, []error) {
var pub PublicKey = nil
if "" == kid {
err := errors.New("token should have 'kid' or 'jwk' in header to identify the public key")
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func pubkeyCheck(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, kid string, opts *keyOptions, err
return nil, errs
privkey := newPrivateKey(opts)
pub = privkey.Public().(PublicKeyTransitional)
pub = privkey.Public().(PublicKey)
return pub, errs
err := errors.New("no matching public key")
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ func pubkeyCheck(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, kid string, opts *keyOptions, err
// Verify will check the signature of a hash
func Verify(pubkey PublicKeyTransitional, hash []byte, sig []byte) bool {
func Verify(pubkey PublicKey, hash []byte, sig []byte) bool {
switch pub := pubkey.(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
