2019-02-28 20:47:08 -07:00
// Package keyfetch retrieve and cache PublicKeys
// from OIDC (https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration)
// and Auth0 (https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json)
// JWKs URLs and expires them when `exp` is reached
// (or a default expiry if the key does not provide one).
// It uses the keypairs package to Unmarshal the JWKs into their
// native types (with a very thin shim to provide the type safety
// that Go's crypto.PublicKey and crypto.PrivateKey interfaces lack).
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
package keyfetch
import (
2019-03-22 14:01:19 -06:00
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2020-05-10 12:34:01 -06:00
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// TODO should be ErrInvalidJWKURL
// EInvalidJWKURL means that the url did not provide JWKs
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var EInvalidJWKURL = errors . New ( "url does not lead to valid JWKs" )
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// KeyCache is an in-memory key cache
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var KeyCache = map [ string ] CachableKey { }
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// KeyCacheMux is used to guard the in-memory cache
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var KeyCacheMux = sync . Mutex { }
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// ErrInsecureDomain means that plain http was used where https was expected
2019-04-22 10:10:36 -06:00
var ErrInsecureDomain = errors . New ( "Whitelists should only allow secure URLs (i.e. https://). To allow unsecured private networking (i.e. Docker) pass PrivateWhitelist as a list of private URLs" )
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// TODO Cacheable key (shouldn't this be private)?
// CachableKey represents
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
type CachableKey struct {
Key keypairs . PublicKey
Expiry time . Time
// maybe TODO use this poor-man's enum to allow kids thumbs to be accepted by the same method?
/ *
type KeyID string
func ( kid KeyID ) ID ( ) string {
return string ( kid )
func ( kid KeyID ) isID ( ) { }
type Thumbprint string
func ( thumb Thumbprint ) ID ( ) string {
return string ( thumb )
func ( thumb Thumbprint ) isID ( ) { }
type ID interface {
ID ( ) string
isID ( )
* /
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// StaleTime defines when public keys should be renewed (15 minutes by default)
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var StaleTime = 15 * time . Minute
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// DefaultKeyDuration defines how long a key should be considered fresh (48 hours by default)
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var DefaultKeyDuration = 48 * time . Hour
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// MinimumKeyDuration defines the minimum time that a key will be cached (1 hour by default)
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var MinimumKeyDuration = time . Hour
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// MaximumKeyDuration defines the maximum time that a key will be cached (72 hours by default)
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
var MaximumKeyDuration = 72 * time . Hour
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// PublicKeysMap is a newtype for a map of keypairs.PublicKey
type PublicKeysMap map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey
// OIDCJWKs fetches baseURL + ".well-known/openid-configuration" and then fetches and returns the Public Keys.
func OIDCJWKs ( baseURL string ) ( PublicKeysMap , error ) {
maps , keys , err := uncached . OIDCJWKs ( baseURL )
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
if nil != err {
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
return nil , err
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
cacheKeys ( maps , keys , baseURL )
return keys , err
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// OIDCJWK fetches baseURL + ".well-known/openid-configuration" and then returns the key matching kid (or thumbprint)
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
func OIDCJWK ( kidOrThumb , iss string ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
return immediateOneOrFetch ( kidOrThumb , iss , uncached . OIDCJWKs )
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// WellKnownJWKs fetches baseURL + ".well-known/jwks.json" and caches and returns the keys
func WellKnownJWKs ( kidOrThumb , iss string ) ( PublicKeysMap , error ) {
maps , keys , err := uncached . WellKnownJWKs ( iss )
if nil != err {
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
return nil , err
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
cacheKeys ( maps , keys , iss )
return keys , err
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// WellKnownJWK fetches baseURL + ".well-known/jwks.json" and returns the key matching kid (or thumbprint)
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
func WellKnownJWK ( kidOrThumb , iss string ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
return immediateOneOrFetch ( kidOrThumb , iss , uncached . WellKnownJWKs )
// JWKs returns a map of keys identified by their thumbprint
// (since kid may or may not be present)
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
func JWKs ( jwksurl string ) ( PublicKeysMap , error ) {
maps , keys , err := uncached . JWKs ( jwksurl )
if nil != err {
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
return nil , err
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
iss := strings . Replace ( jwksurl , ".well-known/jwks.json" , "" , 1 )
cacheKeys ( maps , keys , iss )
return keys , err
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
// JWK tries to return a key from cache, falling back to the /.well-known/jwks.json of the issuer
func JWK ( kidOrThumb , iss string ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
return immediateOneOrFetch ( kidOrThumb , iss , uncached . JWKs )
2019-03-15 17:52:53 -06:00
// PEM tries to return a key from cache, falling back to the specified PEM url
func PEM ( url string ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
// url is kid in this case
return immediateOneOrFetch ( url , url , func ( string ) ( map [ string ] map [ string ] string , map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
m , key , err := uncached . PEM ( url )
if nil != err {
return nil , nil , err
// put in a map, just for caching
maps := map [ string ] map [ string ] string { }
maps [ key . Thumbprint ( ) ] = m
maps [ url ] = m
keys := map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey { }
keys [ key . Thumbprint ( ) ] = key
keys [ url ] = key
return maps , keys , nil
} )
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
// Fetch returns a key from cache, falling back to an exact url as the "issuer"
func Fetch ( url string ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
// url is kid in this case
return immediateOneOrFetch ( url , url , func ( string ) ( map [ string ] map [ string ] string , map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
m , key , err := uncached . Fetch ( url )
if nil != err {
return nil , nil , err
// put in a map, just for caching
maps := map [ string ] map [ string ] string { }
maps [ key . Thumbprint ( ) ] = m
keys := map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey { }
keys [ key . Thumbprint ( ) ] = key
return maps , keys , nil
} )
// Get retrieves a key from cache, or returns an error.
// The issuer string may be empty if using a thumbprint rather than a kid.
func Get ( kidOrThumb , iss string ) keypairs . PublicKey {
if pub := get ( kidOrThumb , iss ) ; nil != pub {
return pub . Key
return nil
func get ( kidOrThumb , iss string ) * CachableKey {
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
iss = normalizeIssuer ( iss )
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
KeyCacheMux . Lock ( )
defer KeyCacheMux . Unlock ( )
// we're safe to check the cache by kid alone
// by virtue that we never set it by kid alone
hit , ok := KeyCache [ kidOrThumb ]
if ok {
if now := time . Now ( ) ; hit . Expiry . Sub ( now ) > 0 {
// only return non-expired keys
return & hit
2019-02-22 21:47:05 +00:00
id := kidOrThumb + "@" + iss
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
hit , ok = KeyCache [ id ]
if ok {
if now := time . Now ( ) ; hit . Expiry . Sub ( now ) > 0 {
// only return non-expired keys
return & hit
return nil
func immediateOneOrFetch ( kidOrThumb , iss string , fetcher myfetcher ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
now := time . Now ( )
key := get ( kidOrThumb , iss )
if nil == key {
return fetchAndSelect ( kidOrThumb , iss , fetcher )
// Fetch just a little before the key actually expires
if key . Expiry . Sub ( now ) <= StaleTime {
go fetchAndSelect ( kidOrThumb , iss , fetcher )
return key . Key , nil
type myfetcher func ( string ) ( map [ string ] map [ string ] string , map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey , error )
func fetchAndSelect ( id , baseURL string , fetcher myfetcher ) ( keypairs . PublicKey , error ) {
maps , keys , err := fetcher ( baseURL )
if nil != err {
return nil , err
cacheKeys ( maps , keys , baseURL )
for i := range keys {
key := keys [ i ]
if id == key . Thumbprint ( ) {
return key , nil
if id == key . KeyID ( ) {
return key , nil
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Key identified by '%s' was not found at %s" , id , baseURL )
func cacheKeys ( maps map [ string ] map [ string ] string , keys map [ string ] keypairs . PublicKey , issuer string ) {
for i := range keys {
key := keys [ i ]
m := maps [ i ]
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
iss := issuer
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
if "" != m [ "iss" ] {
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
iss = m [ "iss" ]
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
2019-02-22 22:38:48 +00:00
iss = normalizeIssuer ( iss )
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
cacheKey ( m [ "kid" ] , iss , m [ "exp" ] , key )
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
func cacheKey ( kid , iss , expstr string , pub keypairs . PublicKey ) error {
var expiry time . Time
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
iss = normalizeIssuer ( iss )
2019-02-21 00:10:42 +00:00
exp , _ := strconv . ParseInt ( expstr , 10 , 64 )
if 0 == exp {
// use default
expiry = time . Now ( ) . Add ( DefaultKeyDuration )
} else if exp < time . Now ( ) . Add ( MinimumKeyDuration ) . Unix ( ) || exp > time . Now ( ) . Add ( MaximumKeyDuration ) . Unix ( ) {
// use at least one hour
expiry = time . Now ( ) . Add ( MinimumKeyDuration )
} else {
expiry = time . Unix ( exp , 0 )
KeyCacheMux . Lock ( )
defer KeyCacheMux . Unlock ( )
// Put the key in the cache by both kid and thumbprint, and set the expiry
id := kid + "@" + iss
KeyCache [ id ] = CachableKey {
Key : pub ,
Expiry : expiry ,
// Since thumbprints are crypto secure, iss isn't needed
thumb := pub . Thumbprint ( )
KeyCache [ thumb ] = CachableKey {
Key : pub ,
Expiry : expiry ,
return nil
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
func clear ( ) {
KeyCacheMux . Lock ( )
defer KeyCacheMux . Unlock ( )
KeyCache = map [ string ] CachableKey { }
func normalizeIssuer ( iss string ) string {
2019-02-22 22:38:48 +00:00
return strings . TrimRight ( iss , "/" )
2019-02-22 21:40:46 +00:00
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
2019-03-22 15:28:11 -06:00
func isTrustedIssuer ( iss string , whitelist Whitelist , rs ... * http . Request ) bool {
2019-03-22 14:01:19 -06:00
if "" == iss {
return false
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
// Normalize the http:// and https:// and parse
iss = strings . TrimRight ( iss , "/" ) + "/"
if strings . HasPrefix ( iss , "http://" ) {
// ignore
} else if strings . HasPrefix ( iss , "//" ) {
return false // TODO
} else if ! strings . HasPrefix ( iss , "https://" ) {
iss = "https://" + iss
issURL , err := url . Parse ( iss )
if nil != err {
return false
// Check that
// * schemes match (https: == https:)
// * paths match (/foo/ == /foo/, always with trailing slash added)
// * hostnames are compatible (a == b or "sub.foo.com".HasSufix(".foo.com"))
for i := range [ ] * url . URL ( whitelist ) {
u := whitelist [ i ]
if issURL . Scheme != u . Scheme {
} else if u . Path != strings . TrimRight ( issURL . Path , "/" ) + "/" {
} else if issURL . Host != u . Host {
if '.' == u . Host [ 0 ] && strings . HasSuffix ( issURL . Host , u . Host ) {
return true
// All failures have been handled
return true
// Check if implicit issuer is available
if 0 == len ( rs ) {
return false
return hasImplicitTrust ( issURL , rs [ 0 ] )
// hasImplicitTrust relies on the security of DNS and TLS to determine if the
// headers of the request can be trusted as identifying the server itself as
// a valid issuer, without additional configuration.
// Helpful for testing, but in the wrong hands could easily lead to a zero-day.
func hasImplicitTrust ( issURL * url . URL , r * http . Request ) bool {
if nil == r {
return false
// Sanity check that, if a load balancer exists, it isn't misconfigured
proto := r . Header . Get ( "X-Forwarded-Proto" )
if "" != proto && proto != "https" {
return false
// Get the host
// * If TLS, block Domain Fronting
// * Otherwise assume trusted proxy
// * Otherwise assume test environment
var host string
if nil != r . TLS {
// Note that if this were to be implemented for HTTP/2 it would need to
// check all names on the certificate, not just the one with which the
// original connection was established. However, not our problem here.
// See https://serverfault.com/a/908087/93930
if r . TLS . ServerName != r . Host {
return false
host = r . Host
} else {
host = r . Header . Get ( "X-Forwarded-Host" )
if "" == host {
host = r . Host
// Same tests as above, adjusted since it can't handle wildcards and, since
// the path is variable, we make the assumption that a child can trust a
// parent, but that a parent cannot trust a child.
if r . Host != issURL . Host {
return false
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( strings . TrimRight ( r . URL . Path , "/" ) + "/" , issURL . Path ) {
// Ex: Request URL Token Issuer
// !"https:example.com/johndoe/api/dothing".HasPrefix("https:example.com/")
return false
return true
2020-04-10 13:59:44 -04:00
// Whitelist is a newtype for an array of URLs
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
type Whitelist [ ] * url . URL
// NewWhitelist turns an array of URLs (such as https://example.com/) into
// a parsed array of *url.URLs that can be used by the IsTrustedIssuer function
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
func NewWhitelist ( issuers [ ] string , privateList ... [ ] string ) ( Whitelist , error ) {
var err error
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
list := [ ] * url . URL { }
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
if 0 != len ( issuers ) {
insecure := false
list , err = newWhitelist ( list , issuers , insecure )
if nil != err {
return nil , err
if 0 != len ( privateList ) && 0 != len ( privateList [ 0 ] ) {
insecure := true
list , err = newWhitelist ( list , privateList [ 0 ] , insecure )
if nil != err {
return nil , err
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
return Whitelist ( list ) , nil
func newWhitelist ( list [ ] * url . URL , issuers [ ] string , insecure bool ) ( Whitelist , error ) {
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
for i := range issuers {
iss := issuers [ i ]
2019-04-17 17:08:53 -06:00
if "" == strings . TrimSpace ( iss ) {
fmt . Println ( "[Warning] You have an empty string in your keyfetch whitelist." )
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
// Should have a valid http or https prefix
// TODO support custom prefixes (i.e. app://) ?
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
if strings . HasPrefix ( iss , "http://" ) {
if ! insecure {
2019-03-22 14:01:19 -06:00
log . Println ( "Oops! You have an insecure domain in your whitelist: " , iss )
return nil , ErrInsecureDomain
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
} else if strings . HasPrefix ( iss , "//" ) {
return nil , errors . New ( "Rather than prefixing with // to support multiple protocols, add them seperately:" + iss )
} else if ! strings . HasPrefix ( iss , "https://" ) {
iss = "https://" + iss
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
// trailing slash as a boundary character, which may or may not denote a directory
iss = strings . TrimRight ( iss , "/" ) + "/"
u , err := url . Parse ( iss )
if nil != err {
return nil , err
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
// Strip any * prefix, for easier comparison later
// *.example.com => .example.com
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
if strings . HasPrefix ( u . Host , "*." ) {
u . Host = u . Host [ 1 : ]
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
list = append ( list , u )
2019-04-15 11:09:34 -06:00
return list , nil
2019-03-06 11:08:40 -07:00
2019-03-22 15:28:11 -06:00
/ *
IsTrustedIssuer returns true when the ` iss ` ( i . e . from a token ) matches one
in the provided whitelist ( also matches wildcard domains ) .
You may explicitly allow insecure http ( i . e . for automated testing ) by
including http : // Otherwise the scheme in each item of the whitelist should
include the "https://" prefix .
You ' ll notice that * http . Request is optional . It should only be used under these
three circumstances :
1 ) Something else guarantees http - > https redirection happens before the
connection gets here AND this server directly handles TLS / SSL .
2 ) If you ' re using a load balancer or web server , and this doesn ' t handle
TLS / SSL directly , that server is _explicitly_ configured to protect
against Domain Fronting attacks . As of 2019 , most web servers and load
balancers do not protect against that by default .
3 ) If you only use it to make your automated integration testing more
and it isn ' t enabled in production .
Otherwise , DO NOT pass in * http . Request as you will introduce a 0 - day
vulnerability allowing an attacker to spoof any token issuer of their choice .
The only reason I allowed this in a public library where non - experts would
encounter it is to make testing easier .
* /
func ( w Whitelist ) IsTrustedIssuer ( iss string , rs ... * http . Request ) bool {
return isTrustedIssuer ( iss , w , rs ... )
2019-03-22 16:17:13 -06:00
// String will generate a space-delimited list of whitelisted URLs
func ( w Whitelist ) String ( ) string {
s := [ ] string { }
for i := range w {
s = append ( s , w [ i ] . String ( ) )
return strings . Join ( s , " " )