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# [le-store-sequelize][1]
> A database-driven Greenlock storage plugin with wildcard support.
## Usage
To use, provide this Greenlock storage plugin as the `store` attribute when you
invoke `create`.
var store = require('le-store-sequelize');
var gl = greenlock.create({
## Wildcards & AltNames
Working with wildcards and multiple altnames requires Greenlock `>= v2.7`.
To do so you must set `opts.subject` and `` within the
`approvedomains()` callback.
`subject` refers to "the subject of the ssl certificate" as opposed to `domain`
which indicates "the domain servername used in the current request". For
single-domain certificates they're always the same, but for multiple-domain
certificates `subject` must be the name no matter what `domain` is receiving a
request. `subject` is used as part of the name of the file storage path where
the certificate will be saved (or retrieved).
`domains` should be the list of "altnames" on the certificate, which should
include the `subject`.
## Example
function approveDomains() {
## Out of the box... it just works
## Sequelize Options
Without `config.dbOptions`, the baked-in sequelize object uses sqlite3 with
default options. If `config.dbOptions` is provided, you can configure the
database connection per the Sequelize documentation.
var store = require('le-store-sequelize')({
dbConfig: {
username: 'mysqluser',
password: 'mysqlpassword',
database: 'mysqldatabase,
host: '',
dialect: 'mysql'
The database can also be configured using an env variable.
var store = require('le-store-sequelize')({
dbConfig: {
use_env_variable: 'DB_URL'
## Provide Your Own Database Object
You can provide your own database object if you wish. It might not even need to
be Sequelize as long as it supports the same methods and argument objects as
are used.