Because friends don't let friends localhost.
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.
AJ ONeal 79231a6de8 bugfix: complete renaming of pgURL to dbURL il y a 2 ans
assets refactor: update go:build syntax for go v1.17 il y a 2 ans
cmd feature: forcefully exit after given duration or at given wall clock time il y a 2 ans
examples add --proxy-http-01 il y a 3 ans
internal bugfix: complete renaming of pgURL to dbURL il y a 2 ans
vendor chore: update deps and vendoring il y a 3 ans
.gitignore update build il y a 3 ans
.goreleaser.yml update docs il y a 3 ans
.prettierrc make Prettier il y a 4 ans
AUTHORS add AUTHORS il y a 3 ans
LICENSE add LICENSE il y a 4 ans feature: forcefully exit after given duration or at given wall clock time il y a 2 ans
go.mod chore: update deps and vendoring il y a 3 ans
go.sum chore: update deps and vendoring il y a 3 ans flatten mplexer into telebit package il y a 4 ans


| Telebit Client | Telebit Relay | Telebit Mgmt |

A secure, end-to-end Encrypted tunnel.

Because friends don't let friends localhost.


telebit --env ./.env --verbose

Command-line flags or .env may be used.

# --acme-agree
export ACME_AGREE=true
# --acme-email
# --vendor-id
# --secret
export SECRET=YY-device-shared-secret-YY
# --tunnel-relay
# --locals
export LOCALS=https:*:3000
# --tls-locals
export TLS_LOCALS=https:*:3000

See ./telebit --help for all options.
See examples/client.env for detail explanations.

System Services

You can use serviceman to run postgres, telebit, and telebit-mgmt as system services

curl -fsS | bash

See the Cheat Sheet at

You can, of course, configure systemd (or whatever) by hand if you prefer.

Example Local Web Application

The simplest way to test the tunnel is with a local web server.

mkdir -p tmp-app
pushd tmp-app/

cat << EOF > index.html
Hello, World!

Ex: Caddy

curl -sS | bash
caddy file-server --browse --listen :3000

Ex: Python 3

python3 -m http.server 3000


git clone ssh://
pushd telebit/

You can build with go build:

go generate -mod=vendor -tags postgres ./...
go build -mod vendor -tags postgres -race -o telebit cmd/telebit/*.go

Or with goreleaser:

goreleaser --rm-dist --skip-publish --snapshot

See for cheat sheet.

Install Go

To install Go (on any of Windows, Mac, or Linux), see

Installs Go to ~/.local/opt/go.

Mac, Linux:

curl -fsS | bash

Windows 10:

curl.exe -fsSA "MS" | powershell

Note: The minimum required go version is shown in go.mod. DO NOT use with GOPATH!

Building Telebit

All dependencies are included, at the correct version in the ./vendor directory.

go generate -mod vendor ./...

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-linux ./cmd/telebit/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-macos ./cmd/telebit/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-windows-debug.exe ./cmd/telebit/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -ldflags "-H windowsgui" -o telebit-windows.exe ./cmd/telebit/*.go

The binary can be built with VENDOR_ID and CLIENT_SECRET built into the binary. You can also change the serviceName and serviceDescription at build time. See examples/


Usage of telebit:
    	agree to the terms of the ACME service provider (required)
  --acme-directory string
    	ACME Directory URL
  --acme-email string
    	email to use for Let's Encrypt / ACME registration
    	enable HTTP-01 ACME challenges
  --acme-http-01-relay-url string
    	the base url of the ACME HTTP-01 relay, if not the same as the DNS-01 relay
  --acme-relay-url string
    	the base url of the ACME DNS-01 relay, if not the same as the tunnel relay
    	get fake certificates for testing
  --acme-storage string
    	path to ACME storage directory (default "./acme.d/")
    	enable TLS-ALPN-01 ACME challenges
  --api-hostname string
    	the hostname used to manage clients
  --auth-url string
    	the base url for authentication, if not the same as the tunnel relay
    	show debug output (default true)
  --dns-01-delay duration
    	add an extra delay after dns self-check to allow DNS-01 challenges to propagate
  --dns-resolvers string
    	a list of resolvers in the format,
  --env string
    	path to .env file
  --exit-after string (such as "12h")
      forcefully exit after the given duration
  --exit-at string (such as "15:04")
      forcefully exit at the given wall clock time
  --leeway duration
    	allow for time drift / skew (hard-coded to 15 minutes) (default 15m0s)
  --listen string
    	list of bind addresses on which to listen, such as localhost:80, or :443
  --locals string
    	a list of <from-domain>:<to-port>
  --port-forward string
    	a list of <from-port>:<to-port> for raw port-forwarding
  --secret string
    	the same secret used by telebit-relay (used for JWT authentication)
  --spf-domain string
    	domain with SPF-like list of IP addresses which are allowed to connect to clients
  --tls-locals string
    	like --locals, but TLS will be used to connect to the local port
  --token string
    	an auth token for the server (instead of generating --secret); use --token=false to ignore any $TOKEN in env
  --tunnel-relay-url string
    	the websocket url at which to connect to the tunnel relay
  --vendor-id string
    	a unique identifier for a deploy target environment
    	log excessively