package rfc8009 import ( "crypto/hmac" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "errors" "" "" "" ) const ( s2kParamsZero = 32768 ) // DeriveRandom for key derivation as defined in RFC 8009 func DeriveRandom(protocolKey, usage []byte, e etype.EType) ([]byte, error) { h := e.GetHashFunc()() return KDF_HMAC_SHA2(protocolKey, []byte("prf"), usage, h.Size(), e), nil } // DeriveKey derives a key from the protocol key based on the usage and the etype's specific methods. // // func DeriveKey(protocolKey, label []byte, e etype.EType) []byte { var context []byte var kl int // Key length is longer for aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192 is it is a Ke or from StringToKey (where label is "kerberos") if e.GetETypeID() == etypeID.AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA384_192 { Swtch: switch label[len(label)-1] { case 0x73: // 0x73 is "s" so label could be kerberos meaning StringToKey so now check if the label is "kerberos" kerblabel := []byte("kerberos") if len(label) != len(kerblabel) { break } for i, b := range label { if b != kerblabel[i] { kl = e.GetKeySeedBitLength() break Swtch } } if kl == 0 { // This is StringToKey kl = 256 } case 0xAA: // This is a Ke kl = 256 } } if kl == 0 { kl = e.GetKeySeedBitLength() } return e.RandomToKey(KDF_HMAC_SHA2(protocolKey, label, context, kl, e)) } // RandomToKey returns a key from the bytes provided according to the definition in RFC 8009. func RandomToKey(b []byte) []byte { return b } // StringToKey returns a key derived from the string provided according to the definition in RFC 8009. func StringToKey(secret, salt, s2kparams string, e etype.EType) ([]byte, error) { i, err := S2KparamsToItertions(s2kparams) if err != nil { return nil, err } return StringToKeyIter(secret, salt, i, e) } // StringToKeyIter returns a key derived from the string provided according to the definition in RFC 8009. func StringToKeyIter(secret, salt string, iterations int, e etype.EType) ([]byte, error) { tkey := e.RandomToKey(StringToPBKDF2(secret, salt, iterations, e)) return e.DeriveKey(tkey, []byte("kerberos")) } // StringToPBKDF2 generates an encryption key from a pass phrase and salt string using the PBKDF2 function from PKCS #5 v2.0 func StringToPBKDF2(secret, salt string, iterations int, e etype.EType) []byte { kl := e.GetKeyByteSize() if e.GetETypeID() == etypeID.AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA384_192 { kl = 32 } return pbkdf2.Key([]byte(secret), []byte(salt), iterations, kl, e.GetHashFunc()) } // KDF_HMAC_SHA2 key derivation: func KDF_HMAC_SHA2(protocolKey, label, context []byte, kl int, e etype.EType) []byte { //k: Length in bits of the key to be outputted, expressed in big-endian binary representation in 4 bytes. k := make([]byte, 4, 4) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(k, uint32(kl)) c := make([]byte, 4, 4) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(c, uint32(1)) c = append(c, label...) c = append(c, byte(0)) if len(context) > 0 { c = append(c, context...) } c = append(c, k...) mac := hmac.New(e.GetHashFunc(), protocolKey) mac.Write(c) return mac.Sum(nil)[:(kl / 8)] } // GetSaltP returns the salt value based on the etype name: func GetSaltP(salt, ename string) string { b := []byte(ename) b = append(b, byte(0)) b = append(b, []byte(salt)...) return string(b) } // S2KparamsToItertions converts the string representation of iterations to an integer for RFC 8009. func S2KparamsToItertions(s2kparams string) (int, error) { var i uint32 if len(s2kparams) != 8 { return s2kParamsZero, errors.New("Invalid s2kparams length") } b, err := hex.DecodeString(s2kparams) if err != nil { return s2kParamsZero, errors.New("Invalid s2kparams, cannot decode string to bytes") } i = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b) //buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b) //err = binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &i) if err != nil { return s2kParamsZero, errors.New("Invalid s2kparams, cannot convert to big endian int32") } return int(i), nil }