# Telebit | **Telebit Client** | [Telebit Relay](/cmd/telebit) | [Telebit Mgmt](/cmd/mgmt) | A secure, end-to-end Encrypted tunnel. Because friends don't let friends localhost. # Usage ```bash telebit --env ./.env --verbose ``` Command-line flags or `.env` may be used. ```bash # --acme-agree export ACME_AGREE=true # --acme-email export ACME_EMAIL=johndoe@example.com # --vendor-id export VENDOR_ID=example.com # --secret export SECRET=YY-device-shared-secret-YY # --tunnel-relay export TUNNEL_RELAY_URL=https://tunnel.example.com/ # --locals export LOCALS=https:*:3000 # --tls-locals export TLS_LOCALS=https:*:3000 ``` See `./telebit --help` for all options. \ See [`examples/client.env`][client-env] for detail explanations. [client-env]: /examples/client.env ### System Services You can use `serviceman` to run `postgres`, `telebit`, and `telebit-mgmt` as system services ```bash curl -fsS https://webinstall.dev/serviceman | bash ``` See the Cheat Sheet at https://webinstall.dev/serviceman You can, of course, configure systemd (or whatever) by hand if you prefer. ## Example Local Web Application The simplest way to test the tunnel is with a local web server. ```bash mkdir -p tmp-app pushd tmp-app/ cat << EOF > index.html Hello, World! EOF ``` ### Ex: Caddy ```bash curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/caddy | bash ``` ```bash caddy file-server --browse --listen :3000 ``` ### Ex: Python 3 ```bash python3 -m http.server 3000 ``` # Build ```bash git clone ssh://git@git.rootprojects.org:root/telebit.git pushd telebit/ ``` You can build with `go build`: ```bash go generate -mod=vendor -tags postgres ./... go build -mod vendor -tags postgres -race -o telebit cmd/telebit/*.go ``` Or with `goreleaser`: ```bash goreleaser --rm-dist --skip-publish --snapshot ``` See https://webinstall.dev/goreleaser for cheat sheet. ## Install Go To install Go (on any of Windows, Mac, or Linux), see . Installs Go to `~/.local/opt/go`. **Mac, Linux**: ```bash curl -fsS https://webinstall.dev/golang | bash ``` **Windows 10**: ```bash curl.exe -fsSA "MS" https://webinstall.dev/golang | powershell ``` **Note**: The _minimum required go version_ is shown in `go.mod`. DO NOT use with `GOPATH`! ## Building Telebit All dependencies are included, at the correct version in the `./vendor` directory. ```bash go generate -mod vendor ./... CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-linux ./cmd/telebit/*.go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-macos ./cmd/telebit/*.go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-windows-debug.exe ./cmd/telebit/*.go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -ldflags "-H windowsgui" -o telebit-windows.exe ./cmd/telebit/*.go ``` The binary can be built with `VENDOR_ID` and `CLIENT_SECRET` built into the binary. You can also change the `serviceName` and `serviceDescription` at build time. See `examples/run-as-client.sh`. # Help ``` Usage of telebit: ACME_AGREE --acme-agree agree to the terms of the ACME service provider (required) --acme-directory string ACME Directory URL ACME_EMAIL --acme-email string email to use for Let's Encrypt / ACME registration --acme-http-01 enable HTTP-01 ACME challenges ACME_HTTP_01_RELAY_URL --acme-http-01-relay-url string the base url of the ACME HTTP-01 relay, if not the same as the DNS-01 relay --acme-relay-url string the base url of the ACME DNS-01 relay, if not the same as the tunnel relay --acme-staging get fake certificates for testing --acme-storage string path to ACME storage directory (default "./acme.d/") --acme-tls-alpn-01 enable TLS-ALPN-01 ACME challenges API_HOSTNAME --api-hostname string the hostname used to manage clients --auth-url string the base url for authentication, if not the same as the tunnel relay DEBUG --debug show debug output (default true) --dns-01-delay duration add an extra delay after dns self-check to allow DNS-01 challenges to propagate --dns-resolvers string a list of resolvers in the format, --env string path to .env file --leeway duration allow for time drift / skew (hard-coded to 15 minutes) (default 15m0s) LISTEN --listen string list of bind addresses on which to listen, such as localhost:80, or :443 LOCALS --locals string a list of : PORT_FORWARD --port-forward string a list of : for raw port-forwarding SECRET --secret string the same secret used by telebit-relay (used for JWT authentication) --spf-domain string domain with SPF-like list of IP addresses which are allowed to connect to clients TLS_LOCALS --tls-locals string like --locals, but TLS will be used to connect to the local port --token string an auth token for the server (instead of generating --secret); use --token=false to ignore any $TOKEN in env TUNNEL_RELAY_URL --tunnel-relay-url string the websocket url at which to connect to the tunnel relay VENDOR_ID --vendor-id string a unique identifier for a deploy target environment VERBOSE VERBOSE_BYTES VERBOSE_RAW --verbose log excessively ```