# VERBOSE # Show more output in the logs #VERBOSE=true # DEBUG # Show binary output in the longs too #DEBUG=true # Used for Let's Encrypt registration # ACME_AGREE ACME_AGREE=true # ACME_EMAIL ACME_EMAIL=johndoe@example.com # TUNNEL_RELAY_URL # The URL of the Telebit Relay, of course. # Note that many client configuration details can be preassigned at # https://devices.example.com/.well-known/telebit.app/index.json TUNNEL_RELAY_URL=https://devices.example.com/ # VENDOR_ID # Used to distinguish between different white-labeled Telebit binaries. # It's just as well to generate a random ID for your organization. VENDOR_ID= # SECRET # This is the shared secret between the client device # and the device management server. SECRET=shared-secret # CLIENT_SUBJECT (optional) # NOT used by Telebit. # This is for the example scripts # (for the Device Management & Authentication server) CLIENT_SUBJECT=newbie CLIENT_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # TLS_LOCALS # ReverseProxy any matching requests to the given local port. # This DOES NOT terminate TLS TLS_LOCALS=https:*:3000 # LOCALS # ReverseProxy any matching requests to the given local port. # This terminates TLS # Ex: LOCALS=https:$CLIENT_SUBJECT.devices.example.com:3000,https:*.$CLIENT_SUBJECT.devices.example.com:3000 LOCALS=https:*:3000 # PORT_FORWARDS # ReverseProxy any matching TCP streams from the given remote incoming port, # directly to the given destination port. PORT_FORWARDS=3443:3001,8443:3002 # AUTH_URL # The client may receive this as `.authn.url` # through `https://$API_DOMAIN/.well-known/telebit.app/index.json` # Setting the ENV AUTH_URL or the flag --auth-url overrides the discovery endpoint # ACME_HTTP_01_RELAY_URL # Overrides `.acme_http_01_relay.url` # from `https://$API_DOMAIN/.well-known/telebit.app/index.json` ACME_HTTP_01_RELAY_URL=https://tunnel.example.com/api/acme-relay # ACME_RELAY_URL (deprecated) # Overrides `.acme_dns_01_relay.url` # from `https://$API_DOMAIN/.well-known/telebit.app/index.json` #ACME_RELAY_URL=https://tunnel.example.com/api/acme-relay # ACME DNS-01 Challenge Strategies # Rather than use the http-01 or dns-01 relay you can set one of these #DUCKDNS_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx #NAMECOM_USERNAME= #NAMECOM_API_TOKEN= #GODADDY_API_KEY= #GODADDY_API_SECRET=