- it does not look like the client is limiting the amount of traffic coming in, and it does not look like it is chunking.
- need to know the max chunk.
- increased to 64K
- unpacker code v1
- fixed packer logging.
- I anticipated having to bring up new listeners as tunnel-clients connect allowing different port use for a single domain
- completed the code, however did not see any port information coming back from WSS client.
- opened an issue with AJ.
- all listeners are now dynamically generated. The run method takes an initial port, once functioning, the runner send down the channel a registration for the initial port.
- added support for PeekAll…still not working 100%.
- passing important values inside the context, no longer on arguments
- stream handler now detects wss_client, validates the token to make sure.
- then passes to was handler which invokes http.Server with oneConnListener
- removing listener wedge, going to stay with oneConnListener. It is working.
- added support for context passing between the various functions
- support for withCancel, allowing administrative canceling, and a clean up of Go Routines.
- generic listener now supports a single port for both encrypted and clear text protocols.
- employee the buffered wedge connection for peaking into the protocol
- implementation of the oneListener.
- when TLS, leveraged the NewListener which uses oneListener as n inner lister.
- once the stream is decrypted, or if it was already clear text it is passed to handleStream which performs application detection.
- connectionWedge supports reading from a connection without consuming bytes (peeking)
- allowing protocol detection
- was still connections to 3502, it will support any port (443), admin follows this port.
- matches RVPN.DAPLIE.INVALID and redirects to admin — AJ to provide authentication framework.
- api/servers is also served by this path as we’ll.
- listener_generic is the beginngins of protocol detections.
- listener_wedge is an matches the net.Listener interface, and allows passing to other processes an already accepted connection
- this does not work for HTTP for some reason.
- spent a lot of time trying to figure out why. Posted to go-nuts