- the system implements a rough round robin also.
- members that are removed, do not remove preserving order.
- this many skew RR slightly, the small trade of with a non-order slice removal
- fixed issue with reaper, would not reap connections that had closed based on write failure
- reduced well to 120 seconds.
- place holder for other LB ALGO’s like least-connections.
- at this time no support for heath checks.
- added a number of global status collections
- this requires wedging into things..
- removing direct address to come functions putting them though serverStatus
- added support for decent duration display
- added support for byte count display (k/m/g/, etc)
- added detail selector, you can watch n number of connections and refresh while keeping them open.
- refresh button
- built envelope based on AJ spec, self standing package with transaction ID increment and unix time stamps
- fixed servers end point
- created server/{id} end point
- created rest mappings for GET
- implemented viper module in code.
- removed all the older configuration, not sure if we want to use flags or just the configuration files.
- added support for dwell, idle and cancelceck timers
- generic binding is now an int passing to the generic manager.
- passing dwell, and idle directly to connection table.
- adjusted all dead time structures, the system supports a map(string)interface{} of various dead time counters
- this version also supports variable sized buffers for each request by using the bufio.reader
- we peek all, and then pass everything down the channel we have.
- I am wondering if this will be a problem is someone just starts pouring data down never ending.
- direct support now for terminating domains
- there is a domain for admin, and wss. Each shared the external address listener (testing 9999)
- added support for Discard for wedge connections
- added support for ReadByte to wedge conn
- got too cute with the package names, needed to bring everything into one package, except for packer.
- system is passing traffic now, ran a load test generating 1000 connections, seems ok.
- removed a lot of message logging since traffic is passing.
- it does not look like the client is limiting the amount of traffic coming in, and it does not look like it is chunking.
- need to know the max chunk.
- increased to 64K
- unpacker code v1
- fixed packer logging.
- I anticipated having to bring up new listeners as tunnel-clients connect allowing different port use for a single domain
- completed the code, however did not see any port information coming back from WSS client.
- opened an issue with AJ.
- all listeners are now dynamically generated. The run method takes an initial port, once functioning, the runner send down the channel a registration for the initial port.
- added support for PeekAll…still not working 100%.
- passing important values inside the context, no longer on arguments
- stream handler now detects wss_client, validates the token to make sure.
- then passes to was handler which invokes http.Server with oneConnListener
- removing listener wedge, going to stay with oneConnListener. It is working.
- added support for context passing between the various functions
- support for withCancel, allowing administrative canceling, and a clean up of Go Routines.
- generic listener now supports a single port for both encrypted and clear text protocols.
- employee the buffered wedge connection for peaking into the protocol
- implementation of the oneListener.
- when TLS, leveraged the NewListener which uses oneListener as n inner lister.
- once the stream is decrypted, or if it was already clear text it is passed to handleStream which performs application detection.
- connectionWedge supports reading from a connection without consuming bytes (peeking)
- allowing protocol detection
- was still connections to 3502, it will support any port (443), admin follows this port.
- matches RVPN.DAPLIE.INVALID and redirects to admin — AJ to provide authentication framework.
- api/servers is also served by this path as we’ll.
- listener_generic is the beginngins of protocol detections.
- listener_wedge is an matches the net.Listener interface, and allows passing to other processes an already accepted connection
- this does not work for HTTP for some reason.
- spent a lot of time trying to figure out why. Posted to go-nuts
- I was never able to get delve and visual studio code to work properly with this project.
- not sure if it is too complex, however a simple application could be debugged just fine.
- I’ve implemented godebug, and resolved the vendor dependancies
- now able to debug in development, and build self-contained code into QA/STAGING.
- this resolves the issues at this point.
- when testing streams to WSS client, I caused tunnel.js to abort in xfer.
- this caused a panic in go.
- found that connection was reaped and garbage collected during send routines.
- placed synchronize around a connection states.
- moved connection creation into connection table.
- allowed connections to hang around while in a false state…
- will have a go routine remove them after some idle time and connections being false.
- add support for domain_api container for JSON encoding
- separated server api containers out of the listener_admin
- added domain track to connection
- add extension to the send channel to identify domain associated to send bytes
- helper function for adding tracked domain
- implemented outbound byte counter for domain (inbound will come when we resolve the packer issues)
- collects a list of WSS servers, and the connection structure
- calculates a connection duration
- collects the bytes in/out
- encodes to JSON and sends response.
- added support for ConnByDomain which looks up existing WSS and registered domain
- passed connection table to External Listener
- on request, obtained hostname and map to domain, split the remote address and port (will go into an table eventually)
- look up the domain and find the WSS connection
- packed up the frame.
- sent down the channel.