mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 19:08:13 +00:00
cleanup old code and deps
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ set -u
go generate ./...
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-relay-linux ./cmd/telebit-relay/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-relay-macos ./cmd/telebit-relay/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-relay-windows-debug.exe ./cmd/telebit-relay/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -ldflags "-H windowsgui" -o telebit-relay-windows.exe ./cmd/telebit-relay/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-relay-linux ./cmd/telebit/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-relay-macos ./cmd/telebit/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -o telebit-relay-windows-debug.exe ./cmd/telebit/*.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod vendor -ldflags "-H windowsgui" -o telebit-relay-windows.exe ./cmd/telebit/*.go
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
package client
import (
// The Config struct holds all of the information needed to establish and handle a connection
// with the RVPN server.
type Config struct {
Server string
Token string
Insecure bool
Services RouteMap
TLSConfig *tls.Config
// Run establishes a connection with the RVPN server specified in the config. If the first attempt
// to connect fails it is assumed that something is wrong with the authentication and it will
// return an error. Otherwise it will continuously attempt to reconnect whenever the connection
// is broken.
func Run(ctx context.Context, config *Config) error {
serverURL, err := url.Parse(config.Server)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid server URL: %v", err)
if serverURL.Scheme == "" {
serverURL.Scheme = "wss"
serverURL.Path = ""
query := make(url.Values)
query.Set("access_token", config.Token)
serverURL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
dialer := websocket.Dialer{}
if config.Insecure {
dialer.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
for name, portList := range config.Services {
if _, ok := portList["*"]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(`service %s missing port for "*"`, name)
handler := NewWsHandler(config.Services, config.TLSConfig)
authenticated := false
for {
fmt.Printf("debug serverURL:\n%+v", serverURL)
if conn, _, err := dialer.Dial(serverURL.String(), nil); err == nil {
loginfo.Println("connected to remote server")
authenticated = true
handler.HandleConn(ctx, conn)
} else if !authenticated {
return fmt.Errorf("first connection to server failed - check auth: %s", err.Error())
loginfo.Println("disconnected from remote server")
// Sleep for a few seconds before trying again, but only if the context is still active
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
loginfo.Println("attempting reconnect to remote server")
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package client
// SchemeName is an alias for string (for readability)
type SchemeName = string
// DomainName is an alias for string (for readability)
type DomainName = string
// TerminalConfig indicates destination
type TerminalConfig struct {
// The localhost port to which to forward
Port int
// Whether or not to unwap the TLS
TerminateTLS bool
//Hostname string
XForward bool
// ... create react app...
// RouteMap is a map of scheme to domain to port
type RouteMap = map[SchemeName]map[DomainName]*TerminalConfig
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package client
import (
const (
logFlags = log.Ldate | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile
var (
loginfo = log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO: client: ", logFlags)
logdebug = log.New(os.Stdout, "DEBUG: client:", logFlags)
@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
package client
import (
var hostRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?im)(?:^|[\r\n])Host: *([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]`)
// WsHandler handles all of reading and writing for the websocket connection to the RVPN server
// and the TCP connections to the local servers.
type WsHandler struct {
lock sync.Mutex
localConns map[string]net.Conn
servicePorts RouteMap
ctx context.Context
dataChan chan *packer.Packer
tlsConfig *tls.Config
// NewWsHandler creates a new handler ready to be given a websocket connection. The services
// argument specifies what port each service type should be directed to on the local interface.
func NewWsHandler(services RouteMap, tlsConfig *tls.Config) *WsHandler {
return &WsHandler{
servicePorts: services,
localConns: make(map[string]net.Conn),
tlsConfig: tlsConfig,
// HandleConn handles all of the traffic on the provided websocket connection. The function
// will not return until the connection ends.
// The WsHandler is designed to handle exactly one connection at a time. If HandleConn is called
// again while the instance is still handling another connection (or if the previous connection
// failed to fully cleanup) calling HandleConn again will panic.
func (h *WsHandler) HandleConn(ctx context.Context, conn *websocket.Conn) {
if h.dataChan != nil {
panic("WsHandler.HandleConn called while handling a previous connection")
if len(h.localConns) > 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("WsHandler has lingering local connections: %v", h.localConns))
h.dataChan = make(chan *packer.Packer)
// The sub context allows us to clean up all of the goroutines associated with this websocket
// if it closes at any point for any reason.
subCtx, socketQuit := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer socketQuit()
h.ctx = subCtx
// Start the routine that will write all of the data from the local connection to the
// remote websocket connection.
go h.writeRemote(conn)
for {
_, message, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("failed to read message from websocket", err)
p, err := packer.ReadMessage(message)
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("failed to parse message from websocket", err)
func (h *WsHandler) writeRemote(wsconn *websocket.Conn) {
defer h.closeConnections()
defer func() { h.dataChan = nil }()
for {
select {
case <-h.ctx.Done():
// We can't tell if this happened because the websocket is already closed/errored or
// if it happened because the main context closed (in which case it would be preferable
// to properly close the connection). As such we try to close the connection and ignore
// all errors if it doesn't work.
message := websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseGoingAway, "closing connection")
deadline := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)
wsconn.WriteControl(websocket.CloseMessage, message, deadline)
case p := <-h.dataChan:
packed := p.PackV1()
wsconn.WriteMessage(websocket.BinaryMessage, packed.Bytes())
func (h *WsHandler) sendPackedMessage(header *packer.Header, data []byte, service string) {
p := packer.NewPacker(header)
if len(data) > 0 {
if service != "" {
// Avoid blocking on the data channel if the websocket closes or is already closed
select {
case h.dataChan <- p:
case <-h.ctx.Done():
func (h *WsHandler) getLocalConn(p *packer.Packer) net.Conn {
defer h.lock.Unlock()
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", p.Address(), p.Port())
// Simplest case: it's already open, just return it.
if conn := h.localConns[key]; conn != nil {
return conn
service := strings.ToLower(p.Service())
portList := h.servicePorts[service]
if portList == nil {
loginfo.Println("cannot open connection for invalid service", service)
return nil
var hostname string
//var terminate bool
if service == "http" {
if match := hostRegexp.FindSubmatch(p.Data.Data()); match != nil {
hostname = strings.Split(string(match[1]), ":")[0]
// TODO remove Hostname
} else if service == "https" {
hostname, _ = sni.GetHostname(p.Data.Data())
//terminate = true
} else {
hostname = "*"
if hostname == "" {
loginfo.Println("missing servername for", service, key)
return nil
hostname = strings.ToLower(hostname)
term := portList[hostname]
fmt.Println("route to", hostname, term)
if term == nil {
portList[hostname] = portList["*"]
term = portList[hostname]
if term.Port == 0 {
portList[hostname] = portList["*"]
if term.Port == 0 {
loginfo.Println("unable to determine local port for", service, hostname)
return nil
// TODO allow jumping
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", term.Port))
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("unable to open local connection on port", term.Port, err)
return nil
rconn := conn
if terminate {
rconn = tls.Server(conn, h.tlsConfig)
//rconn = tls.Client(conn, h.tlsConfig)
h.localConns[key] = rconn
loginfo.Printf("new client %q for %s:%d (%d clients)\n", key, hostname, term.Port, len(h.localConns))
go h.readLocal(key, &p.Header)
return conn
func (h *WsHandler) writeLocal(p *packer.Packer) {
conn := h.getLocalConn(p)
if conn == nil {
h.sendPackedMessage(&p.Header, nil, "error")
if p.Service() == "error" || p.Service() == "end" {
// TODO XXX where's the opposite of this?
if _, err := conn.Write(p.Data.Data()); err != nil {
h.sendPackedMessage(&p.Header, nil, "error")
loginfo.Println("failed to write to local connection", err)
func (h *WsHandler) readLocal(key string, header *packer.Header) {
conn := h.localConns[key]
defer conn.Close()
defer func() {
delete(h.localConns, key)
loginfo.Printf("closing client %q: (%d clients)\n", key, len(h.localConns))
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
for {
size, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
h.sendPackedMessage(header, nil, "end")
} else {
loginfo.Println("failed to read from local connection for", key, err)
h.sendPackedMessage(header, nil, "error")
h.sendPackedMessage(header, buf[:size], "")
func (h *WsHandler) closeConnections() {
defer h.lock.Unlock()
for _, conn := range h.localConns {
@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
golog "log"
telebit "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/mplexer"
//jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
lumberjack "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
_ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
// Loginfo TODO remove
var Loginfo = log.Loginfo
// Logdebug TODO remove
var Logdebug = log.Logdebug
func init() {
log.LogFlags = golog.Ldate | golog.Lmicroseconds | golog.Lshortfile
var (
logfile = "stdout"
configPath = "./"
configFile = "telebit-relay"
tcpPort int
argDeadTime int
connectionTable *api.Table
secretKey string
wssHostName string
adminHostName string
idle int
dwell int
cancelcheck int
loadBalanceMethod api.LoadBalanceStrategy
nickname string
acmeEmail string
acmeStorage string
acmeAgree bool
acmeStaging bool
allclients string
authURL string
acmeRelay string
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&allclients, "clients", "", "list of client:secret pairings such as example.com:secret123,foo.com:secret321")
flag.StringVar(&acmeEmail, "acme-email", "", "email to use for Let's Encrypt / ACME registration")
flag.StringVar(&acmeStorage, "acme-storage", "./acme.d/", "path to ACME storage directory")
flag.BoolVar(&acmeAgree, "acme-agree", false, "agree to the terms of the ACME service provider (required)")
flag.BoolVar(&acmeStaging, "staging", false, "get fake certificates for testing")
flag.StringVar(&authURL, "auth-url", "http://localhost:3010/api", "the auth server url")
flag.StringVar(&acmeRelay, "acme-relay-url", "", "the ACME DNS-01 relay, if any")
flag.StringVar(&adminHostName, "admin-hostname", "", "the management domain")
flag.StringVar(&wssHostName, "wss-hostname", "", "the wss domain for connecting devices, if different from admin")
flag.StringVar(&configPath, "config-path", configPath, "Configuration File Path")
flag.StringVar(&secretKey, "secret", "", "a >= 16-character random string for JWT key signing") // SECRET
flag.StringVar(&logfile, "log", logfile, "Log file (or stdout/stderr; empty for none)")
flag.IntVar(&tcpPort, "port", 0, "tcp port on which to listen") // PORT
flag.StringVar(&nickname, "nickname", "", "a nickname for this server, as an identifier") // NICKNAME
var logoutput io.Writer
// Client is a domain and secret pair
type Client struct {
domain string
secret string
//Main -- main entry point
func main() {
var err error
var provider challenge.Provider = nil
if !acmeAgree {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "set --acme-agree=true to accept the terms of the ACME service provider.\n")
clients := []Client{}
for _, pair := range strings.Split(allclients, ", ") {
if 0 == len(pair) {
keyval := strings.Split(pair, ":")
clients = append(clients, Client{
domain: keyval[0],
secret: keyval[1],
if 0 == len(secretKey) {
secretKey = os.Getenv("SECRET")
if len(secretKey) < 16 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Invalid secret: %q. See --help for details.\n", secretKey)
switch logfile {
case "stdout":
logoutput = os.Stdout
case "stderr":
logoutput = os.Stderr
case "":
logoutput = ioutil.Discard
logoutput = &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: logfile,
MaxSize: 100,
MaxAge: 120,
MaxBackups: 10,
// send the output io.Writing to the other packages
flag.IntVar(&argDeadTime, "dead-time-counter", 5, "deadtime counter in seconds")
if 0 == tcpPort {
tcpPort, _ = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("PORT"))
if 0 == tcpPort {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "must specify --port or PORT\n")
if 0 == len(adminHostName) {
adminHostName = os.Getenv("ADMIN_HOSTNAME")
if 0 == len(wssHostName) {
wssHostName = os.Getenv("WSS_HOSTNAME")
if 0 == len(wssHostName) {
wssHostName = adminHostName
// load balancer method
loadBalanceMethod = api.RoundRobin
if 0 == len(nickname) {
nickname = os.Getenv("NICKNAME")
// TODO what do these "deadtimes" do exactly?
dwell := 120
idle := 60
cancelcheck := 10
if "" != os.Getenv("GODADDY_API_KEY") {
id := os.Getenv("GODADDY_API_KEY")
secret := os.Getenv("GODADDY_API_SECRET")
if provider, err = newGoDaddyDNSProvider(id, secret); nil != err {
} else if "" != os.Getenv("DUCKDNS_TOKEN") {
if provider, err = newDuckDNSProvider(os.Getenv("DUCKDNS_TOKEN")); nil != err {
} else {
endpoint := acmeRelay
if strings.HasSuffix(endpoint, "/") {
endpoint = endpoint[:len(endpoint)-1]
endpoint += "/api/dns/"
if provider, err = newAPIDNSProvider(endpoint, *token); nil != err {
panic(errors.New("allow for fetching / creating token"))
ctx, cancelContext := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelContext()
// CertMagic is Greenlock for Go
directory := certmagic.LetsEncryptProductionCA
if acmeStaging {
directory = certmagic.LetsEncryptStagingCA
magic, err := newCertMagic(directory, acmeEmail, provider, &certmagic.FileStorage{Path: acmeStorage})
if nil != err {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to initialize certificate management (discovery url? local folder perms?): %s\n", err)
serverStatus := api.NewStatus(ctx)
serverStatus.AdminDomain = adminHostName
serverStatus.WssDomain = wssHostName
serverStatus.Name = nickname
serverStatus.DeadTime = api.NewStatusDeadTime(dwell, idle, cancelcheck)
serverStatus.LoadbalanceDefaultMethod = string(loadBalanceMethod)
connectionTable := api.NewTable(dwell, idle, loadBalanceMethod)
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
GetCertificate: func(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
return magic.GetCertificate(hello)
if false {
_, _ = magic.GetCertificate(hello)
// 1. call out to greenlock for validation
// 2. push challenges through http channel
// 3. receive certificates (or don't)
certbundleT, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("certs/fullchain.pem", "certs/privkey.pem")
certbundle := &certbundleT
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return certbundle, nil
authorizer := func(r *http.Request) (*telebit.Grants, error) {
// do we have a valid wss_client?
var tokenString string
if auth := strings.Split(r.Header.Get("Authorization"), " "); len(auth) > 1 {
// TODO handle Basic auth tokens as well
tokenString = auth[1]
if "" == tokenString {
// Browsers do not allow Authorization Headers and must use access_token query string
tokenString = r.URL.Query().Get("access_token")
if "" != r.URL.Query().Get("access_token") {
r.URL.Query().Set("access_token", "[redacted]")
grants, err := telebit.Inspect(authURL, tokenString)
tok, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
return []byte(secretKey), nil
if nil != err {
fmt.Println("return an error, do not go on")
return nil, err
if "" != r.URL.Query().Get("access_token") {
r.URL.Query().Set("access_token", "[redacted:"+grants.Subject+"]")
fmt.Printf("client claims:\n%+v\n", tok.Claims)
domains := []string{}
for _, name := range tok.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)["domains"].([]interface{}) {
domains = append(domains, name.(string))
authz := &mplexy.Authz{
Domains: grants.Domains,
return grants, err
tokenString := r.URL.Query().Get("access_token")
result, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
return []byte(secretKey), nil
if err != nil || !result.Valid {
w.Write([]byte("Not Authorized"))
Loginfo.Println("access_token invalid...closing connection")
claims := result.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
domains, ok := claims["domains"].([]interface{})
r := relay.New(ctx, tlsConfig, authorizer, serverStatus, connectionTable)
func newCertMagic(
directory string,
email string,
provider challenge.Provider,
storage certmagic.Storage,
) (*certmagic.Config, error) {
cache := certmagic.NewCache(certmagic.CacheOptions{
GetConfigForCert: func(cert certmagic.Certificate) (*certmagic.Config, error) {
// do whatever you need to do to get the right
// configuration for this certificate; keep in
// mind that this config value is used as a
// template, and will be completed with any
// defaults that are set in the Default config
return &certmagic.Config{}, nil
magic := certmagic.New(cache, certmagic.Config{
Storage: storage,
OnDemand: &certmagic.OnDemandConfig{
DecisionFunc: func(name string) error {
return nil
// Ummm... just a little confusing
magic.Issuer = certmagic.NewACMEManager(magic, certmagic.ACMEManager{
DNSProvider: provider,
CA: directory,
Email: email,
Agreed: true,
DisableHTTPChallenge: true,
DisableTLSALPNChallenge: true,
// plus any other customizations you need
return magic, nil
// newDuckDNSProvider is for the sake of demoing the tunnel
func newDuckDNSProvider(token string) (*duckdns.DNSProvider, error) {
config := duckdns.NewDefaultConfig()
config.Token = token
return duckdns.NewDNSProviderConfig(config)
// newGoDaddyDNSProvider is for the sake of demoing the tunnel
func newGoDaddyDNSProvider(id, secret string) (*godaddy.DNSProvider, error) {
config := godaddy.NewDefaultConfig()
config.APIKey = id
config.APISecret = secret
return godaddy.NewDNSProviderConfig(config)
// newAPIDNSProvider is for the sake of demoing the tunnel
func newAPIDNSProvider(baseURL string, token string) (*dns01.DNSProvider, error) {
config := dns01.NewDefaultConfig()
config.Token = token
endpoint, err := url.Parse(baseURL)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
config.Endpoint = endpoint
return dns01.NewDNSProviderConfig(config)
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import (
telebit "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/mplexer"
tbDns01 "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/mplexer/dns01"
httpshim "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/relay/tunnel"
httpshim "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/tunnel"
legoDns01 "github.com/go-acme/lego/v3/challenge/dns01"
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ require (
github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible
github.com/go-acme/lego/v3 v3.7.0
github.com/go-chi/chi v4.1.1+incompatible
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.4
github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.4.2
github.com/jmoiron/sqlx v1.2.1-0.20190826204134-d7d95172beb5
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0
@ -23,7 +22,5 @@ require (
golang.org/x/text v0.3.3 // indirect
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20200626171337-aa94e735be7f // indirect
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20200227125254-8fa46927fb4f // indirect
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0 // indirect
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200615113413-eeeca48fe776 // indirect
@ -158,8 +158,6 @@ github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20181017120253-0766667cb4d1/go.mod h1:wJfORR
github.com/gorilla/context v1.1.1/go.mod h1:kBGZzfjB9CEq2AlWe17Uuf7NDRt0dE0s8S51q0aT7Yg=
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.6.2/go.mod h1:1lud6UwP+6orDFRuTfBEV8e9/aOM/c4fVVCaMa2zaAs=
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.3/go.mod h1:1lud6UwP+6orDFRuTfBEV8e9/aOM/c4fVVCaMa2zaAs=
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.4 h1:VuZ8uybHlWmqV03+zRzdwKL4tUnIp1MAQtp1mIFE1bc=
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.4/go.mod h1:DVbg23sWSpFRCP0SfiEN6jmj59UnW/n46BH5rLB71So=
github.com/gorilla/securecookie v1.1.1 h1:miw7JPhV+b/lAHSXz4qd/nN9jRiAFV5FwjeKyCS8BvQ=
github.com/gorilla/securecookie v1.1.1/go.mod h1:ra0sb63/xPlUeL+yeDciTfxMRAA+MP+HVt/4epWDjd4=
github.com/gorilla/sessions v1.2.0 h1:S7P+1Hm5V/AT9cjEcUD5uDaQSX0OE577aCXgoaKpYbQ=
@ -567,8 +565,6 @@ gopkg.in/jcmturner/dnsutils.v1 v1.0.1/go.mod h1:m3v+5svpVOhtFAP/wSz+yzh4Mc0Fg7eR
gopkg.in/jcmturner/goidentity.v3 v3.0.0/go.mod h1:oG2kH0IvSYNIu80dVAyu/yoefjq1mNfM5bm88whjWx4=
gopkg.in/jcmturner/gokrb5.v7 v7.5.0/go.mod h1:l8VISx+WGYp+Fp7KRbsiUuXTTOnxIc3Tuvyavf11/WM=
gopkg.in/jcmturner/rpc.v1 v1.1.0/go.mod h1:YIdkC4XfD6GXbzje11McwsDuOlZQSb9W4vfLvuNnlv8=
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0 h1:1Lc07Kr7qY4U2YPouBjpCLxpiyxIVoxqXgkXLknAOE8=
gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0/go.mod h1:l0ndWWf7gzL7RNwBG7wST/UCcT4T24xpD6X8LsfU/+k=
gopkg.in/ns1/ns1-go.v2 v2.0.0-20190730140822-b51389932cbc/go.mod h1:VV+3haRsgDiVLxyifmMBrBIuCWFBPYKbRssXB9z67Hw=
gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.9.1/go.mod h1:vo52Hzryw9PnPHcJfPsBiFW62XhNx5OczbV9y+IMpgc=
gopkg.in/resty.v1 v1.12.0/go.mod h1:mDo4pnntr5jdWRML875a/NmxYqAlA73dVijT2AXvQQo=
@ -580,8 +576,6 @@ gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8 h1:obN1ZagJSUGI0Ek/LBmuj4SNLPfIny3KsKFopxRdj10=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0 h1:clyUAQHOM3G0M3f5vQj7LuJrETvjVot3Z5el9nffUtU=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c h1:dUUwHk2QECo/6vqA44rthZ8ie2QXMNeKRTHCNY2nXvo=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200615113413-eeeca48fe776 h1:tQIYjPdBoyREyB9XMu+nnTclpTYkz2zFM+lzLJFO4gQ=
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
package packer
import (
const (
_ = iota // skip the iota value of 0
packerV1 byte = 255 - iota
//Packer -- contains both header and data
type Packer struct {
Data packerData
// NewPacker creates a new Packer struct using the information from the provided header as
// its own header. (Because the header is stored directly and not as a pointer/reference
// it should be safe to override items like the service without affecting the template header.)
func NewPacker(header *Header) *Packer {
p := new(Packer)
if header != nil {
p.Header = *header
return p
func splitHeader(header []byte, names []string) (map[string]string, error) {
parts := strings.Split(string(header), ",")
if p, n := len(parts), len(names); p > n {
//return nil, fmt.Errorf("Header contains %d extra fields", p-n)
} else if p < n {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Header missing fields %q", names[p:])
result := make(map[string]string, len(names))
for ind, key := range names {
result[key] = parts[ind]
return result, nil
// ReadMessage checks the protocol and switches accordingly
func ReadMessage(b []byte) (*Packer, error) {
// Detect protocol in use
if b[0] == packerV1 {
return ReadV1Message(b)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Version %d not supported", 255-b[0])
// ReadV1Message parses a v1-formatted message
func ReadV1Message(b []byte) (*Packer, error) {
// Separate the header and body using the header length in the second byte.
p := NewPacker(nil)
header := b[2 : b[1]+2]
data := b[b[1]+2:]
// Handle the different parts of the header.
parts, err := splitHeader(header, []string{"address family", "address", "port", "data length", "service"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if familyText := parts["address family"]; familyText == addressFamilyText[FamilyIPv4] {
p.Header.family = FamilyIPv4
} else if familyText == addressFamilyText[FamilyIPv6] {
p.Header.family = FamilyIPv6
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Address family %q not supported", familyText)
p.Header.address = net.ParseIP(parts["address"])
if p.Header.address == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid network address %q", parts["address"])
} else if p.Header.family == FamilyIPv4 && p.Header.address.To4() == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Address %q is not in address family %s", parts["address"], p.Header.Family())
//handle port
if port, err := strconv.Atoi(parts["port"]); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error converting port %q: %v", parts["port"], err)
} else if port <= 0 || port > 65535 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Port %d out of range", port)
} else {
p.Header.port = port
//handle data length
if dataLen, err := strconv.Atoi(parts["data length"]); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error converting data length %q: %v", parts["data length"], err)
} else if dataLen != len(data) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Data length %d doesn't match received length %d", dataLen, len(data))
//handle Service
p.Header.service = parts["service"]
//handle payload
return p, nil
//PackV1 -- Outputs version 1 of packer
func (p *Packer) PackV1() bytes.Buffer {
header := strings.Join([]string{
}, ",")
var buf bytes.Buffer
return buf
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package packer
import (
//packerData -- Contains packer data
type packerData struct {
buffer bytes.Buffer
func (p *packerData) AppendString(dataString string) (int, error) {
return p.buffer.WriteString(dataString)
func (p *packerData) AppendBytes(dataBytes []byte) (int, error) {
return p.buffer.Write(dataBytes)
//Data --
func (p *packerData) Data() []byte {
return p.buffer.Bytes()
func (p *packerData) DataLen() int {
return p.buffer.Len()
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
package packer
import (
type addressFamily int
// The Header struct holds most of the information contained in the header for packets
// between the client and the server (the length of the data is not included here). It
// is used to uniquely identify remote connections on the servers end and to communicate
// which service the remote client is trying to connect to.
type Header struct {
family addressFamily
address net.IP
port int
service string
//Family -- ENUM for Address Family
const (
FamilyIPv4 addressFamily = iota
var addressFamilyText = [...]string{
// NewHeader create a new Header object.
func NewHeader(address string, port int, service string) (*Header, error) {
h := new(Header)
if err := h.setAddress(address); err != nil {
return nil, err
h.port = port
h.service = service
return h, nil
// setAddress parses the provided address string and automatically sets the IP family.
func (p *Header) setAddress(addr string) error {
p.address = net.ParseIP(addr)
if p.address.To4() != nil {
p.family = FamilyIPv4
} else if p.address.To16() != nil {
p.family = FamilyIPv6
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid IP address %q", addr)
return nil
// Family returns the string corresponding to the address's IP family.
func (p *Header) Family() string {
return addressFamilyText[p.family]
// Address returns the string form of the header's remote address.
func (p *Header) Address() string {
return p.address.String()
// Port returns the connected port of the remote connection.
func (p *Header) Port() int {
return p.port
// SetService overrides the header's original service. This is primarily useful
// for sending 'error' and 'end' messages.
func (p *Header) SetService(service string) {
p.service = service
// Service returns the service stored in the header.
func (p *Header) Service() string {
return p.service
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package packer
import (
var (
loginfo *log.Logger
logdebug *log.Logger
logFlags = log.Ldate | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile
func init() {
loginfo = log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO: packer: ", logFlags)
logdebug = log.New(os.Stdout, "DEBUG: packer:", logFlags)
@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
package admin
import (
const (
endPointPrefix = "/api/org.rootprojects.tunnel/"
var connectionTable *api.Table
var serverStatus *api.Status
var serverStatusAPI *api.Status
//ListenAndServe -
// - expecting an existing oneConnListener with a qualified wss client connected.
// - auth will happen again since we were just peeking at the token.
func ListenAndServe(mx *mplexy.MPlexy, adminListener net.Listener) error {
//serverStatus = mx.ctx.Value(ctxServerStatus).(*Status)
connectionTable = mx.Status.ConnectionTable
serverStatusAPI = mx.Status
router := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
router.PathPrefix("/admin/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/admin/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("html/admin"))))
router.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Println("HandleFunc /")
_, err := mx.AuthorizeAdmin(r)
if err == nil {
w.Write([]byte("TODO: handle bad auth"))
switch url := r.URL.Path; url {
case "/":
http.Redirect(w, r, "/admin", 301)
http.Error(w, "Not Found", 404)
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"domains", getDomainsEndpoint).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"domain/", getDomainEndpoint).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"domain/{domain-name}", getDomainEndpoint).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"servers", getServersEndpoint).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"server/", getServerEndpoint).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"server/{server-id}", getServerEndpoint).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc(endPointPrefix+"status/", getStatusEndpoint).Methods("GET")
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":80",
Handler: router,
return s.Serve(adminListener)
func getStatusEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
statusContainer := api.NewStatusAPI(serverStatusAPI)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
env := NewResponse("domains/GET")
env.Result = statusContainer
func getDomainsEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
domainsContainer := api.NewDomainsAPI(connectionTable.Domains)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
env := NewResponse("domains/GET")
env.Result = domainsContainer
func getDomainEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
env := NewResponse("domain/GET")
params := mux.Vars(r)
if id, ok := params["domain-name"]; !ok {
env.Error = "domain-name is missing"
env.ErrorURI = r.RequestURI
env.ErrorDescription = "domain API requires a domain-name"
} else {
domainName := id
if domainLB, ok := connectionTable.Domains[domainName]; !ok {
env.Error = "domain-name was not found"
env.ErrorURI = r.RequestURI
env.ErrorDescription = "domain-name not found"
} else {
var domainAPIContainer []*api.ServerDomainAPI
conns := domainLB.Connections()
for pos := range conns {
conn := conns[pos]
domainAPI := api.NewServerDomainAPI(conn, conn.DomainTrack[domainName])
domainAPIContainer = append(domainAPIContainer, domainAPI)
env.Result = domainAPIContainer
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
func getServersEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
serverContainer := api.NewServerAPIContainer()
for c := range connectionTable.Connections() {
serverAPI := api.NewServersAPI(c)
serverContainer.Servers = append(serverContainer.Servers, serverAPI)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
env := NewResponse("servers/GET")
env.Result = serverContainer
func getServerEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
env := NewResponse("server/GET")
params := mux.Vars(r)
if id, ok := params["server-id"]; !ok {
env.Error = "server-id is missing"
env.ErrorURI = r.RequestURI
env.ErrorDescription = "server API requires a server-id"
} else {
serverID, err := strconv.Atoi(id)
if err != nil {
env.Error = "server-id is not an integer"
env.ErrorURI = r.RequestURI
env.ErrorDescription = "server API requires a server-id"
} else {
conn, err := connectionTable.GetConnection(int64(serverID))
if err != nil {
env.Error = "server-id was not found"
env.ErrorURI = r.RequestURI
env.ErrorDescription = "missing server-id, make sure desired service-id is in servers"
} else {
serverAPI := api.NewServerAPI(conn)
env.Result = serverAPI
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package admin
import (
//Response -- Standard response structure
type Response struct {
TransactionType string `json:"type"`
Schema string `json:"schema"`
TransactionTimeStamp int64 `json:"txts"`
TransactionID int64 `json:"txid"`
Error string `json:"error"`
ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description"`
ErrorURI string `json:"error_uri"`
Result interface{} `json:"result"`
//NewResponse -- Constructor
func NewResponse(transactionType string) (p *Response) {
// TODO BUG use atomic
p = &Response{}
p.TransactionType = transactionType
p.TransactionID = transactionID
p.TransactionTimeStamp = time.Now().Unix()
p.Error = "ok"
//Generate -- encode into JSON and return string
func (e *Response) Generate() string {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
return buf.String()
//GenerateWriter --
func (e *Response) GenerateWriter(w io.Writer) {
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package admin
import (
var (
loginfo *log.Logger
logdebug *log.Logger
logFlags = log.Ldate | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile
transactionID int64
func init() {
loginfo = log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO: envelope: ", logFlags)
logdebug = log.New(os.Stdout, "DEBUG: envelope:", logFlags)
transactionID = 1
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package api
//ConnectionStats --
type ConnectionStats struct {
Connections int64
TotalConnections int64
//NewConnectionStats -- Consttuctor
func NewConnectionStats() (p *ConnectionStats) {
p = new(ConnectionStats)
p.Connections = 0
p.TotalConnections = 0
//IncConnections --
func (p *ConnectionStats) IncConnections() {
//DecConnections --
func (p *ConnectionStats) DecConnections() {
if p.Connections > 0 {
@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
var connectionID int64 = 0
// Connection track websocket and faciliates in and out data
type Connection struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
// The main connection table (should be just one of these created at startup)
connectionTable *Table
//used to track traffic for a domain. Not use for lookup or validation only for tracking
DomainTrack map[string]*DomainTrack
// The websocket connection.
conn *websocket.Conn
// Buffered channel of outbound messages.
send chan *SendTrack
// WssState channel
// Must check state via channel before xmit
// Address of the Remote End Point
source string
// serverName -- Name of the server, at this point 1st domain registered. Will likely change with JWT
serverName string
// bytes in
bytesIn int64
// bytes out
bytesOut int64
// Requests
Requests int64 // TODO atomic
// Response
Responses int64 // TODO atomic
// Connect Time
connectTime time.Time
lastUpdate time.Time
//initialDomains - a list of domains from the JWT
initialDomains []string
connectionTrack *Tracking
///wssState tracks a highlevel status of the connection, false means do nothing.
wssState bool
connectionID int64
//NewConnection -- Constructor
func NewConnection(connectionTable *Table, conn *websocket.Conn, remoteAddress string,
initialDomains []string, connectionTrack *Tracking, serverName string) (p *Connection) {
connectionID = connectionID + 1
p = new(Connection)
p.connectionTable = connectionTable
p.conn = conn
p.source = remoteAddress
p.serverName = serverName
p.bytesIn = 0
p.bytesOut = 0
p.Requests = 0
p.Responses = 0
p.send = make(chan *SendTrack)
p.connectTime = time.Now()
p.initialDomains = initialDomains
p.connectionTrack = connectionTrack
p.DomainTrack = make(map[string]*DomainTrack)
p.lastUpdate = time.Now()
for _, domain := range initialDomains {
p.connectionID = connectionID
//AddTrackedDomain -- Add a tracked domain
func (c *Connection) AddTrackedDomain(domain string) {
p := new(DomainTrack)
p.DomainName = domain
c.DomainTrack[domain] = p
//ServerName -- Property
func (c *Connection) ServerName() string {
return c.serverName
//SetServerName -- Setter
func (c *Connection) SetServerName(serverName string) {
c.serverName = serverName
//InitialDomains -- Property
func (c *Connection) InitialDomains() []string {
return c.initialDomains
//ConnectTime -- Property
func (c *Connection) ConnectTime() time.Time {
return c.connectTime
//BytesIn -- Property
func (c *Connection) BytesIn() int64 {
return c.bytesIn
//BytesOut -- Property
func (c *Connection) BytesOut() int64 {
return c.bytesOut
//SendCh -- property to sending channel
func (c *Connection) SendCh() chan *SendTrack {
return c.send
//Source --
func (c *Connection) Source() string {
return c.source
func (c *Connection) addIn(num int64) {
c.bytesIn = c.bytesIn + num
func (c *Connection) addOut(num int64) {
c.bytesOut = c.bytesOut + num
func (c *Connection) addRequests() {
// TODO atomic
func (c *Connection) addResponse() {
// TODO atomic
//ConnectionTable -- property
func (c *Connection) ConnectionTable() *Table {
return c.connectionTable
//State -- Get state of Socket...this is a high level state.
func (c *Connection) State() bool {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
return c.wssState
//SetState -- Set the set of the high level connection
func (c *Connection) SetState(state bool) {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
c.wssState = state
//Update -- updates the lastUpdate property tracking idle time
func (c *Connection) Update() {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
c.lastUpdate = time.Now()
//LastUpdate -- retrieve last update
func (c *Connection) LastUpdate() time.Time {
return c.lastUpdate
//ConnectionID - Get
func (c *Connection) ConnectionID() int64 {
return c.connectionID
//NextWriter -- Wrapper to allow a high level state check before offering NextWriter
//The libary failes if client abends during write-cycle. a fast moving write is not caught before socket state bubbles up
//A synchronised state is maintained
func (c *Connection) NextWriter(wssMessageType int) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
if c.State() {
return c.conn.NextWriter(wssMessageType)
// Is returning a nil error actually the proper thing to do here?
log.Println("NextWriter aborted, state is not true")
return nil, nil
//Write -- Wrapper to allow a high level state check before allowing a write to the socket.
func (c *Connection) Write(w io.WriteCloser, message []byte) (int, error) {
if c.State() {
return w.Write(message)
// Is returning a nil error actually the proper thing to do here?
return 0, nil
//Reader -- export the reader function
func (c *Connection) Reader(ctx context.Context) {
connectionTrack := c.connectionTrack
defer func() {
c.connectionTable.unregister <- c
log.Println("reader defer", c)
log.Println("Reader Start ", c)
for {
_, message, err := c.conn.ReadMessage()
//log.Println("ReadMessage", msgType, err)
if err != nil {
if websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseGoingAway) {
log.Printf("error: %v", err)
// unpack the message.
p, err := packer.ReadMessage(message)
if nil != err {
fmt.Println("error during msg parse:", err)
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", p.Address(), p.Port())
track, err := connectionTrack.Lookup(key)
if err != nil {
//log.Println("Unable to locate Tracking for ", key)
//Support for tracking outbound traffic based on domain.
if domainTrack, ok := c.DomainTrack[track.domain]; ok {
//if ok then add to structure, else warn there is something wrong
//log.Println("end of read")
//Writer -- expoer the writer function
func (c *Connection) Writer() {
defer c.conn.Close()
log.Println("Writer Start ", c)
for {
select {
case message := <-c.send:
w, err := c.NextWriter(websocket.BinaryMessage)
log.Println("next writer ", w)
if err != nil {
_, err = c.Write(w, message.data)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
messageLen := int64(len(message.data))
//Support for tracking outbound traffic based on domain.
if domainTrack, ok := c.DomainTrack[message.domain]; ok {
//if ok then add to structure, else warn there is something wrong
log.Println("adding ", messageLen, " to ", message.domain)
} else {
log.Println("attempting to add bytes to ", message.domain, "it does not exist")
log.Println("dt", c.DomainTrack)
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package api
//ConnectionStatsAPI --
type ConnectionStatsAPI struct {
Connections int64 `json:"current_connections"`
TotalConnections int64 `json:"total_connections"`
//NewConnectionStatsAPI -- Consttuctor
func NewConnectionStatsAPI(connections int64, totalConnections int64) (p *ConnectionStatsAPI) {
p = new(ConnectionStatsAPI)
p.Connections = connections
p.TotalConnections = totalConnections
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package api
//StatusDeadTimeAPI -- structure for deadtime configuration
type StatusDeadTimeAPI struct {
Dwell int `json:"dwell"`
Idle int `json:"idle"`
Cancelcheck int `json:"cancel_check"`
//NewStatusDeadTimeAPI -- constructor
func NewStatusDeadTimeAPI(dwell int, idle int, cancelcheck int) (p *StatusDeadTimeAPI) {
p = new(StatusDeadTimeAPI)
p.Dwell = dwell
p.Idle = idle
p.Cancelcheck = cancelcheck
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
package api
//DomainsAPI -- A collections of all the domains
//List of Domains -> DomainAPI
//DomainsAPI -> DomainServerAPI
//DomainServerAPI -- Container for Server Stats related to a domain
type DomainServerAPI struct {
ServerName string `json:"server_name"`
Traffic TrafficAPI `json:"traffic"`
//NewDomainServerAPI -- Constructor
func NewDomainServerAPI(domain string, conn *Connection) (p *DomainServerAPI) {
p = new(DomainServerAPI)
dt := conn.DomainTrack[domain]
p.Traffic.BytesIn = dt.BytesIn()
p.Traffic.BytesOut = dt.BytesOut()
p.Traffic.Requests = dt.Requests()
p.Traffic.Responses = dt.Responses()
p.ServerName = conn.ServerName()
//DomainAPI -- Container for domain and related servers
type DomainAPI struct {
DomainName string `json:"domain_name"`
TotalServers int `json:"server_total"`
Servers []*DomainServerAPI `json:"servers"`
Traffic TrafficAPI `json:"traffic"`
//NewDomainAPI -- Constructor
func NewDomainAPI(domain string, domainLoadBalance *DomainLoadBalance) (p *DomainAPI) {
p = new(DomainAPI)
p.DomainName = domain
for pos := range domainLoadBalance.Connections() {
ds := NewDomainServerAPI(domain, domainLoadBalance.Connections()[pos])
p.Servers = append(p.Servers, ds)
p.Traffic.BytesIn += domainLoadBalance.Connections()[pos].BytesIn()
p.Traffic.BytesOut += domainLoadBalance.Connections()[pos].BytesOut()
p.Traffic.Requests += domainLoadBalance.Connections()[pos].Requests
p.Traffic.Responses += domainLoadBalance.Connections()[pos].Responses
//DomainsAPI -- Container for Domains
type DomainsAPI struct {
TotalDomains int `json:"domain_total"`
Domains []*DomainAPI `json:"domains"`
Traffic TrafficAPI `json:"traffic"`
//NewDomainsAPI -- Constructor
func NewDomainsAPI(domains map[string]*DomainLoadBalance) (p *DomainsAPI) {
p = new(DomainsAPI)
for domain := range domains {
d := NewDomainAPI(domain, domains[domain])
p.Domains = append(p.Domains, d)
p.Traffic.BytesIn += d.Traffic.BytesIn
p.Traffic.BytesOut += d.Traffic.BytesOut
p.Traffic.Requests += d.Traffic.Requests
p.Traffic.Responses += d.Traffic.Responses
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
type LoadBalanceStrategy string
const (
UnSupported LoadBalanceStrategy = "unsuported"
RoundRobin LoadBalanceStrategy = "round-robin"
LeastConnections LoadBalanceStrategy = "least-connections"
//DomainLoadBalance -- Use as a structure for domain connections
//and load balancing those connections. Initial modes are round-robin
//but suspect we will need least-connections, and sticky
type DomainLoadBalance struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
//lb method, supported round robin.
method LoadBalanceStrategy
//the last connection based on calculation
lastmember int
// a list of connections in this load balancing context
connections []*Connection
//a counter to track total connections, so we aren't calling len all the time
count int
//true if the system belives a recalcuation is required
recalc bool
//NewDomainLoadBalance -- Constructor
func NewDomainLoadBalance(defaultMethod LoadBalanceStrategy) (p *DomainLoadBalance) {
p = new(DomainLoadBalance)
p.method = defaultMethod
p.lastmember = 0
p.count = 0
//Connections -- Access connections
func (p *DomainLoadBalance) Connections() []*Connection {
return p.connections
//NextMember -- increments the lastmember, and then checks if >= to count, if true
//the last is reset to 0
func (p *DomainLoadBalance) NextMember() (conn *Connection) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
//check for round robin, if not RR then drop out and call calculate
log.Println("NextMember:", p)
if p.method == RoundRobin {
if p.lastmember >= p.count {
p.lastmember = 0
nextConn := p.connections[p.lastmember]
return nextConn
// Not round robin
switch method := p.method; method {
panic(fmt.Errorf("fatal unsupported loadbalance method %s", method))
//AddConnection -- Add an additional connection to the list of connections for this domain
//this should not affect the next member calculation in RR. However it many in other
func (p *DomainLoadBalance) AddConnection(conn *Connection) []*Connection {
log.Println("AddConnection", fmt.Sprintf("%p", conn))
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
p.connections = append(p.connections, conn)
log.Println("AddConnection", p)
return p.connections
//RemoveConnection -- removes a matching connection from the list. This may
//affect the nextmember calculation if found so the recalc flag is set.
func (p *DomainLoadBalance) RemoveConnection(conn *Connection) {
log.Println("RemoveConnection", fmt.Sprintf("%p", conn))
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
//scan all the connections
for pos := range p.connections {
log.Println("RemoveConnection", pos, len(p.connections), p.count)
if p.connections[pos] == conn {
//found connection remove it
log.Printf("found connection %p", conn)
p.connections[pos], p.connections = p.connections[len(p.connections)-1], p.connections[:len(p.connections)-1]
log.Println("RemoveConnection:", p)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package api
//DomainMapping --
type DomainMapping struct {
connection *Connection
domainName string
err int
connCh chan bool
//ConnCh -- Property
func (c *DomainMapping) ConnCh() chan bool {
return c.connCh
//NewDomainMapping -- Constructor
func NewDomainMapping(connection *Connection, domain string) (p *DomainMapping) {
p = new(DomainMapping)
p.connection = connection
p.domainName = domain
p.err = -1
p.connCh = make(chan bool)
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
//Registration -- A connection registration structure used to bring up a connection
//connection table will then handle additing and sdtarting up the various readers
//else error.
type Registration struct {
// The websocket connection.
conn *websocket.Conn
// Address of the Remote End Point
source string
// serverName
serverName string
// communications channel between go routines
commCh chan bool
//initialDomains - a list of domains from the JWT
initialDomains []string
connectionTrack *Tracking
//NewRegistration -- Constructor
func NewRegistration(conn *websocket.Conn, remoteAddress string, initialDomains []string, connectionTrack *Tracking, serverName string) (p *Registration) {
p = new(Registration)
p.conn = conn
p.source = remoteAddress
p.serverName = serverName
p.commCh = make(chan bool)
p.initialDomains = initialDomains
p.connectionTrack = connectionTrack
//CommCh -- Property
func (c *Registration) CommCh() chan bool {
return c.commCh
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package api
import "sync"
type adminReqType string
const (
adminStatus adminReqType = "admin_status"
adminDomain adminReqType = "admin_domain"
adminDomains adminReqType = "admin_domains"
adminServer adminReqType = "admin_server"
adminServers adminReqType = "admin_servers"
//AdminReqType --
type AdminReqType struct {
mutex *sync.Mutex
RequestType map[adminReqType]int64
//NewAdminReqType -- Constructor
func NewAdminReqType() (p *AdminReqType) {
p = new(AdminReqType)
p.mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
p.RequestType = make(map[adminReqType]int64)
func (p *AdminReqType) add(reqType adminReqType) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := p.RequestType[reqType]; ok {
} else {
p.RequestType[reqType] = int64(1)
func (p *AdminReqType) get(reqType adminReqType) (total int64) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := p.RequestType[reqType]; ok {
total = p.RequestType[reqType]
} else {
total = 0
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
package api
//SendTrack -- Used as a channel communication to id domain asssociated to domain for outbound WSS
type SendTrack struct {
data []byte
domain string
//NewSendTrack -- Constructor
func NewSendTrack(data []byte, domain string) (p *SendTrack) {
p = new(SendTrack)
p.data = data
p.domain = domain
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
package api
//ServerDomainsAPI -- Structure to support the server API
type ServerDomainsAPI struct {
DomainName string `json:"domain_name"`
ServerID int64 `json:"server_id"`
BytesIn int64 `json:"bytes_in"`
BytesOut int64 `json:"bytes_out"`
Requests int64 `json:"requests"`
Responses int64 `json:"responses"`
//NewServerDomainsAPI - Constructor
func NewServerDomainsAPI(c *Connection, d *DomainTrack) (s *ServerDomainsAPI) {
s = new(ServerDomainsAPI)
s.DomainName = d.DomainName
s.ServerID = c.ConnectionID()
s.BytesIn = d.BytesIn()
s.BytesOut = d.BytesOut()
s.Requests = d.Requests()
s.Responses = d.Responses()
//ServerDomainsAPIContainer -- Holder for all the Servers
type ServerDomainsAPIContainer struct {
Domains []*ServerDomainsAPI `json:"domains"`
//NewServerDomainsAPIContainer -- Constructor
func NewServerDomainsAPIContainer() (p *ServerDomainsAPIContainer) {
p = new(ServerDomainsAPIContainer)
p.Domains = make([]*ServerDomainsAPI, 0)
return p
//ServerDomainAPI -- Structure to support the server API
type ServerDomainAPI struct {
DomainName string `json:"domain_name"`
ServerID int64 `json:"server_id"`
BytesIn int64 `json:"bytes_in"`
BytesOut int64 `json:"bytes_out"`
Requests int64 `json:"requests"`
Responses int64 `json:"responses"`
Source string `json:"source_addr"`
//NewServerDomainAPI - Constructor
func NewServerDomainAPI(c *Connection, d *DomainTrack) (s *ServerDomainAPI) {
s = new(ServerDomainAPI)
s.DomainName = d.DomainName
s.ServerID = c.ConnectionID()
s.BytesIn = d.BytesIn()
s.BytesOut = d.BytesOut()
s.Requests = d.Requests()
s.Responses = d.Responses()
s.Source = c.Source()
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
//ServerAPI -- Structure to support the server API
type ServerAPI struct {
ServerName string `json:"server_name"`
ServerID int64 `json:"server_id"`
Domains []*ServerDomainAPI `json:"domains"`
Duration float64 `json:"duration"`
Idle float64 `json:"idle"`
BytesIn int64 `json:"bytes_in"`
BytesOut int64 `json:"bytes_out"`
Source string `json:"source_address"`
State bool `json:"server_state"`
//NewServerAPI - Constructor
func NewServerAPI(c *Connection) (s *ServerAPI) {
s = new(ServerAPI)
s.ServerName = c.ServerName()
s.ServerID = c.ConnectionID()
s.Domains = make([]*ServerDomainAPI, 0)
s.Duration = time.Since(c.ConnectTime()).Seconds()
s.Idle = time.Since(c.LastUpdate()).Seconds()
s.BytesIn = c.BytesIn()
s.BytesOut = c.BytesOut()
s.Source = c.Source()
for domainName := range c.DomainTrack {
domainAPI := NewServerDomainAPI(c, c.DomainTrack[domainName])
s.Domains = append(s.Domains, domainAPI)
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
//ServersAPI -- Structure to support the server API
type ServersAPI struct {
ServerName string `json:"server_name"`
ServerID int64 `json:"server_id"`
Domains []*ServerDomainAPI `json:"domains"`
Duration float64 `json:"duration"`
Idle float64 `json:"idle"`
BytesIn int64 `json:"bytes_in"`
BytesOut int64 `json:"bytes_out"`
Requests int64 `json:"requests"`
Responses int64 `json:"responses"`
Source string `json:"source_address"`
State bool `json:"server_state"`
//NewServersAPI - Constructor
func NewServersAPI(c *Connection) (s *ServersAPI) {
s = new(ServersAPI)
s.ServerName = c.ServerName()
s.ServerID = c.ConnectionID()
s.Domains = make([]*ServerDomainAPI, 0)
s.Duration = time.Since(c.ConnectTime()).Seconds()
s.Idle = time.Since(c.LastUpdate()).Seconds()
s.BytesIn = c.BytesIn()
s.BytesOut = c.BytesOut()
s.Requests = c.Requests
s.Responses = c.Responses
s.Source = c.Source()
s.State = c.State()
for d := range c.DomainTrack {
dt := c.DomainTrack[d]
domainAPI := NewServerDomainAPI(c, dt)
s.Domains = append(s.Domains, domainAPI)
//ServerAPIContainer -- Holder for all the Servers
type ServerAPIContainer struct {
Servers []*ServersAPI `json:"servers"`
//NewServerAPIContainer -- Constructor
func NewServerAPIContainer() (p *ServerAPIContainer) {
p = new(ServerAPIContainer)
p.Servers = make([]*ServersAPI, 0)
return p
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package api
//TrafficStats --
type TrafficStats struct {
Requests int64
Responses int64
BytesIn int64
BytesOut int64
//NewTrafficStats -- Consttuctor
func NewTrafficStats() (p *TrafficStats) {
p = new(TrafficStats)
p.Requests = 0
p.Responses = 0
p.BytesIn = 0
p.BytesOut = 0
//IncRequests --
func (p *TrafficStats) IncRequests() {
//IncResponses --
func (p *TrafficStats) IncResponses() {
//AddBytesIn --
func (p *TrafficStats) AddBytesIn(count int64) {
p.BytesIn = p.BytesIn + count
//AddBytesOut --
func (p *TrafficStats) AddBytesOut(count int64) {
p.BytesOut = p.BytesOut + count
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
//StatusAPI -- Structure to support the server API
type StatusAPI struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Uptime float64 `json:"uptime"`
WssDomain string `json:"wss_domain"`
AdminDomain string `json:"admin_domain"`
LoadbalanceDefaultMethod string `json:"loadbalance_default_method"`
DeadTime *StatusDeadTimeAPI `json:"dead_time"`
AdminStats *TrafficAPI `json:"admin_traffic"`
TrafficStats *TrafficAPI `json:"traffic"`
ExtConnections *ConnectionStatsAPI `json:"ext_connections"`
WSSConnections *ConnectionStatsAPI `json:"wss_connections"`
//NewStatusAPI - Constructor
func NewStatusAPI(c *Status) (s *StatusAPI) {
s = new(StatusAPI)
s.Name = c.Name
s.Uptime = time.Since(c.StartTime).Seconds()
s.WssDomain = c.WssDomain
s.AdminDomain = c.AdminDomain
s.LoadbalanceDefaultMethod = string(c.LoadbalanceDefaultMethod)
s.DeadTime = NewStatusDeadTimeAPI(c.DeadTime.dwell, c.DeadTime.idle, c.DeadTime.Cancelcheck)
s.AdminStats = NewTrafficAPI(c.AdminStats.Requests, c.AdminStats.Responses, c.AdminStats.BytesIn, c.AdminStats.BytesOut)
s.TrafficStats = NewTrafficAPI(c.TrafficStats.Requests, c.TrafficStats.Responses, c.TrafficStats.BytesIn, c.TrafficStats.BytesOut)
s.ExtConnections = NewConnectionStatsAPI(c.ExtConnections.Connections, c.ExtConnections.TotalConnections)
s.WSSConnections = NewConnectionStatsAPI(c.WSSConnections.Connections, c.ExtConnections.TotalConnections)
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package api
//StatusDeadTime -- structure for deadtime configuration
type StatusDeadTime struct {
dwell int
idle int
Cancelcheck int
//NewStatusDeadTime -- constructor
func NewStatusDeadTime(dwell, idle, cancelcheck int) (p *StatusDeadTime) {
p = new(StatusDeadTime)
p.dwell = dwell
p.idle = idle
p.Cancelcheck = cancelcheck
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
//Status --
type Status struct {
ctx context.Context
Name string
StartTime time.Time
WssDomain string
AdminDomain string
DeadTime *StatusDeadTime
ConnectionTracking *Tracking
ConnectionTable *Table
LoadbalanceDefaultMethod string
AdminStats *TrafficStats
AdminReqTyoe *AdminReqType
TrafficStats *TrafficStats
ExtConnections *ConnectionStats
WSSConnections *ConnectionStats
//servers *MPlexy
//NewStatus --
func NewStatus(ctx context.Context) (p *Status) {
p = new(Status)
p.ctx = ctx
p.AdminStats = new(TrafficStats)
p.TrafficStats = new(TrafficStats)
p.ExtConnections = new(ConnectionStats)
p.WSSConnections = new(ConnectionStats)
// TODO any reason not to set StartTime like this?
p.StartTime = time.Now()
return p
// South Facing Functions
//WSSConnectionRegister --
func (p *Status) WSSConnectionRegister(newRegistration *Registration) {
p.ConnectionTable.Register() <- newRegistration
//WSSConnectionUnregister --
//unregisters a south facing connection
//intercept and update global statistics
func (p *Status) WSSConnectionUnregister() {
// External Facing Functions
//ExtConnectionRegister --
//registers an ext facing connection
//intercept and update global statistics
func (p *Status) ExtConnectionRegister(newTrack *Track) {
p.ConnectionTracking.register <- newTrack
//ExtConnectionUnregister --
//unregisters an ext facing connection
//intercept and update global statistics
func (p *Status) ExtConnectionUnregister(extConn *tunnel.WedgeConn) {
p.ConnectionTracking.unregister <- extConn
//SendExtRequest --
//sends a request to a south facing connection
//intercept the send, update our global stats
func (p *Status) SendExtRequest(conn *Connection, sendTrack *SendTrack) {
conn.SendCh() <- sendTrack
@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
const (
initialDomains = 0
incrementDomains = 0
//Table maintains the set of connections
type Table struct {
connections map[*Connection][]string
Domains map[string]*DomainLoadBalance
register chan *Registration
unregister chan *Connection
domainAnnounce chan *DomainMapping
domainRevoke chan *DomainMapping
dwell int
idle int
balanceMethod LoadBalanceStrategy
//NewTable -- consructor
func NewTable(dwell, idle int, balanceMethod LoadBalanceStrategy) (p *Table) {
p = new(Table)
p.connections = make(map[*Connection][]string)
p.Domains = make(map[string]*DomainLoadBalance)
p.register = make(chan *Registration)
p.unregister = make(chan *Connection)
p.domainAnnounce = make(chan *DomainMapping)
p.domainRevoke = make(chan *DomainMapping)
p.dwell = dwell
p.idle = idle
p.balanceMethod = balanceMethod
//Connections Property
func (c *Table) Connections() map[*Connection][]string {
return c.connections
//ConnByDomain -- Obtains a connection from a domain announcement. A domain may be announced more than once
//if that is the case the system stores these connections and then sends traffic back round-robin
//back to the WSS connections
func (c *Table) ConnByDomain(domain string) (*Connection, bool) {
for dn := range c.Domains {
log.Println("[table]", dn, domain)
if domainsLB, ok := c.Domains[domain]; ok {
log.Println("[table] found")
conn := domainsLB.NextMember()
return conn, ok
return nil, false
//reaper --
func (c *Table) reaper(delay int, idle int) {
_ = "breakpoint"
for {
log.Println("[table] Reaper waiting for ", delay, " seconds")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Second)
log.Println("[table] Running scanning ", len(c.connections))
for d := range c.connections {
if !d.State() {
if time.Since(d.lastUpdate).Seconds() > float64(idle) {
log.Println("[table] reaper removing ", d.lastUpdate, time.Since(d.lastUpdate).Seconds())
delete(c.connections, d)
//GetConnection -- find connection by server-id
func (c *Table) GetConnection(serverID int64) (*Connection, error) {
for conn := range c.connections {
if conn.ConnectionID() == serverID {
return conn, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Server-id %d not found", serverID)
//Run -- Execute
func (c *Table) Run(ctx context.Context) {
log.Println("[table] ConnectionTable starting")
go c.reaper(c.dwell, c.idle)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Println("[table] Cancel signal hit")
case registration := <-c.register:
log.Println("[table] register fired")
connection := NewConnection(c, registration.conn, registration.source, registration.initialDomains,
registration.connectionTrack, registration.serverName)
c.connections[connection] = make([]string, initialDomains)
registration.commCh <- true
// handle initial domain additions
for _, domain := range connection.initialDomains {
// add to the domains regirstation
newDomain := domain
log.Println("[table] adding domain ", newDomain, " to connection ", connection.conn.RemoteAddr().String())
//check to see if domain is already present.
if _, ok := c.Domains[newDomain]; ok {
//append to a list of connections for that domain
} else {
//if not, then add as the 1st to the list of connections
c.Domains[newDomain] = NewDomainLoadBalance(c.balanceMethod)
// add to the connection domain list
s := c.connections[connection]
c.connections[connection] = append(s, newDomain)
go connection.Writer()
go connection.Reader(ctx)
case connection := <-c.unregister:
log.Println("[table] closing connection ", connection.conn.RemoteAddr().String())
//does connection exist in the connection table -- should never be an issue
if _, ok := c.connections[connection]; ok {
//iterate over the connections for the domain
for _, domain := range c.connections[connection] {
log.Println("[table] remove domain", domain)
//removing domain, make sure it is present (should never be a problem)
if _, ok := c.Domains[domain]; ok {
domainLB := c.Domains[domain]
//check to see if domain is free of connections, if yes, delete map entry
if domainLB.count > 0 {
//ignore...perhaps we will do something here dealing wtih the lb method
} else {
delete(c.Domains, domain)
//delete(c.connections, connection)
case domainMapping := <-c.domainAnnounce:
log.Println("[table] domainMapping fired ", domainMapping)
//check to make sure connection is already regiered, you can no register a domain without an apporved connection
//if connection, ok := connections[domainMapping.connection]; ok {
//} else {
//Register -- Property
func (c *Table) Register() chan *Registration {
return c.register
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
package api
//DomainTrack -- Tracking specifics for domains
type DomainTrack struct {
DomainName string
bytesIn int64
bytesOut int64
requests int64
responses int64
//NewDomainTrack -- Constructor
func NewDomainTrack(domainName string) (p *DomainTrack) {
p = new(DomainTrack)
p.DomainName = domainName
p.bytesIn = 0
p.bytesOut = 0
p.requests = 0
p.responses = 0
//BytesIn -- Property
func (c *DomainTrack) BytesIn() int64 {
return c.bytesIn
//BytesOut -- Property
func (c *DomainTrack) BytesOut() int64 {
return c.bytesOut
//AddIn - Property
func (c *DomainTrack) AddIn(num int64) {
c.bytesIn = c.bytesIn + num
//AddOut -- Property
func (c *DomainTrack) AddOut(num int64) {
c.bytesOut = c.bytesOut + num
//AddRequests - Property
func (c *DomainTrack) AddRequests() {
c.requests = c.requests + 1
//AddResponses - Property
func (c *DomainTrack) AddResponses() {
c.responses = c.responses + 1
//Requests -- Property
func (c *DomainTrack) Requests() int64 {
return c.requests
//Responses -- Property
func (c *DomainTrack) Responses() int64 {
return c.responses
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
//Track -- used to track connection + domain
type Track struct {
conn net.Conn
domain string
//NewTrack -- Constructor
func NewTrack(conn net.Conn, domain string) (p *Track) {
p = new(Track)
p.conn = conn
p.domain = domain
//Tracking --
type Tracking struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
connections map[string]*Track
register chan *Track
unregister chan net.Conn
//NewTracking -- Constructor
func NewTracking() (p *Tracking) {
p = new(Tracking)
p.connections = make(map[string]*Track)
p.register = make(chan *Track)
p.unregister = make(chan net.Conn)
//Run -
func (p *Tracking) Run(ctx context.Context) {
log.Println("[track] Tracking Running")
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Println("[track] Cancel signal hit")
case connection := <-p.register:
key := connection.conn.RemoteAddr().String()
log.Println("[track] register fired", key)
p.connections[key] = connection
case connection := <-p.unregister:
key := connection.RemoteAddr().String()
log.Println("[track] unregister fired", key)
if _, ok := p.connections[key]; ok {
delete(p.connections, key)
func (p *Tracking) list() {
for c := range p.connections {
log.Println("[track] list", c)
//Lookup --
// - get connection from key
func (p *Tracking) Lookup(key string) (*Track, error) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := p.connections[key]; ok {
return p.connections[key], nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lookup failed for %s", key)
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package api
//TrafficStats --
type TrafficAPI struct {
Requests int64
Responses int64
BytesIn int64
BytesOut int64
//NewTrafficStats -- Consttuctor
func NewTrafficAPI(requests, responses, bytesIn, bytesOut int64) (p *TrafficAPI) {
p = new(TrafficAPI)
p.Requests = requests
p.Responses = responses
p.BytesIn = bytesIn
p.BytesOut = bytesOut
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
package mplexy
import (
type contextKey string
const (
ctxServerStatus contextKey = "serverstatus"
ctxConfig contextKey = "tlsConfig"
ctxListenerRegistration contextKey = "listenerRegistration"
ctxConnectionTrack contextKey = "connectionTrack"
ctxWssHostName contextKey = "wsshostname"
ctxCancelCheck contextKey = "cancelcheck"
ctxLoadbalanceDefaultMethod contextKey = "lbdefaultmethod"
//ctxConnectionTable contextKey = "connectionTable"
// TODO isn't this restriction in the TLS lib?
// or are we just pre-checking for remote hosts?
type tlsScheme int
const (
encryptNone tlsScheme = iota
// multiListenAndServe -- used to lisen for any https traffic on 443 (8443)
// - setup generic TCP listener, unencrypted TCP, with a Deadtime out
// - leaverage the wedgeConn to peek into the buffer.
// - if TLS, consume connection with TLS certbundle, pass to request identifier
// - else, just pass to the request identififer
func (mx *MPlexy) multiListenAndServe(ctx context.Context, listenerRegistration *ListenerRegistration) {
loginfo.Println(":" + string(listenerRegistration.port))
cancelCheck := ctx.Value(ctxCancelCheck).(int)
listenAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(listenerRegistration.port))
if nil != err {
ln, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", listenAddr)
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("unable to bind", err)
listenerRegistration.status = listenerFault
listenerRegistration.err = err
listenerRegistration.commCh <- listenerRegistration
listenerRegistration.status = listenerAdded
listenerRegistration.commCh <- listenerRegistration
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
loginfo.Println("Cancel signal hit")
ln.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Duration(cancelCheck) * time.Second))
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if nil != err {
if opErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && opErr.Timeout() {
fmt.Println("New connection from %v on %v", conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())
// TODO maybe put these into something like mx.newConnCh and have an mx.Accept()?
wedgeConn := tunnel.NewWedgeConn(conn)
go mx.accept(ctx, wedgeConn)
//accept -
// - accept a wedgeConnection along with all the other required attritvues
// - peek into the buffer, determine TLS or unencrypted
// - if TSL, then terminate with a TLS endpoint, pass to acceptEcryptedStream
// - if clearText, pass to acceptPlainStream
func (mx *MPlexy) accept(ctx context.Context, wConn *tunnel.WedgeConn) {
peekCnt := 10
encryptMode := encryptNone
loginfo.Println("new conn", wConn, wConn.LocalAddr().String(), wConn.RemoteAddr().String())
peek, err := wConn.Peek(peekCnt)
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("error while peeking")
//take a look for a TLS header.
if bytes.Contains(peek[0:0], []byte{0x80}) && bytes.Contains(peek[2:4], []byte{0x01, 0x03}) {
encryptMode = encryptSSLV2
} else if bytes.Contains(peek[0:3], []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x00}) {
encryptMode = encryptSSLV3
} else if bytes.Contains(peek[0:3], []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x01}) {
encryptMode = encryptTLS10
} else if bytes.Contains(peek[0:3], []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x02}) {
encryptMode = encryptTLS11
} else if bytes.Contains(peek[0:3], []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x03}) {
encryptMode = encryptTLS12
} else if bytes.Contains(peek[0:3], []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x04}) {
encryptMode = encryptTLS13
if encryptMode == encryptSSLV2 {
loginfo.Println("<= SSLv2 is not accepted")
if encryptMode == encryptNone {
loginfo.Println("Handle Unencrypted")
mx.acceptPlainStream(ctx, wConn, false)
loginfo.Println("Handle Encryption")
mx.acceptEncryptedStream(ctx, wConn)
func (mx *MPlexy) acceptEncryptedStream(ctx context.Context, wConn *tunnel.WedgeConn) {
// Peek at SNI (ServerName) from TLS Hello header
peek, err := wConn.PeekAll()
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("Bad socket: read error from", wConn.RemoteAddr(), err)
sniHostName, err := sni.GetHostname(peek)
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("Bad socket: no SNI from", wConn.RemoteAddr(), err)
loginfo.Println("SNI:", sniHostName)
if sniHostName == mx.wssHostName || sniHostName == mx.adminHostName {
// The TLS should be terminated and handled internally
tlsConfig := ctx.Value(ctxConfig).(*tls.Config)
conn := tls.Server(wConn, tlsConfig)
tlsWedgeConn := tunnel.NewWedgeConn(conn)
mx.acceptPlainStream(ctx, tlsWedgeConn, true)
//oneConn := &oneConnListener{wConn}
// TLS remains intact and shall be routed downstream, wholesale
loginfo.Println("processing non terminating traffic", mx.wssHostName, sniHostName)
go mx.routeToTarget(ctx, wConn, sniHostName, "https")
//acceptPlainStream --
// - we have an unencrypted stream connection with the ability to peek
// - attempt to identify HTTP
// - handle http
// - attempt to identify as WSS session
// - attempt to identify as ADMIN/API session
// - else handle as raw http
// - handle other?
func (mx *MPlexy) acceptPlainStream(ctx context.Context, wConn *tunnel.WedgeConn, encrypted bool) {
loginfo.Println("Plain Conn", wConn.LocalAddr().String(), wConn.RemoteAddr().String())
// TODO couldn't reading everything be dangerous? Or is it limited to a single packet?
peek, err := wConn.PeekAll()
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("error while peeking", err)
// TODO handle by TCP port as well
// (which needs a short read timeout since servers expect clients to say hello)
// HTTP Identifcation // CRLF
if !bytes.Contains(peek[:], []byte{0x0d, 0x0a}) {
//string protocol
if !bytes.ContainsAny(peek[:], "HTTP/") {
loginfo.Println("identified HTTP")
r, err := http.ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(peek)))
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("identified as HTTP, failed request parsing", err)
var hostname string
host := strings.Split(r.Host, ":")
if len(host) > 0 {
hostname = host[0]
if hostname == InvalidAdminDomain {
// TODO mx.Admin.CheckRemoteIP(conn) here
// handle admin path
if hostname == mx.wssHostName &&
("Upgrade" == r.Header.Get("Connection") || "WebSocket" == r.Header.Get("Upgrade")) {
loginfo.Println("WebSocket Upgrade is in order...")
if hostname == mx.adminHostName {
loginfo.Println("matched admin hostname")
// TODO mx.Admin.CheckRemoteIP(conn) here
// handle admin path
// TODO sniHostName is the key to the route, which could also be a port or hostname
//traffic not terminating on the rvpn do not decrypt
loginfo.Println("processing non terminating traffic", mx.wssHostName, r.Host)
if !encrypted {
// TODO request and cache http resources as a feature??
go mx.routeToTarget(ctx, wConn, hostname, "http")
// This is not presently possible
loginfo.Println("impossible condition: local decryption of routable client", mx.wssHostName, r.Host)
go mx.routeToTarget(ctx, wConn, r.Host, "https")
//routeToTarget -
// - get a wConn and start processing requests
func (mx *MPlexy) routeToTarget(ctx context.Context, extConn *tunnel.WedgeConn, hostname, service string) {
// TODO is this the right place to do this?
defer extConn.Close()
//connectionTracking := ctx.Value(ctxConnectionTrack).(*Tracking)
serverStatus := ctx.Value(ctxServerStatus).(*api.Status)
defer func() {
//find the connection by domain name
conn, ok := serverStatus.ConnectionTable.ConnByDomain(hostname)
if !ok {
//matching connection can not be found based on ConnByDomain
loginfo.Println("unable to match ", hostname, " to an existing connection")
//http.Error(, "Domain not supported", http.StatusBadRequest)
track := api.NewTrack(extConn, hostname)
remoteStr := extConn.RemoteAddr().String()
loginfo.Println("Domain Accepted", hostname, remoteStr)
var header *packer.Header
if rAddr, rPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(remoteStr); err != nil {
loginfo.Println("unable to decode hostport", remoteStr, err)
} else if port, err := strconv.Atoi(rPort); err != nil {
loginfo.Printf("unable to parse port string %q: %v\n", rPort, err)
} else if header, err = packer.NewHeader(rAddr, port, service); err != nil {
loginfo.Println("unable to create packer header", err)
if header == nil {
for {
fmt.Println("xxyyzz buffer")
buffer, err := extConn.PeekAll()
if err != nil {
loginfo.Println("unable to peekAll", err)
loginfo.Println("Before Packer", hex.Dump(buffer))
p := packer.NewPacker(header)
buf := p.PackV1()
//Bundle up the send request and dispatch
sendTrack := api.NewSendTrack(buf.Bytes(), hostname)
serverStatus.SendExtRequest(conn, sendTrack)
cnt := len(buffer)
if _, err = extConn.Discard(cnt); err != nil {
loginfo.Println("unable to discard", cnt, err)
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
package mplexy
import (
telebit "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/mplexer"
// InvalidAdminDomain is for bootstrapping the setup of a relay device
var InvalidAdminDomain = "admin.telebit.invalid"
var loginfo = log.Loginfo
var connectionID int64 = 0
//ListenerRegistrationStatus - post registration status
type ListenerRegistrationStatus int
// Authz represents grants or privileges of a client
// clientID
// domains that may be forwarded
// # of domains that may be forwarded
// ports that may be forwarded (i.e. allow special ports < 1024, exclude 443, 25, etc)
// # of ports that may be forwarded
// # of concurrent conections
// # bandwith rate (i.e. 5 mbps)
// # bandwith cap per time period (i.e. 100 MB / hour)
// # throttled rate (i.e. 0 (kill), or 1 mbps)
type Authz struct {
Domains []string
const (
listenerAdded ListenerRegistrationStatus = iota
//ListenerRegistration -- A connection registration structure used to bring up a connection
//connection table will then handle additing and sdtarting up the various readers
//else error.
type ListenerRegistration struct {
// The websocket connection.
listener *net.Listener
// The listener port
port int
// The status
status ListenerRegistrationStatus
// The error
err error
// communications channel between go routines
commCh chan *ListenerRegistration
//NewListenerRegistration -- Constructor
func NewListenerRegistration(port int) (p *ListenerRegistration) {
p = new(ListenerRegistration)
p.port = port
p.commCh = make(chan *ListenerRegistration)
return p
// MPlexy -
type MPlexy struct {
listeners map[*net.Listener]int
ctx context.Context
connnectionTable *api.Table
connectionTracking *api.Tracking
AuthorizeTarget telebit.Authorizer
AuthorizeAdmin telebit.Authorizer
tlsConfig *tls.Config
register chan *ListenerRegistration
wssHostName string
adminHostName string
cancelCheck int
lbDefaultMethod string
Status *api.Status
AcceptTargetServer func(net.Conn)
AcceptAdminClient func(net.Conn)
// New creates tcp (and https and wss?) listeners
func New(
ctx context.Context,
tlsConfig *tls.Config,
authAdmin telebit.Authorizer,
authz telebit.Authorizer,
serverStatus *api.Status,
) (mx *MPlexy) {
mx = &MPlexy{
listeners: make(map[*net.Listener]int),
ctx: ctx,
connnectionTable: serverStatus.ConnectionTable,
connectionTracking: serverStatus.ConnectionTracking,
AuthorizeTarget: authz,
AuthorizeAdmin: authz,
tlsConfig: tlsConfig,
register: make(chan *ListenerRegistration),
wssHostName: serverStatus.WssDomain,
adminHostName: serverStatus.AdminDomain,
cancelCheck: serverStatus.DeadTime.Cancelcheck,
lbDefaultMethod: serverStatus.LoadbalanceDefaultMethod,
Status: serverStatus,
return mx
// AdminDomain returns the Admin Domain as set on startup
func (mx *MPlexy) AdminDomain() string {
return mx.adminHostName
//Run -- Execute
// - execute the GenericLister
// - pass initial port, we'll announce that
func (mx *MPlexy) Run() error {
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] ConnectionTable starting")
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] ct ", mx.connectionTracking)
ctx := mx.ctx
// For just this bit
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxConnectionTrack, mx.connectionTracking)
// For all Listeners
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxConfig, mx.tlsConfig)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxListenerRegistration, mx.register)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxWssHostName, mx.wssHostName)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxCancelCheck, mx.cancelCheck)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxLoadbalanceDefaultMethod, mx.lbDefaultMethod)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxServerStatus, mx.Status)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] Cancel signal hit")
return nil
case registration := <-mx.register:
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] register fired", registration.port)
// check to see if port is already running
for listener := range mx.listeners {
if mx.listeners[listener] == registration.port {
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] listener already running", registration.port)
registration.status = listenerExists
registration.commCh <- registration
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] listener starting up ", registration.port)
loginfo.Println("[mplexy]", ctx.Value(ctxConnectionTrack).(*api.Tracking))
go mx.multiListenAndServe(ctx, registration)
status := <-registration.commCh
if status.status == listenerAdded {
mx.listeners[status.listener] = status.port
} else if status.status == listenerFault {
loginfo.Println("[mplexy] Unable to create a new listerer", registration.port)
return nil
// Start calls go Run()
func (mx *MPlexy) Start() {
go mx.Run()
// MultiListenAndServe starts another listener (to the same application) on a new port
func (mx *MPlexy) MultiListenAndServe(port int) {
// TODO how to associate a listening device with a given plain port
mx.register <- NewListenerRegistration(port)
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
package relay
import (
telebit "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/mplexer"
// Relay is probably a layer that doesn't need to exist
type Relay struct {
ctx context.Context
status *api.Status
mx *mplexy.MPlexy
table *api.Table
// New initializes and returns a relay service
func New(ctx context.Context, tlsConfig *tls.Config, authz telebit.Authorizer, status *api.Status, table *api.Table) *Relay {
// TODO do we need this already setup here? or is it just for logging?
status.ConnectionTracking = api.NewTracking()
status.ConnectionTable = table
authAdmin := authz
r := &Relay{
ctx: ctx,
status: status,
table: table,
mx: mplexy.New(ctx, tlsConfig, authAdmin, authz, status), // TODO Accept
return r
// ListenAndServe sets up all of the tcp, http, https, and tunnel servers
func (r *Relay) ListenAndServe(port int) error {
serverStatus := r.status
// Setup for GenericListenServe.
// - establish context for the generic listener
// - startup listener
// - accept with peek buffer.
// - peek at the 1st 30 bytes.
// - check for tls
// - if tls, establish, protocol peek buffer, else decrypted
// - match protocol
go r.status.ConnectionTracking.Run(r.ctx)
go serverStatus.ConnectionTable.Run(r.ctx)
//serverStatus.GenericListeners = genericListeners
// blocks until it can listen, which it can't until started
go r.mx.MultiListenAndServe(port)
// funnel target devices into WebSocket pool
tunnelListener := tunnel.NewListener()
r.mx.AcceptTargetServer = func(conn net.Conn) {
go listenAndServeTargets(r.mx, tunnelListener)
// funnel admin clients to API
adminListener := tunnel.NewListener()
r.mx.AcceptAdminClient = func(conn net.Conn) {
go admin.ListenAndServe(r.mx, adminListener)
return r.mx.Run()
func listenAndServeTargets(mx *mplexy.MPlexy, listener net.Listener) error {
serverStatus := mx.Status
router := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
router.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Println("HandleFunc /")
switch url := r.URL.Path; url {
case "/":
log.Println("websocket opening ", r.RemoteAddr, " ", r.Host)
authz, err := mx.AuthorizeTarget(r)
if nil != err {
log.Println("WebSocket authorization failed", err)
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: 65535,
WriteBufferSize: 65535,
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("WebSocket upgrade failed", err)
log.Println("before connection table")
serverName := authz.Domains[0]
newRegistration := api.NewRegistration(conn, r.RemoteAddr, authz.Domains, serverStatus.ConnectionTracking, serverName)
if ok := <-newRegistration.CommCh(); !ok {
log.Println("connection registration failed ", newRegistration)
log.Println("connection registration accepted ", newRegistration)
// TODO setup for http/2
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":80",
Handler: router,
return s.Serve(listener)
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
# Docker Deployment for RVPN
- install docker 1.13, or the latest stable CE release (Testing on MAC using 17.03.0-ce-mac1 (15583))
- validate installation
hcamacho@Hanks-MBP:rvpn-docker $ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.11.2, build dfed245
hcamacho@Hanks-MBP:rvpn-docker $ docker --version
Docker version 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb22
- checkout code into gopath
cd $GOPATH/src/git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86
git clone git@git.coolaj86.com:coolaj86/go-telebitd.git
cd telebit-relay
go get
## Execute Container Deployment
- prep
cd rvpn-docker
hcamacho@Hanks-MBP:rvpn-docker $ docker-compose build
Building rvpn
Step 1/3 : FROM golang:1.7.5
---> 5cfb16b630ef
Step 2/3 : LABEL maintainer "henry.f.camacho@gmail.com"
---> Running in 5cdffef8e33d
---> f7e09c097612
Removing intermediate container 5cdffef8e33d
Step 3/3 : WORKDIR "/telebit-relay"
---> 182aa9c814f2
Removing intermediate container f136550d6d48
Successfully built 182aa9c814f2
- execute container
hcamacho@Hanks-MBP:rvpn-docker $ docker-compose up
Creating network "rvpndocker_default" with the default driver
Creating rvpndocker_rvpn_1
Attaching to rvpndocker_rvpn_1
rvpn_1 | INFO: packer: 2017/03/04 18:13:00.994955 main.go:47: startup
rvpn_1 | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000063 conn_tracking.go:25: Tracking Running
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000067 connection_table.go:67: ConnectionTable starting
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000214 connection_table.go:50: Reaper waiting for 300 seconds
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:00.999757 manager.go:77: ConnectionTable starting
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000453 manager.go:84: &{map[] 0xc4200124e0 0xc420012540}
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000505 manager.go:100: register fired 8443
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000613 manager.go:110: listener starting up 8443
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000638 manager.go:111: &{map[] 0xc4200124e0 0xc420012540}
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:01.000696 listener_generic.go:55: :
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242287 listener_generic.go:87: Deadtime reached
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242596 listener_generic.go:114: conn &{0xc420120000 0xc42011e000}
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242627 listener_generic.go:131: TLS10
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242641 listener_generic.go:148: Handle Encryption
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242654 one_conn.go:22: Accept
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242699 listener_generic.go:177: handle Stream
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.242722 listener_generic.go:178: conn &{0xc420120060 0xc420126000}
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.266803 listener_generic.go:191: identifed HTTP
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.267797 listener_generic.go:207: Valid WSS dected...sending to handler
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.267926 one_conn.go:32: addr
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.267947 one_conn.go:22: Accept
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.268045 one_conn.go:17: Accept
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.268062 one_conn.go:27: close
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.268066 listener_generic.go:421: Serve error: EOF
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.268707 listener_generic.go:366: HandleFunc /
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.268727 listener_generic.go:369: websocket opening localhost.rootprojects.org:8443
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.269264 listener_generic.go:397: before connection table
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.269321 connection_table.go:79: register fired
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.269523 connection_table.go:90: adding domain hfc.rootprojects.org to connection
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.269602 connection_table.go:90: adding domain test1.hfc.rootprojects.org to connection
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.269821 listener_generic.go:410: connection registration accepted &{0xc42012af00 0xc420120ea0 [hfc.rootprojects.org test1.hfc.rootprojects.org] 0xc4200f49c0}
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.270168 connection.go:200: Reader Start &{0xc420104990 0xc420077560 map[hfc.rootprojects.org:0xc4201ee7a0 test1.hfc.rootprojects.org:0xc4201ee7c0] 0xc42012af00 0xc420120f00 0 0 {63624247982 269492963 0x8392a0} {0 0 <nil>} [hfc.rootprojects.org test1.hfc.rootprojects.org] 0xc4200f49c0 true}
rvpn_1 | INFO: genericlistener: 2017/03/04 18:13:02.270281 connection.go:242: Writer Start &{0xc420104990 0xc420077560 map[hfc.rootprojects.org:0xc4201ee7a0 test1.hfc.rootprojects.org:0xc4201ee7c0] 0xc42012af00 0xc420120f00 0 0 {63624247982 269492963 0x8392a0} {0 0 <nil>} [hfc.rootprojects.org test1.hfc.rootprojects.org] 0xc4200f49c0 true}
The line "Connection Registration Accepted indicates a client WSS registered, was authenticated and registered its domains with the RVPN
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
version: '2.0'
build: rvpn/.
- "8443:8443"
- go build -mod vendor ./cmd/telebitd/ && ./telebitd
- "8843"
- $GOPATH/:/go
- ../:/go-telebitd
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
FROM golang:1.14
LABEL maintainer "aj@therootcompany.com"
WORKDIR "/telebit-relay"
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
docker-compose run --entrypoint "/bin/bash" rvpn
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# This is the official list of gorilla/mux authors for copyright purposes.
# Please keep the list sorted.
Google LLC (https://opensource.google.com/)
Kamil Kisielk <kamil@kamilkisiel.net>
Matt Silverlock <matt@eatsleeprepeat.net>
Rodrigo Moraes (https://github.com/moraes)
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2012-2018 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
# gorilla/mux
[](https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/mux)
[](https://circleci.com/gh/gorilla/mux)
[](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/gorilla/mux?badge)

Package `gorilla/mux` implements a request router and dispatcher for matching incoming requests to
their respective handler.
The name mux stands for "HTTP request multiplexer". Like the standard `http.ServeMux`, `mux.Router` matches incoming requests against a list of registered routes and calls a handler for the route that matches the URL or other conditions. The main features are:
* It implements the `http.Handler` interface so it is compatible with the standard `http.ServeMux`.
* Requests can be matched based on URL host, path, path prefix, schemes, header and query values, HTTP methods or using custom matchers.
* URL hosts, paths and query values can have variables with an optional regular expression.
* Registered URLs can be built, or "reversed", which helps maintaining references to resources.
* Routes can be used as subrouters: nested routes are only tested if the parent route matches. This is useful to define groups of routes that share common conditions like a host, a path prefix or other repeated attributes. As a bonus, this optimizes request matching.
* [Install](#install)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Matching Routes](#matching-routes)
* [Static Files](#static-files)
* [Serving Single Page Applications](#serving-single-page-applications) (e.g. React, Vue, Ember.js, etc.)
* [Registered URLs](#registered-urls)
* [Walking Routes](#walking-routes)
* [Graceful Shutdown](#graceful-shutdown)
* [Middleware](#middleware)
* [Handling CORS Requests](#handling-cors-requests)
* [Testing Handlers](#testing-handlers)
* [Full Example](#full-example)
## Install
With a [correctly configured](https://golang.org/doc/install#testing) Go toolchain:
go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux
## Examples
Let's start registering a couple of URL paths and handlers:
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", HomeHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles", ArticlesHandler)
http.Handle("/", r)
Here we register three routes mapping URL paths to handlers. This is equivalent to how `http.HandleFunc()` works: if an incoming request URL matches one of the paths, the corresponding handler is called passing (`http.ResponseWriter`, `*http.Request`) as parameters.
Paths can have variables. They are defined using the format `{name}` or `{name:pattern}`. If a regular expression pattern is not defined, the matched variable will be anything until the next slash. For example:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/", ArticlesCategoryHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler)
The names are used to create a map of route variables which can be retrieved calling `mux.Vars()`:
func ArticlesCategoryHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Category: %v\n", vars["category"])
And this is all you need to know about the basic usage. More advanced options are explained below.
### Matching Routes
Routes can also be restricted to a domain or subdomain. Just define a host pattern to be matched. They can also have variables:
r := mux.NewRouter()
// Only matches if domain is "www.example.com".
// Matches a dynamic subdomain.
There are several other matchers that can be added. To match path prefixes:
...or HTTP methods:
r.Methods("GET", "POST")
...or URL schemes:
...or header values:
r.Headers("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
...or query values:
r.Queries("key", "value")
...or to use a custom matcher function:
r.MatcherFunc(func(r *http.Request, rm *RouteMatch) bool {
return r.ProtoMajor == 0
...and finally, it is possible to combine several matchers in a single route:
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler).
Routes are tested in the order they were added to the router. If two routes match, the first one wins:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/specific", specificHandler)
Setting the same matching conditions again and again can be boring, so we have a way to group several routes that share the same requirements. We call it "subrouting".
For example, let's say we have several URLs that should only match when the host is `www.example.com`. Create a route for that host and get a "subrouter" from it:
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.Host("www.example.com").Subrouter()
Then register routes in the subrouter:
s.HandleFunc("/products/", ProductsHandler)
s.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
s.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler)
The three URL paths we registered above will only be tested if the domain is `www.example.com`, because the subrouter is tested first. This is not only convenient, but also optimizes request matching. You can create subrouters combining any attribute matchers accepted by a route.
Subrouters can be used to create domain or path "namespaces": you define subrouters in a central place and then parts of the app can register its paths relatively to a given subrouter.
There's one more thing about subroutes. When a subrouter has a path prefix, the inner routes use it as base for their paths:
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.PathPrefix("/products").Subrouter()
// "/products/"
s.HandleFunc("/", ProductsHandler)
// "/products/{key}/"
s.HandleFunc("/{key}/", ProductHandler)
// "/products/{key}/details"
s.HandleFunc("/{key}/details", ProductDetailsHandler)
### Static Files
Note that the path provided to `PathPrefix()` represents a "wildcard": calling
`PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(...)` means that the handler will be passed any
request that matches "/static/\*". This makes it easy to serve static files with mux:
func main() {
var dir string
flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", ".", "the directory to serve files from. Defaults to the current dir")
r := mux.NewRouter()
// This will serve files under http://localhost:8000/static/<filename>
r.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(dir))))
srv := &http.Server{
Handler: r,
Addr: "",
// Good practice: enforce timeouts for servers you create!
WriteTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
### Serving Single Page Applications
Most of the time it makes sense to serve your SPA on a separate web server from your API,
but sometimes it's desirable to serve them both from one place. It's possible to write a simple
handler for serving your SPA (for use with React Router's [BrowserRouter](https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/BrowserRouter) for example), and leverage
mux's powerful routing for your API endpoints.
package main
import (
// spaHandler implements the http.Handler interface, so we can use it
// to respond to HTTP requests. The path to the static directory and
// path to the index file within that static directory are used to
// serve the SPA in the given static directory.
type spaHandler struct {
staticPath string
indexPath string
// ServeHTTP inspects the URL path to locate a file within the static dir
// on the SPA handler. If a file is found, it will be served. If not, the
// file located at the index path on the SPA handler will be served. This
// is suitable behavior for serving an SPA (single page application).
func (h spaHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get the absolute path to prevent directory traversal
path, err := filepath.Abs(r.URL.Path)
if err != nil {
// if we failed to get the absolute path respond with a 400 bad request
// and stop
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
// prepend the path with the path to the static directory
path = filepath.Join(h.staticPath, path)
// check whether a file exists at the given path
_, err = os.Stat(path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// file does not exist, serve index.html
http.ServeFile(w, r, filepath.Join(h.staticPath, h.indexPath))
} else if err != nil {
// if we got an error (that wasn't that the file doesn't exist) stating the
// file, return a 500 internal server error and stop
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// otherwise, use http.FileServer to serve the static dir
http.FileServer(http.Dir(h.staticPath)).ServeHTTP(w, r)
func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/api/health", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// an example API handler
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(map[string]bool{"ok": true})
spa := spaHandler{staticPath: "build", indexPath: "index.html"}
srv := &http.Server{
Handler: router,
Addr: "",
// Good practice: enforce timeouts for servers you create!
WriteTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
### Registered URLs
Now let's see how to build registered URLs.
Routes can be named. All routes that define a name can have their URLs built, or "reversed". We define a name calling `Name()` on a route. For example:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).
To build a URL, get the route and call the `URL()` method, passing a sequence of key/value pairs for the route variables. For the previous route, we would do:
url, err := r.Get("article").URL("category", "technology", "id", "42")
...and the result will be a `url.URL` with the following path:
This also works for host and query value variables:
r := mux.NewRouter()
Queries("filter", "{filter}").
// url.String() will be "http://news.example.com/articles/technology/42?filter=gorilla"
url, err := r.Get("article").URL("subdomain", "news",
"category", "technology",
"id", "42",
"filter", "gorilla")
All variables defined in the route are required, and their values must conform to the corresponding patterns. These requirements guarantee that a generated URL will always match a registered route -- the only exception is for explicitly defined "build-only" routes which never match.
Regex support also exists for matching Headers within a route. For example, we could do:
r.HeadersRegexp("Content-Type", "application/(text|json)")
...and the route will match both requests with a Content-Type of `application/json` as well as `application/text`
There's also a way to build only the URL host or path for a route: use the methods `URLHost()` or `URLPath()` instead. For the previous route, we would do:
// "http://news.example.com/"
host, err := r.Get("article").URLHost("subdomain", "news")
// "/articles/technology/42"
path, err := r.Get("article").URLPath("category", "technology", "id", "42")
And if you use subrouters, host and path defined separately can be built as well:
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.Host("{subdomain}.example.com").Subrouter()
// "http://news.example.com/articles/technology/42"
url, err := r.Get("article").URL("subdomain", "news",
"category", "technology",
"id", "42")
### Walking Routes
The `Walk` function on `mux.Router` can be used to visit all of the routes that are registered on a router. For example,
the following prints all of the registered routes:
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handler)
r.HandleFunc("/products", handler).Methods("POST")
r.HandleFunc("/articles", handler).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{id}", handler).Methods("GET", "PUT")
r.HandleFunc("/authors", handler).Queries("surname", "{surname}")
err := r.Walk(func(route *mux.Route, router *mux.Router, ancestors []*mux.Route) error {
pathTemplate, err := route.GetPathTemplate()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("ROUTE:", pathTemplate)
pathRegexp, err := route.GetPathRegexp()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Path regexp:", pathRegexp)
queriesTemplates, err := route.GetQueriesTemplates()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Queries templates:", strings.Join(queriesTemplates, ","))
queriesRegexps, err := route.GetQueriesRegexp()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Queries regexps:", strings.Join(queriesRegexps, ","))
methods, err := route.GetMethods()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Methods:", strings.Join(methods, ","))
return nil
if err != nil {
http.Handle("/", r)
### Graceful Shutdown
Go 1.8 introduced the ability to [gracefully shutdown](https://golang.org/doc/go1.8#http_shutdown) a `*http.Server`. Here's how to do that alongside `mux`:
package main
import (
func main() {
var wait time.Duration
flag.DurationVar(&wait, "graceful-timeout", time.Second * 15, "the duration for which the server gracefully wait for existing connections to finish - e.g. 15s or 1m")
r := mux.NewRouter()
// Add your routes as needed
srv := &http.Server{
Addr: "",
// Good practice to set timeouts to avoid Slowloris attacks.
WriteTimeout: time.Second * 15,
ReadTimeout: time.Second * 15,
IdleTimeout: time.Second * 60,
Handler: r, // Pass our instance of gorilla/mux in.
// Run our server in a goroutine so that it doesn't block.
go func() {
if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
// We'll accept graceful shutdowns when quit via SIGINT (Ctrl+C)
// SIGKILL, SIGQUIT or SIGTERM (Ctrl+/) will not be caught.
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
// Block until we receive our signal.
// Create a deadline to wait for.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), wait)
defer cancel()
// Doesn't block if no connections, but will otherwise wait
// until the timeout deadline.
// Optionally, you could run srv.Shutdown in a goroutine and block on
// <-ctx.Done() if your application should wait for other services
// to finalize based on context cancellation.
log.Println("shutting down")
### Middleware
Mux supports the addition of middlewares to a [Router](https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/mux#Router), which are executed in the order they are added if a match is found, including its subrouters.
Middlewares are (typically) small pieces of code which take one request, do something with it, and pass it down to another middleware or the final handler. Some common use cases for middleware are request logging, header manipulation, or `ResponseWriter` hijacking.
Mux middlewares are defined using the de facto standard type:
type MiddlewareFunc func(http.Handler) http.Handler
Typically, the returned handler is a closure which does something with the http.ResponseWriter and http.Request passed to it, and then calls the handler passed as parameter to the MiddlewareFunc. This takes advantage of closures being able access variables from the context where they are created, while retaining the signature enforced by the receivers.
A very basic middleware which logs the URI of the request being handled could be written as:
func loggingMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Do stuff here
// Call the next handler, which can be another middleware in the chain, or the final handler.
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
Middlewares can be added to a router using `Router.Use()`:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handler)
A more complex authentication middleware, which maps session token to users, could be written as:
// Define our struct
type authenticationMiddleware struct {
tokenUsers map[string]string
// Initialize it somewhere
func (amw *authenticationMiddleware) Populate() {
amw.tokenUsers["00000000"] = "user0"
amw.tokenUsers["aaaaaaaa"] = "userA"
amw.tokenUsers["05f717e5"] = "randomUser"
amw.tokenUsers["deadbeef"] = "user0"
// Middleware function, which will be called for each request
func (amw *authenticationMiddleware) Middleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
token := r.Header.Get("X-Session-Token")
if user, found := amw.tokenUsers[token]; found {
// We found the token in our map
log.Printf("Authenticated user %s\n", user)
// Pass down the request to the next middleware (or final handler)
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
} else {
// Write an error and stop the handler chain
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handler)
amw := authenticationMiddleware{}
Note: The handler chain will be stopped if your middleware doesn't call `next.ServeHTTP()` with the corresponding parameters. This can be used to abort a request if the middleware writer wants to. Middlewares _should_ write to `ResponseWriter` if they _are_ going to terminate the request, and they _should not_ write to `ResponseWriter` if they _are not_ going to terminate it.
### Handling CORS Requests
[CORSMethodMiddleware](https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/mux#CORSMethodMiddleware) intends to make it easier to strictly set the `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` response header.
* You will still need to use your own CORS handler to set the other CORS headers such as `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`
* The middleware will set the `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` header to all the method matchers (e.g. `r.Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodPut, http.MethodOptions)` -> `Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,PUT,OPTIONS`) on a route
* If you do not specify any methods, then:
> _Important_: there must be an `OPTIONS` method matcher for the middleware to set the headers.
Here is an example of using `CORSMethodMiddleware` along with a custom `OPTIONS` handler to set all the required CORS headers:
package main
import (
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
// IMPORTANT: you must specify an OPTIONS method matcher for the middleware to set CORS headers
r.HandleFunc("/foo", fooHandler).Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodPut, http.MethodPatch, http.MethodOptions)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)
func fooHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
if r.Method == http.MethodOptions {
And an request to `/foo` using something like:
curl localhost:8080/foo -v
Would look like:
* Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET /foo HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.59.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,PUT,PATCH,OPTIONS
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 20:13:30 GMT
< Content-Length: 3
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
### Testing Handlers
Testing handlers in a Go web application is straightforward, and _mux_ doesn't complicate this any further. Given two files: `endpoints.go` and `endpoints_test.go`, here's how we'd test an application using _mux_.
First, our simple HTTP handler:
// endpoints.go
package main
func HealthCheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// A very simple health check.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// In the future we could report back on the status of our DB, or our cache
// (e.g. Redis) by performing a simple PING, and include them in the response.
io.WriteString(w, `{"alive": true}`)
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/health", HealthCheckHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", r))
Our test code:
// endpoints_test.go
package main
import (
func TestHealthCheckHandler(t *testing.T) {
// Create a request to pass to our handler. We don't have any query parameters for now, so we'll
// pass 'nil' as the third parameter.
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/health", nil)
if err != nil {
// We create a ResponseRecorder (which satisfies http.ResponseWriter) to record the response.
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler := http.HandlerFunc(HealthCheckHandler)
// Our handlers satisfy http.Handler, so we can call their ServeHTTP method
// directly and pass in our Request and ResponseRecorder.
handler.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
// Check the status code is what we expect.
if status := rr.Code; status != http.StatusOK {
t.Errorf("handler returned wrong status code: got %v want %v",
status, http.StatusOK)
// Check the response body is what we expect.
expected := `{"alive": true}`
if rr.Body.String() != expected {
t.Errorf("handler returned unexpected body: got %v want %v",
rr.Body.String(), expected)
In the case that our routes have [variables](#examples), we can pass those in the request. We could write
[table-driven tests](https://dave.cheney.net/2013/06/09/writing-table-driven-tests-in-go) to test multiple
possible route variables as needed.
// endpoints.go
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
// A route with a route variable:
r.HandleFunc("/metrics/{type}", MetricsHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", r))
Our test file, with a table-driven test of `routeVariables`:
// endpoints_test.go
func TestMetricsHandler(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct{
routeVariable string
shouldPass bool
{"goroutines", true},
{"heap", true},
{"counters", true},
{"queries", true},
{"adhadaeqm3k", false},
for _, tc := range tt {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/metrics/%s", tc.routeVariable)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
if err != nil {
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
// Need to create a router that we can pass the request through so that the vars will be added to the context
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/metrics/{type}", MetricsHandler)
router.ServeHTTP(rr, req)
// In this case, our MetricsHandler returns a non-200 response
// for a route variable it doesn't know about.
if rr.Code == http.StatusOK && !tc.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("handler should have failed on routeVariable %s: got %v want %v",
tc.routeVariable, rr.Code, http.StatusOK)
## Full Example
Here's a complete, runnable example of a small `mux` based server:
package main
import (
func YourHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
// Routes consist of a path and a handler function.
r.HandleFunc("/", YourHandler)
// Bind to a port and pass our router in
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", r))
## License
BSD licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.
@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
The name mux stands for "HTTP request multiplexer". Like the standard
http.ServeMux, mux.Router matches incoming requests against a list of
registered routes and calls a handler for the route that matches the URL
or other conditions. The main features are:
* Requests can be matched based on URL host, path, path prefix, schemes,
header and query values, HTTP methods or using custom matchers.
* URL hosts, paths and query values can have variables with an optional
regular expression.
* Registered URLs can be built, or "reversed", which helps maintaining
references to resources.
* Routes can be used as subrouters: nested routes are only tested if the
parent route matches. This is useful to define groups of routes that
share common conditions like a host, a path prefix or other repeated
attributes. As a bonus, this optimizes request matching.
* It implements the http.Handler interface so it is compatible with the
standard http.ServeMux.
Let's start registering a couple of URL paths and handlers:
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", HomeHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles", ArticlesHandler)
http.Handle("/", r)
Here we register three routes mapping URL paths to handlers. This is
equivalent to how http.HandleFunc() works: if an incoming request URL matches
one of the paths, the corresponding handler is called passing
(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) as parameters.
Paths can have variables. They are defined using the format {name} or
{name:pattern}. If a regular expression pattern is not defined, the matched
variable will be anything until the next slash. For example:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/", ArticlesCategoryHandler)
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler)
Groups can be used inside patterns, as long as they are non-capturing (?:re). For example:
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{sort:(?:asc|desc|new)}", ArticlesCategoryHandler)
The names are used to create a map of route variables which can be retrieved
calling mux.Vars():
vars := mux.Vars(request)
category := vars["category"]
Note that if any capturing groups are present, mux will panic() during parsing. To prevent
this, convert any capturing groups to non-capturing, e.g. change "/{sort:(asc|desc)}" to
"/{sort:(?:asc|desc)}". This is a change from prior versions which behaved unpredictably
when capturing groups were present.
And this is all you need to know about the basic usage. More advanced options
are explained below.
Routes can also be restricted to a domain or subdomain. Just define a host
pattern to be matched. They can also have variables:
r := mux.NewRouter()
// Only matches if domain is "www.example.com".
// Matches a dynamic subdomain.
There are several other matchers that can be added. To match path prefixes:
...or HTTP methods:
r.Methods("GET", "POST")
...or URL schemes:
...or header values:
r.Headers("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
...or query values:
r.Queries("key", "value")
...or to use a custom matcher function:
r.MatcherFunc(func(r *http.Request, rm *RouteMatch) bool {
return r.ProtoMajor == 0
...and finally, it is possible to combine several matchers in a single route:
r.HandleFunc("/products", ProductsHandler).
Setting the same matching conditions again and again can be boring, so we have
a way to group several routes that share the same requirements.
We call it "subrouting".
For example, let's say we have several URLs that should only match when the
host is "www.example.com". Create a route for that host and get a "subrouter"
from it:
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.Host("www.example.com").Subrouter()
Then register routes in the subrouter:
s.HandleFunc("/products/", ProductsHandler)
s.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
s.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}"), ArticleHandler)
The three URL paths we registered above will only be tested if the domain is
"www.example.com", because the subrouter is tested first. This is not
only convenient, but also optimizes request matching. You can create
subrouters combining any attribute matchers accepted by a route.
Subrouters can be used to create domain or path "namespaces": you define
subrouters in a central place and then parts of the app can register its
paths relatively to a given subrouter.
There's one more thing about subroutes. When a subrouter has a path prefix,
the inner routes use it as base for their paths:
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.PathPrefix("/products").Subrouter()
// "/products/"
s.HandleFunc("/", ProductsHandler)
// "/products/{key}/"
s.HandleFunc("/{key}/", ProductHandler)
// "/products/{key}/details"
s.HandleFunc("/{key}/details", ProductDetailsHandler)
Note that the path provided to PathPrefix() represents a "wildcard": calling
PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(...) means that the handler will be passed any
request that matches "/static/*". This makes it easy to serve static files with mux:
func main() {
var dir string
flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", ".", "the directory to serve files from. Defaults to the current dir")
r := mux.NewRouter()
// This will serve files under http://localhost:8000/static/<filename>
r.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(dir))))
srv := &http.Server{
Handler: r,
Addr: "",
// Good practice: enforce timeouts for servers you create!
WriteTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
Now let's see how to build registered URLs.
Routes can be named. All routes that define a name can have their URLs built,
or "reversed". We define a name calling Name() on a route. For example:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).
To build a URL, get the route and call the URL() method, passing a sequence of
key/value pairs for the route variables. For the previous route, we would do:
url, err := r.Get("article").URL("category", "technology", "id", "42")
...and the result will be a url.URL with the following path:
This also works for host and query value variables:
r := mux.NewRouter()
Queries("filter", "{filter}").
// url.String() will be "http://news.domain.com/articles/technology/42?filter=gorilla"
url, err := r.Get("article").URL("subdomain", "news",
"category", "technology",
"id", "42",
"filter", "gorilla")
All variables defined in the route are required, and their values must
conform to the corresponding patterns. These requirements guarantee that a
generated URL will always match a registered route -- the only exception is
for explicitly defined "build-only" routes which never match.
Regex support also exists for matching Headers within a route. For example, we could do:
r.HeadersRegexp("Content-Type", "application/(text|json)")
...and the route will match both requests with a Content-Type of `application/json` as well as
There's also a way to build only the URL host or path for a route:
use the methods URLHost() or URLPath() instead. For the previous route,
we would do:
// "http://news.domain.com/"
host, err := r.Get("article").URLHost("subdomain", "news")
// "/articles/technology/42"
path, err := r.Get("article").URLPath("category", "technology", "id", "42")
And if you use subrouters, host and path defined separately can be built
as well:
r := mux.NewRouter()
s := r.Host("{subdomain}.domain.com").Subrouter()
// "http://news.domain.com/articles/technology/42"
url, err := r.Get("article").URL("subdomain", "news",
"category", "technology",
"id", "42")
Mux supports the addition of middlewares to a Router, which are executed in the order they are added if a match is found, including its subrouters. Middlewares are (typically) small pieces of code which take one request, do something with it, and pass it down to another middleware or the final handler. Some common use cases for middleware are request logging, header manipulation, or ResponseWriter hijacking.
type MiddlewareFunc func(http.Handler) http.Handler
Typically, the returned handler is a closure which does something with the http.ResponseWriter and http.Request passed to it, and then calls the handler passed as parameter to the MiddlewareFunc (closures can access variables from the context where they are created).
A very basic middleware which logs the URI of the request being handled could be written as:
func simpleMw(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Do stuff here
// Call the next handler, which can be another middleware in the chain, or the final handler.
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
Middlewares can be added to a router using `Router.Use()`:
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handler)
A more complex authentication middleware, which maps session token to users, could be written as:
// Define our struct
type authenticationMiddleware struct {
tokenUsers map[string]string
// Initialize it somewhere
func (amw *authenticationMiddleware) Populate() {
amw.tokenUsers["00000000"] = "user0"
amw.tokenUsers["aaaaaaaa"] = "userA"
amw.tokenUsers["05f717e5"] = "randomUser"
amw.tokenUsers["deadbeef"] = "user0"
// Middleware function, which will be called for each request
func (amw *authenticationMiddleware) Middleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
token := r.Header.Get("X-Session-Token")
if user, found := amw.tokenUsers[token]; found {
// We found the token in our map
log.Printf("Authenticated user %s\n", user)
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
} else {
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handler)
amw := authenticationMiddleware{tokenUsers: make(map[string]string)}
Note: The handler chain will be stopped if your middleware doesn't call `next.ServeHTTP()` with the corresponding parameters. This can be used to abort a request if the middleware writer wants to.
package mux
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
module github.com/gorilla/mux
go 1.12
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
package mux
import (
// MiddlewareFunc is a function which receives an http.Handler and returns another http.Handler.
// Typically, the returned handler is a closure which does something with the http.ResponseWriter and http.Request passed
// to it, and then calls the handler passed as parameter to the MiddlewareFunc.
type MiddlewareFunc func(http.Handler) http.Handler
// middleware interface is anything which implements a MiddlewareFunc named Middleware.
type middleware interface {
Middleware(handler http.Handler) http.Handler
// Middleware allows MiddlewareFunc to implement the middleware interface.
func (mw MiddlewareFunc) Middleware(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
return mw(handler)
// Use appends a MiddlewareFunc to the chain. Middleware can be used to intercept or otherwise modify requests and/or responses, and are executed in the order that they are applied to the Router.
func (r *Router) Use(mwf ...MiddlewareFunc) {
for _, fn := range mwf {
r.middlewares = append(r.middlewares, fn)
// useInterface appends a middleware to the chain. Middleware can be used to intercept or otherwise modify requests and/or responses, and are executed in the order that they are applied to the Router.
func (r *Router) useInterface(mw middleware) {
r.middlewares = append(r.middlewares, mw)
// CORSMethodMiddleware automatically sets the Access-Control-Allow-Methods response header
// on requests for routes that have an OPTIONS method matcher to all the method matchers on
// the route. Routes that do not explicitly handle OPTIONS requests will not be processed
// by the middleware. See examples for usage.
func CORSMethodMiddleware(r *Router) MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
allMethods, err := getAllMethodsForRoute(r, req)
if err == nil {
for _, v := range allMethods {
if v == http.MethodOptions {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", strings.Join(allMethods, ","))
next.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// getAllMethodsForRoute returns all the methods from method matchers matching a given
// request.
func getAllMethodsForRoute(r *Router, req *http.Request) ([]string, error) {
var allMethods []string
for _, route := range r.routes {
var match RouteMatch
if route.Match(req, &match) || match.MatchErr == ErrMethodMismatch {
methods, err := route.GetMethods()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allMethods = append(allMethods, methods...)
return allMethods, nil
@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mux
import (
var (
// ErrMethodMismatch is returned when the method in the request does not match
// the method defined against the route.
ErrMethodMismatch = errors.New("method is not allowed")
// ErrNotFound is returned when no route match is found.
ErrNotFound = errors.New("no matching route was found")
// NewRouter returns a new router instance.
func NewRouter() *Router {
return &Router{namedRoutes: make(map[string]*Route)}
// Router registers routes to be matched and dispatches a handler.
// It implements the http.Handler interface, so it can be registered to serve
// requests:
// var router = mux.NewRouter()
// func main() {
// http.Handle("/", router)
// }
// Or, for Google App Engine, register it in a init() function:
// func init() {
// http.Handle("/", router)
// }
// This will send all incoming requests to the router.
type Router struct {
// Configurable Handler to be used when no route matches.
NotFoundHandler http.Handler
// Configurable Handler to be used when the request method does not match the route.
MethodNotAllowedHandler http.Handler
// Routes to be matched, in order.
routes []*Route
// Routes by name for URL building.
namedRoutes map[string]*Route
// If true, do not clear the request context after handling the request.
// Deprecated: No effect, since the context is stored on the request itself.
KeepContext bool
// Slice of middlewares to be called after a match is found
middlewares []middleware
// configuration shared with `Route`
// common route configuration shared between `Router` and `Route`
type routeConf struct {
// If true, "/path/foo%2Fbar/to" will match the path "/path/{var}/to"
useEncodedPath bool
// If true, when the path pattern is "/path/", accessing "/path" will
// redirect to the former and vice versa.
strictSlash bool
// If true, when the path pattern is "/path//to", accessing "/path//to"
// will not redirect
skipClean bool
// Manager for the variables from host and path.
regexp routeRegexpGroup
// List of matchers.
matchers []matcher
// The scheme used when building URLs.
buildScheme string
buildVarsFunc BuildVarsFunc
// returns an effective deep copy of `routeConf`
func copyRouteConf(r routeConf) routeConf {
c := r
if r.regexp.path != nil {
c.regexp.path = copyRouteRegexp(r.regexp.path)
if r.regexp.host != nil {
c.regexp.host = copyRouteRegexp(r.regexp.host)
c.regexp.queries = make([]*routeRegexp, 0, len(r.regexp.queries))
for _, q := range r.regexp.queries {
c.regexp.queries = append(c.regexp.queries, copyRouteRegexp(q))
c.matchers = make([]matcher, len(r.matchers))
copy(c.matchers, r.matchers)
return c
func copyRouteRegexp(r *routeRegexp) *routeRegexp {
c := *r
return &c
// Match attempts to match the given request against the router's registered routes.
// If the request matches a route of this router or one of its subrouters the Route,
// Handler, and Vars fields of the the match argument are filled and this function
// returns true.
// If the request does not match any of this router's or its subrouters' routes
// then this function returns false. If available, a reason for the match failure
// will be filled in the match argument's MatchErr field. If the match failure type
// (eg: not found) has a registered handler, the handler is assigned to the Handler
// field of the match argument.
func (r *Router) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
for _, route := range r.routes {
if route.Match(req, match) {
// Build middleware chain if no error was found
if match.MatchErr == nil {
for i := len(r.middlewares) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
match.Handler = r.middlewares[i].Middleware(match.Handler)
return true
if match.MatchErr == ErrMethodMismatch {
if r.MethodNotAllowedHandler != nil {
match.Handler = r.MethodNotAllowedHandler
return true
return false
// Closest match for a router (includes sub-routers)
if r.NotFoundHandler != nil {
match.Handler = r.NotFoundHandler
match.MatchErr = ErrNotFound
return true
match.MatchErr = ErrNotFound
return false
// ServeHTTP dispatches the handler registered in the matched route.
// When there is a match, the route variables can be retrieved calling
// mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if !r.skipClean {
path := req.URL.Path
if r.useEncodedPath {
path = req.URL.EscapedPath()
// Clean path to canonical form and redirect.
if p := cleanPath(path); p != path {
// Added 3 lines (Philip Schlump) - It was dropping the query string and #whatever from query.
// This matches with fix in go 1.2 r.c. 4 for same problem. Go Issue:
// http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=5252
url := *req.URL
url.Path = p
p = url.String()
w.Header().Set("Location", p)
var match RouteMatch
var handler http.Handler
if r.Match(req, &match) {
handler = match.Handler
req = requestWithVars(req, match.Vars)
req = requestWithRoute(req, match.Route)
if handler == nil && match.MatchErr == ErrMethodMismatch {
handler = methodNotAllowedHandler()
if handler == nil {
handler = http.NotFoundHandler()
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Get returns a route registered with the given name.
func (r *Router) Get(name string) *Route {
return r.namedRoutes[name]
// GetRoute returns a route registered with the given name. This method
// was renamed to Get() and remains here for backwards compatibility.
func (r *Router) GetRoute(name string) *Route {
return r.namedRoutes[name]
// StrictSlash defines the trailing slash behavior for new routes. The initial
// value is false.
// When true, if the route path is "/path/", accessing "/path" will perform a redirect
// to the former and vice versa. In other words, your application will always
// see the path as specified in the route.
// When false, if the route path is "/path", accessing "/path/" will not match
// this route and vice versa.
// The re-direct is a HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently). Note that when this is set for
// routes with a non-idempotent method (e.g. POST, PUT), the subsequent re-directed
// request will be made as a GET by most clients. Use middleware or client settings
// to modify this behaviour as needed.
// Special case: when a route sets a path prefix using the PathPrefix() method,
// strict slash is ignored for that route because the redirect behavior can't
// be determined from a prefix alone. However, any subrouters created from that
// route inherit the original StrictSlash setting.
func (r *Router) StrictSlash(value bool) *Router {
r.strictSlash = value
return r
// SkipClean defines the path cleaning behaviour for new routes. The initial
// value is false. Users should be careful about which routes are not cleaned
// When true, if the route path is "/path//to", it will remain with the double
// slash. This is helpful if you have a route like: /fetch/http://xkcd.com/534/
// When false, the path will be cleaned, so /fetch/http://xkcd.com/534/ will
// become /fetch/http/xkcd.com/534
func (r *Router) SkipClean(value bool) *Router {
r.skipClean = value
return r
// UseEncodedPath tells the router to match the encoded original path
// to the routes.
// For eg. "/path/foo%2Fbar/to" will match the path "/path/{var}/to".
// If not called, the router will match the unencoded path to the routes.
// For eg. "/path/foo%2Fbar/to" will match the path "/path/foo/bar/to"
func (r *Router) UseEncodedPath() *Router {
r.useEncodedPath = true
return r
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Route factories
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewRoute registers an empty route.
func (r *Router) NewRoute() *Route {
// initialize a route with a copy of the parent router's configuration
route := &Route{routeConf: copyRouteConf(r.routeConf), namedRoutes: r.namedRoutes}
r.routes = append(r.routes, route)
return route
// Name registers a new route with a name.
// See Route.Name().
func (r *Router) Name(name string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Name(name)
// Handle registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path() and Route.Handler().
func (r *Router) Handle(path string, handler http.Handler) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(path).Handler(handler)
// HandleFunc registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path() and Route.HandlerFunc().
func (r *Router) HandleFunc(path string, f func(http.ResponseWriter,
*http.Request)) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(path).HandlerFunc(f)
// Headers registers a new route with a matcher for request header values.
// See Route.Headers().
func (r *Router) Headers(pairs ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Headers(pairs...)
// Host registers a new route with a matcher for the URL host.
// See Route.Host().
func (r *Router) Host(tpl string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Host(tpl)
// MatcherFunc registers a new route with a custom matcher function.
// See Route.MatcherFunc().
func (r *Router) MatcherFunc(f MatcherFunc) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().MatcherFunc(f)
// Methods registers a new route with a matcher for HTTP methods.
// See Route.Methods().
func (r *Router) Methods(methods ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Methods(methods...)
// Path registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path().
func (r *Router) Path(tpl string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(tpl)
// PathPrefix registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path prefix.
// See Route.PathPrefix().
func (r *Router) PathPrefix(tpl string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().PathPrefix(tpl)
// Queries registers a new route with a matcher for URL query values.
// See Route.Queries().
func (r *Router) Queries(pairs ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Queries(pairs...)
// Schemes registers a new route with a matcher for URL schemes.
// See Route.Schemes().
func (r *Router) Schemes(schemes ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Schemes(schemes...)
// BuildVarsFunc registers a new route with a custom function for modifying
// route variables before building a URL.
func (r *Router) BuildVarsFunc(f BuildVarsFunc) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().BuildVarsFunc(f)
// Walk walks the router and all its sub-routers, calling walkFn for each route
// in the tree. The routes are walked in the order they were added. Sub-routers
// are explored depth-first.
func (r *Router) Walk(walkFn WalkFunc) error {
return r.walk(walkFn, []*Route{})
// SkipRouter is used as a return value from WalkFuncs to indicate that the
// router that walk is about to descend down to should be skipped.
var SkipRouter = errors.New("skip this router")
// WalkFunc is the type of the function called for each route visited by Walk.
// At every invocation, it is given the current route, and the current router,
// and a list of ancestor routes that lead to the current route.
type WalkFunc func(route *Route, router *Router, ancestors []*Route) error
func (r *Router) walk(walkFn WalkFunc, ancestors []*Route) error {
for _, t := range r.routes {
err := walkFn(t, r, ancestors)
if err == SkipRouter {
if err != nil {
return err
for _, sr := range t.matchers {
if h, ok := sr.(*Router); ok {
ancestors = append(ancestors, t)
err := h.walk(walkFn, ancestors)
if err != nil {
return err
ancestors = ancestors[:len(ancestors)-1]
if h, ok := t.handler.(*Router); ok {
ancestors = append(ancestors, t)
err := h.walk(walkFn, ancestors)
if err != nil {
return err
ancestors = ancestors[:len(ancestors)-1]
return nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Context
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RouteMatch stores information about a matched route.
type RouteMatch struct {
Route *Route
Handler http.Handler
Vars map[string]string
// MatchErr is set to appropriate matching error
// It is set to ErrMethodMismatch if there is a mismatch in
// the request method and route method
MatchErr error
type contextKey int
const (
varsKey contextKey = iota
// Vars returns the route variables for the current request, if any.
func Vars(r *http.Request) map[string]string {
if rv := r.Context().Value(varsKey); rv != nil {
return rv.(map[string]string)
return nil
// CurrentRoute returns the matched route for the current request, if any.
// This only works when called inside the handler of the matched route
// because the matched route is stored in the request context which is cleared
// after the handler returns, unless the KeepContext option is set on the
// Router.
func CurrentRoute(r *http.Request) *Route {
if rv := r.Context().Value(routeKey); rv != nil {
return rv.(*Route)
return nil
func requestWithVars(r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) *http.Request {
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), varsKey, vars)
return r.WithContext(ctx)
func requestWithRoute(r *http.Request, route *Route) *http.Request {
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), routeKey, route)
return r.WithContext(ctx)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cleanPath returns the canonical path for p, eliminating . and .. elements.
// Borrowed from the net/http package.
func cleanPath(p string) string {
if p == "" {
return "/"
if p[0] != '/' {
p = "/" + p
np := path.Clean(p)
// path.Clean removes trailing slash except for root;
// put the trailing slash back if necessary.
if p[len(p)-1] == '/' && np != "/" {
np += "/"
return np
// uniqueVars returns an error if two slices contain duplicated strings.
func uniqueVars(s1, s2 []string) error {
for _, v1 := range s1 {
for _, v2 := range s2 {
if v1 == v2 {
return fmt.Errorf("mux: duplicated route variable %q", v2)
return nil
// checkPairs returns the count of strings passed in, and an error if
// the count is not an even number.
func checkPairs(pairs ...string) (int, error) {
length := len(pairs)
if length%2 != 0 {
return length, fmt.Errorf(
"mux: number of parameters must be multiple of 2, got %v", pairs)
return length, nil
// mapFromPairsToString converts variadic string parameters to a
// string to string map.
func mapFromPairsToString(pairs ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
length, err := checkPairs(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[string]string, length/2)
for i := 0; i < length; i += 2 {
m[pairs[i]] = pairs[i+1]
return m, nil
// mapFromPairsToRegex converts variadic string parameters to a
// string to regex map.
func mapFromPairsToRegex(pairs ...string) (map[string]*regexp.Regexp, error) {
length, err := checkPairs(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp, length/2)
for i := 0; i < length; i += 2 {
regex, err := regexp.Compile(pairs[i+1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m[pairs[i]] = regex
return m, nil
// matchInArray returns true if the given string value is in the array.
func matchInArray(arr []string, value string) bool {
for _, v := range arr {
if v == value {
return true
return false
// matchMapWithString returns true if the given key/value pairs exist in a given map.
func matchMapWithString(toCheck map[string]string, toMatch map[string][]string, canonicalKey bool) bool {
for k, v := range toCheck {
// Check if key exists.
if canonicalKey {
k = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)
if values := toMatch[k]; values == nil {
return false
} else if v != "" {
// If value was defined as an empty string we only check that the
// key exists. Otherwise we also check for equality.
valueExists := false
for _, value := range values {
if v == value {
valueExists = true
if !valueExists {
return false
return true
// matchMapWithRegex returns true if the given key/value pairs exist in a given map compiled against
// the given regex
func matchMapWithRegex(toCheck map[string]*regexp.Regexp, toMatch map[string][]string, canonicalKey bool) bool {
for k, v := range toCheck {
// Check if key exists.
if canonicalKey {
k = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)
if values := toMatch[k]; values == nil {
return false
} else if v != nil {
// If value was defined as an empty string we only check that the
// key exists. Otherwise we also check for equality.
valueExists := false
for _, value := range values {
if v.MatchString(value) {
valueExists = true
if !valueExists {
return false
return true
// methodNotAllowed replies to the request with an HTTP status code 405.
func methodNotAllowed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// methodNotAllowedHandler returns a simple request handler
// that replies to each request with a status code 405.
func methodNotAllowedHandler() http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(methodNotAllowed) }
@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mux
import (
type routeRegexpOptions struct {
strictSlash bool
useEncodedPath bool
type regexpType int
const (
regexpTypePath regexpType = 0
regexpTypeHost regexpType = 1
regexpTypePrefix regexpType = 2
regexpTypeQuery regexpType = 3
// newRouteRegexp parses a route template and returns a routeRegexp,
// used to match a host, a path or a query string.
// It will extract named variables, assemble a regexp to be matched, create
// a "reverse" template to build URLs and compile regexps to validate variable
// values used in URL building.
// Previously we accepted only Python-like identifiers for variable
// names ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*), but currently the only restriction is that
// name and pattern can't be empty, and names can't contain a colon.
func newRouteRegexp(tpl string, typ regexpType, options routeRegexpOptions) (*routeRegexp, error) {
// Check if it is well-formed.
idxs, errBraces := braceIndices(tpl)
if errBraces != nil {
return nil, errBraces
// Backup the original.
template := tpl
// Now let's parse it.
defaultPattern := "[^/]+"
if typ == regexpTypeQuery {
defaultPattern = ".*"
} else if typ == regexpTypeHost {
defaultPattern = "[^.]+"
// Only match strict slash if not matching
if typ != regexpTypePath {
options.strictSlash = false
// Set a flag for strictSlash.
endSlash := false
if options.strictSlash && strings.HasSuffix(tpl, "/") {
tpl = tpl[:len(tpl)-1]
endSlash = true
varsN := make([]string, len(idxs)/2)
varsR := make([]*regexp.Regexp, len(idxs)/2)
pattern := bytes.NewBufferString("")
reverse := bytes.NewBufferString("")
var end int
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(idxs); i += 2 {
// Set all values we are interested in.
raw := tpl[end:idxs[i]]
end = idxs[i+1]
parts := strings.SplitN(tpl[idxs[i]+1:end-1], ":", 2)
name := parts[0]
patt := defaultPattern
if len(parts) == 2 {
patt = parts[1]
// Name or pattern can't be empty.
if name == "" || patt == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mux: missing name or pattern in %q",
// Build the regexp pattern.
fmt.Fprintf(pattern, "%s(?P<%s>%s)", regexp.QuoteMeta(raw), varGroupName(i/2), patt)
// Build the reverse template.
fmt.Fprintf(reverse, "%s%%s", raw)
// Append variable name and compiled pattern.
varsN[i/2] = name
varsR[i/2], err = regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", patt))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the remaining.
raw := tpl[end:]
if options.strictSlash {
if typ == regexpTypeQuery {
// Add the default pattern if the query value is empty
if queryVal := strings.SplitN(template, "=", 2)[1]; queryVal == "" {
if typ != regexpTypePrefix {
var wildcardHostPort bool
if typ == regexpTypeHost {
if !strings.Contains(pattern.String(), ":") {
wildcardHostPort = true
if endSlash {
// Compile full regexp.
reg, errCompile := regexp.Compile(pattern.String())
if errCompile != nil {
return nil, errCompile
// Check for capturing groups which used to work in older versions
if reg.NumSubexp() != len(idxs)/2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("route %s contains capture groups in its regexp. ", template) +
"Only non-capturing groups are accepted: e.g. (?:pattern) instead of (pattern)")
// Done!
return &routeRegexp{
template: template,
regexpType: typ,
options: options,
regexp: reg,
reverse: reverse.String(),
varsN: varsN,
varsR: varsR,
wildcardHostPort: wildcardHostPort,
}, nil
// routeRegexp stores a regexp to match a host or path and information to
// collect and validate route variables.
type routeRegexp struct {
// The unmodified template.
template string
// The type of match
regexpType regexpType
// Options for matching
options routeRegexpOptions
// Expanded regexp.
regexp *regexp.Regexp
// Reverse template.
reverse string
// Variable names.
varsN []string
// Variable regexps (validators).
varsR []*regexp.Regexp
// Wildcard host-port (no strict port match in hostname)
wildcardHostPort bool
// Match matches the regexp against the URL host or path.
func (r *routeRegexp) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
if r.regexpType == regexpTypeHost {
host := getHost(req)
if r.wildcardHostPort {
// Don't be strict on the port match
if i := strings.Index(host, ":"); i != -1 {
host = host[:i]
return r.regexp.MatchString(host)
if r.regexpType == regexpTypeQuery {
return r.matchQueryString(req)
path := req.URL.Path
if r.options.useEncodedPath {
path = req.URL.EscapedPath()
return r.regexp.MatchString(path)
// url builds a URL part using the given values.
func (r *routeRegexp) url(values map[string]string) (string, error) {
urlValues := make([]interface{}, len(r.varsN), len(r.varsN))
for k, v := range r.varsN {
value, ok := values[v]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("mux: missing route variable %q", v)
if r.regexpType == regexpTypeQuery {
value = url.QueryEscape(value)
urlValues[k] = value
rv := fmt.Sprintf(r.reverse, urlValues...)
if !r.regexp.MatchString(rv) {
// The URL is checked against the full regexp, instead of checking
// individual variables. This is faster but to provide a good error
// message, we check individual regexps if the URL doesn't match.
for k, v := range r.varsN {
if !r.varsR[k].MatchString(values[v]) {
return "", fmt.Errorf(
"mux: variable %q doesn't match, expected %q", values[v],
return rv, nil
// getURLQuery returns a single query parameter from a request URL.
// For a URL with foo=bar&baz=ding, we return only the relevant key
// value pair for the routeRegexp.
func (r *routeRegexp) getURLQuery(req *http.Request) string {
if r.regexpType != regexpTypeQuery {
return ""
templateKey := strings.SplitN(r.template, "=", 2)[0]
val, ok := findFirstQueryKey(req.URL.RawQuery, templateKey)
if ok {
return templateKey + "=" + val
return ""
// findFirstQueryKey returns the same result as (*url.URL).Query()[key][0].
// If key was not found, empty string and false is returned.
func findFirstQueryKey(rawQuery, key string) (value string, ok bool) {
query := []byte(rawQuery)
for len(query) > 0 {
foundKey := query
if i := bytes.IndexAny(foundKey, "&;"); i >= 0 {
foundKey, query = foundKey[:i], foundKey[i+1:]
} else {
query = query[:0]
if len(foundKey) == 0 {
var value []byte
if i := bytes.IndexByte(foundKey, '='); i >= 0 {
foundKey, value = foundKey[:i], foundKey[i+1:]
if len(foundKey) < len(key) {
// Cannot possibly be key.
keyString, err := url.QueryUnescape(string(foundKey))
if err != nil {
if keyString != key {
valueString, err := url.QueryUnescape(string(value))
if err != nil {
return valueString, true
return "", false
func (r *routeRegexp) matchQueryString(req *http.Request) bool {
return r.regexp.MatchString(r.getURLQuery(req))
// braceIndices returns the first level curly brace indices from a string.
// It returns an error in case of unbalanced braces.
func braceIndices(s string) ([]int, error) {
var level, idx int
var idxs []int
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
switch s[i] {
case '{':
if level++; level == 1 {
idx = i
case '}':
if level--; level == 0 {
idxs = append(idxs, idx, i+1)
} else if level < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mux: unbalanced braces in %q", s)
if level != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mux: unbalanced braces in %q", s)
return idxs, nil
// varGroupName builds a capturing group name for the indexed variable.
func varGroupName(idx int) string {
return "v" + strconv.Itoa(idx)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// routeRegexpGroup
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// routeRegexpGroup groups the route matchers that carry variables.
type routeRegexpGroup struct {
host *routeRegexp
path *routeRegexp
queries []*routeRegexp
// setMatch extracts the variables from the URL once a route matches.
func (v routeRegexpGroup) setMatch(req *http.Request, m *RouteMatch, r *Route) {
// Store host variables.
if v.host != nil {
host := getHost(req)
matches := v.host.regexp.FindStringSubmatchIndex(host)
if len(matches) > 0 {
extractVars(host, matches, v.host.varsN, m.Vars)
path := req.URL.Path
if r.useEncodedPath {
path = req.URL.EscapedPath()
// Store path variables.
if v.path != nil {
matches := v.path.regexp.FindStringSubmatchIndex(path)
if len(matches) > 0 {
extractVars(path, matches, v.path.varsN, m.Vars)
// Check if we should redirect.
if v.path.options.strictSlash {
p1 := strings.HasSuffix(path, "/")
p2 := strings.HasSuffix(v.path.template, "/")
if p1 != p2 {
u, _ := url.Parse(req.URL.String())
if p1 {
u.Path = u.Path[:len(u.Path)-1]
} else {
u.Path += "/"
m.Handler = http.RedirectHandler(u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// Store query string variables.
for _, q := range v.queries {
queryURL := q.getURLQuery(req)
matches := q.regexp.FindStringSubmatchIndex(queryURL)
if len(matches) > 0 {
extractVars(queryURL, matches, q.varsN, m.Vars)
// getHost tries its best to return the request host.
// According to section 14.23 of RFC 2616 the Host header
// can include the port number if the default value of 80 is not used.
func getHost(r *http.Request) string {
if r.URL.IsAbs() {
return r.URL.Host
return r.Host
func extractVars(input string, matches []int, names []string, output map[string]string) {
for i, name := range names {
output[name] = input[matches[2*i+2]:matches[2*i+3]]
@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mux
import (
// Route stores information to match a request and build URLs.
type Route struct {
// Request handler for the route.
handler http.Handler
// If true, this route never matches: it is only used to build URLs.
buildOnly bool
// The name used to build URLs.
name string
// Error resulted from building a route.
err error
// "global" reference to all named routes
namedRoutes map[string]*Route
// config possibly passed in from `Router`
// SkipClean reports whether path cleaning is enabled for this route via
// Router.SkipClean.
func (r *Route) SkipClean() bool {
return r.skipClean
// Match matches the route against the request.
func (r *Route) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
if r.buildOnly || r.err != nil {
return false
var matchErr error
// Match everything.
for _, m := range r.matchers {
if matched := m.Match(req, match); !matched {
if _, ok := m.(methodMatcher); ok {
matchErr = ErrMethodMismatch
// Ignore ErrNotFound errors. These errors arise from match call
// to Subrouters.
// This prevents subsequent matching subrouters from failing to
// run middleware. If not ignored, the middleware would see a
// non-nil MatchErr and be skipped, even when there was a
// matching route.
if match.MatchErr == ErrNotFound {
match.MatchErr = nil
matchErr = nil
return false
if matchErr != nil {
match.MatchErr = matchErr
return false
if match.MatchErr == ErrMethodMismatch && r.handler != nil {
// We found a route which matches request method, clear MatchErr
match.MatchErr = nil
// Then override the mis-matched handler
match.Handler = r.handler
// Yay, we have a match. Let's collect some info about it.
if match.Route == nil {
match.Route = r
if match.Handler == nil {
match.Handler = r.handler
if match.Vars == nil {
match.Vars = make(map[string]string)
// Set variables.
r.regexp.setMatch(req, match, r)
return true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Route attributes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetError returns an error resulted from building the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetError() error {
return r.err
// BuildOnly sets the route to never match: it is only used to build URLs.
func (r *Route) BuildOnly() *Route {
r.buildOnly = true
return r
// Handler --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handler sets a handler for the route.
func (r *Route) Handler(handler http.Handler) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
r.handler = handler
return r
// HandlerFunc sets a handler function for the route.
func (r *Route) HandlerFunc(f func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) *Route {
return r.Handler(http.HandlerFunc(f))
// GetHandler returns the handler for the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetHandler() http.Handler {
return r.handler
// Name -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name sets the name for the route, used to build URLs.
// It is an error to call Name more than once on a route.
func (r *Route) Name(name string) *Route {
if r.name != "" {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("mux: route already has name %q, can't set %q",
r.name, name)
if r.err == nil {
r.name = name
r.namedRoutes[name] = r
return r
// GetName returns the name for the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetName() string {
return r.name
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Matchers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// matcher types try to match a request.
type matcher interface {
Match(*http.Request, *RouteMatch) bool
// addMatcher adds a matcher to the route.
func (r *Route) addMatcher(m matcher) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
r.matchers = append(r.matchers, m)
return r
// addRegexpMatcher adds a host or path matcher and builder to a route.
func (r *Route) addRegexpMatcher(tpl string, typ regexpType) error {
if r.err != nil {
return r.err
if typ == regexpTypePath || typ == regexpTypePrefix {
if len(tpl) > 0 && tpl[0] != '/' {
return fmt.Errorf("mux: path must start with a slash, got %q", tpl)
if r.regexp.path != nil {
tpl = strings.TrimRight(r.regexp.path.template, "/") + tpl
rr, err := newRouteRegexp(tpl, typ, routeRegexpOptions{
strictSlash: r.strictSlash,
useEncodedPath: r.useEncodedPath,
if err != nil {
return err
for _, q := range r.regexp.queries {
if err = uniqueVars(rr.varsN, q.varsN); err != nil {
return err
if typ == regexpTypeHost {
if r.regexp.path != nil {
if err = uniqueVars(rr.varsN, r.regexp.path.varsN); err != nil {
return err
r.regexp.host = rr
} else {
if r.regexp.host != nil {
if err = uniqueVars(rr.varsN, r.regexp.host.varsN); err != nil {
return err
if typ == regexpTypeQuery {
r.regexp.queries = append(r.regexp.queries, rr)
} else {
r.regexp.path = rr
return nil
// Headers --------------------------------------------------------------------
// headerMatcher matches the request against header values.
type headerMatcher map[string]string
func (m headerMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchMapWithString(m, r.Header, true)
// Headers adds a matcher for request header values.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs to be matched. For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Headers("Content-Type", "application/json",
// "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
// The above route will only match if both request header values match.
// If the value is an empty string, it will match any value if the key is set.
func (r *Route) Headers(pairs ...string) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
var headers map[string]string
headers, r.err = mapFromPairsToString(pairs...)
return r.addMatcher(headerMatcher(headers))
return r
// headerRegexMatcher matches the request against the route given a regex for the header
type headerRegexMatcher map[string]*regexp.Regexp
func (m headerRegexMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchMapWithRegex(m, r.Header, true)
// HeadersRegexp accepts a sequence of key/value pairs, where the value has regex
// support. For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.HeadersRegexp("Content-Type", "application/(text|json)",
// "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
// The above route will only match if both the request header matches both regular expressions.
// If the value is an empty string, it will match any value if the key is set.
// Use the start and end of string anchors (^ and $) to match an exact value.
func (r *Route) HeadersRegexp(pairs ...string) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
var headers map[string]*regexp.Regexp
headers, r.err = mapFromPairsToRegex(pairs...)
return r.addMatcher(headerRegexMatcher(headers))
return r
// Host -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host adds a matcher for the URL host.
// It accepts a template with zero or more URL variables enclosed by {}.
// Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched:
// - {name} matches anything until the next dot.
// - {name:pattern} matches the given regexp pattern.
// For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Host("www.example.com")
// r.Host("{subdomain}.domain.com")
// r.Host("{subdomain:[a-z]+}.domain.com")
// Variable names must be unique in a given route. They can be retrieved
// calling mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Route) Host(tpl string) *Route {
r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(tpl, regexpTypeHost)
return r
// MatcherFunc ----------------------------------------------------------------
// MatcherFunc is the function signature used by custom matchers.
type MatcherFunc func(*http.Request, *RouteMatch) bool
// Match returns the match for a given request.
func (m MatcherFunc) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return m(r, match)
// MatcherFunc adds a custom function to be used as request matcher.
func (r *Route) MatcherFunc(f MatcherFunc) *Route {
return r.addMatcher(f)
// Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
// methodMatcher matches the request against HTTP methods.
type methodMatcher []string
func (m methodMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchInArray(m, r.Method)
// Methods adds a matcher for HTTP methods.
// It accepts a sequence of one or more methods to be matched, e.g.:
// "GET", "POST", "PUT".
func (r *Route) Methods(methods ...string) *Route {
for k, v := range methods {
methods[k] = strings.ToUpper(v)
return r.addMatcher(methodMatcher(methods))
// Path -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Path adds a matcher for the URL path.
// It accepts a template with zero or more URL variables enclosed by {}. The
// template must start with a "/".
// Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched:
// - {name} matches anything until the next slash.
// - {name:pattern} matches the given regexp pattern.
// For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Path("/products/").Handler(ProductsHandler)
// r.Path("/products/{key}").Handler(ProductsHandler)
// r.Path("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}").
// Handler(ArticleHandler)
// Variable names must be unique in a given route. They can be retrieved
// calling mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Route) Path(tpl string) *Route {
r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(tpl, regexpTypePath)
return r
// PathPrefix -----------------------------------------------------------------
// PathPrefix adds a matcher for the URL path prefix. This matches if the given
// template is a prefix of the full URL path. See Route.Path() for details on
// the tpl argument.
// Note that it does not treat slashes specially ("/foobar/" will be matched by
// the prefix "/foo") so you may want to use a trailing slash here.
// Also note that the setting of Router.StrictSlash() has no effect on routes
// with a PathPrefix matcher.
func (r *Route) PathPrefix(tpl string) *Route {
r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(tpl, regexpTypePrefix)
return r
// Query ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Queries adds a matcher for URL query values.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs. Values may define variables.
// For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Queries("foo", "bar", "id", "{id:[0-9]+}")
// The above route will only match if the URL contains the defined queries
// values, e.g.: ?foo=bar&id=42.
// If the value is an empty string, it will match any value if the key is set.
// Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched:
// - {name} matches anything until the next slash.
// - {name:pattern} matches the given regexp pattern.
func (r *Route) Queries(pairs ...string) *Route {
length := len(pairs)
if length%2 != 0 {
r.err = fmt.Errorf(
"mux: number of parameters must be multiple of 2, got %v", pairs)
return nil
for i := 0; i < length; i += 2 {
if r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(pairs[i]+"="+pairs[i+1], regexpTypeQuery); r.err != nil {
return r
return r
// Schemes --------------------------------------------------------------------
// schemeMatcher matches the request against URL schemes.
type schemeMatcher []string
func (m schemeMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
scheme := r.URL.Scheme
// https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Request
// "For [most] server requests, fields other than Path and RawQuery will be
// empty."
// Since we're an http muxer, the scheme is either going to be http or https
// though, so we can just set it based on the tls termination state.
if scheme == "" {
if r.TLS == nil {
scheme = "http"
} else {
scheme = "https"
return matchInArray(m, scheme)
// Schemes adds a matcher for URL schemes.
// It accepts a sequence of schemes to be matched, e.g.: "http", "https".
// If the request's URL has a scheme set, it will be matched against.
// Generally, the URL scheme will only be set if a previous handler set it,
// such as the ProxyHeaders handler from gorilla/handlers.
// If unset, the scheme will be determined based on the request's TLS
// termination state.
// The first argument to Schemes will be used when constructing a route URL.
func (r *Route) Schemes(schemes ...string) *Route {
for k, v := range schemes {
schemes[k] = strings.ToLower(v)
if len(schemes) > 0 {
r.buildScheme = schemes[0]
return r.addMatcher(schemeMatcher(schemes))
// BuildVarsFunc --------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildVarsFunc is the function signature used by custom build variable
// functions (which can modify route variables before a route's URL is built).
type BuildVarsFunc func(map[string]string) map[string]string
// BuildVarsFunc adds a custom function to be used to modify build variables
// before a route's URL is built.
func (r *Route) BuildVarsFunc(f BuildVarsFunc) *Route {
if r.buildVarsFunc != nil {
// compose the old and new functions
old := r.buildVarsFunc
r.buildVarsFunc = func(m map[string]string) map[string]string {
return f(old(m))
} else {
r.buildVarsFunc = f
return r
// Subrouter ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subrouter creates a subrouter for the route.
// It will test the inner routes only if the parent route matched. For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// s := r.Host("www.example.com").Subrouter()
// s.HandleFunc("/products/", ProductsHandler)
// s.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
// s.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}"), ArticleHandler)
// Here, the routes registered in the subrouter won't be tested if the host
// doesn't match.
func (r *Route) Subrouter() *Router {
// initialize a subrouter with a copy of the parent route's configuration
router := &Router{routeConf: copyRouteConf(r.routeConf), namedRoutes: r.namedRoutes}
return router
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URL building
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URL builds a URL for the route.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs for the route variables. For
// example, given this route:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).
// Name("article")
// ...a URL for it can be built using:
// url, err := r.Get("article").URL("category", "technology", "id", "42")
// ...which will return an url.URL with the following path:
// "/articles/technology/42"
// This also works for host variables:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).
// Host("{subdomain}.domain.com").
// Name("article")
// // url.String() will be "http://news.domain.com/articles/technology/42"
// url, err := r.Get("article").URL("subdomain", "news",
// "category", "technology",
// "id", "42")
// The scheme of the resulting url will be the first argument that was passed to Schemes:
// // url.String() will be "https://example.com"
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// url, err := r.Host("example.com")
// .Schemes("https", "http").URL()
// All variables defined in the route are required, and their values must
// conform to the corresponding patterns.
func (r *Route) URL(pairs ...string) (*url.URL, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
values, err := r.prepareVars(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var scheme, host, path string
queries := make([]string, 0, len(r.regexp.queries))
if r.regexp.host != nil {
if host, err = r.regexp.host.url(values); err != nil {
return nil, err
scheme = "http"
if r.buildScheme != "" {
scheme = r.buildScheme
if r.regexp.path != nil {
if path, err = r.regexp.path.url(values); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, q := range r.regexp.queries {
var query string
if query, err = q.url(values); err != nil {
return nil, err
queries = append(queries, query)
return &url.URL{
Scheme: scheme,
Host: host,
Path: path,
RawQuery: strings.Join(queries, "&"),
}, nil
// URLHost builds the host part of the URL for a route. See Route.URL().
// The route must have a host defined.
func (r *Route) URLHost(pairs ...string) (*url.URL, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp.host == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a host")
values, err := r.prepareVars(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
host, err := r.regexp.host.url(values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: "http",
Host: host,
if r.buildScheme != "" {
u.Scheme = r.buildScheme
return u, nil
// URLPath builds the path part of the URL for a route. See Route.URL().
// The route must have a path defined.
func (r *Route) URLPath(pairs ...string) (*url.URL, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp.path == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a path")
values, err := r.prepareVars(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path, err := r.regexp.path.url(values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &url.URL{
Path: path,
}, nil
// GetPathTemplate returns the template used to build the
// route match.
// This is useful for building simple REST API documentation and for instrumentation
// against third-party services.
// An error will be returned if the route does not define a path.
func (r *Route) GetPathTemplate() (string, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return "", r.err
if r.regexp.path == nil {
return "", errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a path")
return r.regexp.path.template, nil
// GetPathRegexp returns the expanded regular expression used to match route path.
// This is useful for building simple REST API documentation and for instrumentation
// against third-party services.
// An error will be returned if the route does not define a path.
func (r *Route) GetPathRegexp() (string, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return "", r.err
if r.regexp.path == nil {
return "", errors.New("mux: route does not have a path")
return r.regexp.path.regexp.String(), nil
// GetQueriesRegexp returns the expanded regular expressions used to match the
// route queries.
// This is useful for building simple REST API documentation and for instrumentation
// against third-party services.
// An error will be returned if the route does not have queries.
func (r *Route) GetQueriesRegexp() ([]string, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp.queries == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have queries")
queries := make([]string, 0, len(r.regexp.queries))
for _, query := range r.regexp.queries {
queries = append(queries, query.regexp.String())
return queries, nil
// GetQueriesTemplates returns the templates used to build the
// query matching.
// This is useful for building simple REST API documentation and for instrumentation
// against third-party services.
// An error will be returned if the route does not define queries.
func (r *Route) GetQueriesTemplates() ([]string, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp.queries == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have queries")
queries := make([]string, 0, len(r.regexp.queries))
for _, query := range r.regexp.queries {
queries = append(queries, query.template)
return queries, nil
// GetMethods returns the methods the route matches against
// This is useful for building simple REST API documentation and for instrumentation
// against third-party services.
// An error will be returned if route does not have methods.
func (r *Route) GetMethods() ([]string, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
for _, m := range r.matchers {
if methods, ok := m.(methodMatcher); ok {
return []string(methods), nil
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have methods")
// GetHostTemplate returns the template used to build the
// route match.
// This is useful for building simple REST API documentation and for instrumentation
// against third-party services.
// An error will be returned if the route does not define a host.
func (r *Route) GetHostTemplate() (string, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return "", r.err
if r.regexp.host == nil {
return "", errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a host")
return r.regexp.host.template, nil
// prepareVars converts the route variable pairs into a map. If the route has a
// BuildVarsFunc, it is invoked.
func (r *Route) prepareVars(pairs ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
m, err := mapFromPairsToString(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.buildVars(m), nil
func (r *Route) buildVars(m map[string]string) map[string]string {
if r.buildVarsFunc != nil {
m = r.buildVarsFunc(m)
return m
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mux
import "net/http"
// SetURLVars sets the URL variables for the given request, to be accessed via
// mux.Vars for testing route behaviour. Arguments are not modified, a shallow
// copy is returned.
// This API should only be used for testing purposes; it provides a way to
// inject variables into the request context. Alternatively, URL variables
// can be set by making a route that captures the required variables,
// starting a server and sending the request to that server.
func SetURLVars(r *http.Request, val map[string]string) *http.Request {
return requestWithVars(r, val)
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
language: go
- 1.8
- 1.7
- 1.6
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Nate Finch
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# lumberjack [](https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2) [](https://travis-ci.org/natefinch/lumberjack) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/natefinch/lumberjack) [](https://coveralls.io/r/natefinch/lumberjack?branch=v2.0)
### Lumberjack is a Go package for writing logs to rolling files.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger.
Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using gopkg.in
import "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at
https://github.com/natefinch/lumberjack under the v2.0 branch.
Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure.
It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable
component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files
to which logs are written.
Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an
io.Writer, including the standard library's log package.
Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files.
Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same
machine will result in improper behavior.
To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Filename: "/var/log/myapp/foo.log",
MaxSize: 500, // megabytes
MaxBackups: 3,
MaxAge: 28, //days
Compress: true, // disabled by default
## type Logger
``` go
type Logger struct {
// Filename is the file to write logs to. Backup log files will be retained
// in the same directory. It uses <processname>-lumberjack.log in
// os.TempDir() if empty.
Filename string `json:"filename" yaml:"filename"`
// MaxSize is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets
// rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.
MaxSize int `json:"maxsize" yaml:"maxsize"`
// MaxAge is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the
// timestamp encoded in their filename. Note that a day is defined as 24
// hours and may not exactly correspond to calendar days due to daylight
// savings, leap seconds, etc. The default is not to remove old log files
// based on age.
MaxAge int `json:"maxage" yaml:"maxage"`
// MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain. The default
// is to retain all old log files (though MaxAge may still cause them to get
// deleted.)
MaxBackups int `json:"maxbackups" yaml:"maxbackups"`
// LocalTime determines if the time used for formatting the timestamps in
// backup files is the computer's local time. The default is to use UTC
// time.
LocalTime bool `json:"localtime" yaml:"localtime"`
// Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed
// using gzip. The default is not to perform compression.
Compress bool `json:"compress" yaml:"compress"`
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Logger is an io.WriteCloser that writes to the specified filename.
Logger opens or creates the logfile on first Write. If the file exists and
is less than MaxSize megabytes, lumberjack will open and append to that file.
If the file exists and its size is >= MaxSize megabytes, the file is renamed
by putting the current time in a timestamp in the name immediately before the
file's extension (or the end of the filename if there's no extension). A new
log file is then created using original filename.
Whenever a write would cause the current log file exceed MaxSize megabytes,
the current file is closed, renamed, and a new log file created with the
original name. Thus, the filename you give Logger is always the "current" log
Backups use the log file name given to Logger, in the form `name-timestamp.ext`
where name is the filename without the extension, timestamp is the time at which
the log was rotated formatted with the time.Time format of
`2006-01-02T15-04-05.000` and the extension is the original extension. For
example, if your Logger.Filename is `/var/log/foo/server.log`, a backup created
at 6:30pm on Nov 11 2016 would use the filename
### Cleaning Up Old Log Files
Whenever a new logfile gets created, old log files may be deleted. The most
recent files according to the encoded timestamp will be retained, up to a
number equal to MaxBackups (or all of them if MaxBackups is 0). Any files
with an encoded timestamp older than MaxAge days are deleted, regardless of
MaxBackups. Note that the time encoded in the timestamp is the rotation
time, which may differ from the last time that file was written to.
If MaxBackups and MaxAge are both 0, no old log files will be deleted.
### func (\*Logger) Close
``` go
func (l *Logger) Close() error
Close implements io.Closer, and closes the current logfile.
### func (\*Logger) Rotate
``` go
func (l *Logger) Rotate() error
Rotate causes Logger to close the existing log file and immediately create a
new one. This is a helper function for applications that want to initiate
rotations outside of the normal rotation rules, such as in response to
SIGHUP. After rotating, this initiates a cleanup of old log files according
to the normal rules.
Example of how to rotate in response to SIGHUP.
l := &lumberjack.Logger{}
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGHUP)
go func() {
for {
### func (\*Logger) Write
``` go
func (l *Logger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Write implements io.Writer. If a write would cause the log file to be larger
than MaxSize, the file is closed, renamed to include a timestamp of the
current time, and a new log file is created using the original log file name.
If the length of the write is greater than MaxSize, an error is returned.
- - -
Generated by [godoc2md](http://godoc.org/github.com/davecheney/godoc2md)
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// +build !linux
package lumberjack
import (
func chown(_ string, _ os.FileInfo) error {
return nil
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package lumberjack
import (
// os_Chown is a var so we can mock it out during tests.
var os_Chown = os.Chown
func chown(name string, info os.FileInfo) error {
f, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, info.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
stat := info.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)
return os_Chown(name, int(stat.Uid), int(stat.Gid))
@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
// Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger.
// Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using gopkg.in
// thusly:
// import "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
// The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at
// https://github.com/natefinch/lumberjack under the v2.0 branch.
// Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure.
// It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable
// component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files
// to which logs are written.
// Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an
// io.Writer, including the standard library's log package.
// Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files.
// Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same
// machine will result in improper behavior.
package lumberjack
import (
const (
backupTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15-04-05.000"
compressSuffix = ".gz"
defaultMaxSize = 100
// ensure we always implement io.WriteCloser
var _ io.WriteCloser = (*Logger)(nil)
// Logger is an io.WriteCloser that writes to the specified filename.
// Logger opens or creates the logfile on first Write. If the file exists and
// is less than MaxSize megabytes, lumberjack will open and append to that file.
// If the file exists and its size is >= MaxSize megabytes, the file is renamed
// by putting the current time in a timestamp in the name immediately before the
// file's extension (or the end of the filename if there's no extension). A new
// log file is then created using original filename.
// Whenever a write would cause the current log file exceed MaxSize megabytes,
// the current file is closed, renamed, and a new log file created with the
// original name. Thus, the filename you give Logger is always the "current" log
// file.
// Backups use the log file name given to Logger, in the form
// `name-timestamp.ext` where name is the filename without the extension,
// timestamp is the time at which the log was rotated formatted with the
// time.Time format of `2006-01-02T15-04-05.000` and the extension is the
// original extension. For example, if your Logger.Filename is
// `/var/log/foo/server.log`, a backup created at 6:30pm on Nov 11 2016 would
// use the filename `/var/log/foo/server-2016-11-04T18-30-00.000.log`
// Cleaning Up Old Log Files
// Whenever a new logfile gets created, old log files may be deleted. The most
// recent files according to the encoded timestamp will be retained, up to a
// number equal to MaxBackups (or all of them if MaxBackups is 0). Any files
// with an encoded timestamp older than MaxAge days are deleted, regardless of
// MaxBackups. Note that the time encoded in the timestamp is the rotation
// time, which may differ from the last time that file was written to.
// If MaxBackups and MaxAge are both 0, no old log files will be deleted.
type Logger struct {
// Filename is the file to write logs to. Backup log files will be retained
// in the same directory. It uses <processname>-lumberjack.log in
// os.TempDir() if empty.
Filename string `json:"filename" yaml:"filename"`
// MaxSize is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets
// rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.
MaxSize int `json:"maxsize" yaml:"maxsize"`
// MaxAge is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the
// timestamp encoded in their filename. Note that a day is defined as 24
// hours and may not exactly correspond to calendar days due to daylight
// savings, leap seconds, etc. The default is not to remove old log files
// based on age.
MaxAge int `json:"maxage" yaml:"maxage"`
// MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain. The default
// is to retain all old log files (though MaxAge may still cause them to get
// deleted.)
MaxBackups int `json:"maxbackups" yaml:"maxbackups"`
// LocalTime determines if the time used for formatting the timestamps in
// backup files is the computer's local time. The default is to use UTC
// time.
LocalTime bool `json:"localtime" yaml:"localtime"`
// Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed
// using gzip. The default is not to perform compression.
Compress bool `json:"compress" yaml:"compress"`
size int64
file *os.File
mu sync.Mutex
millCh chan bool
startMill sync.Once
var (
// currentTime exists so it can be mocked out by tests.
currentTime = time.Now
// os_Stat exists so it can be mocked out by tests.
os_Stat = os.Stat
// megabyte is the conversion factor between MaxSize and bytes. It is a
// variable so tests can mock it out and not need to write megabytes of data
// to disk.
megabyte = 1024 * 1024
// Write implements io.Writer. If a write would cause the log file to be larger
// than MaxSize, the file is closed, renamed to include a timestamp of the
// current time, and a new log file is created using the original log file name.
// If the length of the write is greater than MaxSize, an error is returned.
func (l *Logger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
writeLen := int64(len(p))
if writeLen > l.max() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf(
"write length %d exceeds maximum file size %d", writeLen, l.max(),
if l.file == nil {
if err = l.openExistingOrNew(len(p)); err != nil {
return 0, err
if l.size+writeLen > l.max() {
if err := l.rotate(); err != nil {
return 0, err
n, err = l.file.Write(p)
l.size += int64(n)
return n, err
// Close implements io.Closer, and closes the current logfile.
func (l *Logger) Close() error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
return l.close()
// close closes the file if it is open.
func (l *Logger) close() error {
if l.file == nil {
return nil
err := l.file.Close()
l.file = nil
return err
// Rotate causes Logger to close the existing log file and immediately create a
// new one. This is a helper function for applications that want to initiate
// rotations outside of the normal rotation rules, such as in response to
// SIGHUP. After rotating, this initiates compression and removal of old log
// files according to the configuration.
func (l *Logger) Rotate() error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
return l.rotate()
// rotate closes the current file, moves it aside with a timestamp in the name,
// (if it exists), opens a new file with the original filename, and then runs
// post-rotation processing and removal.
func (l *Logger) rotate() error {
if err := l.close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := l.openNew(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// openNew opens a new log file for writing, moving any old log file out of the
// way. This methods assumes the file has already been closed.
func (l *Logger) openNew() error {
err := os.MkdirAll(l.dir(), 0744)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't make directories for new logfile: %s", err)
name := l.filename()
mode := os.FileMode(0644)
info, err := os_Stat(name)
if err == nil {
// Copy the mode off the old logfile.
mode = info.Mode()
// move the existing file
newname := backupName(name, l.LocalTime)
if err := os.Rename(name, newname); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't rename log file: %s", err)
// this is a no-op anywhere but linux
if err := chown(name, info); err != nil {
return err
// we use truncate here because this should only get called when we've moved
// the file ourselves. if someone else creates the file in the meantime,
// just wipe out the contents.
f, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, mode)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't open new logfile: %s", err)
l.file = f
l.size = 0
return nil
// backupName creates a new filename from the given name, inserting a timestamp
// between the filename and the extension, using the local time if requested
// (otherwise UTC).
func backupName(name string, local bool) string {
dir := filepath.Dir(name)
filename := filepath.Base(name)
ext := filepath.Ext(filename)
prefix := filename[:len(filename)-len(ext)]
t := currentTime()
if !local {
t = t.UTC()
timestamp := t.Format(backupTimeFormat)
return filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s%s", prefix, timestamp, ext))
// openExistingOrNew opens the logfile if it exists and if the current write
// would not put it over MaxSize. If there is no such file or the write would
// put it over the MaxSize, a new file is created.
func (l *Logger) openExistingOrNew(writeLen int) error {
filename := l.filename()
info, err := os_Stat(filename)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return l.openNew()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting log file info: %s", err)
if info.Size()+int64(writeLen) >= l.max() {
return l.rotate()
file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
// if we fail to open the old log file for some reason, just ignore
// it and open a new log file.
return l.openNew()
l.file = file
l.size = info.Size()
return nil
// genFilename generates the name of the logfile from the current time.
func (l *Logger) filename() string {
if l.Filename != "" {
return l.Filename
name := filepath.Base(os.Args[0]) + "-lumberjack.log"
return filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), name)
// millRunOnce performs compression and removal of stale log files.
// Log files are compressed if enabled via configuration and old log
// files are removed, keeping at most l.MaxBackups files, as long as
// none of them are older than MaxAge.
func (l *Logger) millRunOnce() error {
if l.MaxBackups == 0 && l.MaxAge == 0 && !l.Compress {
return nil
files, err := l.oldLogFiles()
if err != nil {
return err
var compress, remove []logInfo
if l.MaxBackups > 0 && l.MaxBackups < len(files) {
preserved := make(map[string]bool)
var remaining []logInfo
for _, f := range files {
// Only count the uncompressed log file or the
// compressed log file, not both.
fn := f.Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(fn, compressSuffix) {
fn = fn[:len(fn)-len(compressSuffix)]
preserved[fn] = true
if len(preserved) > l.MaxBackups {
remove = append(remove, f)
} else {
remaining = append(remaining, f)
files = remaining
if l.MaxAge > 0 {
diff := time.Duration(int64(24*time.Hour) * int64(l.MaxAge))
cutoff := currentTime().Add(-1 * diff)
var remaining []logInfo
for _, f := range files {
if f.timestamp.Before(cutoff) {
remove = append(remove, f)
} else {
remaining = append(remaining, f)
files = remaining
if l.Compress {
for _, f := range files {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), compressSuffix) {
compress = append(compress, f)
for _, f := range remove {
errRemove := os.Remove(filepath.Join(l.dir(), f.Name()))
if err == nil && errRemove != nil {
err = errRemove
for _, f := range compress {
fn := filepath.Join(l.dir(), f.Name())
errCompress := compressLogFile(fn, fn+compressSuffix)
if err == nil && errCompress != nil {
err = errCompress
return err
// millRun runs in a goroutine to manage post-rotation compression and removal
// of old log files.
func (l *Logger) millRun() {
for _ = range l.millCh {
// what am I going to do, log this?
_ = l.millRunOnce()
// mill performs post-rotation compression and removal of stale log files,
// starting the mill goroutine if necessary.
func (l *Logger) mill() {
l.startMill.Do(func() {
l.millCh = make(chan bool, 1)
go l.millRun()
select {
case l.millCh <- true:
// oldLogFiles returns the list of backup log files stored in the same
// directory as the current log file, sorted by ModTime
func (l *Logger) oldLogFiles() ([]logInfo, error) {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(l.dir())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read log file directory: %s", err)
logFiles := []logInfo{}
prefix, ext := l.prefixAndExt()
for _, f := range files {
if f.IsDir() {
if t, err := l.timeFromName(f.Name(), prefix, ext); err == nil {
logFiles = append(logFiles, logInfo{t, f})
if t, err := l.timeFromName(f.Name(), prefix, ext+compressSuffix); err == nil {
logFiles = append(logFiles, logInfo{t, f})
// error parsing means that the suffix at the end was not generated
// by lumberjack, and therefore it's not a backup file.
return logFiles, nil
// timeFromName extracts the formatted time from the filename by stripping off
// the filename's prefix and extension. This prevents someone's filename from
// confusing time.parse.
func (l *Logger) timeFromName(filename, prefix, ext string) (time.Time, error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(filename, prefix) {
return time.Time{}, errors.New("mismatched prefix")
if !strings.HasSuffix(filename, ext) {
return time.Time{}, errors.New("mismatched extension")
ts := filename[len(prefix) : len(filename)-len(ext)]
return time.Parse(backupTimeFormat, ts)
// max returns the maximum size in bytes of log files before rolling.
func (l *Logger) max() int64 {
if l.MaxSize == 0 {
return int64(defaultMaxSize * megabyte)
return int64(l.MaxSize) * int64(megabyte)
// dir returns the directory for the current filename.
func (l *Logger) dir() string {
return filepath.Dir(l.filename())
// prefixAndExt returns the filename part and extension part from the Logger's
// filename.
func (l *Logger) prefixAndExt() (prefix, ext string) {
filename := filepath.Base(l.filename())
ext = filepath.Ext(filename)
prefix = filename[:len(filename)-len(ext)] + "-"
return prefix, ext
// compressLogFile compresses the given log file, removing the
// uncompressed log file if successful.
func compressLogFile(src, dst string) (err error) {
f, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open log file: %v", err)
defer f.Close()
fi, err := os_Stat(src)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to stat log file: %v", err)
if err := chown(dst, fi); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to chown compressed log file: %v", err)
// If this file already exists, we presume it was created by
// a previous attempt to compress the log file.
gzf, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, fi.Mode())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to open compressed log file: %v", err)
defer gzf.Close()
gz := gzip.NewWriter(gzf)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to compress log file: %v", err)
if _, err := io.Copy(gz, f); err != nil {
return err
if err := gz.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gzf.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Remove(src); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// logInfo is a convenience struct to return the filename and its embedded
// timestamp.
type logInfo struct {
timestamp time.Time
// byFormatTime sorts by newest time formatted in the name.
type byFormatTime []logInfo
func (b byFormatTime) Less(i, j int) bool {
return b[i].timestamp.After(b[j].timestamp)
func (b byFormatTime) Swap(i, j int) {
b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i]
func (b byFormatTime) Len() int {
return len(b)
@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ github.com/go-acme/lego/v3/registration
## explicit
# github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.4
## explicit
# github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.4.2
## explicit
@ -161,15 +158,10 @@ golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm
## explicit
# gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20200227125254-8fa46927fb4f
## explicit
# gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.0.0
## explicit
# gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2 v2.3.1
# gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0
## explicit
# gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20200615113413-eeeca48fe776
## explicit
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