update deps and vendoring
This commit is contained in:
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Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright {yyyy} {name of copyright owner}
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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<p align="center">
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<h3 align="center">Easy and Powerful TLS Automation</h3>
<p align="center">The same library used by the <a href="https://caddyserver.com">Caddy Web Server</a></p>
<p align="center">
<a href="https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/godoc-reference-blue.svg"></a>
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Caddy's automagic TLS features—now for your own Go programs—in one powerful and easy-to-use library!
CertMagic is the most mature, robust, and capable ACME client integration for Go... and perhaps ever.
With CertMagic, you can add one line to your Go application to serve securely over TLS, without ever having to touch certificates.
Instead of:
// plaintext HTTP, gross 🤢
http.ListenAndServe(":80", mux)
Use CertMagic:
// encrypted HTTPS with HTTP->HTTPS redirects - yay! 🔒😍
certmagic.HTTPS([]string{"example.com"}, mux)
That line of code will serve your HTTP router `mux` over HTTPS, complete with HTTP->HTTPS redirects. It obtains and renews the TLS certificates. It staples OCSP responses for greater privacy and security. As long as your domain name points to your server, CertMagic will keep its connections secure.
Compared to other ACME client libraries for Go, only CertMagic supports the full suite of ACME features, and no other library matches CertMagic's maturity and reliability.
CertMagic - Automatic HTTPS using Let's Encrypt
**Sponsored by Relica - Cross-platform local and cloud file backup:**
<a href="https://relicabackup.com"><img src="https://caddyserver.com/resources/images/sponsors/relica.png" width="220" alt="Relica - Cross-platform file backup to the cloud, local disks, or other computers"></a>
## Menu
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Package Overview](#package-overview)
- [Certificate authority](#certificate-authority)
- [The `Config` type](#the-config-type)
- [Defaults](#defaults)
- [Providing an email address](#providing-an-email-address)
- [Rate limiting](#rate-limiting)
- [Development and testing](#development-and-testing)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Serving HTTP handlers with HTTPS](#serving-http-handlers-with-https)
- [Starting a TLS listener](#starting-a-tls-listener)
- [Getting a tls.Config](#getting-a-tlsconfig)
- [Advanced use](#advanced-use)
- [Wildcard Certificates](#wildcard-certificates)
- [Behind a load balancer (or in a cluster)](#behind-a-load-balancer-or-in-a-cluster)
- [The ACME Challenges](#the-acme-challenges)
- [HTTP Challenge](#http-challenge)
- [TLS-ALPN Challenge](#tls-alpn-challenge)
- [DNS Challenge](#dns-challenge)
- [On-Demand TLS](#on-demand-tls)
- [Storage](#storage)
- [Cache](#cache)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Project History](#project-history)
- [Credits and License](#credits-and-license)
## Features
- Fully automated certificate management including issuance and renewal
- One-liner, fully managed HTTPS servers
- Full control over almost every aspect of the system
- HTTP->HTTPS redirects
- Solves all 3 ACME challenges: HTTP, TLS-ALPN, and DNS
- Most robust error handling of _any_ ACME client
- Challenges are randomized to avoid accidental dependence
- Challenges are rotated to overcome certain network blockages
- Robust retries for up to 30 days
- Exponential backoff with carefully-tuned intervals
- Retries with optional test/staging CA endpoint instead of production, to avoid rate limits
- Over 50 DNS providers work out-of-the-box (powered by [lego](https://github.com/go-acme/lego)!)
- Written in Go, a language with memory-safety guarantees
- Pluggable storage implementations (default: file system)
- Wildcard certificates
- Automatic OCSP stapling ([done right](https://gist.github.com/sleevi/5efe9ef98961ecfb4da8#gistcomment-2336055)) [keeps your sites online!](https://twitter.com/caddyserver/status/1234874273724084226)
- Will [automatically attempt](https://twitter.com/mholt6/status/1235577699541762048) to replace [revoked certificates](https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/2020-02-29-caa-rechecking-bug/114591/3?u=mholt)!
- Staples stored to disk in case of responder outages
- Distributed solving of all challenges (works behind load balancers)
- Highly efficient, coordinated management in a fleet
- Active locking
- Smart queueing
- Supports "on-demand" issuance of certificates (during TLS handshakes!)
- Caddy / CertMagic pioneered this technology
- Custom decision functions to regulate and throttle on-demand behavior
- Optional event hooks for observation
- Works with any certificate authority (CA) compliant with the ACME specification
- Certificate revocation (please, only if private key is compromised)
- Must-Staple (optional; not default)
- Cross-platform support! Mac, Windows, Linux, BSD, Android...
- Scales to hundreds of thousands of names/certificates per instance
- Use in conjunction with your own certificates
## Requirements
1. Public DNS name(s) you control
2. Server reachable from public Internet
- Or use the DNS challenge to waive this requirement
3. Control over port 80 (HTTP) and/or 443 (HTTPS)
- Or they can be forwarded to other ports you control
- Or use the DNS challenge to waive this requirement
- (This is a requirement of the ACME protocol, not a library limitation)
4. Persistent storage
- Typically the local file system (default)
- Other integrations available/possible
**_Before using this library, your domain names MUST be pointed (A/AAAA records) at your server (unless you use the DNS challenge)!_**
## Installation
$ go get github.com/caddyserver/certmagic
## Usage
### Package Overview
#### Certificate authority
This library uses Let's Encrypt by default, but you can use any certificate authority that conforms to the ACME specification. Known/common CAs are provided as consts in the package, for example `LetsEncryptStagingCA` and `LetsEncryptProductionCA`.
#### The `Config` type
The `certmagic.Config` struct is how you can wield the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. However, an empty/uninitialized `Config` is _not_ a valid one! In time, you will learn to use the force of `certmagic.NewDefault()` as I have.
#### Defaults
The default `Config` value is called `certmagic.Default`. Change its fields to suit your needs, then call `certmagic.NewDefault()` when you need a valid `Config` value. In other words, `certmagic.Default` is a template and is not valid for use directly.
You can set the default values easily, for example: `certmagic.Default.Issuer = ...`.
Similarly, to configure ACME-specific defaults, use `certmagic.DefaultACME`.
The high-level functions in this package (`HTTPS()`, `Listen()`, `ManageSync()`, and `ManageAsync()`) use the default config exclusively. This is how most of you will interact with the package. This is suitable when all your certificates are managed the same way. However, if you need to manage certificates differently depending on their name, you will need to make your own cache and configs (keep reading).
#### Providing an email address
Although not strictly required, this is highly recommended best practice. It allows you to receive expiration emails if your certificates are expiring for some reason, and also allows the CA's engineers to potentially get in touch with you if something is wrong. I recommend setting `certmagic.DefaultACME.Email` or always setting the `Email` field of a new `Config` struct.
#### Rate limiting
To avoid firehosing the CA's servers, CertMagic has built-in rate limiting. Currently, its default limit is up to 10 transactions (obtain or renew) every 1 minute (sliding window). This can be changed by setting the `RateLimitEvents` and `RateLimitEventsWindow` variables, if desired.
The CA may still enforce their own rate limits, and there's nothing (well, nothing ethical) CertMagic can do to bypass them for you.
Additionally, CertMagic will retry failed validations with exponential backoff for up to 30 days, with a reasonable maximum interval between attempts (an "attempt" means trying each enabled challenge type once).
### Development and Testing
Note that Let's Encrypt imposes [strict rate limits](https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/) at its production endpoint, so using it while developing your application may lock you out for a few days if you aren't careful!
While developing your application and testing it, use [their staging endpoint](https://letsencrypt.org/docs/staging-environment/) which has much higher rate limits. Even then, don't hammer it: but it's much safer for when you're testing. When deploying, though, use their production CA because their staging CA doesn't issue trusted certificates.
To use staging, set `certmagic.DefaultACME.CA = certmagic.LetsEncryptStagingCA` or set `CA` of every `ACMEManager` struct.
### Examples
There are many ways to use this library. We'll start with the highest-level (simplest) and work down (more control).
All these high-level examples use `certmagic.Default` and `certmagic.DefaultACME` for the config and the default cache and storage for serving up certificates.
First, we'll follow best practices and do the following:
// read and agree to your CA's legal documents
certmagic.DefaultACME.Agreed = true
// provide an email address
certmagic.DefaultACME.Email = "you@yours.com"
// use the staging endpoint while we're developing
certmagic.DefaultACME.CA = certmagic.LetsEncryptStagingCA
For fully-functional program examples, check out [this Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/mholt6/status/1073103805112147968) (or read it [unrolled into a single post](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1073103805112147968.html)). (Note that the package API has changed slightly since these posts.)
#### Serving HTTP handlers with HTTPS
err := certmagic.HTTPS([]string{"example.com", "www.example.com"}, mux)
if err != nil {
return err
This starts HTTP and HTTPS listeners and redirects HTTP to HTTPS!
#### Starting a TLS listener
ln, err := certmagic.Listen([]string{"example.com"})
if err != nil {
return err
#### Getting a tls.Config
tlsConfig, err := certmagic.TLS([]string{"example.com"})
if err != nil {
return err
#### Advanced use
For more control (particularly, if you need a different way of managing each certificate), you'll make and use a `Cache` and a `Config` like so:
cache := certmagic.NewCache(certmagic.CacheOptions{
GetConfigForCert: func(cert certmagic.Certificate) (*certmagic.Config, error) {
// do whatever you need to do to get the right
// configuration for this certificate; keep in
// mind that this config value is used as a
// template, and will be completed with any
// defaults that are set in the Default config
return certmagic.Config{
// ...
}), nil
magic := certmagic.New(cache, certmagic.Config{
// any customizations you need go here
myACME := certmagic.NewACMEManager(magic, ACMEManager{
CA: certmagic.LetsEncryptStagingCA,
Email: "you@yours.com",
Agreed: true,
// plus any other customizations you need
magic.Issuer = myACME
// this obtains certificates or renews them if necessary
err := magic.ManageSync([]string{"example.com", "sub.example.com"})
if err != nil {
return err
// to use its certificates and solve the TLS-ALPN challenge,
// you can get a TLS config to use in a TLS listener!
tlsConfig := magic.TLSConfig()
//// OR ////
// if you already have a TLS config you don't want to replace,
// we can simply set its GetCertificate field and append the
// TLS-ALPN challenge protocol to the NextProtos
myTLSConfig.GetCertificate = magic.GetCertificate
myTLSConfig.NextProtos = append(myTLSConfig.NextProtos, tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol}
// the HTTP challenge has to be handled by your HTTP server;
// if you don't have one, you should have disabled it earlier
// when you made the certmagic.Config
httpMux = myACME.HTTPChallengeHandler(httpMux)
Great! This example grants you much more flexibility for advanced programs. However, _the vast majority of you will only use the high-level functions described earlier_, especially since you can still customize them by setting the package-level `Default` config.
### Wildcard certificates
At time of writing (December 2018), Let's Encrypt only issues wildcard certificates with the DNS challenge. You can easily enable the DNS challenge with CertMagic for numerous providers (see the relevant section in the docs).
### Behind a load balancer (or in a cluster)
CertMagic runs effectively behind load balancers and/or in cluster/fleet environments. In other words, you can have 10 or 1,000 servers all serving the same domain names, all sharing certificates and OCSP staples.
To do so, simply ensure that each instance is using the same Storage. That is the sole criteria for determining whether an instance is part of a cluster.
The default Storage is implemented using the file system, so mounting the same shared folder is sufficient (see [Storage](#storage) for more on that)! If you need an alternate Storage implementation, feel free to use one, provided that all the instances use the _same_ one. :)
See [Storage](#storage) and the associated [pkg.go.dev](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc#Storage) for more information!
## The ACME Challenges
This section describes how to solve the ACME challenges. Challenges are how you demonstrate to the certificate authority some control over your domain name, thus authorizing them to grant you a certificate for that name. [The great innovation of ACME](https://www.dotconferences.com/2016/10/matthew-holt-go-with-acme) is that verification by CAs can now be automated, rather than having to click links in emails (who ever thought that was a good idea??).
If you're using the high-level convenience functions like `HTTPS()`, `Listen()`, or `TLS()`, the HTTP and/or TLS-ALPN challenges are solved for you because they also start listeners. However, if you're making a `Config` and you start your own server manually, you'll need to be sure the ACME challenges can be solved so certificates can be renewed.
The HTTP and TLS-ALPN challenges are the defaults because they don't require configuration from you, but they require that your server is accessible from external IPs on low ports. If that is not possible in your situation, you can enable the DNS challenge, which will disable the HTTP and TLS-ALPN challenges and use the DNS challenge exclusively.
Technically, only one challenge needs to be enabled for things to work, but using multiple is good for reliability in case a challenge is discontinued by the CA. This happened to the TLS-SNI challenge in early 2018—many popular ACME clients such as Traefik and Autocert broke, resulting in downtime for some sites, until new releases were made and patches deployed, because they used only one challenge; Caddy, however—this library's forerunner—was unaffected because it also used the HTTP challenge. If multiple challenges are enabled, they are chosen randomly to help prevent false reliance on a single challenge type. And if one fails, any remaining enabled challenges are tried before giving up.
### HTTP Challenge
Per the ACME spec, the HTTP challenge requires port 80, or at least packet forwarding from port 80. It works by serving a specific HTTP response that only the genuine server would have to a normal HTTP request at a special endpoint.
If you are running an HTTP server, solving this challenge is very easy: just wrap your handler in `HTTPChallengeHandler` _or_ call `SolveHTTPChallenge()` inside your own `ServeHTTP()` method.
For example, if you're using the standard library:
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Lookit my cool website over HTTPS!")
http.ListenAndServe(":80", myACME.HTTPChallengeHandler(mux))
If wrapping your handler is not a good solution, try this inside your `ServeHTTP()` instead:
magic := certmagic.NewDefault()
myACME := certmagic.NewACMEManager(magic, certmagic.DefaultACME)
func ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if myACME.HandleHTTPChallenge(w, r) {
return // challenge handled; nothing else to do
If you are not running an HTTP server, you should disable the HTTP challenge _or_ run an HTTP server whose sole job it is to solve the HTTP challenge.
### TLS-ALPN Challenge
Per the ACME spec, the TLS-ALPN challenge requires port 443, or at least packet forwarding from port 443. It works by providing a special certificate using a standard TLS extension, Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN), having a special value. This is the most convenient challenge type because it usually requires no extra configuration and uses the standard TLS port which is where the certificates are used, also.
This challenge is easy to solve: just use the provided `tls.Config` when you make your TLS listener:
// use this to configure a TLS listener
tlsConfig := magic.TLSConfig()
Or make two simple changes to an existing `tls.Config`:
myTLSConfig.GetCertificate = magic.GetCertificate
myTLSConfig.NextProtos = append(myTLSConfig.NextProtos, tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol}
Then just make sure your TLS listener is listening on port 443:
ln, err := tls.Listen("tcp", ":443", myTLSConfig)
### DNS Challenge
The DNS challenge is perhaps the most useful challenge because it allows you to obtain certificates without your server needing to be publicly accessible on the Internet, and it's the only challenge by which Let's Encrypt will issue wildcard certificates.
This challenge works by setting a special record in the domain's zone. To do this automatically, your DNS provider needs to offer an API by which changes can be made to domain names, and the changes need to take effect immediately for best results. CertMagic supports [all of lego's DNS provider implementations](https://github.com/go-acme/lego/tree/master/providers/dns)! All of them clean up the temporary record after the challenge completes.
To enable it, just set the `DNSProvider` field on a `certmagic.Config` struct, or set the default `certmagic.DNSProvider` variable. For example, if my domains' DNS was served by DNSimple and I set my DNSimple API credentials in environment variables:
import "github.com/go-acme/lego/v3/providers/dns/dnsimple"
provider, err := dnsimple.NewDNSProvider()
if err != nil {
return err
certmagic.DefaultACME.DNSProvider = provider
Now the DNS challenge will be used by default, and I can obtain certificates for wildcard domains. See the [pkg.go.dev documentation for the provider you're using](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-acme/lego/providers/dns?tab=subdirectories) to learn how to configure it. Most can be configured by env variables or by passing in a config struct. If you pass a config struct instead of using env variables, you will probably need to set some other defaults (that's just how lego works, currently):
PropagationTimeout: dns01.DefaultPollingInterval,
PollingInterval: dns01.DefaultPollingInterval,
TTL: dns01.DefaultTTL,
Enabling the DNS challenge disables the other challenges for that `certmagic.Config` instance.
## On-Demand TLS
Normally, certificates are obtained and renewed before a listener starts serving, and then those certificates are maintained throughout the lifetime of the program. In other words, the certificate names are static. But sometimes you don't know all the names ahead of time, or you don't want to manage all the certificates up front. This is where On-Demand TLS shines.
Originally invented for use in Caddy (which was the first program to use such technology), On-Demand TLS makes it possible and easy to serve certificates for arbitrary or specific names during the lifetime of the server. When a TLS handshake is received, CertMagic will read the Server Name Indication (SNI) value and either load and present that certificate in the ServerHello, or if one does not exist, it will obtain it from a CA right then-and-there.
Of course, this has some obvious security implications. You don't want to DoS a CA or allow arbitrary clients to fill your storage with spammy TLS handshakes. That's why, when you enable On-Demand issuance, you should set limits or policy to allow getting certificates. CertMagic has an implicit whitelist built-in which is sufficient for nearly everyone, but also has a more advanced way to control on-demand issuance.
The simplest way to enable on-demand issuance is to set the OnDemand field of a Config (or the default package-level value):
certmagic.Default.OnDemand = new(certmagic.OnDemandConfig)
By setting this to a non-nil value, on-demand TLS is enabled for that config. For convenient security, CertMagic's high-level abstraction functions such as `HTTPS()`, `TLS()`, `ManageSync()`, `ManageAsync()`, and `Listen()` (which all accept a list of domain names) will whitelist those names automatically so only certificates for those names can be obtained when using the Default config. Usually this is sufficient for most users.
However, if you require advanced control over which domains can be issued certificates on-demand (for example, if you do not know which domain names you are managing, or just need to defer their operations until later), you should implement your own DecisionFunc:
// if the decision function returns an error, a certificate
// may not be obtained for that name at that time
certmagic.Default.OnDemand = &certmagic.OnDemandConfig{
DecisionFunc: func(name string) error {
if name != "example.com" {
return fmt.Errorf("not allowed")
return nil
The [pkg.go.dev](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc#OnDemandConfig) describes how to use this in full detail, so please check it out!
## Storage
CertMagic relies on storage to store certificates and other TLS assets (OCSP staple cache, coordinating locks, etc). Persistent storage is a requirement when using CertMagic: ephemeral storage will likely lead to rate limiting on the CA-side as CertMagic will always have to get new certificates.
By default, CertMagic stores assets on the local file system in `$HOME/.local/share/certmagic` (and honors `$XDG_DATA_HOME` if set). CertMagic will create the directory if it does not exist. If writes are denied, things will not be happy, so make sure CertMagic can write to it!
The notion of a "cluster" or "fleet" of instances that may be serving the same site and sharing certificates, etc, is tied to storage. Simply, any instances that use the same storage facilities are considered part of the cluster. So if you deploy 100 instances of CertMagic behind a load balancer, they are all part of the same cluster if they share the same storage configuration. Sharing storage could be mounting a shared folder, or implementing some other distributed storage system such as a database server or KV store.
The easiest way to change the storage being used is to set `certmagic.DefaultStorage` to a value that satisfies the [Storage interface](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc#Storage). Keep in mind that a valid `Storage` must be able to implement some operations atomically in order to provide locking and synchronization.
If you write a Storage implementation, please add it to the [project wiki](https://github.com/caddyserver/certmagic/wiki/Storage-Implementations) so people can find it!
## Cache
All of the certificates in use are de-duplicated and cached in memory for optimal performance at handshake-time. This cache must be backed by persistent storage as described above.
Most applications will not need to interact with certificate caches directly. Usually, the closest you will come is to set the package-wide `certmagic.DefaultStorage` variable (before attempting to create any Configs). However, if your use case requires using different storage facilities for different Configs (that's highly unlikely and NOT recommended! Even Caddy doesn't get that crazy), you will need to call `certmagic.NewCache()` and pass in the storage you want to use, then get new `Config` structs with `certmagic.NewWithCache()` and pass in the cache.
Again, if you're needing to do this, you've probably over-complicated your application design.
## FAQ
### Can I use some of my own certificates while using CertMagic?
Yes, just call the relevant method on the `Config` to add your own certificate to the cache:
- [`CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMBytes()`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc#Config.CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMBytes)
- [`CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMFile()`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc#Config.CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMFile)
- [`CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate()`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/caddyserver/certmagic?tab=doc#Config.CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate)
Keep in mind that unmanaged certificates are (obviously) not renewed for you, so you'll have to replace them when you do. However, OCSP stapling is performed even for unmanaged certificates that qualify.
### Does CertMagic obtain SAN certificates?
Technically all certificates these days are SAN certificates because CommonName is deprecated. But if you're asking whether CertMagic issues and manages certificates with multiple SANs, the answer is no. But it does support serving them, if you provide your own.
### How can I listen on ports 80 and 443? Do I have to run as root?
On Linux, you can use `setcap` to grant your binary the permission to bind low ports:
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /path/to/your/binary
and then you will not need to run with root privileges.
## Contributing
We welcome your contributions! Please see our **[contributing guidelines](https://github.com/caddyserver/certmagic/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)** for instructions.
## Project History
CertMagic is the core of Caddy's advanced TLS automation code, extracted into a library. The underlying ACME client implementation is [lego](https://github.com/go-acme/lego), which was originally developed for use in Caddy even before Let's Encrypt entered public beta in 2015.
In the years since then, Caddy's TLS automation techniques have been widely adopted, tried and tested in production, and served millions of sites and secured trillions of connections.
Now, CertMagic is _the actual library used by Caddy_. It's incredibly powerful and feature-rich, but also easy to use for simple Go programs: one line of code can enable fully-automated HTTPS applications with HTTP->HTTPS redirects.
Caddy is known for its robust HTTPS+ACME features. When ACME certificate authorities have had outages, in some cases Caddy was the only major client that didn't experience any downtime. Caddy can weather OCSP outages lasting days, or CA outages lasting weeks, without taking your sites offline.
Caddy was also the first to sport "on-demand" issuance technology, which obtains certificates during the first TLS handshake for an allowed SNI name.
Consequently, CertMagic brings all these (and more) features and capabilities right into your own Go programs.
You can [watch a 2016 dotGo talk](https://www.dotconferences.com/2016/10/matthew-holt-go-with-acme) by the author of this library about using ACME to automate certificate management in Go programs:
[![Matthew Holt speaking at dotGo 2016 about ACME in Go](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1128849/49921557-2d506780-fe6b-11e8-97bf-6053b6b4eb48.png)](https://www.dotconferences.com/2016/10/matthew-holt-go-with-acme)
## Credits and License
CertMagic is a project by [Matthew Holt](https://twitter.com/mholt6), who is the author; and various contributors, who are credited in the commit history of either CertMagic or Caddy.
CertMagic is licensed under Apache 2.0, an open source license. For convenience, its main points are summarized as follows (but this is no replacement for the actual license text):
- The author owns the copyright to this code
- Use, distribute, and modify the software freely
- Private and internal use is allowed
- License text and copyright notices must stay intact and be included with distributions
- Any and all changes to the code must be documented
@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
weakrand "math/rand"
func init() {
// acmeClient is a wrapper over lego's acme.Client with
// some custom state attached. It is used to obtain,
// renew, and revoke certificates with ACME. Use
// ACMEManager.newACMEClient() or
// ACMEManager.newACMEClientWithRetry() to get a valid
// one for real use.
type acmeClient struct {
caURL string
mgr *ACMEManager
acmeClient *lego.Client
challenges []challenge.Type
// newACMEClientWithRetry is the same as newACMEClient, but with
// automatic retry capabilities. Sometimes network connections or
// HTTP requests fail intermittently, even when requesting the
// directory endpoint for example, so we can avoid that by just
// retrying once. Failures here are rare and sporadic, usually,
// so a simple retry is an easy fix.
func (am *ACMEManager) newACMEClientWithRetry(useTestCA bool) (*acmeClient, error) {
var client *acmeClient
var err error
const maxTries = 2
for i := 0; i < maxTries; i++ {
if i > 0 {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
client, err = am.newACMEClient(useTestCA, false) // TODO: move logic that requires interactivity to way before this part of the process...
if err == nil {
if acmeErr, ok := err.(acme.ProblemDetails); ok {
if acmeErr.HTTPStatus == http.StatusTooManyRequests {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many requests making new ACME client: %+v - aborting", acmeErr)
log.Printf("[ERROR] Making new ACME client: %v (attempt %d/%d)", err, i+1, maxTries)
return client, err
// newACMEClient creates the underlying ACME library client type.
// If useTestCA is true, am.TestCA will be used if it is set;
// otherwise, the primary CA will still be used.
func (am *ACMEManager) newACMEClient(useTestCA, interactive bool) (*acmeClient, error) {
defer acmeClientsMu.Unlock()
// ensure defaults are filled in
certObtainTimeout := am.CertObtainTimeout
if certObtainTimeout == 0 {
certObtainTimeout = DefaultACME.CertObtainTimeout
var caURL string
if useTestCA {
caURL = am.TestCA
// only use the default test CA if the CA is also
// the default CA; no point in testing against
// Let's Encrypt's staging server if we are not
// using their production server too
if caURL == "" && am.CA == DefaultACME.CA {
caURL = DefaultACME.TestCA
if caURL == "" {
caURL = am.CA
if caURL == "" {
caURL = DefaultACME.CA
// ensure endpoint is secure (assume HTTPS if scheme is missing)
if !strings.Contains(caURL, "://") {
caURL = "https://" + caURL
u, err := url.Parse(caURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if u.Scheme != "https" && !isLoopback(u.Host) && !isInternal(u.Host) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: insecure CA URL (HTTPS required)", caURL)
// look up or create the user account
leUser, err := am.getUser(caURL, am.Email)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if a lego client with this configuration already exists, reuse it
clientKey := caURL + leUser.Email
client, ok := acmeClients[clientKey]
if !ok {
// the client facilitates our communication with the CA server
legoCfg := lego.NewConfig(leUser)
legoCfg.CADirURL = caURL
legoCfg.UserAgent = buildUAString()
legoCfg.HTTPClient.Timeout = HTTPTimeout
legoCfg.Certificate = lego.CertificateConfig{
Timeout: am.CertObtainTimeout,
if am.TrustedRoots != nil {
if ht, ok := legoCfg.HTTPClient.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
if ht.TLSClientConfig == nil {
ht.TLSClientConfig = new(tls.Config)
ht.ForceAttemptHTTP2 = true
ht.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs = am.TrustedRoots
client, err = lego.NewClient(legoCfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
acmeClients[clientKey] = client
// if not registered, the user must register an account
// with the CA and agree to terms
if leUser.Registration == nil {
if interactive { // can't prompt a user who isn't there
termsURL := client.GetToSURL()
if !am.Agreed && termsURL != "" {
am.Agreed = am.askUserAgreement(client.GetToSURL())
if !am.Agreed && termsURL != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("user must agree to CA terms")
var reg *registration.Resource
if am.ExternalAccount != nil {
reg, err = client.Registration.RegisterWithExternalAccountBinding(registration.RegisterEABOptions{
TermsOfServiceAgreed: am.Agreed,
Kid: am.ExternalAccount.KeyID,
HmacEncoded: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(am.ExternalAccount.HMAC),
} else {
reg, err = client.Registration.Register(registration.RegisterOptions{
TermsOfServiceAgreed: am.Agreed,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
leUser.Registration = reg
// persist the user to storage
err = am.saveUser(caURL, leUser)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not save user: %v", err)
c := &acmeClient{
caURL: caURL,
mgr: am,
acmeClient: client,
return c, nil
// initialChallenges returns the initial set of challenges
// to try using c.config as a basis.
func (c *acmeClient) initialChallenges() []challenge.Type {
// if configured, use DNS challenge exclusively
if c.mgr.DNSProvider != nil {
return []challenge.Type{challenge.DNS01}
// otherwise, use HTTP and TLS-ALPN challenges if enabled
var chal []challenge.Type
if !c.mgr.DisableHTTPChallenge {
chal = append(chal, challenge.HTTP01)
if !c.mgr.DisableTLSALPNChallenge {
chal = append(chal, challenge.TLSALPN01)
return chal
// nextChallenge chooses a challenge randomly from the given list of
// available challenges and configures c.acmeClient to use that challenge
// according to c.config. It pops the chosen challenge from the list and
// returns that challenge along with the new list without that challenge.
// If len(available) == 0, this is a no-op.
// Don't even get me started on how dumb it is we need to do this here
// instead of the upstream lego library doing it for us. Lego used to
// randomize the challenge order, thus allowing another one to be used
// if the first one failed. https://github.com/go-acme/lego/issues/842
// (It also has an awkward API for adjusting the available challenges.)
// At time of writing, lego doesn't try anything other than the TLS-ALPN
// challenge, even if the HTTP challenge is also enabled. So we take
// matters into our own hands and enable only one challenge at a time
// in the underlying client, randomly selected by us.
func (c *acmeClient) nextChallenge(available []challenge.Type) (challenge.Type, []challenge.Type) {
if len(available) == 0 {
return "", available
// make sure we choose a challenge randomly, which lego used to do but
// the critical feature was surreptitiously removed in ~2018 in a commit
// too large to review, oh well - choose one, then remove it from the
// list of available challenges so it doesn't get retried
randIdx := weakrand.Intn(len(available))
randomChallenge := available[randIdx]
available = append(available[:randIdx], available[randIdx+1:]...)
// clean the slate, since we reuse clients
switch randomChallenge {
case challenge.HTTP01:
useHTTPPort := HTTPChallengePort
if HTTPPort > 0 && HTTPPort != HTTPChallengePort {
useHTTPPort = HTTPPort
if c.mgr.AltHTTPPort > 0 {
useHTTPPort = c.mgr.AltHTTPPort
acmeManager: c.mgr,
providerServer: &httpSolver{
acmeManager: c.mgr,
address: net.JoinHostPort(c.mgr.ListenHost, strconv.Itoa(useHTTPPort)),
caURL: c.caURL,
case challenge.TLSALPN01:
useTLSALPNPort := TLSALPNChallengePort
if HTTPSPort > 0 && HTTPSPort != TLSALPNChallengePort {
if c.mgr.AltTLSALPNPort > 0 {
useTLSALPNPort = c.mgr.AltTLSALPNPort
acmeManager: c.mgr,
providerServer: &tlsALPNSolver{
config: c.mgr.config,
address: net.JoinHostPort(c.mgr.ListenHost, strconv.Itoa(useTLSALPNPort)),
caURL: c.caURL,
case challenge.DNS01:
if c.mgr.DNSChallengeOption != nil {
c.acmeClient.Challenge.SetDNS01Provider(c.mgr.DNSProvider, c.mgr.DNSChallengeOption)
} else {
return randomChallenge, available
func (c *acmeClient) throttle(ctx context.Context, names []string) error {
// throttling is scoped to CA + account email
rateLimiterKey := c.caURL + "," + c.mgr.Email
rl, ok := rateLimiters[rateLimiterKey]
if !ok {
rl = NewRateLimiter(RateLimitEvents, RateLimitEventsWindow)
rateLimiters[rateLimiterKey] = rl
// TODO: stop rate limiter when it is garbage-collected...
log.Printf("[INFO]%v Waiting on rate limiter...", names)
err := rl.Wait(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[INFO]%v Done waiting", names)
return nil
func (c *acmeClient) usingTestCA() bool {
return c.mgr.TestCA != "" && c.caURL == c.mgr.TestCA
func (c *acmeClient) revoke(_ context.Context, certRes certificate.Resource) error {
return c.acmeClient.Certificate.Revoke(certRes.Certificate)
func buildUAString() string {
ua := "CertMagic"
if UserAgent != "" {
ua += " " + UserAgent
return ua
// These internal rate limits are designed to prevent accidentally
// firehosing a CA's ACME endpoints. They are not intended to
// replace or replicate the CA's actual rate limits.
// Let's Encrypt's rate limits can be found here:
// https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/
// Currently (as of December 2019), Let's Encrypt's most relevant
// rate limit for large deployments is 300 new orders per account
// per 3 hours (on average, or best case, that's about 1 every 36
// seconds, or 2 every 72 seconds, etc.); but it's not reasonable
// to try to assume that our internal state is the same as the CA's
// (due to process restarts, config changes, failed validations,
// etc.) and ultimately, only the CA's actual rate limiter is the
// authority. Thus, our own rate limiters do not attempt to enforce
// external rate limits. Doing so causes problems when the domains
// are not in our control (i.e. serving customer sites) and/or lots
// of domains fail validation: they clog our internal rate limiter
// and nearly starve out (or at least slow down) the other domains
// that need certificates. Failed transactions are already retried
// with exponential backoff, so adding in rate limiting can slow
// things down even more.
// Instead, the point of our internal rate limiter is to avoid
// hammering the CA's endpoint when there are thousands or even
// millions of certificates under management. Our goal is to
// allow small bursts in a relatively short timeframe so as to
// not block any one domain for too long, without unleashing
// thousands of requests to the CA at once.
var (
rateLimiters = make(map[string]*RingBufferRateLimiter)
rateLimitersMu sync.RWMutex
// RateLimitEvents is how many new events can be allowed
// in RateLimitEventsWindow.
RateLimitEvents = 10
// RateLimitEventsWindow is the size of the sliding
// window that throttles events.
RateLimitEventsWindow = 1 * time.Minute
// Some default values passed down to the underlying lego client.
var (
UserAgent string
HTTPTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// We keep a global cache of ACME clients so that they
// can be reused. Since the number of CAs, accounts,
// and key types should be fairly limited under best
// practices, this map will hardly ever have more than
// a few entries at the most. The associated lock
// protects access to the map but also ensures that only
// one ACME client is created at a time.
// TODO: consider using storage for a distributed lock
// TODO: consider evicting clients after some time
var (
acmeClients = make(map[string]*lego.Client)
acmeClientsMu sync.Mutex
@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
package certmagic
import (
// ACMEManager gets certificates using ACME. It implements the PreChecker,
// Issuer, and Revoker interfaces.
// It is NOT VALID to use an ACMEManager without calling NewACMEManager().
// It fills in default values from DefaultACME as well as setting up
// internal state that is necessary for valid use. Always call
// NewACMEManager() to get a valid ACMEManager value.
type ACMEManager struct {
// The endpoint of the directory for the ACME
// CA we are to use
CA string
// TestCA is the endpoint of the directory for
// an ACME CA to use to test domain validation,
// but any certs obtained from this CA are
// discarded
TestCA string
// The email address to use when creating or
// selecting an existing ACME server account
Email string
// Set to true if agreed to the CA's
// subscriber agreement
Agreed bool
// An optional external account to associate
// with this ACME account
ExternalAccount *ExternalAccountBinding
// Disable all HTTP challenges
DisableHTTPChallenge bool
// Disable all TLS-ALPN challenges
DisableTLSALPNChallenge bool
// The host (ONLY the host, not port) to listen
// on if necessary to start a listener to solve
// an ACME challenge
ListenHost string
// The alternate port to use for the ACME HTTP
// challenge; if non-empty, this port will be
// used instead of HTTPChallengePort to spin up
// a listener for the HTTP challenge
AltHTTPPort int
// The alternate port to use for the ACME
// TLS-ALPN challenge; the system must forward
// TLSALPNChallengePort to this port for
// challenge to succeed
AltTLSALPNPort int
// The DNS provider to use when solving the
// ACME DNS challenge
DNSProvider challenge.Provider
// The ChallengeOption struct to provide
// custom precheck or name resolution options
// for DNS challenge validation and execution
DNSChallengeOption dns01.ChallengeOption
// TrustedRoots specifies a pool of root CA
// certificates to trust when communicating
// over a network to a peer.
TrustedRoots *x509.CertPool
// The maximum amount of time to allow for
// obtaining a certificate. If empty, the
// default from the underlying lego lib is
// used. If set, it must not be too low so
// as to cancel orders too early, running
// the risk of rate limiting.
CertObtainTimeout time.Duration
config *Config
// NewACMEManager constructs a valid ACMEManager based on a template
// configuration; any empty values will be filled in by defaults in
// DefaultACME. The associated config is also required.
// Typically, you'll create the Config first, then call NewACMEManager(),
// then assign the return value to the Issuer/Revoker fields of the Config.
func NewACMEManager(cfg *Config, template ACMEManager) *ACMEManager {
if cfg == nil {
panic("cannot make valid ACMEManager without an associated CertMagic config")
if template.CA == "" {
template.CA = DefaultACME.CA
if template.TestCA == "" {
template.TestCA = DefaultACME.TestCA
if template.Email == "" {
template.Email = DefaultACME.Email
if !template.Agreed {
template.Agreed = DefaultACME.Agreed
if !template.DisableHTTPChallenge {
template.DisableHTTPChallenge = DefaultACME.DisableHTTPChallenge
if !template.DisableTLSALPNChallenge {
template.DisableTLSALPNChallenge = DefaultACME.DisableTLSALPNChallenge
if template.ListenHost == "" {
template.ListenHost = DefaultACME.ListenHost
if template.AltHTTPPort == 0 {
template.AltHTTPPort = DefaultACME.AltHTTPPort
if template.AltTLSALPNPort == 0 {
template.AltTLSALPNPort = DefaultACME.AltTLSALPNPort
if template.DNSProvider == nil {
template.DNSProvider = DefaultACME.DNSProvider
if template.DNSChallengeOption == nil {
template.DNSChallengeOption = DefaultACME.DNSChallengeOption
if template.TrustedRoots == nil {
template.TrustedRoots = DefaultACME.TrustedRoots
if template.CertObtainTimeout == 0 {
template.CertObtainTimeout = DefaultACME.CertObtainTimeout
template.config = cfg
return &template
// IssuerKey returns the unique issuer key for the
// confgured CA endpoint.
func (am *ACMEManager) IssuerKey() string {
return am.issuerKey(am.CA)
func (am *ACMEManager) issuerKey(ca string) string {
key := ca
if caURL, err := url.Parse(key); err == nil {
key = caURL.Host
if caURL.Path != "" {
// keep the path, but make sure it's a single
// component (i.e. no forward slashes, and for
// good measure, no backward slashes either)
const hyphen = "-"
repl := strings.NewReplacer(
"/", hyphen,
"\\", hyphen,
path := strings.Trim(repl.Replace(caURL.Path), hyphen)
if path != "" {
key += hyphen + path
return key
// PreCheck performs a few simple checks before obtaining or
// renewing a certificate with ACME, and returns whether this
// batch is eligible for certificates if using Let's Encrypt.
// It also ensures that an email address is available.
func (am *ACMEManager) PreCheck(names []string, interactive bool) error {
letsEncrypt := strings.Contains(am.CA, "api.letsencrypt.org")
if letsEncrypt {
for _, name := range names {
if !SubjectQualifiesForPublicCert(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("subject does not qualify for a Let's Encrypt certificate: %s", name)
return am.getEmail(interactive)
// Issue implements the Issuer interface. It obtains a certificate for the given csr using
// the ACME configuration am.
func (am *ACMEManager) Issue(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*IssuedCertificate, error) {
if am.config == nil {
panic("missing config pointer (must use NewACMEManager)")
var isRetry bool
if attempts, ok := ctx.Value(AttemptsCtxKey).(*int); ok {
isRetry = *attempts > 0
cert, usedTestCA, err := am.doIssue(ctx, csr, isRetry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// important to note that usedTestCA is not necessarily the same as isRetry
// (usedTestCA can be true if the main CA and the test CA happen to be the same)
if isRetry && usedTestCA && am.CA != am.TestCA {
// succeeded with testing endpoint, so try again with production endpoint
// (only if the production endpoint is different from the testing endpoint)
// TODO: This logic is imperfect and could benefit from some refinement.
// The two CA endpoints likely have different states, which could cause one
// to succeed and the other to fail, even if it's not a validation error.
// Two common cases would be:
// 1) Rate limiter state. This is more likely to cause prod to fail while
// staging succeeds, since prod usually has tighter rate limits. Thus, if
// initial attempt failed in prod due to rate limit, first retry (on staging)
// might succeed, and then trying prod again right way would probably still
// fail; normally this would terminate retries but the right thing to do in
// this case is to back off and retry again later. We could refine this logic
// to stick with the production endpoint on retries unless the error changes.
// 2) Cached authorizations state. If a domain validates successfully with
// one endpoint, but then the other endpoint is used, it might fail, e.g. if
// DNS was just changed or is still propagating. In this case, the second CA
// should continue to be retried with backoff, without switching back to the
// other endpoint. This is more likely to happen if a user is testing with
// the staging CA as the main CA, then changes their configuration once they
// think they are ready for the production endpoint.
cert, _, err = am.doIssue(ctx, csr, false)
if err != nil {
// succeeded with test CA but failed just now with the production CA;
// either we are observing differing internal states of each CA that will
// work out with time, or there is a bug/misconfiguration somewhere
// externally; it is hard to tell which! one easy cue is whether the
// error is specifically a 429 (Too Many Requests); if so, we should
// probably keep retrying
var acmeErr acme.ProblemDetails
if errors.As(err, &acmeErr) {
if acmeErr.HTTPStatus == http.StatusTooManyRequests {
// DON'T abort retries; the test CA succeeded (even
// if it's cached, it recently succeeded!) so we just
// need to keep trying (with backoff) until this CA's
// rate limits expire...
// TODO: as mentioned in comment above, we would benefit
// by pinning the main CA at this point instead of
// needlessly retrying with the test CA first each time
return nil, err
return nil, ErrNoRetry{err}
return cert, err
func (am *ACMEManager) doIssue(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, useTestCA bool) (*IssuedCertificate, bool, error) {
client, err := am.newACMEClientWithRetry(useTestCA)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
usingTestCA := client.usingTestCA()
nameSet := namesFromCSR(csr)
if !useTestCA {
if err := client.throttle(ctx, nameSet); err != nil {
return nil, usingTestCA, err
certRes, err := client.tryAllEnabledChallenges(ctx, csr)
if err != nil {
return nil, usingTestCA, fmt.Errorf("%v %w", nameSet, err)
ic := &IssuedCertificate{
Certificate: certRes.Certificate,
Metadata: certRes,
return ic, usingTestCA, nil
func (c *acmeClient) tryAllEnabledChallenges(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*certificate.Resource, error) {
// start with all enabled challenges
challenges := c.initialChallenges()
if len(challenges) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no challenge types enabled")
// try while a challenge type is still available
var cert *certificate.Resource
var err error
for len(challenges) > 0 {
var chosenChallenge challenge.Type
chosenChallenge, challenges = c.nextChallenge(challenges)
cert, err = c.acmeClient.Certificate.ObtainForCSR(*csr, true)
if err == nil {
return cert, nil
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s (challenge=%s remaining=%v)", err, chosenChallenge, challenges)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
return cert, err
// Revoke implements the Revoker interface. It revokes the given certificate.
func (am *ACMEManager) Revoke(ctx context.Context, cert CertificateResource) error {
client, err := am.newACMEClient(false, false)
if err != nil {
return err
meta := cert.IssuerData.(map[string]interface{})
cr := certificate.Resource{
Domain: meta["domain"].(string),
CertURL: meta["certUrl"].(string),
CertStableURL: meta["certStableURL"].(string),
return client.revoke(ctx, cr)
// ExternalAccountBinding contains information for
// binding an external account to an ACME account.
type ExternalAccountBinding struct {
KeyID string
HMAC []byte
// DefaultACME specifies the default settings
// to use for ACMEManagers.
var DefaultACME = ACMEManager{
CA: LetsEncryptProductionCA,
TestCA: LetsEncryptStagingCA,
// Some well-known CA endpoints available to use.
const (
LetsEncryptStagingCA = "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
LetsEncryptProductionCA = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
// prefixACME is the storage key prefix used for ACME-specific assets.
const prefixACME = "acme"
// Interface guards
var (
_ PreChecker = (*ACMEManager)(nil)
_ Issuer = (*ACMEManager)(nil)
_ Revoker = (*ACMEManager)(nil)
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package certmagic
import (
var jm = &jobManager{maxConcurrentJobs: 1000}
type jobManager struct {
mu sync.Mutex
maxConcurrentJobs int
activeWorkers int
queue []namedJob
names map[string]struct{}
type namedJob struct {
name string
job func() error
// Submit enqueues the given job with the given name. If name is non-empty
// and a job with the same name is already enqueued or running, this is a
// no-op. If name is empty, no duplicate prevention will occur. The job
// manager will then run this job as soon as it is able.
func (jm *jobManager) Submit(name string, job func() error) {
defer jm.mu.Unlock()
if jm.names == nil {
jm.names = make(map[string]struct{})
if name != "" {
// prevent duplicate jobs
if _, ok := jm.names[name]; ok {
jm.names[name] = struct{}{}
jm.queue = append(jm.queue, namedJob{name, job})
if jm.activeWorkers < jm.maxConcurrentJobs {
go jm.worker()
func (jm *jobManager) worker() {
for {
if len(jm.queue) == 0 {
next := jm.queue[0]
jm.queue = jm.queue[1:]
if err := next.job(); err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] %v", err)
if next.name != "" {
delete(jm.names, next.name)
func doWithRetry(ctx context.Context, f func(context.Context) error) error {
var attempts int
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, AttemptsCtxKey, &attempts)
// the initial intervalIndex is -1, signaling
// that we should not wait for the first attempt
start, intervalIndex := time.Now(), -1
var err error
for time.Since(start) < maxRetryDuration {
var wait time.Duration
if intervalIndex >= 0 {
wait = retryIntervals[intervalIndex]
timer := time.NewTimer(wait)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return context.Canceled
case <-timer.C:
err = f(ctx)
if err == nil || errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return err
var errNoRetry ErrNoRetry
if errors.As(err, &errNoRetry) {
return err
if intervalIndex < len(retryIntervals)-1 {
if time.Since(start) < maxRetryDuration {
log.Printf("[ERROR] attempt %d: %v - retrying in %s (%s/%s elapsed)...",
attempts, err, retryIntervals[intervalIndex], time.Since(start), maxRetryDuration)
} else {
log.Printf("[ERROR] final attempt: %v - giving up (%s/%s elapsed)...",
err, time.Since(start), maxRetryDuration)
return nil
return err
// ErrNoRetry is an error type which signals
// to stop retries early.
type ErrNoRetry struct{ Err error }
// Unwrap makes it so that e wraps e.Err.
func (e ErrNoRetry) Unwrap() error { return e.Err }
func (e ErrNoRetry) Error() string { return e.Err.Error() }
type retryStateCtxKey struct{}
// AttemptsCtxKey is the context key for the value
// that holds the attempt counter. The value counts
// how many times the operation has been attempted.
// A value of 0 means first attempt.
var AttemptsCtxKey retryStateCtxKey
// retryIntervals are based on the idea of exponential
// backoff, but weighed a little more heavily to the
// front. We figure that intermittent errors would be
// resolved after the first retry, but any errors after
// that would probably require at least a few minutes
// to clear up: either for DNS to propagate, for the
// administrator to fix their DNS or network properties,
// or some other external factor needs to change. We
// chose intervals that we think will be most useful
// without introducing unnecessary delay. The last
// interval in this list will be used until the time
// of maxRetryDuration has elapsed.
var retryIntervals = []time.Duration{
1 * time.Minute,
2 * time.Minute,
2 * time.Minute,
5 * time.Minute, // elapsed: 10 min
10 * time.Minute,
20 * time.Minute,
20 * time.Minute, // elapsed: 1 hr
30 * time.Minute,
30 * time.Minute, // elapsed: 2 hr
1 * time.Hour,
3 * time.Hour, // elapsed: 6 hr
6 * time.Hour, // for up to maxRetryDuration
// maxRetryDuration is the maximum duration to try
// doing retries using the above intervals.
const maxRetryDuration = 24 * time.Hour * 30
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
- master
imageName: ubuntu-16.04
gorootDir: /usr/local
imageName: macos-10.13
gorootDir: /usr/local
imageName: windows-2019
gorootDir: C:\
vmImage: $(imageName)
GOROOT: $(gorootDir)/go
GOPATH: $(system.defaultWorkingDirectory)/gopath
modulePath: '$(GOPATH)/src/github.com/$(build.repository.name)'
# TODO: modules should be the default in Go 1.13, so this won't be needed
#GO111MODULE: on
- bash: |
latestGo=$(curl "https://golang.org/VERSION?m=text")
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=LATEST_GO]$latestGo"
echo "Latest Go version: $latestGo"
displayName: "Get latest Go version"
- bash: |
sudo rm -f $(which go)
echo '##vso[task.prependpath]$(GOBIN)'
echo '##vso[task.prependpath]$(GOROOT)/bin'
mkdir -p '$(modulePath)'
shopt -s extglob
shopt -s dotglob
mv !(gopath) '$(modulePath)'
displayName: Remove old Go, set GOBIN/GOROOT, and move project into GOPATH
# Install Go (this varies by platform)
- bash: |
wget "https://dl.google.com/go/$(LATEST_GO).linux-amd64.tar.gz"
sudo tar -C $(gorootDir) -xzf "$(LATEST_GO).linux-amd64.tar.gz"
condition: eq( variables['Agent.OS'], 'Linux' )
displayName: Install Go on Linux
- bash: |
wget "https://dl.google.com/go/$(LATEST_GO).darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
sudo tar -C $(gorootDir) -xzf "$(LATEST_GO).darwin-amd64.tar.gz"
condition: eq( variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin' )
displayName: Install Go on macOS
- powershell: |
Write-Host "Downloading Go... (please be patient, I am very slow)"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://dl.google.com/go/$(LATEST_GO).windows-amd64.zip", "$(LATEST_GO).windows-amd64.zip")
Write-Host "Extracting Go... (I'm slow too)"
Expand-Archive "$(LATEST_GO).windows-amd64.zip" -DestinationPath "$(gorootDir)"
condition: eq( variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows_NT' )
displayName: Install Go on Windows
# TODO: When this issue is fixed, replace with installer script:
# https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/issues/472
- script: go get -v github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
displayName: Install golangci-lint
- bash: |
printf "Using go at: $(which go)\n"
printf "Go version: $(go version)\n"
printf "\n\nGo environment:\n\n"
go env
printf "\n\nSystem environment:\n\n"
displayName: Print Go version and environment
- script: |
go get -v -t -d ./...
golangci-lint run -E gofmt -E goimports -E misspell
go test -race ./...
workingDirectory: '$(modulePath)'
displayName: Run tests
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// Cache is a structure that stores certificates in memory.
// A Cache indexes certificates by name for quick access
// during TLS handshakes, and avoids duplicating certificates
// in memory. Generally, there should only be one per process.
// However, that is not a strict requirement; but using more
// than one is a code smell, and may indicate an
// over-engineered design.
// An empty cache is INVALID and must not be used. Be sure
// to call NewCache to get a valid value.
// These should be very long-lived values and must not be
// copied. Before all references leave scope to be garbage
// collected, ensure you call Stop() to stop maintenance on
// the certificates stored in this cache and release locks.
// Caches are not usually manipulated directly; create a
// Config value with a pointer to a Cache, and then use
// the Config to interact with the cache. Caches are
// agnostic of any particular storage or ACME config,
// since each certificate may be managed and stored
// differently.
type Cache struct {
// User configuration of the cache
options CacheOptions
// The cache is keyed by certificate hash
cache map[string]Certificate
// cacheIndex is a map of SAN to cache key (cert hash)
cacheIndex map[string][]string
// Protects the cache and index maps
mu sync.RWMutex
// Close this channel to cancel asset maintenance
stopChan chan struct{}
// Used to signal when stopping is completed
doneChan chan struct{}
// NewCache returns a new, valid Cache for efficiently
// accessing certificates in memory. It also begins a
// maintenance goroutine to tend to the certificates
// in the cache. Call Stop() when you are done with the
// cache so it can clean up locks and stuff.
// Most users of this package will not need to call this
// because a default certificate cache is created for you.
// Only advanced use cases require creating a new cache.
// This function panics if opts.GetConfigForCert is not
// set. The reason is that a cache absolutely needs to
// be able to get a Config with which to manage TLS
// assets, and it is not safe to assume that the Default
// config is always the correct one, since you have
// created the cache yourself.
// See the godoc for Cache to use it properly. When
// no longer needed, caches should be stopped with
// Stop() to clean up resources even if the process
// is being terminated, so that it can clean up
// any locks for other processes to unblock!
func NewCache(opts CacheOptions) *Cache {
// assume default options if necessary
if opts.OCSPCheckInterval <= 0 {
opts.OCSPCheckInterval = DefaultOCSPCheckInterval
if opts.RenewCheckInterval <= 0 {
opts.RenewCheckInterval = DefaultRenewCheckInterval
// this must be set, because we cannot not
// safely assume that the Default Config
// is always the correct one to use
if opts.GetConfigForCert == nil {
panic("cache must be initialized with a GetConfigForCert callback")
c := &Cache{
options: opts,
cache: make(map[string]Certificate),
cacheIndex: make(map[string][]string),
stopChan: make(chan struct{}),
doneChan: make(chan struct{}),
go c.maintainAssets()
return c
// Stop stops the maintenance goroutine for
// certificates in certCache. It blocks until
// stopping is complete. Once a cache is
// stopped, it cannot be reused.
func (certCache *Cache) Stop() {
close(certCache.stopChan) // signal to stop
<-certCache.doneChan // wait for stop to complete
// CacheOptions is used to configure certificate caches.
// Once a cache has been created with certain options,
// those settings cannot be changed.
type CacheOptions struct {
// REQUIRED. A function that returns a configuration
// used for managing a certificate, or for accessing
// that certificate's asset storage (e.g. for
// OCSP staples, etc). The returned Config MUST
// be associated with the same Cache as the caller.
// The reason this is a callback function, dynamically
// returning a Config (instead of attaching a static
// pointer to a Config on each certificate) is because
// the config for how to manage a domain's certificate
// might change from maintenance to maintenance. The
// cache is so long-lived, we cannot assume that the
// host's situation will always be the same; e.g. the
// certificate might switch DNS providers, so the DNS
// challenge (if used) would need to be adjusted from
// the last time it was run ~8 weeks ago.
GetConfigForCert ConfigGetter
// How often to check certificates for renewal;
// if unset, DefaultOCSPCheckInterval will be used.
OCSPCheckInterval time.Duration
// How often to check certificates for renewal;
// if unset, DefaultRenewCheckInterval will be used.
RenewCheckInterval time.Duration
// ConfigGetter is a function that returns a prepared,
// valid config that should be used when managing the
// given certificate or its assets.
type ConfigGetter func(Certificate) (*Config, error)
// cacheCertificate calls unsyncedCacheCertificate with a write lock.
// This function is safe for concurrent use.
func (certCache *Cache) cacheCertificate(cert Certificate) {
// unsyncedCacheCertificate adds cert to the in-memory cache unless
// it already exists in the cache (according to cert.Hash). It
// updates the name index.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent use. Callers MUST acquire
// a write lock on certCache.mu first.
func (certCache *Cache) unsyncedCacheCertificate(cert Certificate) {
// no-op if this certificate already exists in the cache
if _, ok := certCache.cache[cert.hash]; ok {
// store the certificate
certCache.cache[cert.hash] = cert
// update the index so we can access it by name
for _, name := range cert.Names {
certCache.cacheIndex[name] = append(certCache.cacheIndex[name], cert.hash)
// removeCertificate removes cert from the cache.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent use; callers
// MUST first acquire a write lock on certCache.mu.
func (certCache *Cache) removeCertificate(cert Certificate) {
// delete all mentions of this cert from the name index
for _, name := range cert.Names {
keyList := certCache.cacheIndex[name]
for i, cacheKey := range keyList {
if cacheKey == cert.hash {
keyList = append(keyList[:i], keyList[i+1:]...)
if len(keyList) == 0 {
delete(certCache.cacheIndex, name)
} else {
certCache.cacheIndex[name] = keyList
// delete the actual cert from the cache
delete(certCache.cache, cert.hash)
// replaceCertificate atomically replaces oldCert with newCert in
// the cache.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (certCache *Cache) replaceCertificate(oldCert, newCert Certificate) {
log.Printf("[INFO] Replaced certificate in cache for %v (new expiration date: %s)",
newCert.Names, newCert.Leaf.NotAfter.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
func (certCache *Cache) getFirstMatchingCert(name string) (Certificate, bool) {
all := certCache.getAllMatchingCerts(name)
if len(all) == 0 {
return all[0], true
return Certificate{}, false
func (certCache *Cache) getAllMatchingCerts(name string) []Certificate {
defer certCache.mu.RUnlock()
allCertKeys := certCache.cacheIndex[name]
certs := make([]Certificate, len(allCertKeys))
for i := range allCertKeys {
certs[i] = certCache.cache[allCertKeys[i]]
return certs
func (certCache *Cache) getAllCerts() []Certificate {
defer certCache.mu.RUnlock()
certs := make([]Certificate, 0, len(certCache.cache))
for _, cert := range certCache.cache {
certs = append(certs, cert)
return certs
func (certCache *Cache) getConfig(cert Certificate) (*Config, error) {
cfg, err := certCache.options.GetConfigForCert(cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cfg.certCache != nil && cfg.certCache != certCache {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config returned for certificate %v is not nil and points to different cache; got %p, expected %p (this one)",
cert.Names, cfg.certCache, certCache)
return cfg, nil
// AllMatchingCertificates returns a list of all certificates that could
// be used to serve the given SNI name, including exact SAN matches and
// wildcard matches.
func (certCache *Cache) AllMatchingCertificates(name string) []Certificate {
// get exact matches first
certs := certCache.getAllMatchingCerts(name)
// then look for wildcard matches by replacing each
// label of the domain name with wildcards
labels := strings.Split(name, ".")
for i := range labels {
labels[i] = "*"
candidate := strings.Join(labels, ".")
certs = append(certs, certCache.getAllMatchingCerts(candidate)...)
return certs
var (
defaultCache *Cache
defaultCacheMu sync.Mutex
@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// Certificate is a tls.Certificate with associated metadata tacked on.
// Even if the metadata can be obtained by parsing the certificate,
// we are more efficient by extracting the metadata onto this struct,
// but at the cost of slightly higher memory use.
type Certificate struct {
// Names is the list of subject names this
// certificate is signed for.
Names []string
// Optional; user-provided, and arbitrary.
Tags []string
// OCSP contains the certificate's parsed OCSP response.
ocsp *ocsp.Response
// The hex-encoded hash of this cert's chain's bytes.
hash string
// Whether this certificate is under our management
managed bool
// NeedsRenewal returns true if the certificate is
// expiring soon (according to cfg) or has expired.
func (cert Certificate) NeedsRenewal(cfg *Config) bool {
return currentlyInRenewalWindow(cert.Leaf.NotBefore, cert.Leaf.NotAfter, cfg.RenewalWindowRatio)
// currentlyInRenewalWindow returns true if the current time is
// within the renewal window, according to the given start/end
// dates and the ratio of the renewal window. If true is returned,
// the certificate being considered is due for renewal.
func currentlyInRenewalWindow(notBefore, notAfter time.Time, renewalWindowRatio float64) bool {
if notAfter.IsZero() {
return false
lifetime := notAfter.Sub(notBefore)
if renewalWindowRatio == 0 {
renewalWindowRatio = DefaultRenewalWindowRatio
renewalWindow := time.Duration(float64(lifetime) * renewalWindowRatio)
renewalWindowStart := notAfter.Add(-renewalWindow)
return time.Now().After(renewalWindowStart)
// HasTag returns true if cert.Tags has tag.
func (cert Certificate) HasTag(tag string) bool {
for _, t := range cert.Tags {
if t == tag {
return true
return false
// CacheManagedCertificate loads the certificate for domain into the
// cache, from the TLS storage for managed certificates. It returns a
// copy of the Certificate that was put into the cache.
// This is a lower-level method; normally you'll call Manage() instead.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (cfg *Config) CacheManagedCertificate(domain string) (Certificate, error) {
cert, err := cfg.loadManagedCertificate(domain)
if err != nil {
return cert, err
cfg.emit("cached_managed_cert", cert.Names)
return cert, nil
// loadManagedCertificate loads the managed certificate for domain,
// but it does not add it to the cache. It just loads from storage.
func (cfg *Config) loadManagedCertificate(domain string) (Certificate, error) {
certRes, err := cfg.loadCertResource(domain)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, err
cert, err := makeCertificateWithOCSP(cfg.Storage, certRes.CertificatePEM, certRes.PrivateKeyPEM)
if err != nil {
return cert, err
cert.managed = true
return cert, nil
// CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMFile loads a certificate for host using certFile
// and keyFile, which must be in PEM format. It stores the certificate in
// the in-memory cache.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (cfg *Config) CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMFile(certFile, keyFile string, tags []string) error {
cert, err := makeCertificateFromDiskWithOCSP(cfg.Storage, certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
return err
cert.Tags = tags
cfg.emit("cached_unmanaged_cert", cert.Names)
return nil
// CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate adds tlsCert to the certificate cache.
// It staples OCSP if possible.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (cfg *Config) CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate(tlsCert tls.Certificate, tags []string) error {
var cert Certificate
err := fillCertFromLeaf(&cert, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = stapleOCSP(cfg.Storage, &cert, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARNING] Stapling OCSP: %v", err)
cfg.emit("cached_unmanaged_cert", cert.Names)
cert.Tags = tags
return nil
// CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMBytes makes a certificate out of the PEM bytes
// of the certificate and key, then caches it in memory.
// This method is safe for concurrent use.
func (cfg *Config) CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMBytes(certBytes, keyBytes []byte, tags []string) error {
cert, err := makeCertificateWithOCSP(cfg.Storage, certBytes, keyBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
cert.Tags = tags
cfg.emit("cached_unmanaged_cert", cert.Names)
return nil
// makeCertificateFromDiskWithOCSP makes a Certificate by loading the
// certificate and key files. It fills out all the fields in
// the certificate except for the Managed and OnDemand flags.
// (It is up to the caller to set those.) It staples OCSP.
func makeCertificateFromDiskWithOCSP(storage Storage, certFile, keyFile string) (Certificate, error) {
certPEMBlock, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certFile)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, err
keyPEMBlock, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, err
return makeCertificateWithOCSP(storage, certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock)
// makeCertificateWithOCSP is the same as makeCertificate except that it also
// staples OCSP to the certificate.
func makeCertificateWithOCSP(storage Storage, certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock []byte) (Certificate, error) {
cert, err := makeCertificate(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock)
if err != nil {
return cert, err
_, err = stapleOCSP(storage, &cert, certPEMBlock)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARNING] Stapling OCSP: %v", err)
return cert, nil
// makeCertificate turns a certificate PEM bundle and a key PEM block into
// a Certificate with necessary metadata from parsing its bytes filled into
// its struct fields for convenience (except for the OnDemand and Managed
// flags; it is up to the caller to set those properties!). This function
// does NOT staple OCSP.
func makeCertificate(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock []byte) (Certificate, error) {
var cert Certificate
// Convert to a tls.Certificate
tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock)
if err != nil {
return cert, err
// Extract necessary metadata
err = fillCertFromLeaf(&cert, tlsCert)
if err != nil {
return cert, err
return cert, nil
// fillCertFromLeaf populates cert from tlsCert. If it succeeds, it
// guarantees that cert.Leaf is non-nil.
func fillCertFromLeaf(cert *Certificate, tlsCert tls.Certificate) error {
if len(tlsCert.Certificate) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate is empty")
cert.Certificate = tlsCert
// the leaf cert should be the one for the site; we must set
// the tls.Certificate.Leaf field so that TLS handshakes are
// more efficient
leaf, err := x509.ParseCertificate(tlsCert.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
return err
cert.Certificate.Leaf = leaf
// for convenience, we do want to assemble all the
// subjects on the certificate into one list
if leaf.Subject.CommonName != "" { // TODO: CommonName is deprecated
cert.Names = []string{strings.ToLower(leaf.Subject.CommonName)}
for _, name := range leaf.DNSNames {
if name != leaf.Subject.CommonName { // TODO: CommonName is deprecated
cert.Names = append(cert.Names, strings.ToLower(name))
for _, ip := range leaf.IPAddresses {
if ipStr := ip.String(); ipStr != leaf.Subject.CommonName { // TODO: CommonName is deprecated
cert.Names = append(cert.Names, strings.ToLower(ipStr))
for _, email := range leaf.EmailAddresses {
if email != leaf.Subject.CommonName { // TODO: CommonName is deprecated
cert.Names = append(cert.Names, strings.ToLower(email))
for _, u := range leaf.URIs {
if u.String() != leaf.Subject.CommonName { // TODO: CommonName is deprecated
cert.Names = append(cert.Names, u.String())
if len(cert.Names) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate has no names")
// save the hash of this certificate (chain) and
// expiration date, for necessity and efficiency
cert.hash = hashCertificateChain(cert.Certificate.Certificate)
return nil
// managedCertInStorageExpiresSoon returns true if cert (being a
// managed certificate) is expiring within RenewDurationBefore.
// It returns false if there was an error checking the expiration
// of the certificate as found in storage, or if the certificate
// in storage is NOT expiring soon. A certificate that is expiring
// soon in our cache but is not expiring soon in storage probably
// means that another instance renewed the certificate in the
// meantime, and it would be a good idea to simply load the cert
// into our cache rather than repeating the renewal process again.
func (cfg *Config) managedCertInStorageExpiresSoon(cert Certificate) (bool, error) {
certRes, err := cfg.loadCertResource(cert.Names[0])
if err != nil {
return false, err
tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certRes.CertificatePEM, certRes.PrivateKeyPEM)
if err != nil {
return false, err
leaf, err := x509.ParseCertificate(tlsCert.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
return false, err
return currentlyInRenewalWindow(leaf.NotBefore, leaf.NotAfter, cfg.RenewalWindowRatio), nil
// reloadManagedCertificate reloads the certificate corresponding to the name(s)
// on oldCert into the cache, from storage. This also replaces the old certificate
// with the new one, so that all configurations that used the old cert now point
// to the new cert. It assumes that the new certificate for oldCert.Names[0] is
// already in storage.
func (cfg *Config) reloadManagedCertificate(oldCert Certificate) error {
log.Printf("[INFO] Reloading managed certificate for %v", oldCert.Names)
newCert, err := cfg.loadManagedCertificate(oldCert.Names[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading managed certificate for %v from storage: %v", oldCert.Names, err)
cfg.certCache.replaceCertificate(oldCert, newCert)
return nil
// SubjectQualifiesForCert returns true if subj is a name which,
// as a quick sanity check, looks like it could be the subject
// of a certificate. Requirements are:
// - must not be empty
// - must not start or end with a dot (RFC 1034)
// - must not contain common accidental special characters
func SubjectQualifiesForCert(subj string) bool {
// must not be empty
return strings.TrimSpace(subj) != "" &&
// must not start or end with a dot
!strings.HasPrefix(subj, ".") &&
!strings.HasSuffix(subj, ".") &&
// if it has a wildcard, must be a left-most label
(!strings.Contains(subj, "*") || strings.HasPrefix(subj, "*.")) &&
// must not contain other common special characters
!strings.ContainsAny(subj, "()[]{}<> \t\n\"\\!@#$%^&|;'+=")
// SubjectQualifiesForPublicCert returns true if the subject
// name appears eligible for automagic TLS with a public
// CA such as Let's Encrypt. For example: localhost and IP
// addresses are not eligible because we cannot obtain certs
// for those names with a public CA. Wildcard names are
// allowed, as long as they conform to CABF requirements (only
// one wildcard label, and it must be the left-most label).
func SubjectQualifiesForPublicCert(subj string) bool {
// must at least qualify for certificate
return SubjectQualifiesForCert(subj) &&
// localhost is ineligible
subj != "localhost" &&
// .localhost TLD is ineligible
!strings.HasSuffix(subj, ".localhost") &&
// .local TLD is ineligible
!strings.HasSuffix(subj, ".local") &&
// only one wildcard label allowed, and it must be left-most
(!strings.Contains(subj, "*") ||
(strings.Count(subj, "*") == 1 &&
len(subj) > 2 &&
strings.HasPrefix(subj, "*."))) &&
// cannot be an IP address (as of yet), see
// https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/certificate-for-static-ip/84/2?u=mholt
net.ParseIP(subj) == nil
// MatchWildcard returns true if subject (a candidate DNS name)
// matches wildcard (a reference DNS name), mostly according to
// RFC-compliant wildcard rules.
func MatchWildcard(subject, wildcard string) bool {
if subject == wildcard {
return true
if !strings.Contains(wildcard, "*") {
return false
labels := strings.Split(subject, ".")
for i := range labels {
if labels[i] == "" {
continue // invalid label
labels[i] = "*"
candidate := strings.Join(labels, ".")
if candidate == wildcard {
return true
return false
@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package certmagic automates the obtaining and renewal of TLS certificates,
// including TLS & HTTPS best practices such as robust OCSP stapling, caching,
// HTTP->HTTPS redirects, and more.
// Its high-level API serves your HTTP handlers over HTTPS if you simply give
// the domain name(s) and the http.Handler; CertMagic will create and run
// the HTTPS server for you, fully managing certificates during the lifetime
// of the server. Similarly, it can be used to start TLS listeners or return
// a ready-to-use tls.Config -- whatever layer you need TLS for, CertMagic
// makes it easy. See the HTTPS, Listen, and TLS functions for that.
// If you need more control, create a Cache using NewCache() and then make
// a Config using New(). You can then call Manage() on the config. But if
// you use this lower-level API, you'll have to be sure to solve the HTTP
// and TLS-ALPN challenges yourself (unless you disabled them or use the
// DNS challenge) by using the provided Config.GetCertificate function
// in your tls.Config and/or Config.HTTPChallangeHandler in your HTTP
// handler.
// See the package's README for more instruction.
package certmagic
import (
// HTTPS serves mux for all domainNames using the HTTP
// and HTTPS ports, redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS.
// It uses the Default config.
// This high-level convenience function is opinionated and
// applies sane defaults for production use, including
// timeouts for HTTP requests and responses. To allow very
// long-lived connections, you should make your own
// http.Server values and use this package's Listen(), TLS(),
// or Config.TLSConfig() functions to customize to your needs.
// For example, servers which need to support large uploads or
// downloads with slow clients may need to use longer timeouts,
// thus this function is not suitable.
// Calling this function signifies your acceptance to
// the CA's Subscriber Agreement and/or Terms of Service.
func HTTPS(domainNames []string, mux http.Handler) error {
if mux == nil {
mux = http.DefaultServeMux
DefaultACME.Agreed = true
cfg := NewDefault()
err := cfg.ManageSync(domainNames)
if err != nil {
return err
defer httpWg.Done()
// if we haven't made listeners yet, do so now,
// and clean them up when all servers are done
if httpLn == nil && httpsLn == nil {
httpLn, err = net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", HTTPPort))
if err != nil {
return err
httpsLn, err = tls.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", HTTPSPort), cfg.TLSConfig())
if err != nil {
httpLn = nil
return err
go func() {
hln, hsln := httpLn, httpsLn
// create HTTP/S servers that are configured
// with sane default timeouts and appropriate
// handlers (the HTTP server solves the HTTP
// challenge and issues redirects to HTTPS,
// while the HTTPS server simply serves the
// user's handler)
httpServer := &http.Server{
ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
if am, ok := cfg.Issuer.(*ACMEManager); ok {
httpServer.Handler = am.HTTPChallengeHandler(http.HandlerFunc(httpRedirectHandler))
httpsServer := &http.Server{
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 2 * time.Minute,
IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
Handler: mux,
log.Printf("%v Serving HTTP->HTTPS on %s and %s",
domainNames, hln.Addr(), hsln.Addr())
go httpServer.Serve(hln)
return httpsServer.Serve(hsln)
func httpRedirectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
toURL := "https://"
// since we redirect to the standard HTTPS port, we
// do not need to include it in the redirect URL
requestHost := hostOnly(r.Host)
toURL += requestHost
toURL += r.URL.RequestURI()
// get rid of this disgusting unencrypted HTTP connection 🤢
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
http.Redirect(w, r, toURL, http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// TLS enables management of certificates for domainNames
// and returns a valid tls.Config. It uses the Default
// config.
// Because this is a convenience function that returns
// only a tls.Config, it does not assume HTTP is being
// served on the HTTP port, so the HTTP challenge is
// disabled (no HTTPChallengeHandler is necessary). The
// package variable Default is modified so that the
// HTTP challenge is disabled.
// Calling this function signifies your acceptance to
// the CA's Subscriber Agreement and/or Terms of Service.
func TLS(domainNames []string) (*tls.Config, error) {
DefaultACME.Agreed = true
DefaultACME.DisableHTTPChallenge = true
cfg := NewDefault()
return cfg.TLSConfig(), cfg.ManageSync(domainNames)
// Listen manages certificates for domainName and returns a
// TLS listener. It uses the Default config.
// Because this convenience function returns only a TLS-enabled
// listener and does not presume HTTP is also being served,
// the HTTP challenge will be disabled. The package variable
// Default is modified so that the HTTP challenge is disabled.
// Calling this function signifies your acceptance to
// the CA's Subscriber Agreement and/or Terms of Service.
func Listen(domainNames []string) (net.Listener, error) {
DefaultACME.Agreed = true
DefaultACME.DisableHTTPChallenge = true
cfg := NewDefault()
err := cfg.ManageSync(domainNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tls.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", HTTPSPort), cfg.TLSConfig())
// ManageSync obtains certificates for domainNames and keeps them
// renewed using the Default config.
// This is a slightly lower-level function; you will need to
// wire up support for the ACME challenges yourself. You can
// obtain a Config to help you do that by calling NewDefault().
// You will need to ensure that you use a TLS config that gets
// certificates from this Config and that the HTTP and TLS-ALPN
// challenges can be solved. The easiest way to do this is to
// use NewDefault().TLSConfig() as your TLS config and to wrap
// your HTTP handler with NewDefault().HTTPChallengeHandler().
// If you don't have an HTTP server, you will need to disable
// the HTTP challenge.
// If you already have a TLS config you want to use, you can
// simply set its GetCertificate field to
// NewDefault().GetCertificate.
// Calling this function signifies your acceptance to
// the CA's Subscriber Agreement and/or Terms of Service.
func ManageSync(domainNames []string) error {
DefaultACME.Agreed = true
return NewDefault().ManageSync(domainNames)
// ManageAsync is the same as ManageSync, except that
// certificates are managed asynchronously. This means
// that the function will return before certificates
// are ready, and errors that occur during certificate
// obtain or renew operations are only logged. It is
// vital that you monitor the logs if using this method,
// which is only recommended for automated/non-interactive
// environments.
func ManageAsync(ctx context.Context, domainNames []string) error {
DefaultACME.Agreed = true
return NewDefault().ManageAsync(ctx, domainNames)
// OnDemandConfig configures on-demand TLS (certificate
// operations as-needed, like during TLS handshakes,
// rather than immediately).
// When this package's high-level convenience functions
// are used (HTTPS, Manage, etc., where the Default
// config is used as a template), this struct regulates
// certificate operations using an implicit whitelist
// containing the names passed into those functions if
// no DecisionFunc is set. This ensures some degree of
// control by default to avoid certificate operations for
// aribtrary domain names. To override this whitelist,
// manually specify a DecisionFunc. To impose rate limits,
// specify your own DecisionFunc.
type OnDemandConfig struct {
// If set, this function will be called to determine
// whether a certificate can be obtained or renewed
// for the given name. If an error is returned, the
// request will be denied.
DecisionFunc func(name string) error
// List of whitelisted hostnames (SNI values) for
// deferred (on-demand) obtaining of certificates.
// Used only by higher-level functions in this
// package to persist the list of hostnames that
// the config is supposed to manage. This is done
// because it seems reasonable that if you say
// "Manage [domain names...]", then only those
// domain names should be able to have certs;
// we don't NEED this feature, but it makes sense
// for higher-level convenience functions to be
// able to retain their convenience (alternative
// is: the user manually creates a DecisionFunc
// that whitelists the same names it already
// passed into Manage) and without letting clients
// have their run of any domain names they want.
// Only enforced if len > 0.
hostWhitelist []string
func (o *OnDemandConfig) whitelistContains(name string) bool {
for _, n := range o.hostWhitelist {
if strings.EqualFold(n, name) {
return true
return false
// isLoopback returns true if the hostname of addr looks
// explicitly like a common local hostname. addr must only
// be a host or a host:port combination.
func isLoopback(addr string) bool {
host := hostOnly(addr)
return host == "localhost" ||
strings.Trim(host, "[]") == "::1" ||
strings.HasPrefix(host, "127.")
// isInternal returns true if the IP of addr
// belongs to a private network IP range. addr
// must only be an IP or an IP:port combination.
// Loopback addresses are considered false.
func isInternal(addr string) bool {
privateNetworks := []string{
host := hostOnly(addr)
ip := net.ParseIP(host)
if ip == nil {
return false
for _, privateNetwork := range privateNetworks {
_, ipnet, _ := net.ParseCIDR(privateNetwork)
if ipnet.Contains(ip) {
return true
return false
// hostOnly returns only the host portion of hostport.
// If there is no port or if there is an error splitting
// the port off, the whole input string is returned.
func hostOnly(hostport string) string {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostport)
if err != nil {
return hostport // OK; probably had no port to begin with
return host
// PreChecker is an interface that can be optionally implemented by
// Issuers. Pre-checks are performed before each call (or batch of
// identical calls) to Issue(), giving the issuer the option to ensure
// it has all the necessary information/state.
type PreChecker interface {
PreCheck(names []string, interactive bool) error
// Issuer is a type that can issue certificates.
type Issuer interface {
// Issue obtains a certificate for the given CSR. It
// must honor context cancellation if it is long-running.
// It can also use the context to find out if the current
// call is part of a retry, via AttemptsCtxKey.
Issue(ctx context.Context, request *x509.CertificateRequest) (*IssuedCertificate, error)
// IssuerKey must return a string that uniquely identifies
// this particular configuration of the Issuer such that
// any certificates obtained by this Issuer will be treated
// as identical if they have the same SANs.
// Certificates obtained from Issuers with the same IssuerKey
// will overwrite others with the same SANs. For example, an
// Issuer might be able to obtain certificates from different
// CAs, say A and B. It is likely that the CAs have different
// use cases and purposes (e.g. testing and production), so
// their respective certificates should not overwrite eaach
// other.
IssuerKey() string
// Revoker can revoke certificates.
type Revoker interface {
Revoke(ctx context.Context, cert CertificateResource) error
// KeyGenerator can generate a private key.
type KeyGenerator interface {
// GenerateKey generates a private key. The returned
// PrivateKey must be able to expose its associated
// public key.
GenerateKey() (crypto.PrivateKey, error)
// IssuedCertificate represents a certificate that was just issued.
type IssuedCertificate struct {
// The PEM-encoding of DER-encoded ASN.1 data.
Certificate []byte
// Any extra information to serialize alongside the
// certificate in storage.
Metadata interface{}
// CertificateResource associates a certificate with its private
// key and other useful information, for use in maintaining the
// certificate.
type CertificateResource struct {
// The list of names on the certificate;
// for convenience only.
SANs []string `json:"sans,omitempty"`
// The PEM-encoding of DER-encoded ASN.1 data
// for the cert or chain.
CertificatePEM []byte `json:"-"`
// The PEM-encoding of the certificate's private key.
PrivateKeyPEM []byte `json:"-"`
// Any extra information associated with the certificate,
// usually provided by the issuer implementation.
IssuerData interface{} `json:"issuer_data,omitempty"`
// NamesKey returns the list of SANs as a single string,
// truncated to some ridiculously long size limit. It
// can act as a key for the set of names on the resource.
func (cr *CertificateResource) NamesKey() string {
result := strings.Join(cr.SANs, ",")
if len(result) > 1024 {
const trunc = "_trunc"
result = result[:1024-len(trunc)] + trunc
return result
// Default contains the package defaults for the
// various Config fields. This is used as a template
// when creating your own Configs with New(), and it
// is also used as the Config by all the high-level
// functions in this package.
// The fields of this value will be used for Config
// fields which are unset. Feel free to modify these
// defaults, but do not use this Config by itself: it
// is only a template. Valid configurations can be
// obtained by calling New() (if you have your own
// certificate cache) or NewDefault() (if you only
// need a single config and want to use the default
// cache). This is the only Config which can access
// the default certificate cache.
var Default = Config{
RenewalWindowRatio: DefaultRenewalWindowRatio,
Storage: defaultFileStorage,
KeySource: DefaultKeyGenerator,
const (
// HTTPChallengePort is the officially-designated port for
// the HTTP challenge according to the ACME spec.
HTTPChallengePort = 80
// TLSALPNChallengePort is the officially-designated port for
// the TLS-ALPN challenge according to the ACME spec.
TLSALPNChallengePort = 443
// Port variables must remain their defaults unless you
// forward packets from the defaults to whatever these
// are set to; otherwise ACME challenges will fail.
var (
// HTTPPort is the port on which to serve HTTP
// and, by extension, the HTTP challenge (unless
// Default.AltHTTPPort is set).
HTTPPort = 80
// HTTPSPort is the port on which to serve HTTPS
// and, by extension, the TLS-ALPN challenge
// (unless Default.AltTLSALPNPort is set).
HTTPSPort = 443
// Variables for conveniently serving HTTPS.
var (
httpLn, httpsLn net.Listener
lnMu sync.Mutex
httpWg sync.WaitGroup
@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
weakrand "math/rand"
// Config configures a certificate manager instance.
// An empty Config is not valid: use New() to obtain
// a valid Config.
type Config struct {
// How much of a certificate's lifetime becomes the
// renewal window, which is the span of time at the
// end of the certificate's validity period in which
// it should be renewed; for most certificates, the
// global default is good, but for exremely short-
// lived certs, you may want to raise this to ~0.5.
RenewalWindowRatio float64
// An optional event callback clients can set
// to subscribe to certain things happening
// internally by this config; invocations are
// synchronous, so make them return quickly!
OnEvent func(event string, data interface{})
// DefaultServerName specifies a server name
// to use when choosing a certificate if the
// ClientHello's ServerName field is empty
DefaultServerName string
// The state needed to operate on-demand TLS;
// if non-nil, on-demand TLS is enabled and
// certificate operations are deferred to
// TLS handshakes (or as-needed)
// TODO: Can we call this feature "Reactive/Lazy/Passive TLS" instead?
OnDemand *OnDemandConfig
// Add the must staple TLS extension to the
// CSR generated by lego/acme
MustStaple bool
// The type that issues certificates; the
// default Issuer is ACMEManager
Issuer Issuer
// The type that revokes certificates; must
// be configured in conjunction with the Issuer
// field such that both the Issuer and Revoker
// are related (because issuance information is
// required for revocation)
Revoker Revoker
// The source of new private keys for certificates;
// the default KeySource is StandardKeyGenerator
KeySource KeyGenerator
// CertSelection chooses one of the certificates
// with which the ClientHello will be completed;
// if not set, DefaultCertificateSelector will
// be used
CertSelection CertificateSelector
// The storage to access when storing or
// loading TLS assets
Storage Storage
// required pointer to the in-memory cert cache
certCache *Cache
// NewDefault makes a valid config based on the package
// Default config. Most users will call this function
// instead of New() since most use cases require only a
// single config for any and all certificates.
// If your requirements are more advanced (for example,
// multiple configs depending on the certificate), then use
// New() instead. (You will need to make your own Cache
// first.) If you only need a single Config to manage your
// certs (even if that config changes, as long as it is the
// only one), customize the Default package variable before
// calling NewDefault().
// All calls to NewDefault() will return configs that use the
// same, default certificate cache. All configs returned
// by NewDefault() are based on the values of the fields of
// Default at the time it is called.
func NewDefault() *Config {
if defaultCache == nil {
defaultCache = NewCache(CacheOptions{
// the cache will likely need to renew certificates,
// so it will need to know how to do that, which
// depends on the certificate being managed and which
// can change during the lifetime of the cache; this
// callback makes it possible to get the latest and
// correct config with which to manage the cert,
// but if the user does not provide one, we can only
// assume that we are to use the default config
GetConfigForCert: func(Certificate) (*Config, error) {
return NewDefault(), nil
certCache := defaultCache
return newWithCache(certCache, Default)
// New makes a new, valid config based on cfg and
// uses the provided certificate cache. certCache
// MUST NOT be nil or this function will panic.
// Use this method when you have an advanced use case
// that requires a custom certificate cache and config
// that may differ from the Default. For example, if
// not all certificates are managed/renewed the same
// way, you need to make your own Cache value with a
// GetConfigForCert callback that returns the correct
// configuration for each certificate. However, for
// the vast majority of cases, there will be only a
// single Config, thus the default cache (which always
// uses the default Config) and default config will
// suffice, and you should use New() instead.
func New(certCache *Cache, cfg Config) *Config {
if certCache == nil {
panic("a certificate cache is required")
if certCache.options.GetConfigForCert == nil {
panic("cache must have GetConfigForCert set in its options")
return newWithCache(certCache, cfg)
// newWithCache ensures that cfg is a valid config by populating
// zero-value fields from the Default Config. If certCache is
// nil, this function panics.
func newWithCache(certCache *Cache, cfg Config) *Config {
if certCache == nil {
panic("cannot make a valid config without a pointer to a certificate cache")
if cfg.OnDemand == nil {
cfg.OnDemand = Default.OnDemand
if cfg.RenewalWindowRatio == 0 {
cfg.RenewalWindowRatio = Default.RenewalWindowRatio
if cfg.OnEvent == nil {
cfg.OnEvent = Default.OnEvent
if cfg.KeySource == nil {
cfg.KeySource = Default.KeySource
if cfg.DefaultServerName == "" {
cfg.DefaultServerName = Default.DefaultServerName
if cfg.OnDemand == nil {
cfg.OnDemand = Default.OnDemand
if !cfg.MustStaple {
cfg.MustStaple = Default.MustStaple
if cfg.Storage == nil {
cfg.Storage = Default.Storage
if cfg.Issuer == nil {
cfg.Issuer = Default.Issuer
if cfg.Issuer == nil {
// okay really, we need an issuer,
// that's kind of the point; most
// people would probably want ACME
cfg.Issuer = NewACMEManager(&cfg, DefaultACME)
// issuer and revoker go together; if user
// specifies their own issuer, we don't want
// to override their revoker, hence we only
// do this if Issuer was also nil
if cfg.Revoker == nil {
cfg.Revoker = Default.Revoker
if cfg.Revoker == nil {
cfg.Revoker = NewACMEManager(&cfg, DefaultACME)
// absolutely don't allow a nil storage,
// because that would make almost anything
// a config can do pointless
if cfg.Storage == nil {
cfg.Storage = defaultFileStorage
// ensure the unexported fields are valid
cfg.certCache = certCache
return &cfg
// ManageSync causes the certificates for domainNames to be managed
// according to cfg. If cfg.OnDemand is not nil, then this simply
// whitelists the domain names and defers the certificate operations
// to when they are needed. Otherwise, the certificates for each
// name are loaded from storage or obtained from the CA. If loaded
// from storage, they are renewed if they are expiring or expired.
// It then caches the certificate in memory and is prepared to serve
// them up during TLS handshakes.
// Note that name whitelisting for on-demand management only takes
// effect if cfg.OnDemand.DecisionFunc is not set (is nil); it will
// not overwrite an existing DecisionFunc, nor will it overwrite
// its decision; i.e. the implicit whitelist is only used if no
// DecisionFunc is set.
// This method is synchronous, meaning that certificates for all
// domainNames must be successfully obtained (or renewed) before
// it returns. It returns immediately on the first error for any
// of the given domainNames. This behavior is recommended for
// interactive use (i.e. when an administrator is present) so
// that errors can be reported and fixed immediately.
func (cfg *Config) ManageSync(domainNames []string) error {
return cfg.manageAll(nil, domainNames, false)
// ManageAsync is the same as ManageSync, except that ACME
// operations are performed asynchronously (in the background).
// This method returns before certificates are ready. It is
// crucial that the administrator monitors the logs and is
// notified of any errors so that corrective action can be
// taken as soon as possible. Any errors returned from this
// method occurred before ACME transactions started.
// As long as logs are monitored, this method is typically
// recommended for non-interactive environments.
// If there are failures loading, obtaining, or renewing a
// certificate, it will be retried with exponential backoff
// for up to about 30 days, with a maximum interval of about
// 24 hours. Cancelling ctx will cancel retries and shut down
// any goroutines spawned by ManageAsync.
func (cfg *Config) ManageAsync(ctx context.Context, domainNames []string) error {
return cfg.manageAll(ctx, domainNames, true)
func (cfg *Config) manageAll(ctx context.Context, domainNames []string, async bool) error {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
for _, domainName := range domainNames {
// if on-demand is configured, defer obtain and renew operations
if cfg.OnDemand != nil {
if !cfg.OnDemand.whitelistContains(domainName) {
cfg.OnDemand.hostWhitelist = append(cfg.OnDemand.hostWhitelist, domainName)
// otherwise, begin management immediately
err := cfg.manageOne(ctx, domainName, async)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (cfg *Config) manageOne(ctx context.Context, domainName string, async bool) error {
// first try loading existing certificate from storage
cert, err := cfg.CacheManagedCertificate(domainName)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNotExist); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: caching certificate: %v", domainName, err)
// if we don't have one in storage, obtain one
obtain := func() error {
err := cfg.ObtainCert(ctx, domainName, !async)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: obtaining certificate: %w", domainName, err)
cert, err = cfg.CacheManagedCertificate(domainName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: caching certificate after obtaining it: %v", domainName, err)
return nil
if async {
// Leave the job name empty so as to allow duplicate 'obtain'
// jobs; this is because Caddy calls ManageAsync() before the
// previous config is stopped (and before its context is
// canceled), which means that if an obtain job is still
// running for the same domain, Submit() would not queue the
// new one because it is still running, even though it is
// (probably) about to be canceled (it might not if the new
// config fails to finish loading, however). In any case, we
// presume it is safe to enqueue a duplicate obtain job because
// either the old one (or sometimes the new one) is about to be
// canceled. This seems like reasonable logic for any consumer
// of this lib. See https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy/issues/3202
jm.Submit("", obtain)
return nil
return obtain()
// for an existing certificate, make sure it is renewed
renew := func() error {
err := cfg.RenewCert(ctx, domainName, !async)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: renewing certificate: %w", domainName, err)
// successful renewal, so update in-memory cache
err = cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(cert)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: reloading renewed certificate into memory: %v", domainName, err)
return nil
if cert.NeedsRenewal(cfg) {
if async {
jm.Submit("renew_"+domainName, renew)
return nil
return renew()
return nil
// ObtainCert obtains a certificate for name using cfg, as long
// as a certificate does not already exist in storage for that
// name. The name must qualify and cfg must be flagged as Managed.
// This function is a no-op if storage already has a certificate
// for name.
// It only obtains and stores certificates (and their keys),
// it does not load them into memory. If interactive is true,
// the user may be shown a prompt.
// TODO: consider moving interactive param into the Config struct,
// and maybe retry settings into the Config struct as well? (same for RenewCert)
func (cfg *Config) ObtainCert(ctx context.Context, name string, interactive bool) error {
if cfg.storageHasCertResources(name) {
return nil
issuer, err := cfg.getPrecheckedIssuer([]string{name}, interactive)
if err != nil {
return err
if issuer == nil {
return nil
return cfg.obtainWithIssuer(ctx, issuer, name, interactive)
func (cfg *Config) obtainWithIssuer(ctx context.Context, issuer Issuer, name string, interactive bool) error {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Obtain certificate; acquiring lock...", name)
// ensure idempotency of the obtain operation for this name
lockKey := cfg.lockKey("cert_acme", name)
err := obtainLock(cfg.Storage, lockKey)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Obtain: Releasing lock", name)
if err := releaseLock(cfg.Storage, lockKey); err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] Obtain: Unable to unlock '%s': %v", name, lockKey, err)
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Obtain: Lock acquired; proceeding...", name)
f := func(ctx context.Context) error {
// check if obtain is still needed -- might have been obtained during lock
if cfg.storageHasCertResources(name) {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Obtain: Certificate already exists in storage", name)
return nil
privateKey, err := cfg.KeySource.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
return err
privKeyPEM, err := encodePrivateKey(privateKey)
if err != nil {
return err
csr, err := cfg.generateCSR(privateKey, []string{name})
if err != nil {
return err
issuedCert, err := issuer.Issue(ctx, csr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] Obtain: %w", name, err)
// success - immediately save the certificate resource
certRes := CertificateResource{
SANs: namesFromCSR(csr),
CertificatePEM: issuedCert.Certificate,
PrivateKeyPEM: privKeyPEM,
IssuerData: issuedCert.Metadata,
err = cfg.saveCertResource(certRes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] Obtain: saving assets: %v", name, err)
return nil
if interactive {
err = f(ctx)
} else {
err = doWithRetry(ctx, f)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.emit("cert_obtained", name)
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Certificate obtained successfully", name)
return nil
// RenewCert renews the certificate for name using cfg. It stows the
// renewed certificate and its assets in storage if successful. It
// DOES NOT update the in-memory cache with the new certificate.
func (cfg *Config) RenewCert(ctx context.Context, name string, interactive bool) error {
issuer, err := cfg.getPrecheckedIssuer([]string{name}, interactive)
if err != nil {
return err
if issuer == nil {
return nil
return cfg.renewWithIssuer(ctx, issuer, name, interactive)
func (cfg *Config) renewWithIssuer(ctx context.Context, issuer Issuer, name string, interactive bool) error {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Renew certificate; acquiring lock...", name)
// ensure idempotency of the renew operation for this name
lockKey := cfg.lockKey("cert_acme", name)
err := obtainLock(cfg.Storage, lockKey)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Renew: Releasing lock", name)
if err := releaseLock(cfg.Storage, lockKey); err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] Renew: Unable to unlock '%s': %v", name, lockKey, err)
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Renew: Lock acquired; proceeding...", name)
f := func(ctx context.Context) error {
// prepare for renewal (load PEM cert, key, and meta)
certRes, err := cfg.loadCertResource(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// check if renew is still needed - might have been renewed while waiting for lock
timeLeft, needsRenew := cfg.managedCertNeedsRenewal(certRes)
if !needsRenew {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Renew: Certificate appears to have been renewed already (expires in %s)", name, timeLeft)
return nil
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Renew: %s remaining", name, timeLeft)
privateKey, err := decodePrivateKey(certRes.PrivateKeyPEM)
if err != nil {
return err
csr, err := cfg.generateCSR(privateKey, []string{name})
if err != nil {
return err
issuedCert, err := issuer.Issue(ctx, csr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] Renew: %w", name, err)
// success - immediately save the renewed certificate resource
newCertRes := CertificateResource{
SANs: namesFromCSR(csr),
CertificatePEM: issuedCert.Certificate,
PrivateKeyPEM: certRes.PrivateKeyPEM,
IssuerData: issuedCert.Metadata,
err = cfg.saveCertResource(newCertRes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] Renew: saving assets: %v", name, err)
return nil
if interactive {
err = f(ctx)
} else {
err = doWithRetry(ctx, f)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.emit("cert_renewed", name)
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Certificate renewed successfully", name)
return nil
func (cfg *Config) generateCSR(privateKey crypto.PrivateKey, sans []string) (*x509.CertificateRequest, error) {
csrTemplate := new(x509.CertificateRequest)
for _, name := range sans {
if ip := net.ParseIP(name); ip != nil {
csrTemplate.IPAddresses = append(csrTemplate.IPAddresses, ip)
} else if strings.Contains(name, "@") {
csrTemplate.EmailAddresses = append(csrTemplate.EmailAddresses, name)
} else if u, err := url.Parse(name); err == nil && strings.Contains(name, "/") {
csrTemplate.URIs = append(csrTemplate.URIs, u)
} else {
csrTemplate.DNSNames = append(csrTemplate.DNSNames, name)
if cfg.MustStaple {
csrTemplate.ExtraExtensions = append(csrTemplate.ExtraExtensions, mustStapleExtension)
csrDER, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, csrTemplate, privateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return x509.ParseCertificateRequest(csrDER)
// RevokeCert revokes the certificate for domain via ACME protocol. It requires
// that cfg.Issuer is properly configured with the same issuer that issued the
// certificate being revoked.
func (cfg *Config) RevokeCert(ctx context.Context, domain string, interactive bool) error {
rev := cfg.Revoker
if rev == nil {
rev = Default.Revoker
certRes, err := cfg.loadCertResource(domain)
if err != nil {
return err
issuerKey := cfg.Issuer.IssuerKey()
if !cfg.Storage.Exists(StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(issuerKey, domain)) {
return fmt.Errorf("private key not found for %s", certRes.SANs)
err = rev.Revoke(ctx, certRes)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.emit("cert_revoked", domain)
err = cfg.Storage.Delete(StorageKeys.SiteCert(issuerKey, domain))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate revoked, but unable to delete certificate file: %v", err)
err = cfg.Storage.Delete(StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(issuerKey, domain))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate revoked, but unable to delete private key: %v", err)
err = cfg.Storage.Delete(StorageKeys.SiteMeta(issuerKey, domain))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate revoked, but unable to delete certificate metadata: %v", err)
return nil
// TLSConfig is an opinionated method that returns a
// recommended, modern TLS configuration that can be
// used to configure TLS listeners, which also supports
// the TLS-ALPN challenge and serves up certificates
// managed by cfg.
// Unlike the package TLS() function, this method does
// not, by itself, enable certificate management for
// any domain names.
// Feel free to further customize the returned tls.Config,
// but do not mess with the GetCertificate or NextProtos
// fields unless you know what you're doing, as they're
// necessary to solve the TLS-ALPN challenge.
func (cfg *Config) TLSConfig() *tls.Config {
return &tls.Config{
// these two fields necessary for TLS-ALPN challenge
GetCertificate: cfg.GetCertificate,
NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1", tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol},
// the rest recommended for modern TLS servers
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CurvePreferences: []tls.CurveID{
CipherSuites: preferredDefaultCipherSuites(),
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
// getPrecheckedIssuer returns an Issuer with pre-checks
// completed, if it is also a PreChecker. It also checks
// that storage is functioning. If a nil Issuer is returned
// with a nil error, that means to skip this operation
// (not an error, just a no-op).
func (cfg *Config) getPrecheckedIssuer(names []string, interactive bool) (Issuer, error) {
// ensure storage is writeable and readable
// TODO: this is not necessary every time; should only
// perform check once every so often for each storage,
// which may require some global state...
err := cfg.checkStorage()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed storage check: %v - storage is probably misconfigured", err)
if prechecker, ok := cfg.Issuer.(PreChecker); ok {
err := prechecker.PreCheck(names, interactive)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cfg.Issuer, nil
// checkStorage tests the storage by writing random bytes
// to a random key, and then loading those bytes and
// comparing the loaded value. If this fails, the provided
// cfg.Storage mechanism should not be used.
func (cfg *Config) checkStorage() error {
key := fmt.Sprintf("rw_test_%d", weakrand.Int())
contents := make([]byte, 1024*10) // size sufficient for one or two ACME resources
_, err := weakrand.Read(contents)
if err != nil {
return err
err = cfg.Storage.Store(key, contents)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
deleteErr := cfg.Storage.Delete(key)
if deleteErr != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Deleting test key %s from storage: %v", key, err)
// if there was no other error, make sure
// to return any error returned from Delete
if err == nil {
err = deleteErr
loaded, err := cfg.Storage.Load(key)
if err != nil {
return err
if !bytes.Equal(contents, loaded) {
return fmt.Errorf("load yielded different value than was stored; expected %d bytes, got %d bytes of differing elements", len(contents), len(loaded))
return nil
// storageHasCertResources returns true if the storage
// associated with cfg's certificate cache has all the
// resources related to the certificate for domain: the
// certificate, the private key, and the metadata.
func (cfg *Config) storageHasCertResources(domain string) bool {
issuerKey := cfg.Issuer.IssuerKey()
certKey := StorageKeys.SiteCert(issuerKey, domain)
keyKey := StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(issuerKey, domain)
metaKey := StorageKeys.SiteMeta(issuerKey, domain)
return cfg.Storage.Exists(certKey) &&
cfg.Storage.Exists(keyKey) &&
// lockKey returns a key for a lock that is specific to the operation
// named op being performed related to domainName and this config's CA.
func (cfg *Config) lockKey(op, domainName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", op, domainName, cfg.Issuer.IssuerKey())
// managedCertNeedsRenewal returns true if certRes is
// expiring soon or already expired, or if the process
// of checking the expiration returned an error.
func (cfg *Config) managedCertNeedsRenewal(certRes CertificateResource) (time.Duration, bool) {
cert, err := makeCertificate(certRes.CertificatePEM, certRes.PrivateKeyPEM)
if err != nil {
return 0, true
return time.Until(cert.Leaf.NotAfter), cert.NeedsRenewal(cfg)
func (cfg *Config) emit(eventName string, data interface{}) {
if cfg.OnEvent == nil {
cfg.OnEvent(eventName, data)
// CertificateSelector is a type which can select a certificate to use given multiple choices.
type CertificateSelector interface {
SelectCertificate(*tls.ClientHelloInfo, []Certificate) (Certificate, error)
// Constants for PKIX MustStaple extension.
var (
tlsFeatureExtensionOID = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 24}
ocspMustStapleFeature = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05}
mustStapleExtension = pkix.Extension{
Id: tlsFeatureExtensionOID,
Value: ocspMustStapleFeature,
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// encodePrivateKey marshals a EC or RSA private key into a PEM-encoded array of bytes.
func encodePrivateKey(key crypto.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
var pemType string
var keyBytes []byte
switch key := key.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
var err error
pemType = "EC"
keyBytes, err = x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
pemType = "RSA"
keyBytes = x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key)
case *ed25519.PrivateKey:
var err error
pemType = "ED25519"
keyBytes, err = x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported key type: %T", key)
pemKey := pem.Block{Type: pemType + " PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: keyBytes}
return pem.EncodeToMemory(&pemKey), nil
// decodePrivateKey loads a PEM-encoded ECC/RSA private key from an array of bytes.
// Borrowed from Go standard library, to handle various private key and PEM block types.
// https://github.com/golang/go/blob/693748e9fa385f1e2c3b91ca9acbb6c0ad2d133d/src/crypto/tls/tls.go#L291-L308
// https://github.com/golang/go/blob/693748e9fa385f1e2c3b91ca9acbb6c0ad2d133d/src/crypto/tls/tls.go#L238)
func decodePrivateKey(keyPEMBytes []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
keyBlockDER, _ := pem.Decode(keyPEMBytes)
if keyBlockDER.Type != "PRIVATE KEY" && !strings.HasSuffix(keyBlockDER.Type, " PRIVATE KEY") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown PEM header %q", keyBlockDER.Type)
if key, err := x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(keyBlockDER.Bytes); err == nil {
return key, nil
if key, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(keyBlockDER.Bytes); err == nil {
switch key := key.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, ed25519.PrivateKey:
return key, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrapping: %T", key)
if key, err := x509.ParseECPrivateKey(keyBlockDER.Bytes); err == nil {
return key, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown private key type")
// parseCertsFromPEMBundle parses a certificate bundle from top to bottom and returns
// a slice of x509 certificates. This function will error if no certificates are found.
func parseCertsFromPEMBundle(bundle []byte) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
var certificates []*x509.Certificate
var certDERBlock *pem.Block
for {
certDERBlock, bundle = pem.Decode(bundle)
if certDERBlock == nil {
if certDERBlock.Type == "CERTIFICATE" {
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certDERBlock.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
certificates = append(certificates, cert)
if len(certificates) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no certificates found in bundle")
return certificates, nil
// fastHash hashes input using a hashing algorithm that
// is fast, and returns the hash as a hex-encoded string.
// Do not use this for cryptographic purposes.
func fastHash(input []byte) string {
h := fnv.New32a()
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum32())
// saveCertResource saves the certificate resource to disk. This
// includes the certificate file itself, the private key, and the
// metadata file.
func (cfg *Config) saveCertResource(cert CertificateResource) error {
metaBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(cert, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encoding certificate metadata: %v", err)
issuerKey := cfg.Issuer.IssuerKey()
certKey := cert.NamesKey()
all := []keyValue{
key: StorageKeys.SiteCert(issuerKey, certKey),
value: cert.CertificatePEM,
key: StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(issuerKey, certKey),
value: cert.PrivateKeyPEM,
key: StorageKeys.SiteMeta(issuerKey, certKey),
value: metaBytes,
return storeTx(cfg.Storage, all)
func (cfg *Config) loadCertResource(certNamesKey string) (CertificateResource, error) {
var certRes CertificateResource
issuerKey := cfg.Issuer.IssuerKey()
certBytes, err := cfg.Storage.Load(StorageKeys.SiteCert(issuerKey, certNamesKey))
if err != nil {
return CertificateResource{}, err
certRes.CertificatePEM = certBytes
keyBytes, err := cfg.Storage.Load(StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(issuerKey, certNamesKey))
if err != nil {
return CertificateResource{}, err
certRes.PrivateKeyPEM = keyBytes
metaBytes, err := cfg.Storage.Load(StorageKeys.SiteMeta(issuerKey, certNamesKey))
if err != nil {
return CertificateResource{}, err
err = json.Unmarshal(metaBytes, &certRes)
if err != nil {
return CertificateResource{}, fmt.Errorf("decoding certificate metadata: %v", err)
return certRes, nil
// hashCertificateChain computes the unique hash of certChain,
// which is the chain of DER-encoded bytes. It returns the
// hex encoding of the hash.
func hashCertificateChain(certChain [][]byte) string {
h := sha256.New()
for _, certInChain := range certChain {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
func namesFromCSR(csr *x509.CertificateRequest) []string {
var nameSet []string
nameSet = append(nameSet, csr.DNSNames...)
nameSet = append(nameSet, csr.EmailAddresses...)
for _, v := range csr.IPAddresses {
nameSet = append(nameSet, v.String())
for _, v := range csr.URIs {
nameSet = append(nameSet, v.String())
return nameSet
// preferredDefaultCipherSuites returns an appropriate
// cipher suite to use depending on hardware support
// for AES-NI.
// See https://github.com/mholt/caddy/issues/1674
func preferredDefaultCipherSuites() []uint16 {
if cpuid.CPU.AesNi() {
return defaultCiphersPreferAES
return defaultCiphersPreferChaCha
var (
defaultCiphersPreferAES = []uint16{
defaultCiphersPreferChaCha = []uint16{
// StandardKeyGenerator is the standard, in-memory key source
// that uses crypto/rand.
type StandardKeyGenerator struct {
// The type of keys to generate.
KeyType KeyType
// GenerateKey generates a new private key according to kg.KeyType.
func (kg StandardKeyGenerator) GenerateKey() (crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
switch kg.KeyType {
case ED25519:
_, priv, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
return priv, err
case "", P256:
return ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
case P384:
return ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P384(), rand.Reader)
case RSA2048:
return rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
case RSA4096:
return rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)
case RSA8192:
return rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 8192)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized or unsupported key type: %s", kg.KeyType)
// DefaultKeyGenerator is the default key source.
var DefaultKeyGenerator = StandardKeyGenerator{KeyType: P256}
// KeyType enumerates the known/supported key types.
type KeyType string
// Constants for all key types we support.
const (
ED25519 = KeyType("ed25519")
P256 = KeyType("p256")
P384 = KeyType("p384")
RSA2048 = KeyType("rsa2048")
RSA4096 = KeyType("rsa4096")
RSA8192 = KeyType("rsa8192")
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// FileStorage facilitates forming file paths derived from a root
// directory. It is used to get file paths in a consistent,
// cross-platform way or persisting ACME assets on the file system.
type FileStorage struct {
Path string
// Exists returns true if key exists in fs.
func (fs *FileStorage) Exists(key string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(fs.Filename(key))
return !os.IsNotExist(err)
// Store saves value at key.
func (fs *FileStorage) Store(key string, value []byte) error {
filename := fs.Filename(key)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0700)
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, value, 0600)
// Load retrieves the value at key.
func (fs *FileStorage) Load(key string) ([]byte, error) {
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fs.Filename(key))
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, ErrNotExist(err)
return contents, nil
// Delete deletes the value at key.
func (fs *FileStorage) Delete(key string) error {
err := os.Remove(fs.Filename(key))
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return ErrNotExist(err)
return err
// List returns all keys that match prefix.
func (fs *FileStorage) List(prefix string, recursive bool) ([]string, error) {
var keys []string
walkPrefix := fs.Filename(prefix)
err := filepath.Walk(walkPrefix, func(fpath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: file info is nil", fpath)
if fpath == walkPrefix {
return nil
suffix, err := filepath.Rel(walkPrefix, fpath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: could not make path relative: %v", fpath, err)
keys = append(keys, path.Join(prefix, suffix))
if !recursive && info.IsDir() {
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
return keys, err
// Stat returns information about key.
func (fs *FileStorage) Stat(key string) (KeyInfo, error) {
fi, err := os.Stat(fs.Filename(key))
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return KeyInfo{}, ErrNotExist(err)
if err != nil {
return KeyInfo{}, err
return KeyInfo{
Key: key,
Modified: fi.ModTime(),
Size: fi.Size(),
IsTerminal: !fi.IsDir(),
}, nil
// Filename returns the key as a path on the file
// system prefixed by fs.Path.
func (fs *FileStorage) Filename(key string) string {
return filepath.Join(fs.Path, filepath.FromSlash(key))
// Lock obtains a lock named by the given key. It blocks
// until the lock can be obtained or an error is returned.
func (fs *FileStorage) Lock(key string) error {
filename := fs.lockFilename(key)
for {
err := createLockfile(filename)
if err == nil {
// got the lock, yay
return nil
if !os.IsExist(err) {
// unexpected error
return fmt.Errorf("creating lock file: %v", err)
// lock file already exists
var meta lockMeta
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err == nil {
err2 := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&meta)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
switch {
case os.IsNotExist(err):
// must have just been removed; try again to create it
case err != nil:
// unexpected error
return fmt.Errorf("accessing lock file: %v", err)
case fileLockIsStale(meta):
// lock file is stale - delete it and try again to create one
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Lock for '%s' is stale (created: %s, last update: %s); removing then retrying: %s",
fs, key, meta.Created, meta.Updated, filename)
// lockfile exists and is not stale;
// just wait a moment and try again
// Unlock releases the lock for name.
func (fs *FileStorage) Unlock(key string) error {
return removeLockfile(fs.lockFilename(key))
func (fs *FileStorage) String() string {
return "FileStorage:" + fs.Path
func (fs *FileStorage) lockFilename(key string) string {
return filepath.Join(fs.lockDir(), StorageKeys.Safe(key)+".lock")
func (fs *FileStorage) lockDir() string {
return filepath.Join(fs.Path, "locks")
func fileLockIsStale(meta lockMeta) bool {
ref := meta.Updated
if ref.IsZero() {
ref = meta.Created
// since updates are exactly every lockFreshnessInterval,
// add a grace period for the actual file read+write to
// take place
return time.Since(ref) > lockFreshnessInterval*2
// createLockfile atomically creates the lockfile
// identified by filename. A successfully created
// lockfile should be removed with removeLockfile.
func createLockfile(filename string) error {
err := atomicallyCreateFile(filename, true)
if err != nil {
return err
go keepLockfileFresh(filename)
// if the app crashes in removeLockfile(), there is a
// small chance the .unlock file is left behind; it's
// safe to simply remove it as it's a guard against
// double removal of the .lock file.
_ = os.Remove(filename + ".unlock")
return nil
// removeLockfile atomically removes filename,
// which must be a lockfile created by createLockfile.
// See discussion in PR #7 for more background:
// https://github.com/caddyserver/certmagic/pull/7
func removeLockfile(filename string) error {
unlockFilename := filename + ".unlock"
if err := atomicallyCreateFile(unlockFilename, false); err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
// another process is handling the unlocking
return nil
return err
defer os.Remove(unlockFilename)
return os.Remove(filename)
// keepLockfileFresh continuously updates the lock file
// at filename with the current timestamp. It stops
// when the file disappears (happy path = lock released),
// or when there is an error at any point. Since it polls
// every lockFreshnessInterval, this function might
// not terminate until up to lockFreshnessInterval after
// the lock is released.
func keepLockfileFresh(filename string) {
for {
done, err := updateLockfileFreshness(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Keeping lock file fresh: %v - terminating lock maintenance (lockfile: %s)", err, filename)
if done {
// updateLockfileFreshness updates the lock file at filename
// with the current timestamp. It returns true if the parent
// loop can terminate (i.e. no more need to update the lock).
func updateLockfileFreshness(filename string) (bool, error) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR, 0644)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true, nil // lock released
if err != nil {
return true, err
defer f.Close()
// read contents
metaBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(f, 2048))
if err != nil {
return true, err
var meta lockMeta
if err := json.Unmarshal(metaBytes, &meta); err != nil {
return true, err
// truncate file and reset I/O offset to beginning
if err := f.Truncate(0); err != nil {
return true, err
if _, err := f.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return true, err
// write updated timestamp
meta.Updated = time.Now()
return false, json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(meta)
// atomicallyCreateFile atomically creates the file
// identified by filename if it doesn't already exist.
func atomicallyCreateFile(filename string, writeLockInfo bool) error {
// no need to check this error, we only really care about the file creation error
_ = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0700)
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_EXCL, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
if writeLockInfo {
now := time.Now()
meta := lockMeta{
Created: now,
Updated: now,
err := json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(meta)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// homeDir returns the best guess of the current user's home
// directory from environment variables. If unknown, "." (the
// current directory) is returned instead.
func homeDir() string {
home := os.Getenv("HOME")
if home == "" && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
drive := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE")
path := os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
home = drive + path
if drive == "" || path == "" {
home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
if home == "" {
home = "."
return home
func dataDir() string {
baseDir := filepath.Join(homeDir(), ".local", "share")
if xdgData := os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); xdgData != "" {
baseDir = xdgData
return filepath.Join(baseDir, "certmagic")
// lockMeta is written into a lock file.
type lockMeta struct {
Created time.Time `json:"created,omitempty"`
Updated time.Time `json:"updated,omitempty"`
// lockFreshnessInterval is how often to update
// a lock's timestamp. Locks with a timestamp
// more than this duration in the past (plus a
// grace period for latency) can be considered
// stale.
const lockFreshnessInterval = 5 * time.Second
// fileLockPollInterval is how frequently
// to check the existence of a lock file
const fileLockPollInterval = 1 * time.Second
// Interface guard
var _ Storage = (*FileStorage)(nil)
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// GetCertificate gets a certificate to satisfy clientHello. In getting
// the certificate, it abides the rules and settings defined in the
// Config that matches clientHello.ServerName. It first checks the in-
// memory cache, then, if the config enables "OnDemand", it accesses
// disk, then accesses the network if it must obtain a new certificate
// via ACME.
// This method is safe for use as a tls.Config.GetCertificate callback.
func (cfg *Config) GetCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
cfg.emit("tls_handshake_started", clientHello)
// special case: serve up the certificate for a TLS-ALPN ACME challenge
// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-tls-alpn-05)
for _, proto := range clientHello.SupportedProtos {
if proto == tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol {
challengeCert, ok := cfg.certCache.cache[tlsALPNCertKeyName(clientHello.ServerName)]
if !ok {
// see if this challenge was started in a cluster; try distributed challenge solver
// (note that the tls.Config's ALPN settings must include the ACME TLS-ALPN challenge
// protocol string, otherwise a valid certificate will not solve the challenge; we
// should already have taken care of that when we made the tls.Config)
challengeCert, ok, err := cfg.tryDistributedChallengeSolver(clientHello)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] TLS-ALPN challenge: %v", clientHello.ServerName, err)
if ok {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Served key authentication certificate (distributed TLS-ALPN challenge)", clientHello.ServerName)
return &challengeCert.Certificate, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no certificate to complete TLS-ALPN challenge for SNI name: %s", clientHello.ServerName)
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Served key authentication certificate (TLS-ALPN challenge)", clientHello.ServerName)
return &challengeCert.Certificate, nil
// get the certificate and serve it up
cert, err := cfg.getCertDuringHandshake(clientHello, true, true)
if err == nil {
cfg.emit("tls_handshake_completed", clientHello)
return &cert.Certificate, err
// getCertificate gets a certificate that matches name from the in-memory
// cache, according to the lookup table associated with cfg. The lookup then
// points to a certificate in the Instance certificate cache.
// The name is expected to already be normalized (e.g. lowercased).
// If there is no exact match for name, it will be checked against names of
// the form '*.example.com' (wildcard certificates) according to RFC 6125.
// If a match is found, matched will be true. If no matches are found, matched
// will be false and a "default" certificate will be returned with defaulted
// set to true. If defaulted is false, then no certificates were available.
// The logic in this function is adapted from the Go standard library,
// which is by the Go Authors.
// This function is safe for concurrent use.
func (cfg *Config) getCertificate(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (cert Certificate, matched, defaulted bool) {
name := NormalizedName(hello.ServerName)
if name == "" {
// if SNI is empty, prefer matching IP address
if hello.Conn != nil {
addr := hello.Conn.LocalAddr().String()
ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err == nil {
addr = ip
cert, matched = cfg.selectCert(hello, addr)
if matched {
// fall back to a "default" certificate, if specified
if cfg.DefaultServerName != "" {
normDefault := NormalizedName(cfg.DefaultServerName)
cert, defaulted = cfg.selectCert(hello, normDefault)
if defaulted {
} else {
// if SNI is specified, try an exact match first
cert, matched = cfg.selectCert(hello, name)
if matched {
// try replacing labels in the name with
// wildcards until we get a match
labels := strings.Split(name, ".")
for i := range labels {
labels[i] = "*"
candidate := strings.Join(labels, ".")
cert, matched = cfg.selectCert(hello, candidate)
if matched {
// check the certCache directly to see if the SNI name is
// already the key of the certificate it wants; this implies
// that the SNI can contain the hash of a specific cert
// (chain) it wants and we will still be able to serve it up
// (this behavior, by the way, could be controversial as to
// whether it complies with RFC 6066 about SNI, but I think
// it does, soooo...)
// (this is how we solved the former ACME TLS-SNI challenge)
directCert, ok := cfg.certCache.cache[name]
if ok {
cert = directCert
matched = true
// otherwise, we're bingo on ammo; see issues
// caddyserver/caddy#2035 and caddyserver/caddy#1303 (any
// change to certificate matching behavior must
// account for hosts defined where the hostname
// is empty or a catch-all, like ":443" or
// "")
// selectCert uses hello to select a certificate from the
// cache for name. If cfg.CertSelection is set, it will be
// used to make the decision. Otherwise, the first matching
// unexpired cert is returned. As a special case, if no
// certificates match name and cfg.CertSelection is set,
// then all certificates in the cache will be passed in
// for the cfg.CertSelection to make the final decision.
func (cfg *Config) selectCert(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo, name string) (Certificate, bool) {
choices := cfg.certCache.getAllMatchingCerts(name)
if len(choices) == 0 {
if cfg.CertSelection == nil {
return Certificate{}, false
choices = cfg.certCache.getAllCerts()
if cfg.CertSelection == nil {
cert, err := DefaultCertificateSelector(hello, choices)
return cert, err == nil
cert, err := cfg.CertSelection.SelectCertificate(hello, choices)
return cert, err == nil
// DefaultCertificateSelector is the default certificate selection logic
// given a choice of certificates. If there is at least one certificate in
// choices, it always returns a certificate without error. It chooses the
// first non-expired certificate that the client supports if possible,
// otherwise it returns an expired certificate that the client supports,
// otherwise it just returns the first certificate in the list of choices.
func DefaultCertificateSelector(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo, choices []Certificate) (Certificate, error) {
if len(choices) == 0 {
return Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("no certificates available")
now := time.Now()
best := choices[0]
for _, choice := range choices {
if err := hello.SupportsCertificate(&choice.Certificate); err != nil {
best = choice // at least the client supports it...
if now.After(choice.Leaf.NotBefore) && now.Before(choice.Leaf.NotAfter) {
return choice, nil // ...and unexpired, great! "Certificate, I choose you!"
return best, nil // all matching certs are expired or incompatible, oh well
// getCertDuringHandshake will get a certificate for hello. It first tries
// the in-memory cache. If no certificate for hello is in the cache, the
// config most closely corresponding to hello will be loaded. If that config
// allows it (OnDemand==true) and if loadIfNecessary == true, it goes to disk
// to load it into the cache and serve it. If it's not on disk and if
// obtainIfNecessary == true, the certificate will be obtained from the CA,
// cached, and served. If obtainIfNecessary is true, then loadIfNecessary
// must also be set to true. An error will be returned if and only if no
// certificate is available.
// This function is safe for concurrent use.
func (cfg *Config) getCertDuringHandshake(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo, loadIfNecessary, obtainIfNecessary bool) (Certificate, error) {
// First check our in-memory cache to see if we've already loaded it
cert, matched, defaulted := cfg.getCertificate(hello)
if matched {
return cert, nil
name := cfg.getNameFromClientHello(hello)
// If OnDemand is enabled, then we might be able to load or
// obtain a needed certificate
if cfg.OnDemand != nil && loadIfNecessary {
// Then check to see if we have one on disk
loadedCert, err := cfg.CacheManagedCertificate(name)
if err == nil {
loadedCert, err = cfg.handshakeMaintenance(hello, loadedCert)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Maintaining newly-loaded certificate for %s: %v", name, err)
return loadedCert, nil
if obtainIfNecessary {
// By this point, we need to ask the CA for a certificate
// Make sure the certificate should be obtained based on config
err := cfg.checkIfCertShouldBeObtained(name)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, err
// Obtain certificate from the CA
return cfg.obtainOnDemandCertificate(hello)
// Fall back to the default certificate if there is one
if defaulted {
return cert, nil
return Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("no certificate available for '%s'", name)
// checkIfCertShouldBeObtained checks to see if an on-demand TLS certificate
// should be obtained for a given domain based upon the config settings. If
// a non-nil error is returned, do not issue a new certificate for name.
func (cfg *Config) checkIfCertShouldBeObtained(name string) error {
if cfg.OnDemand == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not configured for on-demand certificate issuance")
if !SubjectQualifiesForCert(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("subject name does not qualify for certificate: %s", name)
if cfg.OnDemand.DecisionFunc != nil {
return cfg.OnDemand.DecisionFunc(name)
if len(cfg.OnDemand.hostWhitelist) > 0 &&
!cfg.OnDemand.whitelistContains(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate for '%s' is not managed", name)
return nil
// obtainOnDemandCertificate obtains a certificate for hello.
// If another goroutine has already started obtaining a cert for
// hello, it will wait and use what the other goroutine obtained.
// This function is safe for use by multiple concurrent goroutines.
func (cfg *Config) obtainOnDemandCertificate(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (Certificate, error) {
name := cfg.getNameFromClientHello(hello)
// We must protect this process from happening concurrently, so synchronize.
wait, ok := obtainCertWaitChans[name]
if ok {
// lucky us -- another goroutine is already obtaining the certificate.
// wait for it to finish obtaining the cert and then we'll use it.
return cfg.getCertDuringHandshake(hello, true, false)
// looks like it's up to us to do all the work and obtain the cert.
// make a chan others can wait on if needed
wait = make(chan struct{})
obtainCertWaitChans[name] = wait
// obtain the certificate
log.Printf("[INFO] Obtaining new certificate for %s", name)
// TODO: use a proper context; we use one with timeout because retries are enabled because interactive is false
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 90*time.Second)
defer cancel()
err := cfg.ObtainCert(ctx, name, false)
// immediately unblock anyone waiting for it; doing this in
// a defer would risk deadlock because of the recursive call
// to getCertDuringHandshake below when we return!
delete(obtainCertWaitChans, name)
if err != nil {
// shucks; failed to solve challenge on-demand
return Certificate{}, err
// success; certificate was just placed on disk, so
// we need only restart serving the certificate
return cfg.getCertDuringHandshake(hello, true, false)
// handshakeMaintenance performs a check on cert for expiration and OCSP validity.
// This function is safe for use by multiple concurrent goroutines.
func (cfg *Config) handshakeMaintenance(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo, cert Certificate) (Certificate, error) {
// Check cert expiration
timeLeft := cert.Leaf.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
if currentlyInRenewalWindow(cert.Leaf.NotBefore, cert.Leaf.NotAfter, cfg.RenewalWindowRatio) {
log.Printf("[INFO] Certificate for %v expires in %s; attempting renewal", cert.Names, timeLeft)
return cfg.renewDynamicCertificate(hello, cert)
// Check OCSP staple validity
if cert.ocsp != nil {
refreshTime := cert.ocsp.ThisUpdate.Add(cert.ocsp.NextUpdate.Sub(cert.ocsp.ThisUpdate) / 2)
if time.Now().After(refreshTime) {
_, err := stapleOCSP(cfg.Storage, &cert, nil)
if err != nil {
// An error with OCSP stapling is not the end of the world, and in fact, is
// quite common considering not all certs have issuer URLs that support it.
log.Printf("[ERROR] Getting OCSP for %s: %v", hello.ServerName, err)
cfg.certCache.cache[cert.hash] = cert
return cert, nil
// renewDynamicCertificate renews the certificate for name using cfg. It returns the
// certificate to use and an error, if any. name should already be lower-cased before
// calling this function. name is the name obtained directly from the handshake's
// ClientHello.
// This function is safe for use by multiple concurrent goroutines.
func (cfg *Config) renewDynamicCertificate(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo, currentCert Certificate) (Certificate, error) {
name := cfg.getNameFromClientHello(hello)
wait, ok := obtainCertWaitChans[name]
if ok {
// lucky us -- another goroutine is already renewing the certificate.
// wait for it to finish, then we'll use the new one.
return cfg.getCertDuringHandshake(hello, true, false)
// looks like it's up to us to do all the work and renew the cert
wait = make(chan struct{})
obtainCertWaitChans[name] = wait
// Make sure a certificate for this name should be obtained on-demand
err := cfg.checkIfCertShouldBeObtained(name)
if err != nil {
// if not, remove from cache (it will be deleted from storage later)
return Certificate{}, err
// renew and reload the certificate
log.Printf("[INFO] Renewing certificate for %s", name)
// TODO: use a proper context; we use one with timeout because retries are enabled because interactive is false
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 90*time.Second)
defer cancel()
err = cfg.RenewCert(ctx, name, false)
if err == nil {
// even though the recursive nature of the dynamic cert loading
// would just call this function anyway, we do it here to
// make the replacement as atomic as possible.
newCert, err := cfg.CacheManagedCertificate(name)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] loading renewed certificate for %s: %v", name, err)
} else {
// replace the old certificate with the new one
cfg.certCache.replaceCertificate(currentCert, newCert)
// immediately unblock anyone waiting for it; doing this in
// a defer would risk deadlock because of the recursive call
// to getCertDuringHandshake below when we return!
delete(obtainCertWaitChans, name)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, err
return cfg.getCertDuringHandshake(hello, true, false)
// tryDistributedChallengeSolver is to be called when the clientHello pertains to
// a TLS-ALPN challenge and a certificate is required to solve it. This method
// checks the distributed store of challenge info files and, if a matching ServerName
// is present, it makes a certificate to solve this challenge and returns it. For
// this to succeed, it requires that cfg.Issuer is of type *ACMEManager.
// A boolean true is returned if a valid certificate is returned.
func (cfg *Config) tryDistributedChallengeSolver(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (Certificate, bool, error) {
am, ok := cfg.Issuer.(*ACMEManager)
if !ok {
return Certificate{}, false, nil
tokenKey := distributedSolver{acmeManager: am, caURL: am.CA}.challengeTokensKey(clientHello.ServerName)
chalInfoBytes, err := cfg.Storage.Load(tokenKey)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNotExist); ok {
return Certificate{}, false, nil
return Certificate{}, false, fmt.Errorf("opening distributed challenge token file %s: %v", tokenKey, err)
var chalInfo challengeInfo
err = json.Unmarshal(chalInfoBytes, &chalInfo)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, false, fmt.Errorf("decoding challenge token file %s (corrupted?): %v", tokenKey, err)
cert, err := tlsalpn01.ChallengeCert(chalInfo.Domain, chalInfo.KeyAuth)
if err != nil {
return Certificate{}, false, fmt.Errorf("making TLS-ALPN challenge certificate: %v", err)
if cert == nil {
return Certificate{}, false, fmt.Errorf("got nil TLS-ALPN challenge certificate but no error")
return Certificate{Certificate: *cert}, true, nil
// getNameFromClientHello returns a normalized form of hello.ServerName.
// If hello.ServerName is empty (i.e. client did not use SNI), then the
// associated connection's local address is used to extract an IP address.
func (*Config) getNameFromClientHello(hello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) string {
name := NormalizedName(hello.ServerName)
if name != "" || hello.Conn == nil {
return name
// if no SNI, try using IP address on the connection
localAddr := hello.Conn.LocalAddr().String()
localAddrHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(localAddr)
if err == nil {
return localAddrHost
return localAddr
// NormalizedName returns a cleaned form of serverName that is
// used for consistency when referring to a SNI value.
func NormalizedName(serverName string) string {
return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(serverName))
// obtainCertWaitChans is used to coordinate obtaining certs for each hostname.
var obtainCertWaitChans = make(map[string]chan struct{})
var obtainCertWaitChansMu sync.Mutex
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// HTTPChallengeHandler wraps h in a handler that can solve the ACME
// HTTP challenge. cfg is required, and it must have a certificate
// cache backed by a functional storage facility, since that is where
// the challenge state is stored between initiation and solution.
// If a request is not an ACME HTTP challenge, h will be invoked.
func (am *ACMEManager) HTTPChallengeHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if am.HandleHTTPChallenge(w, r) {
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// HandleHTTPChallenge uses am to solve challenge requests from an ACME
// server that were initiated by this instance or any other instance in
// this cluster (being, any instances using the same storage am does).
// If the HTTP challenge is disabled, this function is a no-op.
// If am is nil or if am does not have a certificate cache backed by
// usable storage, solving the HTTP challenge will fail.
// It returns true if it handled the request; if so, the response has
// already been written. If false is returned, this call was a no-op and
// the request has not been handled.
func (am *ACMEManager) HandleHTTPChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
if am == nil {
return false
if am.DisableHTTPChallenge {
return false
if !LooksLikeHTTPChallenge(r) {
return false
return am.distributedHTTPChallengeSolver(w, r)
// distributedHTTPChallengeSolver checks to see if this challenge
// request was initiated by this or another instance which uses the
// same storage as am does, and attempts to complete the challenge for
// it. It returns true if the request was handled; false otherwise.
func (am *ACMEManager) distributedHTTPChallengeSolver(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
if am == nil {
return false
host := hostOnly(r.Host)
tokenKey := distributedSolver{acmeManager: am, caURL: am.CA}.challengeTokensKey(host)
chalInfoBytes, err := am.config.Storage.Load(tokenKey)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNotExist); !ok {
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] Opening distributed HTTP challenge token file: %v", host, err)
return false
var chalInfo challengeInfo
err = json.Unmarshal(chalInfoBytes, &chalInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] Decoding challenge token file %s (corrupted?): %v", host, tokenKey, err)
return false
return answerHTTPChallenge(w, r, chalInfo)
// answerHTTPChallenge solves the challenge with chalInfo.
// Most of this code borrowed from xenolf/lego's built-in HTTP-01
// challenge solver in March 2018.
func answerHTTPChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, chalInfo challengeInfo) bool {
challengeReqPath := http01.ChallengePath(chalInfo.Token)
if r.URL.Path == challengeReqPath &&
strings.EqualFold(hostOnly(r.Host), chalInfo.Domain) && // mitigate DNS rebinding attacks
r.Method == "GET" {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
r.Close = true
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Served key authentication (HTTP challenge)", chalInfo.Domain)
return true
return false
// LooksLikeHTTPChallenge returns true if r looks like an ACME
// HTTP challenge request from an ACME server.
func LooksLikeHTTPChallenge(r *http.Request) bool {
return r.Method == "GET" && strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, challengeBasePath)
const challengeBasePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge"
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// maintainAssets is a permanently-blocking function
// that loops indefinitely and, on a regular schedule, checks
// certificates for expiration and initiates a renewal of certs
// that are expiring soon. It also updates OCSP stapling. It
// should only be called once per cache.
func (certCache *Cache) maintainAssets() {
renewalTicker := time.NewTicker(certCache.options.RenewCheckInterval)
ocspTicker := time.NewTicker(certCache.options.OCSPCheckInterval)
log.Printf("[INFO][cache:%p] Started certificate maintenance routine", certCache)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
for {
select {
case <-renewalTicker.C:
err := certCache.RenewManagedCertificates(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR][cache:%p] Renewing managed certificates: %v", certCache, err)
case <-ocspTicker.C:
case <-certCache.stopChan:
// TODO: stop any in-progress maintenance operations and clear locks we made (this might be done now with our use of context)
log.Printf("[INFO][cache:%p] Stopped certificate maintenance routine", certCache)
// RenewManagedCertificates renews managed certificates,
// including ones loaded on-demand. Note that this is done
// automatically on a regular basis; normally you will not
// need to call this. This method assumes non-interactive
// mode (i.e. operating in the background).
func (certCache *Cache) RenewManagedCertificates(ctx context.Context) error {
// configs will hold a map of certificate name to the config
// to use when managing that certificate
configs := make(map[string]*Config)
// we use the queues for a very important reason: to do any and all
// operations that could require an exclusive write lock outside
// of the read lock! otherwise we get a deadlock, yikes. in other
// words, our first iteration through the certificate cache does NOT
// perform any operations--only queues them--so that more fine-grained
// write locks may be obtained during the actual operations.
var renewQueue, reloadQueue, deleteQueue []Certificate
for certKey, cert := range certCache.cache {
if !cert.managed {
// the list of names on this cert should never be empty... programmer error?
if cert.Names == nil || len(cert.Names) == 0 {
log.Printf("[WARNING] Certificate keyed by '%s' has no names: %v - removing from cache", certKey, cert.Names)
deleteQueue = append(deleteQueue, cert)
// get the config associated with this certificate
cfg, err := certCache.getConfig(cert)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Getting configuration to manage certificate for names %v; unable to renew: %v", cert.Names, err)
if cfg == nil {
// this is bad if this happens, probably a programmer error (oops)
log.Printf("[ERROR] No configuration associated with certificate for names %v; unable to manage", cert.Names)
// if time is up or expires soon, we need to try to renew it
if cert.NeedsRenewal(cfg) {
configs[cert.Names[0]] = cfg
// see if the certificate in storage has already been renewed, possibly by another
// instance that didn't coordinate with this one; if so, just load it (this
// might happen if another instance already renewed it - kinda sloppy but checking disk
// first is a simple way to possibly drastically reduce rate limit problems)
storedCertExpiring, err := cfg.managedCertInStorageExpiresSoon(cert)
if err != nil {
// hmm, weird, but not a big deal, maybe it was deleted or something
log.Printf("[NOTICE] Error while checking if certificate for %v in storage is also expiring soon: %v",
cert.Names, err)
} else if !storedCertExpiring {
// if the certificate is NOT expiring soon and there was no error, then we
// are good to just reload the certificate from storage instead of repeating
// a likely-unnecessary renewal procedure
reloadQueue = append(reloadQueue, cert)
// the certificate in storage has not been renewed yet, so we will do it
// NOTE: It is super-important to note that the TLS-ALPN challenge requires
// a write lock on the cache in order to complete its challenge, so it is extra
// vital that this renew operation does not happen inside our read lock!
renewQueue = append(renewQueue, cert)
// Reload certificates that merely need to be updated in memory
for _, oldCert := range reloadQueue {
timeLeft := oldCert.Leaf.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Printf("[INFO] %v Maintenance routine: certificate expires in %s, but is already renewed in storage; reloading stored certificate",
oldCert.Names, timeLeft)
cfg := configs[oldCert.Names[0]]
// crucially, this happens OUTSIDE a lock on the certCache
err := cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(oldCert)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Loading renewed certificate: %v", err)
// Renewal queue
for _, oldCert := range renewQueue {
cfg := configs[oldCert.Names[0]]
err := certCache.queueRenewalTask(ctx, oldCert, cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] %v", err)
// Deletion queue
for _, cert := range deleteQueue {
return nil
func (certCache *Cache) queueRenewalTask(ctx context.Context, oldCert Certificate, cfg *Config) error {
timeLeft := oldCert.Leaf.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Printf("[INFO] %v Maintenance routine: certificate expires in %v; queueing for renewal", oldCert.Names, timeLeft)
// Get the name which we should use to renew this certificate;
// we only support managing certificates with one name per cert,
// so this should be easy.
renewName := oldCert.Names[0]
// queue up this renewal job (is a no-op if already active or queued)
jm.Submit("renew_"+renewName, func() error {
timeLeft := oldCert.Leaf.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Printf("[INFO] %v Maintenance routine: attempting renewal with %v remaining", oldCert.Names, timeLeft)
// perform renewal - crucially, this happens OUTSIDE a lock on certCache
err := cfg.RenewCert(ctx, renewName, false)
if err != nil {
if cfg.OnDemand != nil {
// loaded dynamically, remove dynamically
return fmt.Errorf("%v %v", oldCert.Names, err)
// successful renewal, so update in-memory cache by loading
// renewed certificate so it will be used with handshakes
err = cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(oldCert)
if err != nil {
return ErrNoRetry{fmt.Errorf("%v %v", oldCert.Names, err)}
return nil
return nil
// updateOCSPStaples updates the OCSP stapling in all
// eligible, cached certificates.
// OCSP maintenance strives to abide the relevant points on
// Ryan Sleevi's recommendations for good OCSP support:
// https://gist.github.com/sleevi/5efe9ef98961ecfb4da8
func (certCache *Cache) updateOCSPStaples(ctx context.Context) {
// temporary structures to store updates or tasks
// so that we can keep our locks short-lived
type ocspUpdate struct {
rawBytes []byte
parsed *ocsp.Response
type updateQueueEntry struct {
cert Certificate
certHash string
lastNextUpdate time.Time
updated := make(map[string]ocspUpdate)
var updateQueue []updateQueueEntry
var renewQueue []Certificate
configs := make(map[string]*Config)
// obtain brief read lock during our scan to see which staples need updating
for certHash, cert := range certCache.cache {
// no point in updating OCSP for expired certificates
if time.Now().After(cert.Leaf.NotAfter) {
var lastNextUpdate time.Time
if cert.ocsp != nil {
lastNextUpdate = cert.ocsp.NextUpdate
if freshOCSP(cert.ocsp) {
continue // no need to update staple if ours is still fresh
updateQueue = append(updateQueue, updateQueueEntry{cert, certHash, lastNextUpdate})
// perform updates outside of any lock on certCache
for _, qe := range updateQueue {
cert := qe.cert
certHash := qe.certHash
lastNextUpdate := qe.lastNextUpdate
cfg, err := certCache.getConfig(cert)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Getting configuration to manage OCSP for certificate with names %v; unable to refresh: %v", cert.Names, err)
if cfg == nil {
// this is bad if this happens, probably a programmer error (oops)
log.Printf("[ERROR] No configuration associated with certificate for names %v; unable to manage OCSP", cert.Names)
ocspResp, err := stapleOCSP(cfg.Storage, &cert, nil)
if err != nil {
if cert.ocsp != nil {
// if there was no staple before, that's fine; otherwise we should log the error
log.Printf("[ERROR] Checking OCSP: %v", err)
// By this point, we've obtained the latest OCSP response.
// If there was no staple before, or if the response is updated, make
// sure we apply the update to all names on the certificate.
if cert.ocsp != nil && (lastNextUpdate.IsZero() || lastNextUpdate != cert.ocsp.NextUpdate) {
log.Printf("[INFO] Advancing OCSP staple for %v from %s to %s",
cert.Names, lastNextUpdate, cert.ocsp.NextUpdate)
updated[certHash] = ocspUpdate{rawBytes: cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple, parsed: cert.ocsp}
// If a managed certificate was revoked, we should attempt
// to replace it with a new one. If that fails, oh well.
if cert.managed && ocspResp.Status == ocsp.Revoked && len(cert.Names) > 0 {
renewQueue = append(renewQueue, cert)
configs[cert.Names[0]] = cfg
// These write locks should be brief since we have all the info we need now.
for certKey, update := range updated {
cert := certCache.cache[certKey]
cert.ocsp = update.parsed
cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple = update.rawBytes
certCache.cache[certKey] = cert
// We attempt to replace any certificates that were revoked.
// Crucially, this happens OUTSIDE a lock on the certCache.
for _, oldCert := range renewQueue {
log.Printf("[INFO] OCSP status for managed certificate %v (expiration=%s) is REVOKED; attempting to replace with new certificate",
oldCert.Names, oldCert.Leaf.NotAfter)
renewName := oldCert.Names[0]
cfg := configs[renewName]
// TODO: consider using a new key in this situation, but we don't know if key storage has been compromised...
err := cfg.RenewCert(ctx, renewName, false)
if err != nil {
// probably better to not serve a revoked certificate at all
log.Printf("[ERROR] Obtaining new certificate for %v due to OCSP status of revoked: %v; removing from cache", oldCert.Names, err)
err = cfg.reloadManagedCertificate(oldCert)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] After obtaining new certificate due to OCSP status of revoked: %v", err)
// CleanStorageOptions specifies how to clean up a storage unit.
type CleanStorageOptions struct {
OCSPStaples bool
ExpiredCerts bool
ExpiredCertGracePeriod time.Duration
// CleanStorage removes assets which are no longer useful,
// according to opts.
func CleanStorage(storage Storage, opts CleanStorageOptions) {
if opts.OCSPStaples {
err := deleteOldOCSPStaples(storage)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Deleting old OCSP staples: %v", err)
if opts.ExpiredCerts {
err := deleteExpiredCerts(storage, opts.ExpiredCertGracePeriod)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Deleting expired certificates: %v", err)
// TODO: delete stale locks?
func deleteOldOCSPStaples(storage Storage) error {
ocspKeys, err := storage.List(prefixOCSP, false)
if err != nil {
// maybe just hasn't been created yet; no big deal
return nil
for _, key := range ocspKeys {
ocspBytes, err := storage.Load(key)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] While deleting old OCSP staples, unable to load staple file: %v", err)
resp, err := ocsp.ParseResponse(ocspBytes, nil)
if err != nil {
// contents are invalid; delete it
err = storage.Delete(key)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Purging corrupt staple file %s: %v", key, err)
if time.Now().After(resp.NextUpdate) {
// response has expired; delete it
err = storage.Delete(key)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Purging expired staple file %s: %v", key, err)
return nil
func deleteExpiredCerts(storage Storage, gracePeriod time.Duration) error {
issuerKeys, err := storage.List(prefixCerts, false)
if err != nil {
// maybe just hasn't been created yet; no big deal
return nil
for _, issuerKey := range issuerKeys {
siteKeys, err := storage.List(issuerKey, false)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Listing contents of %s: %v", issuerKey, err)
for _, siteKey := range siteKeys {
siteAssets, err := storage.List(siteKey, false)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Listing contents of %s: %v", siteKey, err)
for _, assetKey := range siteAssets {
if path.Ext(assetKey) != ".crt" {
certFile, err := storage.Load(assetKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading certificate file %s: %v", assetKey, err)
block, _ := pem.Decode(certFile)
if block == nil || block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate file %s does not contain PEM-encoded certificate", assetKey)
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("certificate file %s is malformed; error parsing PEM: %v", assetKey, err)
if expiredTime := time.Since(cert.NotAfter); expiredTime >= gracePeriod {
log.Printf("[INFO] Certificate %s expired %s ago; cleaning up", assetKey, expiredTime)
baseName := strings.TrimSuffix(assetKey, ".crt")
for _, relatedAsset := range []string{
baseName + ".key",
baseName + ".json",
} {
log.Printf("[INFO] Deleting %s because resource expired", relatedAsset)
err := storage.Delete(relatedAsset)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Cleaning up asset related to expired certificate for %s: %s: %v",
baseName, relatedAsset, err)
// update listing; if folder is empty, delete it
siteAssets, err = storage.List(siteKey, false)
if err != nil {
if len(siteAssets) == 0 {
log.Printf("[INFO] Deleting %s because key is empty", siteKey)
err := storage.Delete(siteKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting empty site folder %s: %v", siteKey, err)
return nil
const (
// DefaultRenewCheckInterval is how often to check certificates for expiration.
// Scans are very lightweight, so this can be semi-frequent. This default should
// be smaller than <Minimum Cert Lifetime>*DefaultRenewalWindowRatio/3, which
// gives certificates plenty of chance to be renewed on time.
DefaultRenewCheckInterval = 10 * time.Minute
// DefaultRenewalWindowRatio is how much of a certificate's lifetime becomes the
// renewal window. The renewal window is the span of time at the end of the
// certificate's validity period in which it should be renewed. A default value
// of ~1/3 is pretty safe and recommended for most certificates.
DefaultRenewalWindowRatio = 1.0 / 3.0
// DefaultOCSPCheckInterval is how often to check if OCSP stapling needs updating.
DefaultOCSPCheckInterval = 1 * time.Hour
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// stapleOCSP staples OCSP information to cert for hostname name.
// If you have it handy, you should pass in the PEM-encoded certificate
// bundle; otherwise the DER-encoded cert will have to be PEM-encoded.
// If you don't have the PEM blocks already, just pass in nil.
// Errors here are not necessarily fatal, it could just be that the
// certificate doesn't have an issuer URL.
// If a status was received, it returns that status. Note that the
// returned status is not always stapled to the certificate.
func stapleOCSP(storage Storage, cert *Certificate, pemBundle []byte) (*ocsp.Response, error) {
if pemBundle == nil {
// we need a PEM encoding only for some function calls below
bundle := new(bytes.Buffer)
for _, derBytes := range cert.Certificate.Certificate {
pem.Encode(bundle, &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes})
pemBundle = bundle.Bytes()
var ocspBytes []byte
var ocspResp *ocsp.Response
var ocspErr error
var gotNewOCSP bool
// First try to load OCSP staple from storage and see if
// we can still use it.
ocspStapleKey := StorageKeys.OCSPStaple(cert, pemBundle)
cachedOCSP, err := storage.Load(ocspStapleKey)
if err == nil {
resp, err := ocsp.ParseResponse(cachedOCSP, nil)
if err == nil {
if freshOCSP(resp) {
// staple is still fresh; use it
ocspBytes = cachedOCSP
ocspResp = resp
} else {
// invalid contents; delete the file
// (we do this independently of the maintenance routine because
// in this case we know for sure this should be a staple file
// because we loaded it by name, whereas the maintenance routine
// just iterates the list of files, even if somehow a non-staple
// file gets in the folder. in this case we are sure it is corrupt.)
err := storage.Delete(ocspStapleKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARNING] Unable to delete invalid OCSP staple file: %v", err)
// If we couldn't get a fresh staple by reading the cache,
// then we need to request it from the OCSP responder
if ocspResp == nil || len(ocspBytes) == 0 {
ocspBytes, ocspResp, ocspErr = getOCSPForCert(pemBundle)
if ocspErr != nil {
// An error here is not a problem because a certificate may simply
// not contain a link to an OCSP server. But we should log it anyway.
// There's nothing else we can do to get OCSP for this certificate,
// so we can return here with the error.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no OCSP stapling for %v: %v", cert.Names, ocspErr)
gotNewOCSP = true
// By now, we should have a response. If good, staple it to
// the certificate. If the OCSP response was not loaded from
// storage, we persist it for next time.
if ocspResp.Status == ocsp.Good {
if ocspResp.NextUpdate.After(cert.Leaf.NotAfter) {
// uh oh, this OCSP response expires AFTER the certificate does, that's kinda bogus.
// it was the reason a lot of Symantec-validated sites (not Caddy) went down
// in October 2017. https://twitter.com/mattiasgeniar/status/919432824708648961
return ocspResp, fmt.Errorf("invalid: OCSP response for %v valid after certificate expiration (%s)",
cert.Names, cert.Leaf.NotAfter.Sub(ocspResp.NextUpdate))
cert.Certificate.OCSPStaple = ocspBytes
cert.ocsp = ocspResp
if gotNewOCSP {
err := storage.Store(ocspStapleKey, ocspBytes)
if err != nil {
return ocspResp, fmt.Errorf("unable to write OCSP staple file for %v: %v", cert.Names, err)
return ocspResp, nil
// getOCSPForCert takes a PEM encoded cert or cert bundle returning the raw OCSP response,
// the parsed response, and an error, if any. The returned []byte can be passed directly
// into the OCSPStaple property of a tls.Certificate. If the bundle only contains the
// issued certificate, this function will try to get the issuer certificate from the
// IssuingCertificateURL in the certificate. If the []byte and/or ocsp.Response return
// values are nil, the OCSP status may be assumed OCSPUnknown.
// Borrowed from github.com/go-acme/lego
func getOCSPForCert(bundle []byte) ([]byte, *ocsp.Response, error) {
// TODO: Perhaps this should be synchronized too, with a Locker?
certificates, err := parseCertsFromPEMBundle(bundle)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// We expect the certificate slice to be ordered downwards the chain.
// SRV CRT -> CA. We need to pull the leaf and issuer certs out of it,
// which should always be the first two certificates. If there's no
// OCSP server listed in the leaf cert, there's nothing to do. And if
// we have only one certificate so far, we need to get the issuer cert.
issuedCert := certificates[0]
if len(issuedCert.OCSPServer) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no OCSP server specified in certificate")
if len(certificates) == 1 {
if len(issuedCert.IssuingCertificateURL) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no URL to issuing certificate")
resp, err := http.Get(issuedCert.IssuingCertificateURL[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("getting issuer certificate: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
issuerBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, 1024*1024))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading issuer certificate: %v", err)
issuerCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(issuerBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing issuer certificate: %v", err)
// insert it into the slice on position 0;
// we want it ordered right SRV CRT -> CA
certificates = append(certificates, issuerCert)
issuerCert := certificates[1]
ocspReq, err := ocsp.CreateRequest(issuedCert, issuerCert, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("creating OCSP request: %v", err)
reader := bytes.NewReader(ocspReq)
req, err := http.Post(issuedCert.OCSPServer[0], "application/ocsp-request", reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("making OCSP request: %v", err)
defer req.Body.Close()
ocspResBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(req.Body, 1024*1024))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading OCSP response: %v", err)
ocspRes, err := ocsp.ParseResponse(ocspResBytes, issuerCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing OCSP response: %v", err)
return ocspResBytes, ocspRes, nil
// freshOCSP returns true if resp is still fresh,
// meaning that it is not expedient to get an
// updated response from the OCSP server.
func freshOCSP(resp *ocsp.Response) bool {
nextUpdate := resp.NextUpdate
// If there is an OCSP responder certificate, and it expires before the
// OCSP response, use its expiration date as the end of the OCSP
// response's validity period.
if resp.Certificate != nil && resp.Certificate.NotAfter.Before(nextUpdate) {
nextUpdate = resp.Certificate.NotAfter
// start checking OCSP staple about halfway through validity period for good measure
refreshTime := resp.ThisUpdate.Add(nextUpdate.Sub(resp.ThisUpdate) / 2)
return time.Now().Before(refreshTime)
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
package certmagic
import (
// NewRateLimiter returns a rate limiter that allows up to maxEvents
// in a sliding window of size window. If maxEvents and window are
// both 0, or if maxEvents is non-zero and window is 0, rate limiting
// is disabled. This function panics if maxEvents is less than 0 or
// if maxEvents is 0 and window is non-zero, which is considered to be
// an invalid configuration, as it would never allow events.
func NewRateLimiter(maxEvents int, window time.Duration) *RingBufferRateLimiter {
if maxEvents < 0 {
panic("maxEvents cannot be less than zero")
if maxEvents == 0 && window != 0 {
panic("invalid configuration: maxEvents = 0 and window != 0 would not allow any events")
rbrl := &RingBufferRateLimiter{
window: window,
ring: make([]time.Time, maxEvents),
started: make(chan struct{}),
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
ticket: make(chan struct{}),
go rbrl.loop()
<-rbrl.started // make sure loop is ready to receive before we return
return rbrl
// RingBufferRateLimiter uses a ring to enforce rate limits
// consisting of a maximum number of events within a single
// sliding window of a given duration. An empty value is
// not valid; use NewRateLimiter to get one.
type RingBufferRateLimiter struct {
window time.Duration
ring []time.Time // maxEvents == len(ring)
cursor int // always points to the oldest timestamp
mu sync.Mutex // protects ring, cursor, and window
started chan struct{}
stopped chan struct{}
ticket chan struct{}
// Stop cleans up r's scheduling goroutine.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) Stop() {
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) loop() {
for {
// if we've been stopped, return
select {
case <-r.stopped:
if len(r.ring) == 0 {
if r.window == 0 {
// rate limiting is disabled; always allow immediately
panic("invalid configuration: maxEvents = 0 and window != 0 does not allow any events")
// wait until next slot is available or until we've been stopped
then := r.ring[r.cursor].Add(r.window)
waitDuration := time.Until(then)
waitTimer := time.NewTimer(waitDuration)
select {
case <-waitTimer.C:
case <-r.stopped:
// Allow returns true if the event is allowed to
// happen right now. It does not wait. If the event
// is allowed, a ticket is claimed.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) Allow() bool {
select {
case <-r.ticket:
return true
return false
// Wait blocks until the event is allowed to occur. It returns an
// error if the context is cancelled.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) Wait(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return context.Canceled
case <-r.ticket:
return nil
// MaxEvents returns the maximum number of events that
// are allowed within the sliding window.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) MaxEvents() int {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return len(r.ring)
// SetMaxEvents changes the maximum number of events that are
// allowed in the sliding window. If the new limit is lower,
// the oldest events will be forgotten. If the new limit is
// higher, the window will suddenly have capacity for new
// reservations. It panics if maxEvents is 0 and window size
// is not zero.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) SetMaxEvents(maxEvents int) {
newRing := make([]time.Time, maxEvents)
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if r.window != 0 && maxEvents == 0 {
panic("invalid configuration: maxEvents = 0 and window != 0 would not allow any events")
// only make the change if the new limit is different
if maxEvents == len(r.ring) {
// the new ring may be smaller; fast-forward to the
// oldest timestamp that will be kept in the new
// ring so the oldest ones are forgotten and the
// newest ones will be remembered
sizeDiff := len(r.ring) - maxEvents
for i := 0; i < sizeDiff; i++ {
if len(r.ring) > 0 {
// copy timestamps into the new ring until we
// have either copied all of them or have reached
// the capacity of the new ring
startCursor := r.cursor
for i := 0; i < len(newRing); i++ {
newRing[i] = r.ring[r.cursor]
if r.cursor == startCursor {
// new ring is larger than old one;
// "we've come full circle"
r.ring = newRing
r.cursor = 0
// Window returns the size of the sliding window.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) Window() time.Duration {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.window
// SetWindow changes r's sliding window duration to window.
// Goroutines that are already blocked on a call to Wait()
// will not be affected. It panics if window is non-zero
// but the max event limit is 0.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) SetWindow(window time.Duration) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if window != 0 && len(r.ring) == 0 {
panic("invalid configuration: maxEvents = 0 and window != 0 would not allow any events")
r.window = window
// permit allows one event through the throttle. This method
// blocks until a goroutine is waiting for a ticket or until
// the rate limiter is stopped.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) permit() {
for {
select {
case r.started <- struct{}{}:
// notify parent goroutine that we've started; should
// only happen once, before constructor returns
case <-r.stopped:
case r.ticket <- struct{}{}:
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if len(r.ring) > 0 {
r.ring[r.cursor] = time.Now()
// advance moves the cursor to the next position.
// It is NOT safe for concurrent use, so it must
// be called inside a lock on r.mu.
func (r *RingBufferRateLimiter) advance() {
if r.cursor >= len(r.ring) {
r.cursor = 0
@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// httpSolver solves the HTTP challenge. It must be
// associated with a config and an address to use
// for solving the challenge. If multiple httpSolvers
// are initialized concurrently, the first one to
// begin will start the server, and the last one to
// finish will stop the server. This solver must be
// wrapped by a distributedSolver to work properly,
// because the only way the HTTP challenge handler
// can access the keyAuth material is by loading it
// from storage, which is done by distributedSolver.
type httpSolver struct {
closed int32 // accessed atomically
acmeManager *ACMEManager
address string
// Present starts an HTTP server if none is already listening on s.address.
func (s *httpSolver) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
defer solversMu.Unlock()
si := getSolverInfo(s.address)
if si.listener != nil {
return nil // already be served by us
// notice the unusual error handling here; we
// only continue to start a challenge server if
// we got a listener; in all other cases return
ln, err := robustTryListen(s.address)
if ln == nil {
return err
// successfully bound socket, so save listener and start key auth HTTP server
si.listener = ln
go s.serve(si)
return nil
// serve is an HTTP server that serves only HTTP challenge responses.
func (s *httpSolver) serve(si *solverInfo) {
defer close(si.done)
httpServer := &http.Server{Handler: s.acmeManager.HTTPChallengeHandler(http.NewServeMux())}
err := httpServer.Serve(si.listener)
if err != nil && atomic.LoadInt32(&s.closed) != 1 {
log.Printf("[ERROR] key auth HTTP server: %v", err)
// CleanUp cleans up the HTTP server if it is the last one to finish.
func (s *httpSolver) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
defer solversMu.Unlock()
si := getSolverInfo(s.address)
if si.count == 0 {
// last one out turns off the lights
atomic.StoreInt32(&s.closed, 1)
if si.listener != nil {
delete(solvers, s.address)
return nil
// tlsALPNSolver is a type that can solve TLS-ALPN challenges.
// It must have an associated config and address on which to
// serve the challenge.
type tlsALPNSolver struct {
config *Config
address string
// Present adds the certificate to the certificate cache and, if
// needed, starts a TLS server for answering TLS-ALPN challenges.
func (s *tlsALPNSolver) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
// load the certificate into the cache; this isn't strictly necessary
// if we're using the distributed solver since our GetCertificate
// function will check storage for the keyAuth anyway, but it seems
// like loading it into the cache is the right thing to do
cert, err := tlsalpn01.ChallengeCert(domain, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return err
certHash := hashCertificateChain(cert.Certificate)
s.config.certCache.cache[tlsALPNCertKeyName(domain)] = Certificate{
Certificate: *cert,
Names: []string{domain},
hash: certHash, // perhaps not necesssary
// the rest of this function increments the
// challenge count for the solver at this
// listener address, and if necessary, starts
// a simple TLS server
defer solversMu.Unlock()
si := getSolverInfo(s.address)
if si.listener != nil {
return nil // already be served by us
// notice the unusual error handling here; we
// only continue to start a challenge server if
// we got a listener; in all other cases return
ln, err := robustTryListen(s.address)
if ln == nil {
return err
// we were able to bind the socket, so make it into a TLS
// listener, store it with the solverInfo, and start the
// challenge server
si.listener = tls.NewListener(ln, s.config.TLSConfig())
go func() {
defer close(si.done)
for {
conn, err := si.listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&si.closed) == 1 {
log.Printf("[ERROR] TLS-ALPN challenge server: accept: %v", err)
go s.handleConn(conn)
return nil
// handleConn completes the TLS handshake and then closes conn.
func (*tlsALPNSolver) handleConn(conn net.Conn) {
defer conn.Close()
tlsConn, ok := conn.(*tls.Conn)
if !ok {
log.Printf("[ERROR] TLS-ALPN challenge server: expected tls.Conn but got %T: %#v", conn, conn)
err := tlsConn.Handshake()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] TLS-ALPN challenge server: handshake: %v", err)
// CleanUp removes the challenge certificate from the cache, and if
// it is the last one to finish, stops the TLS server.
func (s *tlsALPNSolver) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
delete(s.config.certCache.cache, tlsALPNCertKeyName(domain))
defer solversMu.Unlock()
si := getSolverInfo(s.address)
if si.count == 0 {
// last one out turns off the lights
atomic.StoreInt32(&si.closed, 1)
if si.listener != nil {
delete(solvers, s.address)
return nil
// tlsALPNCertKeyName returns the key to use when caching a cert
// for use with the TLS-ALPN ACME challenge. It is simply to help
// avoid conflicts (although at time of writing, there shouldn't
// be, since the cert cache is keyed by hash of certificate chain).
func tlsALPNCertKeyName(sniName string) string {
return sniName + ":acme-tls-alpn"
// distributedSolver allows the ACME HTTP-01 and TLS-ALPN challenges
// to be solved by an instance other than the one which initiated it.
// This is useful behind load balancers or in other cluster/fleet
// configurations. The only requirement is that the instance which
// initiates the challenge shares the same storage and locker with
// the others in the cluster. The storage backing the certificate
// cache in distributedSolver.config is crucial.
// Obviously, the instance which completes the challenge must be
// serving on the HTTPChallengePort for the HTTP-01 challenge or the
// TLSALPNChallengePort for the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge (or have all
// the packets port-forwarded) to receive and handle the request. The
// server which receives the challenge must handle it by checking to
// see if the challenge token exists in storage, and if so, decode it
// and use it to serve up the correct response. HTTPChallengeHandler
// in this package as well as the GetCertificate method implemented
// by a Config support and even require this behavior.
// In short: the only two requirements for cluster operation are
// sharing sync and storage, and using the facilities provided by
// this package for solving the challenges.
type distributedSolver struct {
// The config with a certificate cache
// with a reference to the storage to
// use which is shared among all the
// instances in the cluster - REQUIRED.
acmeManager *ACMEManager
// Since the distributedSolver is only a
// wrapper over an actual solver, place
// the actual solver here.
providerServer challenge.Provider
// The CA endpoint URL associated with
// this solver.
caURL string
// Present invokes the underlying solver's Present method
// and also stores domain, token, and keyAuth to the storage
// backing the certificate cache of dhs.acmeManager.
func (dhs distributedSolver) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
infoBytes, err := json.Marshal(challengeInfo{
Domain: domain,
Token: token,
KeyAuth: keyAuth,
if err != nil {
return err
err = dhs.acmeManager.config.Storage.Store(dhs.challengeTokensKey(domain), infoBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dhs.providerServer.Present(domain, token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("presenting with embedded provider: %v", err)
return nil
// CleanUp invokes the underlying solver's CleanUp method
// and also cleans up any assets saved to storage.
func (dhs distributedSolver) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
err := dhs.acmeManager.config.Storage.Delete(dhs.challengeTokensKey(domain))
if err != nil {
return err
err = dhs.providerServer.CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cleaning up embedded provider: %v", err)
return nil
// challengeTokensPrefix returns the key prefix for challenge info.
func (dhs distributedSolver) challengeTokensPrefix() string {
return path.Join(dhs.acmeManager.storageKeyCAPrefix(dhs.caURL), "challenge_tokens")
// challengeTokensKey returns the key to use to store and access
// challenge info for domain.
func (dhs distributedSolver) challengeTokensKey(domain string) string {
return path.Join(dhs.challengeTokensPrefix(), StorageKeys.Safe(domain)+".json")
type challengeInfo struct {
Domain, Token, KeyAuth string
// solverInfo associates a listener with the
// number of challenges currently using it.
type solverInfo struct {
closed int32 // accessed atomically
count int
listener net.Listener
done chan struct{} // used to signal when our own solver server is done
// getSolverInfo gets a valid solverInfo struct for address.
func getSolverInfo(address string) *solverInfo {
si, ok := solvers[address]
if !ok {
si = &solverInfo{done: make(chan struct{})}
solvers[address] = si
return si
// robustTryListen calls net.Listen for a TCP socket at addr.
// This function may return both a nil listener and a nil error!
// If it was able to bind the socket, it returns the listener
// and no error. If it wasn't able to bind the socket because
// the socket is already in use, then it returns a nil listener
// and nil error. If it had any other error, it returns the
// error. The intended error handling logic for this function
// is to proceed if the returned listener is not nil; otherwise
// return err (which may also be nil). In other words, this
// function ignores errors if the socket is already in use,
// which is useful for our challenge servers, where we assume
// that whatever is already listening can solve the challenges.
func robustTryListen(addr string) (net.Listener, error) {
var listenErr error
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
// doesn't hurt to sleep briefly before the second
// attempt in case the OS has timing issues
if i > 0 {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// if we can bind the socket right away, great!
var ln net.Listener
ln, listenErr = net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if listenErr == nil {
return ln, nil
// if it failed just because the socket is already in use, we
// have no choice but to assume that whatever is using the socket
// can answer the challenge already, so we ignore the error
connectErr := dialTCPSocket(addr)
if connectErr == nil {
return nil, nil
// hmm, we couldn't connect to the socket, so something else must
// be wrong, right? wrong!! we've had reports across multiple OSes
// now that sometimes connections fail even though the OS told us
// that the address was already in use; either the listener is
// fluctuating between open and closed very, very quickly, or the
// OS is inconsistent and contradicting itself; I have been unable
// to reproduce this, so I'm now resorting to hard-coding substring
// matching in error messages as a really hacky and unreliable
// safeguard against this, until we can idenify exactly what was
// happening; see the following threads for more info:
// https://caddy.community/t/caddy-retry-error/7317
// https://caddy.community/t/v2-upgrade-to-caddy2-failing-with-errors/7423
if strings.Contains(listenErr.Error(), "address already in use") ||
strings.Contains(listenErr.Error(), "one usage of each socket address") {
log.Printf("[WARNING] OS reports a contradiction: %v - but we cannot connect to it, with this error: %v; continuing anyway 🤞 (I don't know what causes this... if you do, please help?)", listenErr, connectErr)
return nil, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not start listener for challenge server at %s: %v", addr, listenErr)
// dialTCPSocket connects to a TCP address just for the sake of
// seeing if it is open. It returns a nil error if a TCP connection
// can successfully be made to addr within a short timeout.
func dialTCPSocket(addr string) error {
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", addr, 250*time.Millisecond)
if err == nil {
return err
// The active challenge solvers, keyed by listener address,
// and protected by a mutex. Note that the creation of
// solver listeners and the incrementing of their counts
// are atomic operations guarded by this mutex.
var (
solvers = make(map[string]*solverInfo)
solversMu sync.Mutex
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// Storage is a type that implements a key-value store.
// Keys are prefix-based, with forward slash '/' as separators
// and without a leading slash.
// Processes running in a cluster will wish to use the
// same Storage value (its implementation and configuration)
// in order to share certificates and other TLS resources
// with the cluster.
// The Load, Delete, List, and Stat methods should return
// ErrNotExist if the key does not exist.
// Implementations of Storage must be safe for concurrent use.
type Storage interface {
// Locker provides atomic synchronization
// operations, making Storage safe to share.
// Store puts value at key.
Store(key string, value []byte) error
// Load retrieves the value at key.
Load(key string) ([]byte, error)
// Delete deletes key. An error should be
// returned only if the key still exists
// when the method returns.
Delete(key string) error
// Exists returns true if the key exists
// and there was no error checking.
Exists(key string) bool
// List returns all keys that match prefix.
// If recursive is true, non-terminal keys
// will be enumerated (i.e. "directories"
// should be walked); otherwise, only keys
// prefixed exactly by prefix will be listed.
List(prefix string, recursive bool) ([]string, error)
// Stat returns information about key.
Stat(key string) (KeyInfo, error)
// Locker facilitates synchronization of certificate tasks across
// machines and networks.
type Locker interface {
// Lock acquires the lock for key, blocking until the lock
// can be obtained or an error is returned. Note that, even
// after acquiring a lock, an idempotent operation may have
// already been performed by another process that acquired
// the lock before - so always check to make sure idempotent
// operations still need to be performed after acquiring the
// lock.
// The actual implementation of obtaining of a lock must be
// an atomic operation so that multiple Lock calls at the
// same time always results in only one caller receiving the
// lock at any given time.
// To prevent deadlocks, all implementations (where this concern
// is relevant) should put a reasonable expiration on the lock in
// case Unlock is unable to be called due to some sort of network
// failure or system crash.
Lock(key string) error
// Unlock releases the lock for key. This method must ONLY be
// called after a successful call to Lock, and only after the
// critical section is finished, even if it errored or timed
// out. Unlock cleans up any resources allocated during Lock.
Unlock(key string) error
// KeyInfo holds information about a key in storage.
// Key and IsTerminal are required; Modified and Size
// are optional if the storage implementation is not
// able to get that information. Setting them will
// make certain operations more consistent or
// predictable, but it is not crucial to basic
// functionality.
type KeyInfo struct {
Key string
Modified time.Time
Size int64
IsTerminal bool // false for keys that only contain other keys (like directories)
// storeTx stores all the values or none at all.
func storeTx(s Storage, all []keyValue) error {
for i, kv := range all {
err := s.Store(kv.key, kv.value)
if err != nil {
for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
return err
return nil
// keyValue pairs a key and a value.
type keyValue struct {
key string
value []byte
// KeyBuilder provides a namespace for methods that
// build keys and key prefixes, for addressing items
// in a Storage implementation.
type KeyBuilder struct{}
// CertsPrefix returns the storage key prefix for
// the given certificate issuer.
func (keys KeyBuilder) CertsPrefix(issuerKey string) string {
return path.Join(prefixCerts, keys.Safe(issuerKey))
// CertsSitePrefix returns a key prefix for items associated with
// the site given by domain using the given issuer key.
func (keys KeyBuilder) CertsSitePrefix(issuerKey, domain string) string {
return path.Join(keys.CertsPrefix(issuerKey), keys.Safe(domain))
// SiteCert returns the path to the certificate file for domain
// that is associated with the issuer with the given issuerKey.
func (keys KeyBuilder) SiteCert(issuerKey, domain string) string {
safeDomain := keys.Safe(domain)
return path.Join(keys.CertsSitePrefix(issuerKey, domain), safeDomain+".crt")
// SitePrivateKey returns the path to the private key file for domain
// that is associated with the certificate from the given issuer with
// the given issuerKey.
func (keys KeyBuilder) SitePrivateKey(issuerKey, domain string) string {
safeDomain := keys.Safe(domain)
return path.Join(keys.CertsSitePrefix(issuerKey, domain), safeDomain+".key")
// SiteMeta returns the path to the metadata file for domain that
// is associated with the certificate from the given issuer with
// the given issuerKey.
func (keys KeyBuilder) SiteMeta(issuerKey, domain string) string {
safeDomain := keys.Safe(domain)
return path.Join(keys.CertsSitePrefix(issuerKey, domain), safeDomain+".json")
// OCSPStaple returns a key for the OCSP staple associated
// with the given certificate. If you have the PEM bundle
// handy, pass that in to save an extra encoding step.
func (keys KeyBuilder) OCSPStaple(cert *Certificate, pemBundle []byte) string {
var ocspFileName string
if len(cert.Names) > 0 {
firstName := keys.Safe(cert.Names[0])
ocspFileName = firstName + "-"
ocspFileName += fastHash(pemBundle)
return path.Join(prefixOCSP, ocspFileName)
// Safe standardizes and sanitizes str for use as
// a single component of a storage key. This method
// is idempotent.
func (keys KeyBuilder) Safe(str string) string {
str = strings.ToLower(str)
str = strings.TrimSpace(str)
// replace a few specific characters
repl := strings.NewReplacer(
" ", "_",
"+", "_plus_",
"*", "wildcard_",
":", "-",
"..", "", // prevent directory traversal (regex allows single dots)
str = repl.Replace(str)
// finally remove all non-word characters
return safeKeyRE.ReplaceAllLiteralString(str, "")
// CleanUpOwnLocks immediately cleans up all
// current locks obtained by this process. Since
// this does not cancel the operations that
// the locks are synchronizing, this should be
// called only immediately before process exit.
func CleanUpOwnLocks() {
defer locksMu.Unlock()
for lockKey, storage := range locks {
err := storage.Unlock(lockKey)
if err == nil {
delete(locks, lockKey)
} else {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Unable to clean up lock: %v (lock=%s storage=%s)",
err, lockKey, storage)
func obtainLock(storage Storage, lockKey string) error {
err := storage.Lock(lockKey)
if err == nil {
locks[lockKey] = storage
return err
func releaseLock(storage Storage, lockKey string) error {
err := storage.Unlock(lockKey)
if err == nil {
delete(locks, lockKey)
return err
// locks stores a reference to all the current
// locks obtained by this process.
var locks = make(map[string]Storage)
var locksMu sync.Mutex
// StorageKeys provides methods for accessing
// keys and key prefixes for items in a Storage.
// Typically, you will not need to use this
// because accessing storage is abstracted away
// for most cases. Only use this if you need to
// directly access TLS assets in your application.
var StorageKeys KeyBuilder
const (
prefixCerts = "certificates"
prefixOCSP = "ocsp"
// safeKeyRE matches any undesirable characters in storage keys.
// Note that this allows dots, so you'll have to strip ".." manually.
var safeKeyRE = regexp.MustCompile(`[^\w@.-]`)
// ErrNotExist is returned by Storage implementations when
// a resource is not found. It is similar to os.IsNotExist
// except this is a type, not a variable.
type ErrNotExist interface {
// defaultFileStorage is a convenient, default storage
// implementation using the local file system.
var defaultFileStorage = &FileStorage{Path: dataDir()}
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
// Copyright 2015 Matthew Holt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package certmagic
import (
// user represents a Let's Encrypt user account.
type user struct {
Email string
Registration *registration.Resource
key crypto.PrivateKey
// GetEmail gets u's email.
func (u user) GetEmail() string {
return u.Email
// GetRegistration gets u's registration resource.
func (u user) GetRegistration() *registration.Resource {
return u.Registration
// GetPrivateKey gets u's private key.
func (u user) GetPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey {
return u.key
// newUser creates a new User for the given email address
// with a new private key. This function does NOT save the
// user to disk or register it via ACME. If you want to use
// a user account that might already exist, call getUser
// instead. It does NOT prompt the user.
func (*ACMEManager) newUser(email string) (*user, error) {
user := &user{Email: email}
privateKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P384(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return user, fmt.Errorf("generating private key: %v", err)
user.key = privateKey
return user, nil
// getEmail does everything it can to obtain an email address
// from the user within the scope of memory and storage to use
// for ACME TLS. If it cannot get an email address, it does nothing
// (If user is prompted, it will warn the user of
// the consequences of an empty email.) This function MAY prompt
// the user for input. If allowPrompts is false, the user
// will NOT be prompted and an empty email may be returned.
func (am *ACMEManager) getEmail(allowPrompts bool) error {
leEmail := am.Email
// First try package default email
if leEmail == "" {
leEmail = DefaultACME.Email // TODO: racey with line 108
// Then try to get most recent user email from storage
var gotRecentEmail bool
if leEmail == "" {
leEmail, gotRecentEmail = am.mostRecentUserEmail(am.CA)
if !gotRecentEmail && leEmail == "" && allowPrompts {
// Looks like there is no email address readily available,
// so we will have to ask the user if we can.
var err error
leEmail, err = am.promptUserForEmail()
if err != nil {
return err
// User might have just signified their agreement
am.Agreed = DefaultACME.Agreed
// save the email for later and ensure it is consistent
// for repeated use; then update cfg with the email
DefaultACME.Email = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(leEmail)) // TODO: this is racey with line 85
am.Email = DefaultACME.Email
return nil
func (am *ACMEManager) getAgreementURL() (string, error) {
if agreementTestURL != "" {
return agreementTestURL, nil
caURL := am.CA
if caURL == "" {
caURL = DefaultACME.CA
response, err := http.Get(caURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer response.Body.Close()
var dir acme.Directory
err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&dir)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return dir.Meta.TermsOfService, nil
// promptUserForEmail prompts the user for an email address
// and returns the email address they entered (which could
// be the empty string). If no error is returned, then Agreed
// will also be set to true, since continuing through the
// prompt signifies agreement.
func (am *ACMEManager) promptUserForEmail() (string, error) {
agreementURL, err := am.getAgreementURL()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("get Agreement URL: %v", err)
// prompt the user for an email address and terms agreement
reader := bufio.NewReader(stdin)
fmt.Println("Please enter your email address to signify agreement and to be notified")
fmt.Println("in case of issues. You can leave it blank, but we don't recommend it.")
fmt.Print(" Email address: ")
leEmail, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return "", fmt.Errorf("reading email address: %v", err)
leEmail = strings.TrimSpace(leEmail)
DefaultACME.Agreed = true
return leEmail, nil
// getUser loads the user with the given email from disk
// using the provided storage. If the user does not exist,
// it will create a new one, but it does NOT save new
// users to the disk or register them via ACME. It does
// NOT prompt the user.
func (am *ACMEManager) getUser(ca, email string) (*user, error) {
regBytes, err := am.config.Storage.Load(am.storageKeyUserReg(ca, email))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNotExist); ok {
// create a new user
return am.newUser(email)
return nil, err
keyBytes, err := am.config.Storage.Load(am.storageKeyUserPrivateKey(ca, email))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNotExist); ok {
// create a new user
return am.newUser(email)
return nil, err
var u *user
err = json.Unmarshal(regBytes, &u)
if err != nil {
return u, err
u.key, err = decodePrivateKey(keyBytes)
return u, err
// saveUser persists a user's key and account registration
// to the file system. It does NOT register the user via ACME
// or prompt the user. You must also pass in the storage
// wherein the user should be saved. It should be the storage
// for the CA with which user has an account.
func (am *ACMEManager) saveUser(ca string, user *user) error {
regBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(&user, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return err
keyBytes, err := encodePrivateKey(user.key)
if err != nil {
return err
all := []keyValue{
key: am.storageKeyUserReg(ca, user.Email),
value: regBytes,
key: am.storageKeyUserPrivateKey(ca, user.Email),
value: keyBytes,
return storeTx(am.config.Storage, all)
// promptUserAgreement simply outputs the standard user
// agreement prompt with the given agreement URL.
// It outputs a newline after the message.
func (am *ACMEManager) promptUserAgreement(agreementURL string) {
const userAgreementPrompt = `Your sites will be served over HTTPS automatically using Let's Encrypt.
By continuing, you agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement at:`
fmt.Printf("\n\n%s\n %s\n", userAgreementPrompt, agreementURL)
// askUserAgreement prompts the user to agree to the agreement
// at the given agreement URL via stdin. It returns whether the
// user agreed or not.
func (am *ACMEManager) askUserAgreement(agreementURL string) bool {
fmt.Print("Do you agree to the terms? (y/n): ")
reader := bufio.NewReader(stdin)
answer, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return false
answer = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(answer))
return answer == "y" || answer == "yes"
func (am *ACMEManager) storageKeyCAPrefix(caURL string) string {
return path.Join(prefixACME, StorageKeys.Safe(am.issuerKey(caURL)))
func (am *ACMEManager) storageKeyUsersPrefix(caURL string) string {
return path.Join(am.storageKeyCAPrefix(caURL), "users")
func (am *ACMEManager) storageKeyUserPrefix(caURL, email string) string {
if email == "" {
email = emptyEmail
return path.Join(am.storageKeyUsersPrefix(caURL), StorageKeys.Safe(email))
func (am *ACMEManager) storageKeyUserReg(caURL, email string) string {
return am.storageSafeUserKey(caURL, email, "registration", ".json")
func (am *ACMEManager) storageKeyUserPrivateKey(caURL, email string) string {
return am.storageSafeUserKey(caURL, email, "private", ".key")
// storageSafeUserKey returns a key for the given email, with the default
// filename, and the filename ending in the given extension.
func (am *ACMEManager) storageSafeUserKey(ca, email, defaultFilename, extension string) string {
if email == "" {
email = emptyEmail
email = strings.ToLower(email)
filename := am.emailUsername(email)
if filename == "" {
filename = defaultFilename
filename = StorageKeys.Safe(filename)
return path.Join(am.storageKeyUserPrefix(ca, email), filename+extension)
// emailUsername returns the username portion of an email address (part before
// '@') or the original input if it can't find the "@" symbol.
func (*ACMEManager) emailUsername(email string) string {
at := strings.Index(email, "@")
if at == -1 {
return email
} else if at == 0 {
return email[1:]
return email[:at]
// mostRecentUserEmail finds the most recently-written user file
// in storage. Since this is part of a complex sequence to get a user
// account, errors here are discarded to simplify code flow in
// the caller, and errors are not important here anyway.
func (am *ACMEManager) mostRecentUserEmail(caURL string) (string, bool) {
userList, err := am.config.Storage.List(am.storageKeyUsersPrefix(caURL), false)
if err != nil || len(userList) == 0 {
return "", false
// get all the key infos ahead of sorting, because
// we might filter some out
stats := make(map[string]KeyInfo)
for i, u := range userList {
keyInfo, err := am.config.Storage.Stat(u)
if err != nil {
if keyInfo.IsTerminal {
// I found a bug when macOS created a .DS_Store file in
// the users folder, and CertMagic tried to use that as
// the user email because it was newer than the other one
// which existed... sure, this isn't a perfect fix but
// frankly one's OS shouldn't mess with the data folder
// in the first place.
userList = append(userList[:i], userList[i+1:]...)
stats[u] = keyInfo
sort.Slice(userList, func(i, j int) bool {
iInfo := stats[userList[i]]
jInfo := stats[userList[j]]
return jInfo.Modified.Before(iInfo.Modified)
user, err := am.getUser(caURL, path.Base(userList[0]))
if err != nil {
return "", false
return user.Email, true
// agreementTestURL is set during tests to skip requiring
// setting up an entire ACME CA endpoint.
var agreementTestURL string
// stdin is used to read the user's input if prompted;
// this is changed by tests during tests.
var stdin = io.ReadWriter(os.Stdin)
// The name of the folder for accounts where the email
// address was not provided; default 'username' if you will,
// but only for local/storage use, not with the CA.
const emptyEmail = "default"
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
language: go
- 1.12
- 1.x
- tip
- go get github.com/mattn/goveralls
- go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
- $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Cenk Altı
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Exponential Backoff [![GoDoc][godoc image]][godoc] [![Build Status][travis image]][travis] [![Coverage Status][coveralls image]][coveralls]
This is a Go port of the exponential backoff algorithm from [Google's HTTP Client Library for Java][google-http-java-client].
[Exponential backoff][exponential backoff wiki]
is an algorithm that uses feedback to multiplicatively decrease the rate of some process,
in order to gradually find an acceptable rate.
The retries exponentially increase and stop increasing when a certain threshold is met.
## Usage
Import path is `github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4`. Please note the version part at the end.
godoc.org does not support modules yet,
so you can use https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/cenkalti/backoff.v4 to view the documentation.
## Contributing
* I would like to keep this library as small as possible.
* Please don't send a PR without opening an issue and discussing it first.
* If proposed change is not a common use case, I will probably not accept it.
[godoc]: https://godoc.org/github.com/cenkalti/backoff
[godoc image]: https://godoc.org/github.com/cenkalti/backoff?status.png
[travis]: https://travis-ci.org/cenkalti/backoff
[travis image]: https://travis-ci.org/cenkalti/backoff.png?branch=master
[coveralls]: https://coveralls.io/github/cenkalti/backoff?branch=master
[coveralls image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/cenkalti/backoff/badge.svg?branch=master
[google-http-java-client]: https://github.com/google/google-http-java-client/blob/da1aa993e90285ec18579f1553339b00e19b3ab5/google-http-client/src/main/java/com/google/api/client/util/ExponentialBackOff.java
[exponential backoff wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_backoff
[advanced example]: https://godoc.org/github.com/cenkalti/backoff#example_
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// Package backoff implements backoff algorithms for retrying operations.
// Use Retry function for retrying operations that may fail.
// If Retry does not meet your needs,
// copy/paste the function into your project and modify as you wish.
// There is also Ticker type similar to time.Ticker.
// You can use it if you need to work with channels.
// See Examples section below for usage examples.
package backoff
import "time"
// BackOff is a backoff policy for retrying an operation.
type BackOff interface {
// NextBackOff returns the duration to wait before retrying the operation,
// or backoff. Stop to indicate that no more retries should be made.
// Example usage:
// duration := backoff.NextBackOff();
// if (duration == backoff.Stop) {
// // Do not retry operation.
// } else {
// // Sleep for duration and retry operation.
// }
NextBackOff() time.Duration
// Reset to initial state.
// Stop indicates that no more retries should be made for use in NextBackOff().
const Stop time.Duration = -1
// ZeroBackOff is a fixed backoff policy whose backoff time is always zero,
// meaning that the operation is retried immediately without waiting, indefinitely.
type ZeroBackOff struct{}
func (b *ZeroBackOff) Reset() {}
func (b *ZeroBackOff) NextBackOff() time.Duration { return 0 }
// StopBackOff is a fixed backoff policy that always returns backoff.Stop for
// NextBackOff(), meaning that the operation should never be retried.
type StopBackOff struct{}
func (b *StopBackOff) Reset() {}
func (b *StopBackOff) NextBackOff() time.Duration { return Stop }
// ConstantBackOff is a backoff policy that always returns the same backoff delay.
// This is in contrast to an exponential backoff policy,
// which returns a delay that grows longer as you call NextBackOff() over and over again.
type ConstantBackOff struct {
Interval time.Duration
func (b *ConstantBackOff) Reset() {}
func (b *ConstantBackOff) NextBackOff() time.Duration { return b.Interval }
func NewConstantBackOff(d time.Duration) *ConstantBackOff {
return &ConstantBackOff{Interval: d}
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package backoff
import (
// BackOffContext is a backoff policy that stops retrying after the context
// is canceled.
type BackOffContext interface { // nolint: golint
Context() context.Context
type backOffContext struct {
ctx context.Context
// WithContext returns a BackOffContext with context ctx
// ctx must not be nil
func WithContext(b BackOff, ctx context.Context) BackOffContext { // nolint: golint
if ctx == nil {
panic("nil context")
if b, ok := b.(*backOffContext); ok {
return &backOffContext{
BackOff: b.BackOff,
ctx: ctx,
return &backOffContext{
BackOff: b,
ctx: ctx,
func getContext(b BackOff) context.Context {
if cb, ok := b.(BackOffContext); ok {
return cb.Context()
if tb, ok := b.(*backOffTries); ok {
return getContext(tb.delegate)
return context.Background()
func (b *backOffContext) Context() context.Context {
return b.ctx
func (b *backOffContext) NextBackOff() time.Duration {
select {
case <-b.ctx.Done():
return Stop
next := b.BackOff.NextBackOff()
if deadline, ok := b.ctx.Deadline(); ok && deadline.Sub(time.Now()) < next { // nolint: gosimple
return Stop
return next
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
package backoff
import (
ExponentialBackOff is a backoff implementation that increases the backoff
period for each retry attempt using a randomization function that grows exponentially.
NextBackOff() is calculated using the following formula:
randomized interval =
RetryInterval * (random value in range [1 - RandomizationFactor, 1 + RandomizationFactor])
In other words NextBackOff() will range between the randomization factor
percentage below and above the retry interval.
For example, given the following parameters:
RetryInterval = 2
RandomizationFactor = 0.5
Multiplier = 2
the actual backoff period used in the next retry attempt will range between 1 and 3 seconds,
multiplied by the exponential, that is, between 2 and 6 seconds.
Note: MaxInterval caps the RetryInterval and not the randomized interval.
If the time elapsed since an ExponentialBackOff instance is created goes past the
MaxElapsedTime, then the method NextBackOff() starts returning backoff.Stop.
The elapsed time can be reset by calling Reset().
Example: Given the following default arguments, for 10 tries the sequence will be,
and assuming we go over the MaxElapsedTime on the 10th try:
Request # RetryInterval (seconds) Randomized Interval (seconds)
1 0.5 [0.25, 0.75]
2 0.75 [0.375, 1.125]
3 1.125 [0.562, 1.687]
4 1.687 [0.8435, 2.53]
5 2.53 [1.265, 3.795]
6 3.795 [1.897, 5.692]
7 5.692 [2.846, 8.538]
8 8.538 [4.269, 12.807]
9 12.807 [6.403, 19.210]
10 19.210 backoff.Stop
Note: Implementation is not thread-safe.
type ExponentialBackOff struct {
InitialInterval time.Duration
RandomizationFactor float64
Multiplier float64
MaxInterval time.Duration
// After MaxElapsedTime the ExponentialBackOff returns Stop.
// It never stops if MaxElapsedTime == 0.
MaxElapsedTime time.Duration
Stop time.Duration
Clock Clock
currentInterval time.Duration
startTime time.Time
// Clock is an interface that returns current time for BackOff.
type Clock interface {
Now() time.Time
// Default values for ExponentialBackOff.
const (
DefaultInitialInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
DefaultRandomizationFactor = 0.5
DefaultMultiplier = 1.5
DefaultMaxInterval = 60 * time.Second
DefaultMaxElapsedTime = 15 * time.Minute
// NewExponentialBackOff creates an instance of ExponentialBackOff using default values.
func NewExponentialBackOff() *ExponentialBackOff {
b := &ExponentialBackOff{
InitialInterval: DefaultInitialInterval,
RandomizationFactor: DefaultRandomizationFactor,
Multiplier: DefaultMultiplier,
MaxInterval: DefaultMaxInterval,
MaxElapsedTime: DefaultMaxElapsedTime,
Stop: Stop,
Clock: SystemClock,
return b
type systemClock struct{}
func (t systemClock) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now()
// SystemClock implements Clock interface that uses time.Now().
var SystemClock = systemClock{}
// Reset the interval back to the initial retry interval and restarts the timer.
// Reset must be called before using b.
func (b *ExponentialBackOff) Reset() {
b.currentInterval = b.InitialInterval
b.startTime = b.Clock.Now()
// NextBackOff calculates the next backoff interval using the formula:
// Randomized interval = RetryInterval * (1 ± RandomizationFactor)
func (b *ExponentialBackOff) NextBackOff() time.Duration {
// Make sure we have not gone over the maximum elapsed time.
if b.MaxElapsedTime != 0 && b.GetElapsedTime() > b.MaxElapsedTime {
return b.Stop
defer b.incrementCurrentInterval()
return getRandomValueFromInterval(b.RandomizationFactor, rand.Float64(), b.currentInterval)
// GetElapsedTime returns the elapsed time since an ExponentialBackOff instance
// is created and is reset when Reset() is called.
// The elapsed time is computed using time.Now().UnixNano(). It is
// safe to call even while the backoff policy is used by a running
// ticker.
func (b *ExponentialBackOff) GetElapsedTime() time.Duration {
return b.Clock.Now().Sub(b.startTime)
// Increments the current interval by multiplying it with the multiplier.
func (b *ExponentialBackOff) incrementCurrentInterval() {
// Check for overflow, if overflow is detected set the current interval to the max interval.
if float64(b.currentInterval) >= float64(b.MaxInterval)/b.Multiplier {
b.currentInterval = b.MaxInterval
} else {
b.currentInterval = time.Duration(float64(b.currentInterval) * b.Multiplier)
// Returns a random value from the following interval:
// [randomizationFactor * currentInterval, randomizationFactor * currentInterval].
func getRandomValueFromInterval(randomizationFactor, random float64, currentInterval time.Duration) time.Duration {
var delta = randomizationFactor * float64(currentInterval)
var minInterval = float64(currentInterval) - delta
var maxInterval = float64(currentInterval) + delta
// Get a random value from the range [minInterval, maxInterval].
// The formula used below has a +1 because if the minInterval is 1 and the maxInterval is 3 then
// we want a 33% chance for selecting either 1, 2 or 3.
return time.Duration(minInterval + (random * (maxInterval - minInterval + 1)))
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4
go 1.12
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package backoff
import "time"
// An Operation is executing by Retry() or RetryNotify().
// The operation will be retried using a backoff policy if it returns an error.
type Operation func() error
// Notify is a notify-on-error function. It receives an operation error and
// backoff delay if the operation failed (with an error).
// NOTE that if the backoff policy stated to stop retrying,
// the notify function isn't called.
type Notify func(error, time.Duration)
// Retry the operation o until it does not return error or BackOff stops.
// o is guaranteed to be run at least once.
// If o returns a *PermanentError, the operation is not retried, and the
// wrapped error is returned.
// Retry sleeps the goroutine for the duration returned by BackOff after a
// failed operation returns.
func Retry(o Operation, b BackOff) error {
return RetryNotify(o, b, nil)
// RetryNotify calls notify function with the error and wait duration
// for each failed attempt before sleep.
func RetryNotify(operation Operation, b BackOff, notify Notify) error {
return RetryNotifyWithTimer(operation, b, notify, nil)
// RetryNotifyWithTimer calls notify function with the error and wait duration using the given Timer
// for each failed attempt before sleep.
// A default timer that uses system timer is used when nil is passed.
func RetryNotifyWithTimer(operation Operation, b BackOff, notify Notify, t Timer) error {
var err error
var next time.Duration
if t == nil {
t = &defaultTimer{}
defer func() {
ctx := getContext(b)
for {
if err = operation(); err == nil {
return nil
if permanent, ok := err.(*PermanentError); ok {
return permanent.Err
if next = b.NextBackOff(); next == Stop {
return err
if notify != nil {
notify(err, next)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-t.C():
// PermanentError signals that the operation should not be retried.
type PermanentError struct {
Err error
func (e *PermanentError) Error() string {
return e.Err.Error()
func (e *PermanentError) Unwrap() error {
return e.Err
// Permanent wraps the given err in a *PermanentError.
func Permanent(err error) *PermanentError {
return &PermanentError{
Err: err,
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package backoff
import (
// Ticker holds a channel that delivers `ticks' of a clock at times reported by a BackOff.
// Ticks will continue to arrive when the previous operation is still running,
// so operations that take a while to fail could run in quick succession.
type Ticker struct {
C <-chan time.Time
c chan time.Time
b BackOff
ctx context.Context
timer Timer
stop chan struct{}
stopOnce sync.Once
// NewTicker returns a new Ticker containing a channel that will send
// the time at times specified by the BackOff argument. Ticker is
// guaranteed to tick at least once. The channel is closed when Stop
// method is called or BackOff stops. It is not safe to manipulate the
// provided backoff policy (notably calling NextBackOff or Reset)
// while the ticker is running.
func NewTicker(b BackOff) *Ticker {
return NewTickerWithTimer(b, &defaultTimer{})
// NewTickerWithTimer returns a new Ticker with a custom timer.
// A default timer that uses system timer is used when nil is passed.
func NewTickerWithTimer(b BackOff, timer Timer) *Ticker {
c := make(chan time.Time)
t := &Ticker{
C: c,
c: c,
b: b,
ctx: getContext(b),
timer: timer,
stop: make(chan struct{}),
go t.run()
return t
// Stop turns off a ticker. After Stop, no more ticks will be sent.
func (t *Ticker) Stop() {
t.stopOnce.Do(func() { close(t.stop) })
func (t *Ticker) run() {
c := t.c
defer close(c)
// Ticker is guaranteed to tick at least once.
afterC := t.send(time.Now())
for {
if afterC == nil {
select {
case tick := <-afterC:
afterC = t.send(tick)
case <-t.stop:
t.c = nil // Prevent future ticks from being sent to the channel.
case <-t.ctx.Done():
func (t *Ticker) send(tick time.Time) <-chan time.Time {
select {
case t.c <- tick:
case <-t.stop:
return nil
next := t.b.NextBackOff()
if next == Stop {
return nil
return t.timer.C()
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package backoff
import "time"
type Timer interface {
Start(duration time.Duration)
C() <-chan time.Time
// defaultTimer implements Timer interface using time.Timer
type defaultTimer struct {
timer *time.Timer
// C returns the timers channel which receives the current time when the timer fires.
func (t *defaultTimer) C() <-chan time.Time {
return t.timer.C
// Start starts the timer to fire after the given duration
func (t *defaultTimer) Start(duration time.Duration) {
if t.timer == nil {
t.timer = time.NewTimer(duration)
} else {
// Stop is called when the timer is not used anymore and resources may be freed.
func (t *defaultTimer) Stop() {
if t.timer != nil {
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package backoff
import "time"
WithMaxRetries creates a wrapper around another BackOff, which will
return Stop if NextBackOff() has been called too many times since
the last time Reset() was called
Note: Implementation is not thread-safe.
func WithMaxRetries(b BackOff, max uint64) BackOff {
return &backOffTries{delegate: b, maxTries: max}
type backOffTries struct {
delegate BackOff
maxTries uint64
numTries uint64
func (b *backOffTries) NextBackOff() time.Duration {
if b.maxTries == 0 {
return Stop
if b.maxTries > 0 {
if b.maxTries <= b.numTries {
return Stop
return b.delegate.NextBackOff()
func (b *backOffTries) Reset() {
b.numTries = 0
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Sebastian Erhart
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package api
import (
type AccountService service
// New Creates a new account.
func (a *AccountService) New(req acme.Account) (acme.ExtendedAccount, error) {
var account acme.Account
resp, err := a.core.post(a.core.GetDirectory().NewAccountURL, req, &account)
location := getLocation(resp)
if len(location) > 0 {
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedAccount{Location: location}, err
return acme.ExtendedAccount{Account: account, Location: location}, nil
// NewEAB Creates a new account with an External Account Binding.
func (a *AccountService) NewEAB(accMsg acme.Account, kid string, hmacEncoded string) (acme.ExtendedAccount, error) {
hmac, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(hmacEncoded)
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedAccount{}, fmt.Errorf("acme: could not decode hmac key: %w", err)
eabJWS, err := a.core.signEABContent(a.core.GetDirectory().NewAccountURL, kid, hmac)
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedAccount{}, fmt.Errorf("acme: error signing eab content: %w", err)
accMsg.ExternalAccountBinding = eabJWS
return a.New(accMsg)
// Get Retrieves an account.
func (a *AccountService) Get(accountURL string) (acme.Account, error) {
if len(accountURL) == 0 {
return acme.Account{}, errors.New("account[get]: empty URL")
var account acme.Account
_, err := a.core.post(accountURL, acme.Account{}, &account)
if err != nil {
return acme.Account{}, err
return account, nil
// Update Updates an account.
func (a *AccountService) Update(accountURL string, req acme.Account) (acme.ExtendedAccount, error) {
if len(accountURL) == 0 {
return acme.ExtendedAccount{}, errors.New("account[update]: empty URL")
var account acme.ExtendedAccount
_, err := a.core.post(accountURL, req, &account)
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedAccount{}, err
return account, nil
// Deactivate Deactivates an account.
func (a *AccountService) Deactivate(accountURL string) error {
if len(accountURL) == 0 {
return errors.New("account[deactivate]: empty URL")
req := acme.Account{Status: acme.StatusDeactivated}
_, err := a.core.post(accountURL, req, nil)
return err
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package api
import (
// Core ACME/LE core API.
type Core struct {
doer *sender.Doer
nonceManager *nonces.Manager
jws *secure.JWS
directory acme.Directory
HTTPClient *http.Client
common service // Reuse a single struct instead of allocating one for each service on the heap.
Accounts *AccountService
Authorizations *AuthorizationService
Certificates *CertificateService
Challenges *ChallengeService
Orders *OrderService
// New Creates a new Core.
func New(httpClient *http.Client, userAgent string, caDirURL, kid string, privateKey crypto.PrivateKey) (*Core, error) {
doer := sender.NewDoer(httpClient, userAgent)
dir, err := getDirectory(doer, caDirURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nonceManager := nonces.NewManager(doer, dir.NewNonceURL)
jws := secure.NewJWS(privateKey, kid, nonceManager)
c := &Core{doer: doer, nonceManager: nonceManager, jws: jws, directory: dir, HTTPClient: httpClient}
c.common.core = c
c.Accounts = (*AccountService)(&c.common)
c.Authorizations = (*AuthorizationService)(&c.common)
c.Certificates = (*CertificateService)(&c.common)
c.Challenges = (*ChallengeService)(&c.common)
c.Orders = (*OrderService)(&c.common)
return c, nil
// post performs an HTTP POST request and parses the response body as JSON,
// into the provided respBody object.
func (a *Core) post(uri string, reqBody, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
content, err := json.Marshal(reqBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to marshal message")
return a.retrievablePost(uri, content, response)
// postAsGet performs an HTTP POST ("POST-as-GET") request.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-6.3
func (a *Core) postAsGet(uri string, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
return a.retrievablePost(uri, []byte{}, response)
func (a *Core) retrievablePost(uri string, content []byte, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
// during tests, allow to support ~90% of bad nonce with a minimum of attempts.
bo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
bo.InitialInterval = 200 * time.Millisecond
bo.MaxInterval = 5 * time.Second
bo.MaxElapsedTime = 20 * time.Second
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var resp *http.Response
operation := func() error {
var err error
resp, err = a.signedPost(uri, content, response)
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
// Retry if the nonce was invalidated
case *acme.NonceError:
return err
return err
return nil
notify := func(err error, duration time.Duration) {
log.Infof("retry due to: %v", err)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(operation, backoff.WithContext(bo, ctx), notify)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
func (a *Core) signedPost(uri string, content []byte, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
signedContent, err := a.jws.SignContent(uri, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to post JWS message: failed to sign content: %w", err)
signedBody := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(signedContent.FullSerialize()))
resp, err := a.doer.Post(uri, signedBody, "application/jose+json", response)
// nonceErr is ignored to keep the root error.
nonce, nonceErr := nonces.GetFromResponse(resp)
if nonceErr == nil {
return resp, err
func (a *Core) signEABContent(newAccountURL, kid string, hmac []byte) ([]byte, error) {
eabJWS, err := a.jws.SignEABContent(newAccountURL, kid, hmac)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []byte(eabJWS.FullSerialize()), nil
// GetKeyAuthorization Gets the key authorization
func (a *Core) GetKeyAuthorization(token string) (string, error) {
return a.jws.GetKeyAuthorization(token)
func (a *Core) GetDirectory() acme.Directory {
return a.directory
func getDirectory(do *sender.Doer, caDirURL string) (acme.Directory, error) {
var dir acme.Directory
if _, err := do.Get(caDirURL, &dir); err != nil {
return dir, fmt.Errorf("get directory at '%s': %w", caDirURL, err)
if dir.NewAccountURL == "" {
return dir, errors.New("directory missing new registration URL")
if dir.NewOrderURL == "" {
return dir, errors.New("directory missing new order URL")
return dir, nil
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package api
import (
type AuthorizationService service
// Get Gets an authorization.
func (c *AuthorizationService) Get(authzURL string) (acme.Authorization, error) {
if len(authzURL) == 0 {
return acme.Authorization{}, errors.New("authorization[get]: empty URL")
var authz acme.Authorization
_, err := c.core.postAsGet(authzURL, &authz)
if err != nil {
return acme.Authorization{}, err
return authz, nil
// Deactivate Deactivates an authorization.
func (c *AuthorizationService) Deactivate(authzURL string) error {
if len(authzURL) == 0 {
return errors.New("authorization[deactivate]: empty URL")
var disabledAuth acme.Authorization
_, err := c.core.post(authzURL, acme.Authorization{Status: acme.StatusDeactivated}, &disabledAuth)
return err
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package api
import (
// maxBodySize is the maximum size of body that we will read.
const maxBodySize = 1024 * 1024
type CertificateService service
// Get Returns the certificate and the issuer certificate.
// 'bundle' is only applied if the issuer is provided by the 'up' link.
func (c *CertificateService) Get(certURL string, bundle bool) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
cert, up, err := c.get(certURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Get issuerCert from bundled response from Let's Encrypt
// See https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/acme-v2-no-up-link-in-response/64962
_, issuer := pem.Decode(cert)
if issuer != nil {
return cert, issuer, nil
issuer, err = c.getIssuerFromLink(up)
if err != nil {
// If we fail to acquire the issuer cert, return the issued certificate - do not fail.
log.Warnf("acme: Could not bundle issuer certificate [%s]: %v", certURL, err)
} else if len(issuer) > 0 {
// If bundle is true, we want to return a certificate bundle.
// To do this, we append the issuer cert to the issued cert.
if bundle {
cert = append(cert, issuer...)
return cert, issuer, nil
// Revoke Revokes a certificate.
func (c *CertificateService) Revoke(req acme.RevokeCertMessage) error {
_, err := c.core.post(c.core.GetDirectory().RevokeCertURL, req, nil)
return err
// get Returns the certificate and the "up" link.
func (c *CertificateService) get(certURL string) ([]byte, string, error) {
if len(certURL) == 0 {
return nil, "", errors.New("certificate[get]: empty URL")
resp, err := c.core.postAsGet(certURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
cert, err := ioutil.ReadAll(http.MaxBytesReader(nil, resp.Body, maxBodySize))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// The issuer certificate link may be supplied via an "up" link
// in the response headers of a new certificate.
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.4.2
up := getLink(resp.Header, "up")
return cert, up, err
// getIssuerFromLink requests the issuer certificate
func (c *CertificateService) getIssuerFromLink(up string) ([]byte, error) {
if len(up) == 0 {
return nil, nil
log.Infof("acme: Requesting issuer cert from %s", up)
cert, _, err := c.get(up)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = x509.ParseCertificate(cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return certcrypto.PEMEncode(certcrypto.DERCertificateBytes(cert)), nil
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package api
import (
type ChallengeService service
// New Creates a challenge.
func (c *ChallengeService) New(chlgURL string) (acme.ExtendedChallenge, error) {
if len(chlgURL) == 0 {
return acme.ExtendedChallenge{}, errors.New("challenge[new]: empty URL")
// Challenge initiation is done by sending a JWS payload containing the trivial JSON object `{}`.
// We use an empty struct instance as the postJSON payload here to achieve this result.
var chlng acme.ExtendedChallenge
resp, err := c.core.post(chlgURL, struct{}{}, &chlng)
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedChallenge{}, err
chlng.AuthorizationURL = getLink(resp.Header, "up")
chlng.RetryAfter = getRetryAfter(resp)
return chlng, nil
// Get Gets a challenge.
func (c *ChallengeService) Get(chlgURL string) (acme.ExtendedChallenge, error) {
if len(chlgURL) == 0 {
return acme.ExtendedChallenge{}, errors.New("challenge[get]: empty URL")
var chlng acme.ExtendedChallenge
resp, err := c.core.postAsGet(chlgURL, &chlng)
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedChallenge{}, err
chlng.AuthorizationURL = getLink(resp.Header, "up")
chlng.RetryAfter = getRetryAfter(resp)
return chlng, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package nonces
import (
// Manager Manages nonces.
type Manager struct {
do *sender.Doer
nonceURL string
nonces []string
// NewManager Creates a new Manager.
func NewManager(do *sender.Doer, nonceURL string) *Manager {
return &Manager{
do: do,
nonceURL: nonceURL,
// Pop Pops a nonce.
func (n *Manager) Pop() (string, bool) {
defer n.Unlock()
if len(n.nonces) == 0 {
return "", false
nonce := n.nonces[len(n.nonces)-1]
n.nonces = n.nonces[:len(n.nonces)-1]
return nonce, true
// Push Pushes a nonce.
func (n *Manager) Push(nonce string) {
defer n.Unlock()
n.nonces = append(n.nonces, nonce)
// Nonce implement jose.NonceSource
func (n *Manager) Nonce() (string, error) {
if nonce, ok := n.Pop(); ok {
return nonce, nil
return n.getNonce()
func (n *Manager) getNonce() (string, error) {
resp, err := n.do.Head(n.nonceURL)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get nonce from HTTP HEAD: %w", err)
return GetFromResponse(resp)
// GetFromResponse Extracts a nonce from a HTTP response.
func GetFromResponse(resp *http.Response) (string, error) {
if resp == nil {
return "", errors.New("nil response")
nonce := resp.Header.Get("Replay-Nonce")
if nonce == "" {
return "", errors.New("server did not respond with a proper nonce header")
return nonce, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package secure
import (
jose "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2"
// JWS Represents a JWS.
type JWS struct {
privKey crypto.PrivateKey
kid string // Key identifier
nonces *nonces.Manager
// NewJWS Create a new JWS.
func NewJWS(privateKey crypto.PrivateKey, kid string, nonceManager *nonces.Manager) *JWS {
return &JWS{
privKey: privateKey,
nonces: nonceManager,
kid: kid,
// SetKid Sets a key identifier.
func (j *JWS) SetKid(kid string) {
j.kid = kid
// SignContent Signs a content with the JWS.
func (j *JWS) SignContent(url string, content []byte) (*jose.JSONWebSignature, error) {
var alg jose.SignatureAlgorithm
switch k := j.privKey.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
alg = jose.RS256
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
if k.Curve == elliptic.P256() {
alg = jose.ES256
} else if k.Curve == elliptic.P384() {
alg = jose.ES384
signKey := jose.SigningKey{
Algorithm: alg,
Key: jose.JSONWebKey{Key: j.privKey, KeyID: j.kid},
options := jose.SignerOptions{
NonceSource: j.nonces,
ExtraHeaders: map[jose.HeaderKey]interface{}{
"url": url,
if j.kid == "" {
options.EmbedJWK = true
signer, err := jose.NewSigner(signKey, &options)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create jose signer: %w", err)
signed, err := signer.Sign(content)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to sign content: %w", err)
return signed, nil
// SignEABContent Signs an external account binding content with the JWS.
func (j *JWS) SignEABContent(url, kid string, hmac []byte) (*jose.JSONWebSignature, error) {
jwk := jose.JSONWebKey{Key: j.privKey}
jwkJSON, err := jwk.Public().MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("acme: error encoding eab jwk key: %w", err)
signer, err := jose.NewSigner(
jose.SigningKey{Algorithm: jose.HS256, Key: hmac},
EmbedJWK: false,
ExtraHeaders: map[jose.HeaderKey]interface{}{
"kid": kid,
"url": url,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create External Account Binding jose signer: %w", err)
signed, err := signer.Sign(jwkJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to External Account Binding sign content: %w", err)
return signed, nil
// GetKeyAuthorization Gets the key authorization for a token.
func (j *JWS) GetKeyAuthorization(token string) (string, error) {
var publicKey crypto.PublicKey
switch k := j.privKey.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
publicKey = k.Public()
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
publicKey = k.Public()
// Generate the Key Authorization for the challenge
jwk := &jose.JSONWebKey{Key: publicKey}
thumbBytes, err := jwk.Thumbprint(crypto.SHA256)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// unpad the base64URL
keyThumb := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(thumbBytes)
return token + "." + keyThumb, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
package sender
import (
type RequestOption func(*http.Request) error
func contentType(ct string) RequestOption {
return func(req *http.Request) error {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ct)
return nil
type Doer struct {
httpClient *http.Client
userAgent string
// NewDoer Creates a new Doer.
func NewDoer(client *http.Client, userAgent string) *Doer {
return &Doer{
httpClient: client,
userAgent: userAgent,
// Get performs a GET request with a proper User-Agent string.
// If "response" is not provided, callers should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
func (d *Doer) Get(url string, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
req, err := d.newRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return d.do(req, response)
// Head performs a HEAD request with a proper User-Agent string.
// The response body (resp.Body) is already closed when this function returns.
func (d *Doer) Head(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
req, err := d.newRequest(http.MethodHead, url, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return d.do(req, nil)
// Post performs a POST request with a proper User-Agent string.
// If "response" is not provided, callers should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
func (d *Doer) Post(url string, body io.Reader, bodyType string, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
req, err := d.newRequest(http.MethodPost, url, body, contentType(bodyType))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return d.do(req, response)
func (d *Doer) newRequest(method, uri string, body io.Reader, opts ...RequestOption) (*http.Request, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create request: %w", err)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", d.formatUserAgent())
for _, opt := range opts {
err = opt(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create request: %w", err)
return req, nil
func (d *Doer) do(req *http.Request, response interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
resp, err := d.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = checkError(req, resp); err != nil {
return resp, err
if response != nil {
raw, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
err = json.Unmarshal(raw, response)
if err != nil {
return resp, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal %q to type %T: %w", raw, response, err)
return resp, nil
// formatUserAgent builds and returns the User-Agent string to use in requests.
func (d *Doer) formatUserAgent() string {
ua := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s (%s; %s; %s)", d.userAgent, ourUserAgent, ourUserAgentComment, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
return strings.TrimSpace(ua)
func checkError(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response) error {
if resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest {
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%d :: %s :: %s :: %w", resp.StatusCode, req.Method, req.URL, err)
var errorDetails *acme.ProblemDetails
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &errorDetails)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%d ::%s :: %s :: %w :: %s", resp.StatusCode, req.Method, req.URL, err, string(body))
errorDetails.Method = req.Method
errorDetails.URL = req.URL.String()
// Check for errors we handle specifically
if errorDetails.HTTPStatus == http.StatusBadRequest && errorDetails.Type == acme.BadNonceErr {
return &acme.NonceError{ProblemDetails: errorDetails}
return errorDetails
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package sender
const (
// ourUserAgent is the User-Agent of this underlying library package.
ourUserAgent = "xenolf-acme/3.6.0"
// ourUserAgentComment is part of the UA comment linked to the version status of this underlying library package.
// values: detach|release
// NOTE: Update this with each tagged release.
ourUserAgentComment = "release"
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package api
import (
type OrderService service
// New Creates a new order.
func (o *OrderService) New(domains []string) (acme.ExtendedOrder, error) {
var identifiers []acme.Identifier
for _, domain := range domains {
identifiers = append(identifiers, acme.Identifier{Type: "dns", Value: domain})
orderReq := acme.Order{Identifiers: identifiers}
var order acme.Order
resp, err := o.core.post(o.core.GetDirectory().NewOrderURL, orderReq, &order)
if err != nil {
return acme.ExtendedOrder{}, err
return acme.ExtendedOrder{
Location: resp.Header.Get("Location"),
Order: order,
}, nil
// Get Gets an order.
func (o *OrderService) Get(orderURL string) (acme.Order, error) {
if len(orderURL) == 0 {
return acme.Order{}, errors.New("order[get]: empty URL")
var order acme.Order
_, err := o.core.postAsGet(orderURL, &order)
if err != nil {
return acme.Order{}, err
return order, nil
// UpdateForCSR Updates an order for a CSR.
func (o *OrderService) UpdateForCSR(orderURL string, csr []byte) (acme.Order, error) {
csrMsg := acme.CSRMessage{
Csr: base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(csr),
var order acme.Order
_, err := o.core.post(orderURL, csrMsg, &order)
if err != nil {
return acme.Order{}, err
if order.Status == acme.StatusInvalid {
return acme.Order{}, order.Error
return order, nil
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package api
import (
type service struct {
core *Core
// getLink get a rel into the Link header
func getLink(header http.Header, rel string) string {
var linkExpr = regexp.MustCompile(`<(.+?)>;\s*rel="(.+?)"`)
for _, link := range header["Link"] {
for _, m := range linkExpr.FindAllStringSubmatch(link, -1) {
if len(m) != 3 {
if m[2] == rel {
return m[1]
return ""
// getLocation get the value of the header Location
func getLocation(resp *http.Response) string {
if resp == nil {
return ""
return resp.Header.Get("Location")
// getRetryAfter get the value of the header Retry-After
func getRetryAfter(resp *http.Response) string {
if resp == nil {
return ""
return resp.Header.Get("Retry-After")
@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
// Package acme contains all objects related the ACME endpoints.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555
package acme
import (
// Challenge statuses
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.6
const (
StatusPending = "pending"
StatusInvalid = "invalid"
StatusValid = "valid"
StatusProcessing = "processing"
StatusDeactivated = "deactivated"
StatusExpired = "expired"
StatusRevoked = "revoked"
// Directory the ACME directory object.
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.1
type Directory struct {
NewNonceURL string `json:"newNonce"`
NewAccountURL string `json:"newAccount"`
NewOrderURL string `json:"newOrder"`
NewAuthzURL string `json:"newAuthz"`
RevokeCertURL string `json:"revokeCert"`
KeyChangeURL string `json:"keyChange"`
Meta Meta `json:"meta"`
// Meta the ACME meta object (related to Directory).
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.1
type Meta struct {
// termsOfService (optional, string):
// A URL identifying the current terms of service.
TermsOfService string `json:"termsOfService"`
// website (optional, string):
// An HTTP or HTTPS URL locating a website providing more information about the ACME server.
Website string `json:"website"`
// caaIdentities (optional, array of string):
// The hostnames that the ACME server recognizes as referring to itself
// for the purposes of CAA record validation as defined in [RFC6844].
// Each string MUST represent the same sequence of ASCII code points
// that the server will expect to see as the "Issuer Domain Name" in a CAA issue or issuewild property tag.
// This allows clients to determine the correct issuer domain name to use when configuring CAA records.
CaaIdentities []string `json:"caaIdentities"`
// externalAccountRequired (optional, boolean):
// If this field is present and set to "true",
// then the CA requires that all new- account requests include an "externalAccountBinding" field
// associating the new account with an external account.
ExternalAccountRequired bool `json:"externalAccountRequired"`
// ExtendedAccount a extended Account.
type ExtendedAccount struct {
// Contains the value of the response header `Location`
Location string `json:"-"`
// Account the ACME account Object.
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.2
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.3
type Account struct {
// status (required, string):
// The status of this account.
// Possible values are: "valid", "deactivated", and "revoked".
// The value "deactivated" should be used to indicate client-initiated deactivation
// whereas "revoked" should be used to indicate server- initiated deactivation. (See Section 7.1.6)
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
// contact (optional, array of string):
// An array of URLs that the server can use to contact the client for issues related to this account.
// For example, the server may wish to notify the client about server-initiated revocation or certificate expiration.
// For information on supported URL schemes, see Section 7.3
Contact []string `json:"contact,omitempty"`
// termsOfServiceAgreed (optional, boolean):
// Including this field in a new-account request,
// with a value of true, indicates the client's agreement with the terms of service.
// This field is not updateable by the client.
TermsOfServiceAgreed bool `json:"termsOfServiceAgreed,omitempty"`
// orders (required, string):
// A URL from which a list of orders submitted by this account can be fetched via a POST-as-GET request,
// as described in Section
Orders string `json:"orders,omitempty"`
// onlyReturnExisting (optional, boolean):
// If this field is present with the value "true",
// then the server MUST NOT create a new account if one does not already exist.
// This allows a client to look up an account URL based on an account key (see Section 7.3.1).
OnlyReturnExisting bool `json:"onlyReturnExisting,omitempty"`
// externalAccountBinding (optional, object):
// An optional field for binding the new account with an existing non-ACME account (see Section 7.3.4).
ExternalAccountBinding json.RawMessage `json:"externalAccountBinding,omitempty"`
// ExtendedOrder a extended Order.
type ExtendedOrder struct {
// The order URL, contains the value of the response header `Location`
Location string `json:"-"`
// Order the ACME order Object.
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.3
type Order struct {
// status (required, string):
// The status of this order.
// Possible values are: "pending", "ready", "processing", "valid", and "invalid".
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
// expires (optional, string):
// The timestamp after which the server will consider this order invalid,
// encoded in the format specified in RFC 3339 [RFC3339].
// This field is REQUIRED for objects with "pending" or "valid" in the status field.
Expires string `json:"expires,omitempty"`
// identifiers (required, array of object):
// An array of identifier objects that the order pertains to.
Identifiers []Identifier `json:"identifiers"`
// notBefore (optional, string):
// The requested value of the notBefore field in the certificate,
// in the date format defined in [RFC3339].
NotBefore string `json:"notBefore,omitempty"`
// notAfter (optional, string):
// The requested value of the notAfter field in the certificate,
// in the date format defined in [RFC3339].
NotAfter string `json:"notAfter,omitempty"`
// error (optional, object):
// The error that occurred while processing the order, if any.
// This field is structured as a problem document [RFC7807].
Error *ProblemDetails `json:"error,omitempty"`
// authorizations (required, array of string):
// For pending orders,
// the authorizations that the client needs to complete before the requested certificate can be issued (see Section 7.5),
// including unexpired authorizations that the client has completed in the past for identifiers specified in the order.
// The authorizations required are dictated by server policy
// and there may not be a 1:1 relationship between the order identifiers and the authorizations required.
// For final orders (in the "valid" or "invalid" state), the authorizations that were completed.
// Each entry is a URL from which an authorization can be fetched with a POST-as-GET request.
Authorizations []string `json:"authorizations,omitempty"`
// finalize (required, string):
// A URL that a CSR must be POSTed to once all of the order's authorizations are satisfied to finalize the order.
// The result of a successful finalization will be the population of the certificate URL for the order.
Finalize string `json:"finalize,omitempty"`
// certificate (optional, string):
// A URL for the certificate that has been issued in response to this order
Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`
// Authorization the ACME authorization object.
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.4
type Authorization struct {
// status (required, string):
// The status of this authorization.
// Possible values are: "pending", "valid", "invalid", "deactivated", "expired", and "revoked".
Status string `json:"status"`
// expires (optional, string):
// The timestamp after which the server will consider this authorization invalid,
// encoded in the format specified in RFC 3339 [RFC3339].
// This field is REQUIRED for objects with "valid" in the "status" field.
Expires time.Time `json:"expires,omitempty"`
// identifier (required, object):
// The identifier that the account is authorized to represent
Identifier Identifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
// challenges (required, array of objects):
// For pending authorizations, the challenges that the client can fulfill in order to prove possession of the identifier.
// For valid authorizations, the challenge that was validated.
// For invalid authorizations, the challenge that was attempted and failed.
// Each array entry is an object with parameters required to validate the challenge.
// A client should attempt to fulfill one of these challenges,
// and a server should consider any one of the challenges sufficient to make the authorization valid.
Challenges []Challenge `json:"challenges,omitempty"`
// wildcard (optional, boolean):
// For authorizations created as a result of a newOrder request containing a DNS identifier
// with a value that contained a wildcard prefix this field MUST be present, and true.
Wildcard bool `json:"wildcard,omitempty"`
// ExtendedChallenge a extended Challenge.
type ExtendedChallenge struct {
// Contains the value of the response header `Retry-After`
RetryAfter string `json:"-"`
// Contains the value of the response header `Link` rel="up"
AuthorizationURL string `json:"-"`
// Challenge the ACME challenge object.
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.5
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8
type Challenge struct {
// type (required, string):
// The type of challenge encoded in the object.
Type string `json:"type"`
// url (required, string):
// The URL to which a response can be posted.
URL string `json:"url"`
// status (required, string):
// The status of this challenge. Possible values are: "pending", "processing", "valid", and "invalid".
Status string `json:"status"`
// validated (optional, string):
// The time at which the server validated this challenge,
// encoded in the format specified in RFC 3339 [RFC3339].
// This field is REQUIRED if the "status" field is "valid".
Validated time.Time `json:"validated,omitempty"`
// error (optional, object):
// Error that occurred while the server was validating the challenge, if any,
// structured as a problem document [RFC7807].
// Multiple errors can be indicated by using subproblems Section 6.7.1.
// A challenge object with an error MUST have status equal to "invalid".
Error *ProblemDetails `json:"error,omitempty"`
// token (required, string):
// A random value that uniquely identifies the challenge.
// This value MUST have at least 128 bits of entropy.
// It MUST NOT contain any characters outside the base64url alphabet,
// and MUST NOT include base64 padding characters ("=").
// See [RFC4086] for additional information on randomness requirements.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8.3
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8.4
Token string `json:"token"`
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8.1
KeyAuthorization string `json:"keyAuthorization"`
// Identifier the ACME identifier object.
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-9.7.7
type Identifier struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// CSRMessage Certificate Signing Request
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.4
type CSRMessage struct {
// csr (required, string):
// A CSR encoding the parameters for the certificate being requested [RFC2986].
// The CSR is sent in the base64url-encoded version of the DER format.
// (Note: Because this field uses base64url, and does not include headers, it is different from PEM.).
Csr string `json:"csr"`
// RevokeCertMessage a certificate revocation message
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.6
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-5.3.1
type RevokeCertMessage struct {
// certificate (required, string):
// The certificate to be revoked, in the base64url-encoded version of the DER format.
// (Note: Because this field uses base64url, and does not include headers, it is different from PEM.)
Certificate string `json:"certificate"`
// reason (optional, int):
// One of the revocation reasonCodes defined in Section 5.3.1 of [RFC5280] to be used when generating OCSP responses and CRLs.
// If this field is not set the server SHOULD omit the reasonCode CRL entry extension when generating OCSP responses and CRLs.
// The server MAY disallow a subset of reasonCodes from being used by the user.
// If a request contains a disallowed reasonCode the server MUST reject it with the error type "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badRevocationReason".
// The problem document detail SHOULD indicate which reasonCodes are allowed.
Reason *uint `json:"reason,omitempty"`
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package acme
import (
// Errors types
const (
errNS = "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:"
BadNonceErr = errNS + "badNonce"
// ProblemDetails the problem details object
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807#section-3.1
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.3.3
type ProblemDetails struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"`
HTTPStatus int `json:"status,omitempty"`
Instance string `json:"instance,omitempty"`
SubProblems []SubProblem `json:"subproblems,omitempty"`
// additional values to have a better error message (Not defined by the RFC)
Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
// SubProblem a "subproblems"
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-6.7.1
type SubProblem struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"`
Identifier Identifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
func (p ProblemDetails) Error() string {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("acme: error: %d", p.HTTPStatus)
if len(p.Method) != 0 || len(p.URL) != 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(" :: %s :: %s", p.Method, p.URL)
msg += fmt.Sprintf(" :: %s :: %s", p.Type, p.Detail)
for _, sub := range p.SubProblems {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(", problem: %q :: %s", sub.Type, sub.Detail)
if len(p.Instance) == 0 {
msg += ", url: " + p.Instance
return msg
// NonceError represents the error which is returned
// if the nonce sent by the client was not accepted by the server.
type NonceError struct {
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
package certcrypto
import (
// Constants for all key types we support.
const (
EC256 = KeyType("P256")
EC384 = KeyType("P384")
RSA2048 = KeyType("2048")
RSA4096 = KeyType("4096")
RSA8192 = KeyType("8192")
const (
// OCSPGood means that the certificate is valid.
OCSPGood = ocsp.Good
// OCSPRevoked means that the certificate has been deliberately revoked.
OCSPRevoked = ocsp.Revoked
// OCSPUnknown means that the OCSP responder doesn't know about the certificate.
OCSPUnknown = ocsp.Unknown
// OCSPServerFailed means that the OCSP responder failed to process the request.
OCSPServerFailed = ocsp.ServerFailed
// Constants for OCSP must staple
var (
tlsFeatureExtensionOID = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 24}
ocspMustStapleFeature = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x05}
// KeyType represents the key algo as well as the key size or curve to use.
type KeyType string
type DERCertificateBytes []byte
// ParsePEMBundle parses a certificate bundle from top to bottom and returns
// a slice of x509 certificates. This function will error if no certificates are found.
func ParsePEMBundle(bundle []byte) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
var certificates []*x509.Certificate
var certDERBlock *pem.Block
for {
certDERBlock, bundle = pem.Decode(bundle)
if certDERBlock == nil {
if certDERBlock.Type == "CERTIFICATE" {
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certDERBlock.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
certificates = append(certificates, cert)
if len(certificates) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no certificates were found while parsing the bundle")
return certificates, nil
// ParsePEMPrivateKey parses a private key from key, which is a PEM block.
// Borrowed from Go standard library, to handle various private key and PEM block types.
// https://github.com/golang/go/blob/693748e9fa385f1e2c3b91ca9acbb6c0ad2d133d/src/crypto/tls/tls.go#L291-L308
// https://github.com/golang/go/blob/693748e9fa385f1e2c3b91ca9acbb6c0ad2d133d/src/crypto/tls/tls.go#L238)
func ParsePEMPrivateKey(key []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
keyBlockDER, _ := pem.Decode(key)
if keyBlockDER.Type != "PRIVATE KEY" && !strings.HasSuffix(keyBlockDER.Type, " PRIVATE KEY") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown PEM header %q", keyBlockDER.Type)
if key, err := x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(keyBlockDER.Bytes); err == nil {
return key, nil
if key, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(keyBlockDER.Bytes); err == nil {
switch key := key.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, ed25519.PrivateKey:
return key, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found unknown private key type in PKCS#8 wrapping: %T", key)
if key, err := x509.ParseECPrivateKey(keyBlockDER.Bytes); err == nil {
return key, nil
return nil, errors.New("failed to parse private key")
func GeneratePrivateKey(keyType KeyType) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
switch keyType {
case EC256:
return ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
case EC384:
return ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P384(), rand.Reader)
case RSA2048:
return rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
case RSA4096:
return rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)
case RSA8192:
return rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 8192)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid KeyType: %s", keyType)
func GenerateCSR(privateKey crypto.PrivateKey, domain string, san []string, mustStaple bool) ([]byte, error) {
template := x509.CertificateRequest{
Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: domain},
DNSNames: san,
if mustStaple {
template.ExtraExtensions = append(template.ExtraExtensions, pkix.Extension{
Id: tlsFeatureExtensionOID,
Value: ocspMustStapleFeature,
return x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, &template, privateKey)
func PEMEncode(data interface{}) []byte {
return pem.EncodeToMemory(PEMBlock(data))
func PEMBlock(data interface{}) *pem.Block {
var pemBlock *pem.Block
switch key := data.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PrivateKey:
keyBytes, _ := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(key)
pemBlock = &pem.Block{Type: "EC PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: keyBytes}
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
pemBlock = &pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key)}
case *x509.CertificateRequest:
pemBlock = &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: key.Raw}
case DERCertificateBytes:
pemBlock = &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: []byte(data.(DERCertificateBytes))}
return pemBlock
func pemDecode(data []byte) (*pem.Block, error) {
pemBlock, _ := pem.Decode(data)
if pemBlock == nil {
return nil, errors.New("PEM decode did not yield a valid block. Is the certificate in the right format?")
return pemBlock, nil
func PemDecodeTox509CSR(pem []byte) (*x509.CertificateRequest, error) {
pemBlock, err := pemDecode(pem)
if pemBlock == nil {
return nil, err
if pemBlock.Type != "CERTIFICATE REQUEST" {
return nil, errors.New("PEM block is not a certificate request")
return x509.ParseCertificateRequest(pemBlock.Bytes)
// ParsePEMCertificate returns Certificate from a PEM encoded certificate.
// The certificate has to be PEM encoded. Any other encodings like DER will fail.
func ParsePEMCertificate(cert []byte) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
pemBlock, err := pemDecode(cert)
if pemBlock == nil {
return nil, err
// from a DER encoded certificate
return x509.ParseCertificate(pemBlock.Bytes)
func ExtractDomains(cert *x509.Certificate) []string {
var domains []string
if cert.Subject.CommonName != "" {
domains = append(domains, cert.Subject.CommonName)
// Check for SAN certificate
for _, sanDomain := range cert.DNSNames {
if sanDomain == cert.Subject.CommonName {
domains = append(domains, sanDomain)
return domains
func ExtractDomainsCSR(csr *x509.CertificateRequest) []string {
var domains []string
if csr.Subject.CommonName != "" {
domains = append(domains, csr.Subject.CommonName)
// loop over the SubjectAltName DNS names
for _, sanName := range csr.DNSNames {
if containsSAN(domains, sanName) {
// Duplicate; skip this name
// Name is unique
domains = append(domains, sanName)
return domains
func containsSAN(domains []string, sanName string) bool {
for _, existingName := range domains {
if existingName == sanName {
return true
return false
func GeneratePemCert(privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, domain string, extensions []pkix.Extension) ([]byte, error) {
derBytes, err := generateDerCert(privateKey, time.Time{}, domain, extensions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes}), nil
func generateDerCert(privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, expiration time.Time, domain string, extensions []pkix.Extension) ([]byte, error) {
serialNumberLimit := new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 128)
serialNumber, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, serialNumberLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if expiration.IsZero() {
expiration = time.Now().Add(365)
template := x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: serialNumber,
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "ACME Challenge TEMP",
NotBefore: time.Now(),
NotAfter: expiration,
KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment,
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
DNSNames: []string{domain},
ExtraExtensions: extensions,
return x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, &privateKey.PublicKey, privateKey)
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package certificate
import (
const (
// overallRequestLimit is the overall number of request per second
// limited on the "new-reg", "new-authz" and "new-cert" endpoints.
// From the documentation the limitation is 20 requests per second,
// but using 20 as value doesn't work but 18 do
overallRequestLimit = 18
func (c *Certifier) getAuthorizations(order acme.ExtendedOrder) ([]acme.Authorization, error) {
resc, errc := make(chan acme.Authorization), make(chan domainError)
delay := time.Second / overallRequestLimit
for _, authzURL := range order.Authorizations {
go func(authzURL string) {
authz, err := c.core.Authorizations.Get(authzURL)
if err != nil {
errc <- domainError{Domain: authz.Identifier.Value, Error: err}
resc <- authz
var responses []acme.Authorization
failures := make(obtainError)
for i := 0; i < len(order.Authorizations); i++ {
select {
case res := <-resc:
responses = append(responses, res)
case err := <-errc:
failures[err.Domain] = err.Error
for i, auth := range order.Authorizations {
log.Infof("[%s] AuthURL: %s", order.Identifiers[i].Value, auth)
// be careful to not return an empty failures map;
// even if empty, they become non-nil error values
if len(failures) > 0 {
return responses, failures
return responses, nil
func (c *Certifier) deactivateAuthorizations(order acme.ExtendedOrder) {
for _, authzURL := range order.Authorizations {
auth, err := c.core.Authorizations.Get(authzURL)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Unable to get the authorization for: %s", authzURL)
if auth.Status == acme.StatusValid {
log.Infof("Skipping deactivating of valid auth: %s", authzURL)
log.Infof("Deactivating auth: %s", authzURL)
if c.core.Authorizations.Deactivate(authzURL) != nil {
log.Infof("Unable to deactivate the authorization: %s", authzURL)
@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
package certificate
import (
// maxBodySize is the maximum size of body that we will read.
const maxBodySize = 1024 * 1024
// Resource represents a CA issued certificate.
// PrivateKey, Certificate and IssuerCertificate are all
// already PEM encoded and can be directly written to disk.
// Certificate may be a certificate bundle,
// depending on the options supplied to create it.
type Resource struct {
Domain string `json:"domain"`
CertURL string `json:"certUrl"`
CertStableURL string `json:"certStableUrl"`
PrivateKey []byte `json:"-"`
Certificate []byte `json:"-"`
IssuerCertificate []byte `json:"-"`
CSR []byte `json:"-"`
// ObtainRequest The request to obtain certificate.
// The first domain in domains is used for the CommonName field of the certificate,
// all other domains are added using the Subject Alternate Names extension.
// A new private key is generated for every invocation of the function Obtain.
// If you do not want that you can supply your own private key in the privateKey parameter.
// If this parameter is non-nil it will be used instead of generating a new one.
// If bundle is true, the []byte contains both the issuer certificate and your issued certificate as a bundle.
type ObtainRequest struct {
Domains []string
Bundle bool
PrivateKey crypto.PrivateKey
MustStaple bool
type resolver interface {
Solve(authorizations []acme.Authorization) error
type CertifierOptions struct {
KeyType certcrypto.KeyType
Timeout time.Duration
// Certifier A service to obtain/renew/revoke certificates.
type Certifier struct {
core *api.Core
resolver resolver
options CertifierOptions
// NewCertifier creates a Certifier.
func NewCertifier(core *api.Core, resolver resolver, options CertifierOptions) *Certifier {
return &Certifier{
core: core,
resolver: resolver,
options: options,
// Obtain tries to obtain a single certificate using all domains passed into it.
// This function will never return a partial certificate.
// If one domain in the list fails, the whole certificate will fail.
func (c *Certifier) Obtain(request ObtainRequest) (*Resource, error) {
if len(request.Domains) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no domains to obtain a certificate for")
domains := sanitizeDomain(request.Domains)
if request.Bundle {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate", strings.Join(domains, ", "))
} else {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Obtaining SAN certificate", strings.Join(domains, ", "))
order, err := c.core.Orders.New(domains)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := c.getAuthorizations(order)
if err != nil {
// If any challenge fails, return. Do not generate partial SAN certificates.
return nil, err
err = c.resolver.Solve(authz)
if err != nil {
// If any challenge fails, return. Do not generate partial SAN certificates.
return nil, err
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Validations succeeded; requesting certificates", strings.Join(domains, ", "))
failures := make(obtainError)
cert, err := c.getForOrder(domains, order, request.Bundle, request.PrivateKey, request.MustStaple)
if err != nil {
for _, auth := range authz {
failures[challenge.GetTargetedDomain(auth)] = err
// Do not return an empty failures map, because
// it would still be a non-nil error value
if len(failures) > 0 {
return cert, failures
return cert, nil
// ObtainForCSR tries to obtain a certificate matching the CSR passed into it.
// The domains are inferred from the CommonName and SubjectAltNames, if any.
// The private key for this CSR is not required.
// If bundle is true, the []byte contains both the issuer certificate and your issued certificate as a bundle.
// This function will never return a partial certificate.
// If one domain in the list fails, the whole certificate will fail.
func (c *Certifier) ObtainForCSR(csr x509.CertificateRequest, bundle bool) (*Resource, error) {
// figure out what domains it concerns
// start with the common name
domains := certcrypto.ExtractDomainsCSR(&csr)
if bundle {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate given a CSR", strings.Join(domains, ", "))
} else {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Obtaining SAN certificate given a CSR", strings.Join(domains, ", "))
order, err := c.core.Orders.New(domains)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
authz, err := c.getAuthorizations(order)
if err != nil {
// If any challenge fails, return. Do not generate partial SAN certificates.
return nil, err
err = c.resolver.Solve(authz)
if err != nil {
// If any challenge fails, return. Do not generate partial SAN certificates.
return nil, err
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Validations succeeded; requesting certificates", strings.Join(domains, ", "))
failures := make(obtainError)
cert, err := c.getForCSR(domains, order, bundle, csr.Raw, nil)
if err != nil {
for _, auth := range authz {
failures[challenge.GetTargetedDomain(auth)] = err
if cert != nil {
// Add the CSR to the certificate so that it can be used for renewals.
cert.CSR = certcrypto.PEMEncode(&csr)
// Do not return an empty failures map,
// because it would still be a non-nil error value
if len(failures) > 0 {
return cert, failures
return cert, nil
func (c *Certifier) getForOrder(domains []string, order acme.ExtendedOrder, bundle bool, privateKey crypto.PrivateKey, mustStaple bool) (*Resource, error) {
if privateKey == nil {
var err error
privateKey, err = certcrypto.GeneratePrivateKey(c.options.KeyType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Determine certificate name(s) based on the authorization resources
commonName := domains[0]
// RFC8555 Section 7.4 "Applying for Certificate Issuance"
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.4
// says:
// Clients SHOULD NOT make any assumptions about the sort order of
// "identifiers" or "authorizations" elements in the returned order
// object.
san := []string{commonName}
for _, auth := range order.Identifiers {
if auth.Value != commonName {
san = append(san, auth.Value)
// TODO: should the CSR be customizable?
csr, err := certcrypto.GenerateCSR(privateKey, commonName, san, mustStaple)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.getForCSR(domains, order, bundle, csr, certcrypto.PEMEncode(privateKey))
func (c *Certifier) getForCSR(domains []string, order acme.ExtendedOrder, bundle bool, csr []byte, privateKeyPem []byte) (*Resource, error) {
respOrder, err := c.core.Orders.UpdateForCSR(order.Finalize, csr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commonName := domains[0]
certRes := &Resource{
Domain: commonName,
CertURL: respOrder.Certificate,
PrivateKey: privateKeyPem,
if respOrder.Status == acme.StatusValid {
// if the certificate is available right away, short cut!
ok, errR := c.checkResponse(respOrder, certRes, bundle)
if errR != nil {
return nil, errR
if ok {
return certRes, nil
timeout := c.options.Timeout
if c.options.Timeout <= 0 {
timeout = 30 * time.Second
err = wait.For("certificate", timeout, timeout/60, func() (bool, error) {
ord, errW := c.core.Orders.Get(order.Location)
if errW != nil {
return false, errW
done, errW := c.checkResponse(ord, certRes, bundle)
if errW != nil {
return false, errW
return done, nil
return certRes, err
// checkResponse checks to see if the certificate is ready and a link is contained in the response.
// If so, loads it into certRes and returns true.
// If the cert is not yet ready, it returns false.
// The certRes input should already have the Domain (common name) field populated.
// If bundle is true, the certificate will be bundled with the issuer's cert.
func (c *Certifier) checkResponse(order acme.Order, certRes *Resource, bundle bool) (bool, error) {
valid, err := checkOrderStatus(order)
if err != nil || !valid {
return valid, err
cert, issuer, err := c.core.Certificates.Get(order.Certificate, bundle)
if err != nil {
return false, err
log.Infof("[%s] Server responded with a certificate.", certRes.Domain)
certRes.IssuerCertificate = issuer
certRes.Certificate = cert
certRes.CertURL = order.Certificate
certRes.CertStableURL = order.Certificate
return true, nil
// Revoke takes a PEM encoded certificate or bundle and tries to revoke it at the CA.
func (c *Certifier) Revoke(cert []byte) error {
certificates, err := certcrypto.ParsePEMBundle(cert)
if err != nil {
return err
x509Cert := certificates[0]
if x509Cert.IsCA {
return errors.New("certificate bundle starts with a CA certificate")
revokeMsg := acme.RevokeCertMessage{
Certificate: base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(x509Cert.Raw),
return c.core.Certificates.Revoke(revokeMsg)
// Renew takes a Resource and tries to renew the certificate.
// If the renewal process succeeds, the new certificate will ge returned in a new CertResource.
// Please be aware that this function will return a new certificate in ANY case that is not an error.
// If the server does not provide us with a new cert on a GET request to the CertURL
// this function will start a new-cert flow where a new certificate gets generated.
// If bundle is true, the []byte contains both the issuer certificate and your issued certificate as a bundle.
// For private key reuse the PrivateKey property of the passed in Resource should be non-nil.
func (c *Certifier) Renew(certRes Resource, bundle, mustStaple bool) (*Resource, error) {
// Input certificate is PEM encoded.
// Decode it here as we may need the decoded cert later on in the renewal process.
// The input may be a bundle or a single certificate.
certificates, err := certcrypto.ParsePEMBundle(certRes.Certificate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
x509Cert := certificates[0]
if x509Cert.IsCA {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[%s] Certificate bundle starts with a CA certificate", certRes.Domain)
// This is just meant to be informal for the user.
timeLeft := x509Cert.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now().UTC())
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Trying renewal with %d hours remaining", certRes.Domain, int(timeLeft.Hours()))
// We always need to request a new certificate to renew.
// Start by checking to see if the certificate was based off a CSR,
// and use that if it's defined.
if len(certRes.CSR) > 0 {
csr, errP := certcrypto.PemDecodeTox509CSR(certRes.CSR)
if errP != nil {
return nil, errP
return c.ObtainForCSR(*csr, bundle)
var privateKey crypto.PrivateKey
if certRes.PrivateKey != nil {
privateKey, err = certcrypto.ParsePEMPrivateKey(certRes.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
query := ObtainRequest{
Domains: certcrypto.ExtractDomains(x509Cert),
Bundle: bundle,
PrivateKey: privateKey,
MustStaple: mustStaple,
return c.Obtain(query)
// GetOCSP takes a PEM encoded cert or cert bundle returning the raw OCSP response,
// the parsed response, and an error, if any.
// The returned []byte can be passed directly into the OCSPStaple property of a tls.Certificate.
// If the bundle only contains the issued certificate,
// this function will try to get the issuer certificate from the IssuingCertificateURL in the certificate.
// If the []byte and/or ocsp.Response return values are nil, the OCSP status may be assumed OCSPUnknown.
func (c *Certifier) GetOCSP(bundle []byte) ([]byte, *ocsp.Response, error) {
certificates, err := certcrypto.ParsePEMBundle(bundle)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// We expect the certificate slice to be ordered downwards the chain.
// SRV CRT -> CA. We need to pull the leaf and issuer certs out of it,
// which should always be the first two certificates.
// If there's no OCSP server listed in the leaf cert, there's nothing to do.
// And if we have only one certificate so far, we need to get the issuer cert.
issuedCert := certificates[0]
if len(issuedCert.OCSPServer) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("no OCSP server specified in cert")
if len(certificates) == 1 {
// TODO: build fallback. If this fails, check the remaining array entries.
if len(issuedCert.IssuingCertificateURL) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("no issuing certificate URL")
resp, errC := c.core.HTTPClient.Get(issuedCert.IssuingCertificateURL[0])
if errC != nil {
return nil, nil, errC
defer resp.Body.Close()
issuerBytes, errC := ioutil.ReadAll(http.MaxBytesReader(nil, resp.Body, maxBodySize))
if errC != nil {
return nil, nil, errC
issuerCert, errC := x509.ParseCertificate(issuerBytes)
if errC != nil {
return nil, nil, errC
// Insert it into the slice on position 0
// We want it ordered right SRV CRT -> CA
certificates = append(certificates, issuerCert)
issuerCert := certificates[1]
// Finally kick off the OCSP request.
ocspReq, err := ocsp.CreateRequest(issuedCert, issuerCert, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resp, err := c.core.HTTPClient.Post(issuedCert.OCSPServer[0], "application/ocsp-request", bytes.NewReader(ocspReq))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
ocspResBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(http.MaxBytesReader(nil, resp.Body, maxBodySize))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ocspRes, err := ocsp.ParseResponse(ocspResBytes, issuerCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return ocspResBytes, ocspRes, nil
// Get attempts to fetch the certificate at the supplied URL.
// The URL is the same as what would normally be supplied at the Resource's CertURL.
// The returned Resource will not have the PrivateKey and CSR fields populated as these will not be available.
// If bundle is true, the Certificate field in the returned Resource includes the issuer certificate.
func (c *Certifier) Get(url string, bundle bool) (*Resource, error) {
cert, issuer, err := c.core.Certificates.Get(url, bundle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Parse the returned cert bundle so that we can grab the domain from the common name.
x509Certs, err := certcrypto.ParsePEMBundle(cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Resource{
Domain: x509Certs[0].Subject.CommonName,
Certificate: cert,
IssuerCertificate: issuer,
CertURL: url,
CertStableURL: url,
}, nil
func checkOrderStatus(order acme.Order) (bool, error) {
switch order.Status {
case acme.StatusValid:
return true, nil
case acme.StatusInvalid:
return false, order.Error
return false, nil
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.4
// The domain name MUST be encoded
// in the form in which it would appear in a certificate. That is, it
// MUST be encoded according to the rules in Section 7 of [RFC5280].
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-7
func sanitizeDomain(domains []string) []string {
var sanitizedDomains []string
for _, domain := range domains {
sanitizedDomain, err := idna.ToASCII(domain)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("skip domain %q: unable to sanitize (punnycode): %v", domain, err)
} else {
sanitizedDomains = append(sanitizedDomains, sanitizedDomain)
return sanitizedDomains
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package certificate
import (
// obtainError is returned when there are specific errors available per domain.
type obtainError map[string]error
func (e obtainError) Error() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("error: one or more domains had a problem:\n")
var domains []string
for domain := range e {
domains = append(domains, domain)
for _, domain := range domains {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s\n", domain, e[domain]))
return buffer.String()
type domainError struct {
Domain string
Error error
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package challenge
import (
// Type is a string that identifies a particular challenge type and version of ACME challenge.
type Type string
const (
// HTTP01 is the "http-01" ACME challenge https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8.3
// Note: ChallengePath returns the URL path to fulfill this challenge
HTTP01 = Type("http-01")
// DNS01 is the "dns-01" ACME challenge https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8.4
// Note: GetRecord returns a DNS record which will fulfill this challenge
DNS01 = Type("dns-01")
// TLSALPN01 is the "tls-alpn-01" ACME challenge https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-tls-alpn-07
TLSALPN01 = Type("tls-alpn-01")
func (t Type) String() string {
return string(t)
func FindChallenge(chlgType Type, authz acme.Authorization) (acme.Challenge, error) {
for _, chlg := range authz.Challenges {
if chlg.Type == string(chlgType) {
return chlg, nil
return acme.Challenge{}, fmt.Errorf("[%s] acme: unable to find challenge %s", GetTargetedDomain(authz), chlgType)
func GetTargetedDomain(authz acme.Authorization) string {
if authz.Wildcard {
return "*." + authz.Identifier.Value
return authz.Identifier.Value
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package dns01
import "github.com/miekg/dns"
// Update FQDN with CNAME if any
func updateDomainWithCName(r *dns.Msg, fqdn string) string {
for _, rr := range r.Answer {
if cn, ok := rr.(*dns.CNAME); ok {
if cn.Hdr.Name == fqdn {
return cn.Target
return fqdn
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
package dns01
import (
const (
// DefaultPropagationTimeout default propagation timeout
DefaultPropagationTimeout = 60 * time.Second
// DefaultPollingInterval default polling interval
DefaultPollingInterval = 2 * time.Second
// DefaultTTL default TTL
DefaultTTL = 120
type ValidateFunc func(core *api.Core, domain string, chlng acme.Challenge) error
type ChallengeOption func(*Challenge) error
// CondOption Conditional challenge option.
func CondOption(condition bool, opt ChallengeOption) ChallengeOption {
if !condition {
// NoOp options
return func(*Challenge) error {
return nil
return opt
// Challenge implements the dns-01 challenge
type Challenge struct {
core *api.Core
validate ValidateFunc
provider challenge.Provider
preCheck preCheck
dnsTimeout time.Duration
func NewChallenge(core *api.Core, validate ValidateFunc, provider challenge.Provider, opts ...ChallengeOption) *Challenge {
chlg := &Challenge{
core: core,
validate: validate,
provider: provider,
preCheck: newPreCheck(),
dnsTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
for _, opt := range opts {
err := opt(chlg)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("challenge option error: %v", err)
return chlg
// PreSolve just submits the txt record to the dns provider.
// It does not validate record propagation, or do anything at all with the acme server.
func (c *Challenge) PreSolve(authz acme.Authorization) error {
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Preparing to solve DNS-01", domain)
chlng, err := challenge.FindChallenge(challenge.DNS01, authz)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.provider == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] acme: no DNS Provider configured", domain)
// Generate the Key Authorization for the challenge
keyAuth, err := c.core.GetKeyAuthorization(chlng.Token)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.provider.Present(authz.Identifier.Value, chlng.Token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] acme: error presenting token: %w", domain, err)
return nil
func (c *Challenge) Solve(authz acme.Authorization) error {
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Trying to solve DNS-01", domain)
chlng, err := challenge.FindChallenge(challenge.DNS01, authz)
if err != nil {
return err
// Generate the Key Authorization for the challenge
keyAuth, err := c.core.GetKeyAuthorization(chlng.Token)
if err != nil {
return err
fqdn, value := GetRecord(authz.Identifier.Value, keyAuth)
var timeout, interval time.Duration
switch provider := c.provider.(type) {
case challenge.ProviderTimeout:
timeout, interval = provider.Timeout()
timeout, interval = DefaultPropagationTimeout, DefaultPollingInterval
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Checking DNS record propagation using %+v", domain, recursiveNameservers)
err = wait.For("propagation", timeout, interval, func() (bool, error) {
stop, errP := c.preCheck.call(domain, fqdn, value)
if !stop || errP != nil {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Waiting for DNS record propagation.", domain)
return stop, errP
if err != nil {
return err
chlng.KeyAuthorization = keyAuth
return c.validate(c.core, domain, chlng)
// CleanUp cleans the challenge.
func (c *Challenge) CleanUp(authz acme.Authorization) error {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Cleaning DNS-01 challenge", challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz))
chlng, err := challenge.FindChallenge(challenge.DNS01, authz)
if err != nil {
return err
keyAuth, err := c.core.GetKeyAuthorization(chlng.Token)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.provider.CleanUp(authz.Identifier.Value, chlng.Token, keyAuth)
func (c *Challenge) Sequential() (bool, time.Duration) {
if p, ok := c.provider.(sequential); ok {
return ok, p.Sequential()
return false, 0
type sequential interface {
Sequential() time.Duration
// GetRecord returns a DNS record which will fulfill the `dns-01` challenge
func GetRecord(domain, keyAuth string) (fqdn string, value string) {
keyAuthShaBytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuth))
// base64URL encoding without padding
value = base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(keyAuthShaBytes[:sha256.Size])
fqdn = fmt.Sprintf("_acme-challenge.%s.", domain)
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("LEGO_EXPERIMENTAL_CNAME_SUPPORT")); ok {
r, err := dnsQuery(fqdn, dns.TypeCNAME, recursiveNameservers, true)
// Check if the domain has CNAME then return that
if err == nil && r.Rcode == dns.RcodeSuccess {
fqdn = updateDomainWithCName(r, fqdn)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package dns01
import (
const (
dnsTemplate = `%s %d IN TXT "%s"`
// DNSProviderManual is an implementation of the ChallengeProvider interface
type DNSProviderManual struct{}
// NewDNSProviderManual returns a DNSProviderManual instance.
func NewDNSProviderManual() (*DNSProviderManual, error) {
return &DNSProviderManual{}, nil
// Present prints instructions for manually creating the TXT record
func (*DNSProviderManual) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
fqdn, value := GetRecord(domain, keyAuth)
authZone, err := FindZoneByFqdn(fqdn)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("lego: Please create the following TXT record in your %s zone:\n", authZone)
fmt.Printf(dnsTemplate+"\n", fqdn, DefaultTTL, value)
fmt.Printf("lego: Press 'Enter' when you are done\n")
_, err = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).ReadBytes('\n')
return err
// CleanUp prints instructions for manually removing the TXT record
func (*DNSProviderManual) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
fqdn, _ := GetRecord(domain, keyAuth)
authZone, err := FindZoneByFqdn(fqdn)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("lego: You can now remove this TXT record from your %s zone:\n", authZone)
fmt.Printf(dnsTemplate+"\n", fqdn, DefaultTTL, "...")
return nil
// Sequential All DNS challenges for this provider will be resolved sequentially.
// Returns the interval between each iteration.
func (d *DNSProviderManual) Sequential() time.Duration {
return DefaultPropagationTimeout
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package dns01
// ToFqdn converts the name into a fqdn appending a trailing dot.
func ToFqdn(name string) string {
n := len(name)
if n == 0 || name[n-1] == '.' {
return name
return name + "."
// UnFqdn converts the fqdn into a name removing the trailing dot.
func UnFqdn(name string) string {
n := len(name)
if n != 0 && name[n-1] == '.' {
return name[:n-1]
return name
@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
package dns01
import (
const defaultResolvConf = "/etc/resolv.conf"
// dnsTimeout is used to override the default DNS timeout of 10 seconds.
var dnsTimeout = 10 * time.Second
var (
fqdnSoaCache = map[string]*soaCacheEntry{}
muFqdnSoaCache sync.Mutex
var defaultNameservers = []string{
// recursiveNameservers are used to pre-check DNS propagation
var recursiveNameservers = getNameservers(defaultResolvConf, defaultNameservers)
// soaCacheEntry holds a cached SOA record (only selected fields)
type soaCacheEntry struct {
zone string // zone apex (a domain name)
primaryNs string // primary nameserver for the zone apex
expires time.Time // time when this cache entry should be evicted
func newSoaCacheEntry(soa *dns.SOA) *soaCacheEntry {
return &soaCacheEntry{
zone: soa.Hdr.Name,
primaryNs: soa.Ns,
expires: time.Now().Add(time.Duration(soa.Refresh) * time.Second),
// isExpired checks whether a cache entry should be considered expired.
func (cache *soaCacheEntry) isExpired() bool {
return time.Now().After(cache.expires)
// ClearFqdnCache clears the cache of fqdn to zone mappings. Primarily used in testing.
func ClearFqdnCache() {
fqdnSoaCache = map[string]*soaCacheEntry{}
func AddDNSTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ChallengeOption {
return func(_ *Challenge) error {
dnsTimeout = timeout
return nil
func AddRecursiveNameservers(nameservers []string) ChallengeOption {
return func(_ *Challenge) error {
recursiveNameservers = ParseNameservers(nameservers)
return nil
// getNameservers attempts to get systems nameservers before falling back to the defaults
func getNameservers(path string, defaults []string) []string {
config, err := dns.ClientConfigFromFile(path)
if err != nil || len(config.Servers) == 0 {
return defaults
return ParseNameservers(config.Servers)
func ParseNameservers(servers []string) []string {
var resolvers []string
for _, resolver := range servers {
// ensure all servers have a port number
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(resolver); err != nil {
resolvers = append(resolvers, net.JoinHostPort(resolver, "53"))
} else {
resolvers = append(resolvers, resolver)
return resolvers
// lookupNameservers returns the authoritative nameservers for the given fqdn.
func lookupNameservers(fqdn string) ([]string, error) {
var authoritativeNss []string
zone, err := FindZoneByFqdn(fqdn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not determine the zone: %w", err)
r, err := dnsQuery(zone, dns.TypeNS, recursiveNameservers, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, rr := range r.Answer {
if ns, ok := rr.(*dns.NS); ok {
authoritativeNss = append(authoritativeNss, strings.ToLower(ns.Ns))
if len(authoritativeNss) > 0 {
return authoritativeNss, nil
return nil, errors.New("could not determine authoritative nameservers")
// FindPrimaryNsByFqdn determines the primary nameserver of the zone apex for the given fqdn
// by recursing up the domain labels until the nameserver returns a SOA record in the answer section.
func FindPrimaryNsByFqdn(fqdn string) (string, error) {
return FindPrimaryNsByFqdnCustom(fqdn, recursiveNameservers)
// FindPrimaryNsByFqdnCustom determines the primary nameserver of the zone apex for the given fqdn
// by recursing up the domain labels until the nameserver returns a SOA record in the answer section.
func FindPrimaryNsByFqdnCustom(fqdn string, nameservers []string) (string, error) {
soa, err := lookupSoaByFqdn(fqdn, nameservers)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return soa.primaryNs, nil
// FindZoneByFqdn determines the zone apex for the given fqdn
// by recursing up the domain labels until the nameserver returns a SOA record in the answer section.
func FindZoneByFqdn(fqdn string) (string, error) {
return FindZoneByFqdnCustom(fqdn, recursiveNameservers)
// FindZoneByFqdnCustom determines the zone apex for the given fqdn
// by recursing up the domain labels until the nameserver returns a SOA record in the answer section.
func FindZoneByFqdnCustom(fqdn string, nameservers []string) (string, error) {
soa, err := lookupSoaByFqdn(fqdn, nameservers)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return soa.zone, nil
func lookupSoaByFqdn(fqdn string, nameservers []string) (*soaCacheEntry, error) {
defer muFqdnSoaCache.Unlock()
// Do we have it cached and is it still fresh?
if ent := fqdnSoaCache[fqdn]; ent != nil && !ent.isExpired() {
return ent, nil
ent, err := fetchSoaByFqdn(fqdn, nameservers)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fqdnSoaCache[fqdn] = ent
return ent, nil
func fetchSoaByFqdn(fqdn string, nameservers []string) (*soaCacheEntry, error) {
var err error
var in *dns.Msg
labelIndexes := dns.Split(fqdn)
for _, index := range labelIndexes {
domain := fqdn[index:]
in, err = dnsQuery(domain, dns.TypeSOA, nameservers, true)
if err != nil {
if in == nil {
switch in.Rcode {
case dns.RcodeSuccess:
// Check if we got a SOA RR in the answer section
if len(in.Answer) == 0 {
// CNAME records cannot/should not exist at the root of a zone.
// So we skip a domain when a CNAME is found.
if dnsMsgContainsCNAME(in) {
for _, ans := range in.Answer {
if soa, ok := ans.(*dns.SOA); ok {
return newSoaCacheEntry(soa), nil
case dns.RcodeNameError:
// Any response code other than NOERROR and NXDOMAIN is treated as error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response code '%s' for %s", dns.RcodeToString[in.Rcode], domain)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find the start of authority for %s%s", fqdn, formatDNSError(in, err))
// dnsMsgContainsCNAME checks for a CNAME answer in msg
func dnsMsgContainsCNAME(msg *dns.Msg) bool {
for _, ans := range msg.Answer {
if _, ok := ans.(*dns.CNAME); ok {
return true
return false
func dnsQuery(fqdn string, rtype uint16, nameservers []string, recursive bool) (*dns.Msg, error) {
m := createDNSMsg(fqdn, rtype, recursive)
var in *dns.Msg
var err error
for _, ns := range nameservers {
in, err = sendDNSQuery(m, ns)
if err == nil && len(in.Answer) > 0 {
return in, err
func createDNSMsg(fqdn string, rtype uint16, recursive bool) *dns.Msg {
m := new(dns.Msg)
m.SetQuestion(fqdn, rtype)
m.SetEdns0(4096, false)
if !recursive {
m.RecursionDesired = false
return m
func sendDNSQuery(m *dns.Msg, ns string) (*dns.Msg, error) {
udp := &dns.Client{Net: "udp", Timeout: dnsTimeout}
in, _, err := udp.Exchange(m, ns)
if in != nil && in.Truncated {
tcp := &dns.Client{Net: "tcp", Timeout: dnsTimeout}
// If the TCP request succeeds, the err will reset to nil
in, _, err = tcp.Exchange(m, ns)
return in, err
func formatDNSError(msg *dns.Msg, err error) string {
var parts []string
if msg != nil {
parts = append(parts, dns.RcodeToString[msg.Rcode])
if err != nil {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
if len(parts) > 0 {
return ": " + strings.Join(parts, " ")
return ""
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
package dns01
import (
// PreCheckFunc checks DNS propagation before notifying ACME that the DNS challenge is ready.
type PreCheckFunc func(fqdn, value string) (bool, error)
// WrapPreCheckFunc wraps a PreCheckFunc in order to do extra operations before or after
// the main check, put it in a loop, etc.
type WrapPreCheckFunc func(domain, fqdn, value string, check PreCheckFunc) (bool, error)
// WrapPreCheck Allow to define checks before notifying ACME that the DNS challenge is ready.
func WrapPreCheck(wrap WrapPreCheckFunc) ChallengeOption {
return func(chlg *Challenge) error {
chlg.preCheck.checkFunc = wrap
return nil
// AddPreCheck Allow to define checks before notifying ACME that the DNS challenge is ready.
// Deprecated: use WrapPreCheck instead.
func AddPreCheck(preCheck PreCheckFunc) ChallengeOption {
// Prevent race condition
check := preCheck
return func(chlg *Challenge) error {
chlg.preCheck.checkFunc = func(_, fqdn, value string, _ PreCheckFunc) (bool, error) {
if check == nil {
return false, errors.New("invalid preCheck: preCheck is nil")
return check(fqdn, value)
return nil
func DisableCompletePropagationRequirement() ChallengeOption {
return func(chlg *Challenge) error {
chlg.preCheck.requireCompletePropagation = false
return nil
type preCheck struct {
// checks DNS propagation before notifying ACME that the DNS challenge is ready.
checkFunc WrapPreCheckFunc
// require the TXT record to be propagated to all authoritative name servers
requireCompletePropagation bool
func newPreCheck() preCheck {
return preCheck{
requireCompletePropagation: true,
func (p preCheck) call(domain, fqdn, value string) (bool, error) {
if p.checkFunc == nil {
return p.checkDNSPropagation(fqdn, value)
return p.checkFunc(domain, fqdn, value, p.checkDNSPropagation)
// checkDNSPropagation checks if the expected TXT record has been propagated to all authoritative nameservers.
func (p preCheck) checkDNSPropagation(fqdn, value string) (bool, error) {
// Initial attempt to resolve at the recursive NS
r, err := dnsQuery(fqdn, dns.TypeTXT, recursiveNameservers, true)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !p.requireCompletePropagation {
return true, nil
if r.Rcode == dns.RcodeSuccess {
fqdn = updateDomainWithCName(r, fqdn)
authoritativeNss, err := lookupNameservers(fqdn)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return checkAuthoritativeNss(fqdn, value, authoritativeNss)
// checkAuthoritativeNss queries each of the given nameservers for the expected TXT record.
func checkAuthoritativeNss(fqdn, value string, nameservers []string) (bool, error) {
for _, ns := range nameservers {
r, err := dnsQuery(fqdn, dns.TypeTXT, []string{net.JoinHostPort(ns, "53")}, false)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if r.Rcode != dns.RcodeSuccess {
return false, fmt.Errorf("NS %s returned %s for %s", ns, dns.RcodeToString[r.Rcode], fqdn)
var records []string
var found bool
for _, rr := range r.Answer {
if txt, ok := rr.(*dns.TXT); ok {
record := strings.Join(txt.Txt, "")
records = append(records, record)
if record == value {
found = true
if !found {
return false, fmt.Errorf("NS %s did not return the expected TXT record [fqdn: %s, value: %s]: %s", ns, fqdn, value, strings.Join(records, " ,"))
return true, nil
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
package http01
import (
// A domainMatcher tries to match a domain (the one we're requesting a certificate for)
// in the HTTP request coming from the ACME validation servers.
// This step is part of DNS rebind attack prevention,
// where the webserver matches incoming requests to a list of domain the server acts authoritative for.
// The most simple check involves finding the domain in the HTTP Host header;
// this is what hostMatcher does.
// Use it, when the http01.ProviderServer is directly reachable from the internet,
// or when it operates behind a transparent proxy.
// In many (reverse) proxy setups, Apache and NGINX traditionally move the Host header to a new header named X-Forwarded-Host.
// Use arbitraryMatcher("X-Forwarded-Host") in this case,
// or the appropriate header name for other proxy servers.
// RFC7239 has standardized the different forwarding headers into a single header named Forwarded.
// The header value has a different format, so you should use forwardedMatcher
// when the http01.ProviderServer operates behind a RFC7239 compatible proxy.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239
// Note: RFC7239 also reminds us, "that an HTTP list [...] may be split over multiple header fields" (section 7.1),
// meaning that
// X-Header: a
// X-Header: b
// is equal to
// X-Header: a, b
// All matcher implementations (explicitly not excluding arbitraryMatcher!)
// have in common that they only match against the first value in such lists.
type domainMatcher interface {
// matches checks whether the request is valid for the given domain.
matches(request *http.Request, domain string) bool
// name returns the header name used in the check.
// This is primarily used to create meaningful error messages.
name() string
// hostMatcher checks whether (*net/http).Request.Host starts with a domain name.
type hostMatcher struct{}
func (m *hostMatcher) name() string {
return "Host"
func (m *hostMatcher) matches(r *http.Request, domain string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(r.Host, domain)
// hostMatcher checks whether the specified (*net/http.Request).Header value starts with a domain name.
type arbitraryMatcher string
func (m arbitraryMatcher) name() string {
return string(m)
func (m arbitraryMatcher) matches(r *http.Request, domain string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(r.Header.Get(m.name()), domain)
// forwardedMatcher checks whether the Forwarded header contains a "host" element starting with a domain name.
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239 for details.
type forwardedMatcher struct{}
func (m *forwardedMatcher) name() string {
return "Forwarded"
func (m *forwardedMatcher) matches(r *http.Request, domain string) bool {
fwds, err := parseForwardedHeader(r.Header.Get(m.name()))
if err != nil {
return false
if len(fwds) == 0 {
return false
host := fwds[0]["host"]
return strings.HasPrefix(host, domain)
// parsing requires some form of state machine
func parseForwardedHeader(s string) (elements []map[string]string, err error) {
cur := make(map[string]string)
key := ""
val := ""
inquote := false
pos := 0
l := len(s)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
r := rune(s[i])
if inquote {
if r == '"' {
cur[key] = s[pos:i]
key = ""
pos = i
inquote = false
switch {
case r == '"': // start of quoted-string
if key == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected quoted string as pos %d", i)
inquote = true
pos = i + 1
case r == ';': // end of forwarded-pair
cur[key] = s[pos:i]
key = ""
i = skipWS(s, i)
pos = i + 1
case r == '=': // end of token
key = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimFunc(s[pos:i], isWS))
i = skipWS(s, i)
pos = i + 1
case r == ',': // end of forwarded-element
if key != "" {
if val == "" {
val = s[pos:i]
cur[key] = val
elements = append(elements, cur)
cur = make(map[string]string)
key = ""
val = ""
i = skipWS(s, i)
pos = i + 1
case tchar(r) || isWS(r): // valid token character or whitespace
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid token character at pos %d: %c", i, r)
if inquote {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unterminated quoted-string at pos %d", len(s))
if key != "" {
if pos < len(s) {
val = s[pos:]
cur[key] = val
if len(cur) > 0 {
elements = append(elements, cur)
return elements, nil
func tchar(r rune) bool {
return strings.ContainsRune("!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~", r) ||
'0' <= r && r <= '9' ||
'a' <= r && r <= 'z' ||
'A' <= r && r <= 'Z'
func skipWS(s string, i int) int {
for isWS(rune(s[i+1])) {
return i
func isWS(r rune) bool {
return strings.ContainsRune(" \t\v\r\n", r)
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package http01
import (
type ValidateFunc func(core *api.Core, domain string, chlng acme.Challenge) error
// ChallengePath returns the URL path for the `http-01` challenge
func ChallengePath(token string) string {
return "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" + token
type Challenge struct {
core *api.Core
validate ValidateFunc
provider challenge.Provider
func NewChallenge(core *api.Core, validate ValidateFunc, provider challenge.Provider) *Challenge {
return &Challenge{
core: core,
validate: validate,
provider: provider,
func (c *Challenge) SetProvider(provider challenge.Provider) {
c.provider = provider
func (c *Challenge) Solve(authz acme.Authorization) error {
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Trying to solve HTTP-01", domain)
chlng, err := challenge.FindChallenge(challenge.HTTP01, authz)
if err != nil {
return err
// Generate the Key Authorization for the challenge
keyAuth, err := c.core.GetKeyAuthorization(chlng.Token)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.provider.Present(authz.Identifier.Value, chlng.Token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] acme: error presenting token: %w", domain, err)
defer func() {
err := c.provider.CleanUp(authz.Identifier.Value, chlng.Token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%s] acme: cleaning up failed: %v", domain, err)
chlng.KeyAuthorization = keyAuth
return c.validate(c.core, domain, chlng)
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package http01
import (
// ProviderServer implements ChallengeProvider for `http-01` challenge
// It may be instantiated without using the NewProviderServer function if
// you want only to use the default values.
type ProviderServer struct {
iface string
port string
matcher domainMatcher
done chan bool
listener net.Listener
// NewProviderServer creates a new ProviderServer on the selected interface and port.
// Setting iface and / or port to an empty string will make the server fall back to
// the "any" interface and port 80 respectively.
func NewProviderServer(iface, port string) *ProviderServer {
if port == "" {
port = "80"
return &ProviderServer{iface: iface, port: port, matcher: &hostMatcher{}}
// Present starts a web server and makes the token available at `ChallengePath(token)` for web requests.
func (s *ProviderServer) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
var err error
s.listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", s.GetAddress())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not start HTTP server for challenge: %w", err)
s.done = make(chan bool)
go s.serve(domain, token, keyAuth)
return nil
func (s *ProviderServer) GetAddress() string {
return net.JoinHostPort(s.iface, s.port)
// CleanUp closes the HTTP server and removes the token from `ChallengePath(token)`
func (s *ProviderServer) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
if s.listener == nil {
return nil
return nil
// SetProxyHeader changes the validation of incoming requests.
// By default, s matches the "Host" header value to the domain name.
// When the server runs behind a proxy server, this is not the correct place to look at;
// Apache and NGINX have traditionally moved the original Host header into a new header named "X-Forwarded-Host".
// Other webservers might use different names;
// and RFC7239 has standadized a new header named "Forwarded" (with slightly different semantics).
// The exact behavior depends on the value of headerName:
// - "" (the empty string) and "Host" will restore the default and only check the Host header
// - "Forwarded" will look for a Forwarded header, and inspect it according to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239
// - any other value will check the header value with the same name
func (s *ProviderServer) SetProxyHeader(headerName string) {
switch h := textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(headerName); h {
case "", "Host":
s.matcher = &hostMatcher{}
case "Forwarded":
s.matcher = &forwardedMatcher{}
s.matcher = arbitraryMatcher(h)
func (s *ProviderServer) serve(domain, token, keyAuth string) {
path := ChallengePath(token)
// The incoming request must will be validated to prevent DNS rebind attacks.
// We only respond with the keyAuth, when we're receiving a GET requests with
// the "Host" header matching the domain (the latter is configurable though SetProxyHeader).
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method == http.MethodGet && s.matcher.matches(r, domain) {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
_, err := w.Write([]byte(keyAuth))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
log.Infof("[%s] Served key authentication", domain)
} else {
log.Warnf("Received request for domain %s with method %s but the domain did not match any challenge. Please ensure your are passing the %s header properly.", r.Host, r.Method, s.matcher.name())
_, err := w.Write([]byte("TEST"))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
httpServer := &http.Server{Handler: mux}
// Once httpServer is shut down
// we don't want any lingering connections, so disable KeepAlives.
err := httpServer.Serve(s.listener)
if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
s.done <- true
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package challenge
import "time"
// Provider enables implementing a custom challenge
// provider. Present presents the solution to a challenge available to
// be solved. CleanUp will be called by the challenge if Present ends
// in a non-error state.
type Provider interface {
Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error
CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error
// ProviderTimeout allows for implementing a
// Provider where an unusually long timeout is required when
// waiting for an ACME challenge to be satisfied, such as when
// checking for DNS record propagation. If an implementor of a
// Provider provides a Timeout method, then the return values
// of the Timeout method will be used when appropriate by the acme
// package. The interval value is the time between checks.
// The default values used for timeout and interval are 60 seconds and
// 2 seconds respectively. These are used when no Timeout method is
// defined for the Provider.
type ProviderTimeout interface {
Timeout() (timeout, interval time.Duration)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package resolver
import (
// obtainError is returned when there are specific errors available per domain.
type obtainError map[string]error
func (e obtainError) Error() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("error: one or more domains had a problem:\n")
var domains []string
for domain := range e {
domains = append(domains, domain)
for _, domain := range domains {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s\n", domain, e[domain]))
return buffer.String()
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
package resolver
import (
// Interface for all challenge solvers to implement.
type solver interface {
Solve(authorization acme.Authorization) error
// Interface for challenges like dns, where we can set a record in advance for ALL challenges.
// This saves quite a bit of time vs creating the records and solving them serially.
type preSolver interface {
PreSolve(authorization acme.Authorization) error
// Interface for challenges like dns, where we can solve all the challenges before to delete them.
type cleanup interface {
CleanUp(authorization acme.Authorization) error
type sequential interface {
Sequential() (bool, time.Duration)
// an authz with the solver we have chosen and the index of the challenge associated with it
type selectedAuthSolver struct {
authz acme.Authorization
solver solver
type Prober struct {
solverManager *SolverManager
func NewProber(solverManager *SolverManager) *Prober {
return &Prober{
solverManager: solverManager,
// Solve Looks through the challenge combinations to find a solvable match.
// Then solves the challenges in series and returns.
func (p *Prober) Solve(authorizations []acme.Authorization) error {
failures := make(obtainError)
var authSolvers []*selectedAuthSolver
var authSolversSequential []*selectedAuthSolver
// Loop through the resources, basically through the domains.
// First pass just selects a solver for each authz.
for _, authz := range authorizations {
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
if authz.Status == acme.StatusValid {
// Boulder might recycle recent validated authz (see issue #267)
log.Infof("[%s] acme: authorization already valid; skipping challenge", domain)
if solvr := p.solverManager.chooseSolver(authz); solvr != nil {
authSolver := &selectedAuthSolver{authz: authz, solver: solvr}
switch s := solvr.(type) {
case sequential:
if ok, _ := s.Sequential(); ok {
authSolversSequential = append(authSolversSequential, authSolver)
} else {
authSolvers = append(authSolvers, authSolver)
authSolvers = append(authSolvers, authSolver)
} else {
failures[domain] = fmt.Errorf("[%s] acme: could not determine solvers", domain)
parallelSolve(authSolvers, failures)
sequentialSolve(authSolversSequential, failures)
// Be careful not to return an empty failures map,
// for even an empty obtainError is a non-nil error value
if len(failures) > 0 {
return failures
return nil
func sequentialSolve(authSolvers []*selectedAuthSolver, failures obtainError) {
for i, authSolver := range authSolvers {
// Submit the challenge
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authSolver.authz)
if solvr, ok := authSolver.solver.(preSolver); ok {
err := solvr.PreSolve(authSolver.authz)
if err != nil {
failures[domain] = err
cleanUp(authSolver.solver, authSolver.authz)
// Solve challenge
err := authSolver.solver.Solve(authSolver.authz)
if err != nil {
failures[domain] = err
cleanUp(authSolver.solver, authSolver.authz)
// Clean challenge
cleanUp(authSolver.solver, authSolver.authz)
if len(authSolvers)-1 > i {
solvr := authSolver.solver.(sequential)
_, interval := solvr.Sequential()
log.Infof("sequence: wait for %s", interval)
func parallelSolve(authSolvers []*selectedAuthSolver, failures obtainError) {
// For all valid preSolvers, first submit the challenges so they have max time to propagate
for _, authSolver := range authSolvers {
authz := authSolver.authz
if solvr, ok := authSolver.solver.(preSolver); ok {
err := solvr.PreSolve(authz)
if err != nil {
failures[challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)] = err
defer func() {
// Clean all created TXT records
for _, authSolver := range authSolvers {
cleanUp(authSolver.solver, authSolver.authz)
// Finally solve all challenges for real
for _, authSolver := range authSolvers {
authz := authSolver.authz
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
if failures[domain] != nil {
// already failed in previous loop
err := authSolver.solver.Solve(authz)
if err != nil {
failures[domain] = err
func cleanUp(solvr solver, authz acme.Authorization) {
if solvr, ok := solvr.(cleanup); ok {
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
err := solvr.CleanUp(authz)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%s] acme: cleaning up failed: %v ", domain, err)
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package resolver
import (
type byType []acme.Challenge
func (a byType) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byType) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byType) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Type > a[j].Type }
type SolverManager struct {
core *api.Core
solvers map[challenge.Type]solver
func NewSolversManager(core *api.Core) *SolverManager {
return &SolverManager{
solvers: map[challenge.Type]solver{},
core: core,
// SetHTTP01Provider specifies a custom provider p that can solve the given HTTP-01 challenge.
func (c *SolverManager) SetHTTP01Provider(p challenge.Provider) error {
c.solvers[challenge.HTTP01] = http01.NewChallenge(c.core, validate, p)
return nil
// SetTLSALPN01Provider specifies a custom provider p that can solve the given TLS-ALPN-01 challenge.
func (c *SolverManager) SetTLSALPN01Provider(p challenge.Provider) error {
c.solvers[challenge.TLSALPN01] = tlsalpn01.NewChallenge(c.core, validate, p)
return nil
// SetDNS01Provider specifies a custom provider p that can solve the given DNS-01 challenge.
func (c *SolverManager) SetDNS01Provider(p challenge.Provider, opts ...dns01.ChallengeOption) error {
c.solvers[challenge.DNS01] = dns01.NewChallenge(c.core, validate, p, opts...)
return nil
// Remove Remove a challenge type from the available solvers.
func (c *SolverManager) Remove(chlgType challenge.Type) {
delete(c.solvers, chlgType)
// Checks all challenges from the server in order and returns the first matching solver.
func (c *SolverManager) chooseSolver(authz acme.Authorization) solver {
// Allow to have a deterministic challenge order
domain := challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz)
for _, chlg := range authz.Challenges {
if solvr, ok := c.solvers[challenge.Type(chlg.Type)]; ok {
log.Infof("[%s] acme: use %s solver", domain, chlg.Type)
return solvr
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Could not find solver for: %s", domain, chlg.Type)
return nil
func validate(core *api.Core, domain string, chlg acme.Challenge) error {
chlng, err := core.Challenges.New(chlg.URL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initiate challenge: %w", err)
valid, err := checkChallengeStatus(chlng)
if err != nil {
return err
if valid {
log.Infof("[%s] The server validated our request", domain)
return nil
ra, err := strconv.Atoi(chlng.RetryAfter)
if err != nil {
// The ACME server MUST return a Retry-After.
// If it doesn't, we'll just poll hard.
// Boulder does not implement the ability to retry challenges or the Retry-After header.
// https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/blob/master/docs/acme-divergences.md#section-82
ra = 5
initialInterval := time.Duration(ra) * time.Second
bo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
bo.InitialInterval = initialInterval
bo.MaxInterval = 10 * initialInterval
bo.MaxElapsedTime = 100 * initialInterval
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// After the path is sent, the ACME server will access our server.
// Repeatedly check the server for an updated status on our request.
operation := func() error {
authz, err := core.Authorizations.Get(chlng.AuthorizationURL)
if err != nil {
return err
valid, err := checkAuthorizationStatus(authz)
if err != nil {
return err
if valid {
log.Infof("[%s] The server validated our request", domain)
return nil
return errors.New("the server didn't respond to our request")
return backoff.Retry(operation, backoff.WithContext(bo, ctx))
func checkChallengeStatus(chlng acme.ExtendedChallenge) (bool, error) {
switch chlng.Status {
case acme.StatusValid:
return true, nil
case acme.StatusPending, acme.StatusProcessing:
return false, nil
case acme.StatusInvalid:
return false, chlng.Error
return false, errors.New("the server returned an unexpected state")
func checkAuthorizationStatus(authz acme.Authorization) (bool, error) {
switch authz.Status {
case acme.StatusValid:
return true, nil
case acme.StatusPending, acme.StatusProcessing:
return false, nil
case acme.StatusDeactivated, acme.StatusExpired, acme.StatusRevoked:
return false, fmt.Errorf("the authorization state %s", authz.Status)
case acme.StatusInvalid:
for _, chlg := range authz.Challenges {
if chlg.Status == acme.StatusInvalid && chlg.Error != nil {
return false, chlg.Error
return false, fmt.Errorf("the authorization state %s", authz.Status)
return false, errors.New("the server returned an unexpected state")
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package tlsalpn01
import (
// idPeAcmeIdentifierV1 is the SMI Security for PKIX Certification Extension OID referencing the ACME extension.
// Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-tls-alpn-07#section-6.1
var idPeAcmeIdentifierV1 = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 31}
type ValidateFunc func(core *api.Core, domain string, chlng acme.Challenge) error
type Challenge struct {
core *api.Core
validate ValidateFunc
provider challenge.Provider
func NewChallenge(core *api.Core, validate ValidateFunc, provider challenge.Provider) *Challenge {
return &Challenge{
core: core,
validate: validate,
provider: provider,
func (c *Challenge) SetProvider(provider challenge.Provider) {
c.provider = provider
// Solve manages the provider to validate and solve the challenge.
func (c *Challenge) Solve(authz acme.Authorization) error {
domain := authz.Identifier.Value
log.Infof("[%s] acme: Trying to solve TLS-ALPN-01", challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz))
chlng, err := challenge.FindChallenge(challenge.TLSALPN01, authz)
if err != nil {
return err
// Generate the Key Authorization for the challenge
keyAuth, err := c.core.GetKeyAuthorization(chlng.Token)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.provider.Present(domain, chlng.Token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[%s] acme: error presenting token: %w", challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz), err)
defer func() {
err := c.provider.CleanUp(domain, chlng.Token, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%s] acme: cleaning up failed: %v", challenge.GetTargetedDomain(authz), err)
chlng.KeyAuthorization = keyAuth
return c.validate(c.core, domain, chlng)
// ChallengeBlocks returns PEM blocks (certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock) with the acmeValidation-v1 extension
// and domain name for the `tls-alpn-01` challenge.
func ChallengeBlocks(domain, keyAuth string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
// Compute the SHA-256 digest of the key authorization.
zBytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuth))
value, err := asn1.Marshal(zBytes[:sha256.Size])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Add the keyAuth digest as the acmeValidation-v1 extension
// (marked as critical such that it won't be used by non-ACME software).
// Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-tls-alpn-07#section-3
extensions := []pkix.Extension{
Id: idPeAcmeIdentifierV1,
Critical: true,
Value: value,
// Generate a new RSA key for the certificates.
tempPrivateKey, err := certcrypto.GeneratePrivateKey(certcrypto.RSA2048)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rsaPrivateKey := tempPrivateKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
// Generate the PEM certificate using the provided private key, domain, and extra extensions.
tempCertPEM, err := certcrypto.GeneratePemCert(rsaPrivateKey, domain, extensions)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Encode the private key into a PEM format. We'll need to use it to generate the x509 keypair.
rsaPrivatePEM := certcrypto.PEMEncode(rsaPrivateKey)
return tempCertPEM, rsaPrivatePEM, nil
// ChallengeCert returns a certificate with the acmeValidation-v1 extension
// and domain name for the `tls-alpn-01` challenge.
func ChallengeCert(domain, keyAuth string) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
tempCertPEM, rsaPrivatePEM, err := ChallengeBlocks(domain, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(tempCertPEM, rsaPrivatePEM)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cert, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package tlsalpn01
import (
const (
// ACMETLS1Protocol is the ALPN Protocol ID for the ACME-TLS/1 Protocol.
ACMETLS1Protocol = "acme-tls/1"
// defaultTLSPort is the port that the ProviderServer will default to
// when no other port is provided.
defaultTLSPort = "443"
// ProviderServer implements ChallengeProvider for `TLS-ALPN-01` challenge.
// It may be instantiated without using the NewProviderServer
// if you want only to use the default values.
type ProviderServer struct {
iface string
port string
listener net.Listener
// NewProviderServer creates a new ProviderServer on the selected interface and port.
// Setting iface and / or port to an empty string will make the server fall back to
// the "any" interface and port 443 respectively.
func NewProviderServer(iface, port string) *ProviderServer {
return &ProviderServer{iface: iface, port: port}
func (s *ProviderServer) GetAddress() string {
return net.JoinHostPort(s.iface, s.port)
// Present generates a certificate with a SHA-256 digest of the keyAuth provided
// as the acmeValidation-v1 extension value to conform to the ACME-TLS-ALPN spec.
func (s *ProviderServer) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
if s.port == "" {
// Fallback to port 443 if the port was not provided.
s.port = defaultTLSPort
// Generate the challenge certificate using the provided keyAuth and domain.
cert, err := ChallengeCert(domain, keyAuth)
if err != nil {
return err
// Place the generated certificate with the extension into the TLS config
// so that it can serve the correct details.
tlsConf := new(tls.Config)
tlsConf.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{*cert}
// We must set that the `acme-tls/1` application level protocol is supported
// so that the protocol negotiation can succeed. Reference:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-tls-alpn-07#section-6.2
tlsConf.NextProtos = []string{ACMETLS1Protocol}
// Create the listener with the created tls.Config.
s.listener, err = tls.Listen("tcp", s.GetAddress(), tlsConf)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not start HTTPS server for challenge: %w", err)
// Shut the server down when we're finished.
go func() {
err := http.Serve(s.listener, nil)
if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
return nil
// CleanUp closes the HTTPS server.
func (s *ProviderServer) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
if s.listener == nil {
return nil
// Server was created, close it.
if err := s.listener.Close(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
return err
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package lego
import (
// Client is the user-friendly way to ACME
type Client struct {
Certificate *certificate.Certifier
Challenge *resolver.SolverManager
Registration *registration.Registrar
core *api.Core
// NewClient creates a new ACME client on behalf of the user.
// The client will depend on the ACME directory located at CADirURL for the rest of its actions.
// A private key of type keyType (see KeyType constants) will be generated when requesting a new certificate if one isn't provided.
func NewClient(config *Config) (*Client, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, errors.New("a configuration must be provided")
_, err := url.Parse(config.CADirURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if config.HTTPClient == nil {
return nil, errors.New("the HTTP client cannot be nil")
privateKey := config.User.GetPrivateKey()
if privateKey == nil {
return nil, errors.New("private key was nil")
var kid string
if reg := config.User.GetRegistration(); reg != nil {
kid = reg.URI
core, err := api.New(config.HTTPClient, config.UserAgent, config.CADirURL, kid, privateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
solversManager := resolver.NewSolversManager(core)
prober := resolver.NewProber(solversManager)
certifier := certificate.NewCertifier(core, prober, certificate.CertifierOptions{KeyType: config.Certificate.KeyType, Timeout: config.Certificate.Timeout})
return &Client{
Certificate: certifier,
Challenge: solversManager,
Registration: registration.NewRegistrar(core, config.User),
core: core,
}, nil
// GetToSURL returns the current ToS URL from the Directory
func (c *Client) GetToSURL() string {
return c.core.GetDirectory().Meta.TermsOfService
// GetExternalAccountRequired returns the External Account Binding requirement of the Directory
func (c *Client) GetExternalAccountRequired() bool {
return c.core.GetDirectory().Meta.ExternalAccountRequired
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package lego
import (
const (
// caCertificatesEnvVar is the environment variable name that can be used to
// specify the path to PEM encoded CA Certificates that can be used to
// authenticate an ACME server with a HTTPS certificate not issued by a CA in
// the system-wide trusted root list.
caCertificatesEnvVar = "LEGO_CA_CERTIFICATES"
// caServerNameEnvVar is the environment variable name that can be used to
// specify the CA server name that can be used to
// authenticate an ACME server with a HTTPS certificate not issued by a CA in
// the system-wide trusted root list.
caServerNameEnvVar = "LEGO_CA_SERVER_NAME"
// LEDirectoryProduction URL to the Let's Encrypt production
LEDirectoryProduction = "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
// LEDirectoryStaging URL to the Let's Encrypt staging
LEDirectoryStaging = "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
type Config struct {
CADirURL string
User registration.User
UserAgent string
HTTPClient *http.Client
Certificate CertificateConfig
func NewConfig(user registration.User) *Config {
return &Config{
CADirURL: LEDirectoryProduction,
User: user,
HTTPClient: createDefaultHTTPClient(),
Certificate: CertificateConfig{
KeyType: certcrypto.RSA2048,
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
type CertificateConfig struct {
KeyType certcrypto.KeyType
Timeout time.Duration
// createDefaultHTTPClient Creates an HTTP client with a reasonable timeout value
// and potentially a custom *x509.CertPool
// based on the caCertificatesEnvVar environment variable (see the `initCertPool` function)
func createDefaultHTTPClient() *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
ServerName: os.Getenv(caServerNameEnvVar),
RootCAs: initCertPool(),
// initCertPool creates a *x509.CertPool populated with the PEM certificates
// found in the filepath specified in the caCertificatesEnvVar OS environment
// variable. If the caCertificatesEnvVar is not set then initCertPool will
// return nil. If there is an error creating a *x509.CertPool from the provided
// caCertificatesEnvVar value then initCertPool will panic.
func initCertPool() *x509.CertPool {
if customCACertsPath := os.Getenv(caCertificatesEnvVar); customCACertsPath != "" {
customCAs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(customCACertsPath)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error reading %s=%q: %v",
caCertificatesEnvVar, customCACertsPath, err))
certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
if ok := certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(customCAs); !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error creating x509 cert pool from %s=%q: %v",
caCertificatesEnvVar, customCACertsPath, err))
return certPool
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package log
import (
// Logger is an optional custom logger.
var Logger StdLogger = log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags)
// StdLogger interface for Standard Logger.
type StdLogger interface {
Fatal(args ...interface{})
Fatalln(args ...interface{})
Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
Print(args ...interface{})
Println(args ...interface{})
Printf(format string, args ...interface{})
// Fatal writes a log entry.
// It uses Logger if not nil, otherwise it uses the default log.Logger.
func Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf writes a log entry.
// It uses Logger if not nil, otherwise it uses the default log.Logger.
func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
Logger.Fatalf(format, args...)
// Print writes a log entry.
// It uses Logger if not nil, otherwise it uses the default log.Logger.
func Print(args ...interface{}) {
// Println writes a log entry.
// It uses Logger if not nil, otherwise it uses the default log.Logger.
func Println(args ...interface{}) {
// Printf writes a log entry.
// It uses Logger if not nil, otherwise it uses the default log.Logger.
func Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
Logger.Printf(format, args...)
// Warnf writes a log entry.
func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
Printf("[WARN] "+format, args...)
// Infof writes a log entry.
func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
Printf("[INFO] "+format, args...)
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
package env
import (
// Get environment variables
func Get(names ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
values := map[string]string{}
var missingEnvVars []string
for _, envVar := range names {
value := GetOrFile(envVar)
if value == "" {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, envVar)
values[envVar] = value
if len(missingEnvVars) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some credentials information are missing: %s", strings.Join(missingEnvVars, ","))
return values, nil
// GetWithFallback Get environment variable values
// The first name in each group is use as key in the result map
// // LEGO_ONE="ONE"
// // LEGO_TWO="TWO"
// env.GetWithFallback([]string{"LEGO_ONE", "LEGO_TWO"})
// // => "LEGO_ONE" = "ONE"
// ----
// // LEGO_ONE=""
// // LEGO_TWO="TWO"
// env.GetWithFallback([]string{"LEGO_ONE", "LEGO_TWO"})
// // => "LEGO_ONE" = "TWO"
// ----
// // LEGO_ONE=""
// // LEGO_TWO=""
// env.GetWithFallback([]string{"LEGO_ONE", "LEGO_TWO"})
// // => error
func GetWithFallback(groups ...[]string) (map[string]string, error) {
values := map[string]string{}
var missingEnvVars []string
for _, names := range groups {
if len(names) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("undefined environment variable names")
value, envVar := getOneWithFallback(names[0], names[1:]...)
if len(value) == 0 {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, envVar)
values[envVar] = value
if len(missingEnvVars) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some credentials information are missing: %s", strings.Join(missingEnvVars, ","))
return values, nil
func getOneWithFallback(main string, names ...string) (string, string) {
value := GetOrFile(main)
if len(value) > 0 {
return value, main
for _, name := range names {
value := GetOrFile(name)
if len(value) > 0 {
return value, main
return "", main
// GetOrDefaultInt returns the given environment variable value as an integer.
// Returns the default if the envvar cannot be coopered to an int, or is not found.
func GetOrDefaultInt(envVar string, defaultValue int) int {
v, err := strconv.Atoi(GetOrFile(envVar))
if err != nil {
return defaultValue
return v
// GetOrDefaultSecond returns the given environment variable value as an time.Duration (second).
// Returns the default if the envvar cannot be coopered to an int, or is not found.
func GetOrDefaultSecond(envVar string, defaultValue time.Duration) time.Duration {
v := GetOrDefaultInt(envVar, -1)
if v < 0 {
return defaultValue
return time.Duration(v) * time.Second
// GetOrDefaultString returns the given environment variable value as a string.
// Returns the default if the envvar cannot be find.
func GetOrDefaultString(envVar string, defaultValue string) string {
v := GetOrFile(envVar)
if len(v) == 0 {
return defaultValue
return v
// GetOrDefaultBool returns the given environment variable value as a boolean.
// Returns the default if the envvar cannot be coopered to a boolean, or is not found.
func GetOrDefaultBool(envVar string, defaultValue bool) bool {
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(GetOrFile(envVar))
if err != nil {
return defaultValue
return v
// GetOrFile Attempts to resolve 'key' as an environment variable.
// Failing that, it will check to see if '<key>_FILE' exists.
// If so, it will attempt to read from the referenced file to populate a value.
func GetOrFile(envVar string) string {
envVarValue := os.Getenv(envVar)
if envVarValue != "" {
return envVarValue
fileVar := envVar + "_FILE"
fileVarValue := os.Getenv(fileVar)
if fileVarValue == "" {
return envVarValue
fileContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileVarValue)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to read the file %s (defined by env var %s): %s", fileVarValue, fileVar, err)
return ""
return strings.TrimSuffix(string(fileContents), "\n")
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package wait
import (
// For polls the given function 'f', once every 'interval', up to 'timeout'.
func For(msg string, timeout, interval time.Duration, f func() (bool, error)) error {
log.Infof("Wait for %s [timeout: %s, interval: %s]", msg, timeout, interval)
var lastErr error
timeUp := time.After(timeout)
for {
select {
case <-timeUp:
return fmt.Errorf("time limit exceeded: last error: %w", lastErr)
stop, err := f()
if stop {
return nil
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package duckdns
import (
// updateTxtRecord Update the domains TXT record
// To update the TXT record we just need to make one simple get request.
// In DuckDNS you only have one TXT record shared with the domain and all sub domains.
func (d *DNSProvider) updateTxtRecord(domain, token, txt string, clear bool) error {
u, _ := url.Parse("https://www.duckdns.org/update")
mainDomain := getMainDomain(domain)
if len(mainDomain) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find the main domain for: %s", domain)
query := u.Query()
query.Set("domains", mainDomain)
query.Set("token", token)
query.Set("clear", strconv.FormatBool(clear))
query.Set("txt", txt)
u.RawQuery = query.Encode()
response, err := d.config.HTTPClient.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
return err
defer response.Body.Close()
bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
body := string(bodyBytes)
if body != "OK" {
return fmt.Errorf("request to change TXT record for DuckDNS returned the following result (%s) this does not match expectation (OK) used url [%s]", body, u)
return nil
// DuckDNS only lets you write to your subdomain
// so it must be in format subdomain.duckdns.org
// not in format subsubdomain.subdomain.duckdns.org
// so strip off everything that is not top 3 levels
func getMainDomain(domain string) string {
domain = dns01.UnFqdn(domain)
split := dns.Split(domain)
if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(domain), "duckdns.org") {
if len(split) < 3 {
return ""
firstSubDomainIndex := split[len(split)-3]
return domain[firstSubDomainIndex:]
return domain[split[len(split)-1]:]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Package duckdns implements a DNS provider for solving the DNS-01 challenge using DuckDNS.
// See http://www.duckdns.org/spec.jsp for more info on updating TXT records.
package duckdns
import (
// Environment variables names.
const (
envNamespace = "DUCKDNS_"
EnvToken = envNamespace + "TOKEN"
EnvPropagationTimeout = envNamespace + "PROPAGATION_TIMEOUT"
EnvPollingInterval = envNamespace + "POLLING_INTERVAL"
EnvHTTPTimeout = envNamespace + "HTTP_TIMEOUT"
EnvSequenceInterval = envNamespace + "SEQUENCE_INTERVAL"
// Config is used to configure the creation of the DNSProvider
type Config struct {
Token string
PropagationTimeout time.Duration
PollingInterval time.Duration
SequenceInterval time.Duration
HTTPClient *http.Client
// NewDefaultConfig returns a default configuration for the DNSProvider
func NewDefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
PropagationTimeout: env.GetOrDefaultSecond(EnvPropagationTimeout, dns01.DefaultPropagationTimeout),
PollingInterval: env.GetOrDefaultSecond(EnvPollingInterval, dns01.DefaultPollingInterval),
SequenceInterval: env.GetOrDefaultSecond(EnvSequenceInterval, dns01.DefaultPropagationTimeout),
HTTPClient: &http.Client{
Timeout: env.GetOrDefaultSecond(EnvHTTPTimeout, 30*time.Second),
// DNSProvider adds and removes the record for the DNS challenge
type DNSProvider struct {
config *Config
// NewDNSProvider returns a new DNS provider using
// environment variable DUCKDNS_TOKEN for adding and removing the DNS record.
func NewDNSProvider() (*DNSProvider, error) {
values, err := env.Get(EnvToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duckdns: %w", err)
config := NewDefaultConfig()
config.Token = values[EnvToken]
return NewDNSProviderConfig(config)
// NewDNSProviderConfig return a DNSProvider instance configured for DuckDNS.
func NewDNSProviderConfig(config *Config) (*DNSProvider, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, errors.New("duckdns: the configuration of the DNS provider is nil")
if config.Token == "" {
return nil, errors.New("duckdns: credentials missing")
return &DNSProvider{config: config}, nil
// Present creates a TXT record to fulfill the dns-01 challenge.
func (d *DNSProvider) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
_, txtRecord := dns01.GetRecord(domain, keyAuth)
return d.updateTxtRecord(domain, d.config.Token, txtRecord, false)
// CleanUp clears DuckDNS TXT record
func (d *DNSProvider) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
return d.updateTxtRecord(domain, d.config.Token, "", true)
// Timeout returns the timeout and interval to use when checking for DNS propagation.
// Adjusting here to cope with spikes in propagation times.
func (d *DNSProvider) Timeout() (timeout, interval time.Duration) {
return d.config.PropagationTimeout, d.config.PollingInterval
// Sequential All DNS challenges for this provider will be resolved sequentially.
// Returns the interval between each iteration.
func (d *DNSProvider) Sequential() time.Duration {
return d.config.SequenceInterval
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Name = "Duck DNS"
Description = ''''''
URL = "https://www.duckdns.org/"
Code = "duckdns"
Since = "v0.5.0"
Example = ''''''
DUCKDNS_TOKEN = "Account token"
DUCKDNS_POLLING_INTERVAL = "Time between DNS propagation check"
DUCKDNS_PROPAGATION_TIMEOUT = "Maximum waiting time for DNS propagation"
DUCKDNS_TTL = "The TTL of the TXT record used for the DNS challenge"
DUCKDNS_HTTP_TIMEOUT = "API request timeout"
DUCKDNS_SEQUENCE_INTERVAL = "Interval between iteration"
API = "https://www.duckdns.org/spec.jsp"
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
package registration
import (
// Resource represents all important information about a registration
// of which the client needs to keep track itself.
// WARNING: will be remove in the future (acme.ExtendedAccount), https://github.com/go-acme/lego/issues/855.
type Resource struct {
Body acme.Account `json:"body,omitempty"`
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
type RegisterOptions struct {
TermsOfServiceAgreed bool
type RegisterEABOptions struct {
TermsOfServiceAgreed bool
Kid string
HmacEncoded string
type Registrar struct {
core *api.Core
user User
func NewRegistrar(core *api.Core, user User) *Registrar {
return &Registrar{
core: core,
user: user,
// Register the current account to the ACME server.
func (r *Registrar) Register(options RegisterOptions) (*Resource, error) {
if r == nil || r.user == nil {
return nil, errors.New("acme: cannot register a nil client or user")
accMsg := acme.Account{
TermsOfServiceAgreed: options.TermsOfServiceAgreed,
Contact: []string{},
if r.user.GetEmail() != "" {
log.Infof("acme: Registering account for %s", r.user.GetEmail())
accMsg.Contact = []string{"mailto:" + r.user.GetEmail()}
account, err := r.core.Accounts.New(accMsg)
if err != nil {
// FIXME seems impossible
errorDetails, ok := err.(acme.ProblemDetails)
if !ok || errorDetails.HTTPStatus != http.StatusConflict {
return nil, err
return &Resource{URI: account.Location, Body: account.Account}, nil
// RegisterWithExternalAccountBinding Register the current account to the ACME server.
func (r *Registrar) RegisterWithExternalAccountBinding(options RegisterEABOptions) (*Resource, error) {
accMsg := acme.Account{
TermsOfServiceAgreed: options.TermsOfServiceAgreed,
Contact: []string{},
if r.user.GetEmail() != "" {
log.Infof("acme: Registering account for %s", r.user.GetEmail())
accMsg.Contact = []string{"mailto:" + r.user.GetEmail()}
account, err := r.core.Accounts.NewEAB(accMsg, options.Kid, options.HmacEncoded)
if err != nil {
errorDetails, ok := err.(acme.ProblemDetails)
// FIXME seems impossible
if !ok || errorDetails.HTTPStatus != http.StatusConflict {
return nil, err
return &Resource{URI: account.Location, Body: account.Account}, nil
// QueryRegistration runs a POST request on the client's registration and returns the result.
// This is similar to the Register function,
// but acting on an existing registration link and resource.
func (r *Registrar) QueryRegistration() (*Resource, error) {
if r == nil || r.user == nil {
return nil, errors.New("acme: cannot query the registration of a nil client or user")
// Log the URL here instead of the email as the email may not be set
log.Infof("acme: Querying account for %s", r.user.GetRegistration().URI)
account, err := r.core.Accounts.Get(r.user.GetRegistration().URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Resource{
Body: account,
// Location: header is not returned so this needs to be populated off of existing URI
URI: r.user.GetRegistration().URI,
}, nil
// UpdateRegistration update the user registration on the ACME server.
func (r *Registrar) UpdateRegistration(options RegisterOptions) (*Resource, error) {
if r == nil || r.user == nil {
return nil, errors.New("acme: cannot update a nil client or user")
accMsg := acme.Account{
TermsOfServiceAgreed: options.TermsOfServiceAgreed,
Contact: []string{},
if r.user.GetEmail() != "" {
log.Infof("acme: Registering account for %s", r.user.GetEmail())
accMsg.Contact = []string{"mailto:" + r.user.GetEmail()}
account, err := r.core.Accounts.Update(r.user.GetRegistration().URI, accMsg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Resource{URI: account.Location, Body: account.Account}, nil
// DeleteRegistration deletes the client's user registration from the ACME server.
func (r *Registrar) DeleteRegistration() error {
if r == nil || r.user == nil {
return errors.New("acme: cannot unregister a nil client or user")
log.Infof("acme: Deleting account for %s", r.user.GetEmail())
return r.core.Accounts.Deactivate(r.user.GetRegistration().URI)
// ResolveAccountByKey will attempt to look up an account using the given account key
// and return its registration resource.
func (r *Registrar) ResolveAccountByKey() (*Resource, error) {
log.Infof("acme: Trying to resolve account by key")
accMsg := acme.Account{OnlyReturnExisting: true}
accountTransit, err := r.core.Accounts.New(accMsg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
account, err := r.core.Accounts.Get(accountTransit.Location)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Resource{URI: accountTransit.Location, Body: account}, nil
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package registration
import (
// User interface is to be implemented by users of this library.
// It is used by the client type to get user specific information.
type User interface {
GetEmail() string
GetRegistration() *Resource
GetPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
language: go
sudo: false
- linux
- osx
- 1.11.x
- 1.12.x
- 1.13.x
- master
- go vet ./...
- go test -v ./...
- go test -race ./...
- diff <(gofmt -d .) <("")
- go: 'master'
fast_finish: true
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Developer Certificate of Origin
Version 1.1
Copyright (C) 2015- Klaus Post & Contributors.
Email: klauspost@gmail.com
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
have the right to submit it under the open source license
indicated in the file; or
(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
license and I have the right under that license to submit that
work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
in the file; or
(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
this project or the open source license(s) involved.
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# cpuid
Package cpuid provides information about the CPU running the current program.
CPU features are detected on startup, and kept for fast access through the life of the application.
Currently x86 / x64 (AMD64) is supported, and no external C (cgo) code is used, which should make the library very easy to use.
You can access the CPU information by accessing the shared CPU variable of the cpuid library.
Package home: https://github.com/klauspost/cpuid
[![GoDoc][1]][2] [![Build Status][3]][4]
[1]: https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/cpuid?status.svg
[2]: https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/cpuid
[3]: https://travis-ci.org/klauspost/cpuid.svg
[4]: https://travis-ci.org/klauspost/cpuid
# features
## CPU Instructions
* **CMOV** (i686 CMOV)
* **NX** (NX (No-Execute) bit)
* **AMD3DNOWEXT** (AMD 3DNowExt)
* **MMX** (standard MMX)
* **MMXEXT** (SSE integer functions or AMD MMX ext)
* **SSE** (SSE functions)
* **SSE2** (P4 SSE functions)
* **SSE3** (Prescott SSE3 functions)
* **SSSE3** (Conroe SSSE3 functions)
* **SSE4** (Penryn SSE4.1 functions)
* **SSE4A** (AMD Barcelona microarchitecture SSE4a instructions)
* **SSE42** (Nehalem SSE4.2 functions)
* **AVX** (AVX functions)
* **AVX2** (AVX2 functions)
* **FMA3** (Intel FMA 3)
* **FMA4** (Bulldozer FMA4 functions)
* **XOP** (Bulldozer XOP functions)
* **F16C** (Half-precision floating-point conversion)
* **BMI1** (Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1)
* **BMI2** (Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2)
* **TBM** (AMD Trailing Bit Manipulation)
* **LZCNT** (LZCNT instruction)
* **POPCNT** (POPCNT instruction)
* **AESNI** (Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions)
* **CLMUL** (Carry-less Multiplication)
* **HTT** (Hyperthreading (enabled))
* **HLE** (Hardware Lock Elision)
* **RTM** (Restricted Transactional Memory)
* **RDRAND** (RDRAND instruction is available)
* **RDSEED** (RDSEED instruction is available)
* **ADX** (Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions))
* **SHA** (Intel SHA Extensions)
* **AVX512F** (AVX-512 Foundation)
* **AVX512DQ** (AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions)
* **AVX512IFMA** (AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions)
* **AVX512PF** (AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions)
* **AVX512ER** (AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions)
* **AVX512CD** (AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions)
* **AVX512BW** (AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions)
* **AVX512VL** (AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions)
* **AVX512VBMI** (AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions)
* **AVX512VBMI2** (AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions, Version 2)
* **AVX512VNNI** (AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions)
* **AVX512VPOPCNTDQ** (AVX-512 Vector Population Count Doubleword and Quadword)
* **GFNI** (Galois Field New Instructions)
* **VAES** (Vector AES)
* **AVX512BITALG** (AVX-512 Bit Algorithms)
* **VPCLMULQDQ** (Carry-Less Multiplication Quadword)
* **AVX512BF16** (AVX-512 BFLOAT16 Instructions)
* **AVX512VP2INTERSECT** (AVX-512 Intersect for D/Q)
* **MPX** (Intel MPX (Memory Protection Extensions))
* **ERMS** (Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB)
* **RDTSCP** (RDTSCP Instruction)
* **CX16** (CMPXCHG16B Instruction)
* **SGX** (Software Guard Extensions, with activation details)
* **VMX** (Virtual Machine Extensions)
## Performance
* **RDTSCP()** Returns current cycle count. Can be used for benchmarking.
* **SSE2SLOW** (SSE2 is supported, but usually not faster)
* **SSE3SLOW** (SSE3 is supported, but usually not faster)
* **ATOM** (Atom processor, some SSSE3 instructions are slower)
* **Cache line** (Probable size of a cache line).
* **L1, L2, L3 Cache size** on newer Intel/AMD CPUs.
## Cpu Vendor/VM
* **Intel**
* **AMD**
* **VIA**
* **Transmeta**
* **NSC**
* **KVM** (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)
* **MSVM** (Microsoft Hyper-V or Windows Virtual PC)
* **VMware**
* **XenHVM**
* **Bhyve**
* **Hygon**
# installing
```go get github.com/klauspost/cpuid```
# example
package main
import (
func main() {
// Print basic CPU information:
fmt.Println("Name:", cpuid.CPU.BrandName)
fmt.Println("PhysicalCores:", cpuid.CPU.PhysicalCores)
fmt.Println("ThreadsPerCore:", cpuid.CPU.ThreadsPerCore)
fmt.Println("LogicalCores:", cpuid.CPU.LogicalCores)
fmt.Println("Family", cpuid.CPU.Family, "Model:", cpuid.CPU.Model)
fmt.Println("Features:", cpuid.CPU.Features)
fmt.Println("Cacheline bytes:", cpuid.CPU.CacheLine)
fmt.Println("L1 Data Cache:", cpuid.CPU.Cache.L1D, "bytes")
fmt.Println("L1 Instruction Cache:", cpuid.CPU.Cache.L1D, "bytes")
fmt.Println("L2 Cache:", cpuid.CPU.Cache.L2, "bytes")
fmt.Println("L3 Cache:", cpuid.CPU.Cache.L3, "bytes")
// Test if we have a specific feature:
if cpuid.CPU.SSE() {
fmt.Println("We have Streaming SIMD Extensions")
Sample output:
>go run main.go
Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz
PhysicalCores: 2
ThreadsPerCore: 2
LogicalCores: 4
Family 6 Model: 42
Cacheline bytes: 64
We have Streaming SIMD Extensions
# private package
In the "private" folder you can find an autogenerated version of the library you can include in your own packages.
For this purpose all exports are removed, and functions and constants are lowercased.
This is not a recommended way of using the library, but provided for convenience, if it is difficult for you to use external packages.
# license
This code is published under an MIT license. See LICENSE file for more information.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file.
// +build 386,!gccgo
// func asmCpuid(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmCpuid(SB), 7, $0
MOVL op+0(FP), AX
MOVL AX, eax+4(FP)
MOVL BX, ebx+8(FP)
MOVL CX, ecx+12(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+16(FP)
// func asmCpuidex(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmCpuidex(SB), 7, $0
MOVL op+0(FP), AX
MOVL op2+4(FP), CX
MOVL AX, eax+8(FP)
MOVL BX, ebx+12(FP)
MOVL CX, ecx+16(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+20(FP)
// func xgetbv(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmXgetbv(SB), 7, $0
MOVL index+0(FP), CX
BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xd0 // XGETBV
MOVL AX, eax+4(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+8(FP)
// func asmRdtscpAsm() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmRdtscpAsm(SB), 7, $0
BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xF9 // RDTSCP
MOVL AX, eax+0(FP)
MOVL BX, ebx+4(FP)
MOVL CX, ecx+8(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+12(FP)
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file.
//+build amd64,!gccgo
// func asmCpuid(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmCpuid(SB), 7, $0
MOVL op+0(FP), AX
MOVL AX, eax+8(FP)
MOVL BX, ebx+12(FP)
MOVL CX, ecx+16(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+20(FP)
// func asmCpuidex(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmCpuidex(SB), 7, $0
MOVL op+0(FP), AX
MOVL op2+4(FP), CX
MOVL AX, eax+8(FP)
MOVL BX, ebx+12(FP)
MOVL CX, ecx+16(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+20(FP)
// func asmXgetbv(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmXgetbv(SB), 7, $0
MOVL index+0(FP), CX
BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xd0 // XGETBV
MOVL AX, eax+8(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+12(FP)
// func asmRdtscpAsm() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
TEXT ·asmRdtscpAsm(SB), 7, $0
BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0xF9 // RDTSCP
MOVL AX, eax+0(FP)
MOVL BX, ebx+4(FP)
MOVL CX, ecx+8(FP)
MOVL DX, edx+12(FP)
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file.
// +build 386,!gccgo amd64,!gccgo
package cpuid
func asmCpuid(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
func asmCpuidex(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
func asmXgetbv(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32)
func asmRdtscpAsm() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32)
func initCPU() {
cpuid = asmCpuid
cpuidex = asmCpuidex
xgetbv = asmXgetbv
rdtscpAsm = asmRdtscpAsm
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post, released under MIT License. See LICENSE file.
// +build !amd64,!386 gccgo
package cpuid
func initCPU() {
cpuid = func(op uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
cpuidex = func(op, op2 uint32) (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
xgetbv = func(index uint32) (eax, edx uint32) {
return 0, 0
rdtscpAsm = func() (eax, ebx, ecx, edx uint32) {
return 0, 0, 0, 0
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
package cpuid
//go:generate go run private-gen.go
//go:generate gofmt -w ./private
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
target: 40%
threshold: null
patch: false
changes: false
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
language: go
sudo: false
- "1.12.x"
- "1.13.x"
- tip
- GO111MODULE=on
- go generate ./... && test `git ls-files --modified | wc -l` = 0
- go test -race -v -bench=. -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl>
@ -0,0 +1 @@
* @miekg @tmthrgd
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Alex A. Skinner
Andrew Tunnell-Jones
Ask Bjørn Hansen
Dave Cheney
Dusty Wilson
Marek Majkowski
Peter van Dijk
Omri Bahumi
Alex Sergeyev
James Hartig
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Extensions of the original work are copyright (c) 2011 Miek Gieben
Copyright 2011 Miek Gieben. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Copyright 2014 CloudFlare. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
As this is fork of the official Go code the same license applies.
Extensions of the original work are copyright (c) 2011 Miek Gieben
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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