vendor deps
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package svc
import (
// event represents auto-reset, initially non-signaled Windows event.
// It is used to communicate between go and asm parts of this package.
type event struct {
h windows.Handle
func newEvent() (*event, error) {
h, err := windows.CreateEvent(nil, 0, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &event{h: h}, nil
func (e *event) Close() error {
return windows.CloseHandle(e.h)
func (e *event) Set() error {
return windows.SetEvent(e.h)
func (e *event) Wait() error {
s, err := windows.WaitForSingleObject(e.h, windows.INFINITE)
switch s {
case windows.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
case windows.WAIT_FAILED:
return err
return errors.New("unexpected result from WaitForSingleObject")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package eventlog
import (
const (
// Log levels.
const addKeyName = `SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application`
// Install modifies PC registry to allow logging with an event source src.
// It adds all required keys and values to the event log registry key.
// Install uses msgFile as the event message file. If useExpandKey is true,
// the event message file is installed as REG_EXPAND_SZ value,
// otherwise as REG_SZ. Use bitwise of log.Error, log.Warning and
// log.Info to specify events supported by the new event source.
func Install(src, msgFile string, useExpandKey bool, eventsSupported uint32) error {
appkey, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, addKeyName, registry.CREATE_SUB_KEY)
if err != nil {
return err
defer appkey.Close()
sk, alreadyExist, err := registry.CreateKey(appkey, src, registry.SET_VALUE)
if err != nil {
return err
defer sk.Close()
if alreadyExist {
return errors.New(addKeyName + `\` + src + " registry key already exists")
err = sk.SetDWordValue("CustomSource", 1)
if err != nil {
return err
if useExpandKey {
err = sk.SetExpandStringValue("EventMessageFile", msgFile)
} else {
err = sk.SetStringValue("EventMessageFile", msgFile)
if err != nil {
return err
err = sk.SetDWordValue("TypesSupported", eventsSupported)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// InstallAsEventCreate is the same as Install, but uses
// %SystemRoot%\System32\EventCreate.exe as the event message file.
func InstallAsEventCreate(src string, eventsSupported uint32) error {
return Install(src, "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\EventCreate.exe", true, eventsSupported)
// Remove deletes all registry elements installed by the correspondent Install.
func Remove(src string) error {
appkey, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, addKeyName, registry.SET_VALUE)
if err != nil {
return err
defer appkey.Close()
return registry.DeleteKey(appkey, src)
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// Package eventlog implements access to Windows event log.
package eventlog
import (
// Log provides access to the system log.
type Log struct {
Handle windows.Handle
// Open retrieves a handle to the specified event log.
func Open(source string) (*Log, error) {
return OpenRemote("", source)
// OpenRemote does the same as Open, but on different computer host.
func OpenRemote(host, source string) (*Log, error) {
if source == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Specify event log source")
var s *uint16
if host != "" {
s = syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(host)
h, err := windows.RegisterEventSource(s, syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(source))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Log{Handle: h}, nil
// Close closes event log l.
func (l *Log) Close() error {
return windows.DeregisterEventSource(l.Handle)
func (l *Log) report(etype uint16, eid uint32, msg string) error {
ss := []*uint16{syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(msg)}
return windows.ReportEvent(l.Handle, etype, 0, eid, 0, 1, 0, &ss[0], nil)
// Info writes an information event msg with event id eid to the end of event log l.
// When EventCreate.exe is used, eid must be between 1 and 1000.
func (l *Log) Info(eid uint32, msg string) error {
return, eid, msg)
// Warning writes an warning event msg with event id eid to the end of event log l.
// When EventCreate.exe is used, eid must be between 1 and 1000.
func (l *Log) Warning(eid uint32, msg string) error {
return, eid, msg)
// Error writes an error event msg with event id eid to the end of event log l.
// When EventCreate.exe is used, eid must be between 1 and 1000.
func (l *Log) Error(eid uint32, msg string) error {
return, eid, msg)
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// +build !go1.3
// copied from pkg/runtime
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef unsigned long long int uint64;
#ifdef _64BIT
typedef uint64 uintptr;
typedef uint32 uintptr;
// from sys_386.s or sys_amd64.s
void ·servicemain(void);
·getServiceMain(uintptr *r)
*r = (uintptr)·servicemain;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// +build !go1.3
package svc
// from go12.c
func getServiceMain(r *uintptr)
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// +build go1.3
package svc
import "unsafe"
const ptrSize = 4 << (^uintptr(0) >> 63) // unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)) but an ideal const
// Should be a built-in for unsafe.Pointer?
func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + x)
// funcPC returns the entry PC of the function f.
// It assumes that f is a func value. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
func funcPC(f interface{}) uintptr {
return **(**uintptr)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&f), ptrSize))
// from sys_386.s and sys_amd64.s
func servicectlhandler(ctl uint32) uintptr
func servicemain(argc uint32, argv **uint16)
func getServiceMain(r *uintptr) {
*r = funcPC(servicemain)
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package mgr
import (
const (
// Service start types.
StartManual = windows.SERVICE_DEMAND_START // the service must be started manually
StartAutomatic = windows.SERVICE_AUTO_START // the service will start by itself whenever the computer reboots
StartDisabled = windows.SERVICE_DISABLED // the service cannot be started
// The severity of the error, and action taken,
// if this service fails to start.
ErrorCritical = windows.SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL
ErrorIgnore = windows.SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
ErrorNormal = windows.SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ErrorSevere = windows.SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE
// TODO(brainman): Password is not returned by windows.QueryServiceConfig, not sure how to get it.
type Config struct {
ServiceType uint32
StartType uint32
ErrorControl uint32
BinaryPathName string // fully qualified path to the service binary file, can also include arguments for an auto-start service
LoadOrderGroup string
TagId uint32
Dependencies []string
ServiceStartName string // name of the account under which the service should run
DisplayName string
Password string
Description string
SidType uint32 // one of SERVICE_SID_TYPE, the type of sid to use for the service
DelayedAutoStart bool // the service is started after other auto-start services are started plus a short delay
func toStringSlice(ps *uint16) []string {
r := make([]string, 0)
p := unsafe.Pointer(ps)
for {
s := windows.UTF16PtrToString((*uint16)(p))
if len(s) == 0 {
r = append(r, s)
offset := unsafe.Sizeof(uint16(0)) * (uintptr)(len(s)+1)
p = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + offset)
return r
// Config retrieves service s configuration paramteres.
func (s *Service) Config() (Config, error) {
n := uint32(1024)
for {
b := make([]byte, n)
p = (*windows.QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
err := windows.QueryServiceConfig(s.Handle, p, n, &n)
if err == nil {
if err.(syscall.Errno) != syscall.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER {
return Config{}, err
if n <= uint32(len(b)) {
return Config{}, err
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
p2 := (*windows.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
b, err = s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
p3 := (*windows.SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
delayedStart := false
if p3.IsDelayedAutoStartUp != 0 {
delayedStart = true
return Config{
ServiceType: p.ServiceType,
StartType: p.StartType,
ErrorControl: p.ErrorControl,
BinaryPathName: windows.UTF16PtrToString(p.BinaryPathName),
LoadOrderGroup: windows.UTF16PtrToString(p.LoadOrderGroup),
TagId: p.TagId,
Dependencies: toStringSlice(p.Dependencies),
ServiceStartName: windows.UTF16PtrToString(p.ServiceStartName),
DisplayName: windows.UTF16PtrToString(p.DisplayName),
Description: windows.UTF16PtrToString(p2.Description),
DelayedAutoStart: delayedStart,
}, nil
func updateDescription(handle windows.Handle, desc string) error {
d := windows.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION{Description: toPtr(desc)}
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(handle,
windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&d)))
func updateSidType(handle windows.Handle, sidType uint32) error {
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_SERVICE_SID_INFO, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sidType)))
func updateStartUp(handle windows.Handle, isDelayed bool) error {
if isDelayed {
d.IsDelayedAutoStartUp = 1
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(handle,
windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&d)))
// UpdateConfig updates service s configuration parameters.
func (s *Service) UpdateConfig(c Config) error {
err := windows.ChangeServiceConfig(s.Handle, c.ServiceType, c.StartType,
c.ErrorControl, toPtr(c.BinaryPathName), toPtr(c.LoadOrderGroup),
nil, toStringBlock(c.Dependencies), toPtr(c.ServiceStartName),
toPtr(c.Password), toPtr(c.DisplayName))
if err != nil {
return err
err = updateSidType(s.Handle, c.SidType)
if err != nil {
return err
err = updateStartUp(s.Handle, c.DelayedAutoStart)
if err != nil {
return err
return updateDescription(s.Handle, c.Description)
// queryServiceConfig2 calls Windows QueryServiceConfig2 with infoLevel parameter and returns retrieved service configuration information.
func (s *Service) queryServiceConfig2(infoLevel uint32) ([]byte, error) {
n := uint32(1024)
for {
b := make([]byte, n)
err := windows.QueryServiceConfig2(s.Handle, infoLevel, &b[0], n, &n)
if err == nil {
return b, nil
if err.(syscall.Errno) != syscall.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER {
return nil, err
if n <= uint32(len(b)) {
return nil, err
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// Package mgr can be used to manage Windows service programs.
// It can be used to install and remove them. It can also start,
// stop and pause them. The package can query / change current
// service state and config parameters.
package mgr
import (
// Mgr is used to manage Windows service.
type Mgr struct {
Handle windows.Handle
// Connect establishes a connection to the service control manager.
func Connect() (*Mgr, error) {
return ConnectRemote("")
// ConnectRemote establishes a connection to the
// service control manager on computer named host.
func ConnectRemote(host string) (*Mgr, error) {
var s *uint16
if host != "" {
s = syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(host)
h, err := windows.OpenSCManager(s, nil, windows.SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Mgr{Handle: h}, nil
// Disconnect closes connection to the service control manager m.
func (m *Mgr) Disconnect() error {
return windows.CloseServiceHandle(m.Handle)
type LockStatus struct {
IsLocked bool // Whether the SCM has been locked.
Age time.Duration // For how long the SCM has been locked.
Owner string // The name of the user who has locked the SCM.
// LockStatus returns whether the service control manager is locked by
// the system, for how long, and by whom. A locked SCM indicates that
// most service actions will block until the system unlocks the SCM.
func (m *Mgr) LockStatus() (*LockStatus, error) {
bytesNeeded := uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(windows.QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUS{}) + 1024)
for {
bytes := make([]byte, bytesNeeded)
lockStatus := (*windows.QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUS)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes[0]))
err := windows.QueryServiceLockStatus(m.Handle, lockStatus, uint32(len(bytes)), &bytesNeeded)
if err == windows.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && bytesNeeded >= uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(windows.QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUS{})) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status := &LockStatus{
IsLocked: lockStatus.IsLocked != 0,
Age: time.Duration(lockStatus.LockDuration) * time.Second,
Owner: windows.UTF16PtrToString(lockStatus.LockOwner),
return status, nil
func toPtr(s string) *uint16 {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil
return syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(s)
// toStringBlock terminates strings in ss with 0, and then
// concatenates them together. It also adds extra 0 at the end.
func toStringBlock(ss []string) *uint16 {
if len(ss) == 0 {
return nil
t := ""
for _, s := range ss {
if s != "" {
t += s + "\x00"
if t == "" {
return nil
t += "\x00"
return &utf16.Encode([]rune(t))[0]
// CreateService installs new service name on the system.
// The service will be executed by running exepath binary.
// Use config c to specify service parameters.
// Any args will be passed as command-line arguments when
// the service is started; these arguments are distinct from
// the arguments passed to Service.Start or via the "Start
// parameters" field in the service's Properties dialog box.
func (m *Mgr) CreateService(name, exepath string, c Config, args ...string) (*Service, error) {
if c.StartType == 0 {
c.StartType = StartManual
if c.ErrorControl == 0 {
c.ErrorControl = ErrorNormal
if c.ServiceType == 0 {
c.ServiceType = windows.SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
s := syscall.EscapeArg(exepath)
for _, v := range args {
s += " " + syscall.EscapeArg(v)
h, err := windows.CreateService(m.Handle, toPtr(name), toPtr(c.DisplayName),
windows.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, c.ServiceType,
c.StartType, c.ErrorControl, toPtr(s), toPtr(c.LoadOrderGroup),
nil, toStringBlock(c.Dependencies), toPtr(c.ServiceStartName), toPtr(c.Password))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.SidType != windows.SERVICE_SID_TYPE_NONE {
err = updateSidType(h, c.SidType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.Description != "" {
err = updateDescription(h, c.Description)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.DelayedAutoStart {
err = updateStartUp(h, c.DelayedAutoStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Service{Name: name, Handle: h}, nil
// OpenService retrieves access to service name, so it can
// be interrogated and controlled.
func (m *Mgr) OpenService(name string) (*Service, error) {
h, err := windows.OpenService(m.Handle, syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(name), windows.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Service{Name: name, Handle: h}, nil
// ListServices enumerates services in the specified
// service control manager database m.
// If the caller does not have the SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS
// access right to a service, the service is silently
// omitted from the list of services returned.
func (m *Mgr) ListServices() ([]string, error) {
var err error
var bytesNeeded, servicesReturned uint32
var buf []byte
for {
var p *byte
if len(buf) > 0 {
p = &buf[0]
err = windows.EnumServicesStatusEx(m.Handle, windows.SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO,
p, uint32(len(buf)), &bytesNeeded, &servicesReturned, nil, nil)
if err == nil {
if err != syscall.ERROR_MORE_DATA {
return nil, err
if bytesNeeded <= uint32(len(buf)) {
return nil, err
buf = make([]byte, bytesNeeded)
if servicesReturned == 0 {
return nil, nil
var services []windows.ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
hdr := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&services))
hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
hdr.Len = int(servicesReturned)
hdr.Cap = int(servicesReturned)
var names []string
for _, s := range services {
name := windows.UTF16PtrToString(s.ServiceName)
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package mgr
import (
const (
// Possible recovery actions that the service control manager can perform.
NoAction = windows.SC_ACTION_NONE // no action
ComputerReboot = windows.SC_ACTION_REBOOT // reboot the computer
ServiceRestart = windows.SC_ACTION_RESTART // restart the service
RunCommand = windows.SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND // run a command
// RecoveryAction represents an action that the service control manager can perform when service fails.
// A service is considered failed when it terminates without reporting a status of SERVICE_STOPPED to the service controller.
type RecoveryAction struct {
Type int // one of NoAction, ComputerReboot, ServiceRestart or RunCommand
Delay time.Duration // the time to wait before performing the specified action
// SetRecoveryActions sets actions that service controller performs when service fails and
// the time after which to reset the service failure count to zero if there are no failures, in seconds.
// Specify INFINITE to indicate that service failure count should never be reset.
func (s *Service) SetRecoveryActions(recoveryActions []RecoveryAction, resetPeriod uint32) error {
if recoveryActions == nil {
return errors.New("recoveryActions cannot be nil")
actions := []windows.SC_ACTION{}
for _, a := range recoveryActions {
action := windows.SC_ACTION{
Type: uint32(a.Type),
Delay: uint32(a.Delay.Nanoseconds() / 1000000),
actions = append(actions, action)
rActions := windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS{
ActionsCount: uint32(len(actions)),
Actions: &actions[0],
ResetPeriod: resetPeriod,
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(s.Handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rActions)))
// RecoveryActions returns actions that service controller performs when service fails.
// The service control manager counts the number of times service s has failed since the system booted.
// The count is reset to 0 if the service has not failed for ResetPeriod seconds.
// When the service fails for the Nth time, the service controller performs the action specified in element [N-1] of returned slice.
// If N is greater than slice length, the service controller repeats the last action in the slice.
func (s *Service) RecoveryActions() ([]RecoveryAction, error) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := (*windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
if p.Actions == nil {
return nil, err
var actions []windows.SC_ACTION
hdr := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&actions))
hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(p.Actions)
hdr.Len = int(p.ActionsCount)
hdr.Cap = int(p.ActionsCount)
var recoveryActions []RecoveryAction
for _, action := range actions {
recoveryActions = append(recoveryActions, RecoveryAction{Type: int(action.Type), Delay: time.Duration(action.Delay) * time.Millisecond})
return recoveryActions, nil
// ResetRecoveryActions deletes both reset period and array of failure actions.
func (s *Service) ResetRecoveryActions() error {
actions := make([]windows.SC_ACTION, 1)
rActions := windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS{
Actions: &actions[0],
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(s.Handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rActions)))
// ResetPeriod is the time after which to reset the service failure
// count to zero if there are no failures, in seconds.
func (s *Service) ResetPeriod() (uint32, error) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
p := (*windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
return p.ResetPeriod, nil
// SetRebootMessage sets service s reboot message.
// If msg is "", the reboot message is deleted and no message is broadcast.
func (s *Service) SetRebootMessage(msg string) error {
rActions := windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS{
RebootMsg: syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(msg),
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(s.Handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rActions)))
// RebootMessage is broadcast to server users before rebooting in response to the ComputerReboot service controller action.
func (s *Service) RebootMessage() (string, error) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)
if err != nil {
return "", err
p := (*windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
return windows.UTF16PtrToString(p.RebootMsg), nil
// SetRecoveryCommand sets the command line of the process to execute in response to the RunCommand service controller action.
// If cmd is "", the command is deleted and no program is run when the service fails.
func (s *Service) SetRecoveryCommand(cmd string) error {
rActions := windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS{
Command: syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(cmd),
return windows.ChangeServiceConfig2(s.Handle, windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rActions)))
// RecoveryCommand is the command line of the process to execute in response to the RunCommand service controller action. This process runs under the same account as the service.
func (s *Service) RecoveryCommand() (string, error) {
b, err := s.queryServiceConfig2(windows.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS)
if err != nil {
return "", err
p := (*windows.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
return windows.UTF16PtrToString(p.Command), nil
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package mgr
import (
// TODO(brainman): Use EnumDependentServices to enumerate dependent services.
// Service is used to access Windows service.
type Service struct {
Name string
Handle windows.Handle
// Delete marks service s for deletion from the service control manager database.
func (s *Service) Delete() error {
return windows.DeleteService(s.Handle)
// Close relinquish access to the service s.
func (s *Service) Close() error {
return windows.CloseServiceHandle(s.Handle)
// Start starts service s.
// args will be passed to svc.Handler.Execute.
func (s *Service) Start(args ...string) error {
var p **uint16
if len(args) > 0 {
vs := make([]*uint16, len(args))
for i := range vs {
vs[i] = syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(args[i])
p = &vs[0]
return windows.StartService(s.Handle, uint32(len(args)), p)
// Control sends state change request c to the servce s.
func (s *Service) Control(c svc.Cmd) (svc.Status, error) {
var t windows.SERVICE_STATUS
err := windows.ControlService(s.Handle, uint32(c), &t)
if err != nil {
return svc.Status{}, err
return svc.Status{
State: svc.State(t.CurrentState),
Accepts: svc.Accepted(t.ControlsAccepted),
}, nil
// Query returns current status of service s.
func (s *Service) Query() (svc.Status, error) {
var needed uint32
err := windows.QueryServiceStatusEx(s.Handle, windows.SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&t)), uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(t)), &needed)
if err != nil {
return svc.Status{}, err
return svc.Status{
State: svc.State(t.CurrentState),
Accepts: svc.Accepted(t.ControlsAccepted),
ProcessId: t.ProcessId,
}, nil
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
package svc
import (
func allocSid(subAuth0 uint32) (*windows.SID, error) {
var sid *windows.SID
err := windows.AllocateAndInitializeSid(&windows.SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY,
1, subAuth0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &sid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sid, nil
// IsAnInteractiveSession determines if calling process is running interactively.
// It queries the process token for membership in the Interactive group.
func IsAnInteractiveSession() (bool, error) {
interSid, err := allocSid(windows.SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer windows.FreeSid(interSid)
serviceSid, err := allocSid(windows.SECURITY_SERVICE_RID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer windows.FreeSid(serviceSid)
t, err := windows.OpenCurrentProcessToken()
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer t.Close()
gs, err := t.GetTokenGroups()
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, g := range gs.AllGroups() {
if windows.EqualSid(g.Sid, interSid) {
return true, nil
if windows.EqualSid(g.Sid, serviceSid) {
return false, nil
return false, nil
@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// Package svc provides everything required to build Windows service.
package svc
import (
// State describes service execution state (Stopped, Running and so on).
type State uint32
const (
Stopped = State(windows.SERVICE_STOPPED)
StartPending = State(windows.SERVICE_START_PENDING)
StopPending = State(windows.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
Running = State(windows.SERVICE_RUNNING)
ContinuePending = State(windows.SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING)
PausePending = State(windows.SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING)
Paused = State(windows.SERVICE_PAUSED)
// Cmd represents service state change request. It is sent to a service
// by the service manager, and should be actioned upon by the service.
type Cmd uint32
const (
Stop = Cmd(windows.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP)
Pause = Cmd(windows.SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE)
Continue = Cmd(windows.SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE)
Interrogate = Cmd(windows.SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE)
Shutdown = Cmd(windows.SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN)
// Accepted is used to describe commands accepted by the service.
// Note that Interrogate is always accepted.
type Accepted uint32
const (
AcceptStop = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP)
AcceptShutdown = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN)
AcceptPauseAndContinue = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE)
AcceptParamChange = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_PARAMCHANGE)
AcceptNetBindChange = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_NETBINDCHANGE)
AcceptHardwareProfileChange = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_HARDWAREPROFILECHANGE)
AcceptPowerEvent = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT)
AcceptSessionChange = Accepted(windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_SESSIONCHANGE)
// Status combines State and Accepted commands to fully describe running service.
type Status struct {
State State
Accepts Accepted
CheckPoint uint32 // used to report progress during a lengthy operation
WaitHint uint32 // estimated time required for a pending operation, in milliseconds
ProcessId uint32 // if the service is running, the process identifier of it, and otherwise zero
// ChangeRequest is sent to the service Handler to request service status change.
type ChangeRequest struct {
Cmd Cmd
EventType uint32
EventData uintptr
CurrentStatus Status
Context uintptr
// Handler is the interface that must be implemented to build Windows service.
type Handler interface {
// Execute will be called by the package code at the start of
// the service, and the service will exit once Execute completes.
// Inside Execute you must read service change requests from r and
// act accordingly. You must keep service control manager up to date
// about state of your service by writing into s as required.
// args contains service name followed by argument strings passed
// to the service.
// You can provide service exit code in exitCode return parameter,
// with 0 being "no error". You can also indicate if exit code,
// if any, is service specific or not by using svcSpecificEC
// parameter.
Execute(args []string, r <-chan ChangeRequest, s chan<- Status) (svcSpecificEC bool, exitCode uint32)
var (
// These are used by asm code.
goWaitsH uintptr
cWaitsH uintptr
ssHandle uintptr
sName *uint16
sArgc uintptr
sArgv **uint16
ctlHandlerExProc uintptr
cSetEvent uintptr
cWaitForSingleObject uintptr
cRegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW uintptr
func init() {
k := windows.NewLazySystemDLL("kernel32.dll")
cSetEvent = k.NewProc("SetEvent").Addr()
cWaitForSingleObject = k.NewProc("WaitForSingleObject").Addr()
a := windows.NewLazySystemDLL("advapi32.dll")
cRegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW = a.NewProc("RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW").Addr()
type ctlEvent struct {
cmd Cmd
eventType uint32
eventData uintptr
context uintptr
errno uint32
// service provides access to windows service api.
type service struct {
name string
h windows.Handle
cWaits *event
goWaits *event
c chan ctlEvent
handler Handler
func newService(name string, handler Handler) (*service, error) {
var s service
var err error
| = name
s.c = make(chan ctlEvent)
s.handler = handler
s.cWaits, err = newEvent()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.goWaits, err = newEvent()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &s, nil
func (s *service) close() error {
return nil
type exitCode struct {
isSvcSpecific bool
errno uint32
func (s *service) updateStatus(status *Status, ec *exitCode) error {
if s.h == 0 {
return errors.New("updateStatus with no service status handle")
var t windows.SERVICE_STATUS
t.ServiceType = windows.SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
t.CurrentState = uint32(status.State)
if status.Accepts&AcceptStop != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP
if status.Accepts&AcceptShutdown != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN
if status.Accepts&AcceptPauseAndContinue != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE
if status.Accepts&AcceptParamChange != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_PARAMCHANGE
if status.Accepts&AcceptNetBindChange != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_NETBINDCHANGE
if status.Accepts&AcceptHardwareProfileChange != 0 {
if status.Accepts&AcceptPowerEvent != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT
if status.Accepts&AcceptSessionChange != 0 {
t.ControlsAccepted |= windows.SERVICE_ACCEPT_SESSIONCHANGE
if ec.errno == 0 {
t.Win32ExitCode = windows.NO_ERROR
t.ServiceSpecificExitCode = windows.NO_ERROR
} else if ec.isSvcSpecific {
t.Win32ExitCode = uint32(windows.ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR)
t.ServiceSpecificExitCode = ec.errno
} else {
t.Win32ExitCode = ec.errno
t.ServiceSpecificExitCode = windows.NO_ERROR
t.CheckPoint = status.CheckPoint
t.WaitHint = status.WaitHint
return windows.SetServiceStatus(s.h, &t)
const (
sysErrSetServiceStatusFailed = uint32(syscall.APPLICATION_ERROR) + iota
func (s *service) run() {
s.h = windows.Handle(ssHandle)
var argv []*uint16
hdr := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv))
hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(sArgv)
hdr.Len = int(sArgc)
hdr.Cap = int(sArgc)
args := make([]string, len(argv))
for i, a := range argv {
args[i] = windows.UTF16PtrToString(a)
cmdsToHandler := make(chan ChangeRequest)
changesFromHandler := make(chan Status)
exitFromHandler := make(chan exitCode)
go func() {
ss, errno := s.handler.Execute(args, cmdsToHandler, changesFromHandler)
exitFromHandler <- exitCode{ss, errno}
ec := exitCode{isSvcSpecific: true, errno: 0}
outcr := ChangeRequest{
CurrentStatus: Status{State: Stopped},
var outch chan ChangeRequest
inch := s.c
for {
select {
case r := <-inch:
if r.errno != 0 {
ec.errno = r.errno
break loop
inch = nil
outch = cmdsToHandler
outcr.Cmd = r.cmd
outcr.EventType = r.eventType
outcr.EventData = r.eventData
outcr.Context = r.context
case outch <- outcr:
inch = s.c
outch = nil
case c := <-changesFromHandler:
err := s.updateStatus(&c, &ec)
if err != nil {
// best suitable error number
ec.errno = sysErrSetServiceStatusFailed
if err2, ok := err.(syscall.Errno); ok {
ec.errno = uint32(err2)
break loop
outcr.CurrentStatus = c
case ec = <-exitFromHandler:
break loop
s.updateStatus(&Status{State: Stopped}, &ec)
func newCallback(fn interface{}) (cb uintptr, err error) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
cb = 0
switch v := r.(type) {
case string:
err = errors.New(v)
case error:
err = v
err = errors.New("unexpected panic in syscall.NewCallback")
return syscall.NewCallback(fn), nil
// BUG(brainman): There is no mechanism to run multiple services
// inside one single executable. Perhaps, it can be overcome by
// using RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx Windows api.
// Run executes service name by calling appropriate handler function.
func Run(name string, handler Handler) error {
tid := windows.GetCurrentThreadId()
s, err := newService(name, handler)
if err != nil {
return err
ctlHandler := func(ctl, evtype, evdata, context uintptr) uintptr {
e := ctlEvent{cmd: Cmd(ctl), eventType: uint32(evtype), eventData: evdata, context: context}
// We assume that this callback function is running on
// the same thread as Run. Nowhere in MS documentation
// I could find statement to guarantee that. So putting
// check here to verify, otherwise things will go bad
// quickly, if ignored.
i := windows.GetCurrentThreadId()
if i != tid {
e.errno = sysErrNewThreadInCallback
s.c <- e
// Always return NO_ERROR (0) for now.
return windows.NO_ERROR
var svcmain uintptr
t := []windows.SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY{
{ServiceName: syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(, ServiceProc: svcmain},
{ServiceName: nil, ServiceProc: 0},
goWaitsH = uintptr(s.goWaits.h)
cWaitsH = uintptr(s.cWaits.h)
sName = t[0].ServiceName
ctlHandlerExProc, err = newCallback(ctlHandler)
if err != nil {
return err
err = windows.StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(&t[0])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StatusHandle returns service status handle. It is safe to call this function
// from inside the Handler.Execute because then it is guaranteed to be set.
// This code will have to change once multiple services are possible per process.
func StatusHandle() windows.Handle {
return windows.Handle(ssHandle)
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// func servicemain(argc uint32, argv **uint16)
TEXT ·servicemain(SB),7,$0
MOVL argc+0(FP), AX
MOVL AX, ·sArgc(SB)
MOVL argv+4(FP), AX
MOVL AX, ·sArgv(SB)
SUBL $12, SP
MOVL ·sName(SB), AX
MOVL $·servicectlhandler(SB), AX
// Set context to 123456 to test issue #25660.
MOVL $123456, 8(SP)
MOVL ·cRegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW(SB), AX
JE exit
MOVL AX, ·ssHandle(SB)
MOVL ·goWaitsH(SB), AX
MOVL ·cSetEvent(SB), AX
MOVL ·cWaitsH(SB), AX
MOVL $-1, AX
MOVL ·cWaitForSingleObject(SB), AX
ADDL $12, SP
ADDL $12, SP
// I do not know why, but this seems to be the only way to call
// ctlHandlerProc on Windows 7.
// func servicectlhandler(ctl uint32, evtype uint32, evdata uintptr, context uintptr) uintptr {
TEXT ·servicectlhandler(SB),7,$0
MOVL ·ctlHandlerExProc(SB), CX
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// func servicemain(argc uint32, argv **uint16)
TEXT ·servicemain(SB),7,$0
MOVL CX, ·sArgc(SB)
MOVQ DX, ·sArgv(SB)
SUBQ $32, SP // stack for the first 4 syscall params
MOVQ ·sName(SB), CX
MOVQ $·servicectlhandler(SB), DX
// BUG(pastarmovj): Figure out a way to pass in context in R8.
// Set context to 123456 to test issue #25660.
MOVQ $123456, R8
MOVQ ·cRegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW(SB), AX
JE exit
MOVQ AX, ·ssHandle(SB)
MOVQ ·goWaitsH(SB), CX
MOVQ ·cSetEvent(SB), AX
MOVQ ·cWaitsH(SB), CX
MOVQ $4294967295, DX
MOVQ ·cWaitForSingleObject(SB), AX
ADDQ $32, SP
// I do not know why, but this seems to be the only way to call
// ctlHandlerProc on Windows 7.
// func ·servicectlhandler(ctl uint32, evtype uint32, evdata uintptr, context uintptr) uintptr {
TEXT ·servicectlhandler(SB),7,$0
MOVQ ·ctlHandlerExProc(SB), AX
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
#include "textflag.h"
// func servicemain(argc uint32, argv **uint16)
TEXT ·servicemain(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0
MOVM.DB.W [R4, R14], (R13) // push {r4, lr}
MOVW R13, R4
BIC $0x7, R13 // alignment for ABI
MOVW R0, ·sArgc(SB)
MOVW R1, ·sArgv(SB)
MOVW ·sName(SB), R0
MOVW ·ctlHandlerExProc(SB), R1
MOVW $0, R2
MOVW ·cRegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW(SB), R3
BL (R3)
CMP $0, R0
BEQ exit
MOVW R0, ·ssHandle(SB)
MOVW ·goWaitsH(SB), R0
MOVW ·cSetEvent(SB), R1
BL (R1)
MOVW ·cWaitsH(SB), R0
MOVW $-1, R1
MOVW ·cWaitForSingleObject(SB), R2
BL (R2)
MOVW R4, R13 // free extra stack space
MOVM.IA.W (R13), [R4, R15] // pop {r4, pc}
Reference in New Issue