mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 03:30:49 +00:00
fix 1 => i bug, improve logging, update some ENVs and --args
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
telebit "git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/go-telebitd/mplexer"
@ -54,8 +55,10 @@ var authorizer telebit.Authorizer
var isHostname = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z0-9_\.\-]+$`).MatchString
// ClientID may be baked in, or may be supplied via command line
// ClientID may be baked in, or supplied via ENVs or --args
var ClientID string
// ClientSecret may be baked in, or supplied via ENVs or --args
var ClientSecret string
func main() {
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ func main() {
var portForwards []Forward
// TODO replace the websocket connection with a mock server
appID := flag.String("app-id", "telebit.io", "a unique identifier for a deploy target environment")
appID := flag.String("app-id", "", "a unique identifier for a deploy target environment")
email := flag.String("acme-email", "", "email to use for Let's Encrypt / ACME registration")
certpath := flag.String("acme-storage", "./acme.d/", "path to ACME storage directory")
acmeAgree := flag.Bool("acme-agree", false, "agree to the terms of the ACME service provider (required)")
@ -74,15 +77,21 @@ func main() {
enableTLSALPN01 := flag.Bool("acme-tls-alpn-01", false, "enable TLS-ALPN-01 ACME challenges")
acmeRelay := flag.String("acme-relay-url", "", "the base url of the ACME DNS-01 relay, if not the same as the tunnel relay")
authURL := flag.String("auth-url", "", "the base url for authentication, if not the same as the tunnel relay")
relay := flag.String("relay", "", "the domain (or ip address) at which the relay server is running")
relay := flag.String("relay-url", "", "the websocket url at which to connect to the tunnel relay")
apiHostname := flag.String("api-hostname", "", "the hostname used to manage clients")
secret := flag.String("secret", "", "the same secret used by telebit-relay (used for JWT authentication)")
token := flag.String("token", "", "a pre-generated token to give the server (instead of generating one with --secret)")
bindAddrsStr := flag.String("listen", "", "list of bind addresses on which to listen, such as localhost:80, or :443")
locals := flag.String("locals", "", "a list of <from-domain>:<to-port>")
portToPorts := flag.String("port-forward", "", "a list of <from-port>:<to-port> for raw port-forwarding")
verbose := flag.Bool("verbose", false, "log excessively")
dbg.Debug = *verbose
if !dbg.Debug {
dbg.Debug = ("true" == os.Getenv("VERBOSE"))
if len(os.Args) >= 2 {
if "version" == os.Args[1] {
fmt.Printf("telebit %s %s %s", GitVersion, GitRev[:7], GitTimestamp)
@ -208,7 +217,7 @@ func main() {
if 0 == len(*relay) {
*relay = os.Getenv("RELAY") // "wss://example.com:443"
*relay = os.Getenv("RELAY_URL") // "wss://example.com:443"
if 0 == len(*relay) {
if len(bindAddrs) > 0 {
@ -284,12 +293,13 @@ func main() {
// Port forward without TerminatingTLS
for _, fwd := range portForwards {
fmt.Println("Fwd:", fwd.pattern, fwd.port)
mux.ForwardTCP(fwd.pattern, "localhost:"+fwd.port, 120*time.Second)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Fwd: %s %s", fwd.pattern, fwd.port)
mux.ForwardTCP(fwd.pattern, "localhost:"+fwd.port, 120*time.Second, msg, "[Port Forward]")
// TODO close connection on invalid hostname
mux.HandleTCP("*", telebit.HandlerFunc(routeSubscribersAndClients))
mux.HandleTLS("*", acme, mux)
mux.HandleTCP("*", telebit.HandlerFunc(routeSubscribersAndClients), "[Tun => Remote Servers]")
mux.HandleTLS("*", acme, mux, "[Terminate TLS & Recurse]")
if 0 == len(*apiHostname) {
*apiHostname = os.Getenv("API_HOSTNAME")
@ -301,20 +311,27 @@ func main() {
fmt.Printf("Will respond to Websocket and API requests to %q\n", *apiHostname)
mux.HandleTCP(*apiHostname, telebit.HandlerFunc(func(client net.Conn) error {
fmt.Printf("[debug] Accepting API or WebSocket client %q\n", *apiHostname)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Printf("[debug] Accepting API or WebSocket client %q\n", *apiHostname)
fmt.Printf("[debug] done with %q client\n", *apiHostname)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Printf("[debug] done with %q client\n", *apiHostname)
// nil now means handler in-progress (go routine)
// EOF now means handler finished
return nil
}), "[Admin API & Server Relays]")
for _, fwd := range forwards {
//mux.ForwardTCP("*", "localhost:"+fwd.port, 120*time.Second)
mux.ForwardTCP(fwd.pattern, "localhost:"+fwd.port, 120*time.Second)
mux.ForwardTCP(fwd.pattern, "localhost:"+fwd.port, 120*time.Second, "[Servername Forward]")
done := make(chan error)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Println("[debug] bindAddrs", bindAddrs, *bindAddrsStr)
for _, addr := range bindAddrs {
go func(addr string) {
fmt.Printf("Listening on %s\n", addr)
@ -394,8 +411,10 @@ func routeSubscribersAndClients(client net.Conn) error {
//dstAddr := dstParts[0]
dstPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(dstParts[1])
fmt.Printf("[debug] wconn.LocalAddr() %+v\n", wconn.LocalAddr())
fmt.Printf("[debug] wconn.RemoteAddr() %+v\n", wconn.RemoteAddr())
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Printf("[debug] wconn.LocalAddr() %+v\n", wconn.LocalAddr())
fmt.Printf("[debug] wconn.RemoteAddr() %+v\n", wconn.RemoteAddr())
if 80 != dstPort && 443 != dstPort {
// TODO handle by port without peeking at Servername / Hostname
@ -408,11 +427,16 @@ func routeSubscribersAndClients(client net.Conn) error {
servername := strings.ToLower(wconn.Servername())
if "" != servername && !isHostname(servername) {
_ = client.Close()
fmt.Println("[debug] invalid servername")
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Println("[debug] invalid servername")
return fmt.Errorf("invalid servername")
fmt.Printf("[debug] wconn.Servername() %+v\n", servername)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Printf("[debug] wconn.Servername() %+v\n", servername)
// Match full servername "sub.domain.example.com"
if tryToServeName(servername, wconn) {
// TODO better non-error
@ -430,7 +454,7 @@ func routeSubscribersAndClients(client net.Conn) error {
return telebit.ErrNotHandled
for i := 1; i < n-1; i++ {
wildname := "*." + strings.Join(labels[1:], ".")
wildname := "*." + strings.Join(labels[i:], ".")
if tryToServeName(wildname, wconn) {
return io.EOF
@ -448,16 +472,22 @@ func tryToServeName(servername string, wconn *telebit.ConnWrap) bool {
// TODO BUG: Sometimes srv=nil & ok=true, which should not be possible
fmt.Println("[bug] found 'srv=nil'", servername, srv)
fmt.Println("[debug] no server to server", servername)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Println("[debug] no server to server", servername)
return false
// async so that the call stack can complete and be released
//srv.clients.Store(wconn.LocalAddr().String(), wconn)
go func() {
fmt.Printf("[debug] found server to handle client:\n%#v\n", srv)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Printf("[debug] found server to handle client:\n%#v\n", srv)
err := srv.Serve(wconn)
fmt.Printf("[debug] a browser client stream is done: %v\n", err)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Printf("[debug] a browser client stream is done: %v\n", err)
return true
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package telebit
import (
@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ import (
@ -71,9 +74,17 @@ func (wsw *WebsocketTunnel) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := wsw.tmpr.Read(b)
fmt.Println("[debug] [wstun] Read", n)
if dbg.Debug {
logmsg := hex.EncodeToString(b[:n])
if len(logmsg) > 80 {
logmsg = logmsg[:39] + "..." + logmsg[n-38:]
fmt.Println("[debug] [wstun] Read", n, logmsg)
if nil != err {
fmt.Println("[debug] [wstun] Read err:", err)
if dbg.Debug {
fmt.Println("[debug] [wstun] Read (EOF=WS packet complete) err:", err)
if io.EOF == err {
wsw.tmpr = nil
// ignore the message EOF because it's not the websocket EOF
@ -98,6 +109,7 @@ func (wsw *WebsocketTunnel) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
fmt.Println("[debug] [wstun] Write err:", err)
return n, err
fmt.Println("[debug] [wstun] Write n", n, "=", len(b))
// if the message error fails, we can assume the websocket is damaged
return n, msgw.Close()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user