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2020-06-03 00:18:04 -06:00
// Package aescts provides AES CBC CipherText Stealing encryption and decryption methods
package aescts
import (
// Encrypt the message with the key and the initial vector.
// Returns: next iv, ciphertext bytes, error
func Encrypt(key, iv, plaintext []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
l := len(plaintext)
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating cipher: %v", err)
mode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, iv)
m := make([]byte, len(plaintext))
copy(m, plaintext)
/*For consistency, ciphertext stealing is always used for the last two
blocks of the data to be encrypted, as in [RC5]. If the data length
is a multiple of the block size, this is equivalent to plain CBC mode
with the last two ciphertext blocks swapped.*/
/*The initial vector carried out from one encryption for use in a
subsequent encryption is the next-to-last block of the encryption
output; this is the encrypted form of the last plaintext block.*/
if l <= aes.BlockSize {
m, _ = zeroPad(m, aes.BlockSize)
mode.CryptBlocks(m, m)
return m, m, nil
if l%aes.BlockSize == 0 {
mode.CryptBlocks(m, m)
iv = m[len(m)-aes.BlockSize:]
rb, _ := swapLastTwoBlocks(m, aes.BlockSize)
return iv, rb, nil
m, _ = zeroPad(m, aes.BlockSize)
rb, pb, lb, err := tailBlocks(m, aes.BlockSize)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("error tailing blocks: %v", err)
var ct []byte
if rb != nil {
// Encrpt all but the lats 2 blocks and update the rolling iv
mode.CryptBlocks(rb, rb)
iv = rb[len(rb)-aes.BlockSize:]
mode = cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, iv)
ct = append(ct, rb...)
mode.CryptBlocks(pb, pb)
mode = cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, pb)
mode.CryptBlocks(lb, lb)
// Cipher Text Stealing (CTS) - Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciphertext_stealing#CBC_ciphertext_stealing
// Swap the last two cipher blocks
// Truncate the ciphertext to the length of the original plaintext
ct = append(ct, lb...)
ct = append(ct, pb...)
return lb, ct[:l], nil
// Decrypt the ciphertext with the key and the initial vector.
func Decrypt(key, iv, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// Copy the cipher text as golang slices even when passed by value to this method can result in the backing arrays of the calling code value being updated.
ct := make([]byte, len(ciphertext))
copy(ct, ciphertext)
if len(ct) < aes.BlockSize {
return []byte{}, fmt.Errorf("ciphertext is not large enough. It is less that one block size. Blocksize:%v; Ciphertext:%v", aes.BlockSize, len(ct))
// Configure the CBC
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating cipher: %v", err)
var mode cipher.BlockMode
//If ciphertext is multiple of blocksize we just need to swap back the last two blocks and then do CBC
//If the ciphertext is just one block we can't swap so we just decrypt
if len(ct)%aes.BlockSize == 0 {
if len(ct) > aes.BlockSize {
ct, _ = swapLastTwoBlocks(ct, aes.BlockSize)
mode = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)
message := make([]byte, len(ct))
mode.CryptBlocks(message, ct)
return message[:len(ct)], nil
// Cipher Text Stealing (CTS) using CBC interface. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciphertext_stealing#CBC_ciphertext_stealing
// Get ciphertext of the 2nd to last (penultimate) block (cpb), the last block (clb) and the rest (crb)
crb, cpb, clb, _ := tailBlocks(ct, aes.BlockSize)
v := make([]byte, len(iv), len(iv))
copy(v, iv)
var message []byte
if crb != nil {
//If there is more than just the last and the penultimate block we decrypt it and the last bloc of this becomes the iv for later
rb := make([]byte, len(crb))
mode = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, v)
v = crb[len(crb)-aes.BlockSize:]
mode.CryptBlocks(rb, crb)
message = append(message, rb...)
// We need to modify the cipher text
// Decryt the 2nd to last (penultimate) block with a the original iv
pb := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize)
mode = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)
mode.CryptBlocks(pb, cpb)
// number of byte needed to pad
npb := aes.BlockSize - len(ct)%aes.BlockSize
//pad last block using the number of bytes needed from the tail of the plaintext 2nd to last (penultimate) block
clb = append(clb, pb[len(pb)-npb:]...)
// Now decrypt the last block in the penultimate position (iv will be from the crb, if the is no crb it's zeros)
// iv for the penultimate block decrypted in the last position becomes the modified last block
lb := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize)
mode = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, v)
v = clb
mode.CryptBlocks(lb, clb)
message = append(message, lb...)
// Now decrypt the penultimate block in the last position (iv will be from the modified last block)
mode = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, v)
mode.CryptBlocks(cpb, cpb)
message = append(message, cpb...)
// Truncate to the size of the original cipher text
return message[:len(ct)], nil
func tailBlocks(b []byte, c int) ([]byte, []byte, []byte, error) {
if len(b) <= c {
return []byte{}, []byte{}, []byte{}, errors.New("bytes slice is not larger than one block so cannot tail")
// Get size of last block
var lbs int
if l := len(b) % aes.BlockSize; l == 0 {
lbs = aes.BlockSize
} else {
lbs = l
// Get last block
lb := b[len(b)-lbs:]
// Get 2nd to last (penultimate) block
pb := b[len(b)-lbs-c : len(b)-lbs]
if len(b) > 2*c {
rb := b[:len(b)-lbs-c]
return rb, pb, lb, nil
return nil, pb, lb, nil
func swapLastTwoBlocks(b []byte, c int) ([]byte, error) {
rb, pb, lb, err := tailBlocks(b, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var out []byte
if rb != nil {
out = append(out, rb...)
out = append(out, lb...)
out = append(out, pb...)
return out, nil
// zeroPad pads bytes with zeros to nearest multiple of message size m.
func zeroPad(b []byte, m int) ([]byte, error) {
if m <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid message block size when padding")
if b == nil || len(b) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("data not valid to pad: Zero size")
if l := len(b) % m; l != 0 {
n := m - l
z := make([]byte, n)
b = append(b, z...)
return b, nil