mirror of https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/telebit.js.git synced 2025-02-18 15:08:03 +00:00
2017-04-14 16:27:25 -06:00

291 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
(function () {
'use strict';
var pkg = require('../package.json');
var program = require('commander');
var url = require('url');
var stunnel = require('../wsclient.js');
function collectDomains(val, memo) {
var vals = val.split(/,/g);
function parseProxy(location) {
// john.example.com
// http:john.example.com:3000
// http://john.example.com:3000
var parts = location.split(':');
if (1 === parts.length) {
// john.example.com -> :john.example.com:0
parts[1] = parts[0];
parts[0] = '';
parts[2] = 0;
else if (2 === parts.length) {
throw new Error("invalid arguments for --domains, should use the format <domainname> or <scheme>:<domainname>:<local-port>");
if (!parts[1]) {
throw new Error("invalid arguments for --domains, should use the format <domainname> or <scheme>:<domainname>:<local-port>");
parts[0] = parts[0].toLowerCase();
parts[1] = parts[1].toLowerCase().replace(/(\/\/)?/, '');
parts[2] = parseInt(parts[2], 10) || 0;
protocol: parts[0]
, hostname: parts[1]
, port: parts[2]
vals.map(function (val) {
return parseProxy(val);
return memo;
function collectProxies(val, memo) {
var vals = val.split(/,/g);
function parseProxy(location) {
// john.example.com
// https:3443
// http:john.example.com:3000
// http://john.example.com:3000
var parts = location.split(':');
var dual = false;
if (1 === parts.length) {
// john.example.com -> :john.example.com:0
parts[1] = parts[0];
parts[0] = '';
parts[2] = 0;
dual = true;
else if (2 === parts.length) {
// https:3443 -> https:*:3443
parts[2] = parts[1];
parts[1] = '*';
parts[0] = parts[0].toLowerCase();
parts[1] = parts[1].toLowerCase().replace(/(\/\/)?/, '') || '*';
parts[2] = parseInt(parts[2], 10) || 0;
if (!parts[2]) {
// TODO grab OS list of standard ports?
if (!parts[0] || 'http' === parts[0]) {
parts[2] = 80;
else if ('https' === parts[0]) {
parts[2] = 443;
else {
throw new Error("port must be specified - ex: tls:*:1337");
protocol: parts[0] || 'https'
, hostname: parts[1]
, port: parts[2] || 443
if (dual) {
protocol: 'http'
, hostname: parts[1]
, port: 80
vals.map(function (val) {
return parseProxy(val);
return memo;
//.command('jsurl <url>')
.action(function (url) {
program.url = url;
.option('-k --insecure', 'Allow TLS connections to stunneld without valid certs (rejectUnauthorized: false)')
.option('--locals <LIST>', 'comma separated list of <proto>:<port> to which matching incoming http and https should forward (reverse proxy). Ex: https:8443,smtps:8465', collectProxies, [ ]) // --reverse-proxies
.option('--domains <LIST>', 'comma separated list of domain names to set to the tunnel (to caputer a specific protocol to a specific local port use the format https:example.com:1337 instead). Ex: example.com,example.net', collectDomains, [ ])
.option('--device [HOSTNAME]', 'Tunnel all domains associated with this device instead of specific domainnames. Use with --locals <proto>:*:<port>. Ex: macbook-pro.local (the output of `hostname`)')
.option('--stunneld <URL>', 'the domain (or ip address) at which you are running stunneld.js (the proxy)') // --proxy
.option('--secret <STRING>', 'the same secret used by stunneld (used for JWT authentication)')
.option('--token <STRING>', 'a pre-generated token for use with stunneld (instead of generating one with --secret)')
.option('--agree-tos', 'agree to the Daplie Terms of Service (requires user validation)')
.option('--email <EMAIL>', 'email address (or cloud address) for user validation')
.option('--oauth3-url <URL>', 'Cloud Authentication to use (default: https://oauth3.org)')
function connectTunnel() {
program.net = {
createConnection: function (info, cb) {
// data is the hello packet / first chunk
// info = { data, servername, port, host, remoteFamily, remoteAddress, remotePort }
var net = require('net');
// socket = { write, push, end, events: [ 'readable', 'data', 'error', 'end' ] };
var socket = net.createConnection({ port: info.port, host: info.host }, cb);
return socket;
Object.keys(program.services).forEach(function (protocol) {
var subServices = program.services[protocol];
Object.keys(subServices).forEach(function (hostname) {
console.info('[local proxy]', protocol + '://' + hostname + ' => ' + subServices[hostname]);
var tun = stunnel.connect({
stunneld: program.stunneld
, locals: program.locals
, services: program.services
, net: program.net
, insecure: program.insecure
, token: program.token
function sigHandler() {
// We want to handle cleanup properly unless something is broken in our cleanup process
// that prevents us from exitting, in which case we want the user to be able to send
// the signal again and exit the way it normally would.
process.removeListener('SIGINT', sigHandler);
process.on('SIGINT', sigHandler);
function rawTunnel() {
program.stunneld = program.stunneld || 'wss://tunnel.daplie.com';
if (!(program.secret || program.token)) {
console.error("You must use --secret or --token with --stunneld");
if (!program.token) {
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var tokenData = {
domains: Object.keys(domainsMap).filter(Boolean)
program.token = jwt.sign(tokenData, program.secret);
var location = url.parse(program.stunneld);
if (!location.protocol || /\./.test(location.protocol)) {
program.stunneld = 'wss://' + program.stunneld;
location = url.parse(program.stunneld);
program.stunneld = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '');
function daplieTunnel() {
//var OAUTH3 = require('oauth3.js');
var Oauth3Cli = require('oauth3.js/bin/oauth3.js');
return Oauth3Cli.login({
email: program.email
, providerUri: program.oauth3Url || 'oauth3.org'
}).then(function (oauth3) {
var data = { device: null, domains: [] };
var domains = Object.keys(domainsMap).filter(Boolean);
if (program.device) {
// TODO use device API to select device by id
data.device = { hostname: program.device };
if (true === program.device) {
data.device.hostname = require('os').hostname();
console.log("Using device hostname '" + data.device.hostname + "'");
if (domains.length) {
data.domains = domains;
return oauth3.api('tunnel.token', { data: data }).then(function (results) {
var token = new Buffer(results.jwt.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString('utf8');
console.info('tunnel token issued:');
program.token = results.jwt;
program.stunneld = results.tunnelUrl || ('wss://' + token.aud + '/');
var domainsMap = {};
var services = {};
program.locals = (program.locals || []).concat(program.domains || []);
program.locals.forEach(function (proxy) {
// Create a map from which we can derive a list of all domains we want forwarded to us.
if (proxy.hostname && proxy.hostname !== '*') {
domainsMap[proxy.hostname] = true;
// Create a map of which port different protocols should be forwarded to, allowing for specific
// domains to go to different ports if need be (though that only works for HTTP and HTTPS).
if (proxy.protocol && proxy.port) {
services[proxy.protocol] = services[proxy.protocol] || {};
if (/http/.test(proxy.protocol) && proxy.hostname && proxy.hostname !== '*') {
services[proxy.protocol][proxy.hostname] = proxy.port;
else {
if (services[proxy.protocol]['*'] && services[proxy.protocol]['*'] !== proxy.port) {
console.error('cannot forward generic', proxy.protocol, 'traffic to multiple ports');
else {
services[proxy.protocol]['*'] = proxy.port;
if (Object.keys(domainsMap).length === 0) {
console.error('no domains specified');
// Make sure we have generic ports for HTTP and HTTPS
services.https = services.https || {};
services.https['*'] = services.https['*'] || 8443;
services.http = services.http || {};
services.http['*'] = services.http['*'] || services.https['*'];
program.services = services;
if (!(program.secret || program.token) && !program.stunneld) {
else {