(function () { 'use strict'; var WebSocket = require('ws'); var PromiseA = require('bluebird'); var sni = require('sni'); var Packer = require('proxy-packer'); var os = require('os'); function timeoutPromise(duration) { return new PromiseA(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, duration); }); } function _connect(state) { // jshint latedef:false var defaultHttpTimeout = (2 * 60); var activityTimeout = state.activityTimeout || (defaultHttpTimeout - 5) * 1000; var pongTimeout = state.pongTimeout || 10*1000; // Allow the tunnel client to be created with no token. This will prevent the connection from // being established initialy and allows the caller to use `.append` for the first token so // they can get a promise that will provide feedback about invalid tokens. var tokens = []; var auth; if(!state.sortingHat) { state.sortingHat = "./sorting-hat.js"; } if (state.token) { tokens.push(state.token); } var wstunneler; var authenticated = false; var authsent = false; var initialConnect = true; var localclients = {}; var pausedClients = []; var clientHandlers = { add: function (conn, cid, tun) { localclients[cid] = conn; console.info("[connect] new client '" + cid + "' for '" + tun.name + ":" + tun.serviceport + "' " + "(" + clientHandlers.count() + " clients)"); conn.tunnelCid = cid; conn.tunnelRead = tun.data.byteLength; conn.tunnelWritten = 0; conn.on('data', function onLocalData(chunk) { if (conn.tunnelClosing) { console.warn("[onLocalData] received data for '"+cid+"' over socket after connection was ended"); return; } // This value is bytes written to the tunnel (ie read from the local connection) conn.tunnelWritten += chunk.byteLength; // If we have a lot of buffered data waiting to be sent over the websocket we want to slow // down the data we are getting to send over. We also want to pause all active connections // if any connections are paused to make things more fair so one connection doesn't get // stuff waiting for all other connections to finish because it tried writing near the border. var bufSize = wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(tun, chunk)); if (pausedClients.length || bufSize > 1024*1024) { // console.log('[onLocalData] paused connection', cid, 'to allow websocket to catch up'); conn.pause(); pausedClients.push(conn); } }); var sentEnd = false; conn.on('end', function onLocalEnd() { console.info("[onLocalEnd] connection '" + cid + "' ended, will probably close soon"); conn.tunnelClosing = true; if (!sentEnd) { wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(tun, null, 'end')); sentEnd = true; } }); conn.on('error', function onLocalError(err) { console.info("[onLocalError] connection '" + cid + "' errored:", err); if (!sentEnd) { wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(tun, {message: err.message, code: err.code}, 'error')); sentEnd = true; } }); conn.on('close', function onLocalClose(hadErr) { delete localclients[cid]; console.log('[onLocalClose] closed "' + cid + '" read:'+conn.tunnelRead+', wrote:'+conn.tunnelWritten+' (' + clientHandlers.count() + ' clients)'); if (!sentEnd) { wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(tun, null, hadErr && 'error' || 'end')); sentEnd = true; } }); } , write: function (cid, opts) { var conn = localclients[cid]; if (!conn) { return false; } //console.log("[=>] received data from '" + cid + "' =>", opts.data.byteLength); if (conn.tunnelClosing) { console.warn("[onmessage] received data for '"+cid+"' over socket after connection was ended"); return true; } conn.write(opts.data); // It might seem weird to increase the "read" value in a function named `write`, but this // is bytes read from the tunnel and written to the local connection. conn.tunnelRead += opts.data.byteLength; if (!conn.remotePaused && conn.bufferSize > 1024*1024) { wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(opts, conn.tunnelRead, 'pause')); conn.remotePaused = true; conn.once('drain', function () { wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(opts, conn.tunnelRead, 'resume')); conn.remotePaused = false; }); } return true; } , closeSingle: function (cid) { if (!localclients[cid]) { return; } console.log('[closeSingle]', cid); PromiseA.resolve().then(function () { var conn = localclients[cid]; conn.tunnelClosing = true; conn.end(); // If no data is buffered for writing then we don't need to wait for it to drain. if (!conn.bufferSize) { return timeoutPromise(500); } // Otherwise we want the connection to be able to finish, but we also want to impose // a time limit for it to drain, since it shouldn't have more than 1MB buffered. return new PromiseA(function (resolve) { var timeoutId = setTimeout(resolve, 60*1000); conn.once('drain', function () { clearTimeout(timeoutId); setTimeout(resolve, 500); }); }); }).then(function () { if (localclients[cid]) { console.warn('[closeSingle]', cid, 'connection still present after calling `end`'); localclients[cid].destroy(); return timeoutPromise(500); } }).then(function () { if (localclients[cid]) { console.error('[closeSingle]', cid, 'connection still present after calling `destroy`'); delete localclients[cid]; } }).catch(function (err) { console.error('[closeSingle] failed to close connection', cid, err.toString()); delete localclients[cid]; }); } , closeAll: function () { console.log('[closeAll]'); Object.keys(localclients).forEach(function (cid) { clientHandlers.closeSingle(cid); }); } , count: function () { return Object.keys(localclients).length; } }; var pendingCommands = {}; function sendCommand(name) { var id = Math.ceil(1e9 * Math.random()); var cmd = [id, name].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (state.debug) { console.log('[DEBUG] command sending', cmd); } wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(null, cmd, 'control')); setTimeout(function () { if (pendingCommands[id]) { console.warn('command', name, id, 'timed out'); pendingCommands[id]({ message: 'response not received in time' , code: 'E_TIMEOUT' }); } }, pongTimeout); return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) { pendingCommands[id] = function (err, result) { delete pendingCommands[id]; if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(result); } }; }); } function sendAllTokens() { if (auth) { authsent = true; sendCommand('auth', auth).catch(function (err) { console.error('1', err); }); } tokens.forEach(function (jwtoken) { if (state.debug) { console.log('[DEBUG] send token'); } authsent = true; sendCommand('add_token', jwtoken) .catch(function (err) { console.error('failed re-adding token', jwtoken, 'after reconnect', err); // Not sure if we should do something like remove the token here. It worked // once or it shouldn't have stayed in the list, so it's less certain why // it would have failed here. }); }); } function noHandler(cmd) { console.warn("[telebit] state.handlers['" + cmd[1] + "'] not set"); console.warn(cmd[2]); } var connCallback; var packerHandlers = { oncontrol: function (opts) { var cmd, err; try { cmd = JSON.parse(opts.data.toString()); } catch (err) {} if (!Array.isArray(cmd) || typeof cmd[0] !== 'number') { console.warn('received bad command "' + opts.data.toString() + '"'); return; } if (cmd[0] < 0) { var cb = pendingCommands[-cmd[0]]; if (!cb) { console.warn('received response for unknown request:', cmd); } else { cb.apply(null, cmd.slice(1)); } return; } if (cmd[0] === 0) { console.warn('received dis-associated error from server', cmd[1]); if (connCallback) { connCallback(cmd[1]); } return; } if (cmd[1] === 'hello') { if (state.debug) { console.log('[DEBUG] hello received'); } sendAllTokens(); if (connCallback) { connCallback(); } // TODO: handle the versions and commands provided by 'hello' - isn't super important // yet since there is only one version and set of commands. err = null; } else if (cmd[1] === 'grant') { authenticated = true; if (state.handlers[cmd[1]]) { state.handlers[cmd[1]](cmd[2]); } else { noHandler(cmd); } return; } else if (cmd[1] === 'access_token') { authenticated = true; if (state.handlers[cmd[1]]) { state.handlers[cmd[1]](cmd[2]); } else { noHandler(cmd); } return; } else { err = { message: 'unknown command "'+cmd[1]+'"', code: 'E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND' }; } wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(null, [-cmd[0], err], 'control')); } , onmessage: function (tun) { var cid = tun._id = Packer.addrToId(tun); var str; var m; if ('http' === tun.service) { str = tun.data.toString(); m = str.match(/(?:^|[\r\n])Host: ([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]*/im); tun._name = tun._hostname = (m && m[1].toLowerCase() || '').split(':')[0]; } else if ('https' === tun.service || 'tls' === tun.service) { tun._name = tun._servername = sni(tun.data); } else { tun._name = ''; } if (clientHandlers.write(cid, tun)) { return; } wstunneler.pause(); require(state.sortingHat).assign(state, tun, function (err, conn) { if (err) { err.message = err.message.replace(/:tun_id/, tun._id); packerHandlers._onConnectError(cid, tun, err); return; } clientHandlers.add(conn, cid, tun); if (tun.data) { conn.write(tun.data); } wstunneler.resume(); }); } , onpause: function (opts) { var cid = Packer.addrToId(opts); if (localclients[cid]) { console.log("[TunnelPause] pausing '"+cid+"', remote received", opts.data.toString(), 'of', localclients[cid].tunnelWritten, 'sent'); localclients[cid].manualPause = true; localclients[cid].pause(); } else { console.log('[TunnelPause] remote tried pausing finished connection', cid); // Often we have enough latency that we've finished sending before we're told to pause, so // don't worry about sending back errors, since we won't be sending data over anyway. // wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(opts, {message: 'no matching connection', code: 'E_NO_CONN'}, 'error')); } } , onresume: function (opts) { var cid = Packer.addrToId(opts); if (localclients[cid]) { console.log("[TunnelResume] resuming '"+cid+"', remote received", opts.data.toString(), 'of', localclients[cid].tunnelWritten, 'sent'); localclients[cid].manualPause = false; localclients[cid].resume(); } else { console.log('[TunnelResume] remote tried resuming finished connection', cid); // wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(opts, {message: 'no matching connection', code: 'E_NO_CONN'}, 'error')); } } , onend: function (opts) { var cid = Packer.addrToId(opts); //console.log("[end] '" + cid + "'"); clientHandlers.closeSingle(cid); } , onerror: function (opts) { var cid = Packer.addrToId(opts); //console.log("[error] '" + cid + "'", opts.code || '', opts.message); clientHandlers.closeSingle(cid); } , _onConnectError: function (cid, opts, err) { console.info("[_onConnectError] opening '" + cid + "' failed because " + err.message); wsHandlers.sendMessage(Packer.pack(opts, null, 'error')); } }; var lastActivity; var timeoutId; var wsHandlers = { refreshTimeout: function () { lastActivity = Date.now(); } , checkTimeout: function () { if (!wstunneler) { console.warn('checkTimeout called when websocket already closed'); return; } // Determine how long the connection has been "silent", ie no activity. var silent = Date.now() - lastActivity; // If we have had activity within the last activityTimeout then all we need to do is // call this function again at the soonest time when the connection could be timed out. if (silent < activityTimeout) { timeoutId = setTimeout(wsHandlers.checkTimeout, activityTimeout-silent); } // Otherwise we check to see if the pong has also timed out, and if not we send a ping // and call this function again when the pong will have timed out. else if (silent < activityTimeout + pongTimeout) { console.log('pinging tunnel server'); try { wstunneler.ping(); } catch (err) { console.warn('failed to ping tunnel server', err); } timeoutId = setTimeout(wsHandlers.checkTimeout, pongTimeout); } // Last case means the ping we sent before didn't get a response soon enough, so we // need to close the websocket connection. else { console.log('connection timed out'); wstunneler.close(1000, 'connection timeout'); } } , onOpen: function () { console.info("[open] connected to '" + (state.wss || state.relay) + "'"); wsHandlers.refreshTimeout(); timeoutId = setTimeout(wsHandlers.checkTimeout, activityTimeout); wstunneler._socket.on('drain', function () { // the websocket library has it's own buffer apart from node's socket buffer, but that one // is much more difficult to watch, so we watch for the lower level buffer to drain and // then check to see if the upper level buffer is still too full to write to. Note that // the websocket library buffer has something to do with compression, so I'm not requiring // that to be 0 before we start up again. if (wstunneler.bufferedAmount > 128*1024) { return; } pausedClients.forEach(function (conn) { if (!conn.manualPause) { // console.log('resuming connection', conn.tunnelCid, 'now the websocket has caught up'); conn.resume(); } }); pausedClients.length = 0; }); //Call either Open or Reconnect handlers. if(state.handlers.onOpen && initialConnect) { state.handlers.onOpen(); } else if (state.handlers.onReconnect && !initialConnect) { state.handlers.onReconnect(); } intitialConnect = false; } , onClose: function () { console.log('ON CLOSE'); clearTimeout(timeoutId); wstunneler = null; clientHandlers.closeAll(); var error = new Error('websocket connection closed before response'); error.code = 'E_CONN_CLOSED'; Object.keys(pendingCommands).forEach(function (id) { pendingCommands[id](error); }); if (connCallback) { connCallback(error); } if (!authenticated) { if(state.handlers.onError) { let err = new Error('Failed to connect on first attempt... check authentication'); state.handlers.onError(err); } if(state.handlers.onClose) { state.handlers.onClose() } console.info('[close] failed on first attempt... check authentication.'); timeoutId = null; } else if (tokens.length) { if(state.handlers.onDisconnect) { state.handlers.onDisconnect(); } console.info('[retry] disconnected and waiting...'); timeoutId = setTimeout(connect, 5000); } else { if(state.handlers.onClose) { state.handlers.onClose() } } } , onError: function (err) { console.error("[tunnel error] " + err.message); console.error(err); if (connCallback) { connCallback(err); } } , sendMessage: function (msg) { if (wstunneler) { try { wstunneler.send(msg, {binary: true}); return wstunneler.bufferedAmount; } catch (err) { // There is a chance that this occurred after the websocket was told to close // and before it finished, in which case we don't need to log the error. if (wstunneler.readyState !== wstunneler.CLOSING) { console.warn('[sendMessage] error sending websocket message', err); } } } } }; function connect() { if (wstunneler) { console.warn('attempted to connect with connection already active'); return; } if (!tokens.length) { if (state.config.email) { auth = { subject: state.config.email , subject_scheme: 'mailto' // TODO create domains list earlier , scope: Object.keys(state.config.servernames || {}).join(',') , otp: state.otp , hostname: os.hostname() // Used for User-Agent , os_type: os.type() , os_platform: os.platform() , os_release: os.release() , os_arch: os.arch() }; } } timeoutId = null; var machine = Packer.create(packerHandlers); console.info("[connect] '" + (state.wss || state.relay) + "'"); var tunnelUrl = (state.wss || state.relay).replace(/\/$/, '') + '/'; // + auth; wstunneler = new WebSocket(tunnelUrl, { rejectUnauthorized: !state.insecure }); wstunneler.on('open', wsHandlers.onOpen); wstunneler.on('close', wsHandlers.onClose); wstunneler.on('error', wsHandlers.onError); // Our library will automatically handle sending the pong respose to ping requests. wstunneler.on('ping', wsHandlers.refreshTimeout); wstunneler.on('pong', wsHandlers.refreshTimeout); wstunneler.on('message', function (data, flags) { wsHandlers.refreshTimeout(); if (data.error || '{' === data[0]) { console.log(data); return; } machine.fns.addChunk(data, flags); }); } connect(); var connPromise; return { end: function(cb) { tokens.length = 0; if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = null; } if (wstunneler) { try { wstunneler.close(cb); } catch(e) { console.error("[error] wstunneler.close()"); console.error(e); } } } , append: function (token) { if (tokens.indexOf(token) >= 0) { return PromiseA.resolve(); } tokens.push(token); var prom; if (tokens.length === 1 && !wstunneler) { // We just added the only token in the list, and the websocket connection isn't up // so we need to restart the connection. if (timeoutId) { // Handle the case were the last token was removed and this token added between // reconnect attempts to make sure we don't try openning multiple connections. clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = null; } // We want this case to behave as much like the other case as we can, but we don't have // the same kind of reponses when we open brand new connections, so we have to rely on // the 'hello' and the 'un-associated' error commands to determine if the token is good. prom = connPromise = new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) { connCallback = function (err) { connCallback = null; connPromise = null; if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }; }); connect(); } else if (connPromise) { prom = connPromise.then(function () { return sendCommand('add_token', token); }); } else { prom = sendCommand('add_token', token); } prom.catch(function (err) { console.error('adding token', token, 'failed:', err); // Most probably an invalid token of some kind, so we don't really want to keep it. tokens.splice(tokens.indexOf(token), 1); }); return prom; } , clear: function (token) { if (typeof token === 'undefined') { token = '*'; } if (token === '*') { tokens.length = 0; } else { var index = tokens.indexOf(token); if (index < 0) { return PromiseA.resolve(); } tokens.splice(index); } var prom = sendCommand('delete_token', token); prom.catch(function (err) { console.error('clearing token', token, 'failed:', err); }); return prom; } }; } module.exports.connect = _connect; module.exports.createConnection = _connect; }());