;(function () { 'use strict'; var Vue = window.Vue; var Telebit = window.TELEBIT; var Keypairs = window.Keypairs; var ACME = window.ACME; var api = {}; /* function safeFetch(url, opts) { var controller = new AbortController(); var tok = setTimeout(function () { controller.abort(); }, 4000); if (!opts) { opts = {}; } opts.signal = controller.signal; return window.fetch(url, opts).finally(function () { clearTimeout(tok); }); } */ api.config = function apiConfig() { return Telebit.reqLocalAsync({ method: "GET" , url: "/api/config" , key: api._key }).then(function (resp) { var json = resp.body; appData.config = json; return json; }); }; api.status = function apiStatus() { return Telebit.reqLocalAsync({ method: "GET" , url: "/api/status" , key: api._key }).then(function (resp) { var json = resp.body; return json; }); }; api.http = function apiHttp(o) { var opts = { method: "POST" , url: "/api/http" , headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } , json: { name: o.name, handler: o.handler, indexes: o.indexes } , key: api._key }; return Telebit.reqLocalAsync(opts).then(function (resp) { var json = resp.body; appData.initResult = json; return json; }).catch(function (err) { window.alert("Error: [init] " + (err.message || JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))); }); }; api.ssh = function apiSsh(port) { var opts = { method: "POST" , url: "/api/ssh" , headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } , json: { port: port } , key: api._key }; return Telebit.reqLocalAsync(opts).then(function (resp) { var json = resp.body; appData.initResult = json; return json; }).catch(function (err) { window.alert("Error: [init] " + (err.message || JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))); }); }; api.enable = function apiEnable() { var opts = { method: "POST" , url: "/api/enable" //, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } , key: api._key }; return Telebit.reqLocalAsync(opts).then(function (resp) { var json = resp.body; console.log('enable', json); return json; }).catch(function (err) { window.alert("Error: [enable] " + (err.message || JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))); }); }; api.disable = function apiDisable() { var opts = { method: "POST" , url: "/api/disable" //, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } , key: api._key }; return Telebit.reqLocalAsync(opts).then(function (resp) { var json = resp.body; console.log('disable', json); return json; }).catch(function (err) { window.alert("Error: [disable] " + (err.message || JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))); }); }; function showOtp(otp, pollUrl) { localStorage.setItem('poll_url', pollUrl); telebitState.pollUrl = pollUrl; appData.init.otp = otp; changeState('otp'); } function doConfigure() { if (telebitState.dir.pair_request) { telebitState._can_pair = true; } // // Read config from form // // Create Empty Config, If Necessary if (!telebitState.config) { telebitState.config = {}; } if (!telebitState.config.greenlock) { telebitState.config.greenlock = {}; } // Populate Config if (appData.init.teletos && appData.init.letos) { telebitState.config.agreeTos = true; } if (appData.init.relay) { telebitState.config.relay = appData.init.relay; } if (appData.init.email) { telebitState.config.email = appData.init.email; } if ('undefined' !== typeof appData.init.letos) { telebitState.config.greenlock.agree = appData.init.letos; } if ('newsletter' === appData.init.notifications) { telebitState.config.newsletter = true; telebitState.config.communityMember = true; } if ('important' === appData.init.notifications) { telebitState.config.communityMember = true; } if (appData.init.acmeVersion) { telebitState.config.greenlock.version = appData.init.acmeVersion; } if (appData.init.acmeServer) { telebitState.config.greenlock.server = appData.init.acmeServer; } // Temporary State telebitState._otp = Telebit.otp(); appData.init.otp = telebitState._otp; return Telebit.authorize(telebitState, showOtp).then(function () { return changeState('status'); }); } // TODO test for internet connectivity (and telebit connectivity) var DEFAULT_RELAY = 'telebit.cloud'; var BETA_RELAY = 'telebit.ppl.family'; var TELEBIT_RELAYS = [ DEFAULT_RELAY , BETA_RELAY ]; var PRODUCTION_ACME = 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'; var STAGING_ACME = 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'; var appData = { config: {} , status: {} , init: { teletos: true , letos: true , notifications: "important" , relay: DEFAULT_RELAY , telemetry: true , acmeServer: PRODUCTION_ACME } , state: {} , views: { flash: { error: "" } , section: { loading: true , setup: false , advanced: false , otp: false , status: false } } , newHttp: {} }; var telebitState = {}; var appMethods = { initialize: function () { console.log("call initialize"); return requestAccountHelper().then(function (/*key*/) { if (!appData.init.relay) { appData.init.relay = DEFAULT_RELAY; } appData.init.relay = appData.init.relay.toLowerCase(); telebitState = { relay: appData.init.relay }; return Telebit.api.directory(telebitState).then(function (dir) { if (!dir.api_host) { window.alert("Error: '" + telebitState.relay + "' does not appear to be a valid telebit service"); return; } telebitState.dir = dir; // If it's one of the well-known relays if (-1 !== TELEBIT_RELAYS.indexOf(appData.init.relay)) { return doConfigure(); } else { changeState('advanced'); } }).catch(function (err) { console.error(err); window.alert("Error: [initialize] " + (err.message || JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))); }); }); } , advance: function () { return doConfigure(); } , productionAcme: function () { console.log("prod acme:"); appData.init.acmeServer = PRODUCTION_ACME; console.log(appData.init.acmeServer); } , stagingAcme: function () { console.log("staging acme:"); appData.init.acmeServer = STAGING_ACME; console.log(appData.init.acmeServer); } , defaultRelay: function () { appData.init.relay = DEFAULT_RELAY; } , betaRelay: function () { appData.init.relay = BETA_RELAY; } , enable: function () { api.enable(); } , disable: function () { api.disable(); } , ssh: function (port) { // -1 to disable // 0 is auto (22) // 1-65536 api.ssh(port || 22); } , createShare: function (sub, domain, handler) { if (sub) { domain = sub + '.' + domain; } api.http({ name: domain, handler: handler, indexes: true }); appData.newHttp = {}; } , createHost: function (sub, domain, handler) { if (sub) { domain = sub + '.' + domain; } api.http({ name: domain, handler: handler, 'x-forwarded-for': name }); appData.newHttp = {}; } , changePortForward: function (domain, port) { api.http({ name: domain.name, handler: port }); } , deletePortForward: function (domain) { api.http({ name: domain.name, handler: 'none' }); } , changePathHost: function (domain, path) { api.http({ name: domain.name, handler: path }); } , deletePathHost: function (domain) { api.http({ name: domain.name, handler: 'none' }); } , changeState: changeState }; var appStates = { setup: function () { appData.views.section = { setup: true }; } , advanced: function () { appData.views.section = { advanced: true }; } , otp: function () { appData.views.section = { otp: true }; } , status: function () { function exitState() { clearInterval(tok); } var tok = setInterval(updateStatus, 2000); return updateStatus().then(function () { appData.views.section = { status: true, status_chooser: true }; return exitState; }); } }; appStates.status.share = function () { function exitState() { clearInterval(tok); } var tok = setInterval(updateStatus, 2000); appData.views.section = { status: true, status_share: true }; return updateStatus().then(function () { return exitState; }); }; appStates.status.host = function () { function exitState() { clearInterval(tok); } var tok = setInterval(updateStatus, 2000); appData.views.section = { status: true, status_host: true }; return updateStatus().then(function () { return exitState; }); }; appStates.status.access = function () { function exitState() { clearInterval(tok); } var tok = setInterval(updateStatus, 2000); appData.views.section = { status: true, status_access: true }; return updateStatus().then(function () { return exitState; }); }; function updateStatus() { return api.status().then(function (status) { if (status.error) { appData.views.flash.error = status.error.message || JSON.stringify(status.error, null, 2); } var wilddomains = []; var rootdomains = []; var subdomains = []; var directories = []; var portforwards = []; var free = []; appData.status = status; if ('maybe' === status.ssh_requests_password) { appData.status.ssh_active = false; } else { appData.status.ssh_active = true; if ('yes' === status.ssh_requests_password) { appData.status.ssh_insecure = true; } } if ('yes' === status.ssh_password_authentication) { appData.status.ssh_insecure = true; } if ('yes' === status.ssh_permit_root_login) { appData.status.ssh_insecure = true; } // only update what's changed if (appData.state.ssh !== appData.status.ssh) { appData.state.ssh = appData.status.ssh; } if (appData.state.ssh_insecure !== appData.status.ssh_insecure) { appData.state.ssh_insecure = appData.status.ssh_insecure; } if (appData.state.ssh_active !== appData.status.ssh_active) { appData.state.ssh_active = appData.status.ssh_active; } Object.keys(appData.status.servernames).forEach(function (k) { var s = appData.status.servernames[k]; s.name = k; if (s.wildcard) { wilddomains.push(s); } if (!s.sub && !s.wildcard) { rootdomains.push(s); } if (s.sub) { subdomains.push(s); } if (s.handler) { if (s.handler.toString() === parseInt(s.handler, 10).toString()) { s._port = s.handler; portforwards.push(s); } else { s.path = s.handler; directories.push(s); } } else { free.push(s); } }); appData.status.portForwards = portforwards; appData.status.pathHosting = directories; appData.status.wildDomains = wilddomains; appData.newHttp.name = (appData.status.wildDomains[0] || {}).name; appData.state.ssh = (appData.status.ssh > 0) && appData.status.ssh || undefined; }); } function changeState(newstate) { var newhash = '#/' + newstate + '/'; if (location.hash === newhash) { if (!telebitState.firstState) { telebitState.firstState = true; setState(); } } location.hash = newhash; } /*globals Promise*/ window.addEventListener('hashchange', setState, false); function setState(/*ev*/) { //ev.oldURL //ev.newURL if (appData.exit) { console.log('previous state exiting'); appData.exit.then(function (exit) { if ('function' === typeof exit) { exit(); } }); } var parts = location.hash.substr(1).replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').filter(Boolean); var fn = appStates; parts.forEach(function (s) { console.log("state:", s); fn = fn[s]; }); appData.exit = Promise.resolve(fn()); //appMethods.states[newstate](); } function msToHumanReadable(ms) { var uptime = ms; var uptimed = uptime / 1000; var minute = 60; var hour = 60 * minute; var day = 24 * hour; var days = 0; var times = []; while (uptimed > day) { uptimed -= day; days += 1; } times.push(days + " days "); var hours = 0; while (uptimed > hour) { uptimed -= hour; hours += 1; } times.push(hours.toString().padStart(2, "0") + " h "); var minutes = 0; while (uptimed > minute) { uptimed -= minute; minutes += 1; } times.push(minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0") + " m "); var seconds = Math.round(uptimed); times.push(seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0") + " s "); return times.join(''); } new Vue({ el: ".v-app" , data: appData , computed: { statusProctime: function () { return msToHumanReadable(this.status.proctime); } , statusRuntime: function () { return msToHumanReadable(this.status.runtime); } , statusUptime: function () { return msToHumanReadable(this.status.uptime); } } , methods: appMethods }); function requestAccountHelper() { function reset() { changeState('setup'); setState(); } return new Promise(function (resolve) { appData.init.email = localStorage.getItem('email'); if (!appData.init.email) { // don't resolve reset(); return; } return requestAccount(appData.init.email).then(function (key) { if (!key) { throw new Error("[SANITY] Error: completed without key"); } resolve(key); }).catch(function (err) { appData.init.email = ""; localStorage.removeItem('email'); console.error(err); window.alert("something went wrong"); // don't resolve reset(); }); }); } function run() { return requestAccountHelper().then(function (key) { api._key = key; // TODO create session instance of Telebit Telebit._key = key; // 😁 1. Get ACME directory // 😁 2. Fetch ACME account // 3. Test if account has access // 4. Show command line auth instructions to auth // 😁 5. Sign requests / use JWT // 😁 6. Enforce token required for config, status, etc // 7. Move admin interface to standard ports (admin.foo-bar-123.telebit.xyz) api.config().then(function (config) { telebitState.config = config; if (config.greenlock) { appData.init.acmeServer = config.greenlock.server; } if (config.relay) { appData.init.relay = config.relay; } if (config.email) { appData.init.email = config.email; } if (config.agreeTos) { appData.init.letos = config.agreeTos; appData.init.teletos = config.agreeTos; } if (config._otp) { appData.init.otp = config._otp; } telebitState.pollUrl = config._pollUrl || localStorage.getItem('poll_url'); if ((!config.token && !config._otp) || !config.relay || !config.email || !config.agreeTos) { changeState('setup'); setState(); return; } if (!config.token && config._otp) { changeState('otp'); setState(); // this will skip ahead as necessary return Telebit.authorize(telebitState, showOtp).then(function () { return changeState('status'); }); } // TODO handle default state changeState('status'); }).catch(function (err) { appData.views.flash.error = err.message || JSON.stringify(err, null, 2); }); }); } // TODO protect key with passphrase (or QR code?) function getKey() { var jwk; try { jwk = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('key')); } catch(e) { // ignore } if (jwk && jwk.kid && jwk.d) { return Promise.resolve(jwk); } return Keypairs.generate().then(function (pair) { jwk = pair.private; localStorage.setItem('key', JSON.stringify(jwk)); return jwk; }); } function requestAccount(email) { return getKey().then(function (jwk) { // creates new or returns existing var acme = ACME.create({}); var url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/acme/directory'; return acme.init(url).then(function () { return acme.accounts.create({ agreeToTerms: function (tos) { return tos; } , accountKeypair: { privateKeyJwk: jwk } , email: email }).then(function (account) { console.log('account:'); console.log(account); if (account.id) { localStorage.setItem('email', email); } return jwk; }); }); }); } window.api = api; run(); setTimeout(function () { document.body.hidden = false; }, 50); // Debug window.changeState = changeState; }());