mirror of https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/telebit-relay.js.git synced 2025-02-18 15:38:04 +00:00
2017-04-07 15:46:00 -06:00

407 lines
12 KiB

'use strict';
var sni = require('sni');
var url = require('url');
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var packer = require('tunnel-packer');
var Devices = {};
Devices.add = function (store, servername, newDevice) {
var devices = Devices.list(store, servername);
store[servername] = devices;
Devices.remove = function (store, servername, device) {
var devices = Devices.list(store, servername);
var index = devices.indexOf(device);
if (index < 0) {
var id = device.deviceId || device.servername || device.id;
console.warn('attempted to remove non-present device', id, 'from', servername);
return null;
return devices.splice(index, 1)[0];
Devices.list = function (store, servername) {
return store[servername] || [];
Devices.exist = function (store, servername) {
return (store[servername] || []).length;
Devices.next = function (store, servername) {
var devices = Devices.list(store, servername);
var device;
if (devices._index >= devices.length) {
devices._index = 0;
device = devices[devices._index || 0];
devices._index = (devices._index || 0) + 1;
return device;
module.exports.store = { Devices: Devices };
module.exports.create = function (copts) {
var deviceLists = {};
var activityTimeout = copts.activityTimeout || 2*60*1000;
var pongTimeout = copts.pongTimeout || 10*1000;
function onWsConnection(ws) {
var location = url.parse(ws.upgradeReq.url, true);
var authn = (ws.upgradeReq.headers.authorization||'').split(/\s+/);
var jwtoken;
var token;
try {
if (authn[0]) {
if ('basic' === authn[0].toLowerCase()) {
authn = new Buffer(authn[1], 'base64').toString('ascii').split(':');
if (-1 !== [ 'bearer', 'jwk' ].indexOf(authn[0].toLowerCase())) {
jwtoken = authn[1];
jwtoken = authn[1] || location.query.access_token;
} catch(e) {
jwtoken = null;
try {
token = jwt.verify(jwtoken, copts.secret);
} catch(e) {
token = null;
if (!token || !token.name) {
console.log('location, token');
if (!token) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ error: { message: "invalid access token", code: "E_INVALID_TOKEN" } }));
//console.log('[wstunneld.js] DEBUG', token);
if (!Array.isArray(token.domains)) {
if ('string' === typeof token.name) {
token.domains = [ token.name ];
if (!Array.isArray(token.domains)) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ error: { message: "invalid server name", code: "E_INVALID_NAME" } }));
var remote = {};
remote.ws = ws;
remote.servername = (token.device && token.device.hostname) || token.domains.join(',');
remote.deviceId = (token.device && token.device.id) || null;
remote.id = packer.socketToId(ws.upgradeReq.socket);
console.log("remote.id", remote.id);
remote.domains = token.domains;
remote.clients = {};
// TODO allow tls to be decrypted by server if client is actually a browser
// and we haven't implemented tls in the browser yet
// remote.decrypt = token.decrypt;
var handlers = {
onmessage: function (opts) {
// opts.data
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
var cstream = remote.clients[cid];
console.log("remote '" + remote.servername + " : " + remote.id + "' has data for '" + cid + "'", opts.data.byteLength);
if (!cstream) {
remote.ws.send(packer.pack(opts, null, 'error'));
, onend: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log('[TunnelEnd]', cid);
, onerror: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log('[TunnelError]', cid);
, _onend: function (cid) {
var c = remote.clients[cid];
delete remote.clients[cid];
try {
} catch(e) {
// ignore
try {
} catch(e) {
// ignore
remote.unpacker = packer.create(handlers);
// Now that we have created our remote object we need to store it in the deviceList for
// each domainname we are supposed to be handling.
token.domains.forEach(function (domainname) {
console.log('domainname', domainname);
Devices.add(deviceLists, domainname, remote);
var lastActivity = Date.now();
var timeoutId;
function refreshTimeout() {
lastActivity = Date.now();
function checkTimeout() {
// Determine how long the connection has been "silent", ie no activity.
var silent = Date.now() - lastActivity;
// If we have had activity within the last activityTimeout then all we need to do is
// call this function again at the soonest time when the connection could be timed out.
if (silent < activityTimeout) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(checkTimeout, activityTimeout-silent);
// Otherwise we check to see if the pong has also timed out, and if not we send a ping
// and call this function again when the pong will have timed out.
else if (silent < activityTimeout + pongTimeout) {
console.log('pinging', remote.deviceId || remote.servername);
try {
} catch (err) {
console.warn('failed to ping home cloud', remote.deviceId || remote.servername);
timeoutId = setTimeout(checkTimeout, pongTimeout);
// Last case means the ping we sent before didn't get a response soon enough, so we
// need to close the websocket connection.
else {
console.log('home cloud', remote.deviceId || remote.servername, 'connection timed out');
remote.ws.close(1013, 'connection timeout');
timeoutId = setTimeout(checkTimeout, activityTimeout);
// Note that our websocket library automatically handles pong responses on ping requests
// before it even emits the event.
ws.on('ping', refreshTimeout);
ws.on('pong', refreshTimeout);
ws.on('message', function forwardMessage(chunk) {
console.log('message from home cloud to tunneler to browser', chunk.byteLength);
function hangup() {
console.log('home cloud', remote.deviceId || remote.servername, 'connection closing');
// the remote will handle closing its local connections
Object.keys(remote.clients).forEach(function (cid) {
try {
} catch(e) {
// ignore
token.domains.forEach(function (domainname) {
Devices.remove(deviceLists, domainname, remote);
ws.on('close', hangup);
ws.on('error', hangup);
function pipeWs(servername, service, browser, remote) {
//var remote = deviceLists[servername];
var ws = remote.ws;
//var address = packer.socketToAddr(ws.upgradeReq.socket);
var baddress = packer.socketToAddr(browser);
var cid = packer.addrToId(baddress);
console.log('servername:', servername);
console.log('service:', service);
baddress.service = service;
var wrapForRemote = packer.Transform.create({
id: cid
//, remoteId: remote.id
, address: baddress
, servername: servername
, service: service
console.log('home-cloud is', packer.socketToId(remote.ws.upgradeReq.socket));
console.log('browser is', cid);
var bstream = remote.clients[cid] = {
wrapped: browser.pipe(wrapForRemote)
, browser: browser
, address: baddress
//var bstream = remote.clients[cid] = wrapForRemote.pipe(browser);
bstream.wrapped.on('data', function (pchunk) {
// var chunk = socket.read();
console.log('[bstream] data from browser to tunneler', pchunk.byteLength);
try {
ws.send(pchunk, { binary: true });
} catch(e) {
try {
} catch(e) {
// ignore
bstream.wrapped.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('[error] bstream.wrapped.error');
try {
ws.send(packer.pack(baddress, null, 'error'), { binary: true });
} catch(e) {
// ignore
try {
} catch(e) {
// ignore
delete remote.clients[cid];
bstream.wrapped.on('end', function () {
try {
ws.send(packer.pack(baddress, null, 'end'), { binary: true });
} catch(e) {
// ignore
try {
} catch(e) {
// ignore
delete remote.clients[cid];
function onTcpConnection(browser) {
// this works when I put it here, but I don't know if it's tls yet here
// httpsServer.emit('connection', socket);
//tls3000.emit('connection', socket);
//var tlsSocket = new tls.TLSSocket(socket, { secureContext: tls.createSecureContext(tlsOpts) });
//tlsSocket.on('data', function (chunk) {
// console.log('dummy', chunk.byteLength);
browser.once('data', function (firstChunk) {
// BUG XXX: this assumes that the packet won't be chunked smaller
// than the 'hello' or the point of the 'Host' header.
// This is fairly reasonable, but there are edge cases where
// it does not hold (such as manual debugging with telnet)
// and so it should be fixed at some point in the future
// defer after return (instead of being in many places)
process.nextTick(function () {
var service = 'tcp';
var servername;
var str;
var m;
function tryTls() {
if (-1 !== copts.servernames.indexOf(servername)) {
console.log("Lock and load, admin interface time!");
copts.httpsTunnel(servername, browser);
if (!servername) {
console.log("No SNI was given, so there's nothing we can do here");
copts.httpsInvalid(servername, browser);
var nextDevice = Devices.next(deviceLists, servername);
if (!nextDevice) {
console.log("No devices match the given servername");
copts.httpsInvalid(servername, browser);
console.log("pipeWs(servername, service, socket, deviceLists['" + servername + "'])");
pipeWs(servername, service, browser, nextDevice);
// https://github.com/mscdex/httpolyglot/issues/3#issuecomment-173680155
if (22 === firstChunk[0]) {
// TLS
service = 'https';
servername = (sni(firstChunk)||'').toLowerCase();
console.log("tls hello servername:", servername);
if (firstChunk[0] > 32 && firstChunk[0] < 127) {
str = firstChunk.toString();
m = str.match(/(?:^|[\r\n])Host: ([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]*/im);
servername = (m && m[1].toLowerCase() || '').split(':')[0];
console.log('servername', servername);
if (/HTTP\//i.test(str)) {
service = 'http';
// TODO disallow http entirely
// /^\/\.well-known\/acme-challenge\//.test(str)
if (/well-known/.test(str)) {
if (Devices.exist(deviceLists, servername)) {
pipeWs(servername, service, browser, Devices.next(deviceLists, servername));
copts.handleHttp(servername, browser);
else {
// redirect to https
copts.handleInsecureHttp(servername, browser);
console.error("Got unexpected connection", str);
browser.write(JSON.stringify({ error: {
message: "not sure what you were trying to do there..."
browser.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('[error] tcp socket raw TODO forward and close');
return { tcp: onTcpConnection, ws: onWsConnection };