Push-button DIY tunnel service. Run on your Raspberry Pi or VPS to create your own secure tunnel to access your devices from anywhere or simply to expose your localhost development to the outside world.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

395 lines
13 KiB

'use strict';
var url = require('url');
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var packer = require('tunnel-packer');
function timeoutPromise(duration) {
return new PromiseA(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, duration);
var Devices = require('./lib/device-tracker');
module.exports.store = { Devices: Devices };
module.exports.create = function (copts) {
copts.deviceLists = {};
//var deviceLists = {};
var activityTimeout = copts.activityTimeout || 2*60*1000;
var pongTimeout = copts.pongTimeout || 10*1000;
copts.Devices = Devices;
var onTcpConnection = require('./lib/unwrap-tls').createTcpConnectionHandler(copts);
function onWsConnection(ws, upgradeReq) {
var socketId = packer.socketToId(upgradeReq.socket);
var remotes = {};
function logName() {
var result = Object.keys(remotes).map(function (jwtoken) {
return remotes[jwtoken].deviceId;
return result || socketId;
function sendTunnelMsg(addr, data, service) {
ws.send(packer.pack(addr, data, service), {binary: true});
function getBrowserConn(cid) {
var browserConn;
Object.keys(remotes).some(function (jwtoken) {
if (remotes[jwtoken].clients[cid]) {
browserConn = remotes[jwtoken].clients[cid];
return true;
return browserConn;
function closeBrowserConn(cid) {
var remote;
Object.keys(remotes).some(function (jwtoken) {
if (remotes[jwtoken].clients[cid]) {
remote = remotes[jwtoken];
return true;
if (!remote) {
PromiseA.resolve().then(function () {
var conn = remote.clients[cid];
conn.tunnelClosing = true;
// If no data is buffered for writing then we don't need to wait for it to drain.
if (!conn.bufferSize) {
return timeoutPromise(500);
// Otherwise we want the connection to be able to finish, but we also want to impose
// a time limit for it to drain, since it shouldn't have more than 1MB buffered.
return new PromiseA(function (resolve) {
var timeoutId = setTimeout(resolve, 60*1000);
conn.once('drain', function () {
setTimeout(resolve, 500);
}).then(function () {
if (remote.clients[cid]) {
console.warn(cid, 'browser connection still present after calling `end`');
return timeoutPromise(500);
}).then(function () {
if (remote.clients[cid]) {
console.error(cid, 'browser connection still present after calling `destroy`');
delete remote.clients[cid];
}).catch(function (err) {
console.warn('failed to close browser connection', cid, err);
function addToken(jwtoken) {
if (remotes[jwtoken]) {
// return { message: "token sent multiple times", code: "E_TOKEN_REPEAT" };
return null;
var token;
try {
token = jwt.verify(jwtoken, copts.secret);
} catch (e) {
token = null;
if (!token) {
return { message: "invalid access token", code: "E_INVALID_TOKEN" };
if (!Array.isArray(token.domains)) {
if ('string' === typeof token.name) {
token.domains = [ token.name ];
if (!Array.isArray(token.domains) || !token.domains.length) {
return { message: "invalid server name", code: "E_INVALID_NAME" };
if (token.domains.some(function (name) { return typeof name !== 'string'; })) {
return { message: "invalid server name", code: "E_INVALID_NAME" };
// Add the custom properties we need to manage this remote, then add it to all the relevant
// domains and the list of all this websocket's remotes.
token.deviceId = (token.device && (token.device.id || token.device.hostname)) || token.domains.join(',');
token.ws = ws;
token.upgradeReq = upgradeReq;
token.clients = {};
token.pausedConns = [];
ws._socket.on('drain', function () {
// the websocket library has it's own buffer apart from node's socket buffer, but that one
// is much more difficult to watch, so we watch for the lower level buffer to drain and
// then check to see if the upper level buffer is still too full to write to. Note that
// the websocket library buffer has something to do with compression, so I'm not requiring
// that to be 0 before we start up again.
if (ws.bufferedAmount > 128*1024) {
token.pausedConns.forEach(function (conn) {
if (!conn.manualPause) {
// console.log('resuming', conn.tunnelCid, 'now that the web socket has caught up');
token.pausedConns.length = 0;
token.domains.forEach(function (domainname) {
console.log('domainname', domainname);
Devices.add(copts.deviceLists, domainname, token);
remotes[jwtoken] = token;
console.log("added token '" + token.deviceId + "' to websocket", socketId);
return null;
function removeToken(jwtoken) {
var remote = remotes[jwtoken];
if (!remote) {
return { message: 'specified token not present', code: 'E_INVALID_TOKEN'};
// Prevent any more browser connections being sent to this remote, and any existing
// connections from trying to send more data across the connection.
remote.domains.forEach(function (domainname) {
Devices.remove(copts.deviceLists, domainname, remote);
remote.ws = null;
remote.upgradeReq = null;
// Close all of the existing browser connections associated with this websocket connection.
Object.keys(remote.clients).forEach(function (cid) {
delete remotes[jwtoken];
console.log("removed token '" + remote.deviceId + "' from websocket", socketId);
return null;
var firstToken;
var authn = (upgradeReq.headers.authorization||'').split(/\s+/);
if (authn[0] && 'basic' === authn[0].toLowerCase()) {
try {
authn = new Buffer(authn[1], 'base64').toString('ascii').split(':');
firstToken = authn[1];
} catch (err) { }
if (!firstToken) {
firstToken = url.parse(upgradeReq.url, true).query.access_token;
if (firstToken) {
var err = addToken(firstToken);
if (err) {
sendTunnelMsg(null, [0, err], 'control');
var commandHandlers = {
add_token: addToken
, delete_token: function (token) {
if (token !== '*') {
return removeToken(token);
var err;
Object.keys(remotes).some(function (jwtoken) {
err = removeToken(jwtoken);
return err;
return err;
var packerHandlers = {
oncontrol: function (opts) {
var cmd, err;
try {
cmd = JSON.parse(opts.data.toString());
} catch (err) {}
if (!Array.isArray(cmd) || typeof cmd[0] !== 'number') {
var msg = 'received bad command "' + opts.data.toString() + '"';
console.warn(msg, 'from websocket', socketId);
sendTunnelMsg(null, [0, {message: msg, code: 'E_BAD_COMMAND'}], 'control');
if (cmd[0] < 0) {
// We only ever send one command and we send it once, so we just hard coded the ID as 1.
if (cmd[0] === -1) {
if (cmd[1]) {
console.log('received error response to hello from', socketId, cmd[1]);
else {
console.warn('received response to unknown command', cmd, 'from', socketId);
if (cmd[0] === 0) {
console.warn('received dis-associated error from', socketId, cmd[1]);
if (commandHandlers[cmd[1]]) {
err = commandHandlers[cmd[1]].apply(null, cmd.slice(2));
else {
err = { message: 'unknown command "'+cmd[1]+'"', code: 'E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND' };
sendTunnelMsg(null, [-cmd[0], err], 'control');
, onmessage: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log("remote '" + logName() + "' has data for '" + cid + "'", opts.data.byteLength);
var browserConn = getBrowserConn(cid);
if (!browserConn) {
sendTunnelMsg(opts, {message: 'no matching connection', code: 'E_NO_CONN'}, 'error');
// tunnelRead is how many bytes we've read from the tunnel, and written to the browser.
browserConn.tunnelRead = (browserConn.tunnelRead || 0) + opts.data.byteLength;
// If we have more than 1MB buffered data we need to tell the other side to slow down.
// Once we've finished sending what we have we can tell the other side to keep going.
// If we've already sent the 'pause' message though don't send it again, because we're
// probably just dealing with data queued before our message got to them.
if (!browserConn.remotePaused && browserConn.bufferSize > 1024*1024) {
sendTunnelMsg(opts, browserConn.tunnelRead, 'pause');
browserConn.remotePaused = true;
browserConn.once('drain', function () {
sendTunnelMsg(opts, browserConn.tunnelRead, 'resume');
browserConn.remotePaused = false;
, onpause: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log('[TunnelPause]', cid);
var browserConn = getBrowserConn(cid);
if (browserConn) {
browserConn.manualPause = true;
} else {
sendTunnelMsg(opts, {message: 'no matching connection', code: 'E_NO_CONN'}, 'error');
, onresume: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log('[TunnelResume]', cid);
var browserConn = getBrowserConn(cid);
if (browserConn) {
browserConn.manualPause = false;
} else {
sendTunnelMsg(opts, {message: 'no matching connection', code: 'E_NO_CONN'}, 'error');
, onend: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log('[TunnelEnd]', cid);
, onerror: function (opts) {
var cid = packer.addrToId(opts);
console.log('[TunnelError]', cid, opts.message);
var unpacker = packer.create(packerHandlers);
var lastActivity = Date.now();
var timeoutId;
function refreshTimeout() {
lastActivity = Date.now();
function checkTimeout() {
// Determine how long the connection has been "silent", ie no activity.
var silent = Date.now() - lastActivity;
// If we have had activity within the last activityTimeout then all we need to do is
// call this function again at the soonest time when the connection could be timed out.
if (silent < activityTimeout) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(checkTimeout, activityTimeout-silent);
// Otherwise we check to see if the pong has also timed out, and if not we send a ping
// and call this function again when the pong will have timed out.
else if (silent < activityTimeout + pongTimeout) {
console.log('pinging', logName());
try {
} catch (err) {
console.warn('failed to ping home cloud', logName());
timeoutId = setTimeout(checkTimeout, pongTimeout);
// Last case means the ping we sent before didn't get a response soon enough, so we
// need to close the websocket connection.
else {
console.log('home cloud', logName(), 'connection timed out');
ws.close(1013, 'connection timeout');
timeoutId = setTimeout(checkTimeout, activityTimeout);
// Note that our websocket library automatically handles pong responses on ping requests
// before it even emits the event.
ws.on('ping', refreshTimeout);
ws.on('pong', refreshTimeout);
ws.on('message', function forwardMessage(chunk) {
console.log('message from home cloud to tunneler to browser', chunk.byteLength);
function hangup() {
console.log('home cloud', logName(), 'connection closing');
Object.keys(remotes).forEach(function (jwtoken) {
ws.on('close', hangup);
ws.on('error', hangup);
// We only ever send one command and we send it once, so we just hard code the ID as 1
sendTunnelMsg(null, [1, 'hello', [unpacker._version], Object.keys(commandHandlers)], 'control');
return {
tcp: onTcpConnection
, ws: onWsConnection
, isClientDomain: Devices.exist.bind(null, copts.deviceLists)