(function () { 'use strict'; var meta = {}; var magic; var domainname; function checkStatus() { // TODO use Location or Link window.fetch(meta.baseUrl + 'api/telebit.cloud/pair_state/' + magic, { method: 'GET' , cors: true }).then(function (resp) { return resp.json().then(function (data) { console.log(data); if ('invalid' === data.status) { window.alert("something went wrong"); return; } if ('complete' === data.status) { successScreen(); setTimeout(function () { //window.document.body.innerHTML += (''); // TODO once this is loaded (even error) Let's Encrypt is done, // then it's time to redirect to the domain. Yay! }, 1 * 1000); return; } setTimeout(checkStatus, 2 * 1000); }, function (err) { console.error(err); setTimeout(checkStatus, 2 * 1000); }); }); } function successScreen() { document.querySelector('.js-authz').hidden = true; document.querySelector('.js-finish-button').addEventListener('click', function(e) { window.location.href='https://' + domainname; }); document.querySelector('.js-finish').hidden = false; } function submitCode(pair) { // TODO use Location or Link document.querySelector('.js-magic').hidden = true; window.fetch(meta.baseUrl + 'api/telebit.cloud/pair_code/', { method: 'POST' , headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } , body: JSON.stringify({ magic: pair.magic , pin: pair.pin || pair.code , agree_tos: pair.agreeTos }) , cors: true }).then(function (resp) { return resp.json().then(function (data) { // TODO check for error (i.e. bad Pair Code / PIN) // shouldn't be pending (because we get here by being ready) // should poll over 'ready' console.log('Submit Code Response:'); console.log(data); if (data.error) { document.querySelector('.js-error').hidden = false; return; } setTimeout(checkStatus, 0); document.querySelector('.js-authz').hidden = false; document.querySelector('.js-debug-container').hidden = false; /* document.querySelectorAll('.js-token-data').forEach(function ($el) { $el.innerText = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); }); */ document.querySelectorAll('.js-new-href').forEach(function ($el) { domainname = data.domains[0]; $el.href = 'https://' + data.domains[0] + '/'; $el.innerText = '🔐 https://' + data.domains[0]; }); document.querySelectorAll('.js-domainname').forEach(function ($el) { $el.innerText = data.domains.join(','); }); document.querySelectorAll('.js-serviceport').forEach(function ($el) { $el.innerText = data.ports.join(','); }); document.querySelectorAll('.js-token').forEach(function ($el) { $el.innerText = data.jwt; }); }, function (err) { console.error(err); document.querySelector('.js-error').hidden = false; }); }); } function init() { magic = (window.location.hash || '').substr(2).replace(/magic=/, ''); if (!magic) { document.querySelector('body').hidden = false; document.querySelector('.js-error').hidden = false; return; } window.fetch(meta.baseUrl + meta.pair_request.pathname + '/' + magic, { method: 'GET' , cors: true }).then(function (resp) { return resp.json().then(function (data) { console.log('pair request data:'); console.log(data); document.querySelector('body').hidden = false; if (data.error) { document.querySelector('.js-error').hidden = false; document.querySelector('.js-magic-link').innerText = "Something went wrong. Perhaps an bad or expired link."; return; } document.querySelector('.js-magic').hidden = false; document.querySelectorAll('.js-hostname').forEach(function(ele) { ele.innerText = data.hostname || 'Device'; }); //document.querySelector('.js-token-data').innerText = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); }); }); document.querySelector('.js-submit').addEventListener('submit', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var pair = {}; pair.magic = magic; pair.code = document.querySelector('[name=pair-code]').value; pair.agreeTos = document.querySelector('[name=letsencrypt-agree]').checked && document.querySelector('[name=telebit-agree]').checked; console.log('Pair Form:'); console.log(pair); submitCode(pair); }); var formElements = document.querySelector('.js-submit').elements; for(var i = 0; i < formElements.length; ++i) { var tosCheck = document.querySelector('[name=telebit-agree]'); var leCheck = document.querySelector('[name=letsencrypt-agree]'); var pairCodeInput = document.querySelector('[name=pair-code]'); formElements[i].addEventListener('input', function(ev) { if(tosCheck.checked && leCheck.checked && pairCodeInput.value.length) { document.querySelector('.js-submit button').disabled = false; } else { document.querySelector('.js-submit button').disabled = true; } }); }; document.querySelector('.js-debug-button').addEventListener("click", function(e) { //var info = document.querySelector('.js-debug-info'); //info.hidden = !info.hidden; document.querySelector('.js-debug-container').classList.toggle("visible"); }) } window.fetch('https://' + location.hostname + '/_apis/telebit.cloud/index.json', { method: 'GET' , cors: true }).then(function (resp) { return resp.json().then(function (_json) { meta = _json; meta.baseUrl = 'https://' + meta.api_host.replace(/:hostname/g, location.hostname) + '/'; init(); }); }); }());