'use strict'; var packer = require('tunnel-packer'); var sni = require('sni'); function pipeWs(servername, service, conn, remote) { console.log('[pipeWs] servername:', servername, 'service:', service); var browserAddr = packer.socketToAddr(conn); browserAddr.service = service; var cid = packer.addrToId(browserAddr); conn.tunnelCid = cid; console.log('[pipeWs] browser is', cid, 'home-cloud is', packer.socketToId(remote.upgradeReq.socket)); function sendWs(data, serviceOverride) { if (remote.ws && (!conn.tunnelClosing || serviceOverride)) { try { remote.ws.send(packer.pack(browserAddr, data, serviceOverride), { binary: true }); // If we can't send data over the websocket as fast as this connection can send it to us // (or there are a lot of connections trying to send over the same websocket) then we // need to pause the connection for a little. We pause all connections if any are paused // to make things more fair so a connection doesn't get stuck waiting for everyone else // to finish because it got caught on the boundary. Also if serviceOverride is set it // means the connection is over, so no need to pause it. if (!serviceOverride && (remote.pausedConns.length || remote.ws.bufferedAmount > 1024*1024)) { // console.log('pausing', cid, 'to allow web socket to catch up'); conn.pause(); remote.pausedConns.push(conn); } } catch (err) { console.warn('[pipeWs] error sending websocket message', err); } } } remote.clients[cid] = conn; conn.on('data', function (chunk) { console.log('[pipeWs] data from browser to tunneler', chunk.byteLength); sendWs(chunk); }); conn.on('error', function (err) { console.warn('[pipeWs] browser connection error', err); }); conn.on('close', function (hadErr) { console.log('[pipeWs] browser connection closing'); sendWs(null, hadErr ? 'error': 'end'); delete remote.clients[cid]; }); } module.exports.createTcpConnectionHandler = function (copts) { var Devices = copts.Devices; return function onTcpConnection(conn) { // this works when I put it here, but I don't know if it's tls yet here // httpsServer.emit('connection', socket); //tls3000.emit('connection', socket); //var tlsSocket = new tls.TLSSocket(socket, { secureContext: tls.createSecureContext(tlsOpts) }); //tlsSocket.on('data', function (chunk) { // console.log('dummy', chunk.byteLength); //}); //return; conn.once('data', function (firstChunk) { // BUG XXX: this assumes that the packet won't be chunked smaller // than the 'hello' or the point of the 'Host' header. // This is fairly reasonable, but there are edge cases where // it does not hold (such as manual debugging with telnet) // and so it should be fixed at some point in the future // defer after return (instead of being in many places) process.nextTick(function () { conn.unshift(firstChunk); }); var service = 'tcp'; var servername; var str; var m; function tryTls() { if (-1 !== copts.servernames.indexOf(servername)) { console.log("Lock and load, admin interface time!"); copts.httpsTunnel(servername, conn); return; } if (!servername) { console.log("No SNI was given, so there's nothing we can do here"); copts.httpsInvalid(servername, conn); return; } var nextDevice = Devices.next(copts.deviceLists, servername); if (!nextDevice) { console.log("No devices match the given servername"); copts.httpsInvalid(servername, conn); return; } console.log("pipeWs(servername, service, socket, deviceLists['" + servername + "'])"); pipeWs(servername, service, conn, nextDevice); } // https://github.com/mscdex/httpolyglot/issues/3#issuecomment-173680155 if (22 === firstChunk[0]) { // TLS service = 'https'; servername = (sni(firstChunk)||'').toLowerCase(); console.log("tls hello servername:", servername); tryTls(); return; } if (firstChunk[0] > 32 && firstChunk[0] < 127) { str = firstChunk.toString(); m = str.match(/(?:^|[\r\n])Host: ([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]*/im); servername = (m && m[1].toLowerCase() || '').split(':')[0]; console.log('servername', servername); if (/HTTP\//i.test(str)) { service = 'http'; // TODO disallow http entirely // /^\/\.well-known\/acme-challenge\//.test(str) if (/well-known/.test(str)) { // HTTP if (Devices.exist(copts.deviceLists, servername)) { pipeWs(servername, service, conn, Devices.next(copts.deviceLists, servername)); return; } copts.handleHttp(servername, conn); } else { // redirect to https copts.handleInsecureHttp(servername, conn); } return; } } console.error("Got unexpected connection", str); conn.write(JSON.stringify({ error: { message: "not sure what you were trying to do there..." , code: 'E_INVALID_PROTOCOL' } })); conn.end(); }); conn.on('error', function (err) { console.error('[error] tcp socket raw TODO forward and close'); console.error(err); }); }; };