A cross-platform service manager
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.5 KiB

package installer
import (
// TODO system service requires elevated privileges
// See https://coolaj86.com/articles/golang-and-windows-and-admins-oh-my/
func install(c *Config) error {
//token := windows.Token(0)
/V <value name> - "Telebit"
/T <data type> - "REG_SZ" - String
/D <value data>
/C - case sensitive
/F <search data??> - not sure...
// Special Note:
"/c" is similar to -- (*nix), and required within the data string
So instead of setting "do.exe --do-arg1 --do-arg2"
you must set "do.exe /c --do-arg1 --do-arg2"
vars.telebitNode += '.exe';
var cmd = 'reg.exe add "HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"'
+ ' /V "Telebit" /t REG_SZ /D '
+ '"' + things.argv[0] + ' /c ' // something like C:\Program Files (x64)\nodejs\node.exe
+ [ path.join(__dirname, 'bin/telebitd.js')
, 'daemon'
, '--config'
, path.join(os.homedir(), '.config/telebit/telebitd.yml')
].join(' ')
+ '" /F'
autorunKey := `SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run`
k, _, err := registry.CreateKey(
if err != nil {
defer k.Close()
setArgs := ""
args := c.Argv
exec := filepath.Join(c.home, ".local", "opt", c.Name, c.Exec)
bin := c.Interpreter
if "" != bin {
// If this is something like node or python,
// the interpeter must be called as "the main thing"
// and "the app" must be an argument
args = append([]string{exec}, args...)
} else {
// Otherwise, if "the app" is a true binary,
// it can be "the main thing"
bin = exec
if 0 != len(args) {
// On Windows the /c acts kinda like -- does on *nix,
// at least for commands in the registry that have arguments
setArgs = ` /c `
// The final string ends up looking something like one of these:
// "C:\Users\aj\.local\opt\appname\appname.js /c -p 8080"
// "C:\Program Files (x64)\nodejs\node.exe /c C:\Users\aj\.local\opt\appname\appname.js -p 8080"
regSZ := bin + setArgs + strings.Join(c.Argv, " ")
if len(regSZ) > 260 {
return fmt.Errorf("data value is too long for registry entry")
fmt.Println("Set Registry Key:")
fmt.Println(autorunKey, c.Title, regSZ)
k.SetStringValue(c.Title, regSZ)
return nil
func whereIs(exe string) (string, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("where.exe", exe)
out, err := cmd.Output()
if nil != err {
return "", err
return strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), nil