//go:generate go run -mod=vendor git.rootprojects.org/root/go-gitver/v2 // main runs the things and does the stuff package main import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "unicode/utf8" "git.rootprojects.org/root/serviceman/manager" "git.rootprojects.org/root/serviceman/runner" "git.rootprojects.org/root/serviceman/service" ) var ( // commit refers to the abbreviated commit hash commit = "0000000" // version refers to the most recent tag, plus any commits made since then version = "v0.0.0-pre0+0000000" // date refers to the timestamp of the most recent commit date = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) ) func ver() string { return fmt.Sprintf("serviceman %s (%s) %s", version, commit[:7], date) } func usage() { fmt.Println("Usage:") fmt.Println("\tserviceman --help") fmt.Println("\tserviceman add ./foo-app -- --foo-arg") fmt.Println("\tserviceman run --config ./foo-app.json") fmt.Println("\tserviceman list --all") fmt.Println("\tserviceman start ") fmt.Println("\tserviceman stop ") } func main() { if len(os.Args) >= 2 { if "version" == strings.TrimLeft(os.Args[1], "-") { fmt.Printf("%s\n", ver()) os.Exit(0) return } } if len(os.Args) < 2 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Too few arguments: %s\n", strings.Join(os.Args, " ")) usage() os.Exit(1) } top := os.Args[1] os.Args = append(os.Args[:1], os.Args[2:]...) switch top { case "version": fmt.Println(ver()) case "run": run() case "add": add() case "start": start() case "stop": stop() case "list": list() default: fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown argument %s\n", top) usage() os.Exit(1) } } func add() { conf := &service.Service{ Restart: true, } force := false forUser := false forSystem := false dryrun := false pathEnv := "" flag.StringVar(&conf.Title, "title", "", "a human-friendly name for the service") flag.StringVar(&conf.Desc, "desc", "", "a human-friendly description of the service (ex: Foo App)") flag.StringVar(&conf.Name, "name", "", "a computer-friendly name for the service (ex: foo-app)") flag.StringVar(&conf.URL, "url", "", "the documentation on home page of the service") flag.StringVar(&conf.Workdir, "workdir", "", "the directory in which the service should be started (if supported)") flag.StringVar(&conf.ReverseDNS, "rdns", "", "a plist-friendly Reverse DNS name for launchctl (ex: com.example.foo-app)") flag.BoolVar(&forSystem, "system", false, "attempt to add system service as an unprivileged/unelevated user") flag.BoolVar(&forUser, "user", false, "add user space / user mode service even when admin/root/sudo/elevated") flag.BoolVar(&force, "force", false, "if the interpreter or executable doesn't exist, or things don't make sense, try anyway") flag.StringVar(&pathEnv, "path", "", "set the path for the resulting systemd service") flag.StringVar(&conf.User, "username", "", "run the service as this user") flag.StringVar(&conf.Group, "groupname", "", "run the service as this group") flag.BoolVar(&conf.PrivilegedPorts, "cap-net-bind", false, "this service should have access to privileged ports") flag.BoolVar(&dryrun, "dryrun", false, "output the service file without modifying anything on disk") flag.Parse() flagargs := flag.Args() // You must have something to run, duh n := len(flagargs) if 0 == n { fmt.Println("Usage: serviceman add ./foo-app --foo-arg") os.Exit(2) return } if forUser && forSystem { fmt.Println("Pfff! You can't --user AND --system! What are you trying to pull?") os.Exit(1) return } // There are three groups of flags // serviceman --flag1 arg1 non-flag-arg --child1 -- --raw1 -- --raw2 // serviceman --flag1 arg1 // these belong to serviceman // non-flag-arg --child1 // these will be interpretted // -- // separator // --raw1 -- --raw2 // after the separater (including additional separators) will be ignored rawargs := []string{} for i := range flagargs { if "--" == flagargs[i] { if len(flagargs) > i+1 { rawargs = flagargs[i+1:] } flagargs = flagargs[:i] break } } // Assumptions ass := []string{} if forUser { conf.System = false } else if forSystem { conf.System = true } else { conf.System = manager.IsPrivileged() if conf.System { ass = append(ass, "# Because you're a privileged user") ass = append(ass, " --system") ass = append(ass, "") } else { ass = append(ass, "# Because you're a unprivileged user") ass = append(ass, " --user") ass = append(ass, "") } } if "" == conf.Workdir { dir, _ := os.Getwd() conf.Workdir = dir ass = append(ass, "# Because this is your current working directory") ass = append(ass, fmt.Sprintf(" --workdir %s", conf.Workdir)) ass = append(ass, "") } if "" == conf.Name { name, _ := os.Getwd() base := filepath.Base(name) ext := filepath.Ext(base) n := (len(base) - len(ext)) name = base[:n] if "" == name { name = base } conf.Name = name ass = append(ass, "# Because this is the name of your current working directory") ass = append(ass, fmt.Sprintf(" --name %s", conf.Name)) ass = append(ass, "") } if "" != pathEnv { conf.Envs = make(map[string]string) conf.Envs["PATH"] = pathEnv } exepath, err := findExec(flagargs[0], force) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err) os.Exit(3) return } flagargs[0] = exepath exeargs, err := testScript(flagargs[0], force) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err) os.Exit(3) return } flagargs = append(exeargs, flagargs...) // TODO for i := range flagargs { arg := flagargs[i] arg = filepath.ToSlash(arg) // Paths considered to be anything starting with ./, .\, /, \, C: if "." == arg || strings.Contains(arg, "/") { //if "." == arg || (len(arg) >= 2 && "./" == arg[:2] || '/' == arg[0] || "C:" == strings.ToUpper(arg[:1])) { var err error arg, err = filepath.Abs(arg) if nil == err { _, err = os.Stat(arg) } if nil != err { fmt.Printf("%q appears to be a file path, but %q could not be read\n", flagargs[i], arg) if !force { os.Exit(7) return } continue } if '\\' != os.PathSeparator { // Convert paths back to .\ for Windows arg = filepath.FromSlash(arg) } // Lookin' good flagargs[i] = arg } } // We won't bother with Interpreter here // (it's really just for documentation), // but we will add any and all unchecked args to the full slice conf.Exec = flagargs[0] conf.Argv = append(flagargs[1:], rawargs...) // TODO update docs: go to the work directory // TODO test with "npm start" conf.NormalizeWithoutPath() //fmt.Printf("\n%#v\n\n", conf) if conf.System && !manager.IsPrivileged() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: You may need to use 'sudo' to add %q as a privileged system service.\n", conf.Name) } if len(ass) > 0 { fmt.Printf("OPTIONS: Making some assumptions...\n\n") for i := range ass { fmt.Println("\t" + ass[i]) } } // Find who this is running as // And pretty print the command to run runAs := conf.User var wasflag bool fmt.Printf("COMMAND: Service %q will be run like this (more or less):\n\n", conf.Title) if conf.System { if "" == runAs { runAs = "root" } fmt.Printf("\t# Starts on system boot, as %q\n", runAs) } else { u, _ := user.Current() runAs = u.Name if "" == runAs { runAs = u.Username } fmt.Printf("\t# Starts as %q, when %q logs in\n", runAs, u.Username) } //fmt.Printf("\tpushd %s\n", conf.Workdir) fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", conf.Exec) for i := range conf.Argv { arg := conf.Argv[i] if '-' == arg[0] { if wasflag { fmt.Println() } wasflag = true fmt.Printf("\t\t%s", arg) } else { if wasflag { fmt.Printf(" %s\n", arg) } else { fmt.Printf("\t\t%s\n", arg) } wasflag = false } } if wasflag { fmt.Println() } fmt.Println() // TODO output config without installing if dryrun { b, err := manager.Render(conf) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error rendering: %s\n", err) os.Exit(10) } fmt.Println(string(b)) return } fmt.Printf("LAUNCHER: ") servicetype, err := manager.Install(conf) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err) os.Exit(500) return } fmt.Printf("LOGS: ") printLogMessage(conf) fmt.Println() servicemode := "USER MODE" if conf.System { servicemode = "SYSTEM" } fmt.Printf( "SUCCESS:\n\n\t%q started as a %s %s service, running as %q\n", conf.Name, servicetype, servicemode, runAs, ) fmt.Println() } func list() { var verbose bool forUser := false forSystem := false flag.BoolVar(&forSystem, "system", false, "attempt to add system service as an unprivileged/unelevated user") flag.BoolVar(&forUser, "user", false, "add user space / user mode service even when admin/root/sudo/elevated") flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "all", false, "show all services (even those not managed by serviceman)") flag.Parse() if forUser && forSystem { fmt.Println("Pfff! You can't --user AND --system! What are you trying to pull?") os.Exit(1) return } conf := &service.Service{} if forUser { conf.System = false } else if forSystem { conf.System = true } else { conf.System = manager.IsPrivileged() } // Pretty much just for HomeDir conf.NormalizeWithoutPath() managed, others, errs := manager.List(conf) for i := range errs { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "possible error: %s\n", errs[i]) } if len(errs) > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n") } fmt.Printf("serviceman-managed services:\n\n") for i := range managed { fmt.Println("\t" + managed[i]) } if 0 == len(managed) { fmt.Println("\t(none)") } fmt.Println("") if verbose { fmt.Printf("other services:\n\n") for i := range others { fmt.Println("\t" + others[i]) } if 0 == len(others) { fmt.Println("\t(none)") } fmt.Println("") } } func findExec(exe string, force bool) (string, error) { // ex: node => /usr/local/bin/node // ex: ./demo.js => /Users/aj/project/demo.js exepath, err := exec.LookPath(exe) if nil != err { var msg string if strings.Contains(filepath.ToSlash(exe), "/") { if _, err := os.Stat(exe); err != nil { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Error: '%s' could not be found in PATH or working directory.\n", exe) } else { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Error: '%s' is not an executable.\nYou may be able to fix that. Try running this:\n\tchmod a+x %s\n", exe, exe) } } else { if _, err := os.Stat(exe); err != nil { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Error: '%s' could not be found in PATH", exe) } else { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Error: '%s' could not be found in PATH, did you mean './%s'?\n", exe, exe) } } if !force { return "", fmt.Errorf(msg) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", msg) return exe, nil } // ex: \Users\aj\project\demo.js => /Users/aj/project/demo.js // Can't have an error here when lookpath succeeded exepath, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.ToSlash(exepath)) return exepath, nil } func testScript(exepath string, force bool) ([]string, error) { f, err := os.Open(exepath) b := make([]byte, 256) if nil == err { _, err = f.Read(b) } if nil != err || len(b) < len("#!/x") { msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error when testing if '%s' is a binary or script: could not read file: %s\n", exepath, err) if !force { return nil, fmt.Errorf(msg) } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", msg) return nil, nil } // Nott sure if this is more readable and idiomatic as if else or switch // However, the order matters switch { case utf8.Valid(b): // Looks like an executable script if "#!/" == string(b[:3]) { break } msg := fmt.Sprintf("Error: %q looks like a script, but we don't know the interpreter.\nYou can probably fix this by...\n"+ "\tExplicitly naming the interpreter (ex: 'python my-script.py' instead of just 'my-script.py')\n"+ "\tPlacing a hashbang at the top of the script (ex: '#!/usr/bin/env python')", exepath) if !force { return nil, fmt.Errorf(msg) } return nil, nil case "#!/" != string(b[:3]): // Looks like a normal binary return nil, nil default: // Looks like a corrupt script file msg := "Error: It looks like you've specified a corrupt script file." if !force { return nil, fmt.Errorf(msg) } return nil, nil } // Deal with #!/whatever // Get that first line // "#!/usr/bin/env node" => ["/usr/bin/env", "node"] // "#!/usr/bin/node --harmony => ["/usr/bin/node", "--harmony"] s := string(b[2:]) // strip leading #! s = strings.Split(strings.Replace(s, "\r\n", "\n", -1), "\n")[0] allargs := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(s), " ") args := []string{} for i := range allargs { arg := strings.TrimSpace(allargs[i]) if "" != arg { args = append(args, arg) } } if strings.HasSuffix(args[0], "/env") && len(args) > 1 { // TODO warn that "env" is probably not an executable if 1 = len(args)? args = args[1:] } exepath, err = findExec(args[0], force) if nil != err { return nil, err } args[0] = exepath return args, nil } func start() { forUser := false forSystem := false flag.BoolVar(&forSystem, "system", false, "attempt to add system service as an unprivileged/unelevated user") flag.BoolVar(&forUser, "user", false, "add user space / user mode service even when admin/root/sudo/elevated") flag.Parse() args := flag.Args() if 1 != len(args) { fmt.Println("Usage: serviceman start ") os.Exit(1) } if forUser && forSystem { fmt.Println("Pfff! You can't --user AND --system! What are you trying to pull?") os.Exit(1) return } conf := &service.Service{ Name: args[0], Restart: false, } if forUser { conf.System = false } else if forSystem { conf.System = true } else { conf.System = manager.IsPrivileged() } conf.NormalizeWithoutPath() err := manager.Start(conf) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err) os.Exit(500) return } } func stop() { forUser := false forSystem := false flag.BoolVar(&forSystem, "system", false, "attempt to add system service as an unprivileged/unelevated user") flag.BoolVar(&forUser, "user", false, "add user space / user mode service even when admin/root/sudo/elevated") flag.Parse() args := flag.Args() if 1 != len(args) { fmt.Println("Usage: serviceman stop ") os.Exit(1) } if forUser && forSystem { fmt.Println("Pfff! You can't --user AND --system! What are you trying to pull?") os.Exit(1) return } conf := &service.Service{ Name: args[0], Restart: false, } if forUser { conf.System = false } else if forSystem { conf.System = true } else { conf.System = manager.IsPrivileged() } conf.NormalizeWithoutPath() if err := manager.Stop(conf); nil != err { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(127) } } func run() { var confpath string var daemonize bool flag.StringVar(&confpath, "config", "", "path to a config file to run") flag.BoolVar(&daemonize, "daemon", false, "spawn a child process that lives in the background, and exit") flag.Parse() if "" == confpath { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", strings.Join(flag.Args(), " ")) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "--config /path/to/config.json is required\n") usage() os.Exit(1) } b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(confpath) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't read config file: %s\n", err) os.Exit(400) } s := &service.Service{} err = json.Unmarshal(b, s) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't JSON parse config file: %s\n", err) os.Exit(400) } m := map[string]interface{}{} err = json.Unmarshal(b, &m) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't JSON parse config file: %s\n", err) os.Exit(400) } // default Restart to true if _, ok := m["restart"]; !ok { s.Restart = true } if "" == s.Exec { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Missing exec\n") os.Exit(400) } force := false s.Normalize(force) fmt.Printf("All output will be directed to the logs at:\n\t%s\n", s.Logdir) err = os.MkdirAll(s.Logdir, 0755) if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err) return } if !daemonize { //fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Running %s %s %s\n", s.Interpreter, s.Exec, strings.Join(s.Argv, " ")) if err := runner.Start(s); nil != err { fmt.Println("Error:", err) } return } manager.Run(os.Args[0], "run", "--config", confpath) }