mirror of https://github.com/therootcompany/request.js synced 2025-02-21 13:38:04 +00:00
2018-06-18 22:20:18 -06:00
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2018-06-18 19:39:19 -06:00
2018-06-18 19:39:19 -06:00
2018-06-18 22:20:18 -06:00

µRequest - Minimalist HTTP client

A lightweight alternative to (and drop-in replacement for) request.

Written from scratch.

Super simple to use

µRequest is designed to be a drop-in replacement for request. It supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.

npm install --save @coolaj86/urequest
var request = require('@coolaj86/urequest');
request('http://www.google.com', function (error, response, body) {
  console.log('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred
  console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode); // Print the response status code if a response was received
  console.log('body:', body); // Print the HTML for the Google homepage.

request(options, callback)

The first argument can be either a url or an options object. The only required option is uri; all others are optional.

  • uri || url - fully qualified uri or a parsed url object from url.parse()
  • method - http method (default: "GET")
  • headers - http headers (default: {})

  • body - entity body for PATCH, POST and PUT requests. Must be a Buffer, String or ReadStream. If json is true, then body must be a JSON-serializable object. <!--
  • form - when passed an object or a querystring, this sets body to a querystring representation of value, and adds Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header. When passed no options, a FormData instance is returned (and is piped to request). See "Forms" section above.
  • formData - data to pass for a multipart/form-data request. See Forms section above.
  • multipart - array of objects which contain their own headers and body attributes. Sends a multipart/related request. See Forms section above.
    • Alternatively you can pass in an object {chunked: false, data: []} where chunked is used to specify whether the request is sent in chunked transfer encoding In non-chunked requests, data items with body streams are not allowed.
  • preambleCRLF - append a newline/CRLF before the boundary of your multipart/form-data request.
  • postambleCRLF - append a newline/CRLF at the end of the boundary of your multipart/form-data request. -->
  • json - sets body to JSON representation of value and adds Content-type: application/json header. Additionally, parses the response body as JSON. <!--
  • jsonReviver - a reviver function that will be passed to JSON.parse() when parsing a JSON response body.
  • jsonReplacer - a replacer function that will be passed to JSON.stringify() when stringifying a JSON request body. -->

  • followRedirect - follow HTTP 3xx responses as redirects (default: true). This property can also be implemented as function which gets response object as a single argument and should return true if redirects should continue or false otherwise.
  • followAllRedirects - follow non-GET HTTP 3xx responses as redirects (default: false)
  • followOriginalHttpMethod - by default we redirect to HTTP method GET. you can enable this property to redirect to the original HTTP method (default: false)
  • maxRedirects - the maximum number of redirects to follow (default: 10)
  • removeRefererHeader - removes the referer header when a redirect happens (default: false). Note: if true, referer header set in the initial request is preserved during redirect chain.

  • encoding - encoding to be used on setEncoding of response data. If null, the body is returned as a Buffer. Anything else (including the default value of undefined) will be passed as the encoding parameter to toString() (meaning this is effectively utf8 by default). (Note: if you expect binary data, you should set encoding: null.) <!--
  • gzip - if true, add an Accept-Encoding header to request compressed content encodings from the server (if not already present) and decode supported content encodings in the response. Note: Automatic decoding of the response content is performed on the body data returned through request (both through the request stream and passed to the callback function) but is not performed on the response stream (available from the response event) which is the unmodified http.IncomingMessage object which may contain compressed data. See example below.
  • jar - if true, remember cookies for future use (or define your custom cookie jar; see examples section) -->

Convenience methods

There are also shorthand methods for different HTTP METHODs and some other conveniences.


This method returns a wrapper around the normal request API that defaults to whatever options you pass to it.

Note: request.defaults() does not modify the global request API; instead, it returns a wrapper that has your default settings applied to it.

Note: You can call .defaults() on the wrapper that is returned from request.defaults to add/override defaults that were previously defaulted.

For example:

//requests using baseRequest() will set the 'x-token' header
var baseRequest = request.defaults({
  headers: {'x-token': 'my-token'}

//requests using specialRequest() will include the 'x-token' header set in
//baseRequest and will also include the 'special' header
var specialRequest = baseRequest.defaults({
  headers: {special: 'special value'}


These HTTP method convenience functions act just like request() but with a default method already set for you:

  • request.get(): Defaults to method: "GET".
  • request.post(): Defaults to method: "POST".
  • request.put(): Defaults to method: "PUT".
  • request.patch(): Defaults to method: "PATCH".
  • request.del() / request.delete(): Defaults to method: "DELETE".
  • request.head(): Defaults to method: "HEAD".
  • request.options(): Defaults to method: "OPTIONS".


There are at least two ways to debug the operation of request:

  1. Launch the node process like NODE_DEBUG=urequest node script.js (lib,request,otherlib works too).

  2. Set require('@coolaj86/urequest').debug = true at any time (this does the same thing as #1).

A lightweight, zero-dependency drop-in replacement for request.js
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