mirror of https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/proxy-packer.js.git synced 2025-03-13 03:50:48 +00:00

moved from tunnel-client

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2016-09-22 13:11:54 -06:00
parent 5650ab03f2
commit d2926777a6
3 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions

index.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
'use strict';
module.exports.create = function (opts) {
var machine = { onMessage: opts.onMessage };
machine._version = 1;
machine.state = 0;
machine.states = { 0: 'version', 1: 'headerLength', 2: 'header', 3: 'data'/*, 4: 'error'*/ };
machine.states_length = Object.keys(machine.states).length;
machine.chunkIndex = 0;
machine.fns = {};
machine.fns.version = function (chunk) {
if ((255 - machine._version) !== chunk[machine.chunkIndex]) {
console.error("not v" + machine._version + " (or data is corrupt)");
// no idea how to fix this yet
machine.chunkIndex += 1;
return true;
machine.headerLen = 0;
machine.fns.headerLength = function (chunk) {
machine.headerLen = chunk[machine.chunkIndex];
machine.chunkIndex += 1;
return true;
machine.buf = null;
machine.bufIndex = 0;
//var buf = Buffer.alloc(4096);
machine.fns.header = function (chunk) {
var curSize = machine.bufIndex + (chunk.length - machine.chunkIndex);
var partLen = 0;
var str = '';
var part;
if (curSize < machine.headerLen) {
// I still don't have the whole header,
// so just create a large enough buffer,
// write these bits, and wait for the next chunk.
if (!machine.buf) {
machine.buf = Buffer.alloc(machine.headerLen);
// partLen should be no more than the available size
partLen = Math.min(machine.headerLen - machine.bufIndex, chunk.length - machine.chunkIndex);
part = chunk.slice(machine.chunkIndex, machine.chunkIndex + partLen);
chunk.copy(machine.buf, machine.bufIndex, machine.chunkIndex, machine.chunkIndex + partLen);
machine.chunkIndex += partLen; // this MUST be chunk.length
machine.bufIndex += partLen;
return false;
else {
// it's now ready to discover the whole header
if (machine.buf) {
str += machine.buf.slice(0, machine.bufIndex).toString();
partLen = machine.headerLen - str.length;
part = chunk.slice(machine.chunkIndex, machine.chunkIndex + partLen);
str += part.toString();
machine.chunkIndex += partLen;
machine.buf = null; // back to null
machine.bufIndex = 0; // back to 0
machine._headers = str.split(/,/g);
machine.family = machine._headers[0];
machine.address = machine._headers[1];
machine.port = machine._headers[2];
machine.bodyLen = parseInt(machine._headers[3], 10) || -1;
return true;
machine.fns.data = function (chunk) {
var curSize = machine.bufIndex + (chunk.length - machine.chunkIndex);
//console.log('curSize:', curSize);
//console.log('bodyLen:', machine.bodyLen, typeof machine.bodyLen);
var partLen = 0;
partLen = Math.min(machine.bodyLen - machine.bufIndex, chunk.length - machine.chunkIndex);
if (curSize < machine.bodyLen) {
//console.log('curSize < bodyLen');
// I still don't have the whole header,
// so just create a large enough buffer,
// write these bits, and wait for the next chunk.
if (!machine.buf) {
machine.buf = Buffer.alloc(machine.bodyLen);
chunk.copy(machine.buf, machine.bufIndex, machine.chunkIndex, machine.chunkIndex + partLen);
machine.chunkIndex += partLen; // this MUST be chunk.length
machine.bufIndex += partLen;
return false;
if (machine.bufIndex > 0) {
// the completing remainder of the body is in the current slice
chunk.copy(machine.buf, machine.bufIndex, machine.chunkIndex, machine.chunkIndex + partLen);
else {
// the whole body is in the current slice
machine.buf = chunk.slice(machine.chunkIndex, machine.chunkIndex + partLen);
machine.bufIndex += partLen;
family: machine.family
, address: machine.address
, port: machine.port
, data: machine.buf.slice(0, machine.bufIndex)
machine.chunkIndex += partLen; // === chunk.length
machine.buf = null; // reset to null
machine.bufIndex = 0; // reset to 0
return true;
machine.fns.addChunk = function (chunk) {
machine.chunkIndex = 0;
while (machine.chunkIndex < chunk.length) {
//console.log('chunkIndex:', machine.chunkIndex, 'state:', machine.state);
if (true === machine.fns[machine.states[machine.state]](chunk)) {
machine.state += 1;
machine.state %= machine.states_length;
return machine;
module.exports.pack = function (address, data) {
var version = 1;
var header = /*servername + ',' +*/address.family + ',' + address.address + ',' + address.port + ',' + data.byteLength;
var meta = [ 255 - version, header.length ];
var buf = Buffer.alloc(meta.length + header.length + data.byteLength);
buf.write(meta[0], 0);
buf.write(meta[1], 1);
buf.write(header, 2);
buf.write(data, 2 + header.length);
return buf;

sni.hello.bin Normal file

Binary file not shown.

test.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
'use strict';
var sni = require('sni');
var hello = require('fs').readFileSync('./sni.hello.bin');
var version = 1;
var header = 'IPv4,,443,' + hello.byteLength;
var buf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([ 255 - version, header.length ])
, Buffer.from(header)
, hello
var services = { 'ssh': 22, 'http': 4080, 'https': 8443 };
var clients = {};
var count = 0;
var machine = require('./').create({
onMessage: function (opts) {
var id = opts.family + ',' + opts.address + ',' + opts.port;
var service = 'https';
var port = services[service];
var servername = sni(opts.data);
if (!opts.data.equals(hello)) {
throw new Error("'data' packet is not equal to original 'hello' packet");
console.log('all', opts.data.byteLength, 'bytes are equal');
console.log('src:', opts.family, opts.address + ':' + opts.port);
console.log('dst:', 'IPv4' + port);
if (!clients[id]) {
clients[id] = true;
if (!servername) {
throw new Error("no servername found for '" + id + "'");
console.log("servername: '" + servername + "'");
count += 1;
// full message in one go
// 223 = 2 + 22 + 199
console.log('[WHOLE BUFFER]', 2, header.length, hello.length, buf.byteLength);
clients = {};
// messages one byte at a time
console.log('[BYTE-BY-BYTE BUFFER]', 1);
clients = {};
buf.forEach(function (byte) {
machine.fns.addChunk(Buffer.from([ byte ]));
// split messages in overlapping thirds
// 0-2 (2)
// 2-24 (22)
// 24-223 (199)
// 223-225 (2)
// 225-247 (22)
// 247-446 (199)
buf = Buffer.concat([ buf, buf ]);
console.log('[OVERLAPPING BUFFERS]', buf.length);
clients = {};
[ buf.slice(0, 7) // version + header
, buf.slice(7, 14) // header
, buf.slice(14, 21) // header
, buf.slice(21, 28) // header + body
, buf.slice(28, 217) // body
, buf.slice(217, 224) // body + version
, buf.slice(224, 238) // version + header
, buf.slice(238, buf.byteLength) // header + body
].forEach(function (buf) {
process.on('exit', function () {
if (count !== 4) {
throw new Error("should have delivered 4 messages, not", count);
console.log('TESTS PASS');