# [@root/paypal-checkout](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/paypal-checkout.js) In contrast to the official PayPal Checkout SDK - which is auto-generated code with lots of abstraction without much value - this is very little abstraction, but specificially designed to be (mostly) idiomatic JavaScript / Node.js. \ (excuse the `snake_case` - that's how the PayPal REST API is designed). ![](https://i.imgur.com/brFTseM.png "PayPal Checkout API Flow") Check out with PayPal The Good Documentation™ for the PayPal API (a.k.a. PayPal Checkout SDK) is the "REST API". See - (one-time payments) - (recurring subscriptions) - (the buttons) # Table of Contents - Install - QuickStart - Orders (One-Time Purchases) - PayPal Checkout Buttons - REST API Overview - Orders & Subscriptions - Redirects - Webhooks - Security & Notes - Detailed Examples & Glossary # Install ```bash npm install --save @root/paypal-checkout ``` # Quick Start If you just want to create a "Buy Now" or "Checkout with PayPal" type of button, here's the gist of what you need to do: ## Order (One-Time Purchase) 1. Initialize the API ```js "use strict"; require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" }); let PPC = require("@root/paypal-checkout"); PPC.init( process.env.PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID || "xxxx", process.env.PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET || "****", "sandbox" || "live", { // default query params for endpoints that use them prefer: "return=representation", total_required: true, page_size: 20, } ); ``` 2. Create a "Buy Now" link (for Approval) ```js // See https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#orders_create let order = await PPC.Order.createRequest({ application_context: { brand_name: "Bliss via The Root Group, LLC", shipping_preference: "NO_SHIPPING", landing_page: "LOGIN", user_action: "PAY_NOW", return_url: `https://example.com/api/redirects/paypal-checkout/return`, cancel_url: `https://example.com/api/redirects/paypal-checkout/cancel`, }, purchase_units: [ { request_id: "default", custom_id: "my-local-db-id-for-user-purchasing-product", // shown in PayPal Checkout Flow UI description: "1 year of pure Bliss", // on the charge (credit card) statement soft_descriptor: "Bliss", amount: { currency_code: "USD", value: "10.00", }, }, ], }); console.info( "Approve URL:", order.links.find(function (link) { return "approve" === link.rel; }).href ); ``` 3. Handle the redirect: Verify & Capture ```js app.get("/api/redirects/paypal-checkout/return", async function (req, res) { let orderId = req.query.token; // verify that the user has paid await PPC.Order.details(orderId) .then(async function (order) { console.info("Deliver the Product to:", order.payer.email_address); if ("APPROVED" !== order.status) { throw new Error("spoofed redirect or cancelled order"); } // take the money let capture = await PPC.Order.capture(order.id, { final_capture: true, }); }) .catch(next); }); ``` 4. Handle the PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED WebHook ```js app.get("/api/webhooks/paypal-checkout/:secret", async function (req, res) { let crypto = require("crypto"); let secret = process.env.PAYPAL_WEBHOOK_SECRET || ""; let guess = req.params.secret; if ( !secret || secret.length !== guess.length || !crypto.timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(guess), Buffer.from(secret)) ) { next(new Error("bad webhook secret value")); return; } let event = req.body; switch (event.event_type) { case "PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED": { let orderId = event.supplementary_data.related_ids.order_id; let localDbId = event.custom_id; console.info( `Confirm that PayPal Order ${orderId} for ${localDbId} has been paid.` ); } default: console.log("Ignoring", event.event_type); res.json({ sucess: true }); return; } }); ``` ## PayPal Checkout Buttons - <== THE ONE YOU WANT - Check out with PayPal - - # API ## Overview ```js PayPal.init(client_id, client_secret, "sandbox", defaults); PayPal.request({ method, url, headers, json }); ``` ## No Dependencies Needed If you'd like to keep your code super lightweight, you don't even need an SDK - you can just use simple HTTP requests: ```js let qs = require("querystring"); let request = require("@root/request"); let paypalApi = "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com"; async function PayPalRequest( endpoint = "/v2/checkout/orders", query = { page_size: 20 }, body = { purchase_units: [] }, requestId // optional id for certain requests ) { let search = qs.stringify(query); return await request({ url: `${paypalApi}${endpoint}?${search}`, auth: { user: process.env.PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, pass: process.env.PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET, }, headers: { "PayPal-Request-Id": requestId, }, json: body, }).then(function (resp) { if (rsep.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error("BAD RESPONSE"); } return resp.toJSON().body; }); } ``` ### Subscriptions (Recurring Payments) See https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/subscriptions/v1/#subscriptions ```txt // Webhook 'event_type': PayPal.Product.create({ ... }); // CATALOG.PRODUCT.CREATED PayPal.Product.list(); PayPal.Product.details(id); PayPal.Product.update(id, { description }); // CATALOG.PRODUCT.UPDATED PayPal.Plan.create({ ... }); // BILLING.PLAN.CREATED PayPal.Plan.list(); PayPal.Plan.details(id); PayPal.Plan.update(id, { description }); // BILLING.PLAN.UPDATED PayPal.Subscription.createRequest({ ... }); // BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CREATED // subscription.links[rel="approve"].href // BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.ACTIVATED // PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED PayPal.Subscription.details(id); PayPal.Subscription.cancel(id, { reason }); ``` ### Orders (One-Time Payments) ```txt // Webhook 'event_type': PayPal.Order.createRequest({ purchase_units }); // CHECKOUT.ORDER.APPROVED PayPal.Order.capture(id, { final_capture }); // PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED ``` See also: - - - ### Redirects - `return_url` - `cancel_url` #### `return_url` **_Order_** and **_Subscription_** requests have a return `return_url` will be called with some or all of the following params: ```txt # Order https://example.com/redirects/paypal-checkout/return ?token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &PayerID=XXXXXXXXXXXXX ``` - `token` is the **_Order ID_** - `PayerID` is... exactly what it seems (no idea how you can access the Payer object though) ```txt # Subscrption https://example.com/redirects/paypal-checkout/return ?subscription_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX &ba_token=BA-00000000000000000 &token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ``` - `subscription_id` refers to both the **_Subscription ID_** and the `billing_agreement_id` of the corresponding **_Payments_**. - `ba_token` (deprecated) refers to `/v1/payments/billing-agreements/:ba_token` - `token` refers to the **_Order ID_** (perhaps created as part of the setup fee or first billing cycle payment). #### `cancel_url` The `cancel_url` will have the same query params as the `return_url`. Also, PayPal presents the raw `cancel_url` and will NOT update the order or subscription status. It's up to you to confirm with the user and change the status to `CANCELLED`. ### Webhooks Webhooks can be set up in the Application section of the Dashboard: - You'll see a list of applications. Click on one to access the webhooks. **Security**: You must put a `secret` or `token` or your webhook URLs - PayPal provides no measure of authentication (and otherwise an attacker could just send random crap to your webhooks making it look like they've paid for all sorts of things). # Security #### User email addresses Emails addresses available through the PayPal Checkout API guaranteed to have been verified by PayPal. See: - [Is `resource.subscriber.email_address` verified by PayPal?](https://twitter.com/paypaldev/status/1448238655743488008) - [How do I receive money through PayPal?](https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-receive-money-through-paypal-faq1750) # Notes My discussions with Twitter Support (@paypaldev): - Note: Just about everything in the PayPal SDK that uses `ALL_CAPS` is a `constant`/`enum` representing an option you can pick from limited number of options. Sandbox accounts (for creating fake purchases) can be managed at: ## Auth vs Capture > Authorization and capture enables you to authorize fund availability but delay > fund capture. This can be useful for merchants who have a delayed order > fulfillment process. Authorize & Capture also enables merchants to change the > original authorization amount in case the order changes due to shipping, > taxes, or gratuity. > > For any payment type, you can capture less than or the full original > authorized amount. You can also capture up to 115% of or $75 USD more than the > original authorized amount, whichever is less. > > See > > - > - You can auth once and capture multiple times (unless you set `final_capture`). # Examples ### Subscription.createRequest({ ... }) See https://developer.paypal.com/docs/subscriptions/integrate/#use-the-subscriptions-api ```js await Subscription.createRequest({ plan_id: plan.id, //start_time: "2018-11-01T00:00:00Z", (must be in the future) //quantity: "20", //shipping_amount: { currency_code: "USD", value: "10.00" }, subscriber: { name: { given_name: "James", surname: "Doe" }, email_address: "customer@example.com", /* shipping_address: { name: { full_name: "James Doe" }, address: { address_line_1: "123 Sesame Street", address_line_2: "Building 17", admin_area_2: "San Jose", admin_area_1: "CA", postal_code: "95131", country_code: "US", }, }, */ }, application_context: { brand_name: "Bliss via The Root Group, LLC", locale: "en-US", shipping_preference: Subscription.shipping_preferences.NO_SHIPPING, user_action: Subscription.actions.SUBSCRIBE_NOW, payment_method: { payer_selected: Subscription.payer_selections.PAYPAL, payee_preferred: Subscription.payee_preferences.IMMEDIATE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED, }, return_url: "https://example.com/api/paypal-checkout/return?my_token=abc123", cancel_url: "https://example.com/api/paypal-checkout/cancel?my_token=abc123", }, }); console.info("Subscription (Before Approval):"); console.info(JSON.stringify(subscription, null, 2)); console.info(); console.info( "Approve URL:", subscription.links.find(function (link) { return "approve" === link.rel; }).href ); ``` # Glossary ## Webhook Event: CHECKOUT.ORDER.APPROVED ```json { "id": "WH-1V203642KU442722T-3S346483MF8733038", "event_version": "1.0", "create_time": "2021-10-17T05:04:22.404Z", "resource_type": "checkout-order", "resource_version": "2.0", "event_type": "CHECKOUT.ORDER.APPROVED", "summary": "An order has been approved by buyer", "resource": { "create_time": "2021-10-17T05:03:26Z", "purchase_units": [ { "reference_id": "{purchase-unit-id}", "amount": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": "10.00" }, "payee": { "email_address": "sb-a9xvi8075587@business.example.com", "merchant_id": "4RXRQC77UD53U", "display_data": { "brand_name": "Bliss via The Root Group, LLC" } }, "description": "1 year of pure Bliss", "custom_id": "{my-local-db-purchase-id}", "soft_descriptor": "Bliss" } ], "links": [ { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/4K5112848U951142F", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/4K5112848U951142F", "rel": "update", "method": "PATCH" }, { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/4K5112848U951142F/capture", "rel": "capture", "method": "POST" } ], "id": "4K5112848U951142F", "intent": "CAPTURE", "payer": { "name": { "given_name": "John", "surname": "Doe" }, "email_address": "sb-ka5d18075586@personal.example.com", "payer_id": "YTENGYR8PAF9A", "address": { "country_code": "US" } }, "status": "APPROVED" }, "links": [ { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-1V203642KU442722T-3S346483MF8733038", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-1V203642KU442722T-3S346483MF8733038/resend", "rel": "resend", "method": "POST" } ] } ``` ## Webhook Event: PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED ```json { "id": "WH-3UT90572MR669760L-7LL94124G5389840D", "event_version": "1.0", "create_time": "2021-10-17T05:05:03.389Z", "resource_type": "capture", "resource_version": "2.0", "event_type": "PAYMENT.CAPTURE.COMPLETED", "summary": "Payment completed for $ 10.0 USD", "resource": { "amount": { "value": "10.00", "currency_code": "USD" }, "seller_protection": { "dispute_categories": ["ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED", "UNAUTHORIZED_TRANSACTION"], "status": "ELIGIBLE" }, "supplementary_data": { "related_ids": { "order_id": "4K5112848U951142F" } }, "update_time": "2021-10-17T05:04:29Z", "create_time": "2021-10-17T05:04:29Z", "final_capture": true, "seller_receivable_breakdown": { "paypal_fee": { "value": "0.84", "currency_code": "USD" }, "gross_amount": { "value": "10.00", "currency_code": "USD" }, "net_amount": { "value": "9.16", "currency_code": "USD" } }, "custom_id": "{my-local-db-purchase-id}", "links": [ { "method": "GET", "rel": "self", "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/payments/captures/5VK462069F664902F" }, { "method": "POST", "rel": "refund", "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/payments/captures/5VK462069F664902F/refund" }, { "method": "GET", "rel": "up", "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/4K5112848U951142F" } ], "id": "5VK462069F664902F", "status": "COMPLETED" }, "links": [ { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-3UT90572MR669760L-7LL94124G5389840D", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-3UT90572MR669760L-7LL94124G5389840D/resend", "rel": "resend", "method": "POST" } ] } ```