#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; // I'm not proud of the way this code is written - it snowballed from a thought // experiment into a full-fledged CLI, literally overnight (as it it's 4:30am // right now), but I love what it accomplishes! /*global Promise*/ var fs = require('fs'); var Rasha = require('rasha'); var Eckles = require('eckles'); var Keypairs = require('../'); var pkg = require('../package.json'); var args = process.argv.slice(2); var opts = { keys: [], jwts: [], jwss: [], payloads: [], names: [], filenames: [], files: [] }; var conflicts = { 'namedCurve': 'modulusLength' , 'public': 'private' }; Object.keys(conflicts).forEach(function (k) { conflicts[conflicts[k]] = k; }); function set(key, val) { if (opts[conflicts[key]]) { console.error("cannot set '" + key + "' to '" + val + "': '" + conflicts[key] + "' already set as '" + opts[conflicts[key]] + "'"); process.exit(1); } if (opts[key]) { console.error("cannot set '" + key + "' to '" + val + "': already set as '" + opts[key] + "'"); process.exit(1); } opts[key] = val; } // duck type all the things // TODO segment off by actions (gen, sign, verify) and allow parse/convert or gen before sign args.forEach(function (arg) { var larg = arg.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]/g, ''); var narg = parseInt(arg, 10) || 0; if (narg.toString() !== arg) { // i.e. 2048.pem is a valid file name narg = false; } if ('version' === arg) { console.info(pkg.name, 'v' + pkg.version); process.exit(0); } if (setTimes(arg)) { return; } if (setIssuer(arg)) { return; } if (setSubject(arg)) { return; } if ('ecdsa' === larg || 'ec' === larg) { set('kty', "EC"); if (opts.modulusLength) { console.error("EC keys do not have bit lengths such as '" + opts.modulusLength + "'. Choose either the P-256 or P-384 'curve' instead."); process.exit(1); } } if ('rsa' === larg) { set('kty', "RSA"); if (opts.namedCurve) { console.error("RSA keys do not have curves such as '" + opts.namedCurve + "'. Choose a modulus bit length, such as 2048 instead."); process.exit(1); } return; } // P-384 if (-1 !== ['256', 'p256', 'prime256v1', 'secp256r1'].indexOf(larg)) { set('namedCurve', "P-256"); return; } // P-384 if (-1 !== ['384', 'p384', 'secp384r1'].indexOf(larg)) { set('namedCurve', "P-384"); return; } // RSA Modulus Length if (narg) { if (narg < 2048 || narg % 8 || narg > 8192) { console.error("RSA modulusLength must be >=2048, <=8192 and divisible by 8"); process.exit(1); } set('modulusLength', narg); return; } // Booleans if (-1 !== [ 'private', 'public', 'nocompact', 'nofetch', 'debug', 'overwrite' ].indexOf(arg)) { set(arg, true); return; } if ('uncompressed' === arg) { set('uncompressed', true); return; } if (-1 !== [ 'gen', 'sign', 'verify', 'decode' ].indexOf(arg)) { set('action', arg); return; } // Key format and encoding if (-1 !== [ 'spki', 'pkix' ].indexOf(larg)) { set('pubFormat', 'spki'); return; } // TODO add ssh private key support (it's already built in jwk-to-ssh) if ('ssh' === larg) { set('pubFormat', 'ssh'); return; } if (-1 !== [ 'openssh', 'sec1', 'pkcs1', 'pkcs8' ].indexOf(larg)) { // pkcs1 can be public or private, it's ambiguous if (!opts.privFormat) { set('privFormat', larg); return; } if ('pkcs1' === larg || 'ssh' === larg) { set('pubFormat', larg); return; } if ('openssh' === larg) { console.warn("specifying 'openssh' twice? ...assuming that you meant 'ssh'"); set('pubFormat', 'ssh'); return; } if ('pkcs8' === larg) { console.warn("specifying 'pkcs8' twice? ...assuming that you meant 'spki' (pkix)"); set('pubFormat', 'spki'); return; } if ('sec1' === larg) { console.warn("specifying 'sec1' twice? ...assuming that you meant 'spki' (pkix)"); set('pubFormat', 'spki'); return; } return; } if ('jwk' === larg) { if (!opts.privFormat) { set('privFormat', larg); } else { set('pubFormat', larg); } return; } if ('pem' === larg || 'der' === larg || 'json' === larg) { if (!opts.privEncoding) { set('privEncoding', larg); } else { set('pubEncoding', larg); } return; } // Filename try { fs.accessSync(arg); opts.filenames.push(arg); opts.names.push({ taken: true, name: arg }); if (!guessFile(arg)) { opts.files.push(arg); } return; } catch(e) { /* not keypath */ } // Test for JWK-ness / payload-ness if (guess(arg)) { return; } // Test for JWT-ness if (setJwt(arg)) { return; } // Possibly the output file if (opts.names.length < 3) { opts.names.push({ taken: false, name: arg }); return; } // check if it's a valid output key console.error("too many arguments or didn't understand argument '" + arg + "'"); if (opts.debug) { console.warn(opts); } process.exit(1); }); function guessFile(filename) { try { // TODO der support var txt = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString('utf8'); return guess(txt, filename); } catch(e) { return false; } } function guess(txt, filename) { try { var json = JSON.parse(txt); if (-1 !== [ 'RSA', 'EC' ].indexOf(json.kty)) { opts.keys.push({ raw: txt, jwk: json, filename: filename }); return true; } else if (json.signature && json.payload && (json.header || json.protected)) { opts.jwss.push(json); return true; } else { opts.payloads.push(txt); return true; } } catch(e) { try { var jwk = Eckles.importSync({ pem: txt }); // pem._string = txt; opts.keys.push({ jwk: jwk, pem: true, raw: txt }); return true; } catch(e) { try { var jwk = Rasha.importSync({ pem: txt }); // pem._string = txt; opts.keys.push({ jwk: jwk, pem: true, raw: txt }); return true; } catch(e) { // ignore } } } return false; } // node bin/keypairs.js debug spki pem json pkcs1 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub foo.pem bar.pem 'abc.abc.abc' '{"kty":"EC"}' '{}' '{"signature":"x", "payload":"x", "header":"x"}' '{"signature":"x", "payload":"x", "protected":"x"}' verify if (opts.debug) { console.warn(opts); } var kp; if ('gen' === opts.action || (!opts.action && !opts.names.length)) { if (opts.names.length > 2) { console.error("there should only be two output files at most when generating keypairs"); console.error(opts.names.map(function (t) { return t.name; })); process.exit(1); return; } kp = genKeypair(); } else if ('decode' === opts.action) { if (!opts.jwts.length) { console.error("no JWTs specified to decode"); process.exit(1); return; } return Promise.all(opts.jwts.map(function (jwt, i) { try { var decoded = decodeJwt(jwt); console.info("Decoded #" + (i + 1) + ":"); console.info(JSON.stringify(decoded, null, 2)); } catch(e) { console.error("Failed to decode #" + (i + 1) + ":"); console.error(e); } })); } else if ('verify' === opts.action || (!opts.action && opts.jwts.length)) { if (!opts.jwts.length) { console.error("no JWTs specified to verify"); process.exit(1); return; } return Promise.all(opts.jwts.map(function (jwt, i) { return require('keyfetch').verify({ jwt: jwt }).then(function (decoded) { console.info("Verified #" + (i + 1) + ":"); console.info(JSON.stringify(decoded, null, 2)); }).catch(function (err) { console.error("Failed to verify #" + (i + 1) + ":"); console.error(err); }); })); } else { if (opts.names.length > 3) { console.error("there should only be one input file and up to two output files when converting keypairs"); console.error(opts.names.map(function (t) { return t.name; })); process.exit(1); return; } var pair = readKeypair(); pair._convert = true; kp = Promise.resolve(pair); } if ('sign' === opts.action) { return kp.then(function (pair) { var jwk = pair.private; if (!jwk || !jwk.d) { console.error("the first key was not a private key"); console.error(opts.names.map(function (t) { return t.name; })); process.exit(1); return; } if (!opts.payloads.length) { opts.payloads.push('{}'); } return Promise.all(opts.payloads.map(function (payload) { var claims = JSON.parse(payload); if (!claims.iss) { claims.iss = opts.issuer; } if (!claims.iss) { console.warn("No issuer given, token will not be verifiable"); } if (!claims.sub) { claims.sub = opts.sub; } if (!claims.exp) { if (!opts.expiresAt) { setTimes('15m'); } claims.exp = opts.expiresAt; } if (!claims.iat) { claims.iat = opts.issuedAt; } if (!claims.nbf) { claims.nbf = opts.nbf; } return Keypairs.signJwt({ jwk: pair.private, claims: claims }).then(function (jwt) { console.info(jwt); }); })); }); } else { return kp.then(function (pair) { if (pair._convert) { return convertKeypair(pair); } }); } function readKeypair() { // note that the jwk may be a string var keyopts = opts.keys.shift(); var jwk = keyopts && keyopts.jwk; if (!jwk) { console.error("no keys could be parsed from the given arguments"); console.error(opts.names.map(function (t) { return t.name; })); process.exit(1); return; } // omit the primary private key from the list of actual (or soon-to-be) files if (keyopts.filename) { opts.names = opts.names.filter(function (name) { return name.name !== keyopts.filename; }); } var pair = { private: null, public: null, pem: keyopts.pem, raw: keyopts.raw }; if (jwk.d) { pair.private = jwk; } pair.public = Keypairs._neuter({ jwk: jwk }); return pair; } // Note: some of the conditions can be factored out // this was all built in high-speed iterative during the 3ams+ function convertKeypair(pair) { //var pair = readKeypair(); var ps = []; // if it's private only, or if it's not public-only, produce the private key if (pair.private || !opts.public) { // if it came from pem (or is explicitly json), it should go to jwk // otherwise, if it came from jwk, it should go to pem if (((!opts.privEncoding && pair.pem) || 'json' === opts.privEncoding) && ((!opts.privFormat && pair.pem) || 'jwk' === opts.privFormat)) { ps.push(Promise.resolve(pair.private)); } else { ps.push(Keypairs.export({ jwk: pair.private, format: opts.privFormat, encoding: opts.privEncoding })); } } // if it's not private key only, we want to produce the public key if (!opts.private) { if (opts.public) { // if it's public-only the ambigious options will fall to the private key // so we need to fix that if (!opts.pubFormat) { opts.pubFormat = opts.privFormat; } if (!opts.pubEncoding) { opts.pubEncoding = opts.privEncoding; } } // same as above - swap formats by default if (((!opts.pubEncoding && pair.pem) || 'json' === opts.pubEncoding) && ((!opts.pubFormat && pair.pem) || 'jwk' === opts.pubFormat)) { ps.push(Promise.resolve(pair.public)); } else { ps.push(Keypairs.export({ jwk: pair.public, format: opts.pubFormat, encoding: opts.pubEncoding, public: true })); } } return Promise.all(ps).then(function (exported) { // start with the first key, annotating if it should be public var index = 0; var key = stringifyIfJson(index, opts.public); // re: opts.names // if we're only doing the public key we can end early // (if the source key was from a file and was in opts.names, // we're safe here because we already removed it earlier) if (opts.public) { if (opts.names.length) { writeFile(opts.names[index].name, key, !opts.public); } else { // output public keys to stderr printPublic(key); } // end <-- we're not outputting other keys return; } // private key stuff if (opts.names.length >= 1) { writeFile(opts.names[index].name, key, true); } else { printPrivate(key); } // pub key stuff // we have to output the private key, // but the public key can be derived at any time // so we don't need to put the same noise to the screen if (!opts.private && opts.names.length >= 2) { index = 1; key = stringifyIfJson(index, false); writeFile(opts.names[index].name, key, false); } return pair; function stringifyIfJson(i, pub) { if (exported[i].kty) { if (pub) { if (opts.expiresAt) { exported[i].exp = opts.expiresAt; } exported[i].use = "sig"; } exported[i] = JSON.stringify(exported[i]); } return exported[i]; } }); } function genKeypair() { return Keypairs.generate({ kty: opts.kty , modulusLength: opts.modulusLength , namedCurve: opts.namedCurve }).then(function (pair) { // always generate as jwk by default var ps = []; if ((!opts.privEncoding || 'json' === opts.privEncoding) && (!opts.privFormat || 'jwk' === opts.privFormat)) { ps.push(Promise.resolve(pair.private)); } else { ps.push(Keypairs.export({ jwk: pair.private, format: opts.privFormat, encoding: opts.privEncoding })); } if ((!opts.pubEncoding || 'json' === opts.pubEncoding) && (!opts.pubFormat || 'jwk' === opts.pubFormat)) { ps.push(Promise.resolve(pair.public)); } else { ps.push(Keypairs.export({ jwk: pair.public, format: opts.pubFormat, encoding: opts.pubEncoding, public: true })); } return Promise.all(ps).then(function (arr) { if (arr[0].kty) { arr[0] = JSON.stringify(arr[0]); } if (arr[1].kty) { if (opts.expiresAt) { arr[1].exp = opts.expiresAt; } arr[1].use = "sig"; arr[1] = JSON.stringify(arr[1]); } if (!opts.names.length) { console.info(arr[0] + "\n"); console.warn(arr[1] + "\n"); } if (opts.names.length >= 1) { writeFile(opts.names[0].name, arr[0], true); if (!opts.private && opts.names.length >= 2) { writeFile(opts.names[1].name, arr[1]); } } return pair; }); }); } function writeFile(name, key, priv) { var overwrite; try { fs.accessSync(name); overwrite = opts.overwrite; if (!opts.overwrite) { if (priv) { // output private keys to stdout console.info(key + "\n"); } else { // output public keys to stderr console.warn(key + "\n"); } console.error("'" + name + "' exists! force overwrite with 'overwrite'"); process.exit(1); return; } } catch(e) { // the file does not exist (or cannot be accessed) } fs.writeFileSync(name, key); if (overwrite) { console.info("Overwrote " + (priv ? "private" : "public") + " key at '" + name + "'"); } else { console.info("Wrote " + (priv ? "private" : "public") + " key to '" + name + "'"); } } function setJwt(arg) { try { var jwt = arg.match(/^([\w-]+)\.([\w-]+)\.([\w-]+)$/); // make sure header is a JWT header JSON.parse(Buffer.from(jwt[1], 'base64')); opts.jwts.push(arg); return true; } catch(e) { // ignore } } function setSubject(arg) { if (!/.+@[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9_-]+/i.test(arg)) { return false; } opts.subject = arg; return false; } function setIssuer(arg) { if (!/^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9_-]+/i.test(arg)) { return false; } try { new URL(arg); opts.issuer = arg.replace(/\/$/, ''); return true; } catch(e) { } return false; } function setTimes(arg) { var t = arg.match(/^(\-?\d+)([dhms])$/i); if (!t || !t[0]) { return false; } var num = parseInt(t[1], 10); var unit = t[2]; var mult = 1; opts.issuedAt = Math.round(Date.now()/1000); switch(unit) { // fancy fallthrough, what fun! case 'd': mult *= 24; /*falls through*/ case 'h': mult *= 60; /*falls through*/ case 'm': mult *= 60; /*falls through*/ case 's': mult *= 1; } if (!opts.expiresIn) { opts.expiresIn = mult * num; opts.expiresAt = opts.issuedAt + opts.expiresIn; } else { opts.nbf = opts.issuedAt + (mult * num); } return true; } function decodeJwt(jwt) { var parts = jwt.split('.'); return { header: JSON.parse(Buffer.from(parts[0], 'base64')) , payload: JSON.parse(Buffer.from(parts[1], 'base64')) , signature: parts[2] //Buffer.from(parts[2], 'base64') }; } function printPrivate(key) { console.info(key + "\n"); } function printPublic(key) { console.warn(key + "\n"); }