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Package keypairs complements Go's standard keypair-related packages
(encoding/pem, crypto/x509, crypto/rsa, crypto/ecdsa, crypto/elliptic)
with JWK encoding support and typesafe PrivateKey and PublicKey interfaces.
key, err := keypairs.ParsePrivateKey(bytesForJWKOrPEMOrDER)
pub, err := keypairs.ParsePublicKey(bytesForJWKOrPEMOrDER)
jwk, err := keypairs.MarshalJWKPublicKey(pub, time.Now().Add(2 * time.Day))
kid, err := keypairs.ThumbprintPublicKey(pub)
Convenience functions are available which will fetch keys
(or retrieve them from cache) via OIDC, .well-known/jwks.json, and direct urls.
All keys are cached by Thumbprint, as well as kid(@issuer), if available.
import ""
pubs, err := keyfetch.OIDCJWKs("")
pubs, err := keyfetch.OIDCJWK(ThumbOrKeyID, "")
pubs, err := keyfetch.WellKnownJWKs("")
pubs, err := keyfetch.WellKnownJWK(ThumbOrKeyID, "")
pubs, err := keyfetch.JWKs("")
pubs, err := keyfetch.JWK(ThumbOrKeyID, "")
// From URL
pub, err := keyfetch.Fetch("")
// From Cache only
pub := keyfetch.Get(thumbprint, "")
A non-caching version with the same capabilities is also available.
package keypairs