# [keyfetch](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/keyfetch.js) Lightweight support for fetching JWKs. Fetches JSON native JWKs and exposes them as PEMs that can be consumed by the `jsonwebtoken` package (and node's native RSA and ECDSA crypto APIs). ## Features Works great for - [x] `jsonwebtoken` (Auth0) - [x] OIDC (OpenID Connect) - [x] .well-known/jwks.json (Auth0, Okta) - [x] Other JWKs URLs Crypto Support - [x] JWT verification - [x] RSA (all variants) - [x] EC / ECDSA (NIST variants P-256, P-384) - [x] Sane error codes - [ ] esoteric variants (excluded to keep the code featherweight and secure) # Table of Contents - Install - Usage - API - Auth0 / Okta - OIDC - Errors - Change Log # Install ```bash npm install --save keyfetch ``` # Usage Retrieve a key list of keys: ```js var keyfetch = require("keyfetch"); keyfetch.oidcJwks("https://example.com/").then(function (results) { results.forEach(function (result) { console.log(result.jwk); console.log(result.thumprint); console.log(result.pem); }); }); ``` Quick JWT verification (for authentication): ```js var keyfetch = require("keyfetch"); var jwt = "..."; keyfetch.jwt.verify(jwt).then(function (decoded) { console.log(decoded); }); ``` JWT verification (for authorization): ```js var options = { issuers: ["https://example.com/"], claims: { role: "admin" } }; keyfetch.jwt.verify(jwt, options).then(function (decoded) { console.log(decoded); }); ``` Verify a JWT with `jsonwebtoken`: ```js var keyfetch = require("keyfetch"); var jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); var auth = "..."; // some JWT var token = jwt.decode(auth, { json: true, complete: true }); if (!isTrustedIssuer(token.payload.iss)) { throw new Error("untrusted issuer"); } keyfetch.oidcJwk(token.header.kid, token.payload.iss).then(function (result) { console.log(result.jwk); console.log(result.thumprint); console.log(result.pem); jwt.jwt.verify(jwt, { jwk: result.jwk }); }); ``` _Note_: You might implement `isTrustedIssuer` one of these: ```js function isTrustedIssuer(iss) { return -1 !== ["https://partner.com/", "https://auth0.com/"].indexOf(iss); } ``` ```js function isTrustedIssuer(iss) { return ( /^https:/.test(iss) && /(\.|^)example\.com$/.test(iss) // must be a secure domain ); // can be example.com or any subdomain } ``` # API All API calls will return the RFC standard JWK SHA256 thumbprint as well as a PEM version of the key. Note: When specifying `id`, it may be either `kid` (as in `token.header.kid`) or `thumbprint` (as in `result.thumbprint`). ### JWKs URLs Retrieves keys from a URL such as `https://example.com/jwks/` with the format `{ keys: [ { kid, kty, exp, ... } ] }` and returns the array of keys (as well as thumbprint and jwk-to-pem). ```js keyfetch.jwks(jwksUrl); // Promises [ { jwk, thumbprint, pem } ] or fails ``` ```js keyfetch.jwk(id, jwksUrl); // Promises { jwk, thumbprint, pem } or fails ``` ### Auth0 If `https://example.com/` is used as `issuerUrl` it will resolve to `https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json` and return the keys. ```js keyfetch.wellKnownJwks(issuerUrl); // Promises [ { jwk, thumbprint, pem } ] or fails ``` ```js keyfetch.wellKnownJwk(id, issuerUrl); // Promises { jwk, thumbprint, pem } or fails ``` ### OIDC If `https://example.com/` is used as `issuerUrl` then it will first resolve to `https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration` and then follow `jwks_uri` to return the keys. ```js keyfetch.oidcJwks(issuerUrl); // Promises [ { jwk, thumbprint, pem } ] or fails ``` ```js keyfetch.oidcJwk(id, issuerUrl); // Promises { jwk, thumbprint, pem } or fails ``` ### Verify JWT This can accept a _JWT string_ (compact JWS) or a _decoded JWT object_ (JWS). This can be used purely for verifying pure authentication tokens, as well as authorization tokens. ```js keyfetch.jwt.verify(jwt, { strategy: "oidc" }).then(function (verified) { /* { protected: '...' // base64 header , payload: '...' // base64 payload , signature: '...' // base64 signature , header: {...} // decoded header , claims: {...} // decoded payload } */ }); ``` When used for authorization, it's important to specify a limited set of trusted `issuers`. \ When using for federated authentication you may set `issuers = ["*"]` - but **DO NOT** trust claims such as `email` and `email_verified`. If your authorization `claims` can be expressed as exact string matches, you can specify those too. ```js keyfetch.jwt.verify(jwt, { strategy: 'oidc', issuers: [ 'https://example.com/' ], //iss: 'https://example.com/', claims: { role: 'admin', sub: 'abc', group: 'xyz' } }).then(function (verified) { ``` - `strategy` may be `oidc` (default) , `auth0`, or a direct JWKs url. - `issuers` must be a list of https urls (though http is allowed for things like Docker swarm), or '\*' - `iss` is like `issuers`, but only one - `claims` is an object with arbitrary keys (i.e. everything except for the standard `iat`, `exp`, `jti`, etc) - `exp` may be set to `false` if you're validating on your own (i.e. allowing time drift leeway) - `jwks` can be used to specify a list of allowed public key rather than fetching them (i.e. for offline unit tests) - `jwk` same as above, but a single key rather than a list ### Decode JWT ```jwt try { console.log( keyfetch.jwt.decode(jwt) ); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } ``` ```js { protected: '...' // base64 header , payload: '...' // base64 payload , signature: '...' // base64 signature , header: {...} // decoded header , claims: {...} // decoded payload ``` It's easier just to show the code than to explain the example. ```js keyfetch.jwt.decode = function (jwt) { // Unpack JWS from "compact" form var parts = jwt.split("."); var obj = { protected: parts[0], payload: parts[1], signature: parts[2] }; // Decode JWT properties from JWS as unordered objects obj.header = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(obj.protected, "base64")); obj.claims = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(obj.payload, "base64")); return obj; }; ``` ### Cache Settings ```js keyfetch.init({ // set all keys at least 1 hour (regardless of jwk.exp) mincache: 1 * 60 * 60, // expire each key after 3 days (regardless of jwk.exp) maxcache: 3 * 24 * 60 * 60, // re-fetch a key up to 15 minutes before it expires (only if used) staletime: 15 * 60 }); ``` There is no background task to cleanup expired keys as of yet. For now you can limit the number of keys fetched by having a simple whitelist. # Errors `JSON.stringify()`d errors look like this: ```js { code: "INVALID_JWT", status: 401, details: [ "jwt.claims.exp = 1634804500", "DEBUG: helpful message" ] message: "token's 'exp' has passed or could not parsed: 1634804500" } ``` SemVer Compatibility: - `code` & `status` will remain the same. - `message` is **NOT** included in the semver compatibility guarantee (we intend to make them more client-friendly), neither is `detail` at this time (but it will be once we decide on what it should be). - `details` may be added to, but not subtracted from | Hint | Code | Status | Message (truncated) | | ----------------- | ------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------ | | bad gateway | BAD_GATEWAY | 502 | The auth token could not be verified because our se... | | insecure issuer | MALFORMED_JWT | 400 | The auth token could not be verified because our se... | | parse error | MALFORMED_JWT | 400 | The auth token could not be verified because it is ... | | no issuer | MALFORMED_JWT | 400 | The auth token could not be verified because it doe... | | malformed exp | MALFORMED_JWT | 400 | The auth token could not be verified because it's e... | | expired | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token is expired. To try again, go to the ... | | inactive | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token isn't valid yet. It's activation dat... | | bad signature | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token did not pass verification because it... | | jwk not found old | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token did not pass verification because ou... | | jwk not found | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token did not pass verification because ou... | | no jwkws uri | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token did not pass verification because it... | | unknown issuer | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token did not pass verification because it... | | failed claims | INVALID_JWT | 401 | The auth token did not pass verification because it... | # Change Log Minor Breaking changes (with a major version bump): - v3.0.0 - reworked error messages (also available in v2.1.0 as `client_message`) - started using `let` and template strings (drops _really_ old node compat) - v2.0.0 - changes from the default `issuers = ["*"]` to requiring that an issuer (or public jwk for verification) is specified See other changes in [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md).