These are examples that we might come back and update (and would love help updating), but they are more likely to cause confusion than success for the casual googled-it-and-got-here-er.
Probably Outdated Examples
The simplest example of setting up a webserver appropriately is probably letsencrypt-cli
(~120 lines of code):
Similary, letsencrypt-cli
's usage of le.register()
is fairly simple (~75 lines of code):
One-Time Registration
Register a 90-day certificate manually, on a whim
Note: We've been running a fast development cycle and this example may be out of date. The API shouldn't have changed much but, we probably need to come back and update it.
Part 1: the Let's Encrypt client:
'use strict';
var LE = require('letsencrypt');
var config = require('./config-minimal');
// Note: you should make this special dir in your product and leave it empty
config.le.webrootPath = __dirname + '/../tests/acme-challenge';
config.le.server = LE.stagingServer;
// Manual Registration
var le = LE.create(config.backend, config.le);
agreeTos: true
, domains: [''] // CHANGE TO YOUR DOMAIN
, email: '' // CHANGE TO YOUR EMAIL
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.error('[Error]: node-letsencrypt/examples/standalone');
} else {
Part 2: Express Web Server:
// Express App
var app = require('express')();
app.use('/', le.middleware()); // TODO le.middleware was moved to letsencrypt-express, we need to update the docs here
// HTTP & HTTPS servers
// (required for domain validation)
var plainServer = require('http').createServer(app).listen(config.plainPort, function () {
console.log('Listening http', this.address());
var tlsServer = require('https').createServer({
key: config.tlsKey
, cert: config.tlsCert
, SNICallback: le.sniCallback
}, app).listen(config.tlsPort, function () {
console.log('Listening http', this.address());
Runnable Demo
# manual standalone registration via commandline
# (runs against testing server on tls port 5001)
node examples/commandline.js, agree
Fully Automatic HTTPS with ExpressJS using Free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt
'use strict';
var LE = require('letsencrypt');
var config = require('./config-minimal');
// Note: you should make this special dir in your product and leave it empty
config.le.webrootPath = __dirname + '/../tests/acme-challenge';
config.le.server = LE.stagingServer;
// Automatically Register / Renew Domains
var le = LE.create(config.backend, config.le, {
sniRegisterCallback: function (args, expiredCert, cb) {
// Security: check that this is actually a subdomain we allow
// (otherwise an attacker can cause you to rate limit against the LE server)
var hostname =[0];
if (!/\.example\.com$/.test(hostname)) {
console.error("bad domain '" + hostname + "', not a subdomain of");
cb(nul, null);
// agree to the LE TOS for this domain
args.agreeTos = true; = '';
// use the cert even though it's expired
if (expiredCert) {
cb(null, expiredCert);
cb = function () { /*ignore*/ };
// register / renew the certificate in the background
le.register(args, cb);
// Express App
var app = require('express')();
app.use('/', le.middleware());
// HTTP & HTTPS servers
require('http').createServer(app).listen(config.plainPort, function () {
console.log('Listening http', this.address());
key: config.tlsKey
, cert: config.tlsCert
, SNICallback: le.sniCallback
}, app).listen(config.tlsPort, function () {
console.log('Listening http', this.address());
Runnable Example
# clear out the certificates
rm -rf tests/letsencrypt.*
# automatic registration and renewal (certs install as you visit the site for the first time)
# (runs against testing server on tls port 5001)
node examples/express.js, agree
# this will take a moment because it won't respond to the tls sni header until it gets the certs
If you want to run this as non-root, you can.
You just have to set node to be allowed to use root ports
# node
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/node
and then make sure to set all of of the following to a directory that your user is permitted to write to