'use strict'; var U = module.exports; var promisify = require('util').promisify; var resolveSoa = promisify(require('dns').resolveSoa); var resolveMx = promisify(require('dns').resolveMx); var punycode = require('punycode'); var Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs'); // TODO move to @root var certParser = require('cert-info'); U._parseDuration = function(str) { if ('number' === typeof str) { return str; } var pattern = /^(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)([wdhms]|ms)$/; var matches = str.match(pattern); if (!matches || !matches[0]) { throw new Error('invalid duration string: ' + str); } var n = parseInt(matches[1], 10); var unit = matches[3]; switch (unit) { case 'w': n *= 7; /*falls through*/ case 'd': n *= 24; /*falls through*/ case 'h': n *= 60; /*falls through*/ case 'm': n *= 60; /*falls through*/ case 's': n *= 1000; /*falls through*/ case 'ms': n *= 1; // for completeness } return n; }; U._encodeName = function(str) { return punycode.toASCII(str.toLowerCase(str)); }; U._validName = function(str) { // A quick check of the 38 and two ½ valid characters // 253 char max full domain, including dots // 63 char max each label segment // Note: * is not allowed, but it's allowable here // Note: _ (underscore) is only allowed for "domain names", not "hostnames" // Note: - (hyphen) is not allowed as a first character (but a number is) return ( /^(\*\.)?[a-z0-9_\.\-]+$/.test(str) && str.length < 254 && str.split('.').every(function(label) { return label.length > 0 && label.length < 64; }) ); }; U._validMx = function(email) { var host = email.split('@').slice(1)[0]; // try twice, just because DNS hiccups sometimes // Note: we don't care if the domain exists, just that it *can* exist return resolveMx(host).catch(function() { return U._timeout(1000).then(function() { return resolveMx(host); }); }); }; // should be called after _validName U._validDomain = function(str) { // TODO use @root/dns (currently dns-suite) // because node's dns can't read Authority records return Promise.resolve(str); /* // try twice, just because DNS hiccups sometimes // Note: we don't care if the domain exists, just that it *can* exist return resolveSoa(str).catch(function() { return U._timeout(1000).then(function() { return resolveSoa(str); }); }); */ }; // foo.example.com and *.example.com overlap // should be called after _validName // (which enforces *. or no *) U._uniqueNames = function(altnames) { var dups = {}; var wilds = {}; if ( altnames.some(function(w) { if ('*.' !== w.slice(0, 2)) { return; } if (wilds[w]) { return true; } wilds[w] = true; }) ) { return false; } return altnames.every(function(name) { var w; if ('*.' !== name.slice(0, 2)) { w = '*.' + name .split('.') .slice(1) .join('.'); } else { return true; } if (!dups[name] && !dups[w]) { dups[name] = true; return true; } }); }; U._timeout = function(d) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, d); }); }; U._genKeypair = function(keyType) { var keyopts; var len = parseInt(keyType.replace(/.*?(\d)/, '$1') || 0, 10); if (/RSA/.test(keyType)) { keyopts = { kty: 'RSA', modulusLength: len || 2048 }; } else if (/^(EC|P\-?\d)/i.test(keyType)) { keyopts = { kty: 'EC', namedCurve: 'P-' + (len || 256) }; } else { // TODO put in ./errors.js throw new Error('invalid key type: ' + keyType); } return Keypairs.generate(keyopts).then(function(pair) { return U._jwkToSet(pair.private); }); }; // TODO use ACME._importKeypair ?? U._importKeypair = function(keypair) { if (keypair.privateKeyJwk) { return U._jwkToSet(keypair.privateKeyJwk); } if (!keypair.privateKeyPem) { // TODO put in errors throw new Error('missing private key'); } return Keypairs.import({ pem: keypair.privateKeyPem }).then(function(priv) { return U._jwkToSet(priv); }); }; U._jwkToSet = function(jwk) { var keypair = { privateKeyJwk: jwk }; return Promise.all([ Keypairs.export({ jwk: jwk, encoding: 'pem' }).then(function(pem) { keypair.privateKeyPem = pem; }), Keypairs.export({ jwk: jwk, encoding: 'pem', public: true }).then(function(pem) { keypair.publicKeyPem = pem; }), Keypairs.publish({ jwk: jwk }).then(function(pub) { keypair.publicKeyJwk = pub; }) ]).then(function() { return keypair; }); }; U._attachCertInfo = function(results) { var certInfo = certParser.info(results.cert); // subject, altnames, issuedAt, expiresAt Object.keys(certInfo).forEach(function(key) { results[key] = certInfo[key]; }); return results; }; U._certHasDomain = function(certInfo, _domain) { var names = (certInfo.altnames || []).slice(0); return names.some(function(name) { var domain = _domain.toLowerCase(); name = name.toLowerCase(); if ('*.' === name.substr(0, 2)) { name = name.substr(2); domain = domain .split('.') .slice(1) .join('.'); } return name === domain; }); }; // a bit heavy to be labeled 'utils'... perhaps 'common' would be better? U._getOrCreateKeypair = function(db, subject, query, keyType, mustExist) { var exists = false; return db .checkKeypair(query) .then(function(kp) { if (kp) { exists = true; return U._importKeypair(kp); } if (mustExist) { // TODO put in errors throw new Error( 'required keypair not found: ' + (subject || '') + ' ' + JSON.stringify(query) ); } return U._genKeypair(keyType); }) .then(function(keypair) { return { exists: exists, keypair: keypair }; }); }; U._getKeypair = function(db, subject, query) { return U._getOrCreateKeypair(db, subject, query, '', true); };