'use strict'; // TODO handle www and no-www together somehow? var PromiseA = require('bluebird'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var tls = require('tls'); var leCore = require('letiny-core'); var LE = module.exports; LE.productionServerUrl = leCore.productionServerUrl; LE.stagingServerUrl = leCore.stagingServerUrl; LE.configDir = leCore.configDir; LE.logsDir = leCore.logsDir; LE.workDir = leCore.workDir; LE.acmeChallengPrefix = leCore.acmeChallengPrefix; LE.knownEndpoints = leCore.knownEndpoints; // backwards compat LE.stagingServer = leCore.stagingServerUrl; LE.liveServer = leCore.productionServerUrl; LE.knownUrls = leCore.knownEndpoints; LE.merge = function merge(defaults, args) { var copy = {}; Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function (key) { copy[key] = defaults[key]; }); Object.keys(args).forEach(function (key) { copy[key] = args[key]; }); return copy; }; // backend, defaults, handlers LE.create = function (defaults, handlers, backend) { var d, b, h; // backwards compat for <= v1.0.2 if (defaults.registerAsync || defaults.create) { b = defaults; d = handlers; h = backend; defaults = d; handlers = h; backend = b; } if (!backend) { backend = require('./lib/letiny-core'); } if (!handlers) { handlers = {}; } if (!handlers.lifetime) { handlers.lifetime = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } if (!handlers.renewWithin) { handlers.renewWithin = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } if (!handlers.memorizeFor) { handlers.memorizeFor = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } if (!handlers.sniRegisterCallback) { handlers.sniRegisterCallback = function (args, cache, cb) { // TODO when we have ECDSA, just do this automatically cb(null, null); }; } if (!handlers.getChallenge) { if (!defaults.manual && !defaults.webrootPath) { // GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challengeKey}} should return {{tokenValue}} throw new Error("handlers.getChallenge or defaults.webrootPath must be set"); } handlers.getChallenge = function (hostname, key, done) { // TODO associate by hostname? // hmm... I don't think there's a direct way to associate this with // the request it came from... it's kinda stateless in that way // but realistically there only needs to be one handler and one // "directory" for this. It's not that big of a deal. var defaultos = LE.merge(defaults, {}); var getChallenge = require('./lib/default-handlers').getChallenge; defaultos.domains = [hostname]; if (3 === getChallenge.length) { getChallenge(defaultos, key, done); } else if (4 === getChallenge.length) { getChallenge(defaultos, hostname, key, done); } else { done(new Error("handlers.getChallenge [1] receives the wrong number of arguments")); } }; } if (!handlers.setChallenge) { if (!defaults.webrootPath) { // GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challengeKey}} should return {{tokenValue}} throw new Error("handlers.setChallenge or defaults.webrootPath must be set"); } handlers.setChallenge = require('./lib/default-handlers').setChallenge; } if (!handlers.removeChallenge) { if (!defaults.webrootPath) { // GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challengeKey}} should return {{tokenValue}} throw new Error("handlers.removeChallenge or defaults.webrootPath must be set"); } handlers.removeChallenge = require('./lib/default-handlers').removeChallenge; } if (!handlers.agreeToTerms) { if (defaults.agreeTos) { console.warn("[WARN] Agreeing to terms by default is risky business..."); } handlers.agreeToTerms = require('./lib/default-handlers').agreeToTerms; } if ('function' === typeof backend.create) { backend = backend.create(defaults, handlers); } else { // ignore // this backend was created the v1.0.0 way } backend = PromiseA.promisifyAll(backend); var utils = require('./utils'); //var attempts = {}; // should exist in master process only var ipc = {}; // in-process cache var le; // TODO check certs on initial load // TODO expect that certs expire every 90 days // TODO check certs with setInterval? //options.cacheContextsFor = options.cacheContextsFor || (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000); function sniCallback(hostname, cb) { var args = LE.merge(defaults, {}); args.domains = [hostname]; le.fetch(args, function (err, cache) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } // vazhdo is Albanian for 'continue' function vazhdo(err, c2) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } cache = c2 || cache; if (!cache.context) { cache.context = tls.createSecureContext({ key: cache.key // privkey.pem , cert: cache.cert // fullchain.pem //, ciphers // node's defaults are great }); } cb(null, cache.context); } if (cache) { vazhdo(); return; } var args = LE.merge(defaults, { domains: [hostname] }); handlers.sniRegisterCallback(args, cache, vazhdo); }); } le = { backend: backend , validate: function (hostnames, cb) { // TODO check dns, etc if ((!hostnames.length && hostnames.every(le.isValidDomain))) { cb(new Error("node-letsencrypt: invalid hostnames: " + hostnames.join(','))); return; } // // IMPORTANT // // Before attempting a dynamic registration you need to validate that // // * these are hostnames that you expected to exist on the system // * their A records currently point to this ip // * this system's ip hasn't changed // // If you do not check these things, then someone could attack you // and cause you, in return, to have your ip be rate-limit blocked // console.warn("[SECURITY WARNING]: node-letsencrypt: validate(hostnames, cb) NOT IMPLEMENTED"); cb(null, true); } , middleware: function () { var prefix = leCore.acmeChallengePrefix; return function (req, res, next) { if (0 !== req.url.indexOf(prefix)) { //console.log('[LE middleware]: pass'); next(); return; } //args.domains = [req.hostname]; //console.log('[LE middleware]:', req.hostname, req.url, req.url.slice(prefix.length)); function done(err, token) { if (err) { res.send("Error: These aren't the tokens you're looking for. Move along."); return; } res.send(token); } if (3 === handlers.getChallenge.length) { handlers.getChallenge(req.hostname, req.url.slice(prefix.length), done); } else if (4 === handlers.getChallenge.length) { handlers.getChallenge(defaults, req.hostname, req.url.slice(prefix.length), done); } else { console.error("handlers.getChallenge [2] receives the wrong number of arguments"); done(new Error("handlers.getChallenge [2] receives the wrong number of arguments")); } }; } , SNICallback: sniCallback , sniCallback: sniCallback , _registerHelper: function (args, cb) { var copy = LE.merge(defaults, args); var err; if (!utils.isValidDomain(args.domains[0])) { err = new Error("invalid domain"); err.code = "INVALID_DOMAIN"; cb(err); return; } return le.validate(args.domains, function (err) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } //console.log("[NLE]: begin registration"); return backend.registerAsync(copy).then(function (pems) { //console.log("[NLE]: end registration"); cb(null, pems); //return le.fetch(args, cb); }, cb); }); } , _fetchHelper: function (args, cb) { return backend.fetchAsync(args).then(function (certInfo) { if (args.debug) { console.log('[LE] debug is on'); } if (true || args.debug) { console.log('[LE] raw fetch certs', certInfo); } if (!certInfo) { cb(null, null); return; } // key, cert, issuedAt, lifetime, expiresAt if (!certInfo.expiresAt) { certInfo.expiresAt = certInfo.issuedAt + (certInfo.lifetime || handlers.lifetime); } if (!certInfo.lifetime) { certInfo.lifetime = (certInfo.lifetime || handlers.lifetime); } // a pretty good hard buffer certInfo.expiresAt -= (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 100); cb(null, certInfo); }, cb); } , fetch: function (args, cb) { le._fetchHelper(args, cb); } , renew: function (args, cb) { args.duplicate = false; le.register(args, cb); } , register: function (args, cb) { if (!Array.isArray(args.domains)) { cb(new Error('args.domains should be an array of domains')); return; } // this may be run in a cluster environment // in that case it should NOT check the cache // but ensure that it has the most fresh copy // before attempting a renew le._fetchHelper(args, function (err, hit) { var hostname = args.domains[0]; if (err) { cb(err); return; } else if (hit) { cb(null, hit); return; } return le._registerHelper(args, function (err, pems) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } le._fetchHelper(args, function (err, cache) { if (cache) { cb(null, cache); return; } // still couldn't read the certs after success... that's weird cb(err, null); }); }, function (err) { console.error("[Error] Let's Encrypt failed:"); console.error(err.stack || new Error(err.message || err.toString()).stack); // wasn't successful with lets encrypt, don't automatically try again for 12 hours // TODO what's the better way to handle this? // failure callback? ipc[hostname] = { context: null // TODO default context , issuedAt: Date.now() , lifetime: (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // , expiresAt: generated in next step }; cb(err, ipc[hostname]); }); }); } }; return le; };