mirror of https://github.com/therootcompany/greenlock.js.git synced 2025-03-06 08:40:41 +00:00

nearly all working

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2015-12-15 15:21:27 +00:00
parent 9d8da8331d
commit 8944048d82
4 changed files with 210 additions and 98 deletions

backends/common.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
module.exports.fetchFromDisk = function (args, defaults) {
var hostname = args.domains[0];
var crtpath = defaults.configDir + defaults.fullchainTpl.replace(/:hostname/, hostname);
var privpath = defaults.configDir + defaults.privkeyTpl.replace(/:hostname/, hostname);
return PromiseA.all([
fs.readFileAsync(privpath, 'ascii')
, fs.readFileAsync(crtpath, 'ascii')
// stat the file, not the link
, fs.statAsync(crtpath)
]).then(function (arr) {
return {
key: arr[0] // privkey.pem
, cert: arr[1] // fullchain.pem
// TODO parse centificate for lifetime / expiresAt
, issuedAt: arr[2].mtime.valueOf()
}, function () {
return null;

View File

@ -26,25 +26,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (defaults, opts, extra) {
return lep.registerAsync('certonly', args);
, fetchAsync: function (args) {
var hostname = args.domains[0];
var crtpath = defaults.configDir + defaults.fullchainTpl.replace(/:hostname/, hostname);
var privpath = defaults.configDir + defaults.privkeyTpl.replace(/:hostname/, hostname);
return PromiseA.all([
fs.readFileAsync(privpath, 'ascii')
, fs.readFileAsync(crtpath, 'ascii')
// stat the file, not the link
, fs.statAsync(crtpath)
]).then(function (arr) {
return {
key: arr[0] // privkey.pem
, cert: arr[1] // fullchain.pem
// TODO parse centificate for lifetime / expiresAt
, issuedAt: arr[2].mtime.valueOf()
}, function () {
return null;
require('./common').fetchFromDisk(args, defaults);

View File

@ -3,15 +3,17 @@
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var path = require('path');
var fs = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
var cutils = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('../lib/crypto-utils-ursa'));
//var futils = require('letsencrypt-forge/lib/crypto-utils');
var requestAsync = PromiseA.promisify(require('request'));
var lef = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('letsencrypt-forge'));
var LE = require('../');
var knownUrls = ['new-authz', 'new-cert', 'new-reg', 'revoke-cert'];
var ucrypto = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('../lib/crypto-utils-ursa'));
//var fcrypto = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('../lib/crypto-utils-forge'));
var lef = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('letsencrypt-forge'));
var fetchFromConfigLiveDir = require('./common').fetchFromDisk;
var ipc = {}; // in-process cache
//function noop() {}
function getAcmeUrls(args) {
var now = Date.now();
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ function createAccount(args, handlers) {
// TODO support ECDSA
// arg.rsaBitLength args.rsaExponent
return cutils.generateRsaKeypairAsync(args.rsaBitLength, args.rsaExponent).then(function (pems) {
return ucrypto.generateRsaKeypairAsync(args.rsaBitLength, args.rsaExponent).then(function (pems) {
/* pems = { privateKeyPem, privateKeyJwk, publicKeyPem, publicKeyMd5 } */
return lef.registerNewAccountAsync({
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ function getAccount(accountId, args, handlers) {
return createAccount(args, handlers);
return cutils.parseAccountPrivateKeyAsync(files.private_key).then(function (keypair) {
return ucrypto.parseAccountPrivateKeyAsync(files.private_key).then(function (keypair) {
files.accountId = accountId; // md5sum(publicKeyPem)
files.publicKeyMd5 = accountId; // md5sum(publicKeyPem)
files.publicKeyPem = keypair.publicKeyPem; // ascii PEM: ----BEGIN...
@ -174,86 +176,186 @@ function getAccountByEmail(args) {
return PromiseA.resolve(null);
module.exports.create = function (defaults, handlers) {
var LE = require('../');
function getCertificateAsync(account, args, defaults, handlers) {
var pyconf = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('pyconf'));
return ucrypto.generateRsaKeypairAsync(args.rsaBitLength, args.rsaExponent).then(function (domain) {
return lef.getCertificateAsync({
domains: args.domains
, accountPrivateKeyPem: account.privateKeyPem
, domainPrivateKeyPem: domain.privateKeyPem
, setChallenge: function (domain, key, value, done) {
args.domains = [domain];
args.webrootPath = args.webrootPath || defaults.webrootPath;
handlers.setChallenge(args, key, value, done);
, removeChallenge: function (domain, key, done) {
args.domains = [domain];
args.webrootPath = args.webrootPath || defaults.webrootPath;
handlers.removeChallenge(args, key, done);
, newAuthorizationUrl: args._acmeUrls.newAuthz
, newCertificateUrl: args._acmeUrls.newCert
}).then(function (result) {
function registerWithAcme(args, defaults, handlers) {
var pyconf = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('pyconf'));
var server = args.server || defaults.server || LE.liveServer; // https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
var acmeHostname = require('url').parse(server).hostname;
var configDir = args.configDir || defaults.configDir || LE.configDir;
args.server = server;
args.renewalDir = args.renewalDir || path.join(configDir, 'renewal', args.domains[0] + '.conf');
args.accountsDir = args.accountsDir || path.join(configDir, 'accounts', acmeHostname, 'directory');
return pyconf.readFileAsync(args.renewalDir).then(function (renewal) {
var accountId = renewal.account;
renewal = renewal.account;
return accountId;
}, function (err) {
if ("EENOENT" === err.code) {
return getAccountByEmail(args, handlers);
return PromiseA.reject(err);
}).then(function (accountId) {
// Note: the ACME urls are always fetched fresh on purpose
return getAcmeUrls(args).then(function (urls) {
args._acmeUrls = urls;
if (accountId) {
return getAccount(accountId, args, handlers);
} else {
return createAccount(args, handlers);
}).then(function (account) {
if (renewal.account !== account) {
// the account has become corrupt, re-register
return fetchFromConfigLiveDir(args, defaults).then(function (certs) {
// if nothing, register and save
// if something, check date (don't register unless 30+ days)
// if good, don't bother registering
// (but if we get to the point that we're actually calling
// this function, that shouldn't be the case, right?)
if (!certs) {
// no certs, seems like a good time to get some
return getCertificateAsync(account, args, defaults, handlers);
else if (certs.issuedAt > (27 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
// cert is at least 27 days old we can renew that
return getCertificateAsync(account, args, defaults, handlers);
else if (args.force) {
// YOLO! I be gettin' fresh certs 'erday! Yo!
return getCertificateAsync(account, args, defaults, handlers);
else {
console.warn('[WARN] Ignoring renewal attempt for certificate less than 27 days old. Use args.force to force.');
// We're happy with what we have
return certs;
cert = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.config/live/lds.io/cert.pem
privkey = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.config/live/lds.io/privkey.pem
chain = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.config/live/lds.io/chain.pem
fullchain = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.config/live/lds.io/fullchain.pem
# Options and defaults used in the renewal process
apache_enmod = a2enmod
no_verify_ssl = False
ifaces = None
apache_dismod = a2dismod
register_unsafely_without_email = False
uir = None
installer = none
config_dir = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.config
text_mode = True
func = <function obtain_cert at 0x7f46af0f02a8>
prepare = False
work_dir = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.work
tos = True
init = False
http01_port = 80
duplicate = False
key_path = None
nginx = False
fullchain_path = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/chain.pem
email = coolaj86@gmail.com
csr = None
agree_dev_preview = None
redirect = None
verbose_count = -3
config_file = None
renew_by_default = True
hsts = False
authenticator = webroot
domains = lds.io,
rsa_key_size = 2048
checkpoints = 1
manual_test_mode = False
apache = False
cert_path = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/cert.pem
webroot_path = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/examples/../tests/acme-challenge,
strict_permissions = False
apache_server_root = /etc/apache2
account = 1c41c64dfaf10d511db8aef0cc33b27f
manual_public_ip_logging_ok = False
chain_path = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/chain.pem
standalone = False
manual = False
server = https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
standalone_supported_challenges = "http-01,tls-sni-01"
webroot = True
apache_init_script = None
user_agent = None
apache_ctl = apache2ctl
apache_le_vhost_ext = -le-ssl.conf
debug = False
tls_sni_01_port = 443
logs_dir = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/tests/letsencrypt.logs
configurator = None
lds.io = /home/aj/node-letsencrypt/examples/../tests/acme-challenge
return fs.readdirAsync(accountsDir, function (nodes) {
return PromiseA.all(nodes.map(function (node) {
var reMd5 = /[a-f0-9]{32}/i;
if (reMd5.test(node)) {
module.exports.create = function (defaults, handlers) {
defaults.server = defaults.server || LE.liveServer;
var wrapped = {
registerAsync: function (args) {
args.server = args.server || defaults.server || LE.liveServer; // https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
var acmeHostname = require('url').parse(args.server).hostname;
var configDir = args.configDir || defaults.configDir || LE.configDir;
args.renewalDir = args.renewalDir || path.join(configDir, 'renewal', args.domains[0] + '.conf');
args.accountsDir = args.accountsDir || path.join(configDir, 'accounts', acmeHostname, 'directory');
return pyconf.readFileAsync(args.renewalDir).then(function (renewal) {
return renewal.account;
}, function (err) {
if ("EENOENT" === err.code) {
return getAccountByEmail(args, handlers);
return PromiseA.reject(err);
}).then(function (accountId) {
// Note: the ACME urls are always fetched fresh on purpose
return getAcmeUrls(args).then(function (urls) {
args._acmeUrls = urls;
if (accountId) {
return getAccount(accountId, args, handlers);
} else {
return createAccount(args, handlers);
}).then(function (account) {
, domains: Array.isArray(args.domains) || (args.domains||'').split(',')
, webroot: args.webrootPath
, accountPrivateKeyPem: obj.privateKeyPem
, setChallenge: function (domain, key, value, done) {
args.domains = [domain];
handlers.setChallenge(args, key, value, done);
, removeChallenge: function (domain, key, done) {
args.domains = [domain];
handlers.removeChallenge(args, key, done);
return fs.readdirAsync(accountsDir, function (nodes) {
return PromiseA.all(nodes.map(function (node) {
var reMd5 = /[a-f0-9]{32}/i;
if (reMd5.test(node)) {
//require('./common').registerWithAcme(args, defaults, handlers);
return registerWithAcme(args, defaults, handlers);
, fetchAsync: function (args) {
var hostname = args.domains[0];
var crtpath = defaults.configDir + defaults.fullchainTpl.replace(/:hostname/, hostname);
var privpath = defaults.configDir + defaults.privkeyTpl.replace(/:hostname/, hostname);
return PromiseA.all([
fs.readFileAsync(privpath, 'ascii')
, fs.readFileAsync(crtpath, 'ascii')
// stat the file, not the link
, fs.statAsync(crtpath)
]).then(function (arr) {
return {
key: arr[0] // privkey.pem
, cert: arr[1] // fullchain.pem
// TODO parse centificate for lifetime / expiresAt
, issuedAt: arr[2].mtime.valueOf()
}, function () {
return null;
return fetchFromConfigLiveDir(args, defaults);

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module.exports.setChallenge = function (args, challengePath, keyAuthorization, d
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
// TODO should be args.webrootPath
console.log('args.webrootPath, challengePath');
console.log(args.webrootPath, challengePath);
mkdirp(path.join(args.webrootPath, challengePath), function (err) {
if (err) {
@ -33,5 +35,5 @@ module.exports.getChallenge = function (args, key, done) {
module.exports.removeChallenge = function (args, key, done) {
//var hostname = args.domains[0];
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(args.webroot, key), done);
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(args.webrootPath, key), done);