# letsencrypt-koa Free SSL and Automatic HTTPS for node.js with KOA and other middleware systems via Let's Encrypt * Automatic Registration via SNI (`httpsOptions.SNICallback`) * **registrations** require an **approval callback** in *production* * Automatic Renewal (around 80 days) * **renewals** are *fully automatic* and happen in the *background*, with **no downtime** * Automatic vhost / virtual hosting All you have to do is start the webserver and then visit it at it's domain name. ## Install ``` npm install --save letsencrypt-express ``` *Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.* (just ignore that the name of the module is letsencrypt-express) ### Part 1: Setup ```javascript 'use strict'; /* Note: using staging server url, remove .testing() for production Using .testing() will overwrite the debug flag with true */ var LEX = require('letsencrypt-express').testing(); var lex = LEX.create({ configDir: require('os').homedir() + '/letsencrypt/etc' , approveRegistration: function (hostname, cb) { // leave `null` to disable automatic registration // Note: this is the place to check your database to get the user associated with this domain cb(null, { domains: [hostname] , email: 'CHANGE_ME' // user@example.com , agreeTos: true }); } }); ``` WARNING: If you don't do any checks and simply complete `approveRegistration` callback, an attacker will spoof SNI packets with bad hostnames and that will cause you to be rate-limited and or blocked from the ACME server. Alternatively, You can run registration *manually*: ```bash npm install -g letsencrypt-cli letsencrypt certonly --standalone \ --config-dir ~/letsencrypt/etc \ --agree-tos --domains example.com --email user@example.com # Note: the '--webrootPath' option is also available if you don't want to shut down your webserver to get the cert. ``` ### Part 2: Just add Koa ```javascript var http = require('http'); var https = require('spdy'); var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); var redirectHttps = koa().use(require('koa-force-ssl').callback(); app.use(function *() { this.body = 'Hello World'; }); var server = https.createServer(lex.httpsOptions, LEX.createAcmeResponder(lex, app.callback())); var redirectServer = http.createServer(LEX.createAcmeResponder(lex, redirectHttps))); server.listen(443, function () { console.log('Listening at https://localhost:' + this.address().port); }); redirectServer.listen(80, function () { console.log('Redirecting insecure traffic from http://localhost:' + this.address().port + ' to https'); }); ```