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Free SSL and Automatic HTTPS for node.js with Express, Connect, and other middleware systems

Coming Soon

We're working on it

In the meantime

See examples/express-minimal.js


npm install --save letsencrypt-express



'use strict';

var le = require('letsencrypt-express');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.use('/', function (req, res) {
  res.send({ success: true });

le.create('/etc/letsencrypt', app).listen([80], [443, 5001], function () {
  console.log("ENCRYPT **ALL** THE DOMAINS!");

More Options Exposed

'use strict';

var le = require('letsencrypt-express');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.use('/', function (req, res) {
  res.send({ success: true });

var results = le.create({
  configDir: '/etc/letsencrypt'
, onRequest: app

  // you can give just the port, or expand out to the full options
  [80, { port: 8080, address: 'localhost', onListening: function () { console.log('http://localhost'); } }]

  // you can give just the port, or expand out to the full options
, [443, 5001, { port: 8443, address: 'localhost' }]

  // this is pretty much the default onListening handler
, function onListening() {
    var server = this;
    var protocol = ('requestCert' in server) ? 'https': 'http';
    console.log("Listening at " + protocol + '://localhost:' + this.address().port);

// In case you need access to the raw servers (i.e. using websockets)

WebSockets with Let's Encrypt

Note: you don't need to create websockets for the plain ports.

results.tlsServers.forEach(function (server) {


If any of these values are undefined or null the will assume use reasonable defaults.

Partially defined values will be merged with the defaults.

Setting the value to false will, in many cases (as documented), disable the defaults.

configDir: string               //

webrootPath: string             // string     a path to a folder where temporary challenge files will be stored and read
                                // default    os.tmpdir() + path.sep + 'acme-challenge'

getChallenge: func | false      // false      do not handle getChallenge
                                // func       Example:
                                // default    function (defaults, hostname, key, cb) {
                                //              var filename = path.join(defaults.webrootPath.replace(':hostname', hostname), key);
                                //              fs.readFile(filename, 'ascii', function (cb, text) {
                                //                cb(null, text);
                                //              })
                                //            }

httpsOptions: object            // object     will be merged with internal defaults and passed to https.createServer()
                                //            { pfx, key, cert, passphrase, ca, ciphers, rejectUnauthorized, secureProtocol }
                                //            See https://nodejs.org/api/https.html
                                //            Note: if SNICallback is specified, it will be run *before*
                                //            the internal SNICallback that manages automated certificates
                                // default    uses a localhost cert and key to prevent https.createServer() from throwing an error
                                //            and also uses our SNICallback, which manages certificates

sniCallback: func               // func       replace the default sniCallback handler (which manages certificates) with your own

letsencrypt: object             // object     configure the letsencrypt object yourself and pass it in directly
                                // default    we create the letsencrypt object using parameters you specify


This doesn't work on heroku because heroku uses a proxy with built-in https (which is a smart thing to do) and besides, they want you to pay big bucks for https. (hopefully not for long?...)

Free SSL and Automatic HTTPS (ACME / Let's Encrypt v2 client) for node.js with Express, Connect, and other middleware systems
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