#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; /*global Promise*/ /////////////////////// // wildcard example // ////////////////////// // // wildcard example // //var glx = require('greenlock-express') var glx = require('../').create({ version: 'draft-11' // Let's Encrypt v2 is ACME draft 11 , server: 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' //, server: 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' // If at first you don't succeed, stop and switch to staging // https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory , configDir: '~/acme/' // You MUST have access to write to directory where certs // are saved. ex: /home/foouser/.config/acme , approveDomains: myApproveDomains // Greenlock's wraps around tls.SNICallback. Check the // domain name here and reject invalid ones , app: require('./my-express-app.js') // Any node-style http app (i.e. express, koa, hapi, rill) /* CHANGE TO A VALID EMAIL */ , email: 'jon.doe@example.com' // Email for Let's Encrypt account and Greenlock Security , agreeTos: true // Accept Let's Encrypt ToS , communityMember: true // Join Greenlock to (very rarely) get important updates //, debug: true , store: require('le-store-fs') }); var server = glx.listen(80, 443); server.on('listening', function () { console.info(server.type + " listening on", server.address()); }); function myApproveDomains(opts) { console.log('sni:', opts.domain); // must be 'example.com' or start with 'example.com' if ('example.com' !== opts.domain && 'example.com' !== opts.domain.split('.').slice(1).join('.')) { return Promise.reject(new Error("we don't serve your kind here: " + opts.domain)); } // the primary domain for the cert opts.subject = 'example.com'; // the altnames (including the primary) opts.domains = [ opts.subject, '*.example.com' ]; if (!opts.challenges) { opts.challenges = {}; } opts.challenges['http-01'] = require('le-challenge-fs').create({}); // Note: When implementing a dns-01 plugin you should make it check in a loop // until it can positively confirm that the DNS changes have propagated. // That could take several seconds to a few minutes. opts.challenges['dns-01'] = require('le-challenge-dns').create({}); // explicitly set account id and certificate.id opts.account = { id: opts.email }; opts.certificate = { id: opts.subject }; return Promise.resolve(opts); }