"use strict"; // The WRONG way: //var http2 = require('http2'); //var http2Server = https.createSecureServer(tlsOptions, app); // // Why is that wrong? // Greenlock needs to change some low-level http and https options. // Use glx.httpsServer(tlsOptions, app) instead. //require("greenlock-express") require("../../") .init({ packageRoot: __dirname, configDir: "./greenlock.d", maintainerEmail: "jon@example.com", cluster: false }) .ready(httpsWorker); function httpsWorker(glx) { // // HTTP2 would have been the default httpsServer for node v12+ // However... https://github.com/expressjs/express/issues/3388 // // Get the raw http2 server: var tlsOptions = null; var http2Server = glx.http2Server(tlsOptions, function(req, res) { res.end("Hello, Encrypted World!"); }); http2Server.listen(443, "", function() { console.info("Listening on ", http2Server.address()); }); // Note: // You must ALSO listen on port 80 for ACME HTTP-01 Challenges // (the ACME and http->https middleware are loaded by glx.httpServer) var httpServer = glx.httpServer(); httpServer.listen(80, "", function() { console.info("Listening on ", httpServer.address()); }); }