
202 lines
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var AWS = require('./core');
var inherit = AWS.util.inherit;
var jmespath = require('jmespath');
* This class encapsulates the response information
* from a service request operation sent through {AWS.Request}.
* The response object has two main properties for getting information
* back from a request:
* ## The `data` property
* The `` property contains the serialized object data
* retrieved from the service request. For instance, for an
* Amazon DynamoDB `listTables` method call, the response data might
* look like:
* ```
* >
* { TableNames:
* [ 'table1', 'table2', ... ] }
* ```
* The `data` property can be null if an error occurs (see below).
* ## The `error` property
* In the event of a service error (or transfer error), the
* `response.error` property will be filled with the given
* error data in the form:
* ```
* message: 'Some human readable error message' }
* ```
* In the case of an error, the `data` property will be `null`.
* Note that if you handle events that can be in a failure state,
* you should always check whether `response.error` is set
* before attempting to access the `` property.
* @!attribute data
* @readonly
* @!group Data Properties
* @note Inside of a {AWS.Request~httpData} event, this
* property contains a single raw packet instead of the
* full de-serialized service response.
* @return [Object] the de-serialized response data
* from the service.
* @!attribute error
* An structure containing information about a service
* or networking error.
* @readonly
* @!group Data Properties
* @note This attribute is only filled if a service or
* networking error occurs.
* @return [Error]
* * code [String] a unique short code representing the
* error that was emitted.
* * message [String] a longer human readable error message
* * retryable [Boolean] whether the error message is
* retryable.
* * statusCode [Numeric] in the case of a request that reached the service,
* this value contains the response status code.
* * time [Date] the date time object when the error occurred.
* * hostname [String] set when a networking error occurs to easily
* identify the endpoint of the request.
* * region [String] set when a networking error occurs to easily
* identify the region of the request.
* @!attribute requestId
* @readonly
* @!group Data Properties
* @return [String] the unique request ID associated with the response.
* Log this value when debugging requests for AWS support.
* @!attribute retryCount
* @readonly
* @!group Operation Properties
* @return [Integer] the number of retries that were
* attempted before the request was completed.
* @!attribute redirectCount
* @readonly
* @!group Operation Properties
* @return [Integer] the number of redirects that were
* followed before the request was completed.
* @!attribute httpResponse
* @readonly
* @!group HTTP Properties
* @return [AWS.HttpResponse] the raw HTTP response object
* containing the response headers and body information
* from the server.
* @see AWS.Request
AWS.Response = inherit({
* @api private
constructor: function Response(request) {
this.request = request; = null;
this.error = null;
this.retryCount = 0;
this.redirectCount = 0;
this.httpResponse = new AWS.HttpResponse();
if (request) {
this.maxRetries = request.service.numRetries();
this.maxRedirects = request.service.config.maxRedirects;
* Creates a new request for the next page of response data, calling the
* callback with the page data if a callback is provided.
* @callback callback function(err, data)
* Called when a page of data is returned from the next request.
* @param err [Error] an error object, if an error occurred in the request
* @param data [Object] the next page of data, or null, if there are no
* more pages left.
* @return [AWS.Request] the request object for the next page of data
* @return [null] if no callback is provided and there are no pages left
* to retrieve.
* @since v1.4.0
nextPage: function nextPage(callback) {
var config;
var service = this.request.service;
var operation = this.request.operation;
try {
config = service.paginationConfig(operation, true);
} catch (e) { this.error = e; }
if (!this.hasNextPage()) {
if (callback) callback(this.error, null);
else if (this.error) throw this.error;
return null;
var params = AWS.util.copy(this.request.params);
if (!this.nextPageTokens) {
return callback ? callback(null, null) : null;
} else {
var inputTokens = config.inputToken;
if (typeof inputTokens === 'string') inputTokens = [inputTokens];
for (var i = 0; i < inputTokens.length; i++) {
params[inputTokens[i]] = this.nextPageTokens[i];
return service.makeRequest(this.request.operation, params, callback);
* @return [Boolean] whether more pages of data can be returned by further
* requests
* @since v1.4.0
hasNextPage: function hasNextPage() {
if (this.nextPageTokens) return true;
if (this.nextPageTokens === undefined) return undefined;
else return false;
* @api private
cacheNextPageTokens: function cacheNextPageTokens() {
if (, 'nextPageTokens')) return this.nextPageTokens;
this.nextPageTokens = undefined;
var config = this.request.service.paginationConfig(this.request.operation);
if (!config) return this.nextPageTokens;
this.nextPageTokens = null;
if (config.moreResults) {
if (!, config.moreResults)) {
return this.nextPageTokens;
var exprs = config.outputToken;
if (typeof exprs === 'string') exprs = [exprs];, exprs, function (expr) {
var output =, expr);
if (output) {
this.nextPageTokens = this.nextPageTokens || [];
return this.nextPageTokens;