
1573 lines
59 KiB

import {Request} from '../lib/request';
import {Response} from '../lib/response';
import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
import {Service} from '../lib/service';
import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
interface Blob {}
declare class AppMesh extends Service {
* Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
constructor(options?: AppMesh.Types.ClientConfiguration)
config: Config & AppMesh.Types.ClientConfiguration;
* Creates a service mesh. A service mesh is a logical boundary for network traffic
between the services that reside within it.
After you create your service mesh, you can create virtual services, virtual nodes,
virtual routers, and routes to distribute traffic between the applications in your
createMesh(params: AppMesh.Types.CreateMeshInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a service mesh. A service mesh is a logical boundary for network traffic
between the services that reside within it.
After you create your service mesh, you can create virtual services, virtual nodes,
virtual routers, and routes to distribute traffic between the applications in your
createMesh(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a route that is associated with a virtual router.
You can use the prefix parameter in your route specification for path-based
routing of requests. For example, if your virtual service name is
my-service.local and you want the route to match requests to
my-service.local/metrics, your prefix should be
If your route matches a request, you can distribute traffic to one or more target
virtual nodes with relative weighting.
createRoute(params: AppMesh.Types.CreateRouteInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a route that is associated with a virtual router.
You can use the prefix parameter in your route specification for path-based
routing of requests. For example, if your virtual service name is
my-service.local and you want the route to match requests to
my-service.local/metrics, your prefix should be
If your route matches a request, you can distribute traffic to one or more target
virtual nodes with relative weighting.
createRoute(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a virtual node within a service mesh.
A virtual node acts as a logical pointer to a particular task group, such as an Amazon ECS
service or a Kubernetes deployment. When you create a virtual node, you must specify the
DNS service discovery hostname for your task group.
Any inbound traffic that your virtual node expects should be specified as a
listener. Any outbound traffic that your virtual node expects to reach
should be specified as a backend.
The response metadata for your new virtual node contains the arn that is
associated with the virtual node. Set this value (either the full ARN or the truncated
resource name: for example, mesh/default/virtualNode/simpleapp) as the
APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_NAME environment variable for your task group's Envoy
proxy container in your task definition or pod spec. This is then mapped to the and node.cluster Envoy parameters.
If you require your Envoy stats or tracing to use a different name, you can override
the node.cluster value that is set by
APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_CLUSTER environment variable.
createVirtualNode(params: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualNodeInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a virtual node within a service mesh.
A virtual node acts as a logical pointer to a particular task group, such as an Amazon ECS
service or a Kubernetes deployment. When you create a virtual node, you must specify the
DNS service discovery hostname for your task group.
Any inbound traffic that your virtual node expects should be specified as a
listener. Any outbound traffic that your virtual node expects to reach
should be specified as a backend.
The response metadata for your new virtual node contains the arn that is
associated with the virtual node. Set this value (either the full ARN or the truncated
resource name: for example, mesh/default/virtualNode/simpleapp) as the
APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_NAME environment variable for your task group's Envoy
proxy container in your task definition or pod spec. This is then mapped to the and node.cluster Envoy parameters.
If you require your Envoy stats or tracing to use a different name, you can override
the node.cluster value that is set by
APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_CLUSTER environment variable.
createVirtualNode(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a virtual router within a service mesh.
Any inbound traffic that your virtual router expects should be specified as a
Virtual routers handle traffic for one or more virtual services within your mesh. After
you create your virtual router, create and associate routes for your virtual router that
direct incoming requests to different virtual nodes.
createVirtualRouter(params: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualRouterInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a virtual router within a service mesh.
Any inbound traffic that your virtual router expects should be specified as a
Virtual routers handle traffic for one or more virtual services within your mesh. After
you create your virtual router, create and associate routes for your virtual router that
direct incoming requests to different virtual nodes.
createVirtualRouter(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a virtual service within a service mesh.
A virtual service is an abstraction of a real service that is provided by a
virtual node directly or indirectly by means of a virtual router. Dependent services call
your virtual service by its virtualServiceName, and those requests are routed
to the virtual node or virtual router that is specified as the provider for the virtual
createVirtualService(params: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualServiceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Creates a virtual service within a service mesh.
A virtual service is an abstraction of a real service that is provided by a
virtual node directly or indirectly by means of a virtual router. Dependent services call
your virtual service by its virtualServiceName, and those requests are routed
to the virtual node or virtual router that is specified as the provider for the virtual
createVirtualService(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.CreateVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing service mesh.
You must delete all resources (virtual services, routes, virtual routers, and virtual nodes)
in the service mesh before you can delete the mesh itself.
deleteMesh(params: AppMesh.Types.DeleteMeshInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing service mesh.
You must delete all resources (virtual services, routes, virtual routers, and virtual nodes)
in the service mesh before you can delete the mesh itself.
deleteMesh(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing route.
deleteRoute(params: AppMesh.Types.DeleteRouteInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing route.
deleteRoute(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing virtual node.
You must delete any virtual services that list a virtual node as a service provider
before you can delete the virtual node itself.
deleteVirtualNode(params: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualNodeInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing virtual node.
You must delete any virtual services that list a virtual node as a service provider
before you can delete the virtual node itself.
deleteVirtualNode(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing virtual router.
You must delete any routes associated with the virtual router before you can delete the
router itself.
deleteVirtualRouter(params: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualRouterInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing virtual router.
You must delete any routes associated with the virtual router before you can delete the
router itself.
deleteVirtualRouter(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing virtual service.
deleteVirtualService(params: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualServiceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes an existing virtual service.
deleteVirtualService(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DeleteVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing service mesh.
describeMesh(params: AppMesh.Types.DescribeMeshInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing service mesh.
describeMesh(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing route.
describeRoute(params: AppMesh.Types.DescribeRouteInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing route.
describeRoute(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing virtual node.
describeVirtualNode(params: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualNodeInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing virtual node.
describeVirtualNode(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing virtual router.
describeVirtualRouter(params: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualRouterInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing virtual router.
describeVirtualRouter(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing virtual service.
describeVirtualService(params: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualServiceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Describes an existing virtual service.
describeVirtualService(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.DescribeVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing service meshes.
listMeshes(params: AppMesh.Types.ListMeshesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListMeshesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListMeshesOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing service meshes.
listMeshes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListMeshesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListMeshesOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing routes in a service mesh.
listRoutes(params: AppMesh.Types.ListRoutesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListRoutesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListRoutesOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing routes in a service mesh.
listRoutes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListRoutesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListRoutesOutput, AWSError>;
* List the tags for an App Mesh resource.
listTagsForResource(params: AppMesh.Types.ListTagsForResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListTagsForResourceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListTagsForResourceOutput, AWSError>;
* List the tags for an App Mesh resource.
listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListTagsForResourceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListTagsForResourceOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing virtual nodes.
listVirtualNodes(params: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualNodesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualNodesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualNodesOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing virtual nodes.
listVirtualNodes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualNodesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualNodesOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing virtual routers in a service mesh.
listVirtualRouters(params: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualRoutersInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualRoutersOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualRoutersOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing virtual routers in a service mesh.
listVirtualRouters(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualRoutersOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualRoutersOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing virtual services in a service mesh.
listVirtualServices(params: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualServicesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualServicesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualServicesOutput, AWSError>;
* Returns a list of existing virtual services in a service mesh.
listVirtualServices(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualServicesOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.ListVirtualServicesOutput, AWSError>;
* Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified
resourceArn. If existing tags on a resource aren't specified in the
request parameters, they aren't changed. When a resource is deleted, the tags
associated with that resource are also deleted.
tagResource(params: AppMesh.Types.TagResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.TagResourceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.TagResourceOutput, AWSError>;
* Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified
resourceArn. If existing tags on a resource aren't specified in the
request parameters, they aren't changed. When a resource is deleted, the tags
associated with that resource are also deleted.
tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.TagResourceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.TagResourceOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes specified tags from a resource.
untagResource(params: AppMesh.Types.UntagResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UntagResourceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UntagResourceOutput, AWSError>;
* Deletes specified tags from a resource.
untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UntagResourceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UntagResourceOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing service mesh.
updateMesh(params: AppMesh.Types.UpdateMeshInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing service mesh.
updateMesh(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateMeshOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateMeshOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing route for a specified service mesh and virtual router.
updateRoute(params: AppMesh.Types.UpdateRouteInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing route for a specified service mesh and virtual router.
updateRoute(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateRouteOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateRouteOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing virtual node in a specified service mesh.
updateVirtualNode(params: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualNodeInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing virtual node in a specified service mesh.
updateVirtualNode(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualNodeOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualNodeOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing virtual router in a specified service mesh.
updateVirtualRouter(params: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualRouterInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing virtual router in a specified service mesh.
updateVirtualRouter(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualRouterOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualRouterOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing virtual service in a specified service mesh.
updateVirtualService(params: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualServiceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
* Updates an existing virtual service in a specified service mesh.
updateVirtualService(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualServiceOutput) => void): Request<AppMesh.Types.UpdateVirtualServiceOutput, AWSError>;
declare namespace AppMesh {
export interface VirtualRouterListener {
portMapping: PortMapping;
export interface UpdateVirtualNodeInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual node resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The new virtual node specification to apply. This overwrites the existing data.
spec: VirtualNodeSpec;
* The name of the virtual node to update.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export interface DeleteMeshInput {
* The name of the service mesh to delete.
meshName: ResourceName;
export interface CreateVirtualServiceInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh to create the virtual service in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The virtual service specification to apply.
spec: VirtualServiceSpec;
* Optional metadata that you can apply to the virtual service to assist with categorization and organization.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.
Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have
a maximum length of 256 characters.
tags?: TagList;
* The name to use for the virtual service.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export type VirtualRouterStatusCode = "ACTIVE"|"DELETED"|"INACTIVE"|string;
export interface UpdateVirtualRouterInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual router resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The new virtual router specification to apply. This overwrites the existing data.
spec: VirtualRouterSpec;
* The name of the virtual router to update.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export type TagKeyList = TagKey[];
export interface ListTagsForResourceInput {
* The maximum number of tag results returned by ListTagsForResource in
paginated output. When this parameter is used, ListTagsForResource returns only
limit results in a single page along with a nextToken
response element. You can see the remaining results of the initial request by sending
another ListTagsForResource request with the returned nextToken
value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If you don't use this
parameter, ListTagsForResource returns up to
100 results and a nextToken value if applicable.
limit?: TagsLimit;
* The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated
ListTagsForResource request where limit was used and the
results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the
previous results that returned the nextToken value.
nextToken?: String;
* The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the resource to list the tags for.
resourceArn: Arn;
export interface CreateVirtualNodeOutput {
* The full description of your virtual node following the create call.
virtualNode: VirtualNodeData;
export interface Logging {
* The access log configuration for a virtual node.
accessLog?: AccessLog;
export type Long = number;
export interface UpdateVirtualRouterOutput {
* A full description of the virtual router that was updated.
virtualRouter: VirtualRouterData;
export interface DescribeMeshOutput {
* The full description of your service mesh.
mesh: MeshData;
export interface DeleteVirtualRouterInput {
* The name of the service mesh to delete the virtual router in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual router to delete.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface ListVirtualRoutersOutput {
* The nextToken value to include in a future ListVirtualRouters
request. When the results of a ListVirtualRouters request exceed
limit, you can use this value to retrieve the next page of
results. This value is null when there are no more results to
nextToken?: String;
* The list of existing virtual routers for the specified service mesh.
virtualRouters: VirtualRouterList;
export interface DescribeRouteInput {
* The name of the service mesh that the route resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the route to describe.
routeName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual router that the route is associated with.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface DeleteRouteOutput {
* The route that was deleted.
route: RouteData;
export interface ResourceMetadata {
* The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource.
arn: Arn;
* The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was created.
createdAt: Timestamp;
* The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the resource was last updated.
lastUpdatedAt: Timestamp;
* The unique identifier for the resource.
uid: String;
* The version of the resource. Resources are created at version 1, and this version is
incremented each time that they're updated.
version: Long;
export type Listeners = Listener[];
export type Backends = Backend[];
export type PortProtocol = "http"|"tcp"|string;
export interface UpdateVirtualNodeOutput {
* A full description of the virtual node that was updated.
virtualNode: VirtualNodeData;
export interface ListRoutesOutput {
* The nextToken value to include in a future ListRoutes
request. When the results of a ListRoutes request exceed
limit, you can use this value to retrieve the next page of
results. This value is null when there are no more results to
nextToken?: String;
* The list of existing routes for the specified service mesh and virtual router.
routes: RouteList;
export interface VirtualServiceBackend {
* The name of the virtual service that is acting as a virtual node backend.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export type VirtualNodeStatusCode = "ACTIVE"|"DELETED"|"INACTIVE"|string;
export type ServiceName = string;
export interface UpdateVirtualServiceInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual service resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The new virtual service specification to apply. This overwrites the existing
spec: VirtualServiceSpec;
* The name of the virtual service to update.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export type HealthCheckThreshold = number;
export interface UpdateRouteOutput {
* A full description of the route that was updated.
route: RouteData;
export type PercentInt = number;
export type TagValue = string;
export interface HttpRouteAction {
* The targets that traffic is routed to when a request matches the route. You can specify
one or more targets and their relative weights to distribute traffic with.
weightedTargets: WeightedTargets;
export interface ListRoutesInput {
* The maximum number of results returned by ListRoutes in paginated output.
When you use this parameter, ListRoutes returns only limit
results in a single page along with a nextToken response element. You can see the
remaining results of the initial request by sending another
ListRoutes request with the returned nextToken value. This
value can be between 1 and 100. If you don't use this parameter,
ListRoutes returns up to 100 results and a
nextToken value if applicable.
limit?: ListRoutesLimit;
* The name of the service mesh to list routes in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated
ListRoutes request where limit was used and the
results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the
previous results that returned the nextToken value.
nextToken?: String;
* The name of the virtual router to list routes in.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface HealthCheckPolicy {
* The number of consecutive successful health checks that must occur before declaring
listener healthy.
healthyThreshold: HealthCheckThreshold;
* The time period in milliseconds between each health check execution.
intervalMillis: HealthCheckIntervalMillis;
* The destination path for the health check request. This is required only if the
specified protocol is HTTP. If the protocol is TCP, this parameter is ignored.
path?: String;
* The destination port for the health check request. This port must match the port defined
in the PortMapping for the listener.
port?: PortNumber;
* The protocol for the health check request.
protocol: PortProtocol;
* The amount of time to wait when receiving a response from the health check, in
timeoutMillis: HealthCheckTimeoutMillis;
* The number of consecutive failed health checks that must occur before declaring a
virtual node unhealthy.
unhealthyThreshold: HealthCheckThreshold;
export interface VirtualServiceRef {
* The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the virtual service.
arn: Arn;
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual service resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual service.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export interface EgressFilter {
* The egress filter type. By default, the type is DROP_ALL, which allows
egress only from virtual nodes to other defined resources in the service mesh (and any traffic
to * for AWS API calls). You can set the egress filter type to
ALLOW_ALL to allow egress to any endpoint inside or outside of the service
type: EgressFilterType;
export type VirtualServiceList = VirtualServiceRef[];
export interface VirtualNodeStatus {
* The current status of the virtual node.
status: VirtualNodeStatusCode;
export interface VirtualRouterRef {
* The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the virtual router.
arn: Arn;
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual router resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual router.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface VirtualServiceData {
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual service resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
metadata: ResourceMetadata;
* The specifications of the virtual service.
spec: VirtualServiceSpec;
* The current status of the virtual service.
status: VirtualServiceStatus;
* The name of the virtual service.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export interface DescribeVirtualServiceOutput {
* The full description of your virtual service.
virtualService: VirtualServiceData;
export type FilePath = string;
export interface VirtualNodeRef {
* The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the virtual node.
arn: Arn;
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual node resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual node.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export interface CreateMeshInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name to use for the service mesh.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The service mesh specification to apply.
spec?: MeshSpec;
* Optional metadata that you can apply to the service mesh to assist with categorization and organization.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.
Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have
a maximum length of 256 characters.
tags?: TagList;
export interface DescribeVirtualNodeOutput {
* The full description of your virtual node.
virtualNode: VirtualNodeData;
export interface UpdateMeshOutput {
mesh: MeshData;
export interface CreateRouteOutput {
* The full description of your mesh following the create call.
route: RouteData;
export interface DnsServiceDiscovery {
* Specifies the DNS service discovery hostname for the virtual node.
hostname: Hostname;
export interface DescribeVirtualServiceInput {
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual service resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual service to describe.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export type ListVirtualServicesLimit = number;
export interface DeleteRouteInput {
* The name of the service mesh to delete the route in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the route to delete.
routeName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual router to delete the route in.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface VirtualNodeData {
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual node resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The associated metadata for the virtual node.
metadata: ResourceMetadata;
* The specifications of the virtual node.
spec: VirtualNodeSpec;
* The current status for the virtual node.
status: VirtualNodeStatus;
* The name of the virtual node.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export interface UntagResourceOutput {
export interface VirtualServiceSpec {
* The App Mesh object that is acting as the provider for a virtual service. You can specify
a single virtual node or virtual router.
provider?: VirtualServiceProvider;
export interface Backend {
* Specifies a virtual service to use as a backend for a virtual node.
virtualService?: VirtualServiceBackend;
export type ListVirtualRoutersLimit = number;
export type HealthCheckIntervalMillis = number;
export type VirtualRouterList = VirtualRouterRef[];
export interface ListMeshesInput {
* The maximum number of results returned by ListMeshes in paginated output.
When you use this parameter, ListMeshes returns only limit
results in a single page along with a nextToken response element. You can see the
remaining results of the initial request by sending another
ListMeshes request with the returned nextToken value. This
value can be between 1 and 100. If you don't use this parameter,
ListMeshes returns up to 100 results and a
nextToken value if applicable.
limit?: ListMeshesLimit;
* The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated
ListMeshes request where limit was used and the
results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the
previous results that returned the nextToken value.
This token should be treated as an opaque identifier that is used only to
retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.
nextToken?: String;
export type Arn = string;
export interface TcpRoute {
* The action to take if a match is determined.
action: TcpRouteAction;
export type VirtualNodeList = VirtualNodeRef[];
export interface ListVirtualRoutersInput {
* The maximum number of results returned by ListVirtualRouters in paginated
output. When you use this parameter, ListVirtualRouters returns only
limit results in a single page along with a nextToken response
element. You can see the remaining results of the initial request by sending another
ListVirtualRouters request with the returned nextToken value.
This value can be between 1 and 100. If you don't use this parameter,
ListVirtualRouters returns up to 100 results and
a nextToken value if applicable.
limit?: ListVirtualRoutersLimit;
* The name of the service mesh to list virtual routers in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated
ListVirtualRouters request where limit was used and the
results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the
previous results that returned the nextToken value.
nextToken?: String;
export interface VirtualRouterData {
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual router resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The associated metadata for the virtual router.
metadata: ResourceMetadata;
* The specifications of the virtual router.
spec: VirtualRouterSpec;
* The current status of the virtual router.
status: VirtualRouterStatus;
* The name of the virtual router.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface UpdateMeshInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh to update.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The service mesh specification to apply.
spec?: MeshSpec;
export interface ListVirtualServicesInput {
* The maximum number of results returned by ListVirtualServices in paginated
output. When you use this parameter, ListVirtualServices returns only
limit results in a single page along with a nextToken response
element. You can see the remaining results of the initial request by sending another
ListVirtualServices request with the returned nextToken value.
This value can be between 1 and 100. If you don't use this parameter,
ListVirtualServices returns up to 100 results and
a nextToken value if applicable.
limit?: ListVirtualServicesLimit;
* The name of the service mesh to list virtual services in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated
ListVirtualServices request where limit was used and the
results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the
previous results that returned the nextToken value.
nextToken?: String;
export interface CreateVirtualRouterInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh to create the virtual router in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The virtual router specification to apply.
spec: VirtualRouterSpec;
* Optional metadata that you can apply to the virtual router to assist with categorization and organization.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.
Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have
a maximum length of 256 characters.
tags?: TagList;
* The name to use for the virtual router.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface AccessLog {
* The file object to send virtual node access logs to.
file?: FileAccessLog;
export interface ListVirtualNodesInput {
* The maximum number of results returned by ListVirtualNodes in paginated
output. When you use this parameter, ListVirtualNodes returns only
limit results in a single page along with a nextToken response
element. You can see the remaining results of the initial request by sending another
ListVirtualNodes request with the returned nextToken value.
This value can be between 1 and 100. If you don't use this parameter,
ListVirtualNodes returns up to 100 results and a
nextToken value if applicable.
limit?: ListVirtualNodesLimit;
* The name of the service mesh to list virtual nodes in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated
ListVirtualNodes request where limit was used and the
results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the
previous results that returned the nextToken value.
nextToken?: String;
export interface DescribeVirtualRouterOutput {
* The full description of your virtual router.
virtualRouter: VirtualRouterData;
export interface CreateMeshOutput {
* The full description of your service mesh following the create call.
mesh: MeshData;
export interface CreateVirtualRouterOutput {
* The full description of your virtual router following the create call.
virtualRouter: VirtualRouterData;
export interface VirtualServiceStatus {
* The current status of the virtual service.
status: VirtualServiceStatusCode;
export type ListVirtualNodesLimit = number;
export type HealthCheckTimeoutMillis = number;
export type ListMeshesLimit = number;
export type ResourceName = string;
export interface VirtualRouterSpec {
* The listeners that the virtual router is expected to receive inbound traffic from. Currently only one listener is supported per virtual router.
listeners: VirtualRouterListeners;
export type Timestamp = Date;
export interface VirtualNodeSpec {
* The backends that the virtual node is expected to send outbound traffic to.
backends?: Backends;
* The listeners that the virtual node is expected to receive inbound traffic from. Currently only one listener is supported per virtual node.
listeners?: Listeners;
* The inbound and outbound access logging information for the virtual node.
logging?: Logging;
* The service discovery information for the virtual node. If your virtual node does not
expect ingress traffic, you can omit this parameter.
serviceDiscovery?: ServiceDiscovery;
export interface ListMeshesOutput {
* The list of existing service meshes.
meshes: MeshList;
* The nextToken value to include in a future ListMeshes
request. When the results of a ListMeshes request exceed
limit, you can use this value to retrieve the next page of
results. This value is null when there are no more results to
nextToken?: String;
export type VirtualRouterListeners = VirtualRouterListener[];
export interface DescribeRouteOutput {
* The full description of your route.
route: RouteData;
export interface HttpRouteMatch {
* Specifies the path to match requests with. This parameter must always start with
/, which by itself matches all requests to the virtual service name. You
can also match for path-based routing of requests. For example, if your virtual service
name is my-service.local and you want the route to match requests to
my-service.local/metrics, your prefix should be
prefix: String;
export type MeshList = MeshRef[];
export interface TagRef {
* One part of a key-value pair that make up a tag. A key is a general label
that acts like a category for more specific tag values.
key: TagKey;
* The optional part of a key-value pair that make up a tag. A value acts as
a descriptor within a tag category (key).
value?: TagValue;
export interface MeshRef {
* The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service mesh.
arn: Arn;
* The name of the service mesh.
meshName: ResourceName;
export type MeshStatusCode = "ACTIVE"|"DELETED"|"INACTIVE"|string;
export interface PortMapping {
* The port used for the port mapping.
port: PortNumber;
* The protocol used for the port mapping.
protocol: PortProtocol;
export interface MeshData {
* The name of the service mesh.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The associated metadata for the service mesh.
metadata: ResourceMetadata;
* The associated specification for the service mesh.
spec: MeshSpec;
* The status of the service mesh.
status: MeshStatus;
export interface VirtualRouterStatus {
* The current status of the virtual router.
status: VirtualRouterStatusCode;
export interface ListVirtualServicesOutput {
* The nextToken value to include in a future ListVirtualServices
request. When the results of a ListVirtualServices request exceed
limit, you can use this value to retrieve the next page of results. This
value is null when there are no more results to return.
nextToken?: String;
* The list of existing virtual services for the specified service mesh.
virtualServices: VirtualServiceList;
export interface WeightedTarget {
* The virtual node to associate with the weighted target.
virtualNode: ResourceName;
* The relative weight of the weighted target.
weight: PercentInt;
export interface TcpRouteAction {
* The targets that traffic is routed to when a request matches the route. You can specify
one or more targets and their relative weights to distribute traffic with.
weightedTargets: WeightedTargets;
export interface DescribeVirtualNodeInput {
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual node resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual node to describe.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export interface RouteStatus {
* The current status for the route.
status: RouteStatusCode;
export interface RouteRef {
* The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the route.
arn: Arn;
* The name of the service mesh that the route resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the route.
routeName: ResourceName;
* The virtual router that the route is associated with.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface Listener {
* The health check information for the listener.
healthCheck?: HealthCheckPolicy;
* The port mapping information for the listener.
portMapping: PortMapping;
export interface DeleteVirtualNodeInput {
* The name of the service mesh to delete the virtual node in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual node to delete.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export interface RouteData {
* The name of the service mesh that the route resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The associated metadata for the route.
metadata: ResourceMetadata;
* The name of the route.
routeName: ResourceName;
* The specifications of the route.
spec: RouteSpec;
* The status of the route.
status: RouteStatus;
* The virtual router that the route is associated with.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export type RouteStatusCode = "ACTIVE"|"DELETED"|"INACTIVE"|string;
export type ListRoutesLimit = number;
export interface DeleteVirtualServiceOutput {
* The virtual service that was deleted.
virtualService: VirtualServiceData;
export interface VirtualNodeServiceProvider {
* The name of the virtual node that is acting as a service provider.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export type TagList = TagRef[];
export interface DescribeVirtualRouterInput {
* The name of the service mesh that the virtual router resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual router to describe.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface TagResourceOutput {
export type RouteList = RouteRef[];
export interface DeleteMeshOutput {
* The service mesh that was deleted.
mesh: MeshData;
export type EgressFilterType = "ALLOW_ALL"|"DROP_ALL"|string;
export type Hostname = string;
export type PortNumber = number;
export interface TagResourceInput {
* The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to add tags to.
resourceArn: Arn;
* The tags to add to the resource. A tag is an array of key-value pairs.
Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have
a maximum length of 256 characters.
tags: TagList;
export interface CreateRouteInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh to create the route in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name to use for the route.
routeName: ResourceName;
* The route specification to apply.
spec: RouteSpec;
* Optional metadata that you can apply to the route to assist with categorization and organization.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.
Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have
a maximum length of 256 characters.
tags?: TagList;
* The name of the virtual router in which to create the route.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export type WeightedTargets = WeightedTarget[];
export interface VirtualServiceProvider {
* The virtual node associated with a virtual service.
virtualNode?: VirtualNodeServiceProvider;
* The virtual router associated with a virtual service.
virtualRouter?: VirtualRouterServiceProvider;
export type String = string;
export interface UpdateVirtualServiceOutput {
* A full description of the virtual service that was updated.
virtualService: VirtualServiceData;
export interface UpdateRouteInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh that the route resides in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the route to update.
routeName: ResourceName;
* The new route specification to apply. This overwrites the existing data.
spec: RouteSpec;
* The name of the virtual router that the route is associated with.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface MeshStatus {
* The current mesh status.
status?: MeshStatusCode;
export interface CreateVirtualNodeInput {
* Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the
request. Up to 36 letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
clientToken?: String;
* The name of the service mesh to create the virtual node in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The virtual node specification to apply.
spec: VirtualNodeSpec;
* Optional metadata that you can apply to the virtual node to assist with categorization and organization.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.
Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have
a maximum length of 256 characters.
tags?: TagList;
* The name to use for the virtual node.
virtualNodeName: ResourceName;
export interface RouteSpec {
* The HTTP routing information for the route.
httpRoute?: HttpRoute;
* The TCP routing information for the route.
tcpRoute?: TcpRoute;
export interface HttpRoute {
* The action to take if a match is determined.
action: HttpRouteAction;
* The criteria for determining an HTTP request match.
match: HttpRouteMatch;
export interface DescribeMeshInput {
* The name of the service mesh to describe.
meshName: ResourceName;
export interface MeshSpec {
* The egress filter rules for the service mesh.
egressFilter?: EgressFilter;
export interface CreateVirtualServiceOutput {
* The full description of your virtual service following the create call.
virtualService: VirtualServiceData;
export interface FileAccessLog {
* The file path to write access logs to. You can use /dev/stdout to send
access logs to standard out and configure your Envoy container to use a log driver, such as
awslogs, to export the access logs to a log storage service such as Amazon CloudWatch
Logs. You can also specify a path in the Envoy container's file system to write the files
to disk.
The Envoy process must have write permissions to the path that you specify here.
Otherwise, Envoy fails to bootstrap properly.
path: FilePath;
export interface VirtualRouterServiceProvider {
* The name of the virtual router that is acting as a service provider.
virtualRouterName: ResourceName;
export interface DeleteVirtualServiceInput {
* The name of the service mesh to delete the virtual service in.
meshName: ResourceName;
* The name of the virtual service to delete.
virtualServiceName: ServiceName;
export interface ListTagsForResourceOutput {
* The nextToken value to include in a future ListTagsForResource
request. When the results of a ListTagsForResource request exceed
limit, you can use this value to retrieve the next page of
results. This value is null when there are no more results to
nextToken?: String;
* The tags for the resource.
tags: TagList;
export interface ServiceDiscovery {
* Specifies the DNS information for the virtual node.
dns?: DnsServiceDiscovery;
export interface ListVirtualNodesOutput {
* The nextToken value to include in a future ListVirtualNodes
request. When the results of a ListVirtualNodes request exceed
limit, you can use this value to retrieve the next page of
results. This value is null when there are no more results to
nextToken?: String;
* The list of existing virtual nodes for the specified service mesh.
virtualNodes: VirtualNodeList;
export interface UntagResourceInput {
* The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to delete tags from.
resourceArn: Arn;
* The keys of the tags to be removed.
tagKeys: TagKeyList;
export interface DeleteVirtualRouterOutput {
* The virtual router that was deleted.
virtualRouter: VirtualRouterData;
export type TagsLimit = number;
export type TagKey = string;
export type VirtualServiceStatusCode = "ACTIVE"|"DELETED"|"INACTIVE"|string;
export interface DeleteVirtualNodeOutput {
* The virtual node that was deleted.
virtualNode: VirtualNodeData;
* A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
export type apiVersion = "2018-10-01"|"2018-10-01"|"2019-01-25"|"latest"|string;
export interface ClientApiVersions {
* A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
apiVersion?: apiVersion;
export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
* Contains interfaces for use with the AppMesh client.
export import Types = AppMesh;
export = AppMesh;