import {Request} from '../lib/request'; import {Response} from '../lib/response'; import {AWSError} from '../lib/error'; import {Service} from '../lib/service'; import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service'; import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config'; interface Blob {} declare class WorkMail extends Service { /** * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation. */ constructor(options?: WorkMail.Types.ClientConfiguration) config: Config & WorkMail.Types.ClientConfiguration; /** * Adds a member (user or group) to the resource's set of delegates. */ associateDelegateToResource(params: WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Adds a member (user or group) to the resource's set of delegates. */ associateDelegateToResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Adds a member (user or group) to the group's set. */ associateMemberToGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Adds a member (user or group) to the group's set. */ associateMemberToGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.AssociateMemberToGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Adds an alias to the set of a given member (user or group) of Amazon WorkMail. */ createAlias(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasResponse) => void): Request; /** * Adds an alias to the set of a given member (user or group) of Amazon WorkMail. */ createAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateAliasResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a group that can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation. */ createGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a group that can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation. */ createGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a new Amazon WorkMail resource. */ createResource(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a new Amazon WorkMail resource. */ createResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a user who can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation. */ createUser(params: WorkMail.Types.CreateUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateUserResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a user who can be used in Amazon WorkMail by calling the RegisterToWorkMail operation. */ createUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.CreateUserResponse) => void): Request; /** * Remove one or more specified aliases from a set of aliases for a given user. */ deleteAlias(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasResponse) => void): Request; /** * Remove one or more specified aliases from a set of aliases for a given user. */ deleteAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteAliasResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes a group from Amazon WorkMail. */ deleteGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes a group from Amazon WorkMail. */ deleteGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes permissions granted to a member (user or group). */ deleteMailboxPermissions(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes permissions granted to a member (user or group). */ deleteMailboxPermissions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes the specified resource. */ deleteResource(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes the specified resource. */ deleteResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes a user from Amazon WorkMail and all subsequent systems. Before you can delete a user, the user state must be DISABLED. Use the DescribeUser action to confirm the user state. Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be undone. WorkMail archives user mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed. */ deleteUser(params: WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request; /** * Deletes a user from Amazon WorkMail and all subsequent systems. Before you can delete a user, the user state must be DISABLED. Use the DescribeUser action to confirm the user state. Deleting a user is permanent and cannot be undone. WorkMail archives user mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed. */ deleteUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request; /** * Mark a user, group, or resource as no longer used in Amazon WorkMail. This action disassociates the mailbox and schedules it for clean-up. WorkMail keeps mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed. The functionality in the console is Disable. */ deregisterFromWorkMail(params: WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse) => void): Request; /** * Mark a user, group, or resource as no longer used in Amazon WorkMail. This action disassociates the mailbox and schedules it for clean-up. WorkMail keeps mailboxes for 30 days before they are permanently removed. The functionality in the console is Disable. */ deregisterFromWorkMail(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns the data available for the group. */ describeGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns the data available for the group. */ describeGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Provides more information regarding a given organization based on its identifier. */ describeOrganization(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationResponse) => void): Request; /** * Provides more information regarding a given organization based on its identifier. */ describeOrganization(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeOrganizationResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns the data available for the resource. */ describeResource(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns the data available for the resource. */ describeResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Provides information regarding the user. */ describeUser(params: WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request; /** * Provides information regarding the user. */ describeUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request; /** * Removes a member from the resource's set of delegates. */ disassociateDelegateFromResource(params: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Removes a member from the resource's set of delegates. */ disassociateDelegateFromResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Removes a member from a group. */ disassociateMemberFromGroup(params: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Removes a member from a group. */ disassociateMemberFromGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse) => void): Request; /** * Requests a user's mailbox details for a specified organization and user. */ getMailboxDetails(params: WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Requests a user's mailbox details for a specified organization and user. */ getMailboxDetails(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.GetMailboxDetailsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a paginated call to list the aliases associated with a given entity. */ listAliases(params: WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesResponse) => void): Request; /** * Creates a paginated call to list the aliases associated with a given entity. */ listAliases(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListAliasesResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns an overview of the members of a group. Users and groups can be members of a group. */ listGroupMembers(params: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns an overview of the members of a group. Users and groups can be members of a group. */ listGroupMembers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupMembersResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the organization's groups. */ listGroups(params: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the organization's groups. */ listGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListGroupsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Lists the mailbox permissions associated with a user, group, or resource mailbox. */ listMailboxPermissions(params: WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Lists the mailbox permissions associated with a user, group, or resource mailbox. */ listMailboxPermissions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the customer's non-deleted organizations. */ listOrganizations(params: WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the customer's non-deleted organizations. */ listOrganizations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListOrganizationsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Lists the delegates associated with a resource. Users and groups can be resource delegates and answer requests on behalf of the resource. */ listResourceDelegates(params: WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesResponse) => void): Request; /** * Lists the delegates associated with a resource. Users and groups can be resource delegates and answer requests on behalf of the resource. */ listResourceDelegates(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourceDelegatesResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the organization's resources. */ listResources(params: WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the organization's resources. */ listResources(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListResourcesResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the organization's users. */ listUsers(params: WorkMail.Types.ListUsersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request; /** * Returns summaries of the organization's users. */ listUsers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request; /** * Sets permissions for a user, group, or resource. This replaces any pre-existing permissions. */ putMailboxPermissions(params: WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Sets permissions for a user, group, or resource. This replaces any pre-existing permissions. */ putMailboxPermissions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.PutMailboxPermissionsResponse) => void): Request; /** * Registers an existing and disabled user, group, or resource for Amazon WorkMail use by associating a mailbox and calendaring capabilities. It performs no change if the user, group, or resource is enabled and fails if the user, group, or resource is deleted. This operation results in the accumulation of costs. For more information, see Pricing. The equivalent console functionality for this operation is Enable. Users can either be created by calling the CreateUser API operation or they can be synchronized from your directory. For more information, see DeregisterFromWorkMail. */ registerToWorkMail(params: WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailResponse) => void): Request; /** * Registers an existing and disabled user, group, or resource for Amazon WorkMail use by associating a mailbox and calendaring capabilities. It performs no change if the user, group, or resource is enabled and fails if the user, group, or resource is deleted. This operation results in the accumulation of costs. For more information, see Pricing. The equivalent console functionality for this operation is Enable. Users can either be created by calling the CreateUser API operation or they can be synchronized from your directory. For more information, see DeregisterFromWorkMail. */ registerToWorkMail(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.RegisterToWorkMailResponse) => void): Request; /** * Allows the administrator to reset the password for a user. */ resetPassword(params: WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordResponse) => void): Request; /** * Allows the administrator to reset the password for a user. */ resetPassword(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.ResetPasswordResponse) => void): Request; /** * Updates a user's current mailbox quota for a specified organization and user. */ updateMailboxQuota(params: WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse) => void): Request; /** * Updates a user's current mailbox quota for a specified organization and user. */ updateMailboxQuota(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse) => void): Request; /** * Updates the primary email for a user, group, or resource. The current email is moved into the list of aliases (or swapped between an existing alias and the current primary email), and the email provided in the input is promoted as the primary. */ updatePrimaryEmailAddress(params: WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse) => void): Request; /** * Updates the primary email for a user, group, or resource. The current email is moved into the list of aliases (or swapped between an existing alias and the current primary email), and the email provided in the input is promoted as the primary. */ updatePrimaryEmailAddress(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse) => void): Request; /** * Updates data for the resource. To have the latest information, it must be preceded by a DescribeResource call. The dataset in the request should be the one expected when performing another DescribeResource call. */ updateResource(params: WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceResponse) => void): Request; /** * Updates data for the resource. To have the latest information, it must be preceded by a DescribeResource call. The dataset in the request should be the one expected when performing another DescribeResource call. */ updateResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: WorkMail.Types.UpdateResourceResponse) => void): Request; } declare namespace WorkMail { export type Aliases = EmailAddress[]; export interface AssociateDelegateToResourceRequest { /** * The organization under which the resource exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The resource for which members (users or groups) are associated. */ ResourceId: ResourceId; /** * The member (user or group) to associate to the resource. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface AssociateDelegateToResourceResponse { } export interface AssociateMemberToGroupRequest { /** * The organization under which the group exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The group to which the member (user or group) is associated. */ GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The member (user or group) to associate to the group. */ MemberId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface AssociateMemberToGroupResponse { } export interface BookingOptions { /** * The resource's ability to automatically reply to requests. If disabled, delegates must be associated to the resource. */ AutoAcceptRequests?: Boolean; /** * The resource's ability to automatically decline any recurring requests. */ AutoDeclineRecurringRequests?: Boolean; /** * The resource's ability to automatically decline any conflicting requests. */ AutoDeclineConflictingRequests?: Boolean; } export type Boolean = boolean; export interface CreateAliasRequest { /** * The organization under which the member (user or group) exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The member (user or group) to which this alias is added. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The alias to add to the member set. */ Alias: EmailAddress; } export interface CreateAliasResponse { } export interface CreateGroupRequest { /** * The organization under which the group is to be created. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The name of the group. */ Name: GroupName; } export interface CreateGroupResponse { /** * The identifier of the group. */ GroupId?: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface CreateResourceRequest { /** * The identifier associated with the organization for which the resource is created. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The name of the new resource. */ Name: ResourceName; /** * The type of the new resource. The available types are equipment and room. */ Type: ResourceType; } export interface CreateResourceResponse { /** * The identifier of the new resource. */ ResourceId?: ResourceId; } export interface CreateUserRequest { /** * The identifier of the organization for which the user is created. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The name for the new user. Simple AD or AD Connector user names have a maximum length of 20. All others have a maximum length of 64. */ Name: UserName; /** * The display name for the new user. */ DisplayName: String; /** * The password for the new user. */ Password: Password; } export interface CreateUserResponse { /** * The identifier for the new user. */ UserId?: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface Delegate { /** * The identifier for the user or group associated as the resource's delegate. */ Id: String; /** * The type of the delegate: user or group. */ Type: MemberType; } export interface DeleteAliasRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the user exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the member (user or group) from which to have the aliases removed. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The aliases to be removed from the user's set of aliases. Duplicate entries in the list are collapsed into single entries (the list is transformed into a set). */ Alias: EmailAddress; } export interface DeleteAliasResponse { } export interface DeleteGroupRequest { /** * The organization that contains the group. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the group to be deleted. */ GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DeleteGroupResponse { } export interface DeleteMailboxPermissionsRequest { /** * The identifier of the organization under which the member (user or group) exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the member (user or group)that owns the mailbox. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The identifier of the member (user or group) for which to delete granted permissions. */ GranteeId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DeleteMailboxPermissionsResponse { } export interface DeleteResourceRequest { /** * The identifier associated with the organization from which the resource is deleted. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the resource to be deleted. */ ResourceId: ResourceId; } export interface DeleteResourceResponse { } export interface DeleteUserRequest { /** * The organization that contains the user to be deleted. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the user to be deleted. */ UserId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DeleteUserResponse { } export interface DeregisterFromWorkMailRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the Amazon WorkMail entity exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the member (user or group) to be updated. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DeregisterFromWorkMailResponse { } export interface DescribeGroupRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the group exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the group to be described. */ GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DescribeGroupResponse { /** * The identifier of the described group. */ GroupId?: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The name of the described group. */ Name?: GroupName; /** * The email of the described group. */ Email?: EmailAddress; /** * The state of the user: enabled (registered to Amazon WorkMail) or disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail). */ State?: EntityState; /** * The date and time when a user was registered to WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date and time when a user was deregistered from WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export interface DescribeOrganizationRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization to be described. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; } export interface DescribeOrganizationResponse { /** * The identifier of an organization. */ OrganizationId?: OrganizationId; /** * The alias for an organization. */ Alias?: OrganizationName; /** * The state of an organization. */ State?: String; /** * The identifier for the directory associated with an Amazon WorkMail organization. */ DirectoryId?: String; /** * The type of directory associated with the WorkMail organization. */ DirectoryType?: String; /** * The default mail domain associated with the organization. */ DefaultMailDomain?: String; /** * The date at which the organization became usable in the WorkMail context, in UNIX epoch time format. */ CompletedDate?: Timestamp; /** * (Optional) The error message indicating if unexpected behavior was encountered with regards to the organization. */ ErrorMessage?: String; } export interface DescribeResourceRequest { /** * The identifier associated with the organization for which the resource is described. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the resource to be described. */ ResourceId: ResourceId; } export interface DescribeResourceResponse { /** * The identifier of the described resource. */ ResourceId?: ResourceId; /** * The email of the described resource. */ Email?: EmailAddress; /** * The name of the described resource. */ Name?: ResourceName; /** * The type of the described resource. */ Type?: ResourceType; /** * The booking options for the described resource. */ BookingOptions?: BookingOptions; /** * The state of the resource: enabled (registered to Amazon WorkMail) or disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail). */ State?: EntityState; /** * The date and time when a resource was enabled for WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date and time when a resource was disabled from WorkMail, in UNIX epoch time format. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export interface DescribeUserRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the user exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the user to be described. */ UserId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DescribeUserResponse { /** * The identifier for the described user. */ UserId?: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The name for the user. */ Name?: UserName; /** * The email of the user. */ Email?: EmailAddress; /** * The display name of the user. */ DisplayName?: String; /** * The state of a user: enabled (registered to Amazon WorkMail) or disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail). */ State?: EntityState; /** * In certain cases, other entities are modeled as users. If interoperability is enabled, resources are imported into Amazon WorkMail as users. Because different WorkMail organizations rely on different directory types, administrators can distinguish between an unregistered user (account is disabled and has a user role) and the directory administrators. The values are USER, RESOURCE, and SYSTEM_USER. */ UserRole?: UserRole; /** * The date and time at which the user was enabled for Amazon WorkMail usage, in UNIX epoch time format. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date and time at which the user was disabled for Amazon WorkMail usage, in UNIX epoch time format. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export interface DisassociateDelegateFromResourceRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the resource exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the resource from which delegates' set members are removed. */ ResourceId: ResourceId; /** * The identifier for the member (user, group) to be removed from the resource's delegates. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DisassociateDelegateFromResourceResponse { } export interface DisassociateMemberFromGroupRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the group exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the group from which members are removed. */ GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The identifier for the member to be removed to the group. */ MemberId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface DisassociateMemberFromGroupResponse { } export type EmailAddress = string; export type EntityState = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|"DELETED"|string; export interface GetMailboxDetailsRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization that contains the user whose mailbox details are being requested. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the user whose mailbox details are being requested. */ UserId: WorkMailIdentifier; } export interface GetMailboxDetailsResponse { /** * The maximum allowed mailbox size, in MB, for the specified user. */ MailboxQuota?: MailboxQuota; /** * The current mailbox size, in MB, for the specified user. */ MailboxSize?: MailboxSize; } export interface Group { /** * The identifier of the group. */ Id?: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The email of the group. */ Email?: EmailAddress; /** * The name of the group. */ Name?: GroupName; /** * The state of the group, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED. */ State?: EntityState; /** * The date indicating when the group was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date indicating when the group was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export type GroupName = string; export type Groups = Group[]; export interface ListAliasesRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the entity exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the entity for which to list the aliases. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListAliasesResponse { /** * The entity's paginated aliases. */ Aliases?: Aliases; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListGroupMembersRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the group exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the group to which the members (users or groups) are associated. */ GroupId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListGroupMembersResponse { /** * The members associated to the group. */ Members?: Members; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListGroupsRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the groups exist. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListGroupsResponse { /** * The overview of groups for an organization. */ Groups?: Groups; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListMailboxPermissionsRequest { /** * The identifier of the organization under which the user, group, or resource exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the user, group, or resource for which to list mailbox permissions. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListMailboxPermissionsResponse { /** * One page of the user, group, or resource mailbox permissions. */ Permissions?: Permissions; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListOrganizationsRequest { /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListOrganizationsResponse { /** * The overview of owned organizations presented as a list of organization summaries. */ OrganizationSummaries?: OrganizationSummaries; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The value is "null" when there are no more results to return. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListResourceDelegatesRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization that contains the resource for which delegates are listed. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the resource whose delegates are listed. */ ResourceId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The token used to paginate through the delegates associated with a resource. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The number of maximum results in a page. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListResourceDelegatesResponse { /** * One page of the resource's delegates. */ Delegates?: ResourceDelegates; /** * The token used to paginate through the delegates associated with a resource. While results are still available, it has an associated value. When the last page is reached, the token is empty. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListResourcesRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the resources exist. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListResourcesResponse { /** * One page of the organization's resource representation. */ Resources?: Resources; /** * The token used to paginate through all the organization's resources. While results are still available, it has an associated value. When the last page is reached, the token is empty. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export interface ListUsersRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the users exist. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. The first call does not contain any tokens. */ NextToken?: NextToken; /** * The maximum number of results to return in a single call. */ MaxResults?: MaxResults; } export interface ListUsersResponse { /** * The overview of users for an organization. */ Users?: Users; /** * The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is `null` when there are no more results to return. */ NextToken?: NextToken; } export type MailboxQuota = number; export type MailboxSize = number; export type MaxResults = number; export interface Member { /** * The identifier of the member. */ Id?: String; /** * The name of the member. */ Name?: String; /** * A member can be a user or group. */ Type?: MemberType; /** * The state of the member, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED. */ State?: EntityState; /** * The date indicating when the member was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date indicating when the member was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export type MemberType = "GROUP"|"USER"|string; export type Members = Member[]; export type NextToken = string; export type OrganizationId = string; export type OrganizationName = string; export type OrganizationSummaries = OrganizationSummary[]; export interface OrganizationSummary { /** * The identifier associated with the organization. */ OrganizationId?: OrganizationId; /** * The alias associated with the organization. */ Alias?: OrganizationName; /** * The error message associated with the organization. It is only present if unexpected behavior has occurred with regards to the organization. It provides insight or solutions regarding unexpected behavior. */ ErrorMessage?: String; /** * The state associated with the organization. */ State?: String; } export type Password = string; export interface Permission { /** * The identifier of the user, group, or resource to which the permissions are granted. */ GranteeId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The type of user, group, or resource referred to in GranteeId. */ GranteeType: MemberType; /** * The permissions granted to the grantee. SEND_AS allows the grantee to send email as the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned on these emails). SEND_ON_BEHALF allows the grantee to send email on behalf of the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned as the physical sender of these emails). FULL_ACCESS allows the grantee full access to the mailbox, irrespective of other folder-level permissions set on the mailbox. */ PermissionValues: PermissionValues; } export type PermissionType = "FULL_ACCESS"|"SEND_AS"|"SEND_ON_BEHALF"|string; export type PermissionValues = PermissionType[]; export type Permissions = Permission[]; export interface PutMailboxPermissionsRequest { /** * The identifier of the organization under which the user, group, or resource exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the user, group, or resource for which to update mailbox permissions. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The identifier of the user, group, or resource to which to grant the permissions. */ GranteeId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The permissions granted to the grantee. SEND_AS allows the grantee to send email as the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned on these emails). SEND_ON_BEHALF allows the grantee to send email on behalf of the owner of the mailbox (the grantee is not mentioned as the physical sender of these emails). FULL_ACCESS allows the grantee full access to the mailbox, irrespective of other folder-level permissions set on the mailbox. */ PermissionValues: PermissionValues; } export interface PutMailboxPermissionsResponse { } export interface RegisterToWorkMailRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization under which the user, group, or resource exists. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier for the user, group, or resource to be updated. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The email for the user, group, or resource to be updated. */ Email: EmailAddress; } export interface RegisterToWorkMailResponse { } export interface ResetPasswordRequest { /** * The identifier of the organization that contains the user for which the password is reset. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the user for whom the password is reset. */ UserId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The new password for the user. */ Password: Password; } export interface ResetPasswordResponse { } export interface Resource { /** * The identifier of the resource. */ Id?: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The email of the resource. */ Email?: EmailAddress; /** * The name of the resource. */ Name?: ResourceName; /** * The type of the resource: equipment or room. */ Type?: ResourceType; /** * The state of the resource, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED. */ State?: EntityState; /** * The date indicating when the resource was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date indicating when the resource was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export type ResourceDelegates = Delegate[]; export type ResourceId = string; export type ResourceName = string; export type ResourceType = "ROOM"|"EQUIPMENT"|string; export type Resources = Resource[]; export type String = string; export type Timestamp = Date; export interface UpdateMailboxQuotaRequest { /** * The identifier for the organization that contains the user for whom to update the mailbox quota. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifer for the user for whom to update the mailbox quota. */ UserId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The updated mailbox quota, in MB, for the specified user. */ MailboxQuota: MailboxQuota; } export interface UpdateMailboxQuotaResponse { } export interface UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressRequest { /** * The organization that contains the user, group, or resource to update. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The user, group, or resource to update. */ EntityId: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The value of the email to be updated as primary. */ Email: EmailAddress; } export interface UpdatePrimaryEmailAddressResponse { } export interface UpdateResourceRequest { /** * The identifier associated with the organization for which the resource is updated. */ OrganizationId: OrganizationId; /** * The identifier of the resource to be updated. */ ResourceId: ResourceId; /** * The name of the resource to be updated. */ Name?: ResourceName; /** * The resource's booking options to be updated. */ BookingOptions?: BookingOptions; } export interface UpdateResourceResponse { } export interface User { /** * The identifier of the user. */ Id?: WorkMailIdentifier; /** * The email of the user. */ Email?: EmailAddress; /** * The name of the user. */ Name?: UserName; /** * The display name of the user. */ DisplayName?: String; /** * The state of the user, which can be ENABLED, DISABLED, or DELETED. */ State?: EntityState; /** * The role of the user. */ UserRole?: UserRole; /** * The date indicating when the user was enabled for Amazon WorkMail use. */ EnabledDate?: Timestamp; /** * The date indicating when the user was disabled from Amazon WorkMail use. */ DisabledDate?: Timestamp; } export type UserName = string; export type UserRole = "USER"|"RESOURCE"|"SYSTEM_USER"|string; export type Users = User[]; export type WorkMailIdentifier = string; /** * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version. */ export type apiVersion = "2017-10-01"|"latest"|string; export interface ClientApiVersions { /** * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version. */ apiVersion?: apiVersion; } export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions; /** * Contains interfaces for use with the WorkMail client. */ export import Types = WorkMail; } export = WorkMail;