{ "version": "1.0", "examples": { "CreateIPSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Name": "MyIPSetFriendlyName" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "IPSet": { "IPSetDescriptors": [ { "Type": "IPV4", "Value": "" } ], "IPSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "Name": "MyIPSetFriendlyName" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates an IP match set named MyIPSetFriendlyName.", "id": "createipset-1472501003122", "title": "To create an IP set" } ], "CreateRule": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "MetricName": "WAFByteHeaderRule", "Name": "WAFByteHeaderRule" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Rule": { "MetricName": "WAFByteHeaderRule", "Name": "WAFByteHeaderRule", "Predicates": [ { "DataId": "MyByteMatchSetID", "Negated": false, "Type": "ByteMatch" } ], "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a rule named WAFByteHeaderRule.", "id": "createrule-1474072675555", "title": "To create a rule" } ], "CreateSizeConstraintSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Name": "MySampleSizeConstraintSet" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "SizeConstraintSet": { "Name": "MySampleSizeConstraintSet", "SizeConstraintSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "SizeConstraints": [ { "ComparisonOperator": "GT", "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "Size": 0, "TextTransformation": "NONE" } ] } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates size constraint set named MySampleSizeConstraintSet.", "id": "createsizeconstraint-1474299140754", "title": "To create a size constraint" } ], "CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Name": "MySQLInjectionMatchSet" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "SqlInjectionMatchSet": { "Name": "MySQLInjectionMatchSet", "SqlInjectionMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "SqlInjectionMatchTuples": [ { "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "TextTransformation": "URL_DECODE" } ] } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a SQL injection match set named MySQLInjectionMatchSet.", "id": "createsqlinjectionmatchset-1474492796105", "title": "To create a SQL injection match set" } ], "CreateWebACL": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "DefaultAction": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "MetricName": "CreateExample", "Name": "CreateExample" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "WebACL": { "DefaultAction": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "MetricName": "CreateExample", "Name": "CreateExample", "Rules": [ { "Action": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "Priority": 1, "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example" } ], "WebACLId": "example-46da-4444-5555-example" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a web ACL named CreateExample.", "id": "createwebacl-1472061481310", "title": "To create a web ACL" } ], "CreateXssMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Name": "MySampleXssMatchSet" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "XssMatchSet": { "Name": "MySampleXssMatchSet", "XssMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "XssMatchTuples": [ { "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "TextTransformation": "URL_DECODE" } ] } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates an XSS match set named MySampleXssMatchSet.", "id": "createxssmatchset-1474560868500", "title": "To create an XSS match set" } ], "DeleteByteMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ByteMatchSetId": "exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a byte match set with the ID exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "deletebytematchset-1473367566229", "title": "To delete a byte match set" } ], "DeleteIPSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "IPSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes an IP match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "deleteipset-1472767434306", "title": "To delete an IP set" } ], "DeleteRule": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a rule with the ID WAFRule-1-Example.", "id": "deleterule-1474073108749", "title": "To delete a rule" } ], "DeleteSizeConstraintSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "SizeConstraintSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a size constraint set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "deletesizeconstraintset-1474299857905", "title": "To delete a size constraint set" } ], "DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "SqlInjectionMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a SQL injection match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "deletesqlinjectionmatchset-1474493373197", "title": "To delete a SQL injection match set" } ], "DeleteWebACL": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "WebACLId": "example-46da-4444-5555-example" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a web ACL with the ID example-46da-4444-5555-example.", "id": "deletewebacl-1472767755931", "title": "To delete a web ACL" } ], "DeleteXssMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "XssMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes an XSS match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "deletexssmatchset-1474561302618", "title": "To delete an XSS match set" } ], "GetByteMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ByteMatchSetId": "exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "ByteMatchSet": { "ByteMatchSetId": "exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "ByteMatchTuples": [ { "FieldToMatch": { "Data": "referer", "Type": "HEADER" }, "PositionalConstraint": "CONTAINS", "TargetString": "badrefer1", "TextTransformation": "NONE" } ], "Name": "ByteMatchNameExample" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of a byte match set with the ID exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "getbytematchset-1473273311532", "title": "To get a byte match set" } ], "GetChangeToken": [ { "input": { }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns a change token to use for a create, update or delete operation.", "id": "get-change-token-example-1471635120794", "title": "To get a change token" } ], "GetChangeTokenStatus": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "output": { "ChangeTokenStatus": "PENDING" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the status of a change token with the ID abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f.", "id": "getchangetokenstatus-1474658417107", "title": "To get the change token status" } ], "GetIPSet": [ { "input": { "IPSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "IPSet": { "IPSetDescriptors": [ { "Type": "IPV4", "Value": "" } ], "IPSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "Name": "MyIPSetFriendlyName" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of an IP match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "getipset-1474658688675", "title": "To get an IP set" } ], "GetRule": [ { "input": { "RuleId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "Rule": { "MetricName": "WAFByteHeaderRule", "Name": "WAFByteHeaderRule", "Predicates": [ { "DataId": "MyByteMatchSetID", "Negated": false, "Type": "ByteMatch" } ], "RuleId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of a rule with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "getrule-1474659238790", "title": "To get a rule" } ], "GetSampledRequests": [ { "input": { "MaxItems": 100, "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example", "TimeWindow": { "EndTime": "2016-09-27T15:50Z", "StartTime": "2016-09-27T15:50Z" }, "WebAclId": "createwebacl-1472061481310" }, "output": { "PopulationSize": 50, "SampledRequests": [ { "Action": "BLOCK", "Request": { "ClientIP": "", "Country": "US", "HTTPVersion": "HTTP/1.1", "Headers": [ { "Name": "User-Agent", "Value": "BadBot " } ], "Method": "HEAD" }, "Timestamp": "2016-09-27T14:55Z", "Weight": 1 } ], "TimeWindow": { "EndTime": "2016-09-27T15:50Z", "StartTime": "2016-09-27T14:50Z" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns detailed information about 100 requests --a sample-- that AWS WAF randomly selects from among the first 5,000 requests that your AWS resource received between the time period 2016-09-27T15:50Z to 2016-09-27T15:50Z.", "id": "getsampledrequests-1474927997195", "title": "To get a sampled requests" } ], "GetSizeConstraintSet": [ { "input": { "SizeConstraintSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "SizeConstraintSet": { "Name": "MySampleSizeConstraintSet", "SizeConstraintSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "SizeConstraints": [ { "ComparisonOperator": "GT", "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "Size": 0, "TextTransformation": "NONE" } ] } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of a size constraint match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "getsizeconstraintset-1475005422493", "title": "To get a size constraint set" } ], "GetSqlInjectionMatchSet": [ { "input": { "SqlInjectionMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "SqlInjectionMatchSet": { "Name": "MySQLInjectionMatchSet", "SqlInjectionMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "SqlInjectionMatchTuples": [ { "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "TextTransformation": "URL_DECODE" } ] } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of a SQL injection match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "getsqlinjectionmatchset-1475005940137", "title": "To get a SQL injection match set" } ], "GetWebACL": [ { "input": { "WebACLId": "createwebacl-1472061481310" }, "output": { "WebACL": { "DefaultAction": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "MetricName": "CreateExample", "Name": "CreateExample", "Rules": [ { "Action": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "Priority": 1, "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example" } ], "WebACLId": "createwebacl-1472061481310" } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of a web ACL with the ID createwebacl-1472061481310.", "id": "getwebacl-1475006348525", "title": "To get a web ACL" } ], "GetXssMatchSet": [ { "input": { "XssMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "XssMatchSet": { "Name": "MySampleXssMatchSet", "XssMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "XssMatchTuples": [ { "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "TextTransformation": "URL_DECODE" } ] } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns the details of an XSS match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "getxssmatchset-1475187879017", "title": "To get an XSS match set" } ], "ListIPSets": [ { "input": { "Limit": 100 }, "output": { "IPSets": [ { "IPSetId": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Name": "MyIPSetFriendlyName" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns an array of up to 100 IP match sets.", "id": "listipsets-1472235676229", "title": "To list IP sets" } ], "ListRules": [ { "input": { "Limit": 100 }, "output": { "Rules": [ { "Name": "WAFByteHeaderRule", "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns an array of up to 100 rules.", "id": "listrules-1475258406433", "title": "To list rules" } ], "ListSizeConstraintSets": [ { "input": { "Limit": 100 }, "output": { "SizeConstraintSets": [ { "Name": "MySampleSizeConstraintSet", "SizeConstraintSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns an array of up to 100 size contraint match sets.", "id": "listsizeconstraintsets-1474300067597", "title": "To list a size constraint sets" } ], "ListSqlInjectionMatchSets": [ { "input": { "Limit": 100 }, "output": { "SqlInjectionMatchSets": [ { "Name": "MySQLInjectionMatchSet", "SqlInjectionMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns an array of up to 100 SQL injection match sets.", "id": "listsqlinjectionmatchset-1474493560103", "title": "To list SQL injection match sets" } ], "ListWebACLs": [ { "input": { "Limit": 100 }, "output": { "WebACLs": [ { "Name": "WebACLexample", "WebACLId": "webacl-1472061481310" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns an array of up to 100 web ACLs.", "id": "listwebacls-1475258732691", "title": "To list Web ACLs" } ], "ListXssMatchSets": [ { "input": { "Limit": 100 }, "output": { "XssMatchSets": [ { "Name": "MySampleXssMatchSet", "XssMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns an array of up to 100 XSS match sets.", "id": "listxssmatchsets-1474561481168", "title": "To list XSS match sets" } ], "UpdateByteMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ByteMatchSetId": "exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "ByteMatchTuple": { "FieldToMatch": { "Data": "referer", "Type": "HEADER" }, "PositionalConstraint": "CONTAINS", "TargetString": "badrefer1", "TextTransformation": "NONE" } } ] }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a ByteMatchTuple object (filters) in an byte match set with the ID exampleIDs3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "updatebytematchset-1475259074558", "title": "To update a byte match set" } ], "UpdateIPSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "IPSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "IPSetDescriptor": { "Type": "IPV4", "Value": "" } } ] }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes an IPSetDescriptor object in an IP match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "updateipset-1475259733625", "title": "To update an IP set" } ], "UpdateRule": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "RuleId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "Predicate": { "DataId": "MyByteMatchSetID", "Negated": false, "Type": "ByteMatch" } } ] }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a Predicate object in a rule with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "updaterule-1475260064720", "title": "To update a rule" } ], "UpdateSizeConstraintSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "SizeConstraintSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "SizeConstraint": { "ComparisonOperator": "GT", "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "Size": 0, "TextTransformation": "NONE" } } ] }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a SizeConstraint object (filters) in a size constraint set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "updatesizeconstraintset-1475531697891", "title": "To update a size constraint set" } ], "UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "SqlInjectionMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5", "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "SqlInjectionMatchTuple": { "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "TextTransformation": "URL_DECODE" } } ] }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a SqlInjectionMatchTuple object (filters) in a SQL injection match set with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "updatesqlinjectionmatchset-1475532094686", "title": "To update a SQL injection match set" } ], "UpdateWebACL": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "DefaultAction": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "ActivatedRule": { "Action": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "Priority": 1, "RuleId": "WAFRule-1-Example" } } ], "WebACLId": "webacl-1472061481310" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes an ActivatedRule object in a WebACL with the ID webacl-1472061481310.", "id": "updatewebacl-1475533627385", "title": "To update a Web ACL" } ], "UpdateXssMatchSet": [ { "input": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f", "Updates": [ { "Action": "DELETE", "XssMatchTuple": { "FieldToMatch": { "Type": "QUERY_STRING" }, "TextTransformation": "URL_DECODE" } } ], "XssMatchSetId": "example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5" }, "output": { "ChangeToken": "abcd12f2-46da-4fdb-b8d5-fbd4c466928f" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes an XssMatchTuple object (filters) in an XssMatchSet with the ID example1ds3t-46da-4fdb-b8d5-abc321j569j5.", "id": "updatexssmatchset-1475534098881", "title": "To update an XSS match set" } ] } }