{ "version": "1.0", "examples": { "CreateFileSystem": [ { "input": { "CreationToken": "tokenstring", "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] }, "output": { "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "CreationToken": "tokenstring", "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "LifeCycleState": "creating", "NumberOfMountTargets": 0, "OwnerId": "012345678912", "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose", "SizeInBytes": { "Value": 0 }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation creates a new file system with the default generalpurpose performance mode.", "id": "to-create-a-new-file-system-1481840798547", "title": "To create a new file system" } ], "CreateMountTarget": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "SubnetId": "subnet-1234abcd" }, "output": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "IpAddress": "", "LifeCycleState": "creating", "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc", "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-cedf6789", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "SubnetId": "subnet-1234abcd" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation creates a new mount target for an EFS file system.", "id": "to-create-a-new-mount-target-1481842289329", "title": "To create a new mount target" } ], "CreateTags": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation creates a new tag for an EFS file system.", "id": "to-create-a-new-tag-1481843409357", "title": "To create a new tag" } ], "DeleteFileSystem": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567" }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation deletes an EFS file system.", "id": "to-delete-a-file-system-1481847318348", "title": "To delete a file system" } ], "DeleteMountTarget": [ { "input": { "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc" }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation deletes a mount target.", "id": "to-delete-a-mount-target-1481847635607", "title": "To delete a mount target" } ], "DeleteTags": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "TagKeys": [ "Name" ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation deletes tags for an EFS file system.", "id": "to-delete-tags-for-an-efs-file-system-1481848189061", "title": "To delete tags for an EFS file system" } ], "DescribeFileSystems": [ { "input": { }, "output": { "FileSystems": [ { "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "CreationToken": "tokenstring", "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "LifeCycleState": "available", "Name": "MyFileSystem", "NumberOfMountTargets": 1, "OwnerId": "012345678912", "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose", "SizeInBytes": { "Value": 6144 }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation describes all of the EFS file systems in an account.", "id": "to-describe-an-efs-file-system-1481848448460", "title": "To describe an EFS file system" } ], "DescribeLifecycleConfiguration": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567" }, "output": { "LifecyclePolicies": [ { "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation describes a file system's LifecycleConfiguration. EFS lifecycle management uses the LifecycleConfiguration object to identify which files to move to the EFS Infrequent Access (IA) storage class. ", "id": "to-describe-the-lifecycle-configuration-for-a-file-system-1551200664502", "title": "To describe the lifecycle configuration for a file system" } ], "DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups": [ { "input": { "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc" }, "output": { "SecurityGroups": [ "sg-fghi4567" ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation describes all of the security groups for a file system's mount target.", "id": "to-describe-the-security-groups-for-a-mount-target-1481849317823", "title": "To describe the security groups for a mount target" } ], "DescribeMountTargets": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567" }, "output": { "MountTargets": [ { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "IpAddress": "", "LifeCycleState": "available", "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc", "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-cedf6789", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "SubnetId": "subnet-1234abcd" } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation describes all of a file system's mount targets.", "id": "to-describe-the-mount-targets-for-a-file-system-1481849958584", "title": "To describe the mount targets for a file system" } ], "DescribeTags": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567" }, "output": { "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation describes all of a file system's tags.", "id": "to-describe-the-tags-for-a-file-system-1481850497090", "title": "To describe the tags for a file system" } ], "ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups": [ { "input": { "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc", "SecurityGroups": [ "sg-abcd1234" ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation modifies the security groups associated with a mount target for a file system.", "id": "to-modify-the-security-groups-associated-with-a-mount-target-for-a-file-system-1481850772562", "title": "To modify the security groups associated with a mount target for a file system" } ], "PutLifecycleConfiguration": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567", "LifecyclePolicies": [ { "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS" } ] }, "output": { "LifecyclePolicies": [ { "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation enables lifecycle management on a file system by creating a new LifecycleConfiguration object. A LifecycleConfiguration object defines when files in an Amazon EFS file system are automatically transitioned to the lower-cost EFS Infrequent Access (IA) storage class. A LifecycleConfiguration applies to all files in a file system.", "id": "creates-a-new-lifecycleconfiguration-object-for-a-file-system-1551201594692", "title": "Creates a new lifecycleconfiguration object for a file system" } ] } }