var AWS = require('../core'); var byteLength = AWS.util.string.byteLength; var Buffer = AWS.util.Buffer; /** * The managed uploader allows for easy and efficient uploading of buffers, * blobs, or streams, using a configurable amount of concurrency to perform * multipart uploads where possible. This abstraction also enables uploading * streams of unknown size due to the use of multipart uploads. * * To construct a managed upload object, see the {constructor} function. * * ## Tracking upload progress * * The managed upload object can also track progress by attaching an * 'httpUploadProgress' listener to the upload manager. This event is similar * to {AWS.Request~httpUploadProgress} but groups all concurrent upload progress * into a single event. See {AWS.S3.ManagedUpload~httpUploadProgress} for more * information. * * ## Handling Multipart Cleanup * * By default, this class will automatically clean up any multipart uploads * when an individual part upload fails. This behavior can be disabled in order * to manually handle failures by setting the `leavePartsOnError` configuration * option to `true` when initializing the upload object. * * @!event httpUploadProgress(progress) * Triggered when the uploader has uploaded more data. * @note The `total` property may not be set if the stream being uploaded has * not yet finished chunking. In this case the `total` will be undefined * until the total stream size is known. * @note This event will not be emitted in Node.js 0.8.x. * @param progress [map] An object containing the `loaded` and `total` bytes * of the request and the `key` of the S3 object. Note that `total` may be undefined until the payload * size is known. * @context (see AWS.Request~send) */ AWS.S3.ManagedUpload = AWS.util.inherit({ /** * Creates a managed upload object with a set of configuration options. * * @note A "Body" parameter is required to be set prior to calling {send}. * @option options params [map] a map of parameters to pass to the upload * requests. The "Body" parameter is required to be specified either on * the service or in the params option. * @note ContentMD5 should not be provided when using the managed upload object. * Instead, setting "computeChecksums" to true will enable automatic ContentMD5 generation * by the managed upload object. * @option options queueSize [Number] (4) the size of the concurrent queue * manager to upload parts in parallel. Set to 1 for synchronous uploading * of parts. Note that the uploader will buffer at most queueSize * partSize * bytes into memory at any given time. * @option options partSize [Number] (5mb) the size in bytes for each * individual part to be uploaded. Adjust the part size to ensure the number * of parts does not exceed {maxTotalParts}. See {minPartSize} for the * minimum allowed part size. * @option options leavePartsOnError [Boolean] (false) whether to abort the * multipart upload if an error occurs. Set to true if you want to handle * failures manually. * @option options service [AWS.S3] an optional S3 service object to use for * requests. This object might have bound parameters used by the uploader. * @option options tags [Array] The tags to apply to the uploaded object. * Each tag should have a `Key` and `Value` keys. * @example Creating a default uploader for a stream object * var upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({ * params: {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key', Body: stream} * }); * @example Creating an uploader with concurrency of 1 and partSize of 10mb * var upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({ * partSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, queueSize: 1, * params: {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key', Body: stream} * }); * @example Creating an uploader with tags * var upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({ * params: {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key', Body: stream}, * tags: [{Key: 'tag1', Value: 'value1'}, {Key: 'tag2', Value: 'value2'}] * }); * @see send */ constructor: function ManagedUpload(options) { var self = this;; self.body = null; self.sliceFn = null; self.callback = null; = {}; self.completeInfo = []; self.fillQueue = function() { self.callback(new Error('Unsupported body payload ' + typeof self.body)); }; self.configure(options); }, /** * @api private */ configure: function configure(options) { options = options || {}; this.partSize = this.minPartSize; if (options.queueSize) this.queueSize = options.queueSize; if (options.partSize) this.partSize = options.partSize; if (options.leavePartsOnError) this.leavePartsOnError = true; if (options.tags) { if (!Array.isArray(options.tags)) { throw new Error('Tags must be specified as an array; ' + typeof options.tags + ' provided.'); } this.tags = options.tags; } if (this.partSize < this.minPartSize) { throw new Error('partSize must be greater than ' + this.minPartSize); } this.service = options.service; this.bindServiceObject(options.params); this.validateBody(); this.adjustTotalBytes(); }, /** * @api private */ leavePartsOnError: false, /** * @api private */ queueSize: 4, /** * @api private */ partSize: null, /** * @readonly * @return [Number] the minimum number of bytes for an individual part * upload. */ minPartSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5, /** * @readonly * @return [Number] the maximum allowed number of parts in a multipart upload. */ maxTotalParts: 10000, /** * Initiates the managed upload for the payload. * * @callback callback function(err, data) * @param err [Error] an error or null if no error occurred. * @param data [map] The response data from the successful upload: * * `Location` (String) the URL of the uploaded object * * `ETag` (String) the ETag of the uploaded object * * `Bucket` (String) the bucket to which the object was uploaded * * `Key` (String) the key to which the object was uploaded * @example Sending a managed upload object * var params = {Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key', Body: stream}; * var upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({params: params}); * upload.send(function(err, data) { * console.log(err, data); * }); */ send: function(callback) { var self = this; self.failed = false; self.callback = callback || function(err) { if (err) throw err; }; var runFill = true; if (self.sliceFn) { self.fillQueue = self.fillBuffer; } else if (AWS.util.isNode()) { var Stream =; if (self.body instanceof Stream) { runFill = false; self.fillQueue = self.fillStream; self.partBuffers = []; self.body. on('error', function(err) { self.cleanup(err); }). on('readable', function() { self.fillQueue(); }). on('end', function() { self.isDoneChunking = true; self.numParts = self.totalPartNumbers;; if (self.isDoneChunking && self.totalPartNumbers >= 1 && self.doneParts === self.numParts) { self.finishMultiPart(); } }); } } if (runFill); }, /** * @!method promise() * Returns a 'thenable' promise. * * Two callbacks can be provided to the `then` method on the returned promise. * The first callback will be called if the promise is fulfilled, and the second * callback will be called if the promise is rejected. * @callback fulfilledCallback function(data) * Called if the promise is fulfilled. * @param data [map] The response data from the successful upload: * `Location` (String) the URL of the uploaded object * `ETag` (String) the ETag of the uploaded object * `Bucket` (String) the bucket to which the object was uploaded * `Key` (String) the key to which the object was uploaded * @callback rejectedCallback function(err) * Called if the promise is rejected. * @param err [Error] an error or null if no error occurred. * @return [Promise] A promise that represents the state of the upload request. * @example Sending an upload request using promises. * var upload = s3.upload({Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key', Body: stream}); * var promise = upload.promise(); * promise.then(function(data) { ... }, function(err) { ... }); */ /** * Aborts a managed upload, including all concurrent upload requests. * @note By default, calling this function will cleanup a multipart upload * if one was created. To leave the multipart upload around after aborting * a request, configure `leavePartsOnError` to `true` in the {constructor}. * @note Calling {abort} in the browser environment will not abort any requests * that are already in flight. If a multipart upload was created, any parts * not yet uploaded will not be sent, and the multipart upload will be cleaned up. * @example Aborting an upload * var params = { * Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'key', * Body: new Buffer(1024 * 1024 * 25) // 25MB payload * }; * var upload = s3.upload(params); * upload.send(function (err, data) { * if (err) console.log("Error:", err.code, err.message); * else console.log(data); * }); * * // abort request in 1 second * setTimeout(upload.abort.bind(upload), 1000); */ abort: function() { var self = this; //abort putObject request if (self.isDoneChunking === true && self.totalPartNumbers === 1 && self.singlePart) { self.singlePart.abort(); } else { self.cleanup(AWS.util.error(new Error('Request aborted by user'), { code: 'RequestAbortedError', retryable: false })); } }, /** * @api private */ validateBody: function validateBody() { var self = this; self.body = self.service.config.params.Body; if (typeof self.body === 'string') { self.body = new AWS.util.Buffer(self.body); } else if (!self.body) { throw new Error('params.Body is required'); } self.sliceFn = AWS.util.arraySliceFn(self.body); }, /** * @api private */ bindServiceObject: function bindServiceObject(params) { params = params || {}; var self = this; // bind parameters to new service object if (!self.service) { self.service = new AWS.S3({params: params}); } else { var service = self.service; var config = AWS.util.copy(service.config); config.signatureVersion = service.getSignatureVersion(); self.service = new service.constructor.__super__(config); self.service.config.params = AWS.util.merge(self.service.config.params || {}, params); } }, /** * @api private */ adjustTotalBytes: function adjustTotalBytes() { var self = this; try { // try to get totalBytes self.totalBytes = byteLength(self.body); } catch (e) { } // try to adjust partSize if we know payload length if (self.totalBytes) { var newPartSize = Math.ceil(self.totalBytes / self.maxTotalParts); if (newPartSize > self.partSize) self.partSize = newPartSize; } else { self.totalBytes = undefined; } }, /** * @api private */ isDoneChunking: false, /** * @api private */ partPos: 0, /** * @api private */ totalChunkedBytes: 0, /** * @api private */ totalUploadedBytes: 0, /** * @api private */ totalBytes: undefined, /** * @api private */ numParts: 0, /** * @api private */ totalPartNumbers: 0, /** * @api private */ activeParts: 0, /** * @api private */ doneParts: 0, /** * @api private */ parts: null, /** * @api private */ completeInfo: null, /** * @api private */ failed: false, /** * @api private */ multipartReq: null, /** * @api private */ partBuffers: null, /** * @api private */ partBufferLength: 0, /** * @api private */ fillBuffer: function fillBuffer() { var self = this; var bodyLen = byteLength(self.body); if (bodyLen === 0) { self.isDoneChunking = true; self.numParts = 1; self.nextChunk(self.body); return; } while (self.activeParts < self.queueSize && self.partPos < bodyLen) { var endPos = Math.min(self.partPos + self.partSize, bodyLen); var buf =, self.partPos, endPos); self.partPos += self.partSize; if (byteLength(buf) < self.partSize || self.partPos === bodyLen) { self.isDoneChunking = true; self.numParts = self.totalPartNumbers + 1; } self.nextChunk(buf); } }, /** * @api private */ fillStream: function fillStream() { var self = this; if (self.activeParts >= self.queueSize) return; var buf = - self.partBufferLength) ||; if (buf) { self.partBuffers.push(buf); self.partBufferLength += buf.length; self.totalChunkedBytes += buf.length; } if (self.partBufferLength >= self.partSize) { // if we have single buffer we avoid copyfull concat var pbuf = self.partBuffers.length === 1 ? self.partBuffers[0] : Buffer.concat(self.partBuffers); self.partBuffers = []; self.partBufferLength = 0; // if we have more than partSize, push the rest back on the queue if (pbuf.length > self.partSize) { var rest = pbuf.slice(self.partSize); self.partBuffers.push(rest); self.partBufferLength += rest.length; pbuf = pbuf.slice(0, self.partSize); } self.nextChunk(pbuf); } if (self.isDoneChunking && !self.isDoneSending) { // if we have single buffer we avoid copyfull concat pbuf = self.partBuffers.length === 1 ? self.partBuffers[0] : Buffer.concat(self.partBuffers); self.partBuffers = []; self.partBufferLength = 0; self.totalBytes = self.totalChunkedBytes; self.isDoneSending = true; if (self.numParts === 0 || pbuf.length > 0) { self.numParts++; self.nextChunk(pbuf); } }; }, /** * @api private */ nextChunk: function nextChunk(chunk) { var self = this; if (self.failed) return null; var partNumber = ++self.totalPartNumbers; if (self.isDoneChunking && partNumber === 1) { var params = {Body: chunk}; if (this.tags) { params.Tagging = this.getTaggingHeader(); } var req = self.service.putObject(params); req._managedUpload = self; req.on('httpUploadProgress', self.progress).send(self.finishSinglePart); self.singlePart = req; //save the single part request return null; } else if (self.service.config.params.ContentMD5) { var err = AWS.util.error(new Error('The Content-MD5 you specified is invalid for multi-part uploads.'), { code: 'InvalidDigest', retryable: false }); self.cleanup(err); return null; } if (self.completeInfo[partNumber] && self.completeInfo[partNumber].ETag !== null) { return null; // Already uploaded this part. } self.activeParts++; if (!self.service.config.params.UploadId) { if (!self.multipartReq) { // create multipart self.multipartReq = self.service.createMultipartUpload(); self.multipartReq.on('success', function(resp) { self.service.config.params.UploadId =; self.multipartReq = null; }); self.queueChunks(chunk, partNumber); self.multipartReq.on('error', function(err) { self.cleanup(err); }); self.multipartReq.send(); } else { self.queueChunks(chunk, partNumber); } } else { // multipart is created, just send self.uploadPart(chunk, partNumber); } }, /** * @api private */ getTaggingHeader: function getTaggingHeader() { var kvPairStrings = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.tags.length; i++) { kvPairStrings.push(AWS.util.uriEscape(this.tags[i].Key) + '=' + AWS.util.uriEscape(this.tags[i].Value)); } return kvPairStrings.join('&'); }, /** * @api private */ uploadPart: function uploadPart(chunk, partNumber) { var self = this; var partParams = { Body: chunk, ContentLength: AWS.util.string.byteLength(chunk), PartNumber: partNumber }; var partInfo = {ETag: null, PartNumber: partNumber}; self.completeInfo[partNumber] = partInfo; var req = self.service.uploadPart(partParams);[partNumber] = req; req._lastUploadedBytes = 0; req._managedUpload = self; req.on('httpUploadProgress', self.progress); req.send(function(err, data) { delete[partParams.PartNumber]; self.activeParts--; if (!err && (!data || !data.ETag)) { var message = 'No access to ETag property on response.'; if (AWS.util.isBrowser()) { message += ' Check CORS configuration to expose ETag header.'; } err = AWS.util.error(new Error(message), { code: 'ETagMissing', retryable: false }); } if (err) return self.cleanup(err); //prevent sending part being returned twice ( if (self.completeInfo[partNumber] && self.completeInfo[partNumber].ETag !== null) return null; partInfo.ETag = data.ETag; self.doneParts++; if (self.isDoneChunking && self.doneParts === self.numParts) { self.finishMultiPart(); } else {; } }); }, /** * @api private */ queueChunks: function queueChunks(chunk, partNumber) { var self = this; self.multipartReq.on('success', function() { self.uploadPart(chunk, partNumber); }); }, /** * @api private */ cleanup: function cleanup(err) { var self = this; if (self.failed) return; // clean up stream if (typeof self.body.removeAllListeners === 'function' && typeof self.body.resume === 'function') { self.body.removeAllListeners('readable'); self.body.removeAllListeners('end'); self.body.resume(); } // cleanup multipartReq listeners if (self.multipartReq) { self.multipartReq.removeAllListeners('success'); self.multipartReq.removeAllListeners('error'); self.multipartReq.removeAllListeners('complete'); delete self.multipartReq; } if (self.service.config.params.UploadId && !self.leavePartsOnError) { self.service.abortMultipartUpload().send(); } else if (self.leavePartsOnError) { self.isDoneChunking = false; } AWS.util.each(, function(partNumber, part) { part.removeAllListeners('complete'); part.abort(); }); self.activeParts = 0; self.partPos = 0; self.numParts = 0; self.totalPartNumbers = 0; = {}; self.failed = true; self.callback(err); }, /** * @api private */ finishMultiPart: function finishMultiPart() { var self = this; var completeParams = { MultipartUpload: { Parts: self.completeInfo.slice(1) } }; self.service.completeMultipartUpload(completeParams, function(err, data) { if (err) { return self.cleanup(err); } if (data && typeof data.Location === 'string') { data.Location = data.Location.replace(/%2F/g, '/'); } if (Array.isArray(self.tags)) { for (var i = 0; i < self.tags.length; i++) { self.tags[i].Value = String(self.tags[i].Value); } self.service.putObjectTagging( {Tagging: {TagSet: self.tags}}, function(e, d) { if (e) { self.callback(e); } else { self.callback(e, data); } } ); } else { self.callback(err, data); } }); }, /** * @api private */ finishSinglePart: function finishSinglePart(err, data) { var upload = this.request._managedUpload; var httpReq = this.request.httpRequest; var endpoint = httpReq.endpoint; if (err) return upload.callback(err); data.Location = [endpoint.protocol, '//',, httpReq.path].join(''); data.key = this.request.params.Key; // will stay undocumented data.Key = this.request.params.Key; data.Bucket = this.request.params.Bucket; upload.callback(err, data); }, /** * @api private */ progress: function progress(info) { var upload = this._managedUpload; if (this.operation === 'putObject') { info.part = 1; info.key = this.params.Key; } else { upload.totalUploadedBytes += info.loaded - this._lastUploadedBytes; this._lastUploadedBytes = info.loaded; info = { loaded: upload.totalUploadedBytes, total: upload.totalBytes, part: this.params.PartNumber, key: this.params.Key }; } upload.emit('httpUploadProgress', [info]); } }); AWS.util.mixin(AWS.S3.ManagedUpload, AWS.SequentialExecutor); /** * @api private */ AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.addPromisesToClass = function addPromisesToClass(PromiseDependency) { this.prototype.promise = AWS.util.promisifyMethod('send', PromiseDependency); }; /** * @api private */ AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.deletePromisesFromClass = function deletePromisesFromClass() { delete this.prototype.promise; }; AWS.util.addPromises(AWS.S3.ManagedUpload); /** * @api private */ module.exports = AWS.S3.ManagedUpload;