{ "version": "1.0", "examples": { "CreateBackup": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyBackup" } ] }, "output": { "Backup": { "BackupId": "backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b", "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "FileSystem": { "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "StorageCapacity": 300, "WindowsConfiguration": { "ActiveDirectoryId": "d-1234abcd12", "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 30, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "05:00", "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "1:05:00" } }, "Lifecycle": "CREATING", "ProgressPercent": 0, "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:backup/backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyBackup" } ], "Type": "USER_INITIATED" } }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation creates a new backup.", "id": "to-create-a-new-backup-1481840798597", "title": "To create a new backup" } ], "CreateFileSystem": [ { "input": { "ClientRequestToken": "a8ca07e4-61ec-4399-99f4-19853801bcd5", "FileSystemType": "WINDOWS", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678912:key/0ff3ea8d-130e-4133-877f-93908b6fdbd6", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-edcd9784" ], "StorageCapacity": 300, "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-1234abcd" ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ], "WindowsConfiguration": { "ActiveDirectoryId": "d-1234abcd12", "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 30, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "05:00", "ThroughputCapacity": 8, "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "1:05:00" } }, "output": { "FileSystem": { "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "DNSName": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec.fsx.com", "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678912:key/0ff3ea8d-130e-4133-877f-93908b6fdbd6", "Lifecycle": "CREATING", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "StorageCapacity": 300, "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-1234abcd" ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ], "VpcId": "vpc-ab1234cd", "WindowsConfiguration": { "ActiveDirectoryId": "d-1234abcd12", "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 30, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "05:00", "ThroughputCapacity": 8, "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "1:05:00" } } }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation creates a new file system.", "id": "to-create-a-new-file-system-1481840798547", "title": "To create a new file system" } ], "CreateFileSystemFromBackup": [ { "input": { "BackupId": "backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b", "ClientRequestToken": "f4c94ed7-238d-4c46-93db-48cd62ec33b7", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg-edcd9784" ], "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-1234abcd" ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ], "WindowsConfiguration": { "ThroughputCapacity": 8 } }, "output": { "FileSystem": { "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "DNSName": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec.fsx.com", "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678912:key/0ff3ea8d-130e-4133-877f-93908b6fdbd6", "Lifecycle": "CREATING", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "StorageCapacity": 300, "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-1234abcd" ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ], "VpcId": "vpc-ab1234cd", "WindowsConfiguration": { "ActiveDirectoryId": "d-1234abcd12", "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 30, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "05:00", "ThroughputCapacity": 8, "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "1:05:00" } } }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation creates a new file system from backup.", "id": "to-create-a-new-file-system-from-backup-1481840798598", "title": "To create a new file system from backup" } ], "DeleteBackup": [ { "input": { "BackupId": "backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b" }, "output": { "BackupId": "backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b", "Lifecycle": "DELETED" }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation deletes an Amazon FSx file system backup.", "id": "to-delete-a-file-system-1481847318399", "title": "To delete a backup" } ], "DeleteFileSystem": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec" }, "output": { "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "Lifecycle": "DELETING" }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation deletes an Amazon FSx file system.", "id": "to-delete-a-file-system-1481847318348", "title": "To delete a file system" } ], "DescribeBackups": [ { "input": { }, "output": { "Backups": [ { "BackupId": "backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b", "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "FileSystem": { "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "StorageCapacity": 300, "WindowsConfiguration": { "ActiveDirectoryId": "d-1234abcd12", "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 30, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "05:00", "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "1:05:00" } }, "Lifecycle": "AVAILABLE", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:backup/backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyBackup" } ], "Type": "USER_INITIATED" } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation describes all of the Amazon FSx backups in an account.", "id": "to-describe-backups-1481848448499", "title": "To describe Amazon FSx backups" } ], "DescribeFileSystems": [ { "input": { }, "output": { "FileSystems": [ { "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "DNSName": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec.fsx.com", "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678912:key/0ff3ea8d-130e-4133-877f-93908b6fdbd6", "Lifecycle": "AVAILABLE", "NetworkInterfaceIds": [ "eni-abcd1234" ], "OwnerId": "012345678912", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "StorageCapacity": 300, "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-1234abcd" ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ], "VpcId": "vpc-ab1234cd", "WindowsConfiguration": { "ActiveDirectoryId": "d-1234abcd12", "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 30, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "05:00", "ThroughputCapacity": 8, "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "1:05:00" } } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation describes all of the Amazon FSx file systems in an account.", "id": "to-describe-a-file-systems-1481848448460", "title": "To describe an Amazon FSx file system" } ], "ListTagsForResource": [ { "input": { "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec" }, "output": { "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation lists tags for an Amazon FSx resource.", "id": "to-list-tags-for-a-fsx-resource-1481847318372", "title": "To list tags for a resource" } ], "TagResource": [ { "input": { "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation tags an Amazon FSx resource.", "id": "to-tag-a-fsx-resource-1481847318371", "title": "To tag a resource" } ], "UntagResource": [ { "input": { "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "TagKeys": [ "Name" ] }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation untags an Amazon FSx resource.", "id": "to-untag-a-fsx-resource-1481847318373", "title": "To untag a resource" } ], "UpdateFileSystem": [ { "input": { "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "WindowsConfiguration": { "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 10, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "06:00", "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "3:06:00" } }, "output": { "FileSystem": { "CreationTime": "1481841524.0", "DNSName": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec.fsx.com", "FileSystemId": "fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678912:key/0ff3ea8d-130e-4133-877f-93908b6fdbd6", "Lifecycle": "AVAILABLE", "OwnerId": "012345678912", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:012345678912:file-system/fs-0498eed5fe91001ec", "StorageCapacity": 300, "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-1234abcd" ], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyFileSystem" } ], "VpcId": "vpc-ab1234cd", "WindowsConfiguration": { "AutomaticBackupRetentionDays": 10, "DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime": "06:00", "ThroughputCapacity": 8, "WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime": "3:06:00" } } }, "comments": { }, "description": "This operation updates an existing file system.", "id": "to-update-a-file-system-1481840798595", "title": "To update an existing file system" } ] } }