var assert = require('assert'); var jmespath = require('../jmespath'); var tokenize = jmespath.tokenize; var compile = jmespath.compile; var strictDeepEqual = jmespath.strictDeepEqual; describe('tokenize', function() { it('should tokenize unquoted identifier', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize('foo'), [{type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "foo", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize unquoted identifier with underscore', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize('_underscore'), [{type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "_underscore", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize unquoted identifier with numbers', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize('foo123'), [{type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "foo123", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize dotted lookups', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize(''), [{type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "foo", start: 0}, {type: "Dot", value: ".", start: 3}, {type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "bar", start: 4}, ]); }); it('should tokenize numbers', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize('foo[0]'), [{type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "foo", start: 0}, {type: "Lbracket", value: "[", start: 3}, {type: "Number", value: 0, start: 4}, {type: "Rbracket", value: "]", start: 5}, ]); }); it('should tokenize numbers with multiple digits', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("12345"), [{type: "Number", value: 12345, start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize negative numbers', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("-12345"), [{type: "Number", value: -12345, start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize quoted identifier', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize('"foo"'), [{type: "QuotedIdentifier", value: "foo", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize quoted identifier with unicode escape', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize('"\\u2713"'), [{type: "QuotedIdentifier", value: "✓", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize literal lists', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("`[0, 1]`"), [{type: "Literal", value: [0, 1], start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize literal dict', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("`{\"foo\": \"bar\"}`"), [{type: "Literal", value: {"foo": "bar"}, start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize literal strings', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("`\"foo\"`"), [{type: "Literal", value: "foo", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize json literals', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("`true`"), [{type: "Literal", value: true, start: 0}]); }); it('should not requiring surrounding quotes for strings', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("`foo`"), [{type: "Literal", value: "foo", start: 0}]); }); it('should not requiring surrounding quotes for numbers', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("`20`"), [{type: "Literal", value: 20, start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize literal lists with chars afterwards', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("`[0, 1]`[0]"), [ {type: "Literal", value: [0, 1], start: 0}, {type: "Lbracket", value: "[", start: 8}, {type: "Number", value: 0, start: 9}, {type: "Rbracket", value: "]", start: 10} ]); }); it('should tokenize two char tokens with shared prefix', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("[?foo]"), [{type: "Filter", value: "[?", start: 0}, {type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "foo", start: 2}, {type: "Rbracket", value: "]", start: 5}] ); }); it('should tokenize flatten operator', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("[]"), [{type: "Flatten", value: "[]", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize comparators', function() { assert.deepEqual(tokenize("<"), [{type: "LT", value: "<", start: 0}]); }); it('should tokenize two char tokens without shared prefix', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("=="), [{type: "EQ", value: "==", start: 0}] ); }); it('should tokenize not equals', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("!="), [{type: "NE", value: "!=", start: 0}] ); }); it('should tokenize the OR token', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("a||b"), [ {type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "a", start: 0}, {type: "Or", value: "||", start: 1}, {type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "b", start: 3} ] ); }); it('should tokenize function calls', function() { assert.deepEqual( tokenize("abs(@)"), [ {type: "UnquotedIdentifier", value: "abs", start: 0}, {type: "Lparen", value: "(", start: 3}, {type: "Current", value: "@", start: 4}, {type: "Rparen", value: ")", start: 5} ] ); }); }); describe('parsing', function() { it('should parse field node', function() { assert.deepEqual(compile('foo'), {type: 'Field', name: 'foo'}); }); }); describe('strictDeepEqual', function() { it('should compare scalars', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual('a', 'a'), true); }); it('should be false for different types', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual('a', 2), false); }); it('should be false for arrays of different lengths', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual([0, 1], [1, 2, 3]), false); }); it('should be true for identical arrays', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual([0, 1], [0, 1]), true); }); it('should be true for nested arrays', function() { assert.strictEqual( strictDeepEqual([[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]]), true); }); it('should be true for nested arrays of strings', function() { assert.strictEqual( strictDeepEqual([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]), true); }); it('should be false for different arrays of the same length', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual([0, 1], [1, 2]), false); }); it('should handle object literals', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}), true); }); it('should handle keys in first not in second', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1}), false); }); it('should handle keys in second not in first', function() { assert.strictEqual(strictDeepEqual({a: 1}, {a: 1, b: 2}), false); }); it('should handle nested objects', function() { assert.strictEqual( strictDeepEqual({a: {b: [1, 2]}}, {a: {b: [1, 2]}}), true); }); it('should handle nested objects that are not equal', function() { assert.strictEqual( strictDeepEqual({a: {b: [1, 2]}}, {a: {b: [1, 4]}}), false); }); });