mirror of https://github.com/cderche/greenlock-storage-s3 synced 2025-02-18 20:38:04 +00:00

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2019-05-08 11:43:08 +01:00
var AWS = require('../core');
var Stream = AWS.util.stream.Stream;
var TransformStream = AWS.util.stream.Transform;
var ReadableStream = AWS.util.stream.Readable;
* @api private
AWS.NodeHttpClient = AWS.util.inherit({
handleRequest: function handleRequest(httpRequest, httpOptions, callback, errCallback) {
var self = this;
var endpoint = httpRequest.endpoint;
var pathPrefix = '';
if (!httpOptions) httpOptions = {};
if (httpOptions.proxy) {
pathPrefix = endpoint.protocol + '//' + endpoint.hostname;
if (endpoint.port !== 80 && endpoint.port !== 443) {
pathPrefix += ':' + endpoint.port;
endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(httpOptions.proxy);
var useSSL = endpoint.protocol === 'https:';
var http = useSSL ? require('https') : require('http');
var options = {
host: endpoint.hostname,
port: endpoint.port,
method: httpRequest.method,
headers: httpRequest.headers,
path: pathPrefix + httpRequest.path
if (useSSL && !httpOptions.agent) {
options.agent = this.sslAgent();
AWS.util.update(options, httpOptions);
delete options.proxy; // proxy isn't an HTTP option
delete options.timeout; // timeout isn't an HTTP option
var stream = http.request(options, function (httpResp) {
if (stream.didCallback) return;
httpRequest.stream = stream; // attach stream to httpRequest
stream.didCallback = false;
// connection timeout support
if (httpOptions.connectTimeout) {
var connectTimeoutId;
stream.on('socket', function(socket) {
if (socket.connecting) {
connectTimeoutId = setTimeout(function connectTimeout() {
if (stream.didCallback) return; stream.didCallback = true;
new Error('Socket timed out without establishing a connection'),
{code: 'TimeoutError'}
}, httpOptions.connectTimeout);
socket.on('connect', function() {
connectTimeoutId = null;
// timeout support
stream.setTimeout(httpOptions.timeout || 0, function() {
if (stream.didCallback) return; stream.didCallback = true;
var msg = 'Connection timed out after ' + httpOptions.timeout + 'ms';
errCallback(AWS.util.error(new Error(msg), {code: 'TimeoutError'}));
stream.on('error', function() {
if (connectTimeoutId) {
connectTimeoutId = null;
if (stream.didCallback) return; stream.didCallback = true;
errCallback.apply(stream, arguments);
var expect = httpRequest.headers.Expect || httpRequest.headers.expect;
if (expect === '100-continue') {
stream.on('continue', function() {
self.writeBody(stream, httpRequest);
} else {
this.writeBody(stream, httpRequest);
return stream;
writeBody: function writeBody(stream, httpRequest) {
var body = httpRequest.body;
var totalBytes = parseInt(httpRequest.headers['Content-Length'], 10);
if (body instanceof Stream) {
// For progress support of streaming content -
// pipe the data through a transform stream to emit 'sendProgress' events
var progressStream = this.progressStream(stream, totalBytes);
if (progressStream) {
} else {
} else if (body) {
// The provided body is a buffer/string and is already fully available in memory -
// For performance it's best to send it as a whole by calling stream.end(body),
// Callers expect a 'sendProgress' event which is best emitted once
// the http request stream has been fully written and all data flushed.
// The use of totalBytes is important over body.length for strings where
// length is char length and not byte length.
stream.once('finish', function() {
stream.emit('sendProgress', {
loaded: totalBytes,
total: totalBytes
} else {
// no request body
sslAgent: function sslAgent() {
var https = require('https');
if (!AWS.NodeHttpClient.sslAgent) {
AWS.NodeHttpClient.sslAgent = new https.Agent({rejectUnauthorized: true});
// delegate maxSockets to globalAgent, set a default limit of 50 if current value is Infinity.
// Users can bypass this default by supplying their own Agent as part of SDK configuration.
Object.defineProperty(AWS.NodeHttpClient.sslAgent, 'maxSockets', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
var defaultMaxSockets = 50;
var globalAgent = https.globalAgent;
if (globalAgent && globalAgent.maxSockets !== Infinity && typeof globalAgent.maxSockets === 'number') {
return globalAgent.maxSockets;
return defaultMaxSockets;
return AWS.NodeHttpClient.sslAgent;
progressStream: function progressStream(stream, totalBytes) {
if (typeof TransformStream === 'undefined') {
// for node 0.8 there is no streaming progress
var loadedBytes = 0;
var reporter = new TransformStream();
reporter._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
if (chunk) {
loadedBytes += chunk.length;
stream.emit('sendProgress', {
loaded: loadedBytes,
total: totalBytes
callback(null, chunk);
return reporter;
emitter: null
* @!ignore
* @api private
AWS.HttpClient.prototype = AWS.NodeHttpClient.prototype;
* @api private
AWS.HttpClient.streamsApiVersion = ReadableStream ? 2 : 1;