
591 lines
16 KiB

package jobs
import (
// Pending is the map of backlog jobs
// map[webhooks.RefID]*webhooks.GitRef
var Pending sync.Map
// Actives is the map of jobs
// map[webhooks.RefID]*Job
var Actives sync.Map
// Recents are jobs that are dead, but recent
// map[webhooks.RevID]*Job
var Recents sync.Map
// Job represents a job started by the git webhook
// and also the JSON we send back through the API about jobs
type Job struct {
// normal json
StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at,omitempty"` // empty when pending
ID string `json:"id"` // could be URLSafeRefID or URLSafeRevID
GitRef *webhooks.Ref `json:"ref"` // always present
PromoteTo string `json:"promote_to,omitempty"` // empty when deploy and test
Promote bool `json:"promote,omitempty"` // empty when deploy and test
EndedAt *time.Time `json:"ended_at,omitempty"` // empty when running
ExitCode *int `json:"exit_code,omitempty"` // empty when running
// full json
Logs []Log `json:"logs,omitempty"` // exist when requested
Report *Result `json:"report,omitempty"` // empty unless given
// internal only
cmd *exec.Cmd `json:"-"`
mux sync.Mutex `json:"-"`
// TODO move cmd and mux here
// type LockingJob struct { }
// Result may have many items and sub-items
type Result struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Results []Result `json:"results,omitempty"`
Detail interface{} `json:"_detail,omitempty"`
var initialized = false
var done = make(chan struct{})
var deathRow = make(chan webhooks.RefID)
var debounced = make(chan *webhooks.Ref)
var debacklog = make(chan *webhooks.Ref)
// Start starts the job loop, channels, and cleanup routines
func Start(runOpts *options.ServerConfig) {
go Run(runOpts)
// Run starts the job loop and waits for it to be stopped
func Run(runOpts *options.ServerConfig) {
log.Printf("[gitdeploy] Starting")
if initialized {
panic(errors.New("should not double initialize 'jobs'"))
initialized = true
// TODO load the backlog from disk too
oldJobs, err := WalkLogs(runOpts)
if nil != err {
for i := range oldJobs {
job := oldJobs[i]
job.ID = string(job.GitRef.GetRevID())
Recents.Store(job.GitRef.GetRevID(), job)
ticker := time.NewTicker(runOpts.StaleJobAge / 2)
for {
select {
case h := <-webhooks.Hooks:
hook := webhooks.New(h)
//log.Printf("[%s] debouncing...", hook.GetRefID())
saveBacklog(hook, runOpts)
debounce(hook, runOpts)
case hook := <-debacklog:
//log.Printf("[%s] checking for backlog...", hook.GetRefID())
debounce(hook, runOpts)
case hook := <-debounced:
//log.Printf("[%s] debounced!", hook.GetRefID())
run(hook, runOpts)
case activeID := <-deathRow:
//log.Printf("[%s] done", activeID)
remove(runOpts, activeID /*, false*/)
case promotion := <-Promotions:
log.Printf("[%s] promoting to %s", promotion.GitRef.GetRefID(), promotion.PromoteTo)
promote(webhooks.New(*promotion.GitRef), promotion.PromoteTo, runOpts)
case <-ticker.C:
log.Printf("[gitdeploy] cleaning old jobs")
case <-done:
log.Printf("[gitdeploy] stopping")
// TODO kill jobs
// Stop will cancel the job loop and its timers
func Stop() {
done <- struct{}{}
initialized = false
// All returns all jobs, including active, recent, and (TODO) historical
func All(then time.Time) []*Job {
defer jobsTimersMux.Unlock()
jobsCopy := []*Job{}
Pending.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
hook := value.(*webhooks.Ref)
if hook.Timestamp.Sub(then) <= 0 {
return true
jobCopy := &Job{
//StartedAt: job.StartedAt,
ID: string(hook.GetURLSafeRefID()),
GitRef: hook,
//Promote: job.Promote,
//EndedAt: job.EndedAt,
jobsCopy = append(jobsCopy, jobCopy)
return true
Actives.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
job := value.(*Job)
if job.GitRef.Timestamp.Sub(then) <= 0 {
return true
jobCopy := &Job{
StartedAt: job.StartedAt,
ID: string(job.GitRef.GetURLSafeRefID()),
GitRef: job.GitRef,
//Promote: job.Promote,
if nil != job.ExitCode {
jobCopy.ExitCode = &(*job.ExitCode)
jobsCopy = append(jobsCopy, jobCopy)
return true
Recents.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
job := value.(*Job)
if job.GitRef.Timestamp.Sub(then) <= 0 {
return true
jobCopy := &Job{
StartedAt: job.StartedAt,
ID: string(job.GitRef.GetURLSafeRevID()),
GitRef: job.GitRef,
EndedAt: job.EndedAt,
//Promote: job.Promote,
if nil != job.ExitCode {
jobCopy.ExitCode = &(*job.ExitCode)
jobsCopy = append(jobsCopy, jobCopy)
return true
return jobsCopy
// SetReport will update jobs' logs
func SetReport(urlRefID webhooks.URLSafeRefID, result *Result) error {
b, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(string(urlRefID))
if nil != err {
return err
refID := webhooks.RefID(b)
value, ok := Actives.Load(refID)
if !ok {
return errors.New("active job not found by " + string(refID))
job := value.(*Job)
job.Report = result
Actives.Store(refID, job)
return nil
// Remove will put a job on death row
func Remove(gitID webhooks.URLSafeRefID /*, nokill bool*/) {
activeID, err :=
if nil != err {
log.Printf("bad id: %s", activeID)
deathRow <- webhooks.RefID(activeID)
func getJobFilePath(baseDir string, hook *webhooks.Ref, suffix string) (string, string, error) {
baseDir, _ = filepath.Abs(baseDir)
fileTime := hook.Timestamp.UTC().Format(options.TimeFile)
fileName := fileTime + "." + hook.RefName + "." + hook.Rev[:7] + suffix // ".log" or ".json"
fileDir := filepath.Join(baseDir, hook.RepoID)
err := os.MkdirAll(fileDir, 0755)
return fileDir, fileName, err
func getJobFile(baseDir string, hook *webhooks.Ref, suffix string) (*os.File, error) {
repoDir, repoFile, err := getJobFilePath(baseDir, hook, suffix)
if nil != err {
//log.Printf("[warn] could not create log directory '%s': %v", repoDir, err)
return nil, err
path := filepath.Join(repoDir, repoFile)
return os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
//return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", strings.ReplaceAll(hook.RepoID, "/", "-"), hook.RefName)
func openJobFile(baseDir string, hook *webhooks.Ref, suffix string) (*os.File, error) {
repoDir, repoFile, _ := getJobFilePath(baseDir, hook, suffix)
return os.Open(filepath.Join(repoDir, repoFile))
func setOutput(logDir string, job *Job) *os.File {
var f *os.File = nil
defer func() {
// TODO write to append-only log rather than keep in-memory
// (noting that we want to keep Stdout vs Stderr and timing)
cmd := job.cmd
wout := &outWriter{job: job}
werr := &errWriter{job: job}
if nil != f {
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(f, wout)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(f, werr)
} else {
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, wout)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, werr)
if "" == logDir {
return nil
hook := job.GitRef
f, err := getJobFile(logDir, hook, ".log")
if nil != err {
// f.Name() should be the full path
log.Printf("[warn] could not create log file '%s': %v", logDir, err)
return nil
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
log.Printf("[%s] log to ./%s", hook.GetRefID(), f.Name()[len(cwd)+1:])
return f
// Debounce puts a job in the queue, in time
func Debounce(hook webhooks.Ref) {
webhooks.Hooks <- hook
var jobsTimersMux sync.Mutex
var debounceTimers = make(map[webhooks.RefID]*time.Timer)
func debounce(hook *webhooks.Ref, runOpts *options.ServerConfig) {
defer jobsTimersMux.Unlock()
activeID := hook.GetRefID()
if _, ok := Actives.Load(activeID); ok {
//log.Printf("[%s] will run again after current job", hook.GetRefID())
refID := hook.GetRefID()
timer, ok := debounceTimers[refID]
if ok {
//log.Printf("[%s] replaced debounce timer", hook.GetRefID())
// this will not cause a mutual lock because it is async
debounceTimers[refID] = time.AfterFunc(runOpts.DebounceDelay, func() {
delete(debounceTimers, refID)
debounced <- hook
func saveBacklog(hook *webhooks.Ref, runOpts *options.ServerConfig) {
pendingID := hook.GetRefID()
Pending.Store(pendingID, hook)
repoDir, repoFile, err := getBacklogFilePath(runOpts.TmpDir, hook)
if nil != err {
log.Printf("[warn] could not create backlog dir %s:\n%v", repoDir, err)
f, err := ioutil.TempFile(repoDir, "tmp-*")
if nil != err {
log.Printf("[warn] could not create backlog file %s:\n%v", f.Name(), err)
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(hook, "", " ")
if _, err := f.Write(b); nil != err {
log.Printf("[warn] could not write backlog file %s:\n%v", f.Name(), err)
replace := false
backlogPath := filepath.Join(repoDir, repoFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(backlogPath); nil == err {
replace = true
_ = os.Remove(backlogPath)
if err := os.Rename(f.Name(), backlogPath); nil != err {
log.Printf("[warn] rename backlog json failed:\n%v", err)
if replace {
log.Printf("[%s] updated in queue", hook.GetRefID())
} else {
log.Printf("[%s] added to queue", hook.GetRefID())
func getBacklogFilePath(baseDir string, hook *webhooks.Ref) (string, string, error) {
baseDir, _ = filepath.Abs(baseDir)
fileName := hook.RefName + ".json"
fileDir := filepath.Join(baseDir, hook.RepoID)
err := os.MkdirAll(fileDir, 0755)
return fileDir, fileName, err
func run(curHook *webhooks.Ref, runOpts *options.ServerConfig) {
// because we want to lock the whole transaction all of the state
defer jobsTimersMux.Unlock()
pendingID := curHook.GetRefID()
if _, ok := Actives.Load(pendingID); ok {
log.Printf("[%s] already in progress", pendingID)
var hook *webhooks.Ref
// Legacy, but would be nice to repurpose for resuming on reload
repoDir, repoFile, _ := getBacklogFilePath(runOpts.TmpDir, curHook)
backlogFile := filepath.Join(repoDir, repoFile)
if value, ok := Pending.Load(pendingID); ok {
hook = value.(*webhooks.Ref)
} else {
// TODO add mutex (should not affect temp files)
_ = os.Remove(backlogFile + ".cur")
_ = os.Rename(backlogFile, backlogFile+".cur")
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backlogFile + ".cur")
if nil != err {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Printf("[warn] could not read backlog file %s:\n%v", backlogFile, err)
// doesn't exist => no backlog
log.Printf("[%s] no backlog", pendingID)
hook = &webhooks.Ref{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, hook); nil != err {
log.Printf("[warn] could not parse backlog %s:\n%v", backlogFile, err)
hook = webhooks.New(*hook)
_ = os.Remove(backlogFile)
_ = os.Remove(backlogFile + ".cur")
env := os.Environ()
envs := getEnvs(runOpts.Addr, string(pendingID), runOpts.RepoList, hook)
envs = append(envs, "GIT_DEPLOY_JOB_ID="+string(pendingID))
scriptPath, _ := filepath.Abs(runOpts.ScriptsPath + "/")
args := []string{"-i", "--", scriptPath}
log.Printf("[%s] bash %s %s %s", hook.GetRefID(), args[0], args[1], args[2])
cmd := exec.Command("bash", append(args, []string{
cmd.Env = append(env, envs...)
now := time.Now()
j := &Job{
StartedAt: &now,
cmd: cmd,
GitRef: hook,
Logs: []Log{},
Promote: false,
// TODO jobs.New()
// Sets cmd.Stdout and cmd.Stderr
txtFile := setOutput(runOpts.LogDir, j)
if err := cmd.Start(); nil != err {
log.Printf("[ERROR] failed to exec: %s\n", err)
Actives.Store(pendingID, j)
go func() {
//log.Printf("[%s] job started", pendingID)
if err := cmd.Wait(); nil != err {
log.Printf("[%s] exited with error: %v", pendingID, err)
} else {
log.Printf("[%s] exited successfully", pendingID)
if nil != txtFile {
_ = txtFile.Close()
// this will completely clear the finished job
deathRow <- pendingID
// debounces without saving in the backlog
// TODO move this into deathRow?
debacklog <- hook
func getEnvs(addr, activeID string, repoList string, hook *webhooks.Ref) []string {
port := strings.Split(addr, ":")[1]
envs := []string{
"GIT_DEPLOY_JOB_ID=" + activeID,
"GIT_DEPLOY_TIMESTAMP=" + hook.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339),
"GIT_DEPLOY_CALLBACK_URL=" + "http://localhost:" + port + "/api/local/jobs/" + string(hook.GetURLSafeRefID()),
"GIT_REF_NAME=" + hook.RefName,
"GIT_REF_TYPE=" + hook.RefType,
"GIT_REPO_ID=" + hook.RepoID,
"GIT_REPO_OWNER=" + hook.Owner,
"GIT_REPO_NAME=" + hook.Repo,
"GIT_CLONE_URL=" + hook.HTTPSURL, // deprecated
// Set GIT_REPO_TRUSTED=TRUE if the repo matches exactly, or by pattern
repoID := strings.ToLower(hook.RepoID)
for _, repo := range strings.Fields(repoList) {
last := len(repo) - 1
if len(repo) < 0 {
repo = strings.ToLower(repo)
if '*' == repo[last] {
// Wildcard match a prefix, for example:
if strings.HasPrefix(repoID, repo[:last]) {
envs = append(envs, "GIT_REPO_TRUSTED=true")
} else if repo == repoID {
envs = append(envs, "GIT_REPO_TRUSTED=true")
return envs
// Remove kills the job and moves it to recents
func remove(runOpts *options.ServerConfig, activeID webhooks.RefID /*, nokill bool*/) {
// Encapsulate the whole transaction
defer jobsTimersMux.Unlock()
value, ok := Actives.Load(activeID)
if !ok {
log.Printf("[warn] could not find job to kill by RefID %s", activeID)
job := value.(*Job)
if nil == job.cmd.ProcessState {
// is not yet finished
if nil != job.cmd.Process {
// but definitely was started
if err := job.cmd.Process.Kill(); nil != err {
log.Printf("error killing job:\n%v", err)
if nil != job.cmd.ProcessState {
//*job.ExitCode = job.cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()
exitCode := job.cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()
job.ExitCode = &exitCode
now := time.Now()
job.EndedAt = &now
// Switch ID to the more specific RevID
job.ID = string(job.GitRef.GetRevID())
// replace the text log with a json log
if jsonFile, err := getJobFile(runOpts.LogDir, job.GitRef, ".json"); nil != err {
// jsonFile.Name() should be the full path
log.Printf("[warn] could not create log file '%s': %v", runOpts.LogDir, err)
} else {
enc := json.NewEncoder(jsonFile)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(job); nil != err {
log.Printf("[warn] could not encode json log '%s': %v", jsonFile.Name(), err)
} else {
logdir, logname, _ := getJobFilePath(runOpts.LogDir, job.GitRef, ".log")
_ = os.Remove(filepath.Join(logdir, logname))
_ = jsonFile.Close()
job.Logs = []Log{}
// transition to RevID for non-active, non-pending jobs
job.ID = string(job.GitRef.GetRevID())
Recents.Store(job.GitRef.GetRevID(), job)
func expire(runOpts *options.ServerConfig) {
staleJobIDs := []webhooks.URLSafeRevID{}
Recents.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
revID := key.(webhooks.URLSafeRevID)
age := time.Now().Sub(value.(*Job).GitRef.Timestamp)
if age > runOpts.StaleJobAge {
staleJobIDs = append(staleJobIDs, revID)
return true
for _, revID := range staleJobIDs {