#!/bin/bash # The directory of this bash script base_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" function deploy_local() { echo "Running deploy script for ${GIT_REPO_ID}" bash -o errexit -o nounset "${base_dir}/${GIT_REPO_ID}/deploy.sh" } function deploy_trusted() { my_tmp="$(mktemp -d -t "tmp.XXXXXXXXXX")" git clone --depth=1 "${GIT_CLONE_URL}" -b "${GIT_REF_NAME}" "${my_tmp}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}" pushd "${my_tmp}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}" if [[ -f ".gitdeploy/deploy.sh" ]] then bash -o errexit -o nounset ".gitdeploy/deploy.sh" else echo "Missing ${GIT_REPO_ID}/.gitdeploy/deploy.sh" fi popd rm -rf "${my_tmp}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/" } function show_help() { echo "" echo "Nothing to do for ${GIT_REPO_ID}" echo "" echo "Want to set it up? Try this:" echo " mkdir -p ${base_dir}/${GIT_REPO_ID}" echo " rsync -av ${base_dir}/git.example.com/org/project/ ${base_dir}/${GIT_REPO_ID}/" echo "" echo "Then edit the example deploy.sh to do what you need." echo " vim ${base_dir}/${GIT_REPO_ID}/deploy.sh" echo "" echo "You may also like to take a look at the Go, Node.js, and other starter templates:" echo " ls ${base_dir}/git.example.com/org/" echo "" echo "You can use any of these ENVs in your deploy script:" # These environment variables are set by the caller my_envs='GIT_REPO_ID GIT_CLONE_URL GIT_REPO_OWNER GIT_REPO_NAME GIT_REF_TYPE GIT_REF_NAME GIT_REPO_TRUSTED ' for x in $my_envs; do echo "$x=${!x}" done sleep 1 } if [[ -f "${base_dir}/${GIT_REPO_ID}/deploy.sh" ]]; then deploy_local exit 0 elif [[ "true" == "${GIT_REPO_TRUSTED}" ]]; then deploy_trusted exit 0 else show_help exit 1 fi